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A Guide to the Governor Timothy M. Kaine Administration Electronic Files, Email, 2002-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) Kaine, Governor Timothy M., Administration Electronic Files, Email, 2002-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) 44708

A Guide to the Governor Timothy M. Kaine Administration Electronic Files, Email, 2002-2010 (bulk 2006-2009)

A Collection in the Library of Virginia
Accession Number 44708


Library of Virginia

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Processed by: Roger E. Christman, Ben Bromley, and Claire Radcliffe

The Library of Virginia
Accession Number
Governor Timothy M. Kaine Administration Electronic Files, Email, 2002-2010 (bulk 2006-2009)
459532 emails (total); 434468 emails open to researchers (as of 10 September 2021); 25064 restricted emails (as of 10 September 2021).

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions

Privacy protected and confidential information is restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78 , 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8 . Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: pardon files granted and denied, restoration of rights granted and denied, privacy protected information, appointment of special counsel, mediation and settlement discussions, and attorney-client privileged material.

Use Restrictions

There are no restrictions. The Governor Timothy M. Kaine Administration Electronic Files, Email, collection is accessible on line. Researchers are strongly urged to view the Kaine email web site for search tips, related content and project information. Despite the Library's best efforts, we knew it was possible for restricted information to be overlooked during the processing of this collection. Thus we created a virtual "reading room agreement" by creating a secure gateway to the online collection. In order to view the Kaine emails, users must log in using a generic account that the Library created for this collection. By logging in, users are acknowledging their researcher responsibilities regarding protected materials.

Preferred Citation

Virginia. Governor (2006-2010 : Kaine), Electronic Files, Email, of the Administration of Governor Timothy M. Kaine, 2002-2010 (bulk 2006-2009), Accession 44708, State Records Collection, Library of Virginia

Acquisition Information

David Allen, Office of the Governor, Patrick Henry Building, 1111 E. Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia, accession 44708 transferred on 25 January 2010.

Processing Information

The electronic files, including email, from the Governor Tim Kaine administration were transferred to the Library of Virginia on a hard drive. The files on the hard drive were loaded on the Library's secure dark archive and replicated on an off-site server. The electronic files were also loaded on to the processing server accessible to the processing archivists. All processing was done from the copied files on the processing server. Prior to processing, the Governors' Records Archivist compiled an inventory of each email PST file. The processing archivist noted the file name, name and title of box owner, date range, file size in KB and total number of email files. This information was categorized by office or cabinet secretariat.

The processing archivist reviewed email to determine: if the email was a public record with a permanent disposition and/or if it should be restricted for legal, medical or personal privacy issues. The processing archivist consulted the office specific and general records retention and disposition schedules for guidance. The processing archivist used the category function available in Microsoft Outlook to color code non-records and restricted records. Non-records/non-permanent records include: personal or private correspondence, meeting requests/scheduling meetings (including RSVPs and going to lunch), administrative files ( General Schedule 101, series 100302 ), declined invitations, travel arrangements, parking assignments ( General Schedule No. 101, series 100345 ), vacation or work schedules ( General Schedule No. 101, series 100385 ), leave records ( General Schedule No. 102, series 012136 ), computer problems, press releases and news clips (record copy is filed with Press Office), logistics for the Governor's Fellowship program, travel logistics for the governor, Executive Protections Unit contact information, conflict of interest files (Specific Schedule No. 166-001, 015120), grievance records and reports ( General Schedule No. 103, series 100490 ), unsolicited applications and resumes ( General Schedule No. 103, series 100503 ), legal summons ( General Schedule 101, series 100334 ), voice mail messages (General Schedule No. 101, series 100388), invoices ( General Schedule No. 102, series 012082 ), disaster and emergency planning files (General Schedule 108, series 012274 building maintenance/space utilization ( General Schedule No. 106, series 012232 ), and Freedom of Information Act Requests ( General Schedule No. 101, series 012029 ). The processing archivist made an exception for two FOIA requests that were deemed of historic value since the requests led to policy changes. Delegate Scott Lingamfelter's FOIA requests for how much state government spent on printing led to a near ban on state publications. After Governor Tim Kaine became chairman of the Democratic National Committee in January 2009, media outlets submitted FOIA requests for his daily schedule. The Kaine administration did not provide the schedule but did release the cities to which he traveled.

Series I-IV, VI-XII, and XIV-XX processed by Roger Christman; Series V processed by Ben Bromley; Series XIII processed by Claire Radcliffe

Series I-VII and IX-XIII were processed manually. Each email was reviewed and appraised as open, non-record, redact, or restrict. Series VIII and XIV-XX were processed with the assistance of an artificial intelligence tool. The specific technology we used, Continuous Active Learning (CAL), was developed by Gordon V. Cormack and Maura R. Grossman. A CAL system uses algorithms to make predictions about which documents are most likely to be relevant - in this instance, which emails are most likely to be archival records that are open to the public. CAL presents its best guess to a human reviewer (Roger Christman). Based on yes or no response from the reviewer, the tool improves its understanding of which emails the reviewer wants to find. Christman and CAL continued this process until the tool no longer found any emails that were likely to be of interest (archival records).

Processed copies of the email PST files were then passed on to the Library's information technology department for the technical phase of the project.

Section 2.2-126 of the Code of Virginia states that governor's records of a strictly personal or private nature are not public records and do not have to be transferred to the Library of Virginia. The Office of the Governor Records Retention and Disposition Schedule (Specific Schedule No. 121-100) further states that personal or private papers of the governor are non-records per the Virginia Public Records Act. Types of records may include but are not limited to correspondence with family or friends, personal business records and records of/from political organizations, not related to the role of the Governor or the Governor's staff. Only a small number of email messages met this definition and were removed from the collection.

The Library released this collection on-line as follows: Series I. Executive Office on 13 January 2014; Series II. Policy Office on 28 March 2014; Series III. Communications Office on 30 April 2014; Series IV. Secretary of the Commonwealth on 7 July 2014; Series V. Secretary of Technology on 7 July 2014; Records pertaining to the 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech from Series I, II, III and IV, were released on 5 November 2015; Series VI. Secretary of Public Safety on 5 May 2016; records related to Jens Soering on 2 September 2016; Series VII. Office of the Senior Advisor to the Governor for Workforce on 20 October 2016; Series VIII. Secretary of Education on 16 October 2018; Series IX. Secretary of Health and Human Resources on 4 December 2018; Series X. Secretary of Finance on 22 January 2019; Series XI. Secretary of Transportation on 22 January 2019; Series XII. Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry on 22 January 2019; Series XIII. Secretary of Natural Resources on 4 June 2020; Series XIV. Secretary of Administration on 10 September 2021; Series XV. Secretary of Commerce and Trade on 10 September 2021; Series XVI. Commonwealth Preparedness on 10 September 2021; Series XVII. Virginia Liaison Office on 10 September 2021; Series XVIII. Scheduling Office on 10 September 2021; Series XIX. Constituent Services on 10 September 2021; and Series XX. Other on 10 September 2021.

Biographical Information

Timothy M. Kaine was born on 26 February 1958 in St. Paul, Minnesota. He grew up in Kansas City and graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1979. While attending Harvard Law School, Kaine took a leave of absence to work with Jesuit missionaries as principal of the Institution Tecnico Loyola, a Catholic vocational school in El Progreso, Honduras. Kaine graduated from Harvard Law School in 1983 and was admitted to the Virginia Bar. Practicing law in Richmond, Virginia, as director of the McCandlish Kaine law firm, Kaine specialized in housing discrimination cases. He received recognition from the Richmond Bar Association, the National Fair Housing Association, and Lawyers for Public Justice for his work with civil rights. In addition, Kaine taught legal ethics for six years at the University of Richmond Law School.

Kaine began his political career with an election to the Richmond City Council in 1994, serving as mayor from 1998 to 2001. During his four terms in the Richmond City Council, Kaine helped build new schools, encourage economic development, and implement the Project Exile Program to reduce violent crime. In 2001, Kaine ran for the Democratic Party nomination for Lieutenant Governor and won with 64,008 votes (39.66%). His opponents were Delegate Alan Diamonstein, with 50,753 votes (31.45%) and Del. Jerrauld C. Jones with 46,640 votes (28.90%). On 6 November 2001 Kaine was elected Lieutenant Governor with 925,974 votes (50.35%), defeating Republican Delegate Jay Katzen (883,886 votes, 48.86%) and Libertarian Gary Reams (28,783 votes, 1.57%). As Lieutenant Governor under Governor Mark R. Warner, Kaine supported state budget reform, education improvements, and the public broadcasting of the General Assembly. He served on the Governor's K-12 Accountability Work group, the Governor's Higher Education Summit, the Workforce Training Sub-Committee, the Secure Virginia Panel, the Citizens and Committees Sub-Committee, and chairman of the Disability Commission. In addition, Kaine worked on the Affordable Housing Preservation Action Committee, the Virginia Military Advisory Council, and the Olmstead Task Force.

Kaine sought the governorship in 2005. On 8 November 2005, Kaine was elected Governor with 1,025,942 votes (51.72%) defeating Republican Attorney General Jerry Kilgore (912,327 votes, 45.99%) and Independent State Senator Russ Potts (43,953 votes, 2.22%). Tim Kaine became the 70th Governor of Virginia on 14 January 2006.

The Kaine administration was dominated by three issues: budget deficits, transportation funding and the 16 April 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech. Governor Kaine took office shortly before the beginning of the "Great Recession", the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s. From 2007 to the end of his administration in January 2010, Kaine cut nearly $5 billion in state spending in order to balance the budget without raising taxes. Despite these cuts, Virginia retained its AAA bond rating and in 2008 was ranked as the best managed state in America by Governing Magazine. Virginia was also named as the most business-friendly state in America for 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 by

Despite several attempts, the Kaine administration was unable to find a reliable source of transportation funding. Kaine's 2006 proposal of increased taxes and fees was rejected by the Republican-controlled House of Delegates. In 2007 Kaine reached agreement with the Republican General Assembly on a compromise transportation package. It was the biggest transportation funding increase since 1986. The plan did not include a statewide tax increase but authorized borrowing up to $3 billion over ten years. It also granted taxing powers to regional authorities in Northern Virginia and Tidewater to support $500 million in bond-financed transportation projects. Success was short lived. One section of the legislation on abuser driver fees drew extensive criticism when it was discovered that the fees only applied to Virginians and not out-of-state residents. The General Assembly later repealed this provision. In early 2008 the Virginia Supreme Court ruled that unelected regional authorities could not raise taxes. In May 2008 Kaine proposed a new transportation plan that called for an increase in vehicle registration fees and the sales tax. A 2008 special session on transportation funding ended without an agreement.

On 16 April 2007, Seung Hui Cho killed 32 people and injured at least 17 others before turning the gun on himself. The massacre at Virginia Tech is the deadliest shooting incident by a single gunman in United States history. At the time of the shooting, Governor Kaine had just arrived in Tokyo, Japan, for a trade mission. Kaine immediately returned to Virginia to deliver the convocation at Virginia Tech the next day. On 19 April 2007, Kaine commissioned the Virginia Tech Review Panel "to conduct an independent, thorough, and objective incident review of the tragedy at Virginia Tech and to make recommendations regarding improvements that can be made in the Commonwealth's laws, policies, procedures, systems and institutions, as well as those of other governmental entities and private providers." Kaine formalized the Tech Panel's charge in Executive Order 53 (2007) issued on 18 June 2007. Colonel Gerald Massengill, a retired Virginia State Police Superintendent, chaired the Panel. The Report of the Virginia Tech Review Panel was released on 30 August 2007. It revealed deficiencies in the mental health care system, campus security and gun laws. The Panel made more than 70 recommendations directed to colleges, universities, mental health providers, law enforcement officials, emergency service providers and law makers. The General Assembly passed legislation to reform the mental health commitment laws and campus security policies. One major recommendation by the Panel was defeated: requiring background checks for all firearms purchased at gun shows.

In April 2008, the state reached an $11 million financial settlement with 24 families of students and faculty who were killed or injured during the Virginia Tech shooting. The state agreed to provide monetary pay outs, medical care and information on the shooting in exchange for the families to waive their rights to sue. Two families who filed claims against the state did not accept the settlement and filed a civil suit in 2009. The discovery of Cho's Cook Counseling Center records in July 2009 and other concerns by family members about the Panel's time line for 16 April 2007, lead to calls for the Panel to reconvene. Kaine did not reconvene the Panel but agreed to have the report revised to reflect the new details that surfaced since 2007. The amended report was released in the last month of the Kaine administration. On 12 March 2012, a jury in the civil suit found Virginia Tech negligent in failing to warn students of a possible gunman on campus.

Other significant accomplishments of the Kaine administration include: a ban on smoking in bars and restaurants, funding to clean up the Chesapeake Bay, the preservation of over 400,000 acres of open spaces, passage of a $1.6 billion bond package for higher education construction projects, expanding pre-K education, required teacher evaluations, and Renew Virginia Initiatives (energy).

During his term, Governor Kaine served as chairman of the Southern Governors' Association (2008-2009) and Chairman of the Democratic National Committee (2009-2011). On 6 November 2012, Kaine was elected United States Senator with 2,010,067 votes (52.86%) defeating Republican George Allen (1,785,542 votes, 46.96%). In 2016, Kaine was the Democratic nominee for vice president of the United States as Hilliary Clinton's running mate. While the Clinton-Kaine ticket won the national popular vote, they lost the Electoral College. However, Clinton-Kaine won Virginia (1,981,473 votes, 49.7%) defeating the Republican ticket of Donald Trump and Mike Pence (1,769,433 votes, 44.4%). On 6 November 2018, Kaine was re-elected United States Senator with 1,910,370 votes (57%) defeating Republican Corey Steward (1,374,313 votes, 41%).

Kaine is married to Anne Bright Holton, youngest daughter of former Governor Linwood Holton. Anne and Tim have three children, Nat, Woody, and Annella.

Scope and Content

These records include agreements, briefing books, reports, correspondence, memorandums, agendas, electronic mail, handouts, invitations, meeting notes, press releases (drafts), spreadsheets (budget), talking points, and speeches. This collection documents the email of the Kaine Administration (2006-2010). The Library of Virginia released the Kaine email in batches. The Library of Virginia Email Project - Governor Tim Kaine Portal provides access to the Kaine email collection and includes guides to other Kaine administration records.

This collection contains email from staff members who also worked in Governor Mark R. Warner's administration (2002-2006) including William H. Leighty, John Marshall, Dawn Smith, Kim Farrar, Richard Zorn, Eileen Filler-Corn, and Margaret Hughson.


This collection is arranged into the following series:

Series I. Executive Office Electronic Files, 2002-2010 (bulk 2006-2009): Subseries A. Tim Kaine Email, 2007-2010; Subseries B. Lawrence Roberts Email, 2006-2010; Subseries C. Mark Rubin Email, 2006-2010; Subseries D. Shane Emmett Email, 2008-2010; Subseries E. William H. Leighty Email, 2002-2007; Subseries F. Wayne Turnage Email, 2006-2010; Subseries G. Stephen Harms Email, 2006-2010; Subseries H. Marc Follmer Email, 2006-2010; Subseries I. Sherrie Harrington Email, 2007-2010; Subseries J. Kate Paris Email, 2006-2010; Subseries K. Margaret Hughson Email, 2005-2007; Subseries L. Sarah Plumb Email, 2007-2008; Subseries M. Beau Cribbs Email, 2007-2010; Subseries N. Bryce Schunke Email, 2009; Subseries O. Sarah Robertson Email, 2009. Series II. Policy Office Electronic Files, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009): Subseries A. Steven P. Gould Email, 2006-2007; Subseries B. Suzette Denslow Email, 2007-2009; Subseries C. Felix Sarfo-Kantanka Email, 2006-2007; Subseries D. Gena Boyle Email, 2006-2009; Subseries E. Jennie Moline Email, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2008); Subseries F. Maribel Ramos Email, 2006-2007; Subseries G. Megan Root Email, 2006-2010; Subseries H. Barbara Reese Email, 2009-2010. Series III. Communications Office Electronic Files, 2005-2010 (bulk 2006-2009): Subseries A. Lynda Tran Email, 2009-2010; Subseries B. Jeff Kraus Email, 2006-2007; Subseries C. Gordon Hickey Email, 2007-2010; Subseries D. Maurice A. Henderson II Email, 2006-2007; Subseries E. Jeff Tiller Email, 2006-2008; Subseries F. Robin Winchell Email, 2005-2006; Subseries G. Michael Kelly Email, 2007-2010; Subseries H. Lauren Cunningham Email, 2006-2010; Subseries I. Doug Scott Email, 2008-2010; Subseries J. Laura DeLibero Email, 2009; Subseries K. Amanda Howe Email, 2009-2010; Subseries L. Michaele White Email, 2006-2010. Series IV. Secretary of the Commonwealth Electronic Files, 2005-2010 (bulk 2006-2009): Subseries A. Kate Hanley Email, 2007-2009; Subseries B. Bernard Henderson Email, 2007-2010; Subseries C. JoAnn Pulliam Email, 2006; Subseries D. Lynn Clayton Email, 2005-2010; Subseries E. Jonathan Young Email, 2006-2007; Subseries F. Alicia Roberts Email, 2007; Subseries G. Paul Brockwell Email, 2007-2009; Subseries H. Matt Gross Email, 2009; Subseries I. Betsy Anderson Email, 2008-2009; Subseries J. Chris Marshburn Email, 2007-2008; Subseries K. Greg Hennig Email, 2008-2010; Subseries L. Kathryn DeFilippo Paxton Email, 2006-2010; Subseries M. Sindy Benavides Email, 2006-2009; Subseries N. Kimberly Bowers Email, 2007-2009; Subseries O. Nick Surace Email, 2008-2009; Subseries P. Dawn Farrar Email, 2006-2007. Series V. Secretary of Technology Electronic Files, 2005-2010 (bulk 2006-2009): Subseries A. Aneesh Chopra Email, 2006-2009; Subseries B. Tristen Pegram Email, 2006-2009; Subseries C. Len Pomata Email, 2009-2010; Subseries D. John McDonald Email, 2009-2010; Subseries E. Tim Bass Email, 2005-2006; Subseries F. Karen Jackson Email, 2008; Subseries G. Brian Chiglinsky Email, 2008-2010. Series VI. Secretary of Public Safety Electronic Files, 2002-2010 (bulk 2006-2009): Subseries A. John Marshall Email, 2006-2009; Subseries B. Clyde Cristman, 2006-2007; Subseries C. Marilyn Harris Email, 2008-2010; Subseries D. Dawn Smith Email, 2002-2008; Subseries E. Erin Bryant Email, 2005-2010; Subseries F. Susan Gholston Email, 2006-2010; Subseries G. Jacklyn Varela Email, 2006-2008; Subseries H. Iva Frizzle Email, 2002-2007; Subseries I. Martha Hazelgrove Email, 2007-2010; Subseries J. Gabrielle Williams Email, 2008-2009; Subseries K. Beth Camphouse Email, 2009-2010. Series VII. Office of the Senior Advisor to the Governor for Workforce Electronic Electronic Files, 2005-2010 (bulk 2006-2009): Subseries A. Daniel LeBlanc Email, 2006-2010; Subseries B. Gail Robinson Email, 2006-2010; Subseries C. Brian Davis Email, 2007 and 2009; Subseries D. Marietta Salyer Email, 2007-2009; Subseries E. Beatrice Yarney Email, 2007-2009; Subseries F. Sarah Abubaker Email, 2007-2009; Subseries G. Patrick Callahan Email, 2009-2010. Series VIII. Secretary of Education Electronic Files, 2005-2010 (bulk 2006-2009): Subseries A. Thomas Morris Email, 2006-2010; Subseries B. Judy Heiman Email, 2006-2008; Subseries C. Dietra Trent Email, 2006-2010; Subseries D. Douglas Garcia Email, 2007-2010; Subseries E. Jean Bankos Email, 2006-2009; Subseries F. Kathy Glazer Email, 2006-2009; Subseries G. Kendall Tyree Email, 2005-2009; Subseries H. June Hines Email, 2006-2007; Subseries I. Lorraine Lintecum Email, 2008-2010; Subseries J. Nicholas Galvin Email, 2009. Series IX. Secretary of Health and Human Resources Electronic Files, 2004-2010 (bulk 2006-2009): Subseries A. Marilyn Tavenner Email, 2006-2010; Subseries B. Gail Jaspen Email, 2006-2008; Subseries C. Heidi Dix Email, 2006-2009; Subseries D. Aryana Khalid Email, 2006-2009; Subseries E. Julie A. Stanley Email, 2005-2010; Subseries F. E. Janet Riddick Email, 2004-2008; Subseries G. Kristin Burhop Email, 2006-2010; Subseries H. Judith Ahern Email, 2007-2010; Subseries I. Rachel Harms Email, 2008-2010; Subseries J. Kim Barnes Email, 2009; Subseries K. Molly Huffstetler Email, 2009-2010; Subseries L. Thomas Gates Email, 2009. Series X. Secretary of Finance Electronic Files, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009): Subseries A. Jody Wagner Email, 2006-2008; Subseries B. Richard "Ric" Brown Email, 2007-2010 (bulk 2007-2009; Subseries C. Manju Ganeriwala Email, 2006-2009; Subseries D. Craig Burns Email, 2008-2010 (bulk 2008-2009); Subseries E. Melissa Mayes Email, 2006-2007; Subseries F. Michael Tutor Email, 2007-2008; Subseries G. Connie Biggs Email, 2007-2010 (bulk 2008-2009); Subseries H. Cintra Davis Email, 2006-2010. Series XI. Secretary of Transportation Electronic Files, 2003-2010 (bulk 2006-2009): Subseries A. Scott Kasprowicz Email, 2006-2007; Subseries B. Barbara Reese Email, 2007-2010 (bulk 2007-2009); Subseries C. Ralph M. Davis Email, 2009-2010; Subseries D. James D. Carr Email, 2003-2007; Subseries E. Nicholas Donohue Email, 2007-2010; Subseries F. Alleyn Harned Email, 2006-2007; Subseries G. Melanie Roberts Email, 2007-2008, 2010; Subseries H. Kevin Farrelly Email, 2009. Series XI. Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry Electronic Files, 2005-2010 (bulk 2006-2009): Subseries A. Robert S. Bloxom Email, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009); Subseries B. Charles Green Email, 2005-2006; Subseries C. Tracey Campbell Email, 2008. Series XIII. Secretary of Natural Resources Electronic Files, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009): Subseries A. L. Preston Bryant, Jr. Email, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009); Subseries B. Nikki Rovner Email, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009); Subseries C. Jeff Corbin Email, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009); Subseries D. Missy Neff Email, 2006-2007; Subseries E. Carol Denson Email, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009); Subseries F. Bill Norris Email, 2006-2009; Subseries G. Paula Jasinski Email, 2008-2009; Subseries H. Kathleen Onufer Email, 2009. Series XIV. Secretary of Administration Electronic Files, 2003-2010 (bulk 2006-2009): Subseries A. Viola O. Baskerville Email, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009); Subseries B. Kim Farrar Email, 2005-2008; Subseries C. Richard Zorn Email, 2003-2010 (bulk 2003-2009); Subseries D. Joycelyn Bassette Blizzard Email, 2008-2009; Subseries E. Karen Smith Email, 2006-2007; Subseries F. Kitty Harris Email, 2007-2009; Subseries G. Darice Bowles Email, 2009-2010 (bulk 2009). Series XV. Secretary of Commerce and Trade Electronic Files, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009): Subseries A. Patrick Gottschalk Email, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009); Subseries B. Rick Siger Email, 2006-2007; Subseries C. Lynette Hammond Email, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009); Subseries D. David N. Smith Email, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009); Subseries E. Vivek Kundra Email, 2006-2007; Subseries F. Alleyn Harned Email, 2006-2009; Subseries G. Stephen Walz Email, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009); Subseries H. Catherine Evans Email, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009); Subseries I. Darryl Holt Email, 2008-2010 (bulk 2008-2009); Subseries J. Mike Coleman Email, 2009-2010 (bulk 2009). Series XVI. Office of Commowealth Preparedness Electronic Files, 2005-2010 (bulk 2006-2009): Subseries A. Robert P. Crouch Jr. Email, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009); Subseries B. Steven Mondul Email, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009); Subseries C. Wendy Hoffman Email, 2006-2009; Subseries D. Susan Mongold Email, 2006-2008; Subseries E. Mike McAlister Email, 2009-2010 (bulk 2009); Subseries F. Constance McGeorge Email, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009); Subseries G. Melissa McMenemy Email, 2005-2006; Subseries H. Curtis Brown Email, 2006-2009; Subseries I. Kerry Stuver Email, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009); Subseries J. Megan Samford Email, 2007-2010 (bulk 2007-2009); Subseries K. Jonathan Kiser Email, 2009. Series XVII. Virginia Liaison Office Electronic Files, 2002-2010 (bulk 2006-2009): Subseries A. Alfonso Lopez Email, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009); Subseries B. Bennett Blodgett Email, 2006-2009; Subseries C. Eileen Filler-Corn Email, 2002-2007; Subseries D. Dominic Gabello Email, 2007-2008; Subseries E. Melinda Glazer Email, 2008-2009; Subseries F. Aaron Turner Email, 2009; Subseries G. Kwame Boadi Email, 2009-2010 (bulk 2009); Subseries H. Jessica Vasconcellos Email, 2009; Subseries I. Michele Alexander Email, 2009; Subseries J. Mary Kuehler Email, 2009. Series XVIII. Scheduling Office Electronic Files, 2005-2009: Subseries A. Cathy Ghidotti Email, 2006-2009; Subseries B. Carrie Henderson Caumont Email, 2006-2008; Subseries C. Kim Busch Email, 2005-2009. Series XIX. Constituent Services Office Electronic Files, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009): Subseries A. Marc Cheatham Email, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009); Subseries B. Amber Amato Email, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009); Subseries C. Chris Bast Email, 2006-2009; Subseries D. Aaron Larrimore Email, 2006-2007; Subseries E. Ninette Linkous Email, 2007-2009; Subseries F. Danielle Garrett Email, 2007-2009; Subseries G. Jeff Reczek Email, 2007-2008; Subseries H. Dustin Engels Email, 2008-2009; Subseries I. Ryan Newcomb Email, 2008-2009; Subseries J. Sasha Scott Email, 2008-2009; Subseries K. Megan Hershiser Email, 2008-2010; Subseries L. Katie Francis Email, 2008; Subseries M. Luisa Soaterna Email, 2007, 2009-2010; Subseries N. Ryan Lodata Email, 2009; Subseries O. Jose Guevara Email, 2009. Series XX. Other Electronic Files, 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009): Subseries A. Amanda Howe Email, 2007; Subseries B. Tamra Talmadge-Anderson Email, 2007; Subseries C. Andrea Gaines Email, 2006 and 2009; Subseries D. Andrew LeVasseur Email, 2009-2010 (bulk 2009); Subseries E. Brianna Augenreich Email, 2009; Subseries F. Deanna Beacham Email, 2009-2010 (bulk 2009); Subseries G. Jenna Baker Email, 2008; Subseries H. Jaime Stansbury Email, 2007; Subseries I. Laura Fields Email, 2009; Subseries J. Luke Godwin Email, 2006.

Related Material

The Governor Timothy M. Kaine Administration Electronic Files, Email Collection, is only one part of the records documenting the Kaine Administration (2006-2010). Other records include: paper files, archived websites, and digital collections. All of these records are interconnected. To fully understand the background and context of the email collection, researchers should review the related material listed below.


The Governor Tim Kaine Administration Web Archive Collection, 2006-2010 contains archived versions of websites for the Governor's Office, his initiative sites, and the sites of his cabinet secretaries. Also included are the related sites for the First Lady (Anne Holton), as well as the Lt. Governor (Bill Bolling), and Attorney General (Bob McDonnell and William C. Mims), two statewide officials elected in the same cycle as Governor Kaine.

The Timothy M. Kaine Administration (2006-2010) Cabinet Weekly Reports Digital Collection contains the weekly reports submitted to the Governor and Chief of Staff by the Governor's Cabinet, including the Secretaries of Administration (Viola Baskerville), Agriculture and Forestry (Robert S. Bloxom), Commerce and Trade (Patrick O. Gottschalk), Commonwealth (Daniel C. LeBlanc, Jan-Mar. 2006 and Katherine K. Hanley (Mar. 2006-2010), Education (Dr. Thomas R. Morris), Finance (Jody Wagner, 2006-2008 and Richard D. Brown, 2008-2010), Health and Human Resources (Marilyn Tavenner), Natural Resources (Preston Bryant), Public Safety (John W. Marshall), Technology (Aneesh Chopra, 2006-2009 and Leonard M. Pomata, 2009-2010), and Transportation (Pierce Homer). Also included are reports by the Assistant to the Governor for Commonwealth Preparedness (Robert Crouch), Office of Constituent Services (Marc Cheatham, 2006-2007 and Amber Amato, 2007-2010), Press Office, Policy Office and Virginia Liaison Office. Reports were submitted each Thursday and placed in a binder for the Governor that he took with him at the end of the day on Friday. A second copy of the report was made for the Chief of Staff. The level of detail varied for each cabinet officer and items of importance were highlighted by staff for the Governor. Each report contains information on legislation, Governor's initiatives/special projects, agency matters/operations, events/agency visits, audits/investigations/compliance, stakeholder issues and pending decisions. Governor Kaine wrote handwritten notes and/or marked-up some reports with post-it notes and requested follow up information from the person submitting the report. Those questions and answers are included in this series. This series provides a weekly account of the issues and policy decisions of the Kaine Administration.

The Executive Orders Digital Collection includes 110 executive orders and 9 executive directives issued by Governor Kaine.

A Guide to the Governor Timothy M. Kaine Administration YouTube Channel Videos, 2008-2010. This collection consists of 63 videos that were originally posted onto YouTube by Governor Tim Kaine's Webmaster between March 2008 and January 2010. Governor Kaine formally announced the creation of the governor's YouTube channel in a 6 May 2008 press release.

A Guide to the Governor Timothy M. Kaine, Executive Office-Governor, Records, 2005-2009. The Governor Timothy M. Kaine, Executive Office-Governor, Records are housed in 45 boxes. The collection is arranged into three (3) series. Series have been designated for: I. Weekly Status Reports; II. State Budget Files; and III. Briefing Binders and Reports. These records include agreements, briefing books, reports, correspondence, memorandums, budget documents, agendas, handouts, invitations, talking points, and speeches. This collection contains the weekly reports, briefing books and budgetary records of Governor Kaine (2006-2010).

A Guide to the Governor Timothy M. Kaine, Executive Office-Chief of Staff, Records, 2006-2009. The Governor Timothy M. Kaine, Executive Office-Chief of Staff, Records are housed in 13 boxes. The collection is arranged into two (2) series. Series have been designated for: I. General Files of the Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff and; II. Cabinet Meeting Journal. These records include agreements, reports, correspondence, memorandums, budget documents, agendas, handouts, and invitations. This collection documents the actions of Governor Kaine's Chief of Staffs: William Leighty (2006-2007), Wayne Turnage (2007-2010) and Deputy Chief of Staff Stephen Harmes (2007-2010).

A Guide to the Governor Timothy M. Kaine, Executive Office-Counselor's Office, Records, 2001-2009 (bulk 2006-2009). The Governor Timothy M. Kaine, Executive Office-Counselor's Office, Records are housed in 33 boxes. The collection is arranged into five (5) series. Series have been designated for: I. General Files of the Counselor to the Governor; II. Judicial Appointments; III. Special Counsel Files; IV. Attorney General Settlements; and V. Files of Lawrence Roberts, Counselor and Shane Emmett, Legal Fellow. These records include agreements, reports, correspondence, e-mail, memorandums, legal briefs, legal files, budget documents, agendas, handouts, meeting notes, and invitations. This collection documents the actions of Governor Kaine's Counselor's Office. The majority of this collection is closed for 75 years per Code of Virginia, 2.2-3705.1 (attorney-client privilege).

A Guide to the Governor Timothy M. Kaine, Policy Office, Records, 2002-2010 (bulk 2006-2009). The Policy Office Records of Governor Timothy M. Kaine are housed in 174 boxes. The collection is arranged into five (5) series. Series have been designated for: I. Decision Briefs; II. Regulations; III. Legislative Files; IV. Executive Orders and Directives; and V. Policy Analyst Files. These records include agendas, decision briefs, correspondence, memorandums, legislative files, briefing books, meeting notes, subject files, reports, talking points and regulations. These records document the legislative and policy priorities of the Kaine administration (2006-2010). This collection also includes records from Governor Mark Warner's administration (2002-2006).

A Guide to the Governor Timothy M. Kaine, Press Office, Records, 2004-2010 (bulk 2006-2009). The Press Office Records of Governor Timothy M. Kaine are housed in 13 archival boxes. The collection is arranged into three (3) series. Series have been designated for: I. Records of Communication Director; II. Records of the Press Secretary; and III. Multimedia Files. These records include correspondence, memorandums, talking points and photographs, digital files and videos. These records document the press office activities of the Kaine administration (2006-2010).

A Guide to the Records of the Scheduling Office of Governor Timothy M. Kaine, 2005-2010. Records, 2005-2010, of the Scheduling Office of Governor Timothy M. Kaine including card invitations and invitations accepted and regretted. The Card Invitations include the original cards sent to the Governor for events and contain notes on whether the invitation was accepted or regretted, how the response was given (through voice mail, email, letter), and the date it was accepted or regretted. Included are invitations to engagement parties, retirement celebrations, festivals, awards dinners, fundraising campaigns, parades, service awards, church events, community fairs, company jubilees, research conferences, Earth day celebrations, Jamestown 400th anniversary, graduation ceremonies, open houses, concerts, and building grand openings, among others.

A Guide to the Constituent Correspondence of Governor Timothy M. Kaine, 2001-2010 (bulk 2006-2009). Correspondence, 2001-2010 (bulk 2006-2009), from constituents of Governor Timothy Kaine, including requests for assistance and inquiries about the Governor's stance on certain policy issues. Also included are letters from federal and state agencies, local government officials, Virginia General Assembly members, members of the U.S. Congress, and others, including the U.S. President, governors of other states and ambassadors. The Kaine administration was dominated by three issues: budget deficits, transportation funding and the 16 April 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech.

A Guide to the Governor Timothy M. Kaine, Senior Advisor to the Governor for Workforce Records, 2006-2009. The Senior Advisor to the Governor for Workforce Records of Governor Timothy M. Kaine are housed in 6 boxes. The collection is arranged into two (2) series. Series have been designated for: I. Correspondence; and II. Research Project Files. These records include correspondence, memorandums, notes, reports, presentations, contracts, decision briefs, plans, and project files. These records document the workforce development activities of the Kaine administration (2006-2010).

A Guide to the Records of the Virginia Liaison Office, 2003-2010 (bulk 2006-2009). The Virginia Liaison Office records, 2003-2009 (bulk 2006-2009), are housed in 34 boxes. The collection includes series for Director's correspondence and subject files, Policy Analyst correspondence and subject files, National Governor's Association, and Southern Governor's Association.

A Guide to the Governor Timothy M. Kaine, Latino Liaison Records, 2004-2009. The Latino Liaison Records of Governor Timothy M. Kaine are housed in ten boxes. The collection is arranged by subject/topic. These records include agenda's correspondence, memorandums, minutes, notes, reports, presentations, plans, DVDs and project files. These records document the Kaine administration's (2006-2010) outreach to Virginia's Latino community.

A Guide to the Records of Governor Kaine's Office of Community Integration for People with Disabilities, 2002-2010. The records document the work of the Office of Community Integration for People with Disabilities, the Community Integration Oversight Advisory Committee/Board, and the Community Integration Implementation Team to review and cost out the Virginia Olmstead Task Force recommendations and develop a comprehensive cross-governmental strategic plan for community integration. These records include correspondence, legislative files, meeting records and minutes, presentations, reports and subject files.

A Guide to the Records of the Virginia Tech Review Panel, 2007-2009 (bulk 2007). The Virginia Tech Review Panel Records, 2007-2009 (bulk 2007), are organized into five series. Series have designated for Files of Virginia Tech Review Panel Members, Files of TriData, Files of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher and Flom LLP, Files of the Office of the Governor, and Freedom of Information Act Request. These records document Virginia's official investigation into the 16 April 2007 mass shooting at Virginia Tech.


A Guide to the Records of the Virginia Secretary of Administration, 1995-2010 (bulk 2006-2009). Correspondence, reports, reviews, memorandums, decision briefs, legislative files and other working papers created and collected by the Office of the Secretary of Administration during the gubernatorial term of Virginia Governor Tim Kaine, 2006-2010. This collection consists of 13 records series which document the activities of the Office of the Secretary of Administration, as well as the agencies and boards which fall under its heading.

A Guide to the Records of the Virginia Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry, 2002-2010 (bulk 2005-2009. Records, 2002-2009 (bulk 2005-2009), created and maintained by Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry, Robert S. Bloxom, during the administration of Governor Timothy M. Kaine (2006-2010). The records include agendas, correspondence, memorandum, newspaper clippings, presentations, programs, reports, speeches, studies, and other working papers. Also included are incoming and outgoing correspondence with constituents and subject files of Deputy Director, William P. Dickinson.

A Guide to the Records of the Office of Commonwealth Preparedness, 1989-2009 (bulk 2006-2009). The Office of Commonwealth Preparedness records consist of 37 archival boxes and are divided into eight series. Series have been designated for Cabinet Meeting Files, Commonwealth Interoperability Coordinator's Office Initiatives Files, Commonwealth Interoperability Coordinator's Office Subject files, Constituent Correspondence, Correspondence and Supporting Documentation, Homeland Security Files Grant, Meeting Files Preparedness Committees, and Robert P. Crouch Jr. Attorney Files. These records document the work of the Office of Commonwealth Preparedness. The bulk of the records can be found in the Correspondence and Supporting Documentation series related to base closings, campus security, hurricane preparedness, interoperability, the National Capital Region, and various office projects. Included are agendas, correspondence, minutes, newsletters, programs, reports, and surveys. Of note are the Constituent Correspondence and Correspondence and Supporting Documentation series which are invaluable in showing the concerns and interests of citizens, government officials, and other individuals regarding security, terrorism, and various other subjects.

A Guide to the Records of the Virginia Secretary of Health and Human Resources, 2005-2010. Contains records created and maintained by Secretary of Health and Human Resources, Marilyn B. Tavenner, during the administration of Governor Timothy M. Kaine. The records include incoming and outgoing correspondence with assigned agencies and constituents, subject files, decision memoranda, legislative files, budget material, and records related to activities and special projects.

A Guide to the Records of the Virginia Secretary of Natural Resources, 1999-2010 (bulk 2006-2009). This collection contains the records, 1999-2010 (bulk 2006-2009), of the Office of Secretary of Natural Resources L. Preston Bryant, Jr., during the administration of Governor Tim Kaine. There is correspondence and subject files that relate to Secretary Bryant, the state agencies that he oversees, environmental organizations that operate in Virginia, and projects initiated by Governor Kaine. Legislative files contain material related to bills that were either under the purview of the Secretary of Natural Resources or upon which the Secretary wished to comment. Special programs include correspondence and subject files primarily created by Assistant Secretary of Natural Resources Missy Neff and Deputy Secretary of Natural Resources Nikki Rovner. Finally, there are speeches given by L. Preston Bryant, Jr., at public and private events.

A Guide to the Records of the Virginia Secretary of Public Safety, 1990, 1992, 1996, 1998-2010 (bulk 2002-2009). The Secretary of Public Safety records consists of thirty-eight archival boxes and are divided into six series. Series have been designated for Correspondence-Assigned State Agencies, Correspondence and Supporting Documentation-Office of the Secretary, Decision Memoranda and Briefs, Federal Grant Funding, Legislative Files, and Special Projects and Studies. These records document the activities of the Office of the Secretary of Public Safety, as well as the agencies and boards which fall under its heading, during the gubernatorial terms of Governor Mark R. Warner (2002-2006) and Governor Timothy M. Kaine (2006-2010).

A Guide to the Records of the Virginia Secretary of Technology, 2000-2009 (bulk 2006-2009). This collection contains the records, 2000-2009 (bulk 2006-2009), of the Virginia Secretary of Technology. Includes correspondence and subject files, which contain information on the inward-facing aspects of the Office of the Secretary of Technology. There are also special projects and studies which relate to health care, higher education, access to broadband internet, intellectual property, and interoperability. Legislative files contain information relating to bills of interest to the Secretary of Technology. Finally, there is material from the meetings of the Information Technology Investment Board.

A Guide to the Records of the Virginia Secretary of Transportation, 2006-2010. The Secretary of Transportation records consist of 52 archival boxes and are divided into 4 series. Series have been designated for Appointment Calendars (I), Constituent Correspondence (II), Legislative Files (III) and Special Projects and Studies (IV). These records document the work of the Secretary of Transportation Pierce Homer during the Kaine administration and were created or collected, 2006-2009, though some documents in this collection pre-date this time period.


The Virginia General Assembly's Legislative Information System contains searchable databases for bills and resolutions from 1994 to the present and reports to the general assembly. It also includes links to the Code of Virginia, Virginia Administrative Code, Constitution of Virginia, Charters, Authorities, Compacts and Uncodified Acts.

The Virginia State Budget Portal provides information about Budget Bills, Budget Amendments, and Committee Reports related to the budget from 1996 to the present.

The Virginia Department of Planning and Budget assists the Governor's Office, General Assembly, and state agencies develop and implement the budget. The website contains information on Virginia's budget from 2000 to the present.

The Secretary of Finance's website contains monthly revenue reports (FY 2000 to the present) and presentations to the joint money committees (1999 to the present).

Contents List

Series I. Executive Office Electronic Files, 2002-2010 (bulk 2006-2009)
Extent: 90434 emails.

The Executive Office Electronic Files series documents the electronic communication of the Executive Office of the Kaine Administration. This series contains 90437 emails in 15 subseries. Subseries have been designated for A. Tim Kaine Email; B. Lawrence Roberts Email; C. Mark Rubin Email; D. Shane Emmett Email; E. William H. Leighty Email; F. Wayne Turnage Email; G. Stephen Harms Email; H. Marc Follmer Email; I. Sherrie Harrington Email; J. Kate Paris Email; K. Margaret Hughson Email; L. Sarah Plumb Email; M. Beau Cribbs Email; N. Bryce Schunke Email; and O. Sarah Robertson Email. There are 16075 privacy protected and confidential emails in this series that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications, clemency and restoration of rights decisions/discussions, mediation and settlement discussions, and records containing personal/personnel information.

The Executive Office is a division of the Office of the Governor in the Executive Branch of Virginia state government. Members of the Executive Office include the Governor, Chief of Staff, Counselor to the Governor and their deputies and assistants. The Governor is the Chief Executive of the Commonwealth and chief advocate for annual legislative and budget priorities. Sherrie Harrington served as Confidential Assistant to Governor Tim Kaine.

The Chief of Staff is the chief operating officer of state government, responsible for all aspects of service to citizens. The Chief oversees the Cabinet members and agency heads in the administration of state government and is also responsible for the operations of the Governor's Office. The Chief is assisted in these responsibilities by a Deputy Chief of Staff and an Executive Assistant. The following individuals held these positions during Governor Timothy M. Kaine's administration (2006-2010): William H. Leighty, Chief of Staff (January 2006-May 2007); Wayne Turnage, Deputy Chief of Staff, (January 2006-May 2007) and Chief of Staff (May 2007-2010); Margaret Hughson, Executive Assistant (2006-2007); Steve Harms, Deputy Chief of Staff (June 2007-2010); and Kate Paris, Confidential Assistant to the Chief of Staff and Counselor (2007-2010).

The Counselor in the Kaine administration provided legal advice to the Governor and acted as a liaison with the judiciary and the Office of the Attorney General. The Counselor also provided broader advice to the Governor on political and personal matters as assigned. The Counselor was the chief liaison with the Democratic Party, the Moving Virginia Forward PAC, and outside political constituency groups. The Counselor was assisted in these responsibilities by a Senior Advisor, a hybrid position, who provided legal assistance to the Counselor and legislative assistance to the Policy Director. The Senior Advisor was available to mediate important policy disputes for the Governor, or with the Governor's consent, for legislators and other external constituents. The following individuals held these positions during Governor Timothy M. Kaine's administration (2006-2010): Lawrence Roberts, Counselor to the Governor (January 2006-May 2009), and Mark E. Rubin, Senior Advisor to the Governor and Deputy Counselor (January 2006-May 2009) and Counselor to the Governor (May 2009-January 2010).

The Leadership Team in the Office of the Governor consisted of the Chief of Staff, Deputy Chief of Staff, Counselor, Senior Advisor, Policy Director, Legislative Director, Communications Director, Scheduling Director, and Press Secretary. This group conducted daily morning meetings in preparation for that day's events in the Governor's Office. The Governor held regular meetings with this group and in certain instances convened small subsets of the Leadership Team to address specific or more targeted issues.

  • Series I. Executive Office Electronic Files, Subseries A. Tim Kaine Email , 2007-2010 .

    This subseries contains 3875 emails in three PST files: TKAINE.PST, KaineLibkaine.pst, and TKAINE59404639.pst . Governor Kaine's email did not have a file structure. Governor Kaine archived his own email. In an email from Kaine, dated 30 December 2009, to Mark Rubin, Counselor to the Governor, and Sherrie Harrington, Confidential Assistant to the Governor, Kaine stated he had "now gone through all emails from May 07 until current. David Allen [VITA/NG] was not able to find earlier emails." However, email messages Kaine sent from January 2006 to April 2007 may be found in the email files of other members of the Kaine administration (Larry Roberts, Mark Rubin, Wayne Turnage, Bill Leighty, etc.).

    The KaineLibkaine.pst contains 10 emails between Governor Kaine and Marc Follmer, Senior Advisor to the Governor. The TKAINE59404639.pst contains 109 emails sent by the public to the GovKaine email account and were forwarded to Sasha Scott, Special Assistant in Constituent Services. All of these emails comment on the University of Virginia's newspaper, The Cavalier Daily, publication of a cartoon attacking Christianity in 2008.

    The TKAINE.PST contains 3756 emails sent by Governor Kaine between April 2007 and January 2010. There are 158 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted material may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications, clemency and restoration of rights decisions/discussions, and records containing personal/personnel information.

    Subjects include : 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech including creation and report of the Virginia Tech Review Panel, notes from meeting with family members and correspondence between Governor Kaine and family members; budget issues; transportation (drafts of June 2008 General Assembly special session speech, Dulles Metro/Tysons Corner tunnel dispute, 2007 abusive driver fees); drafts of Kaine's State of the Commonwealth Address (2008, 2009 and 2010); Kaine's 400,000 acre land conservation initiative (includes Biscuit Run property in Albemarle County); blanket restoration of rights; clemency (Norfolk Four and Percy Walton-restricted); relocation of Northrup Grumman's corporate headquarters to northern Virginia; drafts of Kaine's speeches to the Joint Money Committees of the General Assembly (August 2007, December 2007, August 2008, December 2008, August 2009 and December 2009); fiscal 2010-2012 budget development; 2009 closure of International Paper's mill in Franklin, Virginia; Virginia Information Technologies Agency and Northrop Grumman (VITA/NG); Chesapeake Bay clean-up; Virginia tribal recognition; Choose Life license plate; smoking ban in restaurants; economic development projects; proposal by the United States Navy to move a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier from Norfolk Naval Station to Naval Station Mayport, Florida; preparations for the 20 January 2009 presidential inauguration; draft of Kaine's 15 December 2008 speech to the Electoral College; preparations for the 4 November 2008 presidential election (Weekly Election Working Group); energy policy; education; drafts of Kaine's eulogy for civil rights icon Oliver Hill; Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board (Dominion Power's Wise County project); American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (federal stimulus); payday lending; Kaine's official portrait; domestic partner benefits; structure and responsibilities of Office of the Governor; and retirement of Chief of Staff William H. Leighty in 2007.

    Correspondents include : Viola Baskerville, Kimberly Bowers, Gina Boyle, Amy Bridge, Ric Brown, Preston Bryant, Aneesh Chopra, Robert Crouch, Suzette Denslow, Mark Emblidge, Shane Emmett, Cathy Ghidotti, Patrick Gottschalk, Kevin Hall, Kate Hanley, Sherrie Harrington, Bernard Henderson, Gordon Hickey, Pierce Homer, Gail Jaspen, Michael Kelly, Daniel LeBlanc, Bill Leighty, Alfonso Lopez, John Marshall, Tom Morris, Kate Paris, Barbara Reese, Larry Roberts, Mark Rubin, Brian Sheppard, Delacey Skinner, Nick Surace, Marilyn Tavenner, Lynda Tran, Wayne Turnage, Jody Wagner, and Stephen Walz.

  • Series I. Executive Office Electronic Files, Subseries B. Lawrence Roberts , 2006-2010 .

    This subseries contains 34247 emails in three PST files: LRoberts1.pst, LRoberts2.pst, and LRoberts3.pst . Lawrence Roberts served as Counselor to the Governor from 14 January 2006 until 9 March 2009 when resigned to take a position as Senior Advisor to the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee (Governor Tim Kaine). During the Kaine Administration, the Counselor to the Governor provided legal advice to the Governor, including liaison with the judiciary and the Office of the Attorney General. The Counselor also handled Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, conflict of interest statements, contracts/leases for the Governor, settlement agreements for the Governor, clemency requests, death warrants, and provided broader advice to the Governor on political and personal matters as assigned. The Counselor was the chief liaison with the Democratic Party, the Moving Virginia Forward PAC, and outside political constituency groups. As part of his outreach efforts, the Counselor developed strategies to interact and facilitate implementation of the Governor's agenda. Roberts also worked with the Scheduling Director to oversee the Governor's time. After his resignation, Roberts continued to serve as an unpaid advisor to the Governor on four issues: the Commonwealth's response to the Virginia Tech tragedy; concluding clemency matters which he had worked on; reviewing his files and documents for archiving; and reaching an agreement with the Library of Virginia as to archiving policies as they apply to the Counselor to the Governor and his staff.

    • LRoberts1.pst , January 2006-January 2010 .

      The LRoberts1.pst file contains 28542 emails sent and received by Lawrence Roberts between January 2006 and January 2010. There are 8655 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications, clemency and restoration of rights decisions/discussions, mediation and settlement discussions, and records containing personal/personnel information.

      Subjects include : 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech including creation and report of the Virginia Tech Review Panel, notes from meeting with family members, settlement agreements between Commonwealth and families and correspondence between Roberts and family members; revenue budget issues; transportation (drafts of June 2008 General Assembly special session speech, 2008 Kaine Transportation Plan, Dulles Metro/Tysons Corner tunnel dispute, Tyson Tunnel Plan and Full Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA), 2007 abusive driver fees, Elliston intermodal facility in Montgomery County, 2006 General Assembly special session on transportation, and Coalfields Expressway); drafts of Kaine's State of the Commonwealth Address (2007, 2008 and 2009); drafts of Kaine's speeches to the Joint Money Committees of the General Assembly (August 2006, August 2007, December 2007 and August 2008); clemency (Edward Bell, Mario Bustillo, Christopher Scott Emmett, Kevin Green, Brandon Wayne Hedrick, Kent Jackson, Michael William Lenz, Norfolk Four, John Yancey Schmitt, Jens Soering, Dexter Lee Vinson, Percy Walton, Earl Washington and Robert Stacy Yarbrough-all restricted); American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (federal stimulus); open carry (firearms in state parks); archiving/records retention schedule for the Office of the Governor; talking points for February 2009 Virginia Congressional Delegation meeting (drafts); smoking ban in restaurants; proposal by the United States Navy to move a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier from Norfolk Naval Station to Naval Station Mayport, Florida; state government printing expenses (Freedom of Information Act request from Delegate Scott Lingamfelter); preparations for the 4 November 2008 presidential election; student voting; teleworking; Civil Rights Memorial; drafts of press releases/comments on media stories; Dominion Power's Wise County project; cabinet meetings (agendas); legislation/legislative sessions; Virginia Latino Advisory Board; election issues in Chesterfield County, 2008 Presidential primary; talking points (drafts, etc.) on a variety of subjects; resignation of Dr. Esam Omeish from Virginia Commission on Immigration; education (Pre-K, Start Strong); death of Oliver Hill and viewing at Governor's Mansion; Governor's Working Group on Early Childhood; judicial vacancies; personnel changes in Office of the Governor (esp. spring/summer 2007); health care work group; Governor incapacity and succession; Virginia tribal recognition; electricity re-regulation; Fort Monroe; Mirant Potomac River Generating Plant (Mirant Plant) in Alexandria; State Board of Elections issues; agreements with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)/287(g) [Executive Work Group related to possible state immigration authority with ICE under 287 (g) (8 USC Section 1357 (g))]; Comprehensive Services Act (CSA); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)/Arlington; energy policy; drafts of some executive orders; Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach; Small, Women-owned, and Minority-owned Business (SWAM); Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC); 2006 budget impasse; menhaden fisheries management measures; rejection by General Assembly of Danny LeBlanc, Kaine's selection for Secretary of the Commonwealth and successful confirmation of Kate Hanley for same post; DNA testing/old DFS files; domestic partner benefits; Employee Free Choice Act; estate tax repeal; TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families); and Virginia Information Technologies Agency and Northrop Grumman (VITA/NG).

      Notable email : email from Tim Kaine, 15 October 2007, Budget Issues I Care About ; email from Mark Rubin on Supreme Court roll out of Judge Goodwyn, 3 October 2007; email from Kaine on improving vetting process after resignation of Dr. Esam Omeish, 27 September 2007; Kaine's comments on speech to money committees (18 August 2007); email thread started by Kaine on the operations/structure of the Governor's Office (3 April 2007); email from Kaine on electricity reregulation (17 March 2007); emails from Kaine on transportation (22 July 2008, 1 July 2008, 9 May 2008, 8 May 2008, 28 April 2008, 19 March 2008, 2 April 2007, 30 March 2007, 20 March 2007, 28 February 2007, 5 February 2007); email threads on abusive driver fees (19 July 2007, 18 July 2007, 17 July 2007, 16 July 2007); email from Larry Roberts, 7 May 2007, on strategic scheduling for 2007; email from Deputy Chief of Staff Wayne Turnage, 4 May 2007, on budget time line/schedule; email thread between Roberts and Turnage, 26 April 2007, about hiring Suzette Denslow as Deputy Policy Director and Leighty's unhappiness; email from Ric Signer to Leighty (Roberts cc'd), 17 April 2007, on the trade mission to Japan; email thread on electric reregulation (see Kaine's lengthy email dated 17 March 2007).

      Correspondents include : James Alcorn, Amber Amato, Viola Baskerville, Tim Bass, Sindy Benavides, Mark Bowles, Gena Boyle, Ric Brown, Kim Busch, Larry Byrne, Aneesh Chopra, Clyde Cristman, Robert Crouch, Barnie Day, Suzette Denslow, Nick Donohue, Jason Eige, Kim Farrar, Patrick Finnerty, Marc Follmer, Manju Ganeriwala, Cathy Ghidotti, Kathy Glazer, Patrick Gottschalk, Eric Gregory (assistant AG), Kevin Hall, Kate Hanley, Stephen Harms, Sherrie Harrington, Bernard Henderson, Maurcie Henderson, Gordon Hickey, Pierce Homer, Gail Jaspen, Jean Jensen, Tim Kaine, Martin Kent (assistant AG), Jeff Kraus, Danny LeBlanc, Keetch leGrand, William Leighty, Alfonso Lopez, John Marshall, Maureen Matsen (assistant AG), Jennie Moline, Tom Morris, Bill Murray, Thomas Nesbitt (assistant AG), Steve Owens (assistant AG), Kate Paris, David Paylor, Sarah Plumb, Barbara Reese, Nancy Rodrigues, Nikki Rovener, Mark Rubin, Felix Sarfo-Kantanka, Brian Sheppard, Ric Siger, Williams Sims, Delacey Skinner, D.B. Smit, Jeff Southard, Phil Sunderland, Marilyn Tavenner, Jeff Tiller, Dan Timberlake, Lynda Tran, Matthew Tucker, Wayne Turnage, Jim Ukrop, Jody Wagner, Stephen Walz, Tom Whipple, and Richard Zorn.

    • LRoberts2.pst , 2006-2010 .

      The LRoberts2.pst file contains 288 emails sent and received by Lawrence Roberts between January 2006 and January 2010. Subjects include: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (federal stimulus); Federal issues impacting Virginia; and Virginia tribal recognition.

      Correspondents include: Gena Boyle, Eileen Filler-Corn, William Leighty, Alfonso Lopez, Barbara Reese, and Brian Sheppard.

    • LRoberts3.pst , 2006-2010 .

      The LRoberts3.pst file contains 5417 emails sent and received by Lawrence Roberts between January 2006 and January 2010. There are 4033 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications, clemency and restoration of rights decisions/discussions, mediation and settlement discussions, and records containing personal/personnel information.

      Subjects include : 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech including leak of report of the Virginia Tech Review Panel to the New York Times; email thread between Chief of Staff Bill Leighty and Secretary of Natural Resources Preston Bryant, 16 May 2007, in which Leighty discusses how he informed Governor Kaine about the Virginia Tech shooting; retirement of Chief of Staff William H. Leighty in 2007; archiving/records retention schedule for the Office of the Governor; personnel changes in Office of the Governor (esp. spring/summer 2007); DNA testing/old DFS files; drafts of Kaine's State of the Commonwealth Address (2007, 2008 and 2009); preparations for the 4 November 2008 presidential election; drafts of Kaine's speeches to the Joint Money Committees of the General Assembly ( August 2007, December 2007); transportation (Tysons Corner tunnel, 2007 legislation, abusive driver fees); Clemency ; Maurice Henderson, Deputy Press Secretary, reports from 2006-2007 press gaggles/news conferences; drafts of Kaine's 2006 commencement address at the University of Virginia; rejection by General Assembly of Danny LeBlanc, Kaine's selection for Secretary of the Commonwealth; and clemency (Edward Bell, Mario Bustillo, Christopher Scott Emmett, Kevin Green, Brandon Wayne Hedrick, Kent Jackson, Michael William Lenz, Norfolk Four, John Yancey Schmitt, Jens Soering, Dexter Lee Vinson, Percy Walton, Earl Washington and Robert Stacy Yarbrough-all restricted).

      Notable email : email from Kaine, 23 April 2007, describing the policy development agenda for the rest of 2007; email thread between Roberts and Deputy Chief of Staff Wayne Turnage, 26 April 2007, about hiring Suzette Denslow as Deputy Policy Director and Leighty's unhappiness; email thread between Turnage and Roberts, 27 April 2007, discussing issues with Leighty; email exchange between Roberts and Sherrie Harrington, 9 November 2006, re: execution of John Yancey Schmitt; email exchange between Roberts and Turnage, 7 June and 9 June 2006 on scheduled execution of Percy Walton; email from Marilyn Tavenner, 5 June 2006, on scheduled execution of Percy Walton; email exchange between Roberts and Brian Sheppard, 27 April 2006, re: execution of Dexter Lee Vinson; and email thread between Kaine, Roberts and Delacey Skinner, 17 April and 16 April 2006, on Kaine's concerns about the marriage amendment.

      Correspondents include : Amber Amato, Gena Boyle, Preston Bryant, Katherine Burnett, Aneesh Chopra, Clyde Cristman, Marla Decker, Shane Emmett, Helen Fahey, Cathy Ghidotti, Patrick Gottschalk, Kevin Hall, Robert Hall, Sherrie Harrington, Bernard Henderson, Maurice Henderson, II, E. Desmond Hogan, Tim Kaine, Martin Kent, Danny LeBlanc, William Leighty, John Marshall, Walter McFarlane, William Mims, Jeff Mitchell, Bill Murray, Thomas Nesbitt, Sarah Plumb, Brian Pumphrey, Mark Rubin, Brian Sheppard, Delacey Skinner, Lynda Tran, Dietra Trent, and Wayne Turnage.

  • Series I. Executive Office Electronic Files, Subseries C. Mark Rubin Email , 2006-2010 .

    This subseries contains 10262 emails in two PST files: KaineLibmrubin.pst and MRUBIN.pst . Mark Rubin served as Deputy Counselor and Senior Advisor to the Governor from 14 January 2006 to 9 March 2009. Following the resignation of Lawrence Roberts, Rubin served as Counselor to the Governor from 10 March 2009 to 16 January 2010. The Senior Advisor was a hybrid position. He provided legal assistance to the Counselor and legislative assistance to the Policy Director. The Senior Advisor as helped mediate important policy disputes for the Governor. Rubin frequently met with legislators and others and shared what he learned with senior administration officials. His email provides information on legislation development and the legislative process.

    • KaineLibmrubin.pst , 2006-2010 .

      The KaineLibmrubin.pst file contains 10260 emails sent and received by Mark Rubin between January 2006 and January 2010. There are 1563 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications, clemency and restoration of rights decisions/discussions, mediation and settlement discussions and records containing personal/personnel information.

      Subjects include : 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech including issues regarding the settlement agreements between Commonwealth and families, forwarded emails sent to families by Jay Poole, Director of Virginia Tech's Office of Recovery and Support, and correspondence between Rubin and family members; budget issues including fall 2009 state agency reduction plans; legislation; transportation (2008 Kaine Transportation Plan, 2007 abusive driver fees, and 2006 General Assembly special session on transportation); drafts of Kaine's State of the Commonwealth Address (2007 and 2009); drafts of Kaine's speeches to the Joint Money Committees of the General Assembly (December 2007, August 2008, December 2009); blanket restoration of rights; closure of Natural Bridge Juvenile Correctional Center; Virginia's response to the Melendez-Diaz v. Massachusetts, 557 U.S. 205 (2009), United States Supreme Court decision that ruled that it was a violation of the Sixth Amendment right of confrontation for a prosecutor to submit lab testing results without the testimony of the person who performed the test; Virginia tribal recognition; smoking ban in restaurants; payday lending; Dominion Power's Wise County project; eminent domain; uranium mining; mental health legislation; work group for the Virginia Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Program; Education (Pre-K); Mirant Potomac River Generating Plant (Mirant Plant) in Alexandria; energy policy (including Renewable Portfolio Standards); electricity re-regulation; indigent defense; machinery and tools legislation; Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC); setting dates for special elections; clemency (Jens Soering, John T. Harrison, Daniel Cox, Richard M. Hawkins, Chris Sharikas, Joseph Giarrantano, Larry Bill Elliott, Whitney Shelton, Norfolk Four, and Earl Washington-all restricted); and Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach.

      Notable email : email thread between Tim Kaine and Mark Rubin, 16 April 2008, relaying a conversation Kaine had with Delegate David Alba on transportation; email from Tim Kaine, 18 April 2008, to Mark Rubin, Larry Roberts, Suzette Denslow, Brian Shepard, Pierce Homer and Delacey Skinner, relaying a conversation Kaine had with Delegate Joe May on transportation; email from Tim Kaine, 8 May 2008, to Mark Rubin, Larry Roberts, Suzette Denslow, Brian Shepard, Pierce Homer and Delacey Skinner, relaying a conversation Kaine had with several legislators on transportation; email from Tim Kaine, 17 March 2007, to Mark Rubin, Brian Shepard, Larry Roberts, Patrick Gottschalk, Preston Bryant, and Bill Leighty, listing his concerns with the electric reregulation bill; email from Tim Kaine, 30 May 2006, to Larry Roberts, Jody Wagner, and Mark Rubin, sharing additional thoughts on the budget; email thread between Tim Kaine and Mark Rubin, 28 April 2008, setting the process for selection of circuit court judges, Supreme Court and an SCC judge; email from Mark Rubin, 11 February 2006, to Larry Roberts, Bill Leighty, Brian Shepard, Preston Bryant, Mike Henry, Bill Murray, and Daniel LeBlanc, detailing the latest vote count in the General Assembly to confirm LeBlanc as Secretary of the Commonwealth; email from Preston Bryant, 12 February 2006, to Mark Rubin, describing his conversations with several members of the House of Delegates on the LeBlanc nomination; email from Tim Kaine, 8 August 2006, to Bill Murray, Bill Leighty, Brian Shepard, and Mark Rubin, with Kaine's notes from phone conversations with several members of the General Assembly (notes as attachment) on transportation; email from Tim Kaine, 15 August 2006, 17 August 2006, and 21 August 2006, to Mark Rubin, Bill Murray and Brian Shepard, describing Kaine's contacts with several members of the General Assembly on transportation; email from Mark Rubin, 23 April 2006, to Brian Shepard and Bill Murray, on post mortem on the 2006 General Assembly session; email from Tim Kaine, 27 November 2009, to Wayne Turnage, Stephen Harms, and Ric Brown, where Kaine shares his views on eliminating the car tax in his final budget; and email from Tim Kaine, 6 February 2008, to Jody Wagner, Ric Brown, Wayne Turnage, Stephen Harms, Brian Shepard, Mark Rubin, Suzette Denslow, Larry Roberts, Delacey Skinner, and Gordon Hickey, in which Kaine shares his thoughts on the budget.

      Correspondents include : Philip Abraham, Amber Amato, David Bailey, Chris Bast, Steve Benjamin, Robert Blue, Gena Boyle, William Broaddus, Ric Brown, Preston Bryant, Don Carr, Bob Chase, Marc Cheatham, Eileen Filler-Corn, Robert Crouch, Marla Decker, George Deebo, Suzette Denslow, Chip Dicks, Dave Dickson, Betsy Edwards, Jerry Edwards, Mike Edwards, Shane Emmett, Helen Fahey, Claudia Farr, Frank Ferguson, Marc Follmer, May Fox, Robert Hall, Stephanie Hamlett, Stephen Harms, Kay Heidbreder, Bernard Henderson, Pierce Homer, Barbara Hulburt, Gail Jaspen, Jean Jensen, Tim Kaine, Martin Kent, Anne Leigh Kerr, Jim Kibler, Irene Leech, Bill Leighty, Alfonso Lopez, Maureen Matsen, Michael Maul, Walter McFarlane, Bill McKelway, Eric Murdock, Bill Murray, Stephen Parker, Barbara Reese, Larry Roberts, Nancy Rodrigues, Michele Satterlund, Aimee Perron Seibert, Brian Shepard, Ric Signer, Jeff Southard, Dan Timberlake, Lynda Tran, Wayne Turnage, Bret Vassey, Jody Wagner, Stephen Walz, and Kent Willis.

    • MRUBIN.pst , 2010 .

      The MRUBIN.pst file contains two email messages received by Mark Rubin dated 15 January 2010. One message is from Kent Willis of the Virginia American Civil Liberties Union on Kaine's decision not to issue a blanket restoration of rights executive order. The second message is from Gordon Hickey regarding Jens Soering.

  • Series I. Executive Office Electronic Files, Subseries D. Shane Emmett Email , 2008-2010 .

    This subseries contains 1090 emails in one PST file: KaineLibsemmett.pst . Shane Emmett worked as a Governor's Legal Fellow and as a Deputy Counselor to Mark Rubin from December 2008 to January 2010.

    The KaineLibsemmett.pst contains 1090 email messages sent and received by Shane Emmett. There are 980 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: pardon and restoration of rights records.

    Subjects include : clemency (Edward Bell, Norfolk Four, Joseph Giarrantano, Larry Bill Elliott, Jens Soering, and John Muhammad-all restricted); and domestic partner benefits.

    Correspondents include : Katherine Burnett Baldwin, Andrew Block, Klaus Botzet, Marla Decker, Helen Fahey, E. Desmond Hogan, Gail Jaspen, Tim Kaine, Tom Kelly, Walter McFarlane, Larry Roberts, Mark Rubin, and Donald Salzman.

  • Series I. Executive Office Electronic Files, Subseries E. William H. Leighty Email , 2002-2007 .

    This subseries contains 15893 emails in one PST file: Leighty.pst . William H. Leighty served as Chief of Staff to Governor Mark R. Warner (January 2002-January 2006). He was reappointed Chief of Staff by Governor Tim Kaine. On 23 May 2007 Leighty announced his retirement effective 1 September 2007. He stepped down as Chief of Staff effective 25 May 2007. Deputy Chief of Staff Wayne Turnage assumed his duties. Leighty remained in the administration as Chief Emeritus working on several projects including efforts to improve minority procurement for state agencies, workforce development and the implementation of the out sourcing of state governments' IT functions. The Chief of Staff is the chief operating officer of state government for all aspects of service to citizens. The Chief oversees the Cabinet members and agency heads in the administration of state government and is also responsible for the operations of the Governor's Office. Governors Mark Warner and Tim Kaine delegated additional responsibilities to Leighty in Executive Order 3 (2002) Authority and Responsibility of Chief of Staff and Executive Order 4 (2006) Authority and Responsibility of Chief of Staff.

    The Leighty.pst file contains 15893 email messages sent and received by William H. Leighty between January 2002 and September 2007. There are 141 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: investigative records, attorney-client privileged documents, and medical information.

    Subjects include : At-Will Employee lists; 8th and 9th Street Office Buildings (movement of offices and demolition of 8th Street Office Building); Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC); bird flu (AI-2002); Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC); Beltway Sniper; Black Bear Landfill; Board of Veterans Services; budgets; possible budget shutdown 2006; Capitol renovation; consolidation of Department of Environmental Quality boards; Department of Corrections media policy; Department of Game and Inland Fisheries investigation; Dulles Metro/Tysons Corner tunnel dispute; economic development; education funding error (2006); education for a lifetime; Enterprise Applications Program; eVA; Virginia tribal recognition; Norfolk Ford plant closure; Fort Monroe, Governor's Commission on Efficiency and Effectiveness (Wilder Commission); Governor's December 2006/August 2006 speech to money committees (2006 drafts); Governor's Working Group on Early Childhood Initiatives; Hurricane Isabel (including City of Poquoson aid); Hurricane Ivan; Hurricane Katrina (including reports from Leighty who helped in Louisiana); Jamestown 2007; King William Reservoir/Newport News; land conservation, including Governor Kaine's 400,000 acre land conservation initiative; rejection by General Assembly of Danny LeBlanc, Kaine's selection for Secretary of the Commonwealth; mail consolidation; Medicaid reform; menhaden fisheries management measures; mine safety; Mirant Potomac River Generating Plant (Mirant Plant) in Alexandria; moving offices to State Library Building (now the Patrick Henry Building); NASCAR Hall of Fame; No Child Left Behind (NCLB); Occoneechee State Park; Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach; Pillowtex; Pre-K; Queen Elizabeth's visit to Virginia (2007); Race to GED; Seven Hills Health Care Center, Start Strong program; state climatologist; State Library building renovation (now the Patrick Henry Building; Small, Women-owned, and Minority-owned Business (SWAM); Tax Reform (2004); transportation (HB 3202, regional authorities, Elliston Intermodal, VDOT, Real ID, I-81, VDOT commissioner, Dulles Rail, Coalfields Expressway, Woodrow Wilson Bridge, Springfield interchange, and rest stops); Tropical Depression Gaston; Tropical Storm Ernesto (includes Battery Park area in Richmond); urban issues; Virginia Election and Registration Information System (VERIS); veterans issues; Virginia Horse Center; Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) (billing issues, service issues, etc.); 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech; Virginia Information Technology Investment Board (ITIB); Virginia Works; Washington Building renovation; Wise County water shortage (2005); and workforce development.

    Notable email : Governor Kaine to Bill Leighty, Brian Shepard and Jody Wagner, 15 October 2006, re Kaine's thought's on 2nd year budget; Sherrie Harrington to Bill Leighty, 6 June 2006 with attachment - presentation to rating agencies in New York; Thanks from the Green Family, 28 September 2006; email thread between Leighty and Linda Hall re: death of detective Vicky Armel, 17 August 2006; Governor Kaine in Iraq, 14 March 2006; email thread between Leighty and Jim Waldron, that includes Leighty's thoughts on the Federal government's response to Hurricane Katrina, 24 September 2005; email exchange between Leighty and Ellen Qualls on preserving governor's web site, 3 May 2005; Leighty to Secretary of Technology Eugene Huang, re: his European trip, 18 November 2004; and email exchange between Leighty and Turnage highlighting tension between them, 28 August 2007.

    Correspondents include : Sheryl Bailey, Gerald Baliles, Viola Baskerville, Tim Bass, John Bennett, Peter Blake, Robert Bloxom; Robert Blue, Barbara Bolin, Sandra Bowen, Ric Brown, Preston Bryant, Vincent Burgess, Robert Burnley, Marc Cheatham, Ryan Childress, Aneesh Chopra, Cheryl Clark, Whitt Clement, Michael Cline, Merritt Cogswell, Clyde Cristman , Robert Crouch, Pamela Currey, Don Darr, Ralph Davis, Jo Lynne Demary, Ben Dendy, Suzette Denslow, Bill Dickinson, David Ekern, Matt Erskine, Jan Faircloth, Eileen Filler-Corn, Kim Farrar, Eric Finkbeiner, George Foresman, Manju Ganeriwala, Patrick Gottschalk, Steven Gould, Barry Green, Kevin Hall, David Hallock, Lynette Hammond, Kate Hanley, Stephen Harms, Marilyn Harris, Anna Healy, Judith Heiman, Bernard Henderson, June Hines, Pierce Homer, Amanda Howe, Eugene Huang, Margaret Hughson, Bruce Jamerson (Queen's visit), Jean Jensen, Maurice Jones, Tim Kaine, Andy Kopplin, Jeff Krause, Daniel LeBlanc, Alfonso Lopez, Jon Mangis; John Marshall, Dominic Martin (Queen's visit), Gerald Massengill, Earl McClenney, Jennie Moline, Tom Morris, Tayloe Murphy, Bill Murray, Judy Napier, George Newstrom, David Paylor, David Poisson, Charles Pyle, Ellen Qualls, Karen Rae, Paul Reagan, Scott Reed, Barbara Reese, Jim Roberts, Larry Roberts, Gail Robinson, Megan Root, Nikki Rovner, Mark Rubin, Tareq Salahi (WH crasher), Felix Sarfo-Kantanka, Jr., Michael Schewel, Saba Shami, Bill Shelton, Brian Shepard, Philip Shucet, Rick Siger, Delacey Skinner, D.B. Smit, Julie Stanley, Lem Stewart, Marilyn Tavenner, Ken Thorson, Dan Timberlake, Dietra Trent, Wayne Turnage, Fred Vincent, David Von Moll, Jody Wagner, Stephen Walz, Belle Wheelan, Michaele White, Sara R. Wilson, Jane Woods, and Richard Zorn

  • Series I. Executive Office Electronic Files, Subseries F. Wayne Turnage Email , 2006-2010 .

    This subseries contains 1046 number of email messages in one PST file: KaineLibWTurnage.pst . Wayne Turnage served as Deputy Chief of Staff (January 2006-May 2007) and as Chief of Staff to Governor Tim Kaine (May 2007-January 2010). On 23 May 2007 Chief of Staff William H. Leighty announced his retirement effective 1 September 2007. Leighty stepped down as Chief of Staff effective 25 May 2007 and Turnage assumed his duties. The Chief of Staff is the chief operating officer of state government for all aspects of service to citizens. The Chief oversees the Cabinet members and agency heads in the administration of state government and is also responsible for the operations of the Governor's Office. Governor Tim Kaine delegated additional responsibilities to Turnage in Executive Order 4 (2006) Authority and Responsibility of Chief of Staff. Turnage's PST file contained less than 1000 messages. However, a large number of Turnage's messages can be found in the email files of Deputy Chief of Staff Stephen Harms, Governor Tim Kaine, Counselor to the Governor Larry Roberts, Senior Advisor to the Governor Mark Rubin, and Chief of Staff William H. Leighty.

    The KaineLibTurnage.pst file contains 1046 email messages sent and received by Wayne Turnage between January 2006 and January 2010. There is one privacy protected and confidential email in this PST file that is restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8.

    Subjects include : 8th and 9th Street Office Buildings (movement of offices and demolition of 8th Street Office Building); audit reports; budget (budget cuts, budget development, Cabinet cuts, etc.); cabinet meeting agendas; Capitol Square parking; Council on Virginia's Future; Governor's Office (structure and performance management); Small, Women-owned, and Minority-owned Business (SWAM); transportation; urban issues/policy; and 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech.

    Notable email : email to Bill Leighty, Delacey Skinner, Brian Shepard, and Larry Roberts, 12 November 2006, transmitting memorandum on Governor's Office operations; email to Jody Wagner, 27 August 2006, transmitting Chronology of Events Which Governor Learned of Education Funding Error; email to Larry Roberts and Brian Shepard, 17 July 2006, on education funding error; and email to Leighty, 20 July 2006, forwarding an email from Roberts containing detailed Governor's Office procedures for the execution Brandon Hedrick (restricted).

    Correspondents include : Viola Baskerville, Ric Brown, [global messages to Cabinet], Aneesh Chopra, Clyde Cristman, Don Darr, Stephen Harms, Margaret Hughson, Tim Kaine, Jane Kusiak, Daniel LeBlanc, Bill Leighty, Earl McClenney, Kate Paris, Brian Shepard, and Sara Wilson.

  • Series I. Executive Office Electronic Files, Subseries G. Stephen W. Harms Email , 2006-2010 .

    This subseries contains 13563 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibsharms.pst . Stephen Harms served as Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Resources (January 2006-June 2007) and Deputy Chief of Staff (June 2007-January 2010). Harms' email file contains a large number of messages about intergovernmental operations (IGO), finance and budget issues, and health care initiatives.

    The KaineLibsharms.pst file contains 13563 email messages sent and received by Stephen Harms between January 2006 and January 2010. There are 247 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications, clemency and restoration of rights decisions/discussions, and records containing personal/personnel information.

    Subjects include : preparations for 12 February 2008 Democratic presidential primary and the 4 November 2008 presidential election; American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (federal stimulus-criteria for projects and creation of web site); archiving/records retention schedule for the Office of the Governor; briefings/budgeting for severance of at-will employees; budget cuts (revenue reports and budget cuts for Governor's Office and Cabinet); FY 2010-2012 budget development (also includes elimination of car tax and budget meeting with Governor-elect McDonnell); cabinet meetings (agendas); cabinet day(s); campus security conference (2007); Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act (CMPPA) agreement with the Social Security Administration and Virginia; annual Virginia Congressional Delegation meeting; correspondence issues (late responses, need of editing, VIP process, etc.); drought conditions; Dulles Metro/Tysons Corner tunnel dispute; education (early childhood and pre-K); state government printing expenses (Freedom of Information Act request from Delegate Scott Lingamfelter); responses to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for Governor Kaine's complete daily schedule (2009); gubernatorial transition; drafts of Governor Kaine's speeches to the Joint Money Committees of the General Assembly (December 2006, December 2007, August 2008, December 2008, August 2009 and December 2009); preparations for the 20 January 2009 presidential inauguration; smoking ban in restaurants and state office buildings; teleworking; workforce development; Family Foundation Marriage Commission; National Service Initiative; Department of General Services, Division of Real Estate Services; Statewide Agencies Radio System (STARS); transportation (Dulles Rail and abusive driver fees); unemployment insurance/Virginia Employment Commission (VEC); Virginia State Police report on terrorism groups (2009); 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech; Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) (billing issues, service issues, etc.); United We Serve; and issues with responses to VIP correspondence.

    A significant number of messages related to health and human resources issues. Subjects include: budget; Health IT Council; federal health care reform proposals; White House health care reform talking points (forwarded by Alfonso Lopez); Office of Health It; nursing program at Longwood University; Virginia SHARE network; Governor's Health Reform Commission; McKinsey proposal to Virginia; state agency issues [Commonwealth Services Act for At-Risk Youth and Families (CSA), Department of Medical Assistance (DMAS), Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services (DMHMRSAS)- name changed to Department of Behavioral Health and Development (DBHDS), Department of Rehabilitative Services (DRS), Department of Social Services (DSS), and Virginia Department of Health (VDH)]; State Executive Council (SEC); foster care; Medicaid; State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP); Family Access to Medical Insurance Security (FAMIS); Medicare Part D; Western State Hospital; Southeastern Virginia Training Center (SEVTC); Executive Directive 7 (07) Central Criminal Records Exchange; autism; prisoner re-entry; Poverty Task Force; Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cuts; fuel assistance for low-income Virginians; Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) data breach; Secretary of Health and Human Resources agency weekly reports; Olmstead (Community Integration for People with Disabilities); H1N1 strain of influenza; Sugar Grove water issue; Town of Goshen water leak; Patrick County hospital; HPV vaccine; and Seven Hills Nursing Home in City of Richmond.

    Notable email : email exchange between Wayne Turnage and Tim Kaine, 31 December 2008, re: Office Restructuring Proposal; Governor's Office procedures for the execution of Robert Stacey Yarbrough, 25 June 2008 (restricted); State Board of Election issues, 12 June 2008; email exchange between Mark Rubin et al, 28 April 2008, re: process for selecting judges; outline for gubernatorial transition, 18 April 2008; post 9/11 policy that one legislator sent to a secure location during State of the Commonwealth address, 7 January 2008; Governor Kaine's VIP mail process, 13 July 2007; Harms' thoughts on June meeting with Virginia Tech families, 25 June 2007; Email from Governor Kaine sharing his views on revenue options for 2012-2014 budget, 27 November 2009; email from Governor Kaine describing a meeting about legislation with Delegate Lacey Putney, 13 February 2008; email from Governor Kaine to senior staff sharing his thoughts on the budget, 6 February 2008, 3 February 2008, 30 January 2008, and 15 October 2007 ("Budget Issues I care about"); drafts of Health Care Reform op-ed by Tim Kaine and Mark O'Connell, 20 September 2009, 19 July 2009, 15 July 2009, 13 July 2009, 3 July 2009, and 30 June 2009; email between Tim Kaine and Wayne Turnage, State Health Insurance Policy Change (other qualified adult) and Wayne Turnage and Sara Wilson, 11 April 2009 and 12 April 2009; email from Kaine, 23 April 2007, re Reactions in the Aftermath of the Virginia Tech Shooting, 23 April 2007; email from Secretary of Health and Human Resources Marilyn Tavenner, 17 November 2009, re: list of on-going projects/issues for McDonnell Administration; "ransom note" from alleged PMP hacker forwarded by Alicia Cavanaugh, 30 April 2009; email from Robert Stroube to Marilyn Tavenner, et al with attachment listing autopsy information from Virginia Tech shooting, 18 April 2007; email exchange between Pierce Homer and Wayne Turnage on the dismal transportation budget numbers, 2 August 2009; draft of Kaine op-ed on transportation published in Washington Post,7-10 June 2009; Rest Area closure decision brief, 23 April 2009; email from Kaine sharing his thoughts on transportation, 22 July 2008; Mark Rubin's transportation to-do-list, 2 July 2008; email from Kaine to Pierce Homer, et al on transportation, 1 July 2008; drafts of Kaine's speech on transportation to joint session of General Assembly, 21-23 June 2008; email from Kaine on transportation message for roll-out and town hall meetings, 9 May 2008; email from Kaine relaying conversations he's had with state legislators on transportation issues, 8 May 2008; email from Kaine with his comments on the 21 April 2008 transportation compromise, 28 April 2008; email from Kaine relaying conversation he had with Joe May on transportation, 18 April 2008; and email from Kaine on his thoughts on transportation, 8 March 2008.

    Correspondents include : Sarah Abubaker, Amber Amato, Karen Angelici (Casey Foundation), Viola Baskerville, Tim Bass, Bennett Blodgett, Gena Boyle, Ric Brown, Preston Bryant, Kristin Burhop, Craig Burns, Patrick Callahan, Alicia Cavanaugh, Marc Cheatham, Julie Christopher, Aneesh Chopra, Julie Christopher, Anthony Conyers, Scott Crawford, Clyde Cristman, Bob Crouch, Don Darr, Suzette Denslow, Heidi Dix, Emily Ehrlichmann, William Ellwood, Michael Evans, Michael Farley (Elk Hill Farm), Eileen Filler-Corn, Patrick Finnerty, Joe Flores, Chris Freund (VP, Policy and Communications, Family Foundation of Virginia [marriage commission]), Andrea Gaines, Manju Ganeriwala, Thomas Gates, Kathy Glazer, Patrick Gottschalk, Barry Green, Kevin Hall, Phil Hamilton, Lynette Hammond, Joyce Hann, Sherrie Harrington, Bo Harris, Marilyn Harris, Bernard Henderson, Gordon Hickey, Asha Holloman, Anne Holton, Pierce Homer, Gary Janak, Gail Jaspen, Dennis Johnson, Latosha Johnson, Cindi Jones, Tim Kaine, Aryana Khalid, Karen Lawson, [John Layman - revenue reports forward], Daniel LeBlanc, Bill Leighty, Alfonso Lopez, Dean Lynch, John Marshall, Jim Martinez, Kenneth McCabe, John McDonald, Kim McGaughey, Martha Mead, Jennie Moline, Tom Morris, Marsha Mucha, Bill Murray, Linda Nablo, Kate Paris, Ray Ratke, Barbara Reese, James Reinhard, Karen Remley, Larry Roberts, Gail Robinson, James Rothrock, Mark Rubin, Sandra Ryals, Brian Shepard, Margaret Schultze, Michael Shook, Richard Silwoski, Delacey Skinner, Chris Spanos, Julie Stanley, Robert Stroube, Marilyn Tavenner, Jeff Tiller, Dan Timberlake, Lynda Tran, Dietra Trent, Wayne Turnage, Ed Turner, Michael Tutor, Seta Vandegrift, David Von Moll, Jody Wagner, Ruth Ann Walker, Sara Wilson, Patricia Wright, Beatrice Yarney, Joy Yeh, and Richard Zorn.

  • Series I. Executive Office Electronic Files, Subseries H. Marc Follmer Email , 2006-2010 .

    This subseries contains 5735 in two PST files: MFOLLMER.PST and KaineLibmfoller.pst . Marc Follmer was Deputy Director, Department of General Services (January 2006-2007), Deputy Assistant to the Governor, Office of Commonwealth Preparedness (2007-2009) and Senior Advisor to the Governor (2009-January 2010). He also was a member of Virginia Tech Working Group.

    • MFOLLMER.pst , 2006-2010 .

      The MFOLLMER.pst file contains 5524 emails sent and received by Marc Follmer between January 2006 and January 2010. There are 125 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications, clemency and restoration of rights decisions/discussions, and records containing personal/personnel information.

      Subjects include : 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech including work group established in Governor's Office to implement the settlement agreement between the Commonwealth and families; Virginia's response to the Melendez-Diaz v. Massachusetts, 557 U.S. 205 (2009), United States Supreme Court decision that ruled that it was a violation of the Sixth Amendment right of confrontation for a prosecutor to submit lab testing results without the testimony of the person who performed the test; 2009 hurricane preparedness sales tax holiday; H1N1 strain of influenza; Virginia Business Credentials Program-Priority Access Stakeholder System (PASS); Secure Commonwealth Panel; revisions to Executive Order 6 (2006) Delegation of Governor's Authority to Declare a State of Emergency and to Call the Virginia National Guard to Active Service for Emergencies or Disasters when the Governor is Out of the Commonwealth of Virginia and Cannot be Reached; Air Force Cyber Command (AFCYBER); HB 1687 (2009) Motor vehicle dealers; disclosure if financing, cancellation of purchaser's contract to buy vehicle; HB 1983 (2009) Governor-declared emergency; provides civil immunity for private and charitable organizations; American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (federal stimulus); Real ID; Secure Commonwealth Panel; Fort Monroe including Fort Monroe Federal Area Development Authority (FMFADA); hurricane preparedness; gubernatorial disability; Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC); Business and Industry Sub Panel; campus security conference (2007); mortgage foreclosure task force; Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach; Office of Commonwealth Preparedness budget cuts; Office of Commonwealth Preparedness legislation; Ready Virginia; Virginia Military Advisory Council (VMAC); and Virginia National Defense Industrial Authority (VNDIA).

      Correspondents include : Amber Amato, Curtis Brown, Preston Bryant, Mar Cheatham, Bob Crouch, Nicholas Donohue, Chris Essid, Douglas Fierberg, Lynette Hammond, Stephen Harms, Alleyn Harned, Marilyn Harris, Wendy Hoffman, Catherine Hutchins, Elizabeth Kersey, Bill Leighty, Robert Mauskapf, Constance McGeorge, Steven Mondul, Susan Mongold, Steve Owens, Kate Paris, Barbara Reese, Nikki Rovner, Mark Rubin, Joe Samaha, Megan Samford, Phil Schaenman, Brian Shepard, Rick Siger, Richard Silwoski, Kerry Stuver, Lynda Tran, Dietra Trent, Virginia Retail Merchants Association, Sara Wilson, Robert Young, and Richard Zorn.

    • KaineLibmfoller.pst , 2006-2009 .

      The KaineLibmfoller.pst file contains 211 emails sent and received by Marc Follmer between October 2006 and December 2009. Subjects include: Virginia Secure Commonwealth Panel. Correspondents include: Don Butts and Leigh B. Middleton, Jr.

  • Series I. Executive Office Electronic Files, Subseries I. Sherrie Harrington Email , 2007-2010 .

    This subseries contains 2176 emails in two PST files: SHARRINGTON.pst and KaineLibsharrington.pst . Sherrie Harrington was Confidential Assistant to Governor Tim Kaine from January 2006 to January 2010.

    • SHARRINGTON.pst , 2007-2010 .

      The SHARRINGTON.pst file contains 2163 emails sent and received by Sherrie Harrington between December 2007 and January 2010. There are 54 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications, clemency and restoration of rights decisions/discussions, and records containing personal/personnel information.

      Subjects include : 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech; procedures for and issues with responses to VIP correspondence; Virginia tribal recognition; gifts for governor; and arrangements for President Barack Obama to call in to Governor Kaine's final Ask the Governor program on WTOP radio in December 2009.

      Notable email : Brian Chiglinsky, a Constituent Services staff member, was on "loan" as Governor Kaine's aide, filling in for Harrington (who was teleworking on Monday and Wednesday, beginning in November 2008), and made frequent email reports to Harrington about what happened in the office and with the Governor.

      Correspondents include : Amber Amato, Gena Boyle, Connie Briggs, Preston Bryant, Kimberly Busch, Marc Cheatham, Brian Chiglinsky, Beau Cribbs, Carol Denson, Catherine Evans, Cathy Ghidotti, Martha Hazelgrove, Gordon Hickey, Darryl Holt, Anne Holton, Tim Kaine, Lorraine Lintecum, Alfonso Lopez, Jennie Moline, Ryan Newcomb, Kate Paris, Barbara Reese, Mark Rubin, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, Marilyn Tavenner, and Stephen Walz.

    • KaineLibsharrington.pst , 2007-2010 .

      The KaineLibsharrington.pst file contains 13 emails sent and received by Sherrie Harrington between June 2007 and July 2008. There are 9 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: clemency and restoration of rights decisions/discussions and records containing personal/personnel information.

      Subjects include : 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech; and Percy Walton. All correspondence are from Larry Roberts.

  • Series I. Executive Office Electronic Files, Subseries J. Kate Paris Email , 2007-2010 .

    This subseries contains 874 emails in two PST files: KateLibParis.pst and KPARIS.pst . Kate Paris was Special Assistant to the Counselor to the Governor (2006-2007) and Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff and Counselor to the Governor (2007-2010).

    • KateLibParis.pst , 2006-2010 .

      The KateLibParis.pst file contains 262 emails sent and received by Kate Paris between September 2006 and January 2010. There are 55 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: clemency and restoration of rights decisions/discussions and records containing personal/personnel information.

      Subjects include : 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech (meetings and updates for families); state agency head meeting; budget; American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (federal stimulus); and Norfolk Four (restricted).

      Correspondents include : Preston Bryant, Larry Roberts, Mark Rubin, Dan Timberlake, Wayne Turnage, David Von Moll, and Sara Wilson.

    • KPARIS.pst , 2007-2010 .

      The KPARIS.pst file contains 612 emails sent and received by Kate Paris between June 2006 and January 2010. There are 39 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: clemency and restoration of rights decisions/discussions and records containing personal/personnel information.

      Subjects include : 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech (meetings and updates for families); agency contract spending; budget; cabinet meeting agendas; constituent correspondence; American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (federal stimulus); drought conditions; election security working group; and gubernatorial transition.

      Correspondents include : Sherrie Harrington, Barbara Reese; Larry Roberts, Mark Rubin, and Wayne Turnage.

  • Series I. Executive Office Electronic Files, Subseries K. Margaret Hughson Email , 2005-2007 .

    This subseries contains 389 emails in one PST files: Mhughson.pst . Margaret Hughson served as Governor Mark Warner's Director of Constituent Services (2005-2006) and Executive Assistant to Chief of Staff William H. Leighty in Governor Tim Kaine's administration (2006-2007). Hughson also coordinated the Warner and Kaine's administration records management and archiving activities. During her time of service, she was the Library of Virginia's primary contact for these issues.

    Subjects include : state agency head meeting; archiving of Governor's records for Warner and Kaine administrations; and 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech (letters of support).

    Correspondents include : Ariel Billmeier, Roger Christman, Conley Edwards, William H. Leighty, Paige Neal, Wayne Turnage and Mark Walsh.

  • Series I. Executive Office Electronic Files, Subseries L. Sarah Plumb Email , 2007-2008 .

    This subseries contains 1022 emails in one PST files: KaineLibSPlumb.pst . Sarah Plumb served as Director of External Relations from 2007 to October 2008. One privacy protected and confidential email in this PST file is restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8.

    Subjects include : Virginia Tech Review Panel report; Education (Pre-K); revenue advisory group; transportation (2008 town hall meetings); and State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).

    Correspondents include : Jean Bankos, Andrew K. Block, Gena Boyle, Lauren Cunningham, Suzette Denslow, Andrea Gaines, Kathy Glazer, Julia Hammond, Pierce Homer, Michael Kelly, Barbara Reese, Larry Roberts, Mark Rubin, Felix Sarfo-Kantanka, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, Jeff Southard, and Jeff Tiller.

  • Series I. Executive Office Electronic Files, Subseries M. Beau Cribbs Email , 2007-2010 .

    This subseries contains 248 in two PST files: BCRIBBS.pst and KaineLibBCribbs.pst . Cribbs was a Special Assistant in Constituent Services (2007-2008) and Executive Aide to the Governor (2008-2010).

    • BCRIBBS.pst , 2007 .

      The BCRIBBS.pst file contains 21 emails sent and received by Beau Cribbs in 2007. All of the correspondents were related to constituent services work and were between Cribbs and Amber Amato, Director of Constituent Services.

    • KaineLibBCribbs.pst , 2007-2010 .

      The KaineLibBCribbs.pst file contains 227 emails sent and received by Beau Cribbs between 2007-2010. Subjects are primarily constituent correspondents work and declined invitations handled by Cribbs in his role as Executive Aide to the Governor.

  • Series I. Executive Office Electronic Files, Subseries N. Bryce Schunke Email , 2009 .

    This subseries contains 12 emails in one PST files: BSCHUNKE.pst . Bryce Schunke served as a Governor's Legal Fellow in 2009. All 12 emails contain privacy protected and confidential information that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: clemency and restoration of rights decisions/discussions.

  • Series I. Executive Office Electronic Files, Subseries O. Sarah Robertson Email , 2009 .

    This subseries contains 2 emails in one PST files: SROBERTSON.pst . Sarah Robertson served as a Governor's Legal Fellow in 2009. Both emails contain privacy protected and confidential information that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: clemency and restoration of rights decisions/discussions.

Series II. Policy Office Electronic Files , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .
Extent: 23308 emails.

The Policy Office Electronic Files series documents the electronic communication of the Policy Office of the Kaine Administration. This series contains 23308 emails in 8 subseries. Subseries have been designated for A. Steven P. Gould Email; B. Suzette Denslow Email; C. Felix Sarfo-Kantanka Email; D. Gena Boyle Email; E. Jennie Moline Email; F. Maribel Ramos Email; G. Megan Root Email; and H. Barbara Reese Email. There are 300 privacy protected and confidential emails in this series that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications, and records containing personal/personnel information. The PST file for Brian Shepard, Policy Director, was empty. However, email messages sent by Shepard may be found in the email files of other members of the Kaine Administration (Executive Office, Policy Office, etc.).

The Policy Office is a division of the Office of the Governor in the Executive Branch of Virginia state government. The Policy Director is responsible for planning and implementing the Governor's policy initiatives, including proposed legislation, as well as overseeing the Administration's response to legislation and initiatives proposed by legislators and other interested parties. The Policy Director is responsible for managing the Governor's Office review of regulations and for the development and issuance of executive orders and executive directives. Brian Sheppard held this position during Governor Timothy M. Kaine's administration (2006-2010).

The Policy Director was assisted in his responsibilities by a Legislative Director/Deputy Policy Director (William L. Murray, January 2006-May 2007; Suzette Denslow, May 2007-January 2009; and Barbara Reese, January 2009-January 2010), Senior Advisor (Mark E. Rubin) and Policy Staff (Steven Gould, 2006-2007; Felix Sarfo-Katanka, Jr., 2006-2007; Gena Boyle, January 2006-December 2009; Maribel Ramos, 2006-2007; Joyce Walton; Jennie Moline, 2006-2009; Hayes Framme, 2006-2008; Marc Cheatham; and Megan Root). The Policy Director and Legislative Director were also a member of the Governor's Leadership Team.

  • Series II. Policy Office Electronic Files, Subseries A. Steven P. Gould Email , 2006-2007 .

    This subseries contains 594 emails in one PST files: Archive.pst . Steven Gould served as Senior Special Assistant to the Governor for Policy from January 2006 to July 2007 when he left the Kaine administration to attend law school. Gould previously worked as Policy Assistant for Governor Mark Warner. During the Kaine administration, Gould focused on agriculture and forestry, commerce and trade, technology, and workforce development issues. He also coordinated the Governor's Fellows program.

    Subjects include : 2006 and 2007 bill signing requests from legislators and interested parties; agriculture and forestry; consumer data privacy working group (Executive Directive 5-Protecting Consumer Privacy); Governor's Fellows Program; housing; legislation; Northern Virginia Technology Council executive trip to southside Virginia with Governor Kaine, June 2007; roadless rule for two national forests (George Washington and Jefferson); and workforce issues.

    Correspondents include : Andres Alvarez, Gena Boyle, Steve Bridges, Bill Dickinson, Patrick Gottschalk, Daniel LeBlanc, William H. Leighty, Bill Murray, Nikki Rovner, Mark Rubin, Felix Sarfo-Kantanka, Brian Shepard, Rick Siger, and Ed Turner.

  • Series II. Policy Office Electronic Files, Subseries B. Suzette Denslow Email , 2007-2009 .

    This subseries contains 452 emails in one PST files: SDENSLOW.PST . Suzette Denslow served as Governor Kaine's Deputy Director of Policy and Legislative Director from May 2007 to January 2009 when she left the Kaine administration to become Chief of Staff to Richmond Mayor Dwight C. Jones. One privacy protected and confidential email is this file is restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Denslow previously worked as Deputy and Director of Policy for Governor Mark Warner. During the Kaine administration, Denslow focused on legislation, education issues and foster care.

    Subjects include : education (including funding for Pre-K, teacher salaries, budget); legislation, smoking ban; fuel issues (Virginia Petroleum Convenience and Grocery Association); foster care; drafts of an executive order for Hurricane Hanna (September 2008); and legislation.

    Correspondents include : Jean Bankos, Craig Burns, Michael Cline, Alex Daniel, Kent Dickey, Al Eisenberg, David Englin, Emmett Hanger, Bob Herndon, Anne Holton, Lynette Isbell, Tim Kaine, William H. Leighty, Joseph Maroon, Mike O'Connor, David Poisson, Mark Rubin, Brian Shepard, Mira Siner, Dr. Thomas W.D. Smith, David Toscano, Dietra Trent, and Wayne Turnage.

  • Series II. Policy Office Electronic Files, Subseries C. Felix Sarfo-Kantanka Email , 2006-2007 .

    This subseries contains 5601 emails in one PST files: FSarfo-Kantanka.pst . There are 167 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: personal information. Felix Sarfo-Kantanka served as Special Assistant to the Governor for Policy in the Kaine administration from January 2006 to November 2007. Sarfo-Kantanka worked as liaison between Public Secretary Office, Office of Commonwealth Preparedness and the General Assembly. He also assisted Deputy Counselor Mark Rubin with vetting Virginia Supreme Court candidates. He left the administration to join McGuireWoods Consulting as Assistant Vice President for State Government Relations.

    Subjects include : legislation (including bill review); Executive Orders related to Commonwealth Preparedness/Public Safety; Fort Monroe; constituent correspondence; decision briefs; policy office staff assignments; policy background memorandums primarily for Public Safety/Commonwealth Preparedness events attended by Governor Kaine; indigent defense (SB1168/HB2361 - 2007 session); Commission on Sexual Violence; 5th anniversary of 9/11 memorial event; Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program (MSDEP); military and veterans issues; Hurricane Evacuation and Sheltering Task Force; 2006 transportation town hall meetings; Air Force Cyber Command (AFCYBER); Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC); Governor's Campus Security Conference (13 August 2007); emergency communication systems (interoperability); Gabriel Prosser "pardon" (letter to Linda Thomas, President, Virginia State Conference NAACP; Department of Corrections hair grooming policy; Virginia Crime Commission's Illegal Immigration Taskforce/immigration issues; fire programs funding/state fire marshall legislation; and Drive to Work program.

    Correspondents include : Amber Amato, Sindy Benavides, Bennett Blodgett, Al Bowers, Gena Boyle, Gregory L. Brittingham, Curtis Brown, Erin Bryant, Kim Busch, Marc Cheatham, Steven Combs, Clyde Cristman, Robert Crouch, Marla Decker, Suzette Denslow, Betsy Wells Edwards, Chris Essid, Marc Follmer, Hayes Framme, Iva Frizzle, Steven Gould, Kevin Hall, Sherrie Harrington, Marilyn Harris, Martha Hazelgrove, Maurice A. Henderson, II, Wendy Hoffman, Tim Kaine, Robert Kemmler, Anne Leigh Kerr, Jeff Kraus, William H. Leighty, Thomas A. Lisk, Alfonso Lopez, John Marshall, Constance McGeorge, Jennie Moline, Steven M. Mondul, William Murray, Steve Owens, Sarah Plumb, Maribel Ramos, Larry Roberts, Mark Rubin, Aimee Perron Seibert, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, Dawn Smith, Jeff Tiller, Dietra Trent, Wayne Turnage, Jacklyn Varela, and Aaron Ver.

  • Series II. Policy Office Electronic Files, Subseries D. Gena Boyle Email , 2006-2009 .

    This subseries contains 2586 emails in one PST files: GBOYLE.pst . There are 2 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client privileged information. Gena Boyle served as Special Assistant to the Governor for Policy in the Kaine administration from January 2006 to December 2009. Boyle provided policy advice in the areas of Health and Human Resources, Natural Resources and Agriculture and Forestry.

    Subjects include : agriculture issues, autism; bill signings; Chesapeake Bay issues; cigarette tax; Commission on Sexual Violence; energy issues (including ethanol waiver and off-shore drilling); database breach notification (consumer data privacy); executive orders/executive directives; federal health care reform proposals; firearms in state parks; For Keeps initiative (foster care); Governor's Commission on Climate Change; Governor's Health Reform Commission; health and human resources issues; health care; legislation; natural resources issues; payday lending; Physical Evidence Recovery Kit (PERK); Puppy Mills; regulations (HHR and NR); Renew Virginia Initiatives (energy); Scapie eradication; smoking ban in restaurants; SGA Climate Change Initiative; State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP); and Virginia Commission on Immigration/immigration issues.

    Notable email includes : email from Preston Bryant, Secretary of Natural Resources and former member of the Virginia House of Delegates, to Gena Boyle, 25 July 2007, providing his analysis/profile of members of the General Assembly and their views on natural resource issues.

    Correspondents include : Sindy Benavides, Bennett Blodgett, Robert Bloxom, Erin Bryant, Preston Bryant, Kristin Burhop, Alicia Cavanaugh, Jeff Corbin, Suzette Denslow, Carol Denson, Bill Dickinson, Heidi Dix, David Dowling, Patrick Finnerty, Carl E. Garrison, Kristine Hall, Todd Haymore, Anne Holton, Lynette Isbell, Gail Jaspen, Anne Leigh Kerr, Aryan Khalid, Heidi Lawyer, Alfonso Lopez, Kim McGaughey, Joseph Maroon, Bill Norris, Bonnie Price, Ray Ratke, Nikki Rovener, Mark Rubin, Felix Sarfo-Kantanka, Margaret Schultze, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, Kim Snead, Marilyn Tavenner, Wayne Turnage, and Stephen Walz.

  • Series II. Policy Office Electronic Files, Subseries E. Jennie Moline Email , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2008) .
    Extent: 5694 emails

    This subseries contains 5694 emails in two PST files: JMOLINE.pst and JMOLINE2.pst . Jennie Moline served as a Special Assistant to the Governor for Policy from January 2006 to 10 December 2008. Moline was the liaison between the Governor's Office, Secretary of Education's office, Secretary of Administration's office, and Workforce office. In education, she focused on pre-k, Special Education regulations and Standards of Accreditation, Career and Technical Education initiatives, Southern Regional Education Board (SHREB), National Governors Association (NGA) and higher education restructuring. In administration, Moline focused on elections and SWAM (The Small, Women-owned, and Minority-owned Business) initiatives. In workforce, she attended workforce subcabinet meetings, Virginia Workforce Council issues, the transition to the VCCS and the one-stops. Moline left the administration in December 2008 to work Terry McAuliffe's unsuccessful 2009 gubernatorial campaign. She returned to the administration as a part-time employee working with scheduling/communications from 8 September 2009 to January 2010.

    • JMOLINE.pst , 2006-2008 .

      The JMOLINE.pst file contains 5524 emails sent and received by Jennie Moline between January 2006 and December 2008. There are 37 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78 and 2.2-3800. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: records containing personal/personnel information.

      Subjects include : background and talking points for governor (primarily education events); constituent correspondence; education (Early Childhood, Pre-K, Department of Education legislative proposals, funding, regulations, Start Strong, Smart Beginnings, special education, Standards of Accreditation); Governor's Working Group on Early Childhood Initiatives; elections (legislation); Healthy Virginians; Interfaith Service of Remembrance and Hope (20 April 2007, Richmond); legislation (including bill review); National Governors Association (NGA) Education , Early Childhood, Workforce Committee (ECW); Pell grants; Queen Elizabeth's visit to Virginia (2007); Southern Regional Education Board (SREB); State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV); Virginia Community College System (VCCS); and workforce development.

      Notable email includes : emails from Kathy Glazer, Executive Director, Governor's Working Group on Early Childhood Initiatives, to various administration officials, dated 22 September 2006 and 2 October 2006, containing Glazer's notes from education meetings across the commonwealth.

      Correspondents include : James Alcorn, Jean Bankos, Peter Blake, Bennett Blodgett, Gena Boyle, Kim Busch, Billy Cannaday, Angela Cioffi, Suzette Denslow, Kent Dickey, Marc Emblidge, Laura Fornash, Doug Garcia, Cathy Ghidotti, Kathy Glazer, Judith E. Heiman, Joe Hilbert, Amanda Howe, Gary Janak, Robley Jones, Tim Kaine, Sheree Kaplan, Anna Kimsey, Rob Krupicka, Danny LeBlanc, Stephanie Maltz, Juanita McHale, Tom Morris, William Murray, Kristen Nelson, Shaylah Nunn, Kelly Powell, Charles Pyle, Maribel Ramos, Gail Robinson, Nancy Rodrigues, Megan Root, Mark Rubin, Brian Shepard, Richard Sliwoski, Delacey Skinner, Sandra Treadway, Wayne Turnage, Ed Turner, Linda Wallinger, Emily Ward, Anne Wescott, Patricia Wright, and Richard Zorn.

    • JMOLINE2.pst , 2009-2010 .

      The JMOLINE2.pst file contains 170 emails sent and received by Jennie Moline between September 2009 and January 2010. There is one privacy protected and confidential email in this PST file that is restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78 and 2.2-3800. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: records containing personal/personnel information.

      Subjects include : event logistics (including talking points).

      Correspondents include : Alleyn Harned, Amanda Howe, Michael Kelly, Megan Root, Brian Shepard, Lynda Tran, and Patricia Wright.

  • Series II. Policy Office Electronic Files, Subseries F. Maribel Ramos Email , 2006-2007 .

    This subseries contains 394 emails in one PST files: Inbox.pst . Maribel Ramos served as Special Assistant to the Governor for Policy in the Kaine administration from January 2006 to March 2007. Ramos provided policy advice in the areas of administration and natural resources. Ramos left the administration in March 2007 to work for Virginia Senator Jim Webb.

    Subjects include : legislation (bill review with focus on Administration and Natural Resources).

    Correspondents include : Viola Baskerville, Gena Boyle, Preston Bryant, Tim Kaine, Bill Leighty, Bill Murray, Missy Neff, Nikki Rovner, Brian Shepard, Richard Sliwoski, Karen Smith, and Richard Zorn.

  • Series II. Policy Office Electronic Files, Subseries G. Megan Root Email , 2006-2010 .

    This subseries contains 2293 emails in one PST files: KaineLibMRoot.pst . There are 58 attorney-client privileged emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Megan Root served as Executive Assistant to the Senior Advisor for Workforce from August 2006 to January 2008. Root served as Special Assistant to the Governor for Policy from January 2008 to January 2010. Root provided policy advice in the areas of education, workforce development, and regulations.

    Subjects include : archiving; energy; legislation (bill review, talking points, Budget Action Reports, tracking, Attorney General's Office review of legislation); education (Governor's College and Career Readiness Summit; Race to the Top, Virginia Privacy Act, Southern Regional Education Board (SREB), special education regulations); and workforce development (Governor's Workforce Development Strategic Plan, Workforce Investment Board, Virginia Workforce Council, establishment of Comprehensive One Stop Centers).

    Correspondents include : Sarah Abubaker, Jean Bankos, Chris Bast, Peter Blake, Angela Bowser, Gena Boyle, Brian Davis, Paula Dehetre, Kent Dickey, Douglas Garcia, Katya Herndon, Gordon Hickey, Margaret Hughson, Gary Janak, Tim Kaine, Michael Kelly, Kathy Glazer, Daniel LeBlanc, Deborrah Mahone, Jennie Moline, Tom Morris, Kirsten Nelson, Bill Norris, Shaylah Nunn, Charles Pyle, Barbara Reese, Gail Robinson, Mark Rubin, Jacqueline Scott, Brian Shepard, Dan Timberlake, Stephen Walz, Anne Wescott, and Patricia Wright.

  • Series II. Policy Office Electronic Files, Subseries H. Barbara Reese Email , 2009-2010 .
    Extent: 5694 emails

    This subseries contains 5694 emails in two PST files: BREESE.pst and GOVPOLibV2.pst . Barbara Reese served as Deputy Policy Director from January 2009 to January 2010. Reese lead the implementation of Virginia's $5 billion share of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act including program and project design, implementation, reporting, and auditing. She also directed Virginia's $2 billion High Speed Rail Program and federal application process. Reese served as Legislative Director following the departure of Suzette Denslow in January 2009. She also served as Deputy Secretary of Transportation from July 2007 to January 2009.

    • BREESE.pst , 2009-2010 .

      The BREESE.pst file contains 1485 emails sent and received by Barbara Reese between January 2009 and January 2010. There are 5 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications.

      Subjects include : American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (federal stimulus - projects, guidelines, web site development, implementation); fiscal 2010-2012 budget development; draft/outline of Kaine's speeches to the Joint Money Committees of the General Assembly (August 2009, December 2009); Enterprise Zones; High Speed Rail; Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds; REAL ID; Dulles Toll Road; Virginia Port Authority; Energy Performance PPEA; unemployment insurance/Virginia Employment Commission (VEC); and legislation.

      Notable email includes : email from Reese to Brian Shepard transmitting draft of 2009 Reconvened Session Vetoes and Amendments Talking Points, dated 6 April 2009.

      Correspondents include : Gena Boyle, Craig Burns, Pierce Homer, Tim Kaine, Gail Robinson, Megan Root, Mark Rubin, Brian Shepard, Bill Shelton, Richard Sliwoski, D.B. Smit, Marilyn Tavenner, Dan Timberlake, Lynda Tran, Dietra Trent, Wayne Turnage, David Von Moll, Stephen Walz, Eva Whitley, and Patricia Wright.

    • GOVPOLLibV2.pst , 2009-2010 .

      The GOVPOLLibV2.pst file contains 4209 emails sent and received by Barbara Reese between January 2009 and January 2010. There are 29 privacy protected and confidential email in this PST file that is restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78 and 2.2-3800. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: records containing attorney-client communications and personal/personnel information.

      Subjects include : American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (federal stimulus - projects, guidelines, web site development, implementation); legislation (bill review, amendments, notes from conversations with members of the General Assembly about legislation, talking points, bill signing requests, administration position on select bills, and 2010 legislative proposals); Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds; Qualified School Construction Bonds (QSCB); 2008-2010 budget cuts/amendments; Virginia's response to the Melendez-Diaz v. Massachusetts, 557 U.S. 205 (2009), United States Supreme Court decision that ruled that it was a violation of the Sixth Amendment right of confrontation for a prosecutor to submit lab testing results without the testimony of the person who performed the test; 2010-2012 budget development; energy; unemployment insurance; 95/395 HOT lanes; Dulles Toll Road; TIGER Discretionary Grant program; Virginia Port Authority/APM Terminals; REAL ID; and rest area closures.

      Notable email includes : email exchange between Tim Kaine and Wayne Turnage on the administration's proposed process to manage stimulus money, 5 February 2009 (forwarded to Barbara Reese by Turnage); and email to senior administration officials from Wayne Turnage outlining work groups and procedures for economic stimulus package, 5, 2-3 February 2009.

      Correspondents include : Jeffrey Allen, Amber Amato, Kristen Amundson, Arthur Anderson, II, Janet Aylor, Charles Badger, Chris Bast, Gena Boyle, Ric Brown, Preston Bryant, Craig Burns, Young Ho Chang, Marc Cheatham, Ed Crooks, Don Darr, Kent Dickey, Nick Donohue, Manju Ganeriwala, Melinda Glazer, Lynette Hammond, Stephen Harms, Sherrie Harrington, Marilyn Harris, Mark Haskins, Gordon Hickey, Pierce Homer, Karen Jackson, Tim Kaine, Michael Kelly, Malcolm Kerley, Wes Kleene, John Lawson, Alfonso Lopez, Michael Maul, Jo Anne Maxwell, Declan McManus, Kevin Page, Kate Paris, David Paylor, Megan Root, Nikki Rovner, Mark Rubin, Bill Shelton, Brian Shepard, D.B. Smit, Dan Timberlake, Lynda Tran, Dietra Trent, Wayne Turnage, David Von Moll, Stephen Walz, Evie Whitley, and Patricia Wright.

Series III. Communications Office Electronic Files , 2005-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .
Extent: 22062 emails.

The Communications Office Electronic Files series documents the electronic communication of the Communication Office of the Kaine Administration. This series contains 22064 emails in twelve (12) subseries. Subseries have been designated for A. Lynda Tran Email; B. Jeff Kraus Email; C. Gordon Hickey Email; D. Maurice A. Henderson II Email; E. Jeff Tiller Email; F. Robin Winchell Email; G. Michael Kelly Email; H. Lauren Cunningham Email; I. Doug Scott Email; J. Laura DeLibero Email; K. Amanda Howe Email; and L. Michaele White Email. There are 127 privacy protected and confidential emails in this series that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: clemency records, and records containing personal/personnel information. The PST files for Delacey Skinner, Communications Director from January 2006 to December 2008, and Kevin Hall, Press Secretary from January 2006 to November 2007, were empty. However, email messages sent by Skinner and Hall may be found in the email files of other members of the Kaine Administration (Executive Office, Policy Office, Communications Office, etc.).

The Communications Office is a division of the Office of the Governor in the Executive Branch of Virginia state government. The Communications Office promotes the Governor's initiatives and priorities outside of government, as well as monitoring coverage of the Governor from outside, independent news sources. During Governor Timothy M. Kaine's administration (2002-2010), the Communications Director strategically explained the Administration's priorities to the public in a variety of media. Any statement written or otherwise attributed to the Governor had to be cleared with Communications. The Communications Director was assisted in her responsibilities by a Press Secretary, additional press staff, a web master, and a photographer. In addition, the Communications Director oversaw the work of the Constituent Services Director whose staff members promptly responded to inquiries of the pubic received via mail, phone and email. The Communications Director was also a member of the Governor's Leadership Team. Delacey Skinner (January 2006-December 2008) and Lynda Tran (January 2009-January 2010) held this position during the Kaine administration (2006-2010).

The Communications Director was assisted in her responsibilities by a Press Secretary (Kevin Hall, January 2006-October 2007, and Gordon Hickey, October 2007-January 2010). Jeff Kraus served as Senior Advisor to the Governor and Speech writer from January 2006 to January 2007.

  • Series III. Communications Office Electronic Files, Subseries A. Lynda Tran Email , 2009-2010 .

    The subseries contains 6844 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibLTran.pst . Lynda Tran served as Communications Director from January 2009 to January 2010. There are 86 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: clemency records and records containing personal/personnel information.

    Subjects include : Chesapeake Bay; gubernatorial transition (Kaine to McDonnell); drafts/edits of press releases; review of Kaine quotes; responses to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for Governor Kaine's complete daily schedule (2009); responses to press inquiries; arrangements for President Barack Obama to call in to Governor Kaine's final Ask the Governor program on WTOP radio on 22 December 2009; drafts of Kaine's State of the Commonwealth Address (2009 and 2010); drafts of Kaine's speeches to the Joint Money Committees of the General Assembly (August 2009, December 2009); clemency (Jens Soering, Larry Bill Elliott, John Allen Muhammad, Norfolk Four, Edward Bell-all restricted); preparations for the 20 January 2009 presidential inauguration; American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (federal stimulus-including development of Virginia stimulus website); Kaine administration accomplishments document; drafts of op-ed articles by Kaine (payday lending, end-of-term, Chesapeake Bay); event briefings/talking points; unemployment insurance; resignation of Tareq Salahi (White House party crasher) from Virginia Tourism Corporation board (2009); tax amnesty program (2009); smoking ban in restaurants; Dept. of Health Professions Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) data breach; H1N1 strain of influenza; Kaine's 400,000 acre land conservation initiative (includes Biscuit Run property in Albemarle County); Asian oysters in the Chesapeake Bay; controversy over Department of State Police 2009 Virginia Terrorism Threat Assessment: Universities Possible Terror Portals; Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) (management issues); broadband program; rest area closures; and 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech.

    Notable email includes : email correspondence between Tran and Anita Kumar of the Washington Post, dated 9 December 2009, on resignation of Tareq Salahi from Virginia Tourism Authority (contains Salahi resignation letter); and email to Governor Kaine from Lynda Tran, dated 29 January 2009, containing her proposed communications plan.

    Correspondents include : Amber Amato, Viola Baskerville, Chris Bast, Bennett Blodgett, Gena Boyle, Ric Brown, Preston Bryant, Craig Burns, Kim Busch, Marc Cheatham, Aneesh Chopra, Jeff Corbin, Beau Cribbs, Bob Crouch, Lauren Cunningham, Don Darr, Nick Donohue, Shane Emmett, Eric Finkbeiner, Marc Follmer, Greg Garner, Cathy Ghidotti, Phil Giaramita, Patrick Gottschalk, Mark Halperin, Lynette Hammond, Stephen Harms, Alleyn Harned, Sherrie Harrington, Marilyn Harris, Todd Haymore, Roz Helderman, Bernard Henderson, Fred Hiatt, Gordon Hickey, Anne Holton, Pierce Homer, Amanda Howe, Karen Jackson, Tim Kaine, Michael Kelly, Martin Kent, Aryana Khalid, Anita Kumar, Bob Lewis, Travis Loop, Alfonso Lopez, J. Tucker Martin, John Marshall, Marianne McGhee, Megan McGuire, Christie Miller, James Nolan, Kate Paris, Len Pomata, Dena Potter, Barbara Reese, Karen Remley, Larry Roberts, Megan Root, Nikki Rovner, Mark Rubin, Doug Scott, Brian Shepard, Marilyn Tavenner, Dan Timberlake, Wayne Turnage, David Von Moll, and Julian Walker.

  • Series III. Communications Office Electronic Files, Subseries B. Jeff Kraus Email , 2006-2007 .

    The subseries contains 2705 email messages in one PST file: Jkraus.pst . Jeff Kraus served as Senior Advisor to the Governor and Speech writer from January 2006 to January 2007. Kraus served as Deputy Communications Director during Tim Kaine's 2005 gubernatorial campaign and Lt. Governor Kaine's Communications Director (2003-2005). He left the administration in January 2007 for a position with the Virginia Community College System. Kraus wrote speeches, op-ed pieces, talking points, and letters to government officials for Governor Kaine. Kraus also wrote several speeches for First Lady Ann Holton. He served as Kaine's liaison for special projects including Jamestown 2007 commemoration.

    Subjects include : Freedman's Bank historical marker in Richmond; drafts of speeches, remarks, talking points, etc. for Governor Kaine (includes background information); drafts of speeches and remarks for First Lady Anne Holton (including background information); draft of piece by Kaine describing his 12-17 March 2006 trip to visit Virginia troops in Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan; Jamestown 2007 planning (including issues related to Tareq Salahi); 2006 transportation plan (speeches, talking points and Town Hall meetings); drafts of Kaine's State of the Commonwealth Address (2007); drafts of Kaine's speeches to the Joint Money Committees of the General Assembly (August 2006 and December 2006); and drafts of Kaine's biography for web site.

    Correspondents include : Viola Baskerville, Preston Bryant, Kim Busch, James Carr, Marc Cheatham, Aneesh Chopra, Kevin Crossett, B. Hayes Framme, Manju Ganeriwala, Cathy Ghidotti, Steven Gould, Kevin Hall, Sherrie Harrington, Carrie Henderson, Maurcie Henderson, II, Asha Holloman, Anne Holton, Pierce Homer, Tim Kaine, Bill Leighty, Emily Lockhart, John Marshall, Jane Minerly, Jennie Moline, Tom Morris, Bill Murray, Missy Neff, Maribel Ramos, Barbara Reese, Larry Roberts, Nikki Rovner, Mark Rubin, Tareq Salahi, Felix Sarfo-Kantanka, Brian Shepard, Rick Siger, Delacey Skinner, Marilyn Tavenner, Jeff Tiller, Dietra Trent, Wayne Turnage and Richard Zorn.

  • Series III. Communications Office Electronic Files, Subseries C. Gordon Hickey Email , 2007-2010 .

    The subseries contains 6250 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibGHickey.pst . Hickey served as Press Secretary to Governor Kaine from October 2007 to January 2010. Hickey had previously worked as a reporter for the Richmond Times Dispatch . As Press Secretary, Hickey answered all media inquiries concerning the Kaine's administration on issues. He provided background information to reporters, approved quotes from the Governor, and wrote, edited, and approved press releases. Hickey, as member of the Governor's Leadership Team, advised the Governor on media issues. There are 30 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: clemency records and records containing personal/personnel information.

    Subjects include : transportation (abusive driver fees, rest stops, legislation); background information for and drafts of press releases and talking points (includes press releases never issued); American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (federal stimulus-criteria for projects and creation of web site); legislation; budget issues/press inquiries; media queries on clemency, restoration of rights, and blanket restoration of rights; Dominion Power's Wise County project; Dulles Toll Road; H1N1 strain of influenza; media requests for comments for news stories; requests by administration for corrections in news stories; preparations for the 20 January 2009 presidential inauguration, costs for Virginia and localities and reimbursement by the federal government for those expenses; Kaine's 400,000 acre land conservation initiative; and approval of Kaine quotes for press releases.

    Notable email includes : email thread on the Wise County power plant/mountaintop mining, dated 21 February 2008, started by Governor Kaine on 18 February 2008; email from Gordon Hickey, dated 22 April 2009, to Wayne Turnage, containing a spread sheet attachment listing all "projects lost" by the Virginia Economic Development Partnership from January 2005 to 15 April 2009. The spread sheet lists: name of project/company, lost date, approved amount, state won, primary reason lost, and real reason lost; email from Gordon Hickey, dated 13 May 2009, to Wayne Turnage, containing a spread sheet attachment listing Virginia Announcements of Employment Creation and Capital Investment from 1 January 1998 to 22 April 2009; Governor's Office procedures for the execution of Edward Nathan Bell, 19 February 2009 (restricted); and email from Gordon Hickey, dated 23 April 2009, to Jeff Tiller forwarding an email exchange between Tim Kaine and Tim Dunn, re: Amendment 596.

    Correspondents include : Viola Baskerville, Gena Boyle, Preston Bryant, Craig Burns, Kim Busch, Marc Cheatham, Jeff Corbin, Lauren Cunningham, Nick Donohue, Gary Emerling, Manju Ganeriwala, Greg Garner, Kathy Glazer, Frank Green, Todd Haymore, Roz Helderman, Bernard Henderson, Pierce Homer, Drew Houff, Tim Kaine, Michael Kelly, Anita Kumar, Bob Lewis, Alfonso Lopez, J. Tucker Martin, Seth McLaughlin, Olympia Meola, Christie Miller, Jim Nolan, Dena Potter, Charles Pyle, Barbara Reese, Larry Roberts, Nikki Rovner, Mark Rubin, Jeff Schapiro, Doug Scott, Brian Shepard, J. Garren Shipley, Delacey Skinner, Bob Spieldenner, Tamra Talmadge-Anderson, Marilyn Tavenner, Jeff Tiller, Lynda Tran, Larry Traylor, Wayne Turnage, Jody Wagner, Julian Walker, Stephen Walz, Suzanne West, Tyler Whitley, and Michael Paul Williams.

  • Series III. Communications Office Electronic Files, Subseries D. Maurice A. Henderson, II Email , 2006-2007 .

    The subseries contains 572 email messages in one PST file: Inbox.pst . Henderson served as Deputy Press Secretary to Governor Kaine from March 2006 to June 2007.

    Subjects include : First Lady press releases; photographs of First Lady at public events; First Lady event briefings; talking points and background information for Governor's events; and photographs of Governor Kaine (as attachments) taken by Michaele White, Governor's Photographer.

    Notable email includes : email from Bill Leighty, dated 23 August 2006, to Jeff Kraus, listing the Kaine Administration's accomplishments (in email to Henderson sent 16 November 2006).

    Correspondents include : Kevin Hall, Asha Holloman, Bill Leighty, Delacey Skinner, Michaele White, and Robin Winchell.

  • Series III. Communications Office Electronic Files, Subseries E. Jeff Tiller Email , 2006-2008 .

    The subseries contains 425 email messages in one PST file: 2007Libjtiller.pst . Jeff Tiller served as Press Aide (January-December 2006), Assistant Press Secretary from (January 2007 to July 2007), and Deputy Press Secretary (August 2007 to July 2008).

    Subjects include : background information for and drafts of press releases and talking points; approval of Kaine quotes for press releases; logistics for Cabinet Community Days; and 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech (creation of panel and release of Virginia Tech Review Panel report).

    Correspondents include : Gena Boyle, Preston Bryant, Kevin Hall, Gordon Hickey, Tim Kaine, Jim Kudla, and Delacey Skinner.

  • Series III. Communications Office Electronic Files, Subseries F. Robin Winchell Email , 2005-2006 .

    The subseries contains 1313 email messages in one PST file: inbox.pst . Robin Winchell served as Senior Press Aide in the Kaine Administration from January 2006 to May 2006. She previously worked as a Communications Assistant to the 2005 Kaine for Governor campaign. Winchell left the administration in May 2006 to take a position as Communications Director for Congressman Charlie Melancon (LA-03). Winchell wrote and distributed press releases, talking points, and op-eds. She also directed communications for First Lady Anne Holton.

    Subjects include : communications for First Lady Anne Holton including writing press releases, news releases, event briefing forms, and coordinating public appearances and interviews; news clips compiled for Tim Kaine's gubernatorial campaign (2005); photographs (as attachments from Michaele White) of Governor Kaine events; Winchell's weekly reports from January to May 2006; and drafts of press releases and talking points.

    Correspondents include : Sindy Benavides, Katie Boyer, Kimberly Busch, Kevin Hall, Maurice A. Henderson, II, Asha Holloman, Anne Holton, Tim Kaine, Jeff Kraus, Bill Leighty, Rick Siger, Delacey Skinner, Martha Steger, Jeff Tiller, and Michaele White.

  • Series III. Communications Office Electronic Files, Subseries G. Michael Kelly Email , 2007-2010 .
    Extent: 3074 emails

    This subseries contains 3074 emails in two PST files: MKELLY.PST and KaineLibMKelly.pst . Michael Kelly served as a Press Aide (September 2007 to May 2009) and Assistant Press Secretary (May 2009-January 2010) in the Kaine administration from September 2007 to January 2010. Kelly compiled daily news clippings, assisted with press events, drafted press releases, coordinated with agencies and organizations on media-related requests, lead advance work for key events statewide including Cabinet Community Days, and acted as on-the-record spokesperson for Governor Kaine as appropriate.

    • MKELLY.PST , 2007-2010 .

      The MKELLY.PST file contains 1188 emails sent and received by Michael Kelly between September 2007 and January 2010. There are 9 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: clemency discussions and records containing personal/personnel information.

      Subjects include : background information for and drafts of press releases and talking points (includes press releases never issued); American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009; legislation; budget issues/press inquiries; media queries on clemency; compiling news clippings, Cabinet Day events; briefing material for Governor's events; drafting Kaine quotes for press releases; notes from news conferences held by Governor Kaine, General Assembly Republicans, etc.; and notes from press "gaggles" held by Governor Kaine.

      Correspondents include : Chris Bast, Gena Boyle, Preston Bryant, Kim Busch, Marc Cheatham, Lauren Cunningham, Nick Donohue, Cathy Ghidotti, Alleyn Harned, Carrie Henderson, Gordon Hickey, Amanda Howe, Tim Kaine, Aryana Khalid, Kate Paris, Barbara Reese, Larry Roberts, Mark Rubin, Doug Scott, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, Marilyn Tavenner, Jeff Tiller, Lynda Tran, and Wayne Turnage.

    • KaineLibMKelly.pst , 2007-2010 .

      The KaineLibMKelly.pst file contains 1886 emails sent and received by Michael Kelly between September 2007 and January 2010. There are 2 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: public safety.

      Subjects include : background information for and drafts of press releases and talking points; event briefing forms prepared for Scheduling Office (includes event, date/time, attire, location, contact information, staff assigned to Governor, Governor's role in event, talking points, and additional information; many appear to be drafts); Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) data breach; cabinet day(s); notes from news conferences held by Governor Kaine, General Assembly Republicans, etc.; scripts for Governor Kaine's Public Service Announcements (PSA); and media/external inquiries and requests.

      Notable email includes : email thread between Marilyn Tavenner, Secretary of Health and Human Resources, and Sandra Ryals, Director, Department of Health Professionals, dated 7 August 2009, responding to New York Times inquiry about Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) data breach.

      Correspondents include : Preston Bryant, Kim Busch, Hollie Cammarasana, Lauren Cunningham, Phillip Giaramita, Alleyn Harned, Carla Harris, Carrie Henderson, Gordon Hickey, Tim Kaine, Christie Miller, Charles Pyle, Mike Salster, Doug Scott, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, Marilyn Tavenner, Jeff Tiller, Lynda Tran, Wayne Turnage, David Von Moll, Stephen Walz, and Suzanne West.

  • Series III. Communications Office Electronic Files, Subseries H. Lauren Cunningham Email , 2006-2010 .
    Extent: 110 emails

    This subseries contains 110 emails in two PST files: KaineLiblcunningham.pst and LCUNNINGHAM.PST . Lauren Cunningham served as a Special Assistant in Constituent Services (January 2006 to August 2007), Press Aide (September 2007 to July 2008) and Assistant Press Secretary (July 2008 to January 2010) in the Kaine administration.

    • KaineLiblcunningham.pst , 2007-2010 .

      The KaineLiblcunningham.pst file contains 42 emails sent and received by Lauren Cunningham between May 2006 and January 2010.

      Subjects include : cabinet day(s) including suggestions from cabinet and agency heads as to where to visit; compiling news clippings; constituent correspondence; drafts of press releases; and media/external inquiries and requests.

      Correspondents include : Robert Bloxom, Preston Bryant, Michael Kelly, and Lynda Tran.

    • LCUNNINGHAM.PST , 2007-2010 .

      The LCUNNINGHAM.PST file contains 68 emails sent and received by Lauren Cunningham between October 2007 and January 2010.

      Subjects include : drafts of press releases; talking points; op-ed by Secretary of Public Safety John Marshall on immigration enforcement in Virginia, October 2007; op-ed by Governor Tim Kaine on budget cuts, 15 October 2008; and op-ed Governor Tim Kaine on alternative to payday lending, December 2009.

      Correspondents include : Suzanne West.

  • Series III. Communications Office Electronic Files, Subseries I. Doug Scott Email , 2008-2010 .

    The subseries contains 240 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibdscott.pst . Doug Scott served as Press Intern (September 2008 to May 2009), Press Fellow (June 2009 to August 2009) and Press Aide (August 2009 to January 2010) in the Kaine administration.

    Subjects include : drafts of press releases; scripts for Governor Kaine's Public Service Announcements (PSA); and media/external inquiries and requests.

    Correspondents include : Lauren Cunningham, Gordon Hickey, Michael Kelly, and Lynda Tran.

  • Series III. Communications Office Electronic Files, Subseries J. Laura DeLibero Email , 2009 .

    The subseries contains 43 email messages in one PST file: LDILIBERO.PST . Laura DeLibero served as Press Intern from January to April 2009 in the Kaine Administration.

    Subjects include : event briefing forms; notes from news conferences held by members of the General Assembly; and Kaine administration accomplishments document.

    Correspondents include : Kim Busch, Lauren Cunningham, Michael Kelly, and Lynda Tran.

  • Series III. Communications Office Electronic Files, Subseries K. Amanda Howe Email , 2009-2010 .

    The subseries contains 441 email messages in one PST file: AHOWE2.PST . Amanda Howe was hired by the Kaine administration in August 2009 as a communications advisor to highlight the accomplishments of the Kaine administration. She developed and coordinated a strategic calendar of themes and events to highlight during the final four months of Kaine's administration. Howe previously worked in the Kaine administration as executive director of Virginia's Royal Welcome, which coordinated Queen Elizabeth II's visit in May 2007. See also Series XX. Other Electronic Files, Subseries A. Amanda Howe Email, 2007.

    Subjects include : event briefing forms (economic development announcements, smoking ban in restaurants, land conservation, workforce development, etc.); Howe's weekly reports; development of communication plan to highlight Kaine administration's accomplishments including: themes (best state for business, best managed state, best state for kids, and improving quality of life) and drafts and updates to communication plan; and talking points.

    Correspondents include : Gena Boyle, Preston Bryant, Kim Busch, Jeff Corbin, Laura Cunningham, Cathy Ghidotti, Alleyn Harned, Gordon Hickey, Michael Kelly, Jennie Moline, Barbara Reese, Nikki Rovner, Doug Scott, Brian Shepard, Marilyn Tavenner, Lynda Tran, Wayne Turnage, and Michaele White.

  • Series III. Communications Office Electronic Files, Subseries L. Michaele White Email , 2006-2010 .
    Extent: 45 emails

    This subseries contains 45 emails in two PST files: KaineLibMWhite.pst and MWHITE.PST . Michaele White served as the Governor's Photographer for Governor Tim Kaine from January 2006 to January 2010. White was retained by the McDonnell Administration (2010-2014).

    • KaineLibMWhite.pst , 2006-2009 .

      The KaineLibMWhite.pst file contains 40 emails sent and received by Michaele White between September 2006 to December 2009. Her emails primarily contain jpeg attachments of photographs of Governor Kaine taken by someone other than White.

      Correspondents include : James Greene, Kevin Hall, Amanda Howe, and Christie Miller.

    • MWHITE.PST , 2010 .

      The MWHITE.PST file contains 5 emails sent and received by Michaele White in January 2010.

Series IV. Secretary of the Commonwealth Electronic Files , 2005-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .
Extent: 8520 emails.

The Secretary of the Commonwealth Electronic Files series documents the electronic communication of the office during the Kaine Administration. This series contains 8520 emails in sixteen (16) subseries. Subseries have been designated for A. Kate Hanley Email; B. Bernard Henderson Email; C. JoAnn Pulliam Email; D. Lynn Clayton Email; E. Jonathan Young Email; F. Alicia Roberts Email; G. Paul Brockwell Email; H. Matt Gross Email; I. Betsy Anderson Email; J. Chris Marshburn Email; K. Greg Hennig Email; L. Kathryn DeFilippo Paxton Email; M. Sindy Benavides Email; N. Kimberly Bowers Email; O. Nick Surace Email; and P. Dawn Farrar. There are 3819 privacy protected and confidential emails in this series that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: clemency records, and records containing personal/personnel information.

The Secretary of the Commonwealth is under the jurisdiction of the Governor's Office. The Secretary is appointed by the Governor for a term of four years. Currently the Secretary of the Commonwealth is responsible for gubernatorial appointments, clemency and restoration of civil rights requests and extraditions. Additional activities include: serving as ex officio Secretary to the Governor; serving as keeper of the seals of the Commonwealth; compiling and "publishing" (on-line only) the annual Blue Book; commissioning and regulating notary publics, including the publication of a Notary Handbook and conduct of disciplinary hearings; promulgating the lobbying disclosure requirements, registration of lobbyists, and recording of lobbying reports; servicing the civil process of out-of-state defendants and other parties; and authenticating and certifying the records of the courts and of any state agency.

On 29 December 2005, Governor-elect Tim Kaine appointed Daniel LeBlanc, President of the Virginia AFL-CIO, as Secretary of the Commonwealth. LeBlanc's nomination was rejected by the Republican-controlled House of Delegates on 7 March 2006. LeBlanc became the first cabinet member to fail to receive General Assembly approval. Kaine later named LeBlanc Senior Advisor for Workforce Development. Bernard Henderson, Senior Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth, served as acting Secretary from 7 March 2006 to 20 March 2006. Governor Kaine appointed former Fairfax County board chairman Katherine K. Henley as Secretary on 20 March 2006. Hanley served on the Fairfax County School Board from 1984 to 1986 and the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors from 1986 to 2004.

  • Series IV. Secretary of the Commonwealth Electronic Files, Subseries A. Kate Hanley Email , 2007-2009 .

    The subseries contains 53 email messages in one PST file: KHANLEY.PST . Kate Hanley served as Secretary of the Commonwealth from 20 March 2006 to January 2010. There are 10 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to restoration of rights.

    Subjects include : eNotary; restoration of rights inquiries; constituent correspondence; and board resignations.

    Notable email includes : email exchange between Hanley and Bill Leighty, dated 3 March 2008, discussing Tareq Salahi, a member of the Virginia Tourism Authority.

    Correspondents include : Amber Amato, Paul Brockwell, Bernard Henderson, Bill Leighty, and Len Pomata.

  • Series IV. Secretary of the Commonwealth Electronic Files, Subseries B. Bernard Henderson Email , 2007-2010 .

    The subseries contains 313 email messages in one PST file: BHENDERSON.PST . Bernard Henderson served as Senior Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth from January 2002 to January 2010. There are 120 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to restoration of rights and clemency.

    Subjects include : clemency; restoration of rights inquiries; eNotary; and VITA and Lockhead-Martin issues with consolidated IT in Virginia state government.

    Correspondents include : Amber Amato, Betsy Anderson, John "Chip" Dicks, Lynn DuBard, Donnovan Dunkley, Peggy Feldmann, Kate Hanley, Greg Hennig, Judy Napier, Pam Patrick, Eric Perkins, Ajay Rohatgi, John Tackley, and Pia Trigiani.

  • Series IV. Secretary of the Commonwealth Electronic Files, Subseries C. JoAnn Pulliam Email , 2006 .

    The subseries contains 189 email messages in one PST file: jpulliam.pst . JoAnn Pulliam served as Executive Assistant to the Secretary of the Commonwealth from January 2006 to January 2007.

    Subjects include : board vacancy updates; revisions of the Notary statute; weekly reports; and confirmation of Kate Hanley as Secretary of the Commonwealth in March 2006.

  • Series IV. Secretary of the Commonwealth Electronic Files, Subseries D. Lynn Clayton Email , 2005-2010 .
    Extent: 620 emails

    This subseries contains 620 emails in two PST files: KaineLibLClayton.pst and LCLAYTON.PST . Lynn Clayton served as Restoration of Rights Specialist from 2005 to 3 January 2007 and Executive Assistant to the Secretary of the Commonwealth from 4 January 2007 to January 2010.

    • KaineLibLClayton.pst , 2005-2008 .

      The KaineLibLClayton.pst contains 378 emails sent/received by Lynn Clayton between June 2005 and January 2008. There are 365 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to restoration of rights and clemency.

      Subjects include : restoration of rights (queries, status of application, procedures, clemency report requests from law enforcement, etc.).

      Correspondents include : Bernard Henderson and Patty Tucker.

    • LCLAYTON.PST , 2006-2010 .

      The LCLAYTON.PST contains 242 emails sent/received by Lynn Clayton between February 2006 and January 2010. There are 189 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to restoration of rights and clemency.

      Subjects include : restoration of rights (queries, status of application, procedures, clemency report requests from law enforcement, etc.).

      Correspondents include : Bernard Henderson, Patty Tucker, and Micah Womack.

  • Series IV. Secretary of the Commonwealth Electronic Files, Subseries E. Jonathan Young Email , 2006-2007 .

    The subseries contains 261 email messages in one PST file: JYOUNG.PST . Jonathan Young served as the Conflicts of Interest Specialist and Special Assistant for Gubernatorial Appointments in the Kaine Administration from January 2006 to 16 November 2007 when left to take job at Virginia State University. Young also worked in Secretary of the Commonwealths Office during the administrations of Governor James Gilmore and Mark Warner (2000-2006).

    Subjects include : board vacancy updates and Virginia Tech Review Panel.

    Correspondents include : Kevin Hall, Bernard Henderson, and Wayne Turnage.

  • Series IV. Secretary of the Commonwealth Electronic Files, Subseries F. Alicia Roberts Email , 2007 .

    The subseries contains 11 email messages in one PST file: AROBERTS.PST . Alicia Roberts served as Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Commonwealth (January-November 2007) and Conflict of Interest Director (November 2007-January 2008). The emails in this subseries date between January and November 2007.

  • Series IV. Secretary of the Commonwealth Electronic Files, Subseries G. Paul Brockwell Email , 2007-2009 .

    The subseries contains 1476 email messages in one PST file: pbrockwell.pst . Paul Brockwell served as Conflict of Interest Director from January 2008 to 14 May 2009. Brockwell left the administration to attended graduate school. Brockwell previously worked as a Governor's Fellow (summer 2007), Special Projects Assistant in the office of the Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry from August 2007 to January 2008. This subseries contains email sent and received by Brockwell between June 2007 and March 2009. There are 2 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to attorney-client privilege.

    Subjects include : vacancy updates (resignations from boards, commissions, etc.); agriculture and forestry legislation (2008 session: data breach notification and credit report freeze); 2007 Continuity of Operations and Continuation of Government plans for the Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry (and agencies)(RESTRICTED); consumer privacy project, Executive Directive 5 (2007) includes members, meeting agendas and notes and final report; Farm to School Task Force - At the Request of the General Assembly in Senate Joint Resolution 347 (2007), the Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry and the Secretary of Education jointly convened a task force to study Farm-to-School concepts and develop a plan for implementation in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Records include: final report, draft report, comments on draft report, agendas, and meeting notes; and archiving records for Library of Virginia.

    Notable email includes : email from Gena Boyle, dated 20 February 2008, to Andres Alvarez, Brian Shepard and Mark Rubin (Paul Brockwell copied), summarizing a meeting with Anne Leigh Kerr and Chris Whyte about the data breach notification bill; email from Paul Brockwell, dated 28 November 2007, containing (as an attachment) The Executive Directive Report, Improving Consumer Privacy in the Commonwealth, November 2007 (final); and email from Paul Brockwell, dated 19 October 2007, to Andes Alvarez and Erin Williams, containing (as attachments) draft summary, draft recommendations, etc.

    Correspondents include : Andres Alvarez, Robert Bloxom, Gena Boyle, Aneesh Chopra, Patrick Cushing, Stephen DeLuca, Bill Dickinson, Lynne Fellin, Gene Fishel, Steven Gould, Tegan Hagy, Kate Hanley, Todd Haymore, Bernard Henderson, Barbara Hulburt, David Irvin, Ronald Jenkins, Anne Leigh Kerr, Judy Napier, Kathryn Paxton, Mark Rubin, Aaron Ver, Peggy Ward, and Chris Whyte.

  • Series IV. Secretary of the Commonwealth Electronic Files, Subseries H. Matt Gross Email , 2009 .

    The subseries contains 3 email messages in one PST file: MGROSS.PST . Matt Gross served as Conflict of Interest Director from May 2009 to January 2010. The emails in this series date between May and December 2009.

  • Series IV. Secretary of the Commonwealth Electronic Files, Subseries I. Betsy Anderson Email , 2008-2009 .

    The subseries contains 46 email messages in one PST file: BANDERSON.PST . Betsy Anderson served as Director of Authentications/Notary Public Division in the Office of the Secretary of Commonwealth from October 2006 to January 2010. The date range of the email in this subseries is May 2008 and November 2009.

    Subjects include : eNotary.

    Correspondents include : Donna Bohlin, Chip Dicks, Bernard Henderson, and Ajay Rohatgi.

  • Series IV. Secretary of the Commonwealth Electronic Files, Subseries J. Chris Marshburn Email , 2007-2008 .

    The subseries contains 44 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibCMarshburn.pst . Chris Marshburn served as a Governor's Fellow and Extradition and Clemency Specialist in the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth from 2007 to 2008. There are 38 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to clemency. The date range of the email in this subseries is July 2007 to April 2008.

    Subjects include : clemency requests (restricted).

    Correspondents include : Martha Hazelgrove and Patricia Tucker.

  • Series IV. Secretary of the Commonwealth Electronic Files, Subseries K. Greg Hennig Email , 2008-2010 .

    The subseries contains 3039 email messages in one PST file: GHENNIG.PST . Greg Hennig served as an Extradition and Clemency Specialist in the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth from April 2008 to January 2010. There are 3012 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to clemency and restoration of rights. The date range of the email in this subseries is April 2008 to January 2010.

    Subjects include : Clemency and restoration of rights (all restricted).

    Correspondents include : Janice Dow, Shane Emmett, Laura Hall, Martha Hazelgrove, Bernard Henderson, Belinda Holt, Sam Overstreet, Candice Reid, Donna Tate, Patty Tucker, Joan Wade, and Micah Womack.

  • Series IV. Secretary of the Commonwealth Electronic Files, Subseries L. Kathryn DeFilippo Paxton Email , 2006-2010 .
    Extent: 52 emails

    This subseries contains 52 emails in two PST files: KADELFLIPPO.PST and KaineLibkdefilippo.pst . Kathryn DeFilippo Paxton served as Assistant Secretary of the Commonwealth (Director of Gubernatorial Appointments) from January 2006 to January 2010.

    • KADELFLIPPO.PST , 2006-2010 .

      The KADELFLIPPO.PST file contains 12 emails sent and received by Kathryn DeFilippo Paxton between July 2006 and January 2010.

      Subjects include : gubernatorial transition (Kaine to McDonnell).

      Correspondents include : Janet Polarek.

    • KaineLibkdefilippo.pst , 2007 .

      The KaineLibkdefilippo.pst contains 40 emails sent/received by Kathryn DeFilippo Paxton between January and October 2007.

      Subjects include : vacancy updates.

      Correspondents include : Jonathan Young.

  • Series IV. Secretary of the Commonwealth Electronic Files, Subseries M. Sindy Benavides Email , 2006-2009 .
    Extent: 1956 emails

    This subseries contains 1956 emails in two PST files: Sindy In box.pst and Sindy Sent box.pst . Sindy M. Benavides served as Deputy Director of Constituent Services (January 2006-September 2006), Director of Gubernatorial Appointments (September 2006-April 2009), and Latino Liaison (January 2006-April 2009). Benavides left the administration in April 2009 to work at the Democratic National Committee as Director of Community Outreach.

    • Sindy In box.pst , 2006-2009 .

      The Sindy In box.pst contains 1055 emails sent/received by Sindy M. Benavides between January 2006 and April 2009. There are 43 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to restoration of rights and clemency.

      Subjects include : Governor's 2008 Latino Summit; Virginia Latino Advisory Board; immigration legislation; illegal immigration; Governor's Commission on Immigration; Governor Tim Kaine's 6 February 2008 meeting with El Salvador President Elias Antonio Saca; New Americans Initiative (NAI); Asian Advisory Board; Mario Bustillo; constituent services weekly report (2006); and constituent services.

      Correspondents include : Amber Amato, Gena Boyle, Erin Bryant, Marc Cheatham, Angela Chiang, Heidi Dix, Doug Garcia, Leni Gonzalez, Matt Gross, Kevin Hall, Kate Hanley, Bernie Henderson, Tim Kaine, Aryana Khalid, Jeff Kraus, Aaron Larrimore, Bill Leighty, Peter Loach, Alfonso Lopez, Vicki Mirandah, Hung Nguyen, Kate Paris, Sarah Plumb, Larry Roberts, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, Nick Surace, Marilyn Tavenner, Gresilda A. Tilley-Lubbs, Jeff Tiller, and Wayne Turnage.

    • Sindy Sent box.pst , 2006-2009 .

      The Sindy Sent box.pst contains 901 emails sent/received by Sindy M. Benavides between January 2006 and April 2009. There are 40 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to restoration of rights and clemency. An additional message pertaining to the aftermath of the Virginia Tech shooting will not be opened until final resolution of all litigation relating to the incident. Some of these records may be kept confidential for longer in order to comply with the terms of the settlement agreements the Commonwealth accepted.

      Subjects include : Virginia Latino Advisory Board; Governor Tim Kaine's 6 February 2008 meeting with El Salvador President Elias Antonio Saca; Governor's Commission on Immigration; Mario Bustillo; immigration legislation; Hispanic College Fund; and New Americans Initiative (NAI).

      Correspondents include : Gena Boyle, Marc Cheatham, Douglas Garcia, Leni Gonzalez, Matt Gross, Kevin Hall, Kate Hanley, Bernie Henderson, Tim Kaine, Aryana Khalid, Jeff Kraus, Bill Leighty, Alfonso Lopez, Kate Paris, Maribel Ramos, Larry Roberts, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, Nick Surace, Marilyn Tavenner, Walter Tejada, Jeff Tiller, and Wayne Turnage.

  • Series IV. Secretary of the Commonwealth Electronic Files, Subseries N. Kimberly Bowers Email , 2007-2009 .

    The subseries contains 47 email messages in one PST file: KBOWERS.PST . Kimberly Bowers served as Director of Gubernatorial Appointments from March 2007 to April 2009. The date range of the email in this subseries is March 2007 to April 2009.

    Subjects include : appointments procedures and board assignments.

    Correspondents include : Kate Hanley, Bernie Henderson, Nick Surace, and Wayne Turnage.

  • Series IV. Secretary of the Commonwealth Electronic Files, Subseries O. Nick Surace Email , 2008-2009 .

    The subseries contains 28 email messages in one PST file: NSURACE.PST . Nick Surace served as a Governor's Fellow (Summer 2007) and Director of Gubernatorial Appointments from August 2007 to January 2010. He assisted the Governor and Secretary of the Commonwealth in searching for well-qualified citizens to server on 120 boards and commissions in the areas of education, natural resources, finance and administration. Surace was also responsible for tracking General Assembly legislation that may affect the operations of the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. The date range of the email in this subseries is January 2008 to March 2009.

    Subjects include : General Assembly legislation related to the operations of the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth.

    Correspondents include : Bernie Henderson, Gary Janak, Jennie Moline, Megan Root, and Brian Shepard.

  • Series IV. Secretary of the Commonwealth Electronic Files, Subseries P. Dawn Farrar Email , 2006-2007 .

    The subseries contains 382 email messages in one PST file: DFARRAR.PST . Farrar served as Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth from January 2006 to June 2007.

    DFARRAR.PST contains 382 emails sent and received by Dawn Farrar between January 2006 and March 2007.

    Subjects include : board profiles; legislation; and weekly reports.

    Correspondents include : Kathryn Defilippo, Kate Hanley, Bernard Henderson, Bill Leighty, Joanna Martin, Bill Murray, Svandis Pollard, Brian Shepard, Wayne Turnage, and Jonathan Young.

Series V. Secretary of Technology Electronic Files , 2005-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .
Extent: 15701 emails.

The Secretary of Technology Electronic Files series documents the electronic communication of the office during the Kaine Administration. This series contains 15701 emails in seven (7) subseries. Subseries have been designated for A. Aneesh Chopra Email; B. Tristen Pegram Email; C. Len Pomata Email; D. John McDonald Email; E. Tim Bass Email, 2005-2006; F. Karen Jackson Email; and G. Brian Chiglinsky Email. There are 320 privacy protected and confidential emails in this series that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: records containing personal/personnel information.

The Secretary of Technology and its agencies are responsible for the efficient and effective use of information technology to simplify government operations, advance technology applications to improve public services, and drive the innovation economy through the Commonwealth's leadership. The Secretary of Technology oversees two agencies: Virginia's Center for Innovative Technology (CIT) and the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA).

On 15 December 2005, Governor-elect Tim Kaine appointed Aneesh Chopra as Secretary of the Commonwealth. Prior to joining Governor Kaine's cabinet, Chopra served as Managing Director with the Advisory Board Company, a publicly-traded health care think tank serving nearly 2,500 hospitals and health systems. He led the firm's Financial Leadership Council and the Working Council for Health Plan Executives, as well as assisted the launch of the firm's first business intelligence software solution, Compass. Chopra left the administration in April 2009 when he was named the United States' first Chief Technology Officer by President Barack Obama. In June 2009, Governor Kaine appoint Len Pomata Secretary of Technology; he served until the end of the administration.

  • Series V. Secretary of Technology Electronic Files, Subseries A. Aneesh Chopra Email , 2006-2009 .

    The subseries contains 195 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibachopra.pst . Aneesh Chopra served as Secretary of Technology from 2006 to April 2009. There are 10 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to personal/personnel information. Additional Chopra email is contained in his assistant's, Tristen Pegram, email.

    Subjects include : telework, Office of Health IT, technology in education, and broadband stimulus.

    Notable email includes : email exchange between Chopra, Governor Kaine, and John Knapp of Verizon, dated 15 March 2009, regarding broadband stimulus.

    Correspondents include : Peter Blake, Amir Huddan, Tim Kaine, Bill Leighty, L. Scott Lingamfelter, Joe May, and Judy Napier.

  • Series V. Secretary of Technology Electronic Files, Subseries B. Tristen Pegram , 2006-2009 .

    The subseries contains 7072 email messages in one PST file: Kainelibtpegram.pst . Tristen Pegram, Special Assistant to the Secretary of Technology, served from 2006 until 13 November 2009. After leaving the Secretary of Technology's office, she served in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and then on the campaign team for Aneesh Chopra's 2013 unsuccessful bid for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia. A large portion of this PST file seems to be the correspondence of Aneesh Chopra, Secretary of Technology from 2006 to 2009. There are 80 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to personal/personnel information.

    Subjects include : the legislative and policy priorities of the Secretariat of Technology; grants given by the Center for Innovative Technology, the Productivity Investment Fund, and the Commonwealth Technology Research Fund; the Commonwealth of Virginia Innovative Technology Symposium; health information technology and electronic medical records; improvements to broadband access for rural populations; and the implementation of the public-private partnership between the Virginia Information Technologies Agency and Northrop Grumman.

    Correspondents include : Preston Bryant, Aneesh Chopra, Thomas Gates, Karen Jackson, Peter Jobse, and Marilyn Tavenner.

  • Series V. Secretary of Technology Electronic Files, Subseries C. Len Pomata Email , 2009-2010 .

    The subseries contains 570 email messages in one PST file: LPOMATA.PST . Len Pomata served as the Secretary of Technology from 5 June 2009 until the end of the administration in January 2010. He also served as interim Chief Information Officer after the firing of Lem Stewart from 12 June 2009 until 20 August 2009. There are 29 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to personal/personnel information.

    Subjects include : VITA/Northrop Grumman partnership; VITA management and budget issues; the Virginia Information Technology Investment Board (ITIB); the Center for Innovative Technology (CIT), the planning for the 2009 COVITS conference, and health information technology.

    Notable email includes : email, dated 9 August 2009, about the structure of the Commonwealth's deal with CGI-AMS and two emails, dated 11 August 2009, with Hiram Johnson about the relationship between Pomata and the ITIB.

    Correspondents include : Brian Chiglinsky, John McDonald, Tristen Pegram, Marilyn Tavenner, and Wayne Turnage.

  • Series V. Secretary of Technology Electronic Files, Subseries D. John McDonald Email , 2009-2010 .

    The subseries contains 2783 email messages in two PST files: JMCDONALD.PST and KaineLibjmcdonald.pst . John McDonald served as Deputy Secretary of Technology from March 2009 to July 2010. There are 24 privacy protected and confidential emails in these PST files that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to personal/personnel information.

    The JMCDONALD.PST contains 2302 emails sent by John McDonald between 2009 and 2010. The KaineLibjmcdonald.pst contains 481 emails received by John McDonald between 2009 and 2010.

    Subjects include : management of and issues with the Commonwealth of Virginia's contract with Northrop Grumman for their information technology infrastructure, including the re-negotiation and re-baselining of the contract. There is also information about the planning of the 2009 COVITS conference as well as the transition from the Tim Kaine administration to the Robert McDonnell administration.

    Notable email includes : email from Wayne Turnage, dated 8 April 2009, about the issues with the Northrup Grumman contract; email from Aneesh Chopra, dated 21 April 2009, discussing the issues between VITA and Northrup Grumman; email dated 11 June 2009 about Lem Stewart being removed as Virginia's Chief Information Officer (CIO); email from Jackie Simien-Jones, dated 29 July 2009, containing a letter from Fred Duball to Northrop Grumman withholding payment due to alleged violations of the contract; email to Len Pomata, dated 4 August 2009, about issues between VITA and Northrop Grumman; and email to George Coulter, dated 8 September 2009, regarding a proposal for a new contract with Northrop Grumman.

    Correspondents include : Fred Duball, Cynthia Cordova-Edwards, Len Pomata, David Swynford, and Wayne Turnage.

  • Series V. Secretary of Technology Electronic Files, Subseries E. Tim Bass Email , 2005-2006 .

    The subseries contains 3576 email messages in one PST file: TBassKaine.pst . J. Timothy Bass served as Enterprise Applications Program Director from 11 April 2005 to 2006, as Deputy Secretary of Technology and Enterprise Applications Program Director from January to 1 July 2006, and as Enterprise Applications Program Director from 1 July 2006 to 2007. His work primarily concerned enterprise applications and their use by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Prior to his appointment, Bass worked for the Virginia Retirement System. There are 176 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to personal/personnel information.

    Subjects include : negotiations for the Enterprise Applications PPEA contract, for which there were two bids: CGI-AMS, who eventually was awarded the contract, and IBM/BearingPoint. The negotiations also included a number of outside consultants, including McClain Group II, Gordon and Glickson, Gartner Consulting, and Latham and Watkins. Also included are the due diligence for the project, the receipt of bids, the negotiations, and the reaction of the General Assembly.

    Notable email includes : email dated 7 September 2005 regarding the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigation of BearingPoint; email to Bill Leighty, dated 14 September 2005, regarding the vote to continue negotiations with CGI-AMS only; email from Lem Stewart, dated 25 October 2005, announcing the selection of Northrop Grumman as the IT infrastructure partner; email from Michael Hepburn, dated 16 December 2005, containing the final agreement between the Commonwealth of Virginia and CGI-AMS; and email from David Von Moll, dated 20 February 2006, regarding cuts to EA budget.

    Correspondents include : Paul Doty, Michael Hepburn, Daniel Keene, Bill Leighty, Carrie Nee, and John Westrick.

  • Series V. Secretary of Technology Electronic Files, Subseries F. Karen Jackson Email , 2008 .

    The subseries contains 1 email message in one PST file: KJACKSON.pst . Karen Jackson served as the director of Office of Telework and Broadband Assistance. Jackson was appointed Deputy Secretary of Technology by Governor Kaine on 7 May 2009. The email is from 2008 between Jackson and State Senator Frank Ruff and the subject is the auction of the 700 mhz wireless band by the Federal Communications Commission.

  • Series V. Secretary of Technology Electronic Files, Subseries G. Brian Chiglinsky Email , 2008-2010 .

    The subseries contains 1504 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibbchiglinsky.pst . Brian Chiglinsky served as a Governor's Fellow assigned to the Secretariat of Technology from 2 June 2008 until August 2008, the Special Assistant for Constituent Services from August 2008 to 10 June 2009, and then the Special Assistant to the Secretary of Technology from 11 June 2009 until the end of the administration. While working in Constituent Services, Chiglinsky continued to work on projects for the Secretary of Technology and also worked in the Executive Office of the Governor. There is 1 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that is restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, 2.2-3800 and 2.2-3705.1-8. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to personal/personnel information.

    Subjects include : creation, funding, organization, and operation of VA STAR, a program which takes used computers from a variety of donors and gives them to school districts throughout the Commonwealth. There is also correspondence relating to comments on the Governor's weekly reports and health care technology.

    Notable email includes : email from Andrew LeVasseur, dated 24 November 2009, which includes the award of over $300,000 from the Productivity Investment Fund to fund the VA STAR program.

    Correspondents include : Amber Amato, Aneesh Chopra, Chuck Drake, Sherrie Harrington, John McDonald, Tristen Pegram, and Len Pomata.

Series VI. Secretary of Public Safety Electronic Files , 2002-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .
Extent: 6774 emails.

The Secretary of Public Safety Electronic Files series documents the electronic communication of the office during the Kaine Administration. This series contains 6774 emails in eleven (11) subseries. Subseries have been designated for A. John Marshall Email; B. Clyde Cristman Email; C. Marilyn Harris Email; D. Dawn Smith Email; E. Erin Bryant Email; F. Susan Gholson Email; G. Jacklyn Varela Email; H. Iva Frizzle Email; I. Martha Hazelgrove Email; J. Gabrielle Williams Email; and K. Beth Camphouse Email. There are 29 privacy protected and confidential emails in this series that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 2.2-3800, 42.1-78 and 53.1-40.10. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: records containing personal/personnel and social services information.

During the administration of Governor Timothy Kaine, the Secretary Public Safety provided guidance to the following state agencies: Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), Commonwealth's Attorneys' Services Council (CAS); Department of Correctional Education (DCE), Department of Correction (DOC), Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS), Department of Emergency Management, Department of Fire Programs, Department of Forensic Science (DFS), Governor's Office for Substance Abuse Prevention (GOSAP), Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ), Department of Military Affairs (DMA), Virginia Parole Board, Virginia State Police (VSP), Department of Veterans Services (VDVA), and the Virginia War Memorial.

These agencies enforced criminal, highway safety, and alcoholic beverage and tobacco laws; protected public safety through confinement, treatment and monitoring of felons and through the supervision, treatment and monitoring of people on parole or probation; provided technical assistance, research and training for law enforcement agencies, community fire departments and prosecutors; planed and coordinated the state's emergency preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation efforts; trained fire fighters, investigated crimes and tested crime scene evidence; trained Army and Air National Guard members; and provided services to Virginia's veterans.

John Marshall served as Secretary of Public Safety from January 2002 to January 2010. Marshall was initially appointed by Governor Mark Warner in January 2002 and reappointed by Governor Tim Kaine on 15 January 2006.

Marshall began his career in public service and law enforcement in 1980 as a Virginia State Trooper. During his 14 years with the Department of State Police, he also served as a Special Agent in the Narcotics Division, Sergeant-Instructor at the Training Academy and as a Sergeant assigned to Field Operations.

In 1994, President William J. Clinton appointed Marshall to serve as the United States Marshal for the Eastern District of Virginia. Later in 1999, President Clinton nominated Marshall to serve as the Director of the United States Marshals Service, our nation's oldest federal law enforcement agency. Upon confirmation by the U.S. Senate, Marshall took office as Director in November of 1999. He is the first African-American to serve as the Director.

Secretary Marshall graduated from Georgetown University in 1988 with a BA in Government, and he also holds a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in the Administration of Justice from Virginia Commonwealth University.

  • Series VI. Secretary of Public Safety Electronic Files, Subseries A. John Marshall Email , 2006-2009 .

    The subseries contains 652 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibjmarshall.pst . John Marshall served as Secretary of Public Safety from 2002 to 2010. There are four privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 32.1-127.1:03, 42.1-78, and 63.2-103. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to personal/personnel information.

    Subjects include : Virginia National Guard; Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) take home vehicles; storm updates and damage assessments; declarations of state of emergencies; budget reductions; Department of Corrections' media interview policy; technology issues related to the Virginia Information Technologies Agency and Northrop Grumman (VITA/NG) contract; Virginia Statewide Agencies Radio System (STARS); Virginia Tourism poster (gang sign); Virginia Citizen Soldier Support Council; 2009 presidential inaugural planning; Public Safety Memorial Commission; Small, Women-owned, and Minority-owned Business (SWAM) procurement program; 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech; and the 2007 Governor's Campus Security Conference.

    Correspondents include : Vince Burgess, Michael Cline, Clyde Cristman, Robert Crouch, Pamela O'Berry Evans, W. Steven Flaherty, Marc Follmer, Stephen Harms, Marilyn Harris, Martha Hazelgrove, Pierce Homer, Tim Kaine, Robert Kemmler, Bill Leighty, John McDonald, Walter McFarlane, Robert Newman, Len Pomata, Larry Roberts, Mark Rubin, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, Marilyn Tavenner, and Wayne Turnage.

  • Series VI. Secretary of Public Safety Electronic Files, Subseries B. Clyde Cristman , 2006-2007 .

    The subseries contains 804 email messages in one PST file: CCristman_SOPS.pst . Clyde Cristman served as Deputy Secretary of Public Safety from January 2006 to October 2007. Cristman left the Secretary of Public Safety's office for a position with the Virginia State Senate Finance Committee. There are four privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 2.2-3800 and 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to personal/personnel information and medical information.

    Subjects include : Commonwealth Interoperability Coordinator's Office (CICO); State Interoperability Advisory Group; Criminal Justice Task Force of the Chief Justice's Commission on Mental Health Law Reform; 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech; DNA testing by the Virginia Department of Forensic Science (ordered by Governor Mark Warner in 2004); Virginia correctional system; prisoner re-entry; strategic plan for Secretary of Public Safety; and memorandum of understandings between Public Safety state agencies and Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA).

    Correspondents include : Robert Crouch, Chris Essid, Paul Ferrara, Iva Frizzell, Marilyn Harris, Jennifer Hastings, Martha Hazelgrove, Pete Marone, John Marshall, Melissa McMenemy, Kevin Patrick, Thomas Stuzzieri, Larry Traylor, Wayne Turnage, Carol Ulrich, and Charles Werner.

  • Series VI. Secretary of Public Safety Electronic Files, Subseries C. Marilyn Harris Email , 2008-2010 .

    The subseries contains 270 email messages in one PST file: MHARRIS.PST . Marilyn Harris served as Deputy Secretary of Public Safety and Governor's Office for Substance Abuse Prevention (GOSAP) Director from January 2006 to January 2010. One email in this subseries is restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 2.2-3801 and 42.1-78.

    Subjects include : budget reductions; public safety employee assistance; closure of Natural Bridge Juvenile Correctional Center (NBJCC); public safety legislation; electronic interrogations; and the Virginia Public Safety Memorial.

    Correspondents include : Helen Fahey, Pete Marone, Walter McFarlane, and B.J. Northington.

  • Series VI. Secretary of Public Safety Electronic Files, Subseries D. Dawn Smith Email , 2002-2008 .

    The subseries contains 603 email messages in one PST file: DSmith.pst . Dawn B. Smith served as Assistant Secretary of Public Safety from 2002 to 2006 in Governor Mark Warner's administration. She was reappointed by Governor Tim Kaine and served until August 2008. Smith also served as staff to the Virginia Citizen-Soldier Support Council, formed by Governor Mark Warner in 2003. Two emails are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia, 2.2-3801 and 42.1-78.

    Subjects include : Small, Women-owned, and Minority-owned Business (SWaM) and minority procurement; National Advisory Board, Norfolk State University Intelligence Community, Center for Academic Excellence (NSU ICCAE); reports to the Virginia General Assembly; Congressional briefings on public safety federal appropriation requests; and prisoner reentry.

    Correspondents include : Clyde Cristman, Barbara Lee, John Marshall, and Cindy Sanger.

  • Series VI. Secretary of Public Safety Electronic Files, Subseries E. Erin Bryant Email , 2005-2010 .

    The subseries contains 2688 email messages in two PST files: KaineLibEBryant.pst and EBRYANT.PST . Erin Bryant served as Senior Special Assistant (2005-2008) and Assistant Secretary of Public Safety (2008-2010). In 2007, Bryant worked in the Office of Special Projects assisting with Queen Elizabeth II's visit to Virginia in May 2007. There are nine privacy protected and confidential emails in these PST files that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78 and 52-48. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to attorney-client privilege and Virginia Fusion Intelligence Center reports.

    The KaineLibEBryant.pst contains 2682 emails sent/received by Erin Bryant between August 2005 and January 2010. The EBRYANT.PST contains six emails sent/received by Erin Bryant on 15 January 2010.

    Subjects include : constituent correspondence; continuity of operations programs (COOP) summary sheets for public safety agencies; public safety legislation for the 2006-2010 general assembly sessions (bill assignments, enrolled bill review, legislative action summaries, status of legislation, amendments, talking points, budget); ARRA (stimulus funding for public safety agencies); public relations/activities (press releases, media alerts, talking points, bill signings, Cabinet Community Days, Pre-K events, Public Safety Memorial, Queen's visit, and the 2006 September 11 Memorial Event); Alternatives for Non-Violent Offenders Task Force; Commission on Sexual Violence (agenda, meeting notes, recommendations, final report, PERK legislation [Physical Evidence Recovery Kit]); Governor's Fellows Program; Interagency Anti-Gang Work group; Prevention Comes First initiative to reduce gang violence and related crime; and the Virginia Public Safety Memorial Commission.

    Records related to Queen Elizabeth II's 2007 visit to Virginia include: photographs, minute-by-minute overview of the Queen's visit to Capitol Square, event planning time-line, Royal protocol instructions, and biographies of participants.

    Notable email includes : email from Jacklyn Varela, dated 14 May 2007, to Bryant, transmitting typed notes from the 10 May 2007 meeting of the Virginia Tech Review Panel. Metadata on the attachment indicated the notes were taken by Hollis Stambaugh, Virginia Tech Review Panel staff deputy director.

    Correspondents include : Melissa Ball, Marilyn Batan, Diane Bechamps, Amy Bridge, Greg Brittingham, Beth Camphouse, Steven Combs, Laura Cross, Marla Decker, Fran Ecker, Eileen Guertier, Marilyn Harris, Amanda Howe, Margaret Hughson, Gary Janak, Richard Jerome, Robert Kemmler, John Marshall, Jane Minerly, Jennie Moline, Jason Newman, Jeffery Painter, Judy Philpott, Brook Pittinger, Robbie Prevette, Patricia Rollston, Felix Sarfo-Kantanka, Alison Shames, Brian Shepard, Dawn Smith, Tamra Talmadge-Anderson, Gayle Turner, George Urquhart, and Russell Woodlief.

  • Series VI. Secretary of Public Safety Electronic Files, Subseries F. Susan Gholston Email , 2006-2010 .

    The subseries contains 524 email messages in two PST files: SGHOLSON.PST and KaineLibsgholston.pst . Susan Gholston served as the Governor's Office for Substance Abuse Prevention (GOSAP) Community Data Director from 2006 to 2010.

    The SGHOLSON.PST contains 504 emails sent by Susan Gholston between 2006 and 2010. The KaineLibsgholston.pst contains 20 constituent correspondence sent/received by Gholson between April 2006 and October 2009.

    Subjects include : Community Profile Database (CPD) Development (includes technical problems with database); and the EPI Grant (State Epidemiological Outcome Work group), a collaborative project between GOSAP and DMHMRSAS; Gholston was project director. Records include proposal, budget, work plans, Summary Status Reports, drafts of report and final report.

    Correspondents include : Marilyn Harris, Hope Merrick, Gene Miles, and Rosemary Shoemaker.

  • Series VI. Secretary of Public Safety Electronic Files, Subseries G. Jacklyn Varela Email , 2006-2008 .

    The subseries contains 594 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibJVarela.pst . Jacklyn Varela served as Special Assistant to the Secretary of Public Safety/GOSAP from 2006 to April 2008.

    Subjects include : weekly reports from the Virginia Department of Fire Programs; legislation (2008 session); gangs (Committee on Developing Partnerships with Other States); Public Safety Memorial Commission; and the Commission on Sexual Violence.

    Correspondents include : Erin Bryant, Steven Combs, Lois Fegan, Eileen Guertler, Marilyn Harris, J. Kay Hunnel, Jeffrey Painter, Brook Pittinger, Patricia Rollston, George Urquhart, and Russell Woodlief.

  • Series VI. Secretary of Public Safety Electronic Files, Subseries H. Iva Frizzle Email , 2002-2007 .

    The subseries contains 63 email messages in one PST file: 2006Libifrizzell.pst . Iva Frizzell served as Executive Assistant to the Secretary of Public Safety from January 2002 to June 2007.

    Subjects include : list of Public Safety agency accomplishments for 2004 as requested by Governor Mark Warner; CapWIN (Capital Wireless Integrated Network); meeting notes, agendas, and reports; post Katrina/Rita evaluation measuring state agency preparedness (February 2006); photographs of damage in New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina; and Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) MOU issues with Public Safety agencies (2006).

    Correspondents include : Deborah Hayes, Tom Henderson, and Tom Jacobs.

  • Series VI. Secretary of Public Safety Electronic Files, Subseries I. Martha Hazelgrove Email , 2007-2010 .

    The subseries contains 339 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibMHazelgrove.pst . Martha Hazelgrove served as a Special Assistant (2006-2007) and Executive Assistant (2007-2010) in the Office of the Secretary of Public Safety. There are nine privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78 and 53.1-40. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to personal/personnel and social services information.

    Subjects include : 2009 Presidential inauguration; constituent correspondence; transition documents prepared by Public Safety agencies for Governor-Elect Bob McDonnell; and Secretary of Public Safety weekly reports.

    Correspondents include : Marilyn Harris, John Marshall, and Secretary of Public Safety website comments.

  • Series VI. Secretary of Public Safety Electronic Files, Subseries J. Gabrielle Williams Email , 2008-2009 .

    The subseries contains 10 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibGWilliams.pst . Gabrielle Williams served as a Special Assistant in the Office of the Secretary of Public Safety from July 2007 to January 2010.

    Subjects include : constituent correspondence and decisions briefs.

  • Series VI. Secretary of Public Safety Electronic Files, Subseries K. Beth Camphouse Email , 2009-2010 .

    The subseries contains 227 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibbcamphouse.pst . Beth Camphouse served a Governor's Fellow (June-August 2009) and Special Assistant in the Office of the Secretary of Public Safety from August 2009 to January 2010.

    Subjects include : legislative files; Alternatives for Non-Violent Offenders Task Force; Virginia Prisoner Reentry Policy Academy; Criminal Justice/Mental Health Transformation Consortium; Virginia Public Safety Memorial; and Governor's Office for Substance Abuse Prevention (GOSAP).

    Correspondents include : Erin Bryant (Rice), Barry Green, and Marilyn Harris.

Series VII. Office of the Senior Advisor to the Governor for Workforce Electronic Files , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .
Extent: 10490 emails.

The Office of the Senior Advisor to the Governor for Workforce Electronic Files series documents the electronic communication of the office during the Kaine Administration. This series contains 10490 emails in seven (7) subseries. Subseries have been designated for A. Daniel LeBlanc Email; B. Gail Robinson Email; C. Brian Davis Email; D. Marietta Salyer Email; E. Beatrice Yarney Email; F. Sarah Abubaker Email; and G. Patrick Callahan Email. There are 49 privacy protected and confidential emails in this series that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications.

The Workforce Investment Act (WIA), signed by President Bill Clinton in 1998, reformed federal job training programs and created a new comprehensive workforce investment system. The WIA did five things: created a state workforce investment system, created a local one stop delivery system, authorized three local workforce programs for adults, youth and dislocated workers, amended three related federal statutes (Adult Education and Literacy), (Wagner-Peyser) and (Rehabilitation Act) and authorized five national workforce programs - Job Corps, Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers, Veterans, Native Americans and Youth Opportunity Grants.

A 2002 Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission review of Virginia's implementation of WIA recommended the creation of a workforce development coordinator, reporting directly to the Governor, whose sole responsibility would be statewide coordination of workforce development services. When the General Assembly did not pass this recommendation in 2003, Governor Mark Warner, took executive action and on 17 June 2003 appointed Dr. Barbara Bolin as Special Assistant to the Governor on Workforce Development.

In 2004 the General Assembly codified the position (renamed Special Advisor to the Governor for Workforce Development) and clarified the advisor's specific duties. The advisor is responsible for serving as the liaison for workforce training with state and local government, the Virginia Workforce Council (VWC), local work investment boards, as well as the general business community. The advisor is also responsible for reviewing fund allocation, helping the VWC implement policies for the Virginia Workforce System, monitoring federal workforce-related legislation, and reporting annually on the condition of statewide workforce training programs. Dr. Bolin resigned her position in May 2005, and Dolores Esser of the Virginia Employment Commission was appointed to fill the vacancy in November 2005.

In 2006 General Assembly passed legislation creating the Chief Workforce Development Officer. The Governor is the Chief Workforce Development Officer and he may delegate that responsibility to a senior person on his immediate staff. The Chief Workforce Development Officer is responsible for the coordination of workforce development across Secretariats and ensuring that the Commonwealth's workforce development efforts are implemented in a coordinated and efficient manner. This position replaced the Special Advisor to the Governor for Workforce Development created in 2004.

On 21 March 2006, Governor Tim Kaine named Daniel C. LeBlanc, former President of the Virginia AFL-CIO and Kaine's failed nominee for Secretary of the Commonwealth, as Senior Advisor to the Governor for Workforce. Executive Order 25 issued by Governor Kaine on 23 June 2006 delegated his authority as Chief Workforce Development Officer to the Senior Advisor to the Governor for Workforce and further clarified the Advisor's duties and responsibilities. This order was issued to ensure that initial transition steps occurred to implement the 2006 legislation. Kaine's Executive Order 61, issued on 4 January 2008, rescinded Executive Order 25 and was issued to ensure that the next phase of transition occurred including: the creation of a Workforce Sub Cabinet to ensure Cabinet collaboration regarding workforce development as required by state and federal statute; listing of the duties of the Cabinet Secretaries and designating the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) as the designated state agency for the WIA, including that of grant recipient and fiscal administrative agency.

Executive Order 61 also tasked the Senior Advisor for Workforce with overseeing the implementation of the development of comprehensive integrated seamless local One Stop workforce service delivery systems. To further advance the implementation of this effort, the State Partner Memorandum of Understanding for Comprehensive One Stop Centers was signed in March of 2008. This document was the first in Virginia to clearly delineate specific requirements of state agencies and programs across multiple Secretariats towards the creation and support a workforce development system that operates effectively in a one stop environment with a primary focus on citizens and employers in an efficient manner.

With the assistance of Camille Miller, a consultant, five workforce centers were opened by the end of the Kaine administration in January 2010. An additional seven were scheduled to open by June 2010.

  • Series VII. Office of the Senior Advisor to the Governor for Workforce Electronic Files, Subseries A. Daniel LeBlanc Email , 2006-2010 .

    The subseries contains 2353 email messages in one PST file: DLABLANC.PST . As Senior Advisor for Workforce from 2006 to 2010, LeBlanc served as a member of Governor Tim Kaine's Cabinet in his role as Chief Workforce Development Officer. LeBlanc's responsibilities included advising the Governor on all workforce development matters. LeBlanc also chaired the Workforce Sub Cabinet. In this role, he coordinated with the Virginia Community College System and mandated State government representatives in order to realize the Governor's vision for workforce development. LeBlanc oversaw the development and implementation of the Commonwealth's first ever Strategic Plan for Workforce Development. He also worked across Secretariats to achieve consensus on a State Partner Memorandum of Understanding for Comprehensive One Stop Centers, a landmark directive for workforce service delivery in the Commonwealth. There are four privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to attorney-client communications.

    Subjects include : Closing of Ford Motor Company plant in Norfolk; Workforce Investment Act (WIA) including the transition WIA responsibilities from the Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) to the Virginia Community College System (VCCS); Comprehensive One-Stops (Charlottesville, Danville, Roanoke, South Boston) including location, site selection, real estate and information technology issues; American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding for workforce development; state budget/funding; Career Readiness Certificate (CRC); closing of International Paper in Franklin; workforce related legislation; closing of Quimonda plant in Henrico County; Virginia Veterans Workforce Development Taskforce; layoffs at Volvo truck plant in Dublin; Workforce Sub Cabinet; and the development of the Memorandum of Instruction and Understanding (MOU) for Comprehensive One Stop Workforce Centers (including drafts, comments and implementation).

    Notable email includes : exchange between LeBlanc and Chief of Staff Wayne Turnage, dated 6 February 2009, on the closing of Quimonda plant in Henrico County and the budget problems facing the Commonwealth.

    Correspondents include : Sarah Abubaker, Peter Blake, Willie Blanton, Aneesh Chopra, Brian Davis, Paula Dehetre, Katherine DeRosear, Delores Esser, Peter Gottschalk, Steven Gould, Lynette Hammond, Tim Kaine, Robert Leber, Bill Leighty, Camille Wright Miller, Bobby Myers, Aida Pacheco, Barbara Reese, Gail Robinson, Megan Root, Marietta Salyer, Brian Shepard, George Taratsas, Wayne Turnage, and Dick Zorn.

  • Series VII. Office of the Senior Advisor to the Governor for Workforce Electronic Files, Subseries B. Gail Robinson Email , 2006-2010 .

    The subseries contains 3703 email messages in two PST files: KaineLibGRobinson.pst and GROBINSON.PST . Gail Robinson served as Deputy Workforce Advisor from May 2006 to January 2010. Her responsibilities included: development and implementation of the Governor's Workforce Development Strategic Plan for the statewide delivery of workforce development and training programs and activities; cross-Cabinet collaboration in state workforce policy development and program implementation; and workforce systems design and workforce system performance and outcome measures. There are 16 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to attorney-client privilege.

    • KaineLibGRobinson.pst , 2006-2010 .

      The KaineLibGRobinson.pst file contains 1406 emails sent and received by Gail Robinson between 2006 and 2010. There are three privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications.

      Subjects include : the development of the Memorandum of Instruction and Understanding (MOU) for Comprehensive One Stop Workforce Centers (including drafts, comments and implementation); status reports on the One Stop Centers; preparations for opening Comprehensive One Stops; cost allocations for One Stop Centers; Workforce Sub Cabinet; Workforce Development Program Performance Indicators for the Commonwealth of Virginia, report prepared for the Governor's Office by Kevin Hollenback of W.E. Upjohn Institute (Fall 2007) - records include development of report, progress reports by Hollenback, and comments from effected parties; work of and report from the Interagency Work group on Workforce Performance Data Issues (Fall 2009); transference of Workforce Investment Act (WIA) responsibilities from the Office of the Senior Advisor and the Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) to the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) - records include MOU and transition issues; technology issues between the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) and One-Stop Centers; drafts and final version of an IT Guide for One Stop Workforce Centers written by VITA; and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA).

      Notable email includes : a series of weekly One-Stop reports from Camille Wright Miller to Daniel LeBlanc in 2009. These reports provided a summary of activities at One-Stops across the Commonwealth.

      Correspondents include : Sarah Abubaker, Peter Blake, Brian Davis, Paula Dehetre, Katherine DeRosear, Patrick Gottschalk, Lynette Hammond, Kevin Hollenbeck, Hal Hughey, Danny LeBlanc, Bill Leighty, Camille Wright Miller, Marietta Saylor, George Taratsas, Wayne Turnage, and Richard Zorn.

    • GROBINSON.PST , 2006-2010 .

      The GROBINSON.PST file contains 2297 emails sent and received by Gail Robinson between 2006 and 2010. There are 13 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications.

      Subjects include : development of the Memorandum of Instruction and Understanding (MOU)for Comprehensive One Stop Workforce Centers (including drafts, comments and implementation); Comprehensive One-Stops (Charlottesville, Danville, Roanoke, South Boston) including location, site selection, real estate and information technology issues; drafts of Executive Order on posting jobs created by ARRA federal projects; drafts of IT Guide for One Stop Centers; draft legislation for the 2009 General Assembly session moving workforce development to the Education secretariat; workforce legislation; Workforce Subcabinet; and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA).

      Correspondents include : Peter Blake, Willie Blanton, Patrick Callahan, Brian Davis, Paula Dehetre, Lynette Hammond, Hal Hughley, Gail Jaspen, Daniel LeBlanc, Camille Wright Miller, Linda Nablo, Marietta Saylor, George Taratsas, and Beatrice Yarney.

  • Series VII. Office of the Senior Advisor to the Governor for Workforce Electronic Files, Subseries C. Brian Davis Email , 2007 and 2009 .

    The subseries contains 1492 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibBDavis.pst . Brian Davis worked in the Workforce Office from 2006 to 2007 and 2008 to 2009 as Director of Workforce Systems. There are 22 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to attorney-client communications.

    Subjects include : One Stop Workforce Centers (Charlottesville, Danville, Roanoke); Governor's WIA Discretionary Funds; Workforce Program Performance; American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA); drafts of Executive Order on posting jobs created by ARRA federal projects; drafts of, One-Stop Implementation Guide, IT Guide for One Stop Centers and One Stop HR Guidance; WIA Waiver Plans submitted to the United States Department of Labor; Poverty Reduction Task Force; and Workforce weekly report.

    Correspondents include : Kim Adkins, Beth Brinly, Delores Esser, Jeffrey Gabriel, Lynette Hammond, Rosalyn Key-Tiller, Danny LeBlanc, Camille Wright Miller, Gail Robinson, Shelby Robinson, Megan Root, Marietta Sayler, George Taratsas, and Beatrice Yarney.

  • Series VII. Office of the Senior Advisor to the Governor for Workforce Electronic Files, Subseries D. Marietta Salyer Email , 2007-2009 .

    The subseries contains 1987 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibMSalyer.pst . Marietta Salyer served as Statewide One Stop System Director from 2007 to July 2009.

    Subjects include : One Stop Workforce Centers including planning process, status reports, cost sharing, and development of centers (Arlington, Charlottesville, Danville, Fredericksburg, Hampton Roads, Harrisonburg, Martinsville, Petersburg, Prince William, Roanoke, South Boston, Winchester, and Wytheville); technology issues between the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) and One-Stop Centers; drafts and final version of an IT Guide for One Stop Workforce Centers written by VITA; VITA status reports for each Comprehensive One Stop center; notes from One Stop Information Technologies Planning Committee meetings; One Stop Implementation Guide; and the creation and work of the Senior Advisor's Strike Force to resolve critical issues with the Charlottesville One Stop.

    Correspondents include : Kim Adkins, Joe Ashley, Peter Blake, Willie Blanton, Deborah Crowder, Brian Davis, William Diamond, Heather Foor, Robert Gluck, Carmen Hoge, Hal Hughey, David Hunn, Daniel LeBlanc, Ronnie Martin, Camille Wright Miller, Kim Moore, Etta Morehouse, Bobby Myers, Nablo, Linda, Aida Pacheco, Dee Pisciella, Gail Robinson, Shelby Robinson, Donna Scarlett, Lori Stumpf, Levin C. Sullivan, George Taratsas, Dolores Vest, Tom Vozenilek, Tracy Walker, and Beatrice Yarney.

  • Series VII. Office of the Senior Advisor to the Governor for Workforce Electronic Files, Subseries E. Beatrice Yarney Email , 2007-2009 .

    The subseries contains 290 email messages in one PST file: yarney.pst . Beatrice Yarney served as Special Assistant to the Senior Advisor for Workforce from January to July 2009. She worked as an intern in the Workforce office from 2007 to 2008. There are seven privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to attorney-client communications.

    Subjects include : One Stop Workforce Centers; Economic Crisis Strike Force; 2009 legislative session bill review; and weekly reports.

    Correspondents include : Brian Davis, Gary Janak, Daniel LeBlanc, Camille Wright Miller, Aida Pacheco, Gail Robinson, and Megan Root.

  • Series VII. Office of the Senior Advisor to the Governor for Workforce Electronic Files, Subseries F. Sarah Abubaker Email , September 2007 to January 2009 .

    The subseries contains 612 email messages in two PST files: SABUBAKER.PST and KaineLibSAbubaker.pst . Sarah Abubaker served as Executive Assistant to the Senior Advisor for Workforce Development from January 2008 to January 2009. She worked as a Special Assistant in Constituent Services from 2007 to 2008.

    • SABUBAKER.PST , 2007-2009 .

      The SABUBAKER.PST file contains 264 emails sent and received by Sarah Abubaker between September 2007 and January 2009.

      Subjects include : the development of the Memorandum of Instruction and Understanding (MOU) for Comprehensive One Stop Workforce Centers (including drafts, comments and implementation); One Stop Workforce Centers; Decision Briefs; 2008 legislative session bill review; and Workforce Sub Cabinet.

      Correspondents include : Peter Blake, Brian Davis, Daniel LeBlanc, Gail Robinson, Marietta Salyer, and Wayne Turnage.

    • KaineLibSAbubaker.pst , 2008-2009 .

      The KaineLibSAbubaker.pst file contains 348 emails sent and received by Sarah Abubaker between January 2008 and January 2009.

      Subjects include : Workforce Sub Cabinet; 2008 legislative session bill review; One Stop Workforce Centers; and Weekly Report items from GOWD staff members.

      Correspondents include : Willie Blanton, Brian Davis, Paula Scott Dehetre, Gary Janak, Daniel LeBlanc, Gail Robinson, and Marietta Salyer.

  • Series VII. Office of the Senior Advisor to the Governor for Workforce Electronic Files, Subseries G. Patrick Callahan Email , 2009-2010 .

    The subseries contains 53 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibpcallahan.pst . Patrick Callahan served as Special Assistant to the Senior Advisor for Workforce from August 2009 to January 2010. He also was a Governor's Fellow from June to August 2009 assigned to the Workforce office.

    Subjects include : disability issues; and One Stop Workforce Centers.

    Correspondents include : Brian Davis, Daniel LeBlanc, Gail Robinson, and Ed Turner.

Series VIII. Secretary of Education Electronic Files , 2005-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .
Extent: 27002 emails.

The Secretary of Education Electronic Files series documents the electronic communication of the office during the Kaine administration. This series contains 27002 emails in ten (10) subseries. Subseries have been designated for: A. Thomas Morris Email; B. Judith Heiman Email; C. Dietra Trent Email; D. Douglas Garcia Email; E. Jean Bankos Email; F. Kathy Glazer Email; G. Kendall Tyree Email; H. June Hines Email; I. Lorraine Lintecum Email; and J. Nicholas Galvin Email. There are 14 protected and confidential emails that are restricted from public access per Code of Virginia, 42-1-78.

The Secretary of Education assists the Governor in the development and implementation of the state's education policy. During the Kaine administration, the Secretary of Education provided guidance to 16 public universities, the Virginia Community College System, higher education and research centers, state educational agencies, and state supported museums and libraries. The Virginia education agencies and institutions include: Department of Education, Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind, Virginia Career Education Foundation, Virginia Early Childhood Foundation, Christopher Newport University, College of William and Mary, George Mason University, James Madison University, Longwood University, Norfolk State University, Old Dominion University, Radford University, University of Mary Washington, University of Virginia, University of Virginia's College at Wise, Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia Military Institute, Virginia State University, Virginia Tech, State Council of Higher Education, Virginia Community College System, Library of Virginia, Frontier Culture Museum, Gunston Hall, Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Science Museum of Virginia, and Virginia Commission for the Arts.

Dr. Thomas Morris served as Secretary of Education from January 2006 to January 2010. Prior to his appointment by Governor-elect Kaine, Dr. Morris served as the president of Emory and Henry College for over 13 years. A distinguished Constitutional scholar and political scientist, he was a distinguished faculty member at the University of Richmond for 21 years.

  • Series VIII. Secretary of Education Electronic Files, Subseries A. Thomas Morris Email , 2006-2010 .

    The subseries contains 560 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibtmorris.pst . Thomas Morris served as Secretary of Education from January 2006 to January 2010.

    The KaineLibtmorris.pst contains 560 email messages send and received by Thomas Morris between January 2006 and January 2010.

    Subjects include : state budget including agency budget reductions; education initiatives and policy including Pre-K; state agency issues and correspondence [Department of Education, State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, Virginia Community College System]; and early childhood education and creation of the Office of Early Childhood Development.

    Correspondents include : James Batterson, Peter Blake, Billy Cannaday, Aneesh Chopra, Douglas Garcia, Glenn DuBois, Judy Heiman, Tim Kaine, Daniel LaVista, Bill Leighty, Tod Massa, Brian Shepard, Dietra Trent, and Wayne Turnage.

  • Series VIII. Secretary of Education Electronic Files, Subseries B. Judy Heiman Email , 2006-2008 .

    This subseries contains 3047 emails in one PST file: JHEIMAN.PST . Judy Heiman served as Deputy Secretary of Education from January 2006 to December 2007. Heiman left the Kaine administration when she accepted a position in the California Legislative Analyst's Office. Prior to joining the Kaine administration, Heiman worked as budget and policy analyst for the Virginia Department of Planning and Budget.

    The JHEIMAN.PST contains 3047 email messages sent and received by Judy Heiman between February 2006 and October 2008. The emails from 2008 are broadcast messages captured in Heiman's email box after she left the administration.

    Subjects include : Achieve - Virginia's American Diploma Project Network (ADP); career and technical education; College Readiness Project; Commonwealth Scholars; state agency correspondence and issues from Department of Education; state budget issues including agency budget reductions; legislative files; early childhood education and creation of the Office of Early Childhood Development; Governor's Workforce Development Strategic Plan; and State Workforce Sub Cabinet.

    Correspondents include : Mark Allan, Jean Bankos, Jim Batterson, Peter Blake, Deborah Bliss, Andrew Block, David Breneman, Bethann Canada, Billy Cannaday, Dean Clifford, Don Darr, Kent Dickey, Glenn DuBois, Eileen Filler-Corn, Sterling Daniel, Tabitha Foreman, Douglas Garcia, Kathy Glazer, Michael Harreld, Deborah Jonas, Bill Leighty, Tod Massa, Juanita McHale, Jennie Moline, Tom Morris, Bill Murray, Karen Petersen, Charles Pyle, Gail Robinson, Megan Root, Elizabeth Russell, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, Christine Tell, Dan Timberlake, Dietra Trent, Karen Trump, Kendall Tyree, Wayne Turnage, Kendall Tyree, Linda Wallinger, Anne Wescott, and Patricia Wright.

  • Series VIII. Secretary of Education Electronic Files, Subseries C. Dietra Trent Email , 2006-2010 .

    This subseries contains 6267 emails in one PST file: KaineLibdtrent.pst . Dietra Trent served as Deputy Secretary of Education, Higher Education, from January 2006 to January 2010.

    The KaineLibdtrent.pst contains 6267 emails sent and received by Dietra Trent between January 2006 and January 2010.

    Subjects include : state budget including agency budget requests and reductions; American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) federal stimulus grants and projects for higher education; legislation; 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech; creation of the Virginia Tech Victims (VTV) Family Outreach Foundation; VITA/NG issues and costs with the Library of Virginia; and correspondence from higher education institutions.

    Correspondents include : James Alessio, Ruth Anderson, Lee Andes, Brenda Atkins, Viola Baskerville, John Bennett, Thomas Bernadas, Peter Blake, Ric Brown, Susan Carney, Paul Casalaspi, Aneesh Chopra, Donald Combs, Clementine Cone, Rich Conti, Carolyn Cook, Robert Crouch, Pam Currey, Don Darr, Cintra Davis, Kent Dickey, Barry Dorsey, Deborah Dowd, Alan Edwards, Christine Fields, Marc Follmer, Laura Fornash, Dominic Gabello, Manju Ganeriwala, Douglas Garcia, Robert Green, Judy Heiman, Tom Hennessey, Chris Hinkle, Dan Hix, Gail Jaspen, Tim Kaine, Gary Knick, Daniel LaVista, Bill Leighty, Brian Longwood, Alfonso Lopez, Tony Maggio, Tod Massa, Michael Maul, Tom McKeon, Jennie Moline, Liz Montalvo, Tom Morris, Bill Murray, Kirsten Nelson, Patty Nelson, Shaylah Nunn, Jack Parry, Cindi Perry, Karen Petersen, Michael Pohle, Barbara Reese, Gail Robinson, Mark Rubin, Joe Samaha, Michael Sandridge, Scott Sandridge, Colette Sheehy, Brian Shepard, Anne Smith, Diane Stamp, Marilyn Tavenner, Dan Timberlake, Sandra Treadway, Maribeth Trun, Wayne Turnage, David Von Moll, Jody Wagner, Elizabeth Wallace, Emily Ward, Anne Wescott, Walter Witschey, Patricia Wright, Nolan Yelich, and Richard Zorn.

  • Series VIII. Secretary of Education Electronic Files, Subseries D. Douglas Garcia Email , 2007-2010 .

    This subseries contains 350 emails in one PST file: KaineLibdgarcia.pst . Douglas Garcia served as Assistant Secretary of Education from January 2006 to January 2010.

    The KaineLibdgarcia.pst contains 350 emails sent and received by Douglas Garcia between April 2007 and January 2010.

    Subjects include : legislation including bill review.

    Correspondents include : Judy Heiman, Gary Janak, Tom Morris, Kirsten Nelson, Megan Root, and Brian Shepard.

  • Series VIII. Secretary of Education Electronic Files, Subseries E. Jean Bankos Email , 2006-2009 .

    This subseries contains 1635 emails in one PST file: KaineLibJBankos.pst . Jean Bankos served as Senior Advisor to the Governor for Educational Projects from June 2006 to June 2009.

    The KaineLibJBankos.pst contains 1635 emails sent and received by Jean Bankos between June 2006 and June 2009.

    Subjects include : Virginia's State Scholars Initiative; American Diploma Project (ADP)(Achieve, Inc.); Governor's Career and Technical Academies; Commonwealth Scholars; Standards of Accreditation; Governor's Award for Educational Excellence; state budget; Career Readiness Certificates; career and technical education; Commission on Civics Educations; weekly reports; legislation; Virginia's participation in National Governors Association (NGA) education initiatives; P-16 initiatives; and Virginia Career Education Foundation (VCEF).

    Correspondents include : James Batterson, Peter Blake, Aneesh Chopra, Elizabeth Creamer, Jessica Eades, Douglas Garcia, Melissa Goldberg, Judy Heiman, Wendy Kang, Daniel LeBlanc, Lorraine Lintecum, Betsy McClearn, Juanita McHale, Jennie Moline, Tom Morris, Charles Pyle, Barbara Reese, Emily Richardson, Gail Robinson, Megan Root, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, Dietra Trent, Kendall Tyree, Linda Wallinger, Anne Wescott, Lois Williams, and Patricia Wright.

  • Series VIII. Secretary of Education Electronic Files, Subseries F. Kathy Glazer Email , 2006-2009 .

    This subseries contains 2075 emails in two PST files: cglazer.pst and KaineLibKGlazer.pst . Kathy Glazer served as Executive Director, Governor's Working Group on Early Childhood Initiatives, from 2006 to June 2008. In July 2008, Glazer became the director of the new Office of Early Childhood Development within the Virginia Department of Social Services.

    • cglazer.pst, 2006-2009 .

      The cglazer.pst contains 2071 emails sent and received by Kathy Glazer between August 2006 and April 2009.

      Subjects include : Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI); Pre-K; weekly reports; budget; creation of Office of Early Childhood Development (OECD); School Readiness Task Force; and Start Strong.

      Correspondents include : Mark Allan, Catherine Bodkin, Denise Branscome, Billy Cannaday, Julia Coffman, Suzette Denslow, Kent Dickey, Heidi Dix, Kathy Gillikin, Judy Heiman, Anne Hyslop, Debora Jonas, Rob Krupicka, Jennie Moline, Tom Morris, Kate Paris, Cassandra Peters, Sarah Plumb, Cosby Rogers, Margaret Schultze, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, Marilyn Tavenner, Dan Timberlake, Wayne Turnage, Linda Wallinger, Emily Ward, and Patricia Wright.

    • KaineLibKGlazer.pst , 2006-2008 .

      The KaineLibKGlazer.pst contains four emails sent and received by Kathy Glazer between August 2006 and May 2008. Subjects include: Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI).

  • Series VIII. Secretary of Education Electronic Files, Subseries G. Kendall Tyree Email , 2005-2009 .

    This subseries contains 10741 emails in two PST files: KaineLibKTyree.pst and KTYREE.PST . Kendall Tyree served as Special Assistant to the Secretary of Education from June 2005 to October 2008.

    • KaineLibKTyree.pst, 2005-2008 .

      The KaineLibKTyree.pst contains 2071 emails sent and received by Kathy Glazer between August 2006 and April 2009.

      Subjects include : weekly reports/SWAM reports from education agencies including public colleges and universities; and legislative files.

      Correspondents include : Heather Adams, Ashley Amey, Teresa Anders, Melissa Anderson, Lynne Archer-Brownlee, Teresa Bailey, Jean Bankos, Candy Banks, Mike Barton, John Bennett, Foster Billingsley, Peter Blake, Jackie Blasco, Ellie Boyd, Gena Boyle, Fran Bradford, Erin Bryant, Anthony Cannion, Sylvia Cannon, Valarie Carter, Mark Cartwright, Linda Chapman, Elizabeth Charity, Debra Nicole Collins, Denise Crittenden, Noreen Crowley, Ellen Davenport, Dane Davis, Ronald Davis, Carline Deal, Nan Dunford, Judy Dunn, Glenise Evans, Richard Farrow, Susan Fauver, Sarah Finley, Keith Gagnon, Douglas Garcia, Terri Givler, Kathy Glazer, Velvet Grant-Johnson, Charles Grosik, Cassandra Hamilton, Donna Harper, Anne Harris, Linda Harris, Jan Hathcock, Judy Heiman, Mary Hicks-Coston, Joe Hilbert, Lori Hiner, June Hines, Connie Houff, Stephen Hudson, Gary Janak, Nancy Jimison, Thomas Kaloupek, Nick Kaveski, Dianah Kelly, Deborah Kranz, Lorraine Lacy, Nick Langridge, Cheri Lankford, Jeff Lawhorne, Bet Ludden, Jeff Lunsford, Juanita McHale, Jessica Milburn, Cathryn Mobley, Jennie Moline, Robin Moore, Tom Morris, Donna Morrow, Kirsten Nelson, Jack Parry, Pam Perkins, Janice Phillips, Steven Pierson, Wanda Poff, Devonia Rexrode, Emily Richardson, Doris Roach, Megan Root, Nan Rowe, Lee Ann Rung, Nancy Sanders, Linda Scott, Suzy Scott, Darlene Selz, Colette Sheehy, Jeanne Shuler, Becca Slayton, Anne Smith, Debra Smith, Roger Spencer, Margaret Sumiel, Gary Tilley, Paul Timmreck, Eugene Trani, Dietra Trent, Michelle Vucci, Elizabeth Wallace, Linda Wallinger, Joyce Walton, Anne Wescott, Ruth Whitt, Lisle Wilke, Cindy Woodfork, and Kathy Worster.

    • KTYREE.PST , 2005-2009 .

      The KTYREE.PST contains 1837 emails send and received by Kendall Tyree between June 2005 and April 2009. This file includes email sent to Tyree after she left the Secretary of Education's Office in October 2008.

      Subjects include : weekly reports/SWAM reports from education agencies including public colleges and universities; weekly report from Secretary of Education to Governor; legislative files; and state budget.

      Correspondents include : Jean Bankos, Peter Blake, Gena Boyle, Anthony Cannion, Noreen Crowley, Ellen Davenport, Douglas Garcia, Cassandra Hamilton, Jan Hathcock, Judy Heiman, Shay Hope, Bet Ludden, Jennie Moline, Tom Morris, Kirsten Nelson, Svandis Pollard, Doris Roach, Megan Root, Juanita Tabor, Dietra Trent, Michelle Vucci, Elizabeth Wallace, and Anne Wescott.

  • Series VIII. Secretary of Education Electronic Files, Subseries H. June Hines Email , 2006-2007 .

    This subseries contains 140 emails in one PST file: JHines_SOE.pst . June Hines served as Executive Assistant to the Secretary of Education from January 2006 to October 2007.

    JHines_SOE.pst contains 140 emails sent and received by June Hines between January 2006 and October 2007.

    Subjects include : meeting materials; talking points, and reports.

    Correspondents include : Judy Heiman, Tom Morris, Dietra Trent, and Kendall Tyree.

  • Series VIII. Secretary of Education Electronic Files, Subseries I. Lorraine Lintecum Email , 2008-2010 .

    This subseries contains 2170 emails in one PST file: KaineLibLLintecum.pst . Lorraine Lintecum served as Executive Assistant to the Secretary of Education from January 2008 to January 2010.

    KaineLibLLintecum.pst contains 2170 emails sent and received by Lorraine Lintecum between January 2008 and December 2009.

    Subjects include : weekly reports/SWAM reports from education agencies including public colleges and universities; weekly report from Secretary of Education to Governor; Workforce Sub Cabinet; and state budget including cost savings strategies.

    Correspondents include : Bob Almond, Jean Bankos, Candy Banks, Billy Cannaday, Anthony Cannion, Judy Dunn, Douglas Garcia, Kathy Glazer, Daniel LaVista, Juanita McHale, Tom Morris, Svandis Pollard, Lee Ann Rung, Dietra Trent, Wayne Turnage, Kendall Tyree, and Beatrice Yarney.

  • Series VIII. Secretary of Education Electronic Files, Subseries J. Nicholas Galvin Email , 2009 .

    This subseries contains three emails in one PST file: NGALVIN.pst . Nicholas Gavin served as an intern in the Secretary of Education's office from January 2009 to April 2009.

    NGALVIN.pst contains three emails sent in January 2009 by Nicholas Galvin to Doug Garcia about legislation.

Series IX. Secretary of Health and Human Resources Electronic Files , 2004-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .
Extent: 51288 emails.

The Secretary of Health and Human Resources Electronic Files series documents the electronic communication of the office during the Kaine administration. This series contains 51288 emails in twelve (12) subseries. Subseries have been designated for: A. Marilyn Tavenner Email; B. Gail Jaspen Email; C. Heidi Dix Email; D. Aryanna C. Khalid Email; E. Julie A. Stanley Email; F. E. Janet Riddick Email; G. Kristin Burhop Email; H. Judith Ahern Email; I. Rachel Harms Email; J. Kim Barnes Email; K. Molly Huffstetler Email; and L. Thomas Gates Email. There are 2667 privacy protected and confidential emails that are restricted from public access per Code of Virginia 2.2-3800, 2.2-3808.1, 32.1-127.1:03, 42.1-78, 54.1-2523, 63.2-102, 63.2-103, and 63.2-104. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: personal information, health records, social security numbers, social services information, child support enforcement, and attorney-client communications. Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Resources Stephen Harms (January 2006-June 2007) email is located in Series I. Executive Office Email, Subseries G.

During the Kaine administration, the Secretary of Health and Human Resources oversaw the following state agencies and boards: Department for the Aging, Department of Behavior Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) (previously named Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services (DMHMRSAS), Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI), Department for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (VDDHH), Department of Health (VDH), Department of Health Professions (DHP), Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS), Department of Rehabilitative Services (DRS), Department of Social Services (DSS), Virginia Board for People with Disabilities (VBPD), Office of the Comprehensive Services Act (CSA), and Virginia, and Virginia Foundation of Healthy Youth (VFHY).

These agencies provide vital services to individuals with disabilities, the aging community, low-income working families, children, and care givers. They also license health practitioners and ensure safe drinking water in the Commonwealth.

Marilyn Tavenner served as Secretary of Health and Human Resources from January 2006 to January 2010. Prior to her appointment by Governor-elect Kaine, Tavenner spent 25 years working for Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) first as a nurse and later as CEO of Johnston-Willis and Chippenham hospitals in Richmond, Virginia and group President of Outpatient Services. After the end of the Kaine administration, Tavenner went on to serve as Principal Deputy Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and later as Administrator.

  • Series IX. Secretary of Health and Human Resources Electronic Files, Subseries A. Marilyn Tavenner Email , 2006-2010 .

    The subseries contains 6412 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibmtavenner.pst . Marilyn Tavenner served as Secretary of Health and Human Resources from January 2006 to January 2010. Eighty privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file are restricted for 75 years per Code of Virginia 2.2-3800, 32.1-127.1:03, 42.1-78, 54.1-2523, 63.2-102, and 63.2-103. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to, personal information, health records, social services information, child support enforcement, and attorney-client communications.

    Subjects include : state budget including agency budget reductions; American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (federal stimulus) - Economic Stimulus Committee; legislative files; Health IT Council; federal health care reform proposals; Governor's Health Reform Commission; McKinsey proposal to Virginia; state agency issues and correspondence [Commonwealth Services Act for At-Risk Youth and Families (CSA), Department of Medical Assistance (DMAS), Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services (DMHMRSAS)- name changed to Department of Behavioral Health and Development (DBHDS), Department of Rehabilitative Services (DRS), Department of Social Services (DSS), and Virginia Department of Health (VDH)]; For Keeps (First Lady Anne Holton's foster care initiative)/foster care system; Medicaid and Medicare; State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP); Family Access to Medical Insurance Security (FAMIS); Western State Hospital; closing of Southeastern Virginia Training Center (SEVTC); Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); early childhood education and creation of the Office of Early Childhood Development; Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) data breach; Arc v Kaine litigation; Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center land use project; Virginia Tech Shooting (immediate aftermath and legislative recommendations from VT Review Panel); Virginia Commission on Mental Health Law Reform (Working Group on Health Privacy and the Civil Commitment Process); VITA/NG issues and costs; smoking ban in restaurants; Seven Hills Nursing Home in City of Richmond; and No Wrong Door initiative/Senior Navigator.

    Notable email includes : email from Ray Ratke, Chief Deputy Commissioner DMHMRSAS, dated 17 April 2007, to Secretary of HHR, Marilyn Tavenner on Seung-Hui Cho's contacts with New River Valley CSB; email from Stephen Harms, Deputy Secretary of HHR, dated 11 May 2007, to Marilyn Tavenner, forwarding an email between Leslie Anderson, Office of Licensing, DMHMRSAS, and Ray Ratke, dated 11 May 2007 documenting Cho's contacts with St. Albans; email from Stephen Harms, Deputy Secretary of HHR, dated 11 May 2007, to Marilyn Tavenner, regarding licensing reviews of New River Valley CSB and St. Albans (Cho); email from Gail Jaspen, Deputy Secretary of HHR, dated 11 May 2007, to Marilyn Tavenner and Robert Stroube, forwarding the Virginia Department of Health's After Action Report addressing the 16 April 2007 Virginia Tech Multiple Casualty Incident; email from Bill Leighty, dated 15 May 2007, to Stephen Harms, regarding DMHMRSAS Virginia Tech after action report; email from Gail Jaspen, Deputy Secretary of HHR, dated 12 September 2007, to Marilyn Tavenner, Larry Roberts and Brian Shepard, forwarding three reports in response to the Virginia Tech Review Panel report from the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Department of Health and Department of Emergency Management Services; email from Stephen Harms, Deputy Secretary of HHR, dated 28 April 2006, to Marilyn Tavenner, on administration metrics-included in this thread is an email from Governor Kaine, dated 27 April 2006, to Pierce Homer, Marilyn Tavenner, Preston Bryant and Tom Morris, listing measures of success for four main issues; email from Marilyn Tavenner, dated 17 November 2009, to Wayne Turnage, Stephen Harms and Brian Shepard, forwarding the HHR hand-off list for the McDonnell Administration; email from Wayne Turnage, dated 16 January 2008, to Tom Morris, Marilyn Tavenner, Anthony Conyers, and Bill Cannaday, describing the objective of an upcoming meeting for a new office to direct Governor Kaine's Pre-K initiative; email from Wayne Turnage, dated 25 January 2008, to Brian Shepard, Suzette Denslow, Jennie Moline, and Stephen Harms (Marilyn Tavenner cc'd), describing proposed structure of Office of Early Childhood Education; email from Nikki Nicholau, dated 17 April 2007, to Marilyn Tavenner, transmitting a draft of the Virginia Dept. of Social Service's Talking Points for Virginia Tech; email from Stephen Harms, dated 1 May 2007, to Marilyn Tavenner, re: Inspector General's review of Cho's records; email from Marilyn Tavenner, dated 5 January 2007, to Brian Shepard and Delacey Skinner, sharing Tavenner's thoughts on Governor Kaine's upcoming State of the Commonwealth address; email from Tim Kaine, dated 29 April 2007, to Brian Shepard (Marilyn Tavenner, et al copied), containing a draft of a draft Executive Directive 7 (07) - Reporting Critical Safety Data to the Central Criminal Records Exchange - written by Shepard and edited by Kaine (See EO 50); email from Tim Kaine, dated 4 January 2007, to Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner and Marilyn Tavenner, containing Kaine's edits and thoughts on his upcoming State of the Commonwealth address; email from Stephen Harms, dated 20 April 2007, to Bill Leighty and Larry Roberts (Tavenner copied), transmitting Virginia's Civil Commitment Process; email from Stephen Harms, dated 26 April 2007, to James Reinhard (Tavenner copied), forwarding draft of Executive Directive 7 (07) Central Criminal Records Exchange(See EO 50) (see additional emails on this topic dated 28-29 April 2007); and email from Brian Shepard, dated 23 April 2007, to Marilyn Tavenner and John Marshall, transmitting copy of a memorandum to Governor Kaine on mental health treatment and firearms ownership (see also email from Stephen Harms, dated 23 April 2007, to Brian Shepard with draft of memorandum).

    Correspondents include : Karen Angelic, Joseph Bowman, Gena Boyle, Preston Bryant, Debbie Burcham, Kristin Burhop, Jim Burns, Alicia Cavanaugh, Jeff Corbin, Scott Crawford, Alicia Cavanaugh, Aneesh Chopra, Julie Christopher, Matthew Cobb, Anthony Conyers, Scott Crawford, Robert Crouch, Suzette Denslow, Heidi Dix, Emily Ehrlichman, Eileen Filler-Corn, Patrick Finnerty, Steve Ford, Thomas Gates, Kathy Glazer, Doug Gray, Matt Gross, David Hallock, Phil Hamilton, Joyce Hann, Stephen Harms, Jane Hickey, Joe Hilbert, Anne Holton, Karen Jackson, Gail Jaspen, Cindi Jones, Tim Kaine, Lisa Kaplowitz, Aryana Khalid, Bob Kocher, Heidi Lawyer, Bill Leighty, Alfonso Lopez, Bob Marshall, Melissa Mayes, Kim McGaughey, Jennie Moline, Bill Murray, Linda Nablo, Laurie Naismith, Martha Pulley, Ray Ratke, James Reinhard, Sheldon Retchin, Karen Remley, Gail Robinson, Katie Roeper, James Rothrock, Sandra Ryals, Charles Savage, Margaret Schultze, Brian Shepard, Michael Shook, Delacey Skinner, Julie Stanley, Lem Stewart, Robert Stroube, Dan Timberlake, Wayne Turnage, Shannon Valentine, Jody Wagner, Ruth Anne Walker, Joy Yeh, and Nick Young.

  • Series IX. Secretary of Health and Human Resources Electronic Files, Subseries B. Gail Jaspen Email , 2006-2008 .

    This subseries contains 23554 emails in one PST file: KaineLibgjaspen.pst . Gail Jaspen served as Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Resources from January 2006 to August 2008. Jaspen left the Kaine administration in August 2008 when she accepted a position as Chief Deputy Director of the Virginia Department of Forensic Sciences. Prior to joining the Kaine administration, Jaspen worked under Governor Mark R. Warner (2002-2006) as Chief Deputy Director of the Department of Health Professions, and as Deputy Counselor to the Governor and Special Policy Assistant for Public Safety.

    The KaineLibgjaspen.pst contains 23554 email messages sent and received by Gail Jaspen between January 2006 and August 2008. There are 184 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted for 75 years per Code of Virginia 2.2-3800, 32.1-127.1:03, 42.1-78, 54.1-2523, 63.2-102, and 63.2-103. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: personal information, health records, social services information, child support enforcement, and attorney-client communications.

    Subjects include : state agency correspondence, issues, and weekly reports from HHR agencies (Virginia Department for the Aging, Virginia Department of Medical Assistance, Virginia Department of Health Professionals, Office of the Inspector General, Virginia Board for People with Disabilities, Virginia Department of Social Services, Assistive Technology Loan Fund Authority/NewWell Fund, DMHMRSAS, Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired, Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services, Virginia Department of Health, Community Integration for People with Disabilities, Office of Comprehensive Services (OCS), Virginia Tobacco Settlement Foundation, and Virginia Department of Social Services); state budget issues including agency budget reductions; legislative files (agency positions on pending legislation; administration's positions on bills; enrolled bill reviews; legislative action updates; and legislative contacts); VITA/NG issues; No Wrong Door initiative/Senior Navigator; Medicaid; Family Access to Medical Insurance Security (FAMIS); adoption/foster care; TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families); smoking ban for restaurants; COPN (Certificate of Public Need); Mirant plant in Alexandria; influenza pandemic planning; Hurricane Ernest situation reports; Governor's Working Group on Early Childhood Initiatives; Health Reform Commission; Jaspen's notes from cabinet and deputies' meetings; Virginia Tech shooting (immediate aftermath and legislative recommendations from VT Review Panel); Assisted Living Facilities Administrator Regulations; and State Workforce Sub Cabinet.

    Notable email includes : email from Robert Stroube, dated 11 May 2007, to Marilyn Tavenner and Gail Jaspen, forwarding the Virginia Department of Health After Action Report for the 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech; email from Gail Jaspen, Deputy Secretary of HHR, dated 11 May 2007, to Marilyn Tavenner and Robert Stroube, forwarding the Virginia Department of Health's After Action Report addressing the 16 April 2007 Virginia Tech Multiple Casualty Incident; email thread between Gail Jaspen and Marilyn Tavenner, dated 13 November 2007, transmitting SHHR Talking Points on the response to Virginia Tech tragedy for the Senate Finance retreat; email from Gail Jaspen, dated 24 April 2006, to Wayne Turnage, with attachment containing her edits to Healthcare Reform White Paper; email from Heidi Dix, dated 8 October 2007, to Gail Jaspen and Marilyn Tavenner, containing draft legislation banning smoking in restaurants; email from Wayne Turnage, dated 18 January 2008, to Workforce Sub Cabinet members, on the importance of delivering to the Governor a MOU agreement for comprehensive 1-Stops; and email from Danny LeBlanc, dated 17 March 2008, transmitting signed State MOU concerning One Stop Centers.

    Correspondents include : Marilyn Batan, Mark Bowles, Joseph Bowman, Gena Boyle, Curtis Brown, Preston Bryant, Debbie Burcham, Kristin Burhop, Alicia Cavanaugh, Aneesh Chopra, Julie Christopher, Anthony Conyers, Jeff Corbin, Christy Crowther, Jay DeBoer, Heidi Dix, Suzette Denslow, Chris Durrer, Michael Evans, Marcella Fierro, Eileen Filler-Corn, Patrick Finnerty, Kathy Glazer, Suzanne Gore, Steven Gravely, Lynette Hammond, Joyce Hann, Stephen Harms, Sherrie Harrington, Bo Harris, Hubert Harris, Joe Hilbert, Scott Hippert, Asha Holloman, Anne Holton, Ray Hopkins, Catherina Hutchins, Cindi Jones, Tim Kaine, Lisa Kaplowitz, Martin Kent, Aryana Khalid, Marty Kilgore, Jeffrey Lake, Robert Lanier, Heidi Lawyer, Bill Leighty, Alfonso Lopez, Richard Martin, Robert Mauskapf, Kim McGaughey, Martha Mead, Mark Monson, Bill Murray, Linda Nablo, Robert Nebiker, Nikki Nicholau, Pat Pettie, Leslie Prince, Martha Pulley, James Reinhard, Gail Robinson, Katie Roeper, James Rothrock, John Russell, Sandra Ryals, Margaret Schultze, Brian Shepard, Julie Stanley, James Stewart, Robert Stroube, Marilyn Tavenner, Wayne Turnage, Aaron Ver, Joey Wallace, Emily Wingfield, Elaine Yeatts, Nick Young, Neil Zahradka, David Ziegler, Mary Zoller, and Richard Zorn.

  • Series IX. Secretary of Health and Human Resources Electronic Files, Subseries C. Heidi Dix Email , 2006-2009 .

    This subseries contains 2412 emails in three PST files: 2006LibHDix.pst, 2007LibHDix.pst, and KaineLibHDix.pst . Heidi Dix served as Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Resources from 17 April 2006 to July 2007 and Assistant Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Resources from July 2007 to January 2009. Dix left the Kaine Administration in January 2009 when she accepted a position as Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services (DMHMRSAS).

    • 2006LibHDix.pst, 2006-2007 .

      The 2006LibHDix.pst contains 171 emails sent and received by Heidi Dix from 2006 to 2007. Three privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file are restricted for 75 years per Code of Virginia 2.2-3800 and 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: records containing personal information.

      Subjects include : HB 110 (2006) and proposed revisions-agency reports on aging population; Governor's Health Reform Commission (Access Work group, LTC Work group); Congressional briefing documents; and legislation.

      Correspondents include : Gail Jaspen, Heidi Lawyer, Bill Lukhard, William Peterson, and Marilyn Tavenner.

    • 2007LibHDix.pst , 2006-2007 .

      The 2007LibHDix.pst contains 544 emails sent and received by Heidi Dix from 2006 to 2007. There are two privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted for 75 years per Code of Virginia 2.2-3800 and 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: records containing personal information.

      Subjects include : legislation (primarily legislative action summaries and legislative contacts for Department of Social Services 2007 related legislation); budget requests; and Governor's Health Reform Commission (Access Work group and LTC Work group) including draft reports, presentations and meeting agendas and minutes.

      Correspondents include : Henry Claypool, Michael Cook, Brian Coyne, Steve Ford, Gail Jaspen, Cindi Jones, Jean Kane, Heidi Lawyer, Beth Ludden, William Lukhard, Richard Martin, William Peterson, Sheldon Retchin, Lisa Sprinkel, Marilyn Tavenner, and Wayne Turnage.

    • KaineLibHDix.pst, 2007-2009 .

      The KaineLibHDix.pst contains 1697 emails sent and received by Heidi Dix from January 2007 and January 2009. There are 129 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted for 75 years per Code of Virginia 2.2-3800, 32.1-127.1:03, and 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: records containing personal information, medical information and attorney-client communications.

      Subjects include : agency correspondence (Dept. of Medical Assistance Services, DMHMRSAS, Department of Social Services, Office of the Comprehensive Services Act, and Department of Health); Medicaid/Medicare; Virginia Office for Protection and Advocacy (VOPA) case; budget, budget cuts; legislation, changing name of Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services (DMHMRSAS) to Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (BHDS) in October 2008; reports to the General Assembly; Legislative contacts; child support enforcement; relocation of Department of Social Services offices in Richmond metro area; foster care; Senior Navigator; Comprehensive Services Act (CSA); Autism Spectrum Disorders and Developmental Disabilities work group; Virginia Commission on Immigration; and housing task force.

      Correspondents include : Kristin Burhop, Alicia Cavanaugh, Victoria Cochran, Anthony Conyers, Emily Ehrlichmann, Patrick Finnerty, Steve Ford, Matt Gross, David Hallock, Bo Harris, Joe Hilbert, Gail Jaspen, Cindi Jones, Tim Kaine, Aryana Khalid, Heidi Lawyer, Marianne McGhee, Kim McGaughey, Ray Ratke, James Reinhard, Jim Rothrock, Margaret Schultze, Richard Silwoski, Julia Stanley, Marilyn Tavenner, Wayne Turnage, Ruth Anne Walker, and Nick Young.

  • Series IX. Secretary of Health and Human Resources Electronic Files, Subseries D. Aryana Khalid Email , 2006-2009 .

    This subseries contains 9696 emails in two PST files: KaineLibakhalid.pst and AKHALID.PST . Aryana C. Khalid served as Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Resources from October 2006 to July 2007 and Assistant Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Resources from July 2007 to 3 April 2009. Khalid left the Kaine administration in April 2009 when she accepted a position in the Office of Senator Mark R. Warner (D-VA). Prior to joining the Kaine administration, Khalid worked for Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) in the Chief Operating Officer Development Program.

    • KaineLibakhalid.pst, 2006-2009 .

      The KaineLibakhalid.pst contains 9685 emails sent and received by Aryana Khalid between October 2006 and January 2009. There are 63 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted for 75 years per Code of Virginia 2.2-3800, 32.1-127.1:03, and 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: records containing personal information, medical information and attorney-client communications.

      Subjects include : agency correspondence and issues (Dept. of Medical Assistance Services, DMHMRSAS, Department of Social Services, Office of the Comprehensive Services Act, and Department of Health); Medicaid; reauthorization of SCHIP (State Children's Health Insurance Program) (in Virginia it's called Family Access to Medical Insurance Security (FAMIS)); HHR legislation; preferred drug list (PDL); Seven Hills Nursing Facility in the City of Richmond, noncompliance with Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requirements; rate increase for Medicaid ambulance providers; over payment of Medicaid fees to ambulance providers; No Wrong Door; Senior Navigator; Windsor Nursing Home; RJ Reynolds/Patrick County Memorial Hospital; smoking ban in state office buildings and restaurants; abstinence/abortion; Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) virus; legislative contacts with the Virginia Department of Health (VDH); media alerts from VDH; Federal appropriations requests for Virginia including Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP); workforce development (One Stop); health insurance; talking points; Legislative files for 2007, 2008 and 2009 General Assembly session for HHR related bills (Legislative Action Update, Legislative Action Summary, Enrolled Bill Review, Decision Brief, legislative contacts, notes from committee meetings, talking points); state budget development/cuts for 2008 and 2009; American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) projects (federal stimulus package); NGA Childhood Obesity Prevention Grant; Weekly Reports from SHHR agencies (includes VDH Flu Updates to Governor Kaine), 2007-2009; and Health Benefits Task Force; Health IT; Health Reform Commission.

      Correspondents include : Carl Armstrong, Bennett Blodgett, Gena Boyle, Barbara Brown, Kristin Burhop, James Burns, Alicia Cavanaugh, Aneesh Chopra, Scott Crawford, Robert Crouch, Brian Davis, Heidi Dix, Patrick Finnerty, Joe Flores, Steve Ford, Thomas Gates, Kathy Glazer, Lisa Hague, David Hallock, Stephen Harms, Maurice Henderson II, JoAnne Kirk Henry, Joe Hilbert, Gary Janak, Gail Jaspen, Cindi Jones, Tim Kaine, Bob Kocher (McKinsey); Heidi Lawyer, Alfonso Lopez, Richard Martin, Michael Mathews, Kim McGaughey, Michael McMahon, Martha Mead, Susan Motley, Bill Murray, Linda Nablo, Karen Remley, Gail Robinson, James Rothrock, Megan Root, Sandra Ryals, Margaret Schultz, Brian Shepard, Shawna Shields, Delacey Skinner, Julie Stanley, Robert Stroube, Craig Tanio, Marilyn Tavenner, Jeff Tiller, Wayne Turnage, Ruth Anne Walker, Kathy Wibberly, and Elaine Yeatts.

    • AKHALID.PST , 2009 .

      The AKHALID.PST contains 11 emails sent and received by Aryana Khalid between 19 March 2009 and 3 April 2009.

      Subjects include : Regional Strike Force meeting and Health IT.

  • Series IX. Secretary of Health and Human Resources Electronic Files, Subseries E. Julie A. Stanley Email , 2005-2010 .

    This subseries contains 669 emails in one PST file: KaineLibjstanley.pst . Julie A. Stanley served as the Director of the Office of Community Integration for People with Disabilities from 2004 to 2010. Governor Mark Warner created the Office of Community Integration for People with Disabilities in 2004 by executive order (EO 61). Warner's executive order was part of the Commonwealth's response to the U.S. Supreme Court's Olmstead v. L.C. decision, the Americans with Disability Act, and the Virginians with Disabilities Act to provide appropriate opportunities for people with disabilities to become fully integrated into the community if they chose to do so.

    The KaineLibjstanley.pst contains 669 emails sent and received by Julie A Stanley between August 2005 and January 2010.

    Subjects include : Community Integration (Implementation) Team (meeting notes, agendas, recommendations, work plans); Community Integration Advisory Commission (agendas, strategic plan, and minutes); legislation and budget (includes ARC of Virginia General Assembly Update messages and press releases); Money Follows the Person Housing Task Force Work group (agendas, meeting notes, and materials); and the Virginia Grant Consortium (agendas, meeting notes, report, and presentations).

    Correspondents include : Maureen Hollowell, Heidi Lawyer, Brandon Leonard, Teresa Preda, Jason Rachel, E. Janet Riddick, Michael Shank, Neil Sherman, and Ed Turner.

  • Series IX. Secretary of Health and Human Resources Electronic Files, Subseries F. Janet Riddick Email , 2004-2008 .

    This subseries contains 338 emails in one PST file: jriddick.pst . E. Janet Riddick served as Policy Analyst for the Office of Community Integration for People with Disabilities from 2004 to her retirement in 2008. Riddick's file also contains the email of Brandon Leonard, Policy and Planning Specialist for the Office of Community Integration for People with Disabilities. Governor Mark Warner created the Office of Community Integration for People with Disabilities in 2004 by executive order (EO 61). Warner's executive order was part of the Commonwealth's response to the U.S. Supreme Court's Olmstead v. L.C. decision, the Americans with Disability Act, and the Virginians with Disabilities Act to provide appropriate opportunities for people with disabilities to become fully integrated into the community if they chose to do so.

    Jriddick.pst contains 338 emails sent and received by Janet Riddick and Brandon Leonard between September 2004 and September 2008. There are two privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78 and 63.2-104. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: social services records.

    Subjects include : Legislation (including legislative updates on community-integration-related bills for the 2006 General Assembly session); Community Integration (Implementation) Team (meeting notes, agendas, presentations, strategic plans); and Community Integration Advisory Commission (agendas, notes, minutes).

    Correspondents include : Janet Hill, Heidi Lawyer, Brandon Leonard, Joan Manley, Richard Martin, Rob Martin, Martha Pulley, Kathie Shifflett, and Julie Stanley.

  • Series IX. Secretary of Health and Human Resources Electronic Files, Subseries G. Kristin Burhop Email , 2006-2010 .

    This subseries contains 962 emails in one PST file: KaineLibkburhop.pst . Kristin Burhop served as Special/Legislative Assistant in the Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Resources from June 2006 to January 2010. Burhop was a legislative liaison and Systems Transformation Grant Project Director.

    KaineLibkburhop.pst contains 962 emails sent and received by Kristin Burhop between June 2006 and January 2010.

    Subjects include : health related regulations (pain management, midwives); legislative files related to HHR agencies/issues (legislative proposals, draft legislation, studies and annual reports to General Assembly, patron recommendations for legislation, talking points); budget development (2010-2012 biennium); agency budget reduction plans (2009); contract renewal decisions; and media alerts from HHR agencies.

    Correspondents include : Gena Boyle, Maribeth Brewster, Karin Clark, Heidi Dix, Patrick Finnerty, Carla Harris, Joe Hilbert, Raymond Hopkins, Gail Jaspen, Lynne Jeffries, Cindi Jones, Richard Martin, Marianne McGhee, Linda Nablo, Karen Remley, James Rothrock, Sandra Ryals, Margaret Schultze, Brian Shepard, Julie Stanley, Marilyn Tavenner, Wayne Turnage, Ruth Anne Walker, Mamie White, and Elaine Yeatts.

  • Series IX. Secretary of Health and Human Resources Electronic Files, Subseries H. Judith Ahern Email , 2007-2010 .

    This subseries contains 6532 emails in one PST file: JAHERN.PST . Judith Ahern served as the Director of Constituent Services for the Secretary of Health and Human Resources in the Governor Tim Kaine administration from 2006 to January 2010.

    JAHERN.PST contains 6532 emails sent and received by Judith Ahern between June 2007 and January 2010. There are 2199 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 2.2-3800, 32.1-127.1:03, 42.1-78, and 63.2-104.Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: records containing personal/personnel information, medial information, and social services records.

    Subjects include : Constituent issues regarding: social services cases, child support, disability, Social Security, Medicaid/Medicare, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) - restricted; state budget cuts, closing of mental health facilities, customer service complaints, general requests for financial assistance, and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

  • Series IX. Secretary of Health and Human Resources Electronic Files, Subseries I. Rachel Harms Email , 2008-2010 .

    This subseries contains 478 emails in one PST file: KaineLibrharms.pst . Rachel Harms served as a 2008 Governor's Fellow and Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Resources from April 2009 to January 2010.

    KaineLibrharms.pst contains 478 emails sent and received by Rachel Harms between June 2008 and January 2010. There are five privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 32.1-127.1:03 and 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: medical records.

    Subjects include : agency correspondence (DMAS), DMHMRSAS, DSS, VDA, and VDH); Poverty Reduction Task Force, and VDA (4-year plan for Aging Services).

    Correspondents include : Patrick Finnerty, Joe Hilbert, A.J. Hostetier, Marianne McGhee, and Karen Remley.

  • Series IX. Secretary of Health and Human Resources Electronic Files, Subseries J. Kim Barnes Email , 2009 .

    This subseries contains 33 emails in one PST file: KBARNES.PST . Kim Barnes served as Director of the Office of Health Information Technology, Virginia Department of Health.

    KBARNES.PST contains 33 emails sent and received by Rachel Harms between September and December 2009.

    Subjects include : Health IT Advisory Commission.

    Correspondents include : Chris Doucette, Michael Matthews, and Lisa Michelle White.

  • Series IX. Secretary of Health and Human Resources Electronic Files, Subseries K. Molly Huffstetler Email , 2009-2010 .

    This subseries contains 151 emails in one PST file: MHUFFSTETLER.PST . Molly Huffstetler served as Legislative Liaison to the Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Resources from 1 December 2009 to 15 January 2010.

    MHUFFSTETLER.PST contains 151 emails sent and received by Molly Huffstetler between December 2009 and January 2010.

    Subjects include : legislative tracking for 2010 General Assembly session.

    Correspondents include : Kristin Burhop, Joe Hilbert, Gary Janak, Ruth Ann Walker, and Elaine Yeatts.

  • Series IX. Secretary of Health and Human Resources Electronic Files, Subseries L. Thomas Gates Email , 2009 .

    This subseries contains 51 emails in one PST file: TGATES.PST . Thomas Gates served as a 2009 Governor's Fellow in the Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Resources.

    TGATES.PST contains 51 emails sent and received by Thomas Gates between May and August 2009.

    Subjects include : Health Information Technology Interoperability Advisory Committee (HITIAC) including agendas and minutes.

    Correspondents include : Kimberly Barnes and Marilyn Tavenner.

Series X. Secretary of Finance Electronic Files , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .
Extent: 37904 emails.

The Secretary of Finance Electronic Files series documents the electronic communication of the office during the Kaine administration. This series contains 37904 emails in eight (8) subseries. Subseries have been designated for: A. Jody Wagner Email; B. Richard "Ric" Brown Email; C. Manju Ganeriwala Email; D. Craig Burns Email; E. Melissa Mayes Email; F. Michael Tutor Email; G. Connie Biggs Email; and H. Cintra Davis Email. There are 185 privacy protected and confidential emails that are restricted from public access per Code of Virginia, 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications, personnel records, and settlements.

During the administration of Governor Timothy Kaine, the Secretary Finance provided guidance to the following state agencies: Department of Accounts (DOA), Department of Planning and Budget (DPB), Department of Taxation and Department of Treasury. These agencies handle all the financial transactions of the Commonwealth - from collecting taxes to paying bills to distributing aid to localities. Their responsibilities included forecasting and collecting revenues; managing the Commonwealth's cash and investments; selling bonds; overseeing internal audits; making strategic financial plans; and preparing and executing the Commonwealth's budget.

  • Series X. Secretary of Finance Electronic Files, Subseries A. Jody Wagner Email , 2006-2008 .

    The subseries contains 8570 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibjwagner.pst . Jody M. Wagner was appointed as the Secretary of Finance by Governor Timothy M. Kaine and assumed office on 15 January 2006. As Secretary of Finance, Wagner was responsible for agencies handling all of the financial transactions of the Commonwealth, including the collection of taxes, payment of the State's obligations, distribution of aid to localities, and development of the Governor's budget.

    Wagner served on several State boards and Commissions, including the Governor's Advisory Council on Revenue Estimates, Council on Virginia's Future, Governor's Advisory Board of Economists, Debt Capacity Advisory Committee, Virginia Economic Development Partnership, Virginia Tourism Corporation, and Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission, and the Fort Monroe Federal Area Development Authority. Wagner resigned 8 August 2008 to seek the 2009 Democratic nomination for Lieutenant Governor. She won the 9 June 2009 primary with 74% of the vote. Wagner lost the 3 November 2009 general election to Republican incumbent Bill Bolling, 56.5% to 43.4%.

    The KaineLibjwagner.pst contains 8570 email messages sent and received by Jody Wagner between January 2006 and August 2008. Fifty attorney-client emails in this PST file are restricted for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78.

    Subjects include : state revenues; state budget including budget development, budget cuts, budget meeting agendas, budget amendments, weekly Budget Action Report (BAR) and 2006 budget impasse; abusive driver fees (HB 3202); VITA issues; credit rating presentations; Commonwealth Transportation Fund revenues; transportation funding; individual and business tax daily deposits; debt capacity; revenue forecasting; revenue letters; financial presentations (Senate Finance Committee, House Appropriations Committee, Joint Money Committees, etc.); EA (Virginia Enterprise Application Program-VEAP); agency correspondence (Accounts, Planning and Budget, Taxation, Treasury), Governor's Advisory Board of Economists (GABE); Boards and Committees (Fort Monroe Federal Development Authority, Virginia Tobacco Commission, Virginia Economic Development Partnership, Council on Virginia's Future, Governor's Advisory Council on Revenue Estimates (GACRE), Virginia Housing Market Outlook Committee); Global Insight's Executive Summaries; Virginia Horse Center; land preservation tax credits; media contacts from the Virginia Dept. of Taxation; Personal Property Tax Relief Act (PPTRA); legislation; transportation funding; Biotech project in Richmond; CGI-AMS Virginia Enterprise Applications Program (VEAP)/issues/agreement with Virginia Dept. of Taxation; Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) (including litigation); TuboVet; Orbital Sciences/Wallops Island; 2008 bond legislation; and Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC).

    Notable email includes : email from J. Braxton Powell, dated 9 May 2006, to Jody Wagner, transmitting Post-Trial Summary memo on Earl Washington v. Kenneth H. Buraker, et al written by the Division of Risk Management; and email from J. Braxton Powell, dated 5 September 2006, to Jody Wagner, containing Don LeMond's overview of meeting between Governor's Office and representatives of Earl Washington.

    Correspondents include : Bill Armbruster, Janet Aylor, Alisa Bailey, Sheryl D. Bailey, Joan Baker, Tim Bass, John Bennett, Connie Biggs, Janie Bowen, Ric Brown, Preston Bryant, Elizabeth Daley, Don Darr, Suzette Denslow, Jerry Edwards, Kim Ellett, Don Finley, Manju Ganeriwala, Dick Hall-Sizemore, Joyce Hann, Stephen Harms, Pierce Homer, Jon Howe, Conover Hunt, Donald Jean, Tim Kaine, Christy King, Jane Kusiak, John Layman, John Lawson, Bill Leighty, Michael Maul, Jack Nelson, J. Braxton Powell, Barbara Reese, Brian Shepard, Michael Shook, Delacey Skinner, Lem Stewart, Kenneth Thorson, Dan Timberlake, Wayne Turnage, Robert Vaughn, David VonMoll, Evie Whitley, Sara Wilson, and Robert Young.

  • Series X. Secretary of Finance Electronic Files, Subseries B. Richard "Ric" Brown Email , 2007-2010 (bulk 2007-2009) .

    This subseries contains 12079 emails in one PST file: rbrownold.pst . Richard "Ric" Brown was appointed as the Secretary of Finance by Governor Timothy M. Kaine on 1 August 2018 and assumed office on 8 August. As Secretary of Finance, Brown was responsible for agencies handling all of the financial transactions of the Commonwealth, including the collection of taxes, payment of the State's obligations, distribution of aid to localities, and development of the Governor's budget.

    Brown entered state government in 1971 as an economist with the Division of State Planning and Community Affairs before moving to the newly created Department of Planning and Budget (DPB) in 1976. He was promoted in 1986 to budget manager for DPB's Commerce and Resources Section, later heading up DPB's Budget Operations Section, becoming Deputy Director for Budgeting in 1990. He became acting director of the Department of Planning and Budget on June 1, 2001, and was appointed director of the agency in 2002.

    Brown served on several State boards and Commissions, including the Governor's Advisory Council on Revenue Estimates, Council on Virginia's Future, Governor's Advisory Board of Economists, Debt Capacity Advisory Committee, Virginia Economic Development Partnership, Virginia Tourism Corporation, and Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission, the Fort Monroe Federal Area Development Authority, Governor's Advisory Information Technology Investment Board (ITIB), and Economic Stimulus Committee. Brown was reappointed Secretary of Finance by both Governor Robert McDonnell in 2010 and Governor Terry McAuliffe in 2014. He retired in January 2018. The rbrownold.pst file was transferred to the Library of Virginia as part of the McDonnell administration transfer in January 2014.

    The rbrownold.pst contains 12079 email messages sent and received by Ric Brown between May 2007 and January 2010. There are 114 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: personnel information, confidential settlements, and attorney-client communications.

    Subjects include : state revenues; state budget including budget development, budget cuts, budget meeting agendas, budget amendments, weekly Budget Action Report (BAR); 2008 bond bill; capital outlays; transportation funding; EA (Virginia Enterprise Application Program-VEAP); revenue forecasting; revenue letters; revenue stabilization fund (Rainy Day Fund); financial presentations (Senate Finance Committee, House Appropriations Committee, Joint Money Committees, etc.); American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA - 2009 federal stimulus); state employee layoffs and furloughs; tax amnesty, agency correspondence (Accounts, Planning and Budget, Taxation, Treasury), Governor's Advisory Board of Economists (GABE); Boards and Committees (Fort Monroe Federal Development Authority, Virginia Tobacco Commission, Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP), Council on Virginia's Future, Governor's Advisory Council on Revenue Estimates (GACRE), Debt Capacity Advisory Committee (DCAC), Governor's Advisory Information Technology Investment Board (ITIB)); executive orders; furloughs of state employees; Project CORE (Apple's proposed Virginia data center); Governor's Opportunity Fund (GOF); 2008 bond legislation; university applications for Level II status under the Higher Education Restructuring Act; Line of Duty Act; state lottery; land preservation tax credit (LPC); Medicaid expenditures; Virginia Information Technology Agency (VITA) and Northrup Grumman (NG) performance issues; Productivity Investment Fund (PIF); meetings and presentations with bond rating firms (Moody's, Fitch, and S and P); State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF); Car Tax repeal; transportation funding and budget cuts; Virginia Railway Express (VRE); and Virginia Retirement System (VRS).

    Notable email includes : email from Governor Kaine, dated 27 November 2009, to Wayne Turnage, Stephen Harms, and Ric Brown, on cutting funds for car tax relief from FY2010-2012 budget.

    Correspondents include : Bill Armbruster, Tim Bass, Viola Baskerville, Connie Biggs, Bennett Blodgett, Janie Bowen, Gena Boyle, Preston Bryant, Craig Burns, Aneesh Chopra, George Coulter, Scott Crawford, Betsey Daily, Don Darr, Cintra Davis, Suzette Denslow, Jerry Edwards, Peggy Feldmann, Eric Finkbeiner, Don Finley, Patrick Finnerty, Manju Ganeriwala, Patrick Gottschalk, Dick Hall-Sizemore, Lynette Hammond, Stephen Harms, Pierce Homer, Jon Howe, Conover Hunt, Hiram Johnson, Tim Kaine, Martin Kent, Sharon Kitchens, Jane Kusiak, John Layman, Bill Leighty, Andrew LeVasseur, Alfonso Lopez, John Marshall, Michael Maul, John McDonald, Tom Morris, Judy Napier, Paula Otto, Len Pomata, Barbara Reese, Jim Roberts, Larry Roberts, Mitch Rosenfeld, Mark Rubin, Nicholas Samuels, Brian Shepard, Michael Shook, Richard Sliwoski, Delacey Skinner, Lem Stewart, Marilyn Tavenner, Dan Timberlake, Lynda Tran, Wayne Turnage, Robert Vaughn, David Von Moll, Jody Wagner, Toni Walker, John Westrick, William White, Evie Whitley, Marcella Williamson, Patricia Wright, Robert Young, and Richard Zorn.

  • Series X. Secretary of Finance Electronic Files, Subseries C. Manju Ganeriwala Email , 2006-2009 .

    This subseries contains 2653 emails in one PST file: MGANERIWALA.PST . Manju S Ganeriwala was appointed Deputy Secretary of Finance by Governor Tim Kaine in January 2006. Ganeriwala previously served as Deputy Director for Finance and Administration in the Department of Medical Assistance Services and has served in state government for 20 years. In January 2009, Governor Kaine appointed Ganeriwala State Treasurer. She was reappointed State Treasurer by Governor Robert McDonnell in 2010 and Governor Terry McAuliffe in 2014.

    MGANERIWALA.PST contains 2653 emails sent and received by Manju Ganeriwala between January 2006 and July 2009. One attorney-client email in this PST file is restricted for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78.

    Subjects include : state budget including budget development; budget cuts; revenue forecasting; governor's speeches to the money committees; meeting notes from HAC and SFC; Medicaid forecasting; Medicaid expenditures; Virginia Health Care Fund; 2008 bond bill; revenue stabilization fund (Rainy Day Fund); abusive driver fees; Line of Duty Act; transportation funding; higher education restructuring; agency correspondence (Accounts, Planning and Budget, Taxation, Treasury); State Workforce Allocations Task Force; Government Performance Project (GPP); and Virginia Space Flight Authority (Wallops Island).

    Notable email includes : email from Ganeriwala, dated 5 June 2006, to Jody Wagner, conveying principles for addressing if there is no state budget on 1 July 2006.

    Correspondents include : Janet Aylor, Tim Bass, John Bennett, Janie Bowen, Ric Brown, Preston Bryant, Scott Crawford, Betsy Daily, Don Darr, Cintra Davis, Suzette Denslow, Jerry Edwards, Patrick Finnerty, Joyce Hann, Stephen Harms, Mark Haskins, Judy Heiman, Jon Howe, Tim Kaine, Lane Kneedler, Jeff Kraus, John Layman, Bill Leighty, Tony Maggio, Michael Maul, Melissa Mayes, Tom Morris, Judy Napier, J. Braxton Powell, Barbara Reese, John Ringer, Gail Robinson, Mark Rubin, Colette Sheehy, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, Richard Sliwoski, Marilyn Tavenner, Ken Thorson, Dan Timberlake, Wayne Turnage, Mike Tweedy, Seta Vandegrift, Robert Vaughn, David Von Moll, Jody Wagner, Evie Whitley, Sarah Wilson, and Robert Young.

  • Series X. Secretary of Finance Electronic Files, Subseries D. Craig Burns Email , 2008-2010 (bulk 2008-2009) .

    This subseries contains 7086 emails in one PST file: KaineLibcburns.pst . Craig Burns served as Deputy Secretary of Finance from October 2008 to January 2010.

    KaineLibcburns.pst contains 7086 emails sent and received by Burns between October 2008 and January 2010. Thirteen attorney-client emails in this PST file are restricted for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78.

    Subjects include : state budget including budget development; budget cuts; revenue forecasting; governor's speeches to the money committees; daily deposit report; higher education restructuring; financial presentations (Senate Finance Committee, House Appropriations Committee, Joint Money Committees, etc.); American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA - 2009 federal stimulus); State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF); Line of Duty Act; agency correspondence (Accounts, Planning and Budget, Taxation, Treasury); Virginia Retirement System (VRS)/state pension plan; Virginia Sickness and Disability Program (VSDP); 2009 tax amnesty program; Accelerated Sales Tax (AST); cigarette taxes; dealer discount legislation; state debt capacity; Fort Monroe Federal Development Authority; Virginia Enterprise Application Program (VEAP); Project CORE (Apple's proposed Virginia data center); Governor's Advisory Board of Economists (GABE); Governor's Advisory Council on Revenue Estimates (GACRE), Car Tax repeal; land preservation tax credit (LPT); long term care (LTC) insurance; debt capacity; REIT (real estate investment trust); revenue stabilization fund (Rainy Day Fund); Virginia Information Technology Agency (VITA) contact, service, and charges; Workforce Transition Act (WTA); and staff augmentation contracts.

    Correspondents include : James Alessio, Joan Baker, Connie Biggs, Trish Bishop, Janie Bowen, Ric Brown, Zoe Cobb, Elizabeth Daley, Don Darr, Cintra Davis, Jerry Edwards, Peggy Feldman, Manju Ganeriwala, Dick Hall-Sizemore, Stephen Harms, Mark Haskins, Jon Howe, Conover Hunt, Tim Kaine, Sharon Kitchens, John Layman, Marc Lockhardt, Michael Maul, John McDonald, Barbara Reese, Tracy Rooks, Mark Rubin, Robert Schultze, Brian Shepard, Dan Timberlake, Lynda Tran, Wayne Turnage, David Von Moll, Toni Walker, Evie Whitley, William White, Sara Wilson, Robert Young, and Richard Zorn.

  • Series X. Secretary of Finance Electronic Files, Subseries E. Melissa Mayes Email , 2006-2007 .

    This subseries contains 2285 emails in one PST file: MMAYES.pst . Melissa Mayes served as Executive Assistant to the Secretary of Finance from January 2006 to November 2007.

    MMAYES.pst contains 2285 emails sent and received by Melissa Mayes between January 2006 and November 2007. One attorney-client email in this PST file is restricted for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78.

    Subjects include : financial presentations (Senate Finance Committee, House Appropriations Committee, Joint Money Committees, etc.); VITA; bond sales; revenue letter; monthly revenue reports, revenue forecasting; Secretary of Finance weekly reports; enrolled bill review; agency correspondence (Accounts, Planning and Budget, Taxation, Treasury); Virginia Horse Center; meetings and presentations with bond rating firms (Moody's, Fitch, and S and P); Council on Virginia's Future; Governor's Advisory Board of Economists (GABE); and Governor's Advisory Council on Revenue Estimates (GACRE).

    Correspondents include : Connie Biggs, Janie Bowen, Gena Boyle, Ric Brown, Bob Clay, Cintra Davis, Jerry Edwards, Manju Ganeriwala, Charles Grosik, Stephen Harms, Mark Haskins, Gary Janak, Carolyn Johnson, Jeff Kraus, John Layman, Bill Leighty, Bill Murray, Svandis Pollard, J. Braxton Powell, Brian Shepard, Roz Terry, Dan Timberlake, Lisa Tortorella, Wayne Turnage, David Von Moll, Jody Wagner, William Watt, Evie Whitley, Robert Young, and Gemma Yu-Meade.

  • Series X. Secretary of Finance Electronic Files, Subseries F. Michael Tutor Email , 2007-2008 .

    This subseries contains 2136 emails in one PST file: KaineLibMTutor.pst . Michael Tutor served as Special Assistant to the Secretary of Finance from November 2007 to August 2008. Prior to joining the Secretary of Finance's office, he worked in Constituent Services in the Office of the Governor.

    KaineLibMTutor.pst contains 2136 emails sent and received by Michael Tutor between November 2007 and August 2008.

    Subjects include : agency correspondence (Accounts, Planning and Budget, Taxation, Treasury); financial presentations (Senate Finance Committee, House Appropriations Committee, Joint Money Committees, etc.); bond sales; revenue letter; monthly revenue reports, Secretary of Finance weekly reports; enrolled bill review; state budget including budget development; budget cuts; revenue forecasting; Governor's Advisory Board of Economists (GABE); Governor's Advisory Council on Revenue Estimates (GACRE); Fort Monroe Federal Development Authority; Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP); and legislative files (fiscal impact statements, enrolled bill review, legislative action summaries).

    Correspondents include : Janet Aylor, Connie Biggs, Janie Bowman, Gena Boyle, Ric Brown, Scott Cummings, Don Darr, Cintra Davis, Jerry Edwards, Jim Fisher, Manju Ganeriwala, Charles Grosik, Dick Hall-Sizemore, Cassandra Hamilton, Gary Janak, Carolyn Johnson, John Layman, Michael Maul, Paula Otto, J. Braxton Powell, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, Dan Timberlake, David Von Moll, Jody Wagner, William Watt, William White, Evie Whitley, and Robert Young.

  • Series X. Secretary of Finance Electronic Files, Subseries G. Connie Biggs Email , 2007-2010 (bulk 2008-2009) .

    This subseries contains 2262 emails in one PST file: CBIGGS.PST . Connie Biggs served as Executive Assistant to the Secretary of Finance from August 2008 to January 2010. Prior to joining the Secretary of Finance Office, Biggs worked for the director of the Department of Planning and Budget.

    CBIGGS.PST contains 2262 emails sent and received by Connie Biggs between November 2007 and January 2010. Six attorney-client emails in this PST file are restricted for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78.

    Subjects include : state budget; budget reductions; agency correspondence (Accounts, Planning and Budget, Taxation, Treasury); financial presentations (Senate Finance Committee, House Appropriations Committee, Joint Money Committees, etc.); bond sales; revenue letter; monthly revenue reports, Secretary of Finance weekly reports; Governor's Advisory Board of Economists (GABE); Governor's Advisory Council on Revenue Estimates (GACRE); Fort Monroe Federal Development Authority; Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP); American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA - 2009 federal stimulus); Commissioner's Advisory Group (CAG); Fort Monroe Federal Development Authority; audit reports; and the Productivity Investment Fund (PIF).

    Correspondents include : Janet Aylor, Joan Baker, Jeanine Black, Janie Bowen, Ric Brown, Craig Burns, Don Darr, Cintra Davis, Jerry Edwards, Kimberly Frazier, Manju Ganeriwala, Stephen Harms, Tim Kaine, John Layman, Melissa Mayes, Brian Shepard, Faye Straub, Dan Timberlake, Wayne Turnage, Michael Tutor, Jody Wagner, William Watt, William White, Evie Whitley, and Marcella Williamson.

  • Series X. Secretary of Finance Electronic Files, Subseries H. Cintra Davis Email , 2006-2010 .

    This subseries contains 833 emails in two PST files: CDAVIS.PST and KaineLibCDavis.pst . Cintra Davis served as Special Assistant to the Secretary of Finance from May 2006 to January 2010.

    • CDAVIS.PST , 2007-2010 .

      The CDAVIS.PST contains 571 emails sent and received by Cintra Davis between December 2007 and January 2010.

      Subjects include : bonds; budget, legislation, weekly report, constituent correspondence, Governor's Advisory Board of Economists (GABE); Governor's Advisory Council on Revenue Estimates (GACRE); American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA - 2009 federal stimulus); and university applications for Level II status under the Higher Education Restructuring Act.

      Correspondents include : Connie Biggs, Ric Brown, Craig Burns, Jerry Edwards, Manju Ganeriwala, Gary Janak, H. Lane Kneedler, John Layman, Barbara Reese, Brian Shepard, Lisa Tortorella, Lynda Tran, Wayne Turnage, David Von Moll, and Jody Wagner.

    • KaineLibCDavis.pst , 2006-2009 .

      The KaineLibCDavis.pst contains 262 emails sent and received by Cintra Davis between November 2006 and October 2009.

      Subjects include : agency correspondence, bonds, budget, legislation, Governor's Advisory Board of Economists (GABE); and Governor's Advisory Council on Revenue Estimates (GACRE).

      Correspondents include : Tracy Clemons, Scott Cummings, Jim Fisher, Mark Haskins, Gary Janak, Lynn LaBarre, John Layman, Emily Ward, and William Watt.

Series XI. Secretary of Transportation Electronic Files , 2003-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .
Extent: 13208 emails.

The Secretary of Transportation Electronic Files series documents the electronic communication of the office during the Kaine administration. This series contains 13208 emails in eight (8) subseries. Subseries have been designated for: A. Scott Kasprowicz Email; B. Barbara Reese Email; C. Ralph Davis Email; D. Ralph Carr Email; E. Nicholas Donohue Email; F. Alleyn Harned Email; G. Melanie Roberts Email; and H. Kevin Farrelly Email. There are 570 privacy protected and confidential emails that are restricted from public access per Code of Virginia, 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications. The Library did not receive any email files from Secretary of Transportation Pierce Homer. However, email messages send by Homer may be found in the email files of other members of the Kaine administration.

During the administration of Governor Timothy Kaine, the Secretary of Transportation had the responsibility of developing and implementing Virginia's transportation program, including policy and financial oversight for seven agencies and a variety of major transportation projects. The seven agencies were Commonwealth Transportation Board, Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Transportation, Department of Rail and Public Transportation, Virginia Port Authority, Department of Aviation, Motor Vehicle Dealer Board, and Virginia Board of Towing and Recovery Operators.

The Secretary of Transportation email contains a large number of acronyms. The following list, while not comprehensive, represents the majority of acronyms used by this secretariat. AASHTO=American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials; APMT=APM Terminals North America, Inc.; ARCA=Amended and Restated Comprehensive Agreement; CAPRA=Capital Reserve Account; CE=Categorical Exclusion; CLRP=Financially Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan; CTF=Commonwealth Transportation Fund; DCMP=Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project; DIAAH=Dulles International Airport Access Highway; DTR=Dulles Toll Road; ERW=Early Retirement Window; FFGA=Full Funding Grant Agreement; FFIS=Federal Funds Information for States; FHWA=Federal Highway Administration; FIS=Financial Impact Statement; FRANs=Federal Reimbursement Anticipation Notes; FTA=Federal Transit Administration; HMOF=Highway Maintenance and Operating Fund; HOT Lanes=High-Occupancy Toll Lanes; HRTA=Hampton Roads Transportation Authority; HSIP=Highway Safety Improvement Program; LOI=Letter of Intent; LONP=Letter of No Prejudice; MPO=Metropolitan Planning Organization; MWAA=Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority; NVTA=Northern Virginia Transportation Authority; NVTC=Northern Virginia Transportation Commission; OST=Office of the Secretary of Transportation (Federal); PMO=Project Management Office; PMP=Project Management Plan; PPTA=Public-Private Transportation Act of 1995; PRTC=Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission; RAP=Resource Allocation Plan; REF=Rail Enhancement Funds; STP=Surface Transportation Program; SYIP=Six-Year Improvement Program; TIFIA=Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act; TIP=Transit Improvement Program; TMP=Transportation Management Plan; TPOF=Transportation Partnership Opportunity Fund; TTF=Transportation Trust Fund; USDOT=United States Department of Transportation; VDOT=Virginia Department of Transportation; VIT=Virginia International Terminals; VPA=Virginia Port Authority; WERDA=Water Resources Reform and Development Act; WMATA=Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority; WTA=Workforce Transition Act; and WWB=Woodrow Wilson Bridge.

Pierce R. Homer was reappointed Virginia's Secretary of Transportation by Governor Kaine on 5 January, having also served as Secretary of Transportation under Governor Warner. Prior to his appointment as Secretary, Homer served as Deputy Secretary of Transportation with functional oversight of the Virginia Department of Transportation, private partnership programs, and technology investments. As Deputy Secretary, he worked with the transportation agencies to develop and implement uniform cost and revenue estimating, debt management, and accountability measures.

  • Series XI. Secretary of Transportation Electronic Files, Subseries A. Scott Kasprowicz Email , 2006-2007 .

    The subseries contains 123 email messages in one PST file: KASPROWICZ.PST . Scott Kasprowicz was Deputy Secretary of Transportation from January 2006 to April 2007. The KASPROWICZ.PST contains 123 emails sent/received by Scott Kasprowicz between January 2006 and May 2007.

    Subjects include : Department of Aviation (purchase of a new plane); Dulles Rail; and transportation projects (Route 15 and Route 50).

    Correspondents include : Randall Burdette, James Carr, Pierce Homer, Dennis Morrison, Kathleen Penny, and Trip Pollard.

  • Series XI. Secretary of Transportation Electronic Files, Subseries B. Barbara Reese Email , 2007-2010 (bulk 2007-2009) .

    This subseries contains 8068 emails in one PST file: KaineLibbreese.pst . Barbara Reese served as Deputy Secretary of Transportation from July 2007 to January 2009. She served as Deputy Policy Director and Legislative Director for Governor Kaine from January 2009 to January 2010. For additional Reese email, see Series II. Policy Office Email, Subseries H. Reese was in charge of the day-to-day management of the Dulles Rail project (as of 25 February 2008).

    The KaineLibbreese.pst contains 8068 emails sent and received by Barbara Reese between April 2007 and January 2010. There are 566 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications.

    Subjects include : legislation, transportation funding, I-95/395 PPTA (HOT lanes); I-495 Capital Beltway HOT lanes; REAL ID; ARRA (2009 Federal stimulus); Downtown Tunnel/Midtown Tunnel/MLK Extension; Public Private Partnerships (PPP); Route 460; Dulles Toll Road/MWAA; Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project; Gray v. Virginia Secretary of Transportation, et al (transfer of the Dulles Toll Road to MWAA); HB 3202 implementation (transportation funding legislation - includes abusive driver fees); Virginia Port Authority; Port of Virginia; Craney Island eastward expansion; Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT); Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT); Crescent Corridor Memorandum of Understanding; and Route 460.

    Correspondents include : Jeffrey Allen, Nancy Auth, Charles Badger, James Bennett, Tom Biesiadny, Jerry Bridges, Deborah Brown, Jamie Brown-Porter, Craig Burns, Reta Busher, Sam Carnaggio, Young Ho Chang, Karen Chappell, Marc Cheatham, Whitt Clement, Larry Cloyd, Ashley Colvin, Clyde Cristman, Ed Crooks, Scott Cummings, Betsey Daley, Ken Daley, Ralph Davis, Suzette Denslow, Nick Donohue, David Ekern, Jeff Florin, Melinda Glazer, Kevin Greenlief, Dick Hall-Sizemore, Lynette Hammond, Lynn Hampton, Mark Haskins, Thomas Hawthorne, Gordon Hickey, Corey Hill, Dusty Holcombe, Frank Holly, Pierce Homer, Tim Kaine, Jeff Keever, Quintin Kendall, Malcolm Kerley, Barbara Klotz, Michael Kulper, John Lawson, John Layman, Chris Lloyd, Alfonso Lopez, Brenda Madison, Charles Massie, Jo Anne Maxwell, Stephen McCullough, Declan McManus, John Milliken, Jennifer Mitchell, Ronaldo Nicholson, Rodney Oliver, Anne Oman, Kevin Page, Shiva Pant, Jeff Parker, Thomas Pelnik, Ann Perdue, Peter Peyser, Jennifer Pickett, Steve Pittard, Jason Powell, Stuart Raphael, Margaret Redford, Larry Roberts, Andrew Rountree, Mark Rubin, Brian Shepard, Winnie Shi, Chuck Shimer, Delacey Skinner, D.B. Smit, George Spakouris, Philip Sunderland, Jim Taylor, Letitia Thompson, Matthew Tucker, Wayne Turnage, David Von Moll, Jody Wagner, Brian Walsh, Richard Walton, and Molly Wood.

  • Series XI. Secretary of Transportation Electronic Files, Subseries C. Ralph M. Davis Email , 2009-2010 .

    This subseries contains 692 emails in one PST file: RDAVIS.PST . Ralph M. Davis was Deputy Secretary of Transportation from January 2006 to January 2010.

    RDAVIS.PST contains 692 emails sent by Ralph Davis between July 2009 and January 2010.

    Subjects include : transportation; 2035 Surface Transportation Plan (STP); Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) VTrans2035 Subcommittee; and 2008 Transportation Performance Trend Report.

    Correspondents include : Debra Bayles, Linda Carpenter, Scott Cummings, Don Darr, Nick Donohue, Kevin Farrelly, Katherine Graham, Robin Grier, Pierce Homer, Larry Jones, and Mary Lynn Tischer.

  • Series XI. Secretary of Transportation Electronic Files, Subseries D. James D. Carr Email , 2003-2007 .

    This subseries contains 1757 emails in one PST file: jcarr.pst . James D. Carr was re-appointed as Assistant Secretary of Transportation by Governor Kaine in January 2006 and served until June 2007. Governor Mark Warner appointed Carr to this position in July 2003.

    jcarr.pst contains 1757 emails sent and received by James D. Carr between June 2003 and June 2007.

    Subjects include : Virginia Capital Trail (VCT); Virginia Capital Trail Foundation (VCTF); creation, design, funding, and construction of VCT.

    Correspondents include : Phil Baker, Jack Berry, Ron Chwojdak, Whittington W. Clement, Emmanuel Darko, Jennifer Debruhl, Nicholas Donohue, Harold Dyson, Doug Ellis, Suzanne Ellison, Holly Eve, Samuel Hayes, Steven Hicks, Pierce Homer, Judith Ledbetter, Jim McCarthy, Mark Merhige, Diane Mitchell, Anthony Opperman, Kevin Page, James Paul, Emily Peter, Barbara Reese, Conrad Scott, Philip Shucet, Pete Shudtz, Susan Simmers, and Marvin Sowers.

  • Series XI. Secretary of Transportation Electronic Files, Subseries E. Nicholas Donohue Email , 2007-2010 .

    This subseries contains 716 emails in two PST files: KaineLibNDonohue.pst and NDONOHUE.PST . Nicholas Donohue was Assistant Secretary of Transportation from July 2007 to January 2010.

    KaineLibNDonohue.pst contains 715 emails sent and received by Nicholas Donohue between March 2007 and January 2010. One attorney-client email in this PST file is restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. NDONOHUE.PST contains one email sent by Nicholas Donohue on 15 January 2010.

    Subjects include : Virginia Capital Trail; legislation; VDOT access management regulations; Chapter 527 Public Advisory Committee (regulations on transportation and land-use planning); transportation legislation and regulations; Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements (SSAR); electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS) at certain state rest areas; and revision of Virginia Impact Fee Guidebook.

    Correspondents include : Philip Abraham, Tom Biesiadny, Morgan Butler, Judith Cronauer, Pierce Homer, George Homewood, Dan Lysy, Ted McCormick, Chris Nelson, Pat O'Hare, Trip Pollard, Harrison Rue, and Beth Weisbrod.

  • Series XI. Secretary of Transportation Electronic Files, Subseries F. Alleyn Harned Email , 2006-2007 .

    This subseries contains 1563 emails in one PST file: 2007LibAHarned.pst . Alleyn Harned served as Special Assistant to the Secretary of Transportation from January 2006 to May 2007. Harned was often copied on email to Secretary of Transportation Pierce Homer. (See Series XV. Secretary of Commerce and Trade Electronic Files, Subseries F. Alleyn Harned Email, 2006-2009).

    2007LibAHarned.pst contains 1563 emails sent and received by Alleyn Harned between April 2006 and May 2007.

    Subjects include : constituent correspondence; Dulles Corridor Metro Project; I-77 tunnel, transportation agency weekly reports (Department of Aviation, Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Rail and Public Transportation, Virginia Department of Transportation, Motor Vehicle Dealer Board, and Virginia Port Authority); and Secretary of Transportation weekly reports.

    Correspondents include : Chuck Armstrong, James Carr, Vivian Cheatham, James Cline, Sarah Crenshaw, James Davidson, Ralph Davis, Lillie Doggett, Susan Edwards, Linda Ford, Bill Foy, Pearl Gordonel, Bruce Gould, Judi Hepper, Pierce Homer, Keith McCrea, Linda Patrick, Jennifer Pickett, Barbara Reese, Barbara Scorsome, Renee Simms, Mattie Smith, Sande Snead, Luella Spellman, Vicki Thacker, Christina Thompson, and Olyn Warfield.

  • Series XI. Secretary of Transportation Electronic Files, Subseries G. Melanie Roberts Email , 2007-2008, 2010 .

    This subseries contains six emails in two PST files: KaineLibMRoberts.pst and MROBERTS.PST . Melanie Roberts served as Special Assistant to the Secretary of Transportation from June 2007 to January 2010.

    KaineLibMRoberts.pst contains four emails sent and received by Melanie Roberts between July 2007 and June 2008.

    MROBERTS.PST contains two emails sent by Melanie Roberts on 15 January 2010.

    Subjects include : constituent correspondence.

  • Series XI. Secretary of Transportation Electronic Files, Subseries H. Kevin Farrelly Email , 2009 .

    This subseries contains 283 emails in one PST file: KFARRELLY.PST . Kevin Farrelly was 2009 Governor's Fellow for the Secretary of Transportation. After his fellowship ended in July, he worked on special projects for the transportation secretariat until December 2009.

    KFARRELLY.PST contains 283 emails sent by Kevin Farrelly between June 2009 and December 2009.

    Subjects include : Transportation Performance Report; and VTrans2035.

    Correspondents include : Ralph Davis, Nick Donohue, Katherine Graham, Pierce Homer, Jennifer Pickett, and James Ponticello.

Series XII. Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry Electronic Files , 2005-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .
Extent: 1369 emails.

The Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry Electronic Files series documents the electronic communication of the office during the Kaine administration. This series contains 1369 emails in three (3) subseries. Subseries have been designated for: A. Robert Bloxom Email; B. Charles Green Email; and C. Tracy Campbell Email. There are four privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information includes attorney-client privilege and personnel records. The PST files for Bill Dickinson, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry, and Shauna Chavis, Executive Assistant to the Secretary, were both empty. However email messages sent by Dickinson and Chavis may be found in the email files of other members of the administration.

The Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry was created in 2004 to give a cabinet level voice to the number one industry in Virginia. The secretariat facilitates the growth and viability of the industry, provides a strategic balance in progressive economic development and utilization of natural resources, and positions the agriculture and forestry industries to be major contributors to the revitalization of Virginia's rural economy.

During the administration of Governor Kaine, the Secretary oversaw and provided policy guidance to two agencies- the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the Virginia Department of Forestry. In addition to the agencies, the Secretary oversaw the Virginia Agricultural Council and the Virginia Marine Products Board. The Secretariat of Agriculture and Forestry also provided policy guidance and direction to its agencies regarding the conservation, protection and development of Virginia's agricultural and forest resources, as well as consumer protection.

  • Series XII. Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry Electronic Files, Subseries A. Robert S. Bloxom Email , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .

    The subseries contains 1294 email messages in one PST file: RBLOXOM.PST . Robert Bloxom served as Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry from December 2004 to January 2010. Prior to his appointment, Bloxom served in the Virginia House of Delegates (R-Accomack County) from 1978 until his retirement at the end of 2003. During his time in the legislature, Delegate Bloxom served on the Agriculture, Labor and Commerce, and Chesapeake and its Tributaries committees, and served a term as Chairman of the multi-state Chesapeake Bay Commission.

    RBLOXOM.PST contains 1294 emails sent by Robert Bloxom between January 2006 and January 2010. There are four privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information includes attorney-client privilege and personnel records.

    Subjects include : information about agricultural issues such as swine flu, poultry diseases; budget issues; legislative files; drought; state agencies within secretariat; and Virginia Horse Center.

    Correspondents include : Don Blankenship, Gena Boyle, Preston Bryant, Shauna Chavis, Aneesh Chopra, Jeff Corbin, Bill Dickinson, Jerry Edwards, Carl Garrison, Todd Haymore, Tim Kaine, Bill Leighty, Elaine Lidholm, Nikki Rovner, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, and Wayne Turnage.

  • Series XII. Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry Electronic Files, Subseries B. Charles Green Email , 2005-2006 .

    This subseries contains 17 emails in one PST file: Cgreen.pst . Charles Green served as project manager for specialty agriculture production, part of Governor Mark Warner's Virginia Works initiative. Launched by Governor Warner in 2004, Virginia Works was an economic development initiative for rural Virginia that focused on keeping existing industries competitive and strong, using existing resources to attract new businesses, and strengthening communities through building the type of infrastructure needed to compete for new jobs. As project manager, one of Green's responsibilities was identifying all potential loan sources to support specialty agriculture ventures and meet with a variety of stakeholders in the agribusiness community.

    Cgreen.pst contains 17 emails sent and received by Charles Green between October 2005 and February 2006.

    Subjects include : Virginia Works initiative.

    Correspondents include : Bill Dickinson and Basil Goode.

  • Series XII. Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry Electronic Files, Subseries C. Tracey Campbell Email , 2008 .

    This subseries contains 58 emails in one PST file: KaineLibtcampbell.pst . Tracy Campbell served as a Governor's Fellow in the Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry office during the summer of 2008.

    KaineLibtcampbell.pst contains 58 emails sent and received between June 2008 and September 2008.

    Subjects include : Great Dismal Swamp fires; and weekly reports from the Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry, Virginia Department of Forestry, and Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

    Correspondents include : Vernita Boone, John Campbell, Shauna Chavis, Bill Dickinson, Donna Hoy, Ronald Jenkins, and Svandis Pollard.

Series XIII. Secretary of Natural Resources Electronic Files , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .
Extent: 48529 emails.

The Secretary of Natural Resources Electronic Files series documents the electronic communication of the office during the Kaine administration. This series contains 48529 emails in eight (8) subseries. Subseries have been designated for: A. L. Preston Bryant, Jr. Email; B. Nikki Rovner Email; C. Jeff Corbin Email; D. Missy Neff Email; E. Carol Denson Email; F. Bill Norris Email; G. Paula Jasinski Email; and H. Kathleen Onufer Email. There are 177 protected and confidential emails that are restricted from public access per Code of Virginia, 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications, personnel information, Workmen's Compensation claims, confidentiality agreements, and settlement discussions.

The Secretary of Natural Resources is a member of the Governor's Cabinet, appointed by the governor, and subject to confirmation by the General Assembly. The Secretary of Natural Resources was responsible for the direction of, or had jurisdiction over, the following state agencies and boards: Department of Conservation and Recreation, Department of Environmental Quality, Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Department of Historic Resources, Marine Resources Commission, Museum of Natural History, and the Virginia Council on Indians. The Secretary of Natural Resources also served as the chairperson of the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation, and was a Board Member of the Chesapeake Bay Commission. Additionally, the Secretary of Natural Resources was responsible for many smaller boards and commissions related to water control, pollution, rivers, waste management, and other environmental and recreational issues.

The Secretary of Natural Resources email contains a large number of acronyms. The following list, while not comprehensive, represents the majority of acronyms used by this secretariat. ARRA=American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009; ASMFC=Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission; BMP=Agriculture Best Management Practices; C2K=Chesapeake 2000; CBF=Chesapeake Bay Foundation; CCC=Governor's Climate Change Commission; CSO=Combined Sewer Overflow program; DCR=Virginia Dept. of Conservation and Recreation; DEQ=Virginia Dept. of Environmental Quality; DGIF=Virginia Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries; DHR=Virginia Dept. of Historic Resources; EBR=Enrolled Bill Review; EIS=Environmental Impact Statement; EO=Executive Order; FMFADA=Fort Monroe Federal Area Development Authority; FVNR=Foundation for Virginia's Natural Resources; HB=House Bill; LAS=Legislative Action Summaries; OCS=Outer Continental Shelf; OLF=Outlying Landing Field; PSC=Chesapeake Bay Program Principal's Staff Committee; RAP=Wind Energy Regulatory Advisory Panel; RPS=Renewable Portfolio Standards Advisory Group; SB=Senate Bill; SGA=Southern Governors' Association; SNR=Secretary of Natural Resources; SWAM= Small, Women-owned, and Minority-owned Business; VCI=Virginia Council on Indians; VIMS=Virginia Institute of Marine Science; VITA=Virginia Information Technology Agency; VLCF=Virginia Land Conservation Foundation; VMNH=Virginia Museum of Natural History; VMRC=Virginia Marine Resources Commission; VSC=Virginia Seafood Council; WQIF=Water Quality Improvement Fund; WR=Weekly Report; and WRAP=Wind Regulatory Advisory Panel.

  • Series XIII. Secretary of Natural Resources Electronic Files, Subseries A. L. Preston Bryant, Jr. Email , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .

    This subseries contains 8848 emails in one PST file: KaineLibpbryant.pst . Governor-elect Tim Kaine appointed L. Preston Bryant, Jr. Secretary of Natural Resources in January 2006. He served for the entire Kaine administration. Prior to serving as Secretary of Natural Resources, Bryant served as a member of the House of Delegates for ten years, representing the greater Lynchburg area. After the end of the administration, Bryant became a senior vice president at McGuireWoods Consulting in Richmond, Va.

    KaineLibpbryant.pst contains 8848 emails sent and received by L. Preston Bryant, Jr. between January 2006 and January 2010. There are 32 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to attorney-client communications and personnel matters.

    Subjects include : Governor's 400,000 acre conservation goal, including the acquisition of property in order to meet that goal such as Biscuit Run; dam safety; storm water regulations; DEQ board consolidation; Mirant Potomac Generating Station; Dominion's Wise County power plant; the agreement between Virginia and Israel regarding desalination technologies; mountain-top removal mining; alternative energy production; menhaden; non-native oysters; crabs, Omega Protein; Fort Monroe and the Fort Monroe Federal Area Development Authority; Chesapeake Bay, Governor's Climate Change Commission; Southern Governors' Association (SGA) Climate Initiative; state climatologist; Virginia-United Kingdom Climate Change Partnership; 8th Street Office Building in Richmond; American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009; biosolids; state budget; Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) program; development of Virginia Energy Plan, energy policy and energy legislation; Mirant Potomac River Generating Plant (Mirant Plant) in Alexandria; Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Interpretive Center; Sub-Cabinet on Community Investment; transportation funding; Virginia Information Technology Agency (VITA) billing and cost issues; Virginia Air Pollution Control Board; and Water Quality Improvement Fund (WQIF).

    Notable email includes : November and December 2009 emails from Preston Bryant to Tim Kaine regarding the Biscuit Run tract in Albemarle County; 13 June 2008 email from Mark Rubin to Tim Kaine and others regarding to resolution to the Mirant generating station controversy; 22-23 February 2008 emails between Tim Kaine and Delacey Skinner regarding the Governor's position on climate change; 3 April 2008 and 14 May 2008 emails by Preston Bryant relating to the proposed Dominion power plant in Wise County; 26 February 2008 email from Preston Bryant to Doug Childers about Virginia's status as a green state; and 15 December 2008 email containing the final report of the Governor's Climate Change Commission.

    Correspondents include : Bill Armbruster, Steve Bowman, Jeff Corbin, Carol Denson, Kathy Frahm, Ellen Gillinsky, Pierce Homer, Conover Hunt, Tim Kaine, Kathleen Kilpatrick, Bill Leighty, Alfonso Lopez, Joe Maroon, Gerald Massengill, Missy Neff, David Paylor, David Phemister, Larry Roberts, Nikki Rovner, Mark Rubin, Ridge Schuyler, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, Wayne Turnage, and Stephen Walz.

  • Series XIII. Secretary of Natural Resources Electronic Files, Subseries B. Nikki Rovner Email , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .

    This subseries contains 15175 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibnrovner.pst . Nikki Rovner served as Deputy Secretary of Natural Resources from January 2006 to January 2010. Prior to serving as Deputy Secretary of Natural Resources, Rovner served as Director of Governmental Relations for The Nature Conservancy of Virginia (2000-2006) and as a staff attorney at the Virginia Division of Legislative Services (1994-2000), where she was counsel to five legislative committees that consider natural resource-related issues. After the end of the administration, she returned to The Nature Conservancy as Virginia Director of State Government Relations.

    KaineLibnrovner.pst contains 15175 emails sent and received by Nikki Rovner between January 2006 and January 2010. There are 112 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to attorney-client communications, confidentiality agreements, and settlement discussions. After the departure of Assistant Secretary Missy Neff in December 2007, Rovner was responsible for agency head communications; Green Building initiative; agency and press office contact for press releases; and strategic plan/outcome measures management.

    Subjects include : Governor Kaine's 400,000 acre conservation goal; Black Bear landfill; Mirant Potomac River Generating Plant (Mirant Plant) in Alexandria; Highland County Wind Farm; relations with the federal government; army corps of engineers; tribal recognition issues; John Smith trail; Fort Monroe and Fort Monroe Federal Area Development Authority; Wind Regulatory Advisory Panel (WRAP); budget; natural resources legislation; Governor's Climate Change Commission (CCC); Southern Governors' Association (SGA) Chairman's Initiative (climate change and energy independence); biofuels; biosolids; Chesapeake Bay; drought conditions; Green Commonwealth Challenge; land conservation tax credit; menhaden; Omega Protein; Mirant's Potomac River power plant; mountaintop mining; Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)/offshore drilling off the coast of Virginia; Outlying Landing Field (OLF); Virginia Air Pollution Control Board; roadless rule for two national forests (George Washington and Jefferson); American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (federal stimulus); stormwater management regulations; Sub-Cabinet on Community Investment; Virginia Information Technology Agency (VITA) billing and cost issues; Virginia Land Conservation Foundation (VLCF); and Virginia Water Quality Improvement Fund (WQIF).

    Notable email includes : emails in April 2006 relating to the speech in which Governor Tim Kaine launched his 400,000 acre conservation goal; February 2006 regarding the land conservation tax credit; November-December 2009 emails regarding the conservation of the Biscuit Run tract in Albemarle County; email thread from Preston Bryant, dated 24 September 2008, to Viola Baskerville and Dick Zorn, expressing his frustration with the land conservation process; email from Preston Bryant, dated 28 July 2006, to Sec. of Natural Resources staff describing a menhaden agreement with Omega Protein and a governor's event announcing agreement; and email from Preston Bryant, dated 17 March 2008, to Wayne Turnage, et al, describing the Virginia Air Pollution Board as out of control.

    Correspondents include : Bill Armbruster, Joan Baker, Chris Bast, Don Beyer, Bennett Blodgett, Steve Bowman, Gena Boyle, Preston Bryant, David Carr, Jeff Corbin, Robert Crouch, Carol Denson, Bill Dickinson, Nick Donohue, David Dowling, Larry Durbin, Marc Follmer, Kathy Frahm, Carl Garrison, Ellen Gillinksky, Pierce Homer, Conover Hunt, Paula Jasinski, Tim Kaine, Kathleen Kilpatrick, Jeff Kraus, Bob Lee, Bill Leighty, Alfonso Lopez, Joseph Maroon, Bill Murray, Missy Neff, Bill Norris, Steve Owens, David Paylor, David Phemister, Trip Pollard, Barbara Reese, Mark Rubin, Brian Shepard, Rick Siger, Delacey Skinner, Tom Smith, Lynda Tran, Wayne Turnage, Terry Wagner, Stephen Walz, and Carol Wampler.

  • Series XIII. Secretary of Natural Resources Electronic Files, Subseries C. Jeff Corbin Email , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .

    This subseries contains 10017 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibjcorbin.pst . Jeff Corbin served as Assistant Secretary of Natural Resources from January 2006 to January 2010. Prior to serving as Assistant Secretary, Corbin worked at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) from 1996 to 2006, where he was deputy director and senior scientist. Before his tenure at CBF, Corbin worked for three years as an environmental geologist and water quality specialist at the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission.

    KaineLibjcorbin.pst contains 10017 emails sent and received by Jeff Corbin between January 2006 and January 2010. There are 28 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to attorney-client communications. After the departure of Assistant Secretary Missy Neff in December 2007, Corbin was responsible for receiving weekly reports from Secretary of Natural Resources agencies and drafting the Secretariat's weekly report to the governor; compiling monthly report for Chief of Staff of major Natural Resources events for the next month; and the Green Building initiative.

    Subjects include : Chesapeake Bay; Chesapeake 2000 (C2K); Chesapeake Bay Commission; Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF); Chesapeake Bay Program Principal's Staff Committee (PSC) and Executive Council (EC); Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs); natural resources legislation; Bay bonds initiative; state budget; biofuels; biosolids; weekly reports from Natural Resources state agencies; weekly reports from Secretary of Natural Resources to governor; blue crabs; Ghost Pot Retrieval Program; oysters; menhaden; Omega Protein; Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC); Governor Kaine's Agricultural Champion Initiative; American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009 (ARRA); Governor's Climate Change Commission (CCC); fish kill events in the Shenandoah River and its tributaries; plasticulture; poultry litter; stormwater regulations; and wetlands.

    Notable email includes : email from Preston Bryant, dated 10 August 2009, to Nikki Rovner, Jeff Corbin, Joe Maroon, Dave Dowling, David and Rick Weeks, transmitting memorandum about potential DEQ/DCR service-responsibility realignment; email from Preston Bryant, dated 21 February 2006, to Bill Leighty, et al, recounting a meeting Bryant had with representatives from Omega Protein; and email from Preston Bryant, dated 27 June 2006, to Brian Shepard, et al, recounting a meeting Bryant had with Omega Protein.

    Correspondents include : Hobey Bauhan, Russell Baxter, Bennett Blodgett, Steve Bowman, Gena Boyle, Preston Bryant, Suzan Bulbulkaya, Frank Dawson, Carol Denson, Kathy Frahm, Jack Frye, Tony Gascon, Gail Jaspen, Ann Jennings, Tim Kaine, John Kennedy, Mark Mansfield, Joseph Maroon, Missy Neff, Bill Norris, Rob O'Reilly, David Paylor, Russ Perkinson, Nikki Rovner, Alan Rubin, Brian Shepard, Ann Swanson, Jack Travelstead, Stephen Walz, C.W. Williams, and Neil Zahradka.

  • Series XIII. Secretary of Natural Resources Electronic Files, Subseries D. Missy Neff Email , 2006-2007 .

    This subseries contains 6831 email messages in one PST file: MNeff.pst . Missy Neff served as Assistant Secretary of Natural Resources from January 2006 to December 2007. Prior to her appointment, Neff worked as a Program Coordinator at the Virginia League of Conservation Voters. Neff left the Kaine administration in December 2007 for a position at McGuireWoods Consulting.

    MNeff.pst contains 6831 emails sent and received by Missy Neff between January 2006 and December 2007. There is one privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Neff was responsible for receiving weekly reports from Secretary of Natural Resources agencies and drafting the Secretariat's weekly report to the governor; compiling monthly report for Chief of Staff of major Natural Resources events for the next month; agency head communications; Green Building initiative; agency and press office contact for press releases; and strategic plan/outcome measures management. She also served on the Sub-Cabinet on Community Investment that advised the governor on the use of existing state discretionary funds and strategies to ensure that, when the Commonwealth makes key investment decisions, the effects of those decisions promote economically and environmentally sustainable communities.

    Subjects include : biosolids, weekly reports from Secretary of Natural Resources state agencies; weekly reports from Secretary of Natural Resources to governor; state budget; Chesapeake Bay; Governor's Climate Change Commission (CCC); constituent correspondence submitted from Secretary of Natural Resources website; Community Development Sub-Cabinet; natural resources legislation; budget requests to Virginia's Congressional delegation; Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) program; Governor's Natural Resources Summit (18-19 September 2006); Governor's Institute on Community Design (14-15 August 2006); Native Americans; Governor's Management Scorecard; Green Building Act; land conservation/land use; Outlying Landing Field (OLF); media contacts from Natural Resources state agencies; mountaintop mining (MTM); Operation Reviews of state government (energy usage, water usage, and solid waste management usage areas); and Virginia Information Technology Agency (VITA) billing and cost issues.

    Correspondents include : Tim Bass, Deanna Beacham, Steve Bowman, Gena Boyle, Karl Bren, Preston Bryant, Jeff Corbin, Carol Denson, Kathy Frahm, Elsie Franklin, Angele Goff, Cindy Gray, Belle Harding, Randy Jones, Kathleen Kilpatrick, Joseph Maroon, Diana Monroe, Bill Norris, Nikki Rovner, Tamar Shapio, Brian Shepard, Catherine Slusser, and Stephen Walz.

  • Series XIII. Secretary of Natural Resources Electronic Files, Subseries E. Carol Denson Email , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .

    This subseries contains 5703 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibcdenson.pst . Carol Denson served as the Executive Assistant to the Secretary of Natural Resources from January 2006 to January 2010.

    KaineLibcdenson.pst contains 5703 emails sent and received by Carol Denson between January 2006 and January 2010. There are four privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to attorney-client communications and personnel matters.

    Subjects include : constituent correspondence submitted from Secretary of Natural Resources website; Fort Monroe Federal Area Development Authority (FMFADA); Governor's Commission on Climate Change (CCC) (including content posted on CCC website); 2009-2010 Natural Resources agency transition reports for Office of Governor-elect Robert F. McDonnell; natural resources legislation; American Civil War Center; Capitol Square Civil Rights Memorial; biosolids; Environment Virginia's annual symposium; Green Commonwealth Challenge; Foundation for Virginia's Natural Resources (FVNR); land conservation; Transatlantic Climate Bridge initiative with Germany; and Wind Energy Regulatory Advisory Panel (RAP).

    Correspondents include : Bill Armbruster, Joan Baker, Preston Bryant, Jeff Corbin, Elsie Franklin, Angele Goff, Louise Arnatt Kadiri, Kathleen Kilpatrick, Missy Neff, Nikki Rovner, Carol Wampler, and Richard Zorn.

  • Series XIII. Secretary of Natural Resources Electronic Files, Subseries F. Bill Norris Email , 2006-2009 .

    This subseries contains 1748 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibbnorris.pst . Bill Norris served as Cabinet Liaison for the Secretary of Natural Resources from October 2006 to October 2009. Norris was a Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) employee loaned to the office during the sessions of the Virginia General Assembly.

    KaineLibbnorris.pst contains 1748 emails sent and received by Bill Norris between October 2006 and October 2009. Norris tracked all Natural Resources agency legislation developed and filed by the Virginia General Assembly. He used spreadsheets updated daily during session containing agency assignment of legislation for review, Governor's Office/agency position, status of Legislative Action Summaries (LAS), and Enrolled Bill Reviews (EBR).

    Correspondents include : Gena Boyle, John Bull, David Dowling, Diane Harrison, Gary Janak, Angela Jenkins, Rick Linker, Megan Root, Charlie Sledd, and Catherine Slusser.

  • Series XIII. Secretary of Natural Resources Electronic Files, Subseries G. Paula Jasinski Email , 2008-2009 .

    This subseries contains 154 email messages in one PST file: PJASINSKI.PST . Jasinski managed Virginia Program activities for the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office. She was assigned to the Kaine Administration to staff Governor Kaine's Commission on Climate Change.

    PJASINSKI.PST contains 1748 emails sent by Paula Jasinski between May 2008 and February 2009. Her email documents her work on Kaine's Commission on Climate Change as a member of the Adoption and Sequestration Work Group.

  • Series XIII. Secretary of Natural Resources Electronic Files, Subseries H. Kathleen Onufer Email , 2009 .

    This subseries contains 53 emails in one PST file: KaineLibkonufer.pst . Onufer served as a Governor's Fellow for the Secretary of Natural Resources during the summer of 2009.

    KaineLibkonufer.pst contains 53 emails sent and received by Kathleen Onufer between June 2009 and August 2009. Her email consists primarily of weekly reports from Natural Resources state agencies and weekly reports from the Secretary to the governor.

Series XIV. Secretary of Administration Electronic Files , 2003-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .
Extent: 20285 emails.

The Secretary of Administration Electronic Files series documents the electronic communication of the office during the Kaine administration. This series contains 20285 emails in seven (7) subseries. Subseries have been designated for: A. Viola Baskerville Email, B. Kim Farrar Email, C. Richard Zorn Email, D. Joycelyn Bassette Blizzard Email, E. Karen Smith Email, F. Kitty Harris Email, and G. Darice Bowles Email. There are 225 protected and confidential emails that are restricted from public access per Code of Virginia, 42-1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications and personnel information.

The Secretary of Administration is a member of the Governor's Cabinet, appointed by the governor, and subject to confirmation by the General Assembly. The Secretary of Administration oversees general government operations to ensure efficient and effective management of the people's resources. The seven state agencies in the Administration secretariat manage the state's real estate portfolio, serve as the state building official, administer employee policies and benefits, oversee procurement, and provide laboratory services. Administration agencies also promote business opportunities for Small, Women and Minority (SWAM) owned businesses, supervise elections, direct state funds to constitutional officers and public broadcasting entities and safeguard human rights.

During the administration of Governor Timothy Kaine, the Secretary of Administration oversaw the following state agencies and boards: Compensation Board, Council on Human Rights, Department of Employment Dispute Resolution, Department of General Services, Department of Human Resource Management, Department of Minority Business Enterprise, State Board of Elections and Virginia Public Broadcast Board.

  • Series XIV. Secretary of Administration Electronic Files, Subseries A. Viola O. Baskerville Email , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .

    This subseries contains 5432 emails in two PST Files: KaineLibvbaskerville.pst and VBASKERVILLE.PST . Viola O. Baskerville served as Secretary of Administration from January 2006 to January 2010. Baskerville was born on 29 October 1951 in Richmond, Virginia. She graduated from the College of William and Mary in 1973 with a B.A. in German Literature and received a Fulbright Scholarship to attend the University of Bonn in Germany the same year. In 1979, Baskerville earned a J.D. from the University of Iowa, College of Law. In 1994, she was elected to the Richmond City Council and served until her election to the Virginia House of Delegates in 1998. In 2005, Baskerville stepped down from her Delegate position to run for the Democratic nomination for Lieutenant Governor, but was unsuccessful in her bid. In December 2005, Baskerville was picked by incoming Virginia Governor Tim Kaine to be Secretary of Administration.

    • KaineLibvbaskerville.pst , 2006-2010 .

      KaineLibvbaskerville.pst contains 5421 emails sent and received by Viola Baskerville between January 2006 and January 2010. There are 27 privacy protected and confidential emails in this pst file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to records containing personal/personnel information.

      Subjects include : Virginia Capitol renovation; agency correspondence, issues and weekly reports/SWAM reports from Administration agencies (Compensation Board, Council on Human Rights, Department of Employment Dispute Resolution, Department of General Services, Department of Human Resource Management, Department of Minority Business Enterprise, State Board of Elections, and Virginia Public Broadcast Board); Secretary of Administration weekly report to governor; 8th and 9th Street Office Buildings (movement of offices and demolition of 8th Street Office Building); legislation/legislative sessions/legislation action summaries; state budget issues including agency budget reductions; Small, Women-owned, and Minority-owned Business (SWaM) program; preparations for 12 February 2008 Democratic presidential primary and the 4 November 2008 presidential election; meeting of the 2008 Electoral College; Virginia Election and Registration Information System (VERIS) implementation; purchase of Ballard property in Norfolk by the Commonwealth; Capitol Square Civil Rights Memorial; Freedman's Bureau Project; Procurement Disparity Study; eVA-Virginia's electronic procurement system; Enterprise Applications Program (EAP); Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) (billing issues, service issues, etc.); and teleworking policy for state employees.

      Correspondents include : Sarah Abubaker, James Alcorn, Tim Bass, Joycelyn Bassette Blizzard, Chris Bast, Al Bowers, Darice Bowles, Preston Bryant, Stacy Burrs, Angela Chiang, Aneesh Chopra, Don Darr, Robin deSocio, Claudia Farr, Kim Farrar, Claire Guthrie Gastanaga, Paula Gentius-Harris, Kitty Harris, Samuel Hayes, Jean Jensen, Ruby Jewell, Valerie Jones, Bill Leighty, Keith Newby, Steve Owens, Larry Roberts, Nancy Rodrigues, Brian Shepard, Richard Sliwoski, Karen Smith, Louisa Strayhorn, Darin Thompson, Wayne Turnage, Sara Wilson, and Richard Zorn.

    • VBASKERVILLE.PST , 2010 .

      VBASKERVILLE.PST contains 11 emails sent and received by Viola Baskerville in January 2010. There are three attorney-client privileged emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78.

      Subjects include : legislation; and purchase of Ballard property in Norfolk by the Commonwealth.

      Correspondents include : Samuel Hayes, Steve Owens, Wayne Turnage, and Richard Zorn.

  • Series XIV. Secretary of Administration Electronic Files, Subseries B. Kim Farrar Email , 2005-2008 .

    This subseries contains 5398 email messages in one PST file: KFARRAR.PST . Kim Farrar served as Deputy Secretary of Administration from January 2006 to October 2008. Prior to joining the Kaine administration, Farrar served as a Special Assistant to Governor Mark R. Warner for Strategic Management. She also held the following positions in the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles: Administrator, Deputy Director, District Manager, and Policy Analyst. As Deputy Secretary of Administration, Farrar was responsible for the high-level oversight of the budget for the Secretariat, which was over $800 million dollars. She also oversaw seven different state agencies on behalf of the Secretary of Administration, with a particular focus on the Department of Minority Business Enterprise.

    KFARRAR.PST contains 5398 emails sent and received by Kim Farrar between August 2005 and November 2008.This collection also includes email from Farrar's work in the Warner Administration. There are 56 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to records containing attorney-client communications and personal/personnel information.

    Subjects include : Small, Women-owned, and Minority-owned Business (SWaM) program; issues and weekly reports/SWAM reports from Administration agencies (Compensation Board, Council on Human Rights, Department of Employment Dispute Resolution, Department of General Services, Department of Human Resource Management, Department of Minority Business Enterprise, State Board of Elections, and Virginia Public Broadcast Board); state budget issues including agency budget reductions; Administration agency head meetings; legislation/legislative sessions/legislation action summaries; Capitol Square Civil Rights Memorial; Secretary of Administration weekly report to governor; state agencies advertising in alternative press; Leadership Communique; and Procurement Disparity Study.

    Correspondents include : Viola Baskerville, Al Bowers, Stacy Burrs, Angela Chiang, Don Darr, Robyn deSocio, Claudia Farr, Paula Gentius-Harris, Kitty Harris, Samuel Hayes, Christy King, Lou Arnatt Kadiri, Bill Leighty, Sandra Norman, Maribel Ramos, Larry Roberts, Nancy Rodrigues, Mike Salster, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, Richard Sliwoski, Karen Smith, Wayne Turnage, Sara Wilson, and Richard Zorn.

  • Series XIV. Secretary of Administration Electronic Files, Subseries C. Richard Zorn Email , 2003-2010 .

    This subseries contains 5197 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibzorn . Richard Zorn served as Deputy Secretary of Administration from 2003 to January 2010. First appointed by Governor Mark Warner in 2003, Zorn was reappointed by Governor Tim Kaine in January 2006. Zorn previously was head of the Finance Section of the Office of the Attorney General.

    KaineLibzorn contains 5197 emails sent and received by Richard Zorn between August 2003 and January 2010. Records include email from Zorn's tenure as Deputy Secretary of Administration in the Warner Administration (2003-2006). There are 120 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications and mediation.

    Subjects include : Library of Virginia (problems encountered by the library in terms of climate control and protection of its collections and the Warner administration's efforts to address the issue via a settlement with the building's original contractors); Virginia Election and Registration Information System (VERIS) implementation; organizational issues with the State Board of Elections; purchase of Ballard property in Norfolk by the Commonwealth (includes correspondence with property owner Keith Newby); Capitol Square Civil Rights Memorial (including correspondence with Stanley Bleifeld, designer of monument); state mail consolidation project; Virginia Capitol renovation; state budget; legislation; Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA); and the Virginia Public Broadcast Board.

    Correspondents include : Sheryl Bailey, Viola Baskerville, Stanley Bleifeld, Robert Blue, Sandra Bowen, Bruce Brooks, James Canup, Lisa Collis, Joe Damico, William Diamond, Kim Farrar, Jan Fatouros, Ernie Forrest, Robert Gluck, William Gray, Samuel Hayes, Charles Hess, Eugene Huang, Bruce Jamerson, Jean Jensen, Valarie Jones, James Lee, Bill Leighty, Alice Lynch, Susan McCleary, Richard McGrath, Janet Muldoon, Val Murphey, Bill Murray, Keith Newby, Dee Pisciella, Holli Ploog, Shannon Rainey, Jim Roberts, Nancy Rodrigues, Susan Clarke Schaar, Richard Sliwoski, Darin Thompson, Wayne Turnage, Belle Wheelan, Ronald White, Sara Wilson, and Nolan Yelich.

  • Series XIV. Secretary of Administration Electronic Files, Subseries D. Joycelyn Bassette Blizzard Email , 2008-2009 .

    This subseries contains 28 email messages in one PST file: JBASSETTE.PST . Joycelyn Bassette Blizzard served as Special Assistant to the Secretary of Administration from 2006 to 2008.

    JBASSETTE.PST contains 28 emails sent and received by Missy Neff between August 2008 and March 2009.

    Subjects include : State Board of Elections meetings and the Combined Virginia Campaign (CVC).

  • Series XIV. Secretary of Administration Electronic Files, Subseries E. Karen Smith Email , 2006-2007) .

    This subseries contains 648 email messages in two PST files: KSmith_SOA.pst and 2007Libksmith.pst . Karen Smith served as the Executive Assistant to the Secretary of Administration from 2006 to 2007.

    • KSmith_SOA.pst , 2006-2007 .

      KSmith_SOA.pst contains 633 emails sent and received by Karen Smith between January 2006 and June 2007. There are nine attorney-client privileged emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78.

      Subjects include : legislation/legislative sessions/legislation action summaries and weekly reports/SWAM reports from Administration agencies.

      Correspondents include : Viola Baskerville, Rosanna Bencoach, Gena Boyle, Marc Cheatham, Clay Landa, and Richard Zorn.

    • 2007Libsmith.pst , 2007 .

      2007Libsmith.pst contains 15 emails sent and received by Karen Smith between February 2007 and August 2007.

      Subjects include : Virginia Capitol Foundation (VCF).

      Correspondents include : Alice Lynch.

  • Series XIV. Secretary of Administration Electronic Files, Subseries F. Kitty Harris Email , 2007-2009 .

    This subseries contains 1748 email messages in one PST file: kharris.pst . Kitty Harris served as Executive Assistant to the Secretary of Administration from 2007 to 2009.

    kharris.pst contains 2987 emails sent and received by Kitty Harris between August 2007 and January 2009 2009. There are seven privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to records containing attorney-client communications, personal/personnel information, and worker compensation cases.

    Subjects include : legislation/legislative sessions/legislation action summaries; and weekly reports/SWAM reports from Administration agencies (Compensation Board, Council on Human Rights, Department of Employment Dispute Resolution, Department of General Services, Department of Human Resource Management, Department of Minority Business Enterprise, State Board of Elections, and Virginia Public Broadcast Board); Secretary of Administration weekly report to governor; and constituent correspondence.

    Correspondents include : James Alcorn, Vanessa Archie, Viola Baskerville, Rosanna Bencoach, Rhonda Bishton, Joycelyn Blizzard, Darice Bowles, Kari Bullock, Joe Damico, Robyn deSocio, Claudia Farr, Kim Farrar, Paula Gentius-Harris, Samuel Hayes, Debbie Henderson, Gary Janak, Valarie Jones, Sandra Norman, Svandis Pollard, Carol Rauschberg, Nancy Rodrigues, Megan Root, Mike Salster, Richard Sliwoski, Sara Wilson, Timothy Wilson, and Richard Zorn.

  • Series XIV. Secretary of Administration Electronic Files, Subseries G. Darice Bowles Email , 2009-2010 .

    This subseries contains 595 email messages in one PST file: KaineLibdbowles.pst . Darice Bowles served as Executive Assistant to the Secretary of Administration from 2009 to January 2010.

    KaineLibdbowles.pst contains 595 emails sent and received by Darice Bowles between January 2009 and January 2010. There are three attorney-client privileged emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78.

    Subjects include : legislation/legislative sessions/legislation action summaries; and weekly reports/SWAM reports from Administration agencies (Compensation Board, Council on Human Rights, Department of Employment Dispute Resolution, Department of General Services, Department of Human Resource Management, Department of Minority Business Enterprise, State Board of Elections, and Virginia Public Broadcast Board); and Secretary of Administration weekly report to governor.

    Correspondents include : James Alcorn, Vanessa Archie, Viola Baskerville, Rhonda Bishton, Kari Bullock, Robyn deSocio, Claudia Farr, Paula Gentius, Debbie Henderson, Valarie Jones, Jibran Muhammed, Nancy Rodrigues, Mike Salster, Richard Sliwoski, Anne Waring, Sara Wilson, Timothy Wilson, and Richard Zorn.

Series XV. Secretary of Commerce and Trade Electronic Files , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .
Extent: 37756 emails.

The Secretary of Commerce and Trade Electronic Files series documents the electronic communication of the office during the Kaine administration. This series contains 37756 emails in ten (10) subseries. Subseries have been designated for: A. Patrick Gottschalk Email, B. Rick Siger Email, C. Lynette Hammond Email, D. David N. Smith Email, E. Vivek Kundra Email, F. Alleyn Harned Email, G. Stephen Walz Email, H. Catherine Evans Email, I. Darryl Holt Email, and J. Mike Coleman Email. There are no email files for Alex Daniel, Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Trade or Christine Simpson, Special Assistant to the Secretary of Commerce and Trade. There are 203 protected and confidential emails that are restricted from public access per Code of Virginia, 42-1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications, settlement discussions and Virginia unemployment cases.

The Secretary of Commerce and Trade oversees the economic, community, and workforce development of the Commonwealth. The secretariat includes 13 agencies dealing with such issues as promoting statewide economic growth, community development, attracting and retaining business, promoting the State's tourism, racing and film industries, addressing the need for moderate and low income housing, regulating professions, ensuring safe workplaces, pursuing international markets for Virginia products, developing and conserving energy and mineral resources, administering the State's unemployment compensation program and funding infrastructure projects for localities.

During the administration of Governor Timothy Kaine, the Secretary of Commerce and Trade oversaw the following agencies and boards: Board of Accountancy, Department of Business Assistance, Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI), Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy (DMME), Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation (DPOR), Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission, Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP), Virginia Housing Development Authority, Virginia Racing Commission (VRC), Virginia Resources Authority (VRA), and Virginia Tourism Corporation (VTC). There were three organizations affiliated with the secretariat: Virginia National Defense Industrial Authority, Virginia Israel Advisory Board (VIAB) and Virginia Commercial Spaceflight Authority.

  • Series XV. Secretary of Commerce and Trade Electronic Files, Subseries A. Patrick Gottschalk Email , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .

    This subseries contains 10779 emails in one PST file: KaineLibpgottschalk.pst . Patrick Gottschalk served as Secretary of Commerce and Trade from January 2006 to January 2010. On 15 January 15 2006, Patrick O. Gottschalk was appointed by Governor Tim Kaine as the Secretary of Commerce and Trade for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Gottschalk was the secretariat liaison to the Virginia Economic Development Partnership. Secretary Gottschalk was formerly a partner in the corporate and international sections of the law firm of Cantor Arkema, P.C. in Richmond, Virginia. His practice focused primarily on corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, international business transactions, financing transactions, and economic development projects. He also served as counsel to the Virginia Economic Developers Association and was an ex officio member of the Board of Directors of VEDA. Secretary Gottschalk also served on the Economic Development Committee of the Virginia Chamber of Commerce.

    Prior to joining the Kaine Administration, Secretary Gottschalk was very active in the economic development community and participated in several domestic and international trade missions with a variety of former Governors. Secretary Gottschalk has also closed economic development projects throughout the State.

    Secretary Gottschalk graduated from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1983. While at UVA, he served on the editorial board of The Virginia Journal of International Law. His undergraduate degree, granted in 1975, is from the United States Naval Academy. Upon graduation, he served as a naval officer for five years with assignments aboard the USS Harry E. Yarnell and at the University of Virginia as an NROTC instructor. [Gottschalk biography from archived Secretary of Commerce and Trade website]

    KaineLibpgottschalk.pst contains 10779 emails sent and received by Patrick Gottschalk between January 2006 and January 2010. There are 58 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to records containing attorney-client communications, settlement discussions and Virginia unemployment cases.

    Subjects include : Secretary of Commerce and Trade agency correspondence and issues; legislation/legislative sessions/legislation action summaries; state budget; Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) (billing issues, service issues, etc.); Fort Monroe; closing of Ford Motor Company plant in Norfolk; closing of International Paper in Franklin; closing of Quimonda plant in Henrico County; layoffs at Volvo truck plant in Dublin; Virginia Energy plan; energy policy and legislation; Department of Business Assistant (DBA) Consolidation study group; workforce development; economic development projects/use of Governor's Opportunity Fund (GOF) including but not limited to Apple, Boy Scouts of America, Bristol Compressors, CGI, Continental (Newport News plant), Greentech Automotive, Magna Steyr, Rolls Royce, and SRI International; and economic trade missions.

    Correspondents include : Jeffrey Anderson, Alisa Bailey, Sheryl Bailey, Shannon Blevins, Keith Boswell, Stan Bowker, Ric Brown, Preston Bryant, Marc Cheatham, Aneesh Chopra, Robert Crouch, Alex Daniel, Ray Davenport, Jay DeBoer, Susan Dewey, Dave Dickson, Jerry Edwards, Mike Eisenman, Kim Ellett, Dolores Esser, Catherine Evans, Allen Finch, Jerry Giles, Paul Grossman, Lynette Hammond, Alleyn Harned, Todd Haymore, Jim Hicks, Pierce Homer, Conover Hunt, Tim Kaine, Vivek Kundra, Daneil LeBlanc, Bill Leighty, Mike Lehmkuhler, Rita McClenny, Robert McClintock, Gary McLaren, Sandy McNinch, Christie Miller, Bill Murray, Jack Nelson, Neal Noyes, Keith Oing, Steve Owens, Liz Povar, Rick Richardson, Ralph Robbins, Frank Roberts, Mark Rubin, Bill Shelton, Brian Shepard, Rick Siger, Christine Simpson, Robert Skunda, David Smith, Ned Stephenson, John Sternlicht, Louisa Strayhorn, Wayne Turnage, Brett Vassey, Jody Wagner, Stephen Walz, Preston Wilhelm, and Bo Willis.

  • Series XV. Secretary of Commerce and Trade Electronic Files, Subseries B. Rick Siger Email , 2006-2007 .

    This subseries contains 3326 emails in one PST file: RSIGNER.PST . Rick Siger served as Deputy Secretary of Commerce and Trade from January 2006 to May 2007. Signer was secretariat liaison to the Virginia Tourism Corporation, Virginia Racing Commission, Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation, Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy, Department of Labor and Industry, and the Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission. Prior to joining the Kaine administration, Siger served as Director of Operation for the Kaine Transition Team and as a Director of Advance and Trip Director on Tim Kaine's 2005 gubernatorial campaign. Siger left the administration in May 2007 to join Senator Barack Obama's presidential campaign.

    RSIGNER.PST contains 3326 emails sent and received by Rick Siger between January 2006 and August 2007. Siger served as Deputy Secretary of Commerce and Trade from January 2006 to May 2007. There are 13 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to records containing attorney-client communications and settlement discussions.

    Subjects include : Fort Monroe, economic development projects/use of Governor's Opportunity Fund (GOF) including but not limited to Apple, CGI, and Rolls Royce; economic trade missions; state budget; energy plan; and legislation.

    Correspondents include : Jeffrey Anderson, Alisa Bailey, Preston Bryant, Aneesh Chopra, Jay DeBoer, Dolores Esser, Catherine Evans, Marc Follmer, Cathy Ghidotti, Patrick Gottschalk, Paul Grossman, Kevin Hall, Lynette Hammond, Carrie Henderson, Maurice Henderson, Tim Kaine, Jeff Krause, Vivek Kundra, Bill Leighty, Alfonso Lopez, Christie Miller, Bill Murray, Liz Povar, Rick Richardson, Nikki Rovner, Mark Rubin, Bill Shelton, Brian Shepard, Christine Simpson, Delacey Skinner, David Smith, John Sternlicht, Wayne Turnage, Stephen Walz, and Bo Willis.

  • Series XV. Secretary of Commerce and Trade Files, Subseries C. Lynette Hammond Email , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .

    This subseries contains 12949 emails in one PST file: KaineLiblhammond.pst . Lynette Hammond served as Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Trade from January 2006 to June 2006 and as Deputy Secretary of Commerce and Trade from June 2007 to January 2010. Hammond served as the secretariats legislative liaison and regulatory analyst and coordinated Governor Kaine's Economic Development Strategic Plan.

    Prior to serving in the Kaine administration, Hammond served as legislative liaison for the Virginia Economic Development Partnership and the Virginia Employment Commission and as staff to the General Assembly as an employee of the Division of Legislative Services.

    KaineLiblhammond.pst contains 12949 emails sent and received by Lynette Hammond between January 2006 and January 2010. There are 87 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to records containing attorney-client communications and Virginia unemployment cases.

    Subjects include : workforce development (including Workforce Sub Cabinet); Comprehensive One-Stops (Charlottesville, Danville, Roanoke, South Boston); Virginia Employment Commission (VEC)/unemployment insurance; legislation/legislative sessions/legislation action summaries; state budget; energy plan; Fort Monroe; closing of Ford Motor Company plant in Norfolk; closing of Quimonda plant in Henrico County; layoffs at Vaughan Furniture in Galax, Volvo truck plant in Dublin, and America Online in Dulles and Wachovia Securities in Richmond; Economic Crisis Strike Force; Economic Development Strategic Plan; and development projects/use of Governor's Opportunity Fund (GOF) including but not limited to Orbital Sciences and Rolls Royce.

    Correspondents include : Mike Abbott, Jeffrey Anderson, Lynda Sharp Anderson, Alisa Bailey, Peter Blake, Mary Broz, Preston Bryant, Steve Calhoun, Marc Cheatham, Jackie Cunningham, Alex Daniel, Ray Davenport, Brian Davis, Jay DeBoer, Paula Dehetre, Suzette Denslow, Susan Dewey, Dave Dickson, Jerry Edwards, Bill Ernest, Dolores Esser, Joyce Fogg, Marc Follmer, Patrick Gottschalk, Steven Gould, Alleyn Harned, Victor Harrison, Ed Hegamyer, Conover Hunt, Gary Janak, Mike Kaestner, Tim Kaine, Nicholas Kessler, Harold Kretzer, Vivek Kundra, Daniel LeBlanc, Mike Lehmkuhler, Bill Leighty, Alfonso Lopez, Sam Lupica, Charles Massie, Robert McClintock, Gary McLaren, Sandi McNinch, Steven Mondul, Elizabeth Moran, Franklin Munyan, Bill Murray, Judy Napier, Jack Nelson, Aida Pacheco, Liz Povar, Barbara Reese, Gail Robinson, Shelby Robinson, Nikki Rovner, Mark Rubin, Bill Shelton, Brian Shepard, Rick Siger, Christine Simpson, Delacey Skinner, David Smith, David Spears, John Sternlicht, Marilyn Tavenner, Lynda Tran, Wayne Turnage, Aaron Ver, Coleman Walsh, Stephen Walz, Bo Willis, Ann Wright, and Richard Zorn.

  • Series XV. Secretary of Commerce and Trade Electronic Files, Subseries D. David N. Smith Email , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .

    This subseries contains 352 emails in two PST files: DNSMITH.PST and KaineLibdnsmith.pst . David N. Smith served as Deputy Secretary of Commerce and Trade from January 2006 to January 2010. Smith was secretariat liaison to the Department of Business Assistance, Department of Housing and Community Development, Board of Accountancy, Virginia Employment Commission, Virginia Housing Development Authority, and Virginia Resource Authority. Prior to his appointment, Smith served as Vice President of Commercial Lending at Consolidated Bank and Trust.

    • DNSMITH.PST , 2009-2010 .

      DNSMITH.PST contains five emails sent and received by David N. Smith between September 2009 and January 2010.

    • KaineLibdnsmith.pst , 2006-2009 .

      KaineLibdnsmith.pst contains 347 emails sent and received by David N. Smith between January 2006 and December 2009. There are eight privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to records containing personal information.

      Subjects include : urban policy and Foreclosure Task Force.

      Correspondents include : Lynda Sharp Anderson, Sheryl Bailey, Marc Cheatham, Dolores Esser, Patrick Gottschalk, Earl McClenney, Wayne Turnage, and Stephen Walz.

  • Series XV. Secretary of Commerce and Trade Electronic Files, Subseries E. Vivek Kundra Email , 2006-2007 .

    This subseries contains 555 emails in one PST file: VKUNDRA.PST . Vivek Kundra served as Assistant to the Secretary of Commerce and Trade from January 2006 to May 2007. In September 2006, Governor Kaine tasked Kundra to oversee the creation of the Business One-Stop website. Vivek left the administration in May 2007 when Mayor Adrian Fenty appointed him Chief Technology Officer for the District of Columbia.

    Prior to the Kaine administration, Kundra was the CEO of Creostar, a company focused on cyber security and information warfare.

    VKUNDRA.PST contains 555 emails sent and received by Vivek Kundra between January 2006 and August 2007.

    Subjects include : Business One Stop; legislation; urban policy; Economic Development Strategic Plan; India trade mission; broadband; and Small, Women-owned, and Minority-owned Business (SWAM) dashboard.

    Correspondents include : Aneesh Chopra, Patrick Gottschalk, Shea Hollifield, Bill Leighty, Judy Napier, Rick Siger, and David Smith.

  • Series XV. Secretary of Commerce and Trade Electronic Files, Subseries F. Alleyn Harned Email , 2006-2009 .

    This subseries contains 5199 emails in two PST files: AHARNED.PST and KaineLibAHarned.pst . Alleyn Harned served as Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Trade from May 2007 to December 2009. From January 2006 to May 2007, Harned served as Special Assistant to the Secretary of Transportation (see Series IX. Secretary of Transportation Electronic Files, Subseries F. Alleyn Harned Email, 2006-2007).

    • AHARNED.PST , 2009 .

      AHARNED.PST contains 130 emails sent and received by Alleyn Harned between May 2009 and December 2009.

      Subjects include : Virginia Israel Advisory Board.

      Correspondents include : Patrick Gottschalk, Lynnette Hammond, and David Smith.

    • KaineLibAHarned.pst , 2006-2009 .

      KaineLibAHarned.pst contains 5069 emails sent and received by Alleyn Harned between May 2006 and December 2009. There are seven privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to records containing attorney-client communications and Virginia unemployment cases.

      Subjects include : Air Force Cyber Command (AFCYBER); state budget; Business One Stop; Governor's Commission on Climate Change; Department of Business Assistant (DBA) Consolidation study group; weekly reports from Commerce and Trade agencies; economic development projects (Rolls Royce, Greentech Automotive, CGI and SIR International); proposal by the United States Navy to move a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier from Norfolk Naval Station to Naval Station Mayport, Florida; Outlying Landing Field (OLF); Virginia Commercial Space Flight Authority; federal H-2B visa program; and Transportation Partnership Opportunity Fund (TPOF).

      Correspondents include : Jeffrey Anderson, Lynda Sharp Anderson, Alisa Bailey, Bennett Blodgett, Preston Bryant, Kim Busch, Hollie Cammarasana, Marc Cheatham, Aneesh Chopra, Alex Daniel, Dave Dickson, Jerry Edwards, Kim Ellett, Dolores Esser, Catherine Evans, Cathy Ghidotti, Melinda Glazer, Patrick Gottschalk, Lynette Hammond, Pierce Homer, Amanda Howe, Mike Kaestner, Elizabeth Kersey, Mike Lehmkuhler, Alfonso Lopez, Charles Massie, Robert McClintock, Christie Miller, Laurie Naismith, Judy Napier, Keith Oing, Tristen Pegram, Liz Povar, Billie Reed, Rick Richardson, Ralph Robbins, Frank Roberts, Stan Scott, Bill Shelton, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, David Smith, Tamra Talmadge-Anderson, Lynda Tran, Wayne Turnage, William Vehrs, Wayne Waldrop, Stephen Walz, and Suzanne West.

  • Series XV. Secretary of Commerce and Trade Electronic Files, Subseries G. Stephen Walz Email , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .

    This subseries contains 534 emails in two PST files: kaine archive.pst and SWALZ.PST . Stephen Walz served as Senior Advisor to the Governor for Energy Policy from 2007 to 2010. Walz directed the formulation of the Virginia Energy Plan. Walz was Director of Administration for the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy and was loaned to the administration.

    Kaine archive.pst contains 534 emails sent and received by Stephen Walz between July 2006 and December 2009. The majority of email is from members of the public commenting on the work of the Governor's Commission on Climate Change. SWALTZ.PST contains one email from January 2010.

  • Series XV. Secretary of Commerce and Trade Electronic Files, Subseries H. Catherine Evans Email , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .

    This subseries contains 3747 emails in one PST file: KaineLibcevans.pst . Catherine Evans served as Executive Assistant to the Secretary of Commerce and Trade from January 2006 to January 2010.

    KaineLibcevans.pst contains 3747 emails sent and received by Catherine Evans between January 2006 and January 2010. There are 21 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to records containing attorney-client communications and Virginia unemployment cases.

    Subjects include : The bulk of the email consists of agency response to constituent correspondence, information on events attended by Secretary Gottschalk (agendas, minutes and background material), state budget, and drafts of Secretary Gottschalk's correspondence. On many of the emails, Evans was cc'd.

    Correspondents include : Jeffrey Anderson, Alisa Bailey, Joan Baker, Preston Bryant, Evie Christopher, Alex Daniel, Dave Dickson, Kim Ellett, Winston Evans, Marc Follmer, Cathy Ghidotti, Patrick Gottschalk, Lynette Hammond, Alleyn Harned, Vivek Kundra, Mike Lehmkuhler, Evelyn Lewis, Leslie McAlexander, Sandi McNinch, Jack Nelson, Liz Povar, Rick Richardson, Bill Shelton, Rick Siger, Christine Simpson, David Smith, Crystal Vincent, and Stephen Walz.

  • Series XV. Secretary of Commerce and Trade Electronic Files, Subseries I. Darryl Holt Email , 2008-2010 (bulk 2008-2009) .

    This subseries contains 133 emails in one PST file: DHOLT.PST . Darryl Holt served as a Special Assistant from 2008 to 2010.

    DHOLT.PST contains 133 emails sent and received by Darryl Holt between February 2008 and January 2010. There are nine privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to records containing Virginia unemployment cases information.

    Subjects include : The majority of the email consists of constituent correspondence.

  • Series XV. Secretary of Commerce and Trade Electronic Files, Subseries J. Mike Coleman Email , 2009-2010 (bulk 2009) .

    This subseries contains 181 emails in one PST file: KaineLibmcoleman.pst. Mike Coleman served as Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC) Coordinator from 2009 to 2010.

    KaineLibmcoleman.pst contains 181 emails sent and received by Mike Coleman between September 2009 and January 2010.

    Subjects include : The majority of email consists of updating the Governor-elect Robert McDonnell's transition team on Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC) issues.

    Correspondents include : Dave Dickson, Frank Roberts, and Terrie Suit.

Series XVI. Office of Commonwealth Preparedness Electronic Files , 2005-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .
Extent: 13394 emails.

The Office of Commonwealth Preparedness Electronic Files series documents the electronic communication of the office during the Kaine administration. This series contains 13394 emails in eleven (11) subseries. Subseries have been designated for: A. Robert P. Crouch, Jr. Email, B. Steven Mondul Email, C. Wendy Hoffman Email, D. Susan Mongold Email, E. Mike McAllister Email, F. Constance McGeorge Email, G. Melissa McMenemy Email, H. Curtis Brown Email, I. Kerry Stuver Email, J. Megan Samford Email, and K. Jonathan Kiser Email. The email of Marc Follmer, Deputy Assistant for Commonwealth Preparedness and Senior Advisor to the Governor, can be found in Series I. Executive Office Email, Subseries H. There are no email files for Chris Essid, Commonwealth Interoperability Coordinator. There are 250 protected and confidential emails that are restricted from public access per Code of Virginia, 42-1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications, security information and continuity of government information.

The Office of Commonwealth Preparedness collaborated with federal, state, and local officials as well as the private sector to develop a coordinated security and preparedness strategy and implementation plan. The office served as the liaison between the governor and the federal Department of Homeland Security. The duties of the office during the Kaine administration included the oversight, coordination and review of all disaster, emergency management, and terrorism management plans for the state and its agencies; served as the governor's representative on regional efforts to develop a coordinated security and preparedness strategy; served as a direct liaison between the governor's office and local governments and first responders; and educated the public on security and preparedness issues. The office also participated in several oversight groups that provided policy and guidance to the rest of the state. These groups included the Secure Commonwealth Panel, Commonwealth Preparedness Working Group (CPWG), Regional Preparedness Advisory Committees, and the Virginia Military Advisory Council. The Commonwealth Interoperability Coordinator's Office (CICO), reported directly to the Assistant for Commonwealth Preparedness and served as a direct liaison between the governor and Virginia's local governments and first responders on issues of emergency preparedness.

Some of the major initiatives of the office during the administration of Governor Timothy Kaine were the National Capital Region (NCR), critical infrastructure protection, and the Virginia Higher Education Preparedness Consortium.

  • Series XVI. Office of Commonwealth Preparedness Electronic Files, Subseries A. Robert P. Crouch, Jr. Email , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .

    This subseries contains 6329 emails in two PST files: KaineLibrcrouch.pst and RCROUCH.PST . Robert P. Crouch, Jr. served as Assistant to the Governor for Commonwealth Preparedness from January 2006 to January 2010. Crouch served as United States Attorney, Western District of Virginia from 1993 to 2001. During the administration of Governor Mark Warner, Crouch held two positions: Deputy Secretary of Public Safety from January 2002 to May 2005 and Legal Counselor to the Governor from May 2005 to January 2006.

    • KaineLibrcrouch.pst , 2006-2010 .

      KaineLibrcrouch.pst contains 6329 emails sent and received by Robert P. Crouch, Jr. between January 2006 and January 2010. There are 219 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to records containing attorney-client communications.

      Subjects include : 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech; weekly reports; Fort Monroe; creation of the State Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC) by Executive Order 30 (2006); Secure Commonwealth Panel; creation and leadership of multi-agency Evacuation and Sheltering Task Force; hurricane preparedness; National Capital Region (NCR) including meetings of the Senior Policy Group (SPG); Commonwealth Higher Education Preparedness Consortium; campus security conference (2007); Outlying Landing Field (OLF); Air Force Cyber Command (AFCYBER); Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC); Governor's Motorcycle Advisory Council; Office of Commonwealth Preparedness legislation; budget issues; Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach; and a proposal by the United States Navy to move a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier from Norfolk Naval Station to Naval Station Mayport, Florida.

      Correspondents include : Mark Anthony, Mark Boyer, Curtis Brown, Preston Bryant, Janet Clements, Darrell Darnell, Marla Decker, Dave Dickson, Chris Essid, Kevin Fanroy, Marc Follmer, Christopher Geldart, Kevin Hall, Wendy Hoffman, Pierce Homer, Catherina Hutchins, Tim Kaine, Coyner Kelley, Steve Kral, Andy Lauland, Bill Leighty, Les Lilley, Thomas Lockwood, Alfonso Lopez, Sue Mahon, John Marshall, Robert Mauskapf, Steve Mondul, Susan Mongold, Eric Murdock, Edward Reiskin, Frank Roberts, Larry Roberts, Mark Rubin, Felix Sarfo-Kantanka, Brian Shepard, Rick Siger, Delacey Skinner, Bob Spieldenner, Marilyn Tavenner, and Wayne Turnage.

    • RCROUCH.PST , 2009-2010 .

      RCROUCH.PST contains 23 emails sent and received by Robert P. Crouch, Jr. between December 2009 and January 2010.

      Subjects include : transition to the Governor Robert McDonnell administration.

      Correspondents include : Janet Clements and Terry Suit.

  • Series XVI. Office of Commonwealth Preparedness Electronic Files, Subseries B. Steven Mondul Email , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .

    This subseries contains 3864 emails in two PST files: KaineLibsmondul.pst and SMONDUL.PST . Steven Mondul served as Deputy Assistant to the Governor for Commonwealth Preparedness from January 2006 to January 2010. Mondul's primary area of responsibilities were emergency management, security, strategic planning, critical infrastructure protection, grants and military affairs.

    • KaineLibsmondul.pst , 2006-2009 .

      KaineLibsmondul.pst contains 3820 emails sent and received by Steven Mondul between January 2006 and December 2009. There are 18 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to records containing attorney-client communications and security information.

      Subjects include : 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech; Outlying Landing Field (OLF); Commonwealth Preparedness Working Group (CPWG); proposal by the United States Navy to move a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier from Norfolk Naval Station to Naval Station Mayport, Florida; budget issues; preparations for the 20 January 2009 presidential inauguration; hurricane preparedness including Hurricane Evacuation and Sheltering Task Force; Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach; aerial photography of military bases in Virginia; State Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC); First Responder Authentication Credentials (FRAC); Jamestown 2007 commemoration; and REAL ID.

      Correspondents include : Cheryl Adkins, Mark Anthony, Stewart Baker, Curtis Brown, Richard Catoire, Janet Clements, Michael Cline, Perry Cogburn, Robert Crouch, Edward Edens, David Ekern, Chris Essid, Marc Follmer, Wendy Hoffman, Jim Keck, Alfonso Lopez, Mike McAllister, Constance McGeorge, Susan Mongold, Frank Roberts, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, and Wayne Turnage.

    • SMONDUL.PST , 2009-2010 .

      SMONDUL.PST contains 34 emails sent and received by Steven Mondul from January 2009 to January 2010.

      Subjects include : Bowers Hill Evacuation Project.

      Correspondents include : Robert Crouch.

  • Series XVI. Office of Commonwealth Preparedness Electronic Files, Subseries C. Wendy Hoffman Email , 2006-2009 .

    This subseries contains 2076 emails in one PST file: KaineLibWHoffman.pst . Wendy Hoffman served as Executive Assistant from January 2006 to January 2010. She was responsible for the administration of the Office of Commonwealth Preparedness.

    KaineLibWHoffman.pst contains 2076 emails sent and received by Wendy Hoffman between January 2006 and December 2009. There are eight privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to records containing attorney-client communications and continuity of government information.

    Subjects include : weekly reports from Office of Commonwealth Preparedness staff; Fort Monroe Federal Area Development Authority (FMFADA); campus security conference (2007); and Commonwealth Preparedness Working Group (CPWG).

    Correspondents include : Joan Baker, Curtis Brown, Robert Crouch, Chris Essid, Marc Follmer, Mike McAllister, Constance McGeorge, Melissa McMenemy, Steve Mondul, Susan Mongold, Megan Samford, Kerry Stuver, and Davis Walsh.

  • Series XVI. Office of Commonwealth Preparedness Electronic Files, Subseries D. Susan Mongold Email , 2006-2008 .

    This subseries contains 191 emails in one PST file: KaineLibsmongold.pst . Susan Mongold served as State Grants Coordinator from 2006 to December 2008. Mongold coordinated the federal grant process and assisted with strategic planning.

    KaineLibsmongold.pst contains 191 emails sent and received by Susan Mongold between October 2006 and November 2008. There are two attorney-client communications in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78.

    Subjects include : federal grants and State Preparedness Report.

    Correspondents include : Cheryl Adkins, Robert Crouch, Wendy Hoffman, and Steven Mondul.

  • Series XVI. Office of Commonwealth Preparedness Electronic Files, Subseries E. Mike McAllister Email , 2009-2010 (bulk 2009) .

    This subseries contains 175 emails in one PST file: MMCALLISTER.PST . Mike McAllister served as Critical Infrastructure Protection Coordinator from 2008 to January 2010. McAllister coordinated all critical infrastructure matters, security, personal surety, and credentialing.

    MMCALLISTER.PST contains 175 emails sent and received by Mike McAllister between March 2009 and January 2010. There is one email with security information in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78.

    Subjects include : critical infrastructure and security clearances.

    Correspondents include : Robert Crouch, Steven Mondul, Megan Samford, and W. Duane Stafford.

  • Series XVI. Office of Commonwealth Preparedness Electronic Files, Subseries F. Constance McGeorge Email , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .

    This subseries contains 39 emails in one PST file: CMCGEORGE.PST . Constance McGeorge served as a Special Assistant to the Governor from January 2006 to December 2007 and Commonwealth Interoperability Coordinator from January 2008 to January 2010.

    CMCGEORGE.PST contains 39 emails sent and received by Constance McGeorge between January 2006 and January 2010.

    Subjects include : State Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC).

  • Series XVI. Office of Commonwealth Preparedness Electronic Files, Subseries G. Melissa McMenemy Email , 2005-2006 .

    This subseries contains 488 emails in one PST file: mmcmenemy.pst . Melissa McMenemy served as Assistant to Commonwealth Interoperability Coordinator from 2005 to November 2006.

    Mmcmenemy.pst contains 488 emails sent and received by Melissa McMenemy between October 2005 and November 2006. There is one security related email in this PST file that is restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78.

    Subjects include : interoperability/Commonwealth Interoperability Coordinator's Office (CICO); State Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC); and weekly reports.

    Correspondents include : Erin Elder, Chris Essid, Wendy Hoffman, Steven Mondul, and Ami Retamoza.

  • Series XVI. Office of Commonwealth Preparedness Electronic Files, Subseries H. Curtis Brown Email , 2006-2009 .

    This subseries contains 80 emails in one PST file: KaineLibcbrown.pst . Curtis Brown served as Senior Special Assistant to the Governor from 2006 to January 2010. Brown was responsible for the coordination of higher education preparedness, state government continuity of operations plans (COOP), continuity of government (COG), and served on the Capitol Square Security Working Group.

    KaineLibcbrown.pst contains 80 emails sent and received by Curtis Brown between April 2006 and December 2009.

    Subjects include : campus security conference (2007) and continuity of government (COG).

    Correspondents include : Robert Crouch, Steven Mondul, and Rueyenne White.

  • Series XVI. Office of Commonwealth Preparedness Electronic Files, Subseries I. Kerry Stuver Email , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .

    This subseries contains 22 emails in two PST files: KLUGAR.PST and KaineLibklugar.pst . Kerry Stuver served as Special Assistant for Interoperability from 2006 to January 2010. Stuver provided administrative support to the interoperability program.

    KLUGAR.PST contains 21 emails sent and received by Kerry Stuver between August 2006 and January 2010. KaineLibklugar.pst contains one email received by Kerry Stuver on 3 August 2007.

    Subjects include : Interoperability and State Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC).

  • Series XVI. Office of Commonwealth Preparedness Electronic Files, Subseries J. Megan Samford Email , 2007-2010 (bulk 2007-2009) .

    • KaineLibMSamford.pst , 2007-2009 .

      KaineLibMSamford.pst contains 52 emails sent and received by Megan Samford between May 2007 and February 2009.

      Subjects include : interoperability and State Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC).

      Correspondents include : Chris Essid, Constance McGeorge, and Kerry Stuver.

    • MSAMFORD.PST , 2007-2010 .

      MSAMFORD.PST contains 76 emails sent and received by Megan Samford between May 2007 and January 2010. There is one security related email in this PST file that is restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78.

      Subjects include : interoperability; State Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC); and weekly reports.

      Correspondents include : Constance McGeorge, Laura Peard, Ami Retamoza, and Kerry Stuver.

  • Series XVI. Office of Commonwealth Preparedness Electronic Files, Subseries K. Jonathan Kiser Email , 2009 .

    This subseries contains two emails in one PST file: JKISER.PST . Jonathan Kiser served in an unknown position in the Office of Commonwealth Preparedness in 2009.

    JKISER.PST contains two emails sent by Jonathan Kiser in 2009.

Series XVII. Virginia Liaison Office Electronic Files , 2002-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .
Extent: 20063 emails.

The Virginia Liaison Office Electronic Files series documents the electronic communication of the office during the Kaine administration. This series contains 20063 emails in ten (10) subseries. Subseries have been designated for: A. Alfonso Lopez Email, B. Bennett Blodgett Email, C. Eileen Filler-Corn Email, D. Dominic Gabello Email, E. Melinda Glazer Email, F. Aaron Turner Email, G. Kwame Boadi Email, H. Jessica Vasconcellos Email, I. Michele Alexander Email, and J. Mary Kuehler Email. There are no email files for Shaylah Nunn, Federal Policy Analyst. There are 14 protected and confidential emails that are restricted from public access per Code of Virginia, 42-1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications and personnel information.

The Virginia Liaison Office (VLO) is the conduit through which Virginia's Federal Congressional Delegation and its governor, cabinet and state agencies communicate. The VLO is responsible for monitoring and influencing federal legislation, establishing and maintaining a broad array of federal contacts, facilitating the acquisition of federal grants, monitoring and influencing federal agency rules and regulations and assisting state agencies in dealing with the federal government. The office communicates the positions of the governor's office to the Virginia Congressional delegation and to other participants in the development of federal policy.

  • Series XVII. Virginia Liaison Office Electronic Files, Subseries A. Alfonso Lopez Email , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .

    This subseries contains 11503 emails in two PST files: KaineLibalopez.pst and ALOPEZ.PST . Alfonso Lopez served as the Director of the Virginia Liaison Office from January 2006 to January 2010. The Director was a cabinet-level appointee and took part in cabinet meetings and cabinet community days held across Virginia. Lopez directed and supervised all Congressional and federal relations for Virginia. He served as Virginia's liaison to the National Governor Association, Democratic Governors Association, and Southern Governors' Association. He also planned, developed, and executed federal legislative and appropriation initiatives and advised the administration on strategy. Lopez organized the annual Congressional Delegation Meeting held annually at the Executive Mansion in Richmond, Virginia. Since January 2012, Lopez has represented Virginia's 49th district in the House of Delegates.

    KaineLibalopez.pst contains 11502 emails sent and received by Alfonso Lopez between January 2006 and January 2010. There are 10 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to records containing attorney-client communications. ALOPEZ.PST contains one email sent by Alfonso Lopez on 16 January 2010.

    Subjects include : Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC); weekly reports from Liaison Office staff members and weekly report from Liaison Office to the Governor; annual Virginia Congressional Delegation meeting with administration including agendas, briefing documents and presentations; federal budget requests from state agencies; federal legislation impacting Virginia; National Capital Regions (NCR) issues; REAL ID; Fort Monroe; cabinet meetings; American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA); Dulles Metro/Tysons Corner tunnel dispute; Southern Governors' Association (SGA) Climate Change Initiative; Constituent Services Friday Report; Air Force Cyber Command (AFCYBER); Chesapeake Bay; Chinese dry wall; federal health care reform proposals; draft and final correspondence from governor to federal officials and members of Virginia's Congressional Delegation; National Governors Association meetings and workgroups; transportation issues (rest stops); Rolls Royce economic development project; Tropical Storm Ernesto situation reports; and the aftermath of 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)).

    Correspondents include : Tim Aiken, Chris Bast, Trent Bauserman, James Bennett, Bennett Blodgett, Robert Bloxom, Kwame Boadi, Gena Boyle, Mark Boyle, Preston Bryant, Marc Cheatham, Aneesh Chopra, Michael Cline, Jeff Corbin, Carter Cornick, Robin Crane, Robert Crouch, Nick Donohue, Diane Duff, Dustin Engels, Eileen Filler-Corn, Marc Follmer, Dominic Gabello, Cathy Ghidotti, Melinda Glazer, Patrick Gottschalk, Kevin Hall, Stephen Harms, Sherrie Harrington, Marilyn Harris, Pierce Homer, Gail Jaspen, Tim Kaine, Elizabeth Kersey, Aryana Khalid, Cindy Klapmust, Daniel LeBlanc, Bill Leighty, John Marshall, Deborah Mills, Andreas Mueller, Bill Murray, Laurie Naismith, Shaylah Nunn, Kate Paris, Gordon Peterson, Peter Peyser, Liz Povar, Maribel Ramos, Paul Reagan, Barbara Reese, Tack Richardson, Larry Roberts, Nikki Rovner, Mark Rubin, Daniel Scandling, Conrad Schatte, Jennifer Schwartz, Bill Shelton, Brian Shepard, Rick Siger, Delacey Skinner, Michael Sozan, Mary Springer, Phil Sunderland, Marilyn Tavenner, Dana Thompson, Lynda Tran, Matthew Tucker, Wayne Turnage, Aaron Turner, Aaron Ver, Stephen Walz, David Whitestone, Chris Yianilos, and James Yu.

  • Series XVII. Virginia Liaison Office Electronic Files, Subseries B. Bennett Blodgett Email , 2006-2009 .

    This subseries contains 4063 emails in two PST files: KaineLibbblodgett.pst and BBLODGETT.PST . Bennett Blodgett served as Deputy Director of the Virginia Liaison Office from May 2006 to November 2009. Blodgett served as liaison to the Health and Human Resources, Agriculture, Commerce and Trade and Natural Resources secretariats.

    KaineLibbblodgett.pst contains 4062 emails sent and received by Bennett Blodgett between July 2006 and October 2009. There is one privacy protected and confidential email in this PST file that is restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78. BBLODGETT.PST contains one email received by Bennett Blodgett on 29 October 2009 transmitting the Virginia Liaison Office's weekly report.

    Subjects include : Chesapeake Bay; federal health care reform proposals; federal budget requests from state agencies; federal legislation impacting Virginia; Business Activity Tax Simplification Act of 2008 (BATSA); blue crab fishery disaster request; federal farm legislation; federal funding to investigate fish kills in Virginia; federal funding for unemployment benefits/Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA); Virginia Employment Commission (VEC); drought disaster declarations; land conservation; State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP); Family Access to Medical Insurance Security (FAMIS); American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA); Southern Governors' Association (SGA) Climate Change Initiative; Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP); Medicaid; Rolls Royce economic development project; Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); and the Virginia Foreclosure Prevention Taskforce.

    Correspondents include : Tim Aiken, Trent Bauserman, Gena Boyle, Preston Bryant, Marc Cheatham, Jeff Corbin, David Dailey, Heidi Dix, Dolores Esser, Patrick Finnerty, Kathy Frahm, John Frierson, Melinda Glazer, Lynette Hammond, Alleyn Harned, Todd Haymore, Doug Ierley, Nicholas Kessler, Aryana Khalid, Alfonso Lopez, Linda Nablo, James Notter, Jillian Pevo, Maribel Ramos, Tack Richardson, Brent Robinson, Gail Robinson, Nikki Rovner, Jennifer Schwartz, Frank Shafroth, Brian Shepard, Angela Stewart, Marilyn Tavenner, Wayne Turnage, Aaron Ver, and Stephen Walz.

  • Series XVII. Virginia Liaison Office Electronic Files, Subseries C. Eileen Filler-Corn Email , 2002-2007 .

    This subseries contains 130 emails in two PST files: efiller-corn.pst and efiller-corn1.pst . Eileen Filler-Corn served as Senior Advisor to the Governor for State-Federal Relations from January 2006 to January 2007. During the administration of Governor Mark Warner (2002-2006), Filer-Corn was Deputy Director of the Virginia Liaison Office. Since March 2010, Filler-Corn has represented Virginia's 41th district in the House of Delegates. On 8 January 2008, Filler-Corn became the 56th Speaker of the House of Delegates.

    • Efiller-corn.pst , 2002-2005 .

      Efiller-corn.pst contains 102 emails sent and received by Eileen Filler-Corn between March 2002 and December 2005.

      Subjects include : Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP); Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); and State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).

      Correspondents include : Robert Blue, Jan Faircloth, Manju Ganeriwala, Stephen Harms, Bill Murray, Wayne Turnage, and Jane Woods.

    • Efiller-corn1.pst , 2006-2007 .

      Efiller-corn1.pst contains 28 emails sent and received by Eileen Filler-Corn between March 2006 and January 2007.

      Subjects include : Medicaid.

      Correspondents include : Marilyn Tavenner.

  • Series XVII. Virginia Liaison Office Electronic Files, Subseries D. Dominic Gabello Email , 2007-2008 .

    This subseries contains 809 emails in two PST files: KaineLibDGabello.pst and DGABELLO.PST . Dominic Gabello served as a Federal Policy Analyst in the Virginia Liaison Office January 2007 to February 2008. Gabello was liaison for Public Safety, Homeland Security, Military, Higher Education, and National Governors Association (NGA) Education, Early Childhood Workforce Committee (ECW) issues.

    • KaineLibDGabello.pst , 2007-2008 .

      KaineLibDGabello.pst contains 731 emails sent and received by Dominic Gabello between February 2007 and February 2008.

      Subjects include : Air Force Cyber Command (AFCYBER); federal appropriation requests submitted electronically to Senator James Webb's office; National Governors Association (NGA) Education, Early Childhood Workforce Committee (ECW); REAL ID; and Higher Education Act reauthorization.

      Correspondents include : Bennett Blodgett, Robert Crouch, Ralph Davis, Pierce Homer, Alfonso Lopez, John Marshall, Maribel Ramos, Barbara Reese, Brian Shepard, Dietra Trent, and Aaron Ver.

    • DGABELLO.PST , 2008 .

      DGABELLO.PST contains 78 emails received by Dominic Gabello after he left the Virginia Liaison Office in February 2008. The broadcast email includes gubernatorial flag orders and situation reports for Hurricanes Gustav and Ike.

  • Series XVII. Virginia Liaison Office Electronic Files, Subseries E. Melinda Glazer Email , 2008-2009 .

    This subseries contains 2501 emails in one PST file: mglazer.pst . Melinda Glazer served as Federal Policy Analyst for the Virginia Liaison Office from February 2008 to June 2009. Glazer served as federal liaison to four cabinet agencies: Commonwealth Preparedness, Public Safety, Technology, and Transportation. She also was lead analyst on National Capitol Region (NCR), National Guard, and Department of Defense issues.

    Mglazer.pst contains 2501 emails sent and received by Melinda Glazer between February 2008 and July 2009. There are three attorney-client privileged emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78.

    Subjects include : weekly reports; Air Force Cyber Command (AFCYBER); transportation funding including Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) and Highway Trust Fund; federal budget requests from state agencies; costs and funding for the 20 January 2009 presidential inauguration; proposal by the United States Navy to move a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier from Norfolk Naval Station to Naval Station Mayport, Florida; Outlying Landing Field (OLF); REAL-ID; American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA); H2B visa; National Capitol Region (NCR) issues and draft and final correspondence from governor to federal officials and members of Virginia's Congressional Delegation.

    Correspondents include : Tim Aiken, Karen Bates, Trent Bauserman, Bennett Blodgett, Marc Cheatham, Janet Clements, Michael Cline, Kelley Coyner, Robert Crouch, Ralph Davis, Nick Donohue, Fran Ecker, Beth Elliott, Marc Follmer, Alleyn Harned, Marilyn Harris, Pierce Homer, Elizabeth Kersey, Cindy Klapmust, Alfonso Lopez, John Marshall, Deborah Mills, Andreas Mueller, Shaylah Nunn, Brian Perkins, Gordon Peterson, Barbara Reese, George Roarty, Brian Shepard, Dana Thompson, and Wayne Turnage.

  • Series XVII. Virginia Liason Office Electronic Files, Subseries F. Aaron Turner Email , 2009 .

    This subseries contains 761 emails in one PST file: KaineLibATurner.pst . Aaron Turner served as a Federal Policy Analyst from May 2009 to December 2009. Turner assumed most of the duties of Melinda Glazer (Commonwealth Preparedness, Public Safety, Technology and Transportation).

    KaineLibATurner.pst contains 761 emails sent and received by Aaron Turner between June 2009 and November 2009.

    Subjects include : American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA); weekly reports; high speed rail; Crescent Corridor; transportation funding including Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) and Highway Trust Fund; and commercialization of Virginia's rest stops.

    Correspondents include : Bennett Blodgett, Trevor Dean, Andrew Donahue, Nick Donohue, Pierce Homer, Karen Jackson, Alfonso Lopez, Laurie Naismith, Shaylah Nunn, and Barbara Reese.

  • Series XVII. Virginia Liaison Office Electronic Files, Subseries G. Kwame Boadi Email , 2009-2010 (bulk 2009) .

    This subseries contains 209 emails in one PST file: KaineLibkboadi.pst . Kwame Boadi served as a Federal Policy Analyst in the Virginia Liaison Office from October 2009 to January 2010. Boadi served as federal liaison to five cabinet agencies: Education, Commonwealth, Administration, Natural Resources and Transportation.

    KaineLibkboadi.pst contains 209 emails sent and received by Kwame Boadi between October 2009 and January 2010.

    Subjects include : REAL ID; emails transmitting the 2009 Virginia Workforce Council Annual Report and the Virginia Liaison's Office Annual Report on Federal Legislation Pertaining to Association Health Plans to the staff of Virginia's Congressional Delegation; and weekly reports.

    Correspondents include : Tim Aiken, Ralph Davis, Fran Ecker, Ryan Kaldahl, Alfonso Lopez, Kelly Thomasson, and Aaron Turner.

  • Series XVII. Virginia Liaison Office Electronic Files, Subseries H. Jessica Vasconcellos Email , 2009 .

    This subseries contains 82 emails in one PST file: JVASCONCELLOS.PST . Jessica Vasconcellos served as an intern in the Virginia Liaison Office during the summer of 2009.

    JVASCONCELLOS.PST contains 82 emails sent by Jessica Vasconcellos between May 2009 and July 2009.

    Subjects include : emails transmitting the 2009 Virginia Liaison Office Federal Mandate Report to the staff of Virginia's Congressional Delegation; and weekly reports.

    Correspondents include : Alfonso Lopez, Shaylah Nunn, and Aaron Turner.

  • Series XVII. Virginia Liaison Office Electronic Files, Subseries I. Michele Alexander Email , 2009 .

    This subseries contains two emails in one PST file: MALEXANDER.PST . Michele Alexander served as an intern in the Virginia Liaison Office during the fall of 2009.

    MALEXANDER.PST contains two emails sent by Michele Alexander in December 2009.

  • Series XVII. Virginia Liaison Office Electronic Files, Subseries J. Mary Kuehler Email , 2009 .

    This subseries contains three emails in one PST file: MKUEHLER.PST . Mary Kuehler served as an intern in the Virginia Liaison Office during the fall of 2009.

    MKUEHLER.PST contains three emails sent by Mary Kuehler between September 2009 and October 2009.

Series XVIII. Scheduling Office Electronic Files , 2005-2009 .
Extent: 448 emails.

The Scheduling Office Electronic Files series documents the electronic communication of the office during the Kaine administration. This series contains 448 emails in three (3) subseries. Subseries have been designated for: A. Cathy Ghidotti Email, B. Carrie Henderson Caumont Email, and C. Kim Busch Email.

The Scheduling Office schedules the Governor's time. The office assembles all scheduling requests, corresponds with those seeking appointments, consults with the leadership team and then makes scheduling commitments for the Governor.

  • Series XVIII. Scheduling Office Electronic Files, Subseries A. Cathy Ghidotti Email , 2006-2009 .

    This subseries contains 120 emails in one PST file: KaineLibcghidotti.pst . Cathy Ghidotti served as Director of Scheduling from January 2006 to January 2010.

    KaineLibcghidotti.pst contains 120 emails sent and received by Cathy Ghidotti between January 2006 and July 2009.

  • Series XVIII. Scheduling Office Electronic Files, Subseries B. Carrie Henderson Caumont Email , 2006-2008 .

    This subseries contains 71 emails in two PST files: CHENDERSON.PST and KaineLibchenderson.pst . Carrie Henderson Caumont served as Deputy Director of Scheduling from January 2006 to 2008.

    CHENDERSON.PST contains 63 emails sent and received by Carrie Henderson Caumont between July 2006 and October 2008. KaineLibchenderson.pst contains eight emails sent and received by Carrie Henderson Caumont between March 2006 and January 2008.

  • Series XVIII. Scheduling Office Electronic Files, Subseries C. Kim Busch Email , 2005-2009 .

    This subseries contains 257 emails in one PST file: KaineLibkbusch.pst . Kim Busch served as a Press Aide from 2005 to 2008 and as Deputy Scheduler from 2008 to January 2010.

    KaineLibkbusch.pst contains 257 emails sent and received by Kim Busch between December 2005 and November 2009.

Series XIX. Constituent Services Office Electronic Files , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .
Extent: 9480 emails.

The Constituent Services Office Electronic Files series documents the electronic communication of the office during the Kaine administration. This series contains 9480 emails in fifteen (15) subseries. Subseries have been designated for: A. Marc Cheatham Email, B. Amber Amato Email, C. Chris Bast Email, D. Aaron Larrimore Email, E. Ninette Linkous Email, F. Danielle Garrett Email, G. Jeff Reczek Email, H. Dustin Engels Email, I. Ryan Newcomb Email, J. Sasha Scott Email, K. Megan Hershiser Email, L. Katie Francis Email, M. Lusia Soaterna Email, N. Ryan Lodata Email, and O. Jose Guevara Email. There are 36 protected and confidential emails that are restricted from public access per Code of Virginia, 42-1-78. Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to: attorney-client communications, personal information (health, social services, unemployment cases and worker's compensation claims) and judicial applications.

The Constituent Services Office helps citizens communicate with the Governor, process proclamations and other document requests (birthdays, congratulations, retirement, welcome messages, etc.), handles protocol issues, and generally serves as a conduit between the governor's administration and Virginia residents. The office helps manage flag requests and questions about the use of the Virginia state flag. Constituent Services also issues all formal directives from the Governor on flying both the national and state flags.

  • Series XIX. Constituent Services Office Electronic Files, Subseries A. Marc Cheatham Email , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .

    This subseries contains 4848 emails in one PST file: KaineLibmcheatham.pst . Marc Cheatham served as Director of Constituent Services from January 2006 to June 2007 and Special Assistant for Policy from June 2007 to January 2010. In the Policy Office, Cheatham focused on commerce and trade, public safety, commonwealth preparedness, technology and transportation issues.

    KaineLibmcheatham.pst contains 4848 emails sent by Marc Cheatham between April 2006 and January 2010. There are 11 privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to records containing personal/personnel information and attorney-client communications.

    Subjects include : constituent correspondence; gubernatorial flag orders; 16 April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech; weekly reports; legislative bill review; commerce and trade, public safety, commonwealth preparedness, technology and transportation issues (including legislation, talking points and event briefings); and housing and mortgage foreclosure task force.

    Correspondents include : Amber Amato, Chris Bast, Bennett Blodgett, Gena Boyle, Erin Bryant, Kim Busch, Aneesh Chopra, Alex Daniel, Suzette Denslow, Susan Dewey, Nick Donohue, Jerry Edwards, Marc Follmer, Patrick Gottschalk, Kevin Hall, Lynette Hammond, Alleyn Harned, Sherrie Harrington, Marilyn Harris, Carrie Henderson, Gordon Hickey, Shea Hollifield, Pierce Homer, Gary Janak, Mike Kaestner, Tim Kaine, Bill Leighty, John Marshall, Rita McClenny, Jennie Moline, Bill Murray, Judy Napier, Svandis Pollard, Barbara Reese, Megan Root, Mark Rubin, Bill Shelton, Brian Shepard, Rick Siger, Delacey Skinner, Lynda Tran, and Wayne Turnage.

  • Series XIX. Constituent Services Electronic Files, Subseries B. Amber Amato Email , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .

    This subseries contains 1392 emails in two PST files: ALEE.PST and KaineLibAAmato.pst . Amber Amato served as Director of Constituent Services from June 2007 to January 2010. She was a Special Assistant in Constituent Services from January 2006 to June 2007. Amato was responsible for IQ Operations (database for tracking constituent correspondence), flag requests and protocol, death of soldiers and archiving the records of the Kaine administration. In the final two months of the administration, Amato worked in the Policy Office focusing on agriculture, natural resources and energy issues.

    • ALEE.PST , 2007-2010 (bulk 2007-2009) .

      ALEE.PST contains 955 emails sent by Amber Amato (Lee) between July 2007 and January 2010. There are seven privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to records containing personal information (health, social services and unemployment).

      Subjects include : constituent correspondence; weekly reports; gubernatorial flag orders; VIP correspondence report; and natural resources issues.

      Correspondents include : Chris Bast, Bennett Blodgett, Gena Boyle, Alicia Cavanaugh, Marc Cheatham, Jeff Corbin, Dustin Engels, Sherrie Harrington, Ryan Newcomb, Kate Paris, Svandis Pollard, Barbara Reese, Mark Rubin, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, Lynda Tran, and Wayne Turnage.

    • KaineLibAAmato.pst , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .

      KaineLibAAmato.pst contains 437 emails sent and received by Amber Amato between January 2006 and January 2010. There are two worker's compensation claim emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78.

      Subjects include : constituent correspondence; archiving the records of the Kaine administration; and gubernatorial flag orders.

      Correspondents include : Chris Bast, Ariel Billmeier, Marc Cheatham, Nikki Rovner, Brian Shepard, and Wayne Turnage,

  • Series XIX. Constituent Services Office Electronic Files, Subseries C. Chris Bast Email , 2006-2009 .

    This subseries contains 1188 emails in two PST files: CBAST.PST and KaineLibcbast.pst . Chris Bast held several positions during the Kaine administration. He served as a Special Assistant for Constituent Services from January 2006 to June 2007; Deputy Director of Constituent Services from June 2007 to December 2008; and Policy Analyst from December 2008 to November 2009. While in Constituent Services, Bast identified and handled VIP correspondence, tracked bills and responded to constituent inquiries on pending legislation, prepared weekly correspondence reports for the Governor, and was responsible for IQ Operations (database for tracking constituent correspondence). As a Policy Analyst, Bast advised the Governor on energy, elections, and administration policy issues.

    • CBAST.PST , 2006-2009 .

      CBAST.PST contains 837 emails sent by Chris Bast between June 2006 and December 2009. There are seven privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to records containing personal information (social services) and attorney-client communications.

      Subjects include : constituent correspondence; bill review; and energy and election issues.

      Correspondents include : Dustin Engels, Danielle Garrett, Alleyn Harned, Sherrie Harrington, Gordon Hickey, Michael Kelly, Jennie Moline, Jeff Reczek, Nikki Rovner, Mark Rubin, Brian Shepard, Delacey Skinner, Lynda Tran, and Wayne Turnage.

    • KaineLibcbast.pst , 2006-2009 .

      KaineLibcbast.pst contains 351 emails sent and received by Chris Bast between January 2006 and August 2009.

      Subjects include : constituent correspondence; gubernatorial flag orders; bill review; and VIP correspondence report.

      Correspondents include : Amber Amato, Gena Boyle, Marc Cheatham, Wayne Turnage, Sara Wilson, and Richard Zorn.

  • Series XIX. Constituent Services Office Electronic Files, Subseries D. Aaron Larrimore Email , 2006-2007 .

    This subseries contains 299 emails in one PST file: Personal Folders.pst . Aaron Larrimore served as Special Assistant for Constituent Services from January 2006 to August 2007. He also served as Special Assistant to Chief of Staff Wayne Turnage from May 2007 to August 2007.

    Personal Folders.pst contains 299 emails sent and received by Aaron Larrimore between January 2006 and July 2007. There is one social services related email in this PST file that is restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78.

    Subjects include : Constituent Services weekly reports (Thursday Report) and constituent correspondence.

    Correspondents include : Gena Boyle, Marc Cheatham, Sherrie Harrington, Amanda Howe, and Wayne Turnage.

  • Series XIX. Constituent Services Office Electronic Files, Subseries E. Ninette Linkous Email , 2007-2009 .

    This subseries contains six emails in one PST file: KaineLibNLinkous.pst . Ninette Linkous served as Special Assistant for Constituent Services from 2006 to 2010. Linkous was responsible for document requests for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and Boy and Girl Scouts.

    KaineLibNLinkous.pst contains six emails sent and received by Ninette Linkous between January 2007 and November 2009.

    Subjects include : constituent correspondence.

  • Series XIX. Constituent Services Office Electronic Files, Subseries F. Danielle Garrett Email , 2007-2009 .

    This subseries contains 592 emails in two PST files: KaineLibDGarrett.pst and DGARRETT.PST . Danielle Garrett served as Special Assistant for Constituent Services from 2007 to 2009. Garrett was responsible for document requests for proclamations, and condolence and congratulation letters. She also compiled the Thursday Report and issue Tally Sheet.

    • KaineLibDGarrett.pst , 2007-2008 .

      KaineLibDGarrett.pst contains 471 emails sent and received by Danielle Garrett between June 2007 and October 2008. There are three privacy protected and confidential emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78, Types of restricted information may include, but are not limited to records containing personal information (social services) and judicial applications.

      Subjects include : constituent correspondence.

      Correspondents include : Amber Amato, Chris Bast, Gena Boyle, Beau Cribbs, Lauren Cunningham, Danielle Garrett, and Michael Kelly.

    • DGARRETT.PST , 2008-2009 .

      DGARRETT.PST contains 121 emails sent and received by Danielle Garrett between October 2008 and April 2009. There is one health related email in this PST file that is restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78.

      Subjects include : constituent correspondence; and Constituent Services weekly reports (Thursday Report).

      Correspondents include : Amber Amato, Chris Bast, Brian Chiglinsky, and Dustin Engels.

  • Series XIX. Constituent Services Office Electronic Files, Subseries G. Jeff Reczek Email , 2007-2008 .

    This subseries contains 77 emails in one PST file: KaineLibJReczek.pst . Jeff Reczek served as Special Assistant for Constituent Services from 2007 to 2008. Reczek was responsible for responding to correspondence related to issues that the governor did not have authority (localities, legislative branch, judicial branch, and independent agencies).

    KaineLibJReczek.pst contains 77 emails sent and received by Jeff Reczek between December 2007 and June 2008. There is one worker's compensation claim emails in this PST file that is restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78.

    Subjects include : constituent correspondence; and VIP correspondence report.

    Correspondents include : Chris Bast and Beau Cribbs.

  • Series XIX. Constituent Services Office Electronic Files, Subseries H. Dustin Engels Email , 2008-2009 .

    This subseries contains 74 emails in one PST file: KaineLibdengels.pst . Dustin Engels served as Senior Special Assistant for Constituent Services from 2008 to 2010. Engels was responsible for proclamations.

    KaineLibdengels.pst contains 74 emails sent by Dustin Engels between July 2008 and December 2009.

    Subjects include : constituent correspondence.

    Correspondents include : Amber Amato and Kate Paris.

  • Series XIX. Constituent Services Office Electronic Files, Subseries I. Ryan Newcomb Email , 2008-2009 .

    This subseries contains 132 emails in one PST file: KaineLibrnewcomb.pst . Ryan Newcomb served as Special Assistant for Constituent Services from 2008 to 2010. Newcomb was responsible for responding to correspondence related to issues that the governor did not have authority (localities and legal).

    KaineLibrnewcomb.pst contains 132 emails sent by Ryan Newcomb between December 2008 and December 2009.

    Subjects include : constituent services; and Constituent Services weekly reports (Thursday Report).

    Correspondents include : Amber Amato, Sherrie Harrington, and Megan Hershiser.

  • Series XIX. Constituent Services Office Electronic Files, Subseries J. Sasha Scott Email , 2008-2009 .

    This subseries contains 750 emails in one PST file: KaineLibSScott.pst . Sasha Scott served as Special Assistant for Constituent Services from 2008 to 2010. Scott was responsible for responding to correspondence related to issues that the governor did not have authority (federal) as well as document requests for student, retirement, and church anniversary letters.

    KaineLibSScott.pst contains 750 emails sent and received by Sasha Scott between February 2008 and December 2009. Nearly all the emails are incoming constituent correspondence. There are three health related emails in this PST file that are restricted from public access for 75 years per Code of Virginia 42.1-78.

  • Series XIX. Constituent Services Office Electronic Files, Subseries K. Megan Hershiser Email , 2008-2010 .

    This subseries contains 28 emails in one PST file: MHERSHISER.PST . Megan Hershiser served as Special Assistant for Constituent Services from 2008 to 2010. Hershiser was responsible for responding to correspondence related to issues that the governor did not have authority (State Corporation Commission), Workman's compensation, and immigration.

    MHERSHISER.PST contains 28 emails sent by Megan Hershiser between October 2008 and January 2010.

  • Series XIX. Constituent Services Office Electronic Files, Subseries L. Katie Francis Email , 2008 .

    This subseries contains 18 emails in two PST files: KaineLibkrancis.pst and KFRANCIS.PST . Katie Francis served as Special Assistant for Constituent Services in 2008.

    KaineLibkfrancis.pst contains 16 emails sent and received by Katie Francis between May 2008 and July 2008. KFRANCIS.PST contains two emails sent by Katie Francis on 31 July 2008.

  • Series XIX. Constituent Services Office Electronic Files, Subseries M. Luisa Soaterna Email , 2007, 2009-2010 (bulk 2009) .

    This subseries contains 62 emails in two PST files: KaineLibLSoaterna.pst and LSOATERNA.PST . Luisa Soaterna served as Special Assistant for Constituent Services and Latino Liaison from 2009 to 2010. Soaterna previously worked in the Authentications Department of the Secretary of the Commonwealth.

    KaineLibLSoaterna.pst contains 57 emails sent and received by Lusia Soaterna in June 2007 and between April 2009 and January 2010. LSOATERNA.PST contains four emails sent by Lusia Soaterna between July 2009 and December 2009.

    Subjects include : Virginia Complete Count Committee; and Virginia Latino Advisory Board (VLAB).

    Correspondents include : Kris Tilley-Lubbs and Omar Rashid.

  • Series XIX. Constituent Services Office Electronic Files, Subseries N. Ryan Lodata Email , 2009 .

    This subseries contains four emails in one PST file: KaineLibrlodata.pst . Ryan Lodata served as Special Assistant for Constituent Services from 2009 to 2010. Engels was responsible for congratulation and welcome message letters.

    KaineLibrlodata.pst contains four emails sent and received by Ryan Lodata between June 2009 and October 2009.

  • Series XIX. Constituent Services Office Electronic Files, Subseries O. Jose Guevara Email , 2009 .

    This subseries contains 10 emails in one PST file: JGUEVARA.PST . Jose Guevara served as intern for Constituent Services in 2009.

    JGUEVARA.PST contains 10 emails sent by Jose Guevara between January 2009 and February 2009.

Series XX. Other Electronic Files , 2006-2010 (bulk 2006-2009) .
Extent: 1517 emails.

The Other Electronic Files series contains the electronic communication for individuals whose email did not fit in any of the other series. This artificial series contains 1517 emails in ten (10) subseries. Subseries have been designated for: A. Amanda Howe Email, B. Tamra Talmadge-Anderson Email, C. Andrea Gaines Email, D. Andrew LeVasseur Email, E. Brianna Augenreich Email, F. Deanna Beacham Email, G. Jenna Baker Email, H. Jaime Stansbury Email, I. Laura Fields Email, and J. Luke Godwin Email.

  • Series XX. Other Electronic Files, Subseries A. Amanda Howe Email , 2007 .

    Amanda Howe worked in the Office of Special Projects and was responsible for planning Queen Elizabeth's visit to Virginia in May 2007. Ahowe.pst contains 1008 emails sent and received by Amanda Howe between February 2007 and July 2007. See also Series III. Communications Office Electronic Files, Series K. Amanda Howe Email, 2009-2010.

    Subjects include : Queen Elizabeth's visit to Virginia in 2007.

    Correspondents include : Jean Bankos, Diane Bechamps, Amy Bridge, Erin Bryant, Rebecca Casson, Eliza Eversole, Cathy Ghidotti, Kevin Hall, Anne Holton, Bruce Jamerson, Aaron Larrimore, Bill Leighty, Dominic Martin, Jane Minerly, Susan Pollard, Delacey Skinner, and Tamra Talmadge-Anderson.

  • Series XX. Other Electronic Files, Subseries B. Tamra Talmadge-Anderson Email , 2007 .

    Tamra Talmadge-Anderson worked in the Office of Special Projects and assisted with planning Queen Elizabeth's visit to Virginia in May 2007. Ttalmadge.pst contains 27 emails sent and received by Tamra Talmadge-Anderson between April 2007 and May 2007.

  • Series XX. Other Electronic Files, Subseries C. Andrea Gaines Email , 2006; 2009 .

    Andrea Gaines served as Director of Virginia Corps from 2006 to 2010. KaineLibagaines.pst contains two emails received by Andrea Gaines in May 2006 and March 2009.

  • Series XX. Other Electronic Files, Subseries D. Andrew LeVasseur Email , 2009-2010 (bulk 2009) .

    Andrew LeVasseur served as Executive Director of the Productivity Investment Fund. ALEVASSEUR.PST contains 94 emails sent by Andrew LeVasseur between July 2009 and January 2010.

  • Series XX. Other Electronic Files, Subseries E. Brianna Augenreich Email , 2009 .

    Brianna Augenreich served as a Governor's Fellow in the Office of Commonwealth Preparedness during the summer of 2009. BAUGENREICH.PST contains 183 emails sent and received by Brianna Augenreich between May 2009 and October 2009.

  • Series XX. Other Electronic Files, Subseries F. Deanna Beacham Email , 2009-2010 (bulk 2009) .

    Deanna Beacham served as an American Indian Specialist during the Kaine administration. DBEACHAM.PST contains 186 emails sent by Deanna Beacham between August 2009 and January 2010.

  • Series XX. Other Electronic Files, Subseries G. Jenna Baker Email , 2008 .

    Jenna Baker served as Special Assistant to Virginia Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling. JBAKER.PST contains two emails sent by Jenna Baker in February 2008.

  • Series XX. Other Electronic Files, Subseries H. Jaime Stansbury Email , 2007 .

    Jaime Stansbury worked in the Governor's Office during 2007. JStansbury.pst contains nine emails sent and received by Jaime Stansbury between January 2007 and April 2007.

  • Series XX. Other Electronic Files, Subseries I. Laura Fields Email , 2009 .

    Laura Fields served as Executive Assistant to the Director of the Executive Mansion from 2007 to 2010. KaineLiblfields.pst contains one emails sent by Laura Fields on 16 July 2009.

  • Series XX. Other Electronic Files, Subseries J. Luke Godwin Email , 2006 .

    Luke Godwin served as an intern/fellow in the Governor's Office during 2006. Lgoodwin.pst contains five emails sent by Luke Godwin in August 2006.