A Guide to the Cocke Family Papers, 1725-1939
A Collection in
Special Collections
The University of Virginia Library
Accession Number 640, etc.
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Preferred Citation
Cocke Family Papers, Accession #640, etc., Special Collections, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Va.
Acquisition Information
The collection of Cocke family papers grouped under the number #640, etc. is comprised of several different collections of papers that were formerly on loan to the University of Virginia Library, including: #640, #1335, #1431, #1480, #2890, #3604, # 5213, #5680, #6418, and #2433 (except -a, -f, -g, -h, -k, -m, and -p). On April 5 and November 10, 1979, accessions #640, #1335, #1480, #2433, #2890, #5680, and #6418 were purchased by the University of Virginia Library from John Page Elliott of Charlottesville, Virginia, and Joseph F. Johnston, Trustee of The Bremo Trust, of Birmingham, Alabama. Accession #1431 was purchased by the University of Virginia Library from Mrs. Raymond Orf, "Bremo Recess," Bremo Bluff, Fluvanna County, Virginia, on July 25, 1972. Accession #3604 was given to the Library on November 14, 1950, by Mr. William Cabell Moore, Washington, D.C. and #5213 was given to the Library on April 4, 1956, by Richard C. Marshall, Washington, D.C.
Biographical/Historical Information
John Hartwell Cocke was born in 1780 in the Tidewater county of Surry, the son of John Hartwell and Elizabeth (Kennon) Cocke. By the age of twenty-one, Cocke was the master of over 5,500 acres of land in Surry and Fluvanna counties. A few years after Cocke married Anne Blaws Barraud ("Nancy") of Norfolk, Virginia in 1802, he sold his Surry County holdings and moved to a frame dwelling at Bremo Recess, Fluvanna County, and began work on a finer home, "Bremo." He owned three large plantations along the James River, Bremo Recess, Upper Bremo, and Lower Bremo, each containing over a thousand acres of land. During the War of 1812, Cocke served in the Virginia militia, rising from captain to brigadier general in eighteen months. His first wife, Anne Blaws Barraud Cocke (1785-1816) did not live to see the completion of "Bremo" in 1820, but Cocke and his second wife, Louisa Maxwell Holmes (m. 1821), lived there until their deaths.
Other milestones in the life of John Hartwell Cocke include his elections as Vice-President of the Virginia Temperance Society in 1830 and as President in 1834; his election as President of the United States Temperance Union in 1836; his membership on the University of Virginia Board of Visitors from its inception as Central College in 1819 until 1852; membership on the Virginia Board of Public Works, 1823-1829; his primary role in the founding of the Agricultural Society of Albemarle in 1817; and service on the James River and Kanawha Canal Company Board of Directors. John Hartwell Cocke was greatly troubled by the issue of slavery, and he concentrated his time and money in promoting the American Colonization Society, and preparing his slaves for gradual emancipation through vocational training and teaching them to read and write.
Scope and Content Information
The papers of the Cocke family of Fluvanna County, Virginia, and related Barraud family, Faulcon family, and other families, consist of ca. 25,000 items, (194 Hollinger boxes, ca. 64.5 linear shelf feet), 1725- 1939, and contains correspondence, legal and financial papers, diaries of John Hartwell Cocke, Louisa Maxwell Holmes Cocke, and Lucy Cocke, minutes of the Board of Visitors of the University ofVirginia, diagrams and sketches concerning the University, bound volumes, sketches and drawings, college and school notes, poetry, orations and speeches, essays, genealogy, and lists pertaining to agriculture, music and other subjects.
Major topics covered by the collection include: the development of agriculture in Virginia, merino sheep, horse breeding and purchases, slavery, the American Colonization Society, temperance movement, other religious and reform groups, book dealers, religion, the War of 1812, the Civil War, public education (including the Bremo Seminary), the founding and development of the University of Virginia and public improvements. The bulk of the papers were generated by General John Hartwell Cocke (1780-1866) and his immediate descendants.
The various Cocke collections that are owned by the University (gifts and purchases) have been interfiled chronologically in one series and designated as #640, etc. Correspondence, legal and financial papers, speeches, and other types of material are grouped together with material of the same date range in the same boxes. Most of the correspondence is single-foldered, with the correspondents identified in the folder listing and in the Cocke sliplist located in Special Collections.
The collection includes: Correspondence and other material in order by date(s): Boxes 1-178; Undated Correspondence: Boxes 179-181; 3) Undated Miscellaneous Papers re agriculture, architecture, inventions, public improvements, medicine and illness, military papers, slavery and abolition, temperance, and the University of Virginia: Boxes 182-187; 4) Bound Volumes: Boxes 188-191; 5) Diaries of Louisa Maxwell Holmes Cocke: Boxes 192-194 (on microfilm M-1676-1678); 6) Oversize Material: 3 boxes.
Excluded from this series are the following Cocke collections, which remain on deposit: PHILIP ST. GEORGE COCKE PAPERS: #2433-a (reaccessioned as part of #2433-m), #2433-f, #2433-g, #2433-h, #2433-k (withdrawn; no copies retained), #2433-m (withdrawn; copies retained), #2433-p (withdrawn; copies retained). JOHN HARTWELL COCKE PAPERS: #5685, #5685-a.
Box Listing by Date
Contents List
- Box 1
John Phelps re 100 acres in Henrico County.1725 March 24
- Box 1
Land Grant to Richard Junior and Benjamin Cocke. 2 different grants, one for 191 acres, the other, 3741725 August 17
- Box 1
Deed to 6,000 acres in Henrico County for Richard and Benjamin Cocke.1725 December 15
- Box 1
Patent of Benjamin Cocke for 370 acres in Goochland County.1744 March 15
- Box 1
Will of Benjamin Cocke.1763 March 30
- Box 1
John Hartwell Cocke's lands and deeds, etc.ca. 1758-1859
- Box 1
Note to Richard Cocke-signed by Joseph Carey.1767 February 12
- Box 1
John Faulcon re extract of will of Richard Cocke.1772 April 21
- Box 1
Copy of will of Hartwell Cocke.1772 May 29
- Box 1
John Clark to John Hartwell Cocke.1775 January 6
- Box 1
John Hartwell Cocke's financial and business, papers, receipts, lists, etc.ca. 1777-1866
- Box 1
Dr. J.M. Galt to John Hartwell Cocke (Financial).1785 July 7
- Box 1
Deed-James Marshall to John Hartwell Cocke.1787 October 1
- Box 1
Receipt for payment for serving a writ; Martha Clements to Sheriff of Southampton.1789
- Box 1
Notes of John Hartwell Cocke on lectures at William and Mary College.1790
- Box 1
Will of John Hartwell Cocke of Surry (d.1791) (With John Marshall's signature and comment).1791 January 29
- Box 1
John Hartwell Cocke herd books and miscellaneous accounts.ca. 1791-1854
Contains "List of Negroes Born" 1791-1806, which includes an entry for the birth of Robert Kennon.
- Box 1
Genealogy of John Applewhaite and Frances Provost Barraud.1793 April 5
- Box 1
- Box 1
Receipt for land purchase in Surry.1797
- Box 1
Agriculture-1797-1835- John Hartwell Cocke.1797-1835
- Box 1
Notes at William and Mary College.1797 December 10
- Box 1
"Notes on Paley's Philosophy" John Hartwell Cocke.1798
- Box 1
John Hartwell Cocke: Essay on Carrying Trade.[1798-1799?]
- Box 1
Ancient history notes- John Hartwell Cocke.1798-1801
- Box 1
College notes- John Hartwell Cocke.1798-1801
- Box 1
English History notes- John Hartwell Cocke.1798-1801
- Box 1
Science notes- John Hartwell Cocke.1798-1801
- Box 1
National trade rights-speech of John Hartwell Cocke.1798-1801
- Box 1
Account of John Urquhart.1799/1807
- Box 2
Contract for slave labor-Richard Cocke.1800 January 2
- Box 2
Mrs. M.K. Banks to Miss Louisa Maxwell.1800 January 28
- Box 2
Martha Heath Rowsay to Ann Blaws Barraud.1800 February 17
- Box 2
Martha Heath Rowsay to Ann Blaws Barraud.1800 February 24
- Box 2
James Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke (respecting the death of Jeffrey).1800 February 24
- Box 2
Martha Heath Rowsay to Ann Barraud.1800 June 1
- Box 2
Richard H. Lee to John Hartwell Cocke.1800 August 2
- Box 2
Martha Heath Rowsay to Ann Blaws Barraud.1800 August 4
- Box 2
Richard H. Lee to John Hartwell Cocke.1800 August 14
- Box 2
Martha Heath Rowsay to Ann Blaws Barraud.1800 September 6
- Box 2
Ann B. Barraud [Cocke] to Mrs. Barraud.1800 September 9
- Box 2
Ann B. Barraud (Future Cocke) to Mrs. Ann Barraud.1800 September 13
- Box 2
Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann Barraud.ca. 1800 September 15
- Box 2
Ann Barraud to Mrs. Barraud.1800 September 15
- Box 2
Anne Blaws (Barraud) Cocke.1800 September 16
- Box 2
Ann B. Barraud to Mrs. Ann Barraud.[1800?] September 16
- Box 2
Ann B. Barraud to (Mrs.) Ann Barraud.1800 October 2
- Box 2
Will of Richard Cocke, Jr.1800 October 4
- Box 2
Ann B. Barraud [Cocke] to Mrs. Barraud.1800 October 4
- Box 2
Ann Barraud to Mrs. Barraud.ca. 1800 October 6
- Box 2
Ann Blaws Barraud to Mrs. Ann Barraud.1800 October 7
- Box 2
Ann Blaws Barraud to Mrs. Ann Barraud.1800 October 10
- Box 2
Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann Barraud.1800 October 14
- Box 2
Ann B. Barraud to Mrs. Ann Barraud.1800 October 18
- Box 2
Joseph S. Watson to John Hartwell Cocke.1800 October 28
- Box 2
Deed of Trust-Richard Cocke and John Newsum.1800 November 26
- Box 2
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1800 December 11
- Box 2
Letter from Dr. P Barraud to Mr. John Hartwell Cocke.1800 December 12
- Box 2
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1800 December 22
- Box 2
Joseph S. Watson to John Hartwell Cocke.1800 December 28
- Box 2
Ann B. Barraud to Mrs. Barraud.ca. 1800
- Box 2
Accounts of John Hartwell Cocke.1800
- Box 2
Accounts of John Hartwell Cocke.1800-1803
- Box 2
Business receipts, etc.1800-1803
- Box 2
Book Dealers, Publishers to John Hartwell Cocke.1800-1816
- Box 2
Horse Breeding.1800-1809
- Box 2
Business papers.1800-1817
- Box 2
Bishop James Madison to John Hartwell Cocke with an enclosure: catalogue of books for a gentleman's library.1801 January 2
- Box 2
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1801 January 8
- Box 2
William Taliaferro to John Hartwell Cocke.1801 January 27
- Box 2
Joseph S. Watson to John Hartwell Cocke.1801 February 1
- Box 2
Joseph s. Watson to John Hartwell Cocke (In oversize).1801 March 20
- Box 2
Accounts with John Cawson.1801 May 15
- Box 2
Joseph S. Watson to John Hartwell Cocke.1801 May 16
- Box 2
Fanny Bland Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1801 May 20
- Box 2
J.S. Watson to John Hartwell Cocke.1801 May 22
- Box 2
Account with Symms Thompson.1801 May 25
- Box 2
Harry St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1801 May 25
- Box 2
Fanny Bland Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1801 May 27
- Box 2
Bill-Sam P. Braddick to John Hartwell Cocke.1801 June 22
- Box 2
Col. James Bankhead to John Hartwell Cocke.1801 June 24
- Box 2
Oration delivered at William and Mary by John Hartwell Cocke.1801 July 4
- Box 2
Mrs. Barraud to Ann Barraud.1801 July 14
- Box 2
Letter from Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1801 July 23
- Box 2
Ann B. Barraud to Ann Barraud.1801 July 29
- Box 2
Ann Barraud to Mrs. Barraud.1801 July
- Box 2
Ann B. Barraud to Ann Barraud.1801 August 4
- Box 2
Ann Barraud and P. Barraud to Miss Ann Barraud.1801 August 15
- Box 2
Ann Barraud to Parents.1801 August 25
- Box 2
N. Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1801 August 28
- Box 2
Ann B. Barraud to Parents.1801 September 3
- Box 2
Harry St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1801 September 4
- Box 2
Ann Barraud to Mrs. Barraud-see September 15, 1800.1801 September 15
- Box 2
John Newsum to Mrs. Ann H. Nicholas.1801 September 22
- Box 2
Ann Barraud to Nancy Barraud.1801 September 25
- Box 2
Eliza Finnie to John Hartwell Cocke.1801 September 27
- Box 2
Ann Barraud to Mrs. Barraud.1801 September
- Box 2
Ann Barraud to Nancy Barraud.1801 September
- Box 2
Ann Barraud to Ann B. Barraud [Cocke].1801 October 6
- Box 2
Ann Barraud to Parents.1801? October 6
- Box 2
Ann Barraud to Nancy Barraud.1801 October 15
- Box 2
Ann Barraud to Nancy Barraud.1801 October 18
- Box 2
Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann Barraud.1801 October 20
- Box 2
Ann Barraud to Ann B. Barraud [Cocke].1801 October 20
- Box 2
[Philip] Barraud to Ann Barraud.1801 October 26
- Box 2
Ann Barraud to Mrs. Barraud.1801 October
- Box 3
Account-Ellis and Allan with John Hartwell Cocke.1801 November 10
- Box 3
Edward Archer to John Hartwell Cocke (Cocke's uncle by marriage).1801 November 29
- Box 3
Miss F.B. Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1801 December 7
- Box 3
A. Royster to John Hartwell Cocke.1801 December 10
- Box 3
Van Leonard to John Hartwell Cocke (re building carriage).1801 December 14
- Box 3
Inventory and John Hartwell Cocke's Estate ( Bremo ).1801 December 18
- Box 3
Sally Nicholas to John Hartwell Cocke and Stephen Hopkins (hiring of slave to Cocke).1801 December 18
- Box 3
Edward Archer to John Hartwell Cocke (Cocke's uncle by marriage).1801 December 21
- Box 3
K. Ambler to Miss A.B. Barraud.1801 December 26
- Box 3
A. Hopkins to John Hartwell Cocke.1801 December 30
- Box 3
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1801 December 31
- Box 3
Ann Barraud to Nancy Barraud.1801
- Box 3
Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann Barraud.1801
- Box 3
Account current of John Hartwell Cocke's deceased with Richard Cocke Jr.'s executor's copy.1801
- Box 3
Accounts - John Hartwell Cocke.1801
- Box 3
Memo of Apples Grafted in the year 1801.1801
- Box 3
P.B. Barraud to Miss Nancy Barraud.ca. 1801
- Box 3
Bill and Receipt paid by John Hartwell Cocke to John Newsum.1802 January 1
"For Keeping Beck & children" [Robert Kennon]
- Box 3
Receipt- John Hartwell Cocke to Cary Wilkinson.1802 January 1
- Box 3
Agreement between B. Moody and John Hartwell Cocke.1802 January 2
- Box 3
A. Royster to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 January 3
- Box 3
Joseph S. Watson to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 January 13
- Box 3
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 January 17
- Box 3
Samuel Pettit - account with John Hartwell Cocke.1802 January 9-1804 September
- Box 3
Mary Walker Carter to Ann B. Barraud.1802 January
- Box 3
Mary Walker Carter to Ann B. Barraud.1802 February 8
- Box 3
Richard H. Lee to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 March 13
- Box 3
Edward Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 March 14
- Box 3
Richard C. Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 March 14
- Box 3
Edward Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 March 23
- Box 3
Joseph S. Watson to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 March 25
- Box 3
Edward Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 March 30
- Box 3
Van Leonard to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 March 31
- Box 3
Eliza Finnie to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 April 3
- Box 3
Eliza Finnie to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 April 5
- Box 3
Richard H. Lee to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 April 13
- Box 3
John Hartwell Cocke to Miss Ann B. Barraud.1802 April 5
- Box 3
William Taliaferro to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 April 13
- Box 3
Richard H. Lee to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 April 20
- Box 3
Richard H. Lee to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 April 25
- Box 3
Richard H. Lee to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 April 25
- Box 3
Edward Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 April 29
- Box 3
Account with John Timberlake.1802 April-June
- Box 3
Richard H. Lee to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 May 1
- Box 3
Edward Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 May 3
- Box 3
A. Royster to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 May 6
- Box 3
Ann Barraud-"Second Book of Telemachus".1802 May 6
- Box 3
Joseph S. Watson to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 May 6
- Box 3
Richard H. Lee to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 May 9
- Box 3
Receipt of payment for mill stones for John Hartwell Cocke.1802 May 9
- Box 3
Edward Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 May 9
- Box 3
Edward Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 May 15
- Box 3
Eliza Finnie to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 May 18
- Box 3
Richard H. Lee to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 May 23
- Box 3
Eliza Finnie to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 May ?
- Box 3
C.G. Field to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 June 19
- Box 3
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 July 6
- Box 3
Mary Walker Carter to Ann B. Barraud.1802 July 11
- Box 3
Dr. Philip Barraud to Miss Ann Barraud.1802 July 13
- Box 3
"The Pear" [a poem].1802 July 26
- Box 3
Henry St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 August 12
- Box 3
Tax receipt.1802 August 22
- Box 3
Dr. Barraud to Nancy Barraud.1802 August
- Box 3
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 September 1
- Box 3
Richard H. Lee to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 September 3
- Box 3
Henry St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 September 9
- Box 3
Richard H. Lee to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 September 11
- Box 3
Receipt for Thomas Willis (receipt of wheat).1802 September 14
- Box 3
Bill-Ellis & Allen to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 September 29
- Box 3
Richard H. Lee to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 October 14
- Box 3
Samuel Pettit to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 October 18
- Box 3
Claudia Hamilton to Miss Ann Barraud.1802 October 21
- Box 3
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 October 31
- Box 3
Account Ellis and Allan with John Hartwell Cocke.1802 November 18
- Box 3
Eliza Finnie to Ann B. Barraud.1802 November 22
- Box 3
Joseph S. Watson to John Hartwell Cocke.1805 November 25
- Box 3
Edward Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 November 25
- Box 3
John Hartwell Cocke to Miss Ann Barraud.1802 November 25
- Box 3
Gen. N. Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 November 26
- Box 3
Eliza Finnie to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 December 9
- Box 3
Eliza Finnie to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 December 9
- Box 3
Agreement between Thomas Maddera and John Hartwell Cocke.1802 December 14
- Box 3
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 December 16
- Box 3
Henry St. George Tucker to Dr. Philip Barraud.1802 December 20
- Box 3
Lelia Tucker to Miss Ann Barraud.1802 December 20
- Box 3
Joseph S. Watson to John Hartwell Cocke.1802 December 21
- Box 3
Mary W. Carter To Miss Ann Barraud.1802 December 22
- Box 3
Bills, Receipts, and Accounts.1802, 1803
- Box 3
Accounts, receipts- John Hartwell Cocke.1802
- Box 3
Mary Walker Carter to Ann Blaws Barraud.1802
- Box 3
John Hartwell Cocke's Account with A.H. Hopkins (receipt).1802
- Box 3
Business ledger-accounts, filed at end of collection, bottom shelf.1802-1806
- Box 3
Richard C. Archer to John Hartwell Cocke at Cockerton House, Surry (talks of the coolness of the Barrauds to him).ca. 1802
- Box 4
Ann Barraud Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 January 18
- Box 4
Ann Barraud Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 January 23
- Box 4
Harry St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 February 16
- Box 4
James Tucker to Mr. John Hartwell Cocke.1803 February 26
- Box 4
Mrs. Ann Cocke to Parents.1803 March 2
- Box 4
(Sterling) Ruffin to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 March 9
- Box 4
Robert Kennon to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 April 6
- Box 4
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 April 7
- Box 4
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 April 20
- Box 4
Mrs. Ann B. Cocke to her Parents.1803 May 1
- Box 4
John Fuqua to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 May 2
- Box 4
K. Ambler to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1803 May 6
- Box 4
James Anderson to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 May 6
- Box 4
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 May 9
- Box 4
P. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 May 29
- Box 4
Ann Barraud to Mrs. Cocke.1803 May
- Box 4
Edward Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 June 3
- Box 4
James Woodward to Mr. John Hartwell Cocke.1803 June 18
- Box 4
Gen. Strachen's prescription for periodic pain in eye.1803 July 5
- Box 4
List of Travel Expenses and travel notes.1803 July
- Box 4
Sally Faulcon to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1803 August 5
- Box 4
Ann Barraud Cocke to Mrs. Barraud.1803 August 6
- Box 4
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke -in oversize Cocke box.1803 August 27
- Box 4
Ann Barraud Cocke to Mrs. Ann Barraud.1803 August 29
- Box 4
George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 September 5
- Box 4
Rebecca Calvert to Miss Louisa Maxwell.1803 September 10
- Box 4
Martha King to Miss Louisa Maxwell.1803 September 17
- Box 4
Martha King to Louisa Maxwell [Cocke].1803 September 23
- Box 4
John Fuqua's Account with Upper Bremo Plantation.1803 October
- Box 4
Reports on Bremo.1803 October
- Box 4
Martha King to Miss Louisa Maxwell.1803 October 8
- Box 4
Joseph S. Watson to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 October 15
- Box 4
Edward Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 October 16
- Box 4
Eliza King to Louisa Maxwell [Cocke].1803 October 18
- Box 4
George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 November 7
- Box 4
Copy of [Thomas?] Jefferson's letter to David Williams.1803 November 14
- Box 4
Sterling Ruffin to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 December 4
- Box 4
Joseph S. Watson to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 December 4
- Box 4
George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 December 11
- Box 4
John Fuqua to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 December 13
- Box 4
Ann Barraud to Ann B. Barraud Cocke.1803
- Box 4
- Box 4
Sam Ellis in account with Arthur Sinclair.1803
- Box 4
Eliza Finnie to Ann Blaws Cocke.1803
- Box 4
- Box 4
John Fuqua to John Hartwell Cocke.1804 January 1
- Box 4
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1804 January 9
- Box 4
Eliza King to Louisa Maxwell [Cocke].1804 January 12
- Box 4
John Hartwell Cocke to wife, Ann B. Cocke.1804 January 13
- Box 4
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann B. Cocke.1804 January 20
- Box 4
John Hartwell Cocke to wife, Ann B.1804 January 23
- Box 4
John Allan (Ellis & Allan) to John Hartwell Cocke.1804 February 2
- Box 4
Thomas Hunt to John Hartwell Cocke (horse racing).1804 February 4
- Box 4
Sam Pettit to John Hartwell Cocke.1804 February 26
- Box 4
John Hartwell Cocke to James Woodward (cabinetmaker).1804 February 29
- Box 4
John Fuqua to John Hartwell Cocke.1804 March 6
- Box 4
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann Cocke.1804 March 8
- Box 4
Sam Pettit to John Hartwell Cocke.1804 March 18
- Box 4
George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1804 March 18
- Box 4
Ann B. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1804-1806 May 14
- Box 4
George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1803 May 15
- Box 4
John Fuqua to John Hartwell Cocke.1804 May 25
- Box 4
Power of Attorney of Arthur Sinclair.1804 June 3
- Box 4
Sam Pettit to John Hartwell Cocke.1804 June 10
- Box 4
Arthur Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1804 June 27
- Box 4
Arthur Sinclair.1804 July 1
- Box 4
Ann Barraud Cocke to Philip Barraud.1804 July 6
- Box 4
Rebecca Calvert to Miss Louisa Maxwell.1804 August 4
- Box 4
Mary Browne to Louisa Maxwell [Cocke].1804 August 11
- Box 4
Extract from "The Farmer's Pocket Guide" A French Book (agriculture).1804 August 21
- Box 4
Martha [Harrison] to Ann B. Cocke.1804 August 27
- Box 4
Mrs. Ann & Dr. Philip Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1804 September 1
- Box 4
A.H. Nicholas to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1804 September 10
- Box 4
J.H. Read Jr. to Dr. Robert Holmes.1804 September 20
- Box 4
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1804 November 26
- Box 4
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1804 November 30
- Box 4
Mary Browne to Louisa Maxwell.1804 December 16
- Box 4
P. Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1804 December 30
- Box 4
Bills, receipts and accounts.1804
- Box 4
Smith Price-list for crop of Tobacco.1804
- Box 4
James Baird to John Hartwell Cocke.1805 February 10
- Box 4
Mrs. S. Read to Miss Louisa Maxwell.1805 February 24
- Box 4
Subscription to Jockey Club.1805 April
- Box 4
Sam Pettit to John Hartwell Cocke.1805 June 30
- Box 4
Arthur Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke -in oversize Cocke Box.1805 July 1-July 10
- Box 4
Mrs. Mary Cowan to Miss Louisa Maxwell.1805 July 20
- Box 4
William Maxwell to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1805 July 25
- Box 4
Observations on the Management of Tobacco-Charles Ellis.1805 August 15
- Box 4
Eliza King to Louisa Maxwell [Cocke].1805 August 22
- Box 4
Receipt.1805 August 26
- Box 4
William Maxwell to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1805 August 30
- Box 4
Eliza King to Louisa Maxwell.1805 August 31
- Box 5
William Maxwell to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1805 September 16
- Box 5
James Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1805 September 25
- Box 5
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1805 September 28
- Box 5
James Tucker to John J. Cocke.1805 October 5
- Box 5
Estimate of timber ( Bremo recess).1805 October 5
- Box 5
Mrs. Mary Cowan to Miss Louisa Maxwell.1806 October 6
- Box 5
John Hartwell Cocke and wife to Mrs. Barraud.1805 October 7
- Box 5
Lucy F. Smith to Miss Louisa Maxwell.1805 October 9
- Box 5
William Maxwell to Miss Louisa Holmes.1805 October 11
- Box 5
James Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1805 October 15
- Box 5
Charles Scott's receipt for crop wheat (Lower Bremo ).1805 November 28
- Box 5
Ann Blaws Barraud to Ann Barraud Cocke.1805
- Box 5
Notes of John Hartwell Cocke.1805-1852
- Box 5
Malones' statement of crop of wheat and corn.1805
- Box 5
John Fuqua's report on wheat and corn crop.1805
- Box 5
Accounts Ellis and Allan with John Hartwell Cocke.1805-1806
- Box 5
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1806 February 2
- Box 5
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann B. Cocke.1806 February 6
- Box 5
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann Cocke.1806 February 9
- Box 5
Mildred Carter to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1806 March 12
- Box 5
Ann Barraud Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1806 March 19
- Box 5
George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1806 April 29
- Box 5
Account, John Hartwell Cocke with [Ema] Smooth, Eagle Tavern.1806 May 19
- Box 5
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1806 June 2
- Box 5
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1806 June 26
- Box 5
George Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1806 June 10
- Box 5
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1806 July 14
- Box 5
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1806 July 21
- Box 5
Mrs. Branch's Account with Ellis and Allan, and Royston and Bohannon.1806 August 5
- Box 5
Clarke to John Hartwell Cocke re Tide Mill.1806 August 14
- Box 5
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1806 August 16
- Box 5
William Coleman receipt for wheat crop.1806 September 13
- Box 5
Bill-Ellis and Allan To John Hartwell Cocke.1806 October 27
- Box 5
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1806 November 17
- Box 5
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1806 November 20
- Box 5
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1806 November 30
- Box 5
George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1806 November
- Box 5
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1806 December 16
- Box 5
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1806 December 16
- Box 5
Bills, Receipts, and Accounts.1806
- Box 5
Ann B. Cocke to John Barraud.1806-1807 August
- Box 5
Ann Blaws Barraud Cocke to Mrs. Barraud.ca. 1806-1808 May 12
- Box 5
Plantation Expense.1806
- Box 5
Account-Ellis and Allan with John Hartwell Cocke.1806-1807
- Box 5
Lucy Carter to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1807 January 5
- Box 5
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 January 12
- Box 5
Samuel B. Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 January 14
- Box 5
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 January 17
- Box 5
Thomas Gray to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 January 26
- Box 5
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 February 7
- Box 5
George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 February 13
- Box 5
Bill-Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 February 13
- Box 5
Richard Bowden and Co. to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 February 19
- Box 5
Arthur Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 February 19
- Box 5
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 February 27
- Box 5
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 March 16
- Box 5
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1807 March 18
- Box 5
Bills-Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 March 19
- Box 5
Bill-Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 April 4
- Box 5
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke - Tobacco sale.1807 April 6
- Box 5
Bowler Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 April 6
- Box 5
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 April 6
- Box 5
J. Ruffin to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 April 12
- Box 5
Ann B. Barraud Cocke to Mrs. Ann B. Barraud.1807 April 16
- Box 5
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 April 24
- Box 5
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 April 27
- Box 5
Ann B. Barraud Cocke to Dr. and Mrs. P. Barraud.1807 April
- Box 5
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 May 25
- Box 5
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 June 1
- Box 5
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 June 15
- Box 5
E.B. Kennon to Cocke.1807 June 17
- Box 5
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 June 20
- Box 5
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 June 29
- Box 5
Ann Barraud Cocke to Dr. Philip Barraud.1807 July 7
- Box 5
Ann Barraud Cocke to Mrs. Ann B. Barraud, also John Hartwell Cocke to Dr. Philip Barraud.1807 July 13
- Box 5
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 July 13
- Box 5
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 July 19
- Box 5
George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 August 3
- Box 5
Dr. Robert Holmes to William Maxwell.1807 August 5
- Box 5
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 August 11
- Box 5
Sarah Brunet to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1807 August 13
- Box 5
Dr. Robert Holmes to William Maxwell.1807 August 14
- Box 5
Dr. Robert Holmes to William Maxwell.1807 August 21
- Box 5
Ann Barraud Cocke to Mrs. A.B. Barraud.1807 August 22
- Box 5
Sarah Brunet to Miss Louisa Maxwell.1807 August 25
- Box 5
H. Branch to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 August 26
- Box 6
Thomas Newton to Louisa Maxwell [Cocke].1807 September 1
- Box 6
Thomas Newton to Louisa Maxwell.1807 September 2
- Box 6
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 September 2
- Box 6
Ann Barraud Cocke to Mrs. Ann Barraud.1807-1808 September 7
- Box 6
Sarah Brunet to Miss Louisa Maxwell.1807 September 14
- Box 6
Dr. Robert Holmes to William Maxwell.1807 September 20
- Box 6
Ann Barraud Cocke to Mrs. Ann Barraud.1807 September 21
- Box 6
George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 September 22
- Box 6
Eliza Finnie to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 September 27
- Box 6
Dr. Robert Holmes to William Maxwell.1807 September 27
- Box 6
Anne H. Nicholas to Miss Judith Cary Applewhaite.1807 October 5
- Box 6
Account: Ellis and Allan with John Hartwell Cocke.1807 October 14
- Box 6
Receipt for subscription to Jockey club at Fairfield.1807 October 16
- Box 6
ALS from Dr. Robert Holmes to William Maxwell.1807 October 18
- Box 6
ALS from Dr. Robert Holmes to William Maxwell.1807 October 22
- Box 6
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.ca. 1807 October
- Box 6
Mrs. Mary W. Cabell to Ann Blaws Cocke.1807 October (Fall)
- Box 6
Dudley Ragland to John H.Cocke.1807 November 1
- Box 6
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 November 12
- Box 6
Theodore Maguire to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 November 18
- Box 6
Contract for plantation manager, Robert Thomas to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 November 27
- Box 6
Dr. Robert Holmes to William Maxwell.1807 November 28
- Box 6
Dudley Ragland to John H.Cocke.1807 December 6
- Box 6
Robert Fulton to Albert Gallatin.1807 December 8
- Box 6
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 December 20
- Box 6
ALS from George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 December 29
- Box 6
Theodore Maguire to John Hartwell Cocke.1807 ?
- Box 6
List of Tobacco crop.1807
- Box 6
Statement of Virginia Mills terms for grinding wheat.1807
- Box 6
Mrs. Ann Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1807
- Box 6
Bills, receipts, accounts.1807
- Box 6
Dr. Andrew Kean's directions for treating fever.1807
- Box 6
- Box 6
Ann B. Barraud to Ann Barraud Cocke.1807-1808
- Box 6
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 January 9
- Box 6
Bill at Gadsby Tavern.1808 January 19
- Box 6
William Cabell (Commonwealth of Virginia).1808 January 23
- Box 6
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 February 4
- Box 6
Col. Samuel B. Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 February 8
- Box 6
Francis Ruffin to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 February 16
- Box 6
William Pettit to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 March 5
- Box 6
John T. Barraud to Ann B. Cocke.1808 March 16
- Box 6
Lelia Tucker to Mrs. Cocke.1808 March 20
- Box 6
John Faulcon extract of will of Benjamin Cocke.1808 April 8
- Box 6
James B. Moss to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 April 9
- Box 6
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 April 11
- Box 6
James B. Moss to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 May 2
- Box 6
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 May 7
- Box 6
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 May 10
- Box 6
James B. Moss to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 May 21
- Box 6
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 May 26
- Box 6
Printed Letter-Madison election.1808 May
- Box 6
Bills, accounts-Ellis and Allan with John Hartwell Cocke.1808 May
- Box 6
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 June 7
- Box 6
Buller Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 June 14
- Box 6
Ann B. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 June 24
- Box 6
William Pettit and Littleberry Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 July 18
- Box 6
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 July 27
- Box 6
Robert Holmes to Louisa Holmes.1808 July 30
- Box 6
Dudley Ragland to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 August 1
- Box 6
Dr. Robert Holmes to Mrs Louisa Maxwell Holmes.1808 August 1
- Box 6
Arthur Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 August 5
- Box 6
Mrs. Louisa Maxwell Holmes to Dr. Robert Holmes.1808 August 7
- Box 6
Robert Holmes to Louisa Maxwell Holmes later Mrs. John Hartwell Cocke.1808 August 7
- Box 6
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 August 13
- Box 6
Mrs. Louisa Maxwell Holmes to Dr. Robert Holmes.1808 August 14
- Box 6
Dr. Robert Holmes to Mrs. Louisa Maxwell Holmes, later Mrs. John Hartwell Cocke.1808 August 18
- Box 6
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 August 20
- Box 6
Mrs. Louisa Holmes to Dr. Robert M. Holmes.1808 August 21
- Box 6
Sarah Faulcon to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1808 August 22
- Box 6
Dr. Robert Holmes to Mrs. Louisa Maxwell Holmes, later Mrs. John Hartwell Cocke.1808 August 24
- Box 6
Charles A. Scott to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 August 25
- Box 6
Edwin Gray to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 August 27
- Box 6
Thomas Mann Randolph to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 August 29
- Box 6
Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1808 August
- Box 6
John Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1808 September 22
- Box 6
Arthur Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 September 7
- Box 6
Cary Barraud to Ann Blaws Cocke.1808 September 9
- Box 6
Estimate of Charles M. Curdy of machinery for spinning.1808 September 13
- Box 6
Lady Jean Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 September 13
- Box 6
Edwin Gray to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 September 13
- Box 6
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 September 21
- Box 6
Edwin Gray to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 September 25
- Box 6
John Barraud to Nancy Cocke (Ann B.).1808 October 1
- Box 6
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann B. Cocke.1808 October 1
- Box 6
William Maxwell to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1808 October 6
- Box 6
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 October 10
- Box 6
Edwin Gray to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 October 13
- Box 6
T. Barraud to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1808 October 14
- Box 6
Thomas Whitelaw's estimate cost of stone wall.1808 October 25
- Box 6
R. Holmes to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1808 October 27
- Box 6
Edwin Gray to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 October 29
- Box 7
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 November 1
- Box 7
Edmund Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 November 4
- Box 7
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 November 11
- Box 7
Edwin Gray to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 November 12
- Box 7
Thomas Whitelaw to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 November 16
- Box 7
Cary Barraud to Cocke.1808 November 16
- Box 7
Robert Samson to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 November 20
- Box 7
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 November 21
- Box 7
Arthur Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 November 22
- Box 7
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 November 23
- Box 7
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 November 24
- Box 7
Richard Mason to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 November 25
- Box 7
Edwin Gray to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 November 26
- Box 7
Burwell Bassett to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 November 27
- Box 7
Buller Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 November 28
- Box 7
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 November 29
- Box 7
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 December 7
- Box 7
Edwin Gray to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 December 12
- Box 7
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 December 15
- Box 7
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1808 December 17
- Box 7
Judith Cary Applewhaite to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1808 December 29
- Box 7
Dr. Robert Holmes to Mrs. Louisa Maxwell Holmes, later Mrs. John Hartwell Cocke.c. 1808
- Box 7
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.ca. 1808
- Box 7
Day Book of Accounts ( John Hartwell Cocke ).1808-1810, 1812-1816
- Box 7
"History of cropping".1808-1822
- Box 7
Accounts-Ellis and Allan with John Hartwell Cocke.1808
- Box 7
Memo of Wheat delivered Charles A. Scott.1808
- Box 7
Wheat delivered by Littleberry Tucker and Com.1808
- Box 7
Mrs. Barraud to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.[post] 1808
- Box 7
Ann Blaws Barraud Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 January 2
- Box 7
Arthur Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 January 9
- Box 7
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 January 10
- Box 7
Samuel B. Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 January 12
- Box 7
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 January 14
- Box 7
Theodore Maguire to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 January 20
- Box 7
Ann Barraud and P. Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1809 January 27
- Box 7
Edwin Gray to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 January 28
- Box 7
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 January 28
- Box 7
Mrs. Ann Barraud and Mr. Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1809 January
- Box 7
Receipts.1809 January-April
- Box 7
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Ann Cocke.1809 February 3
- Box 7
Miss Judith Cary. Applewhaite to Mrs. Cocke.1809 February 5
- Box 7
Le Bourdair to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 February 6
- Box 7
Ann Barraud Cocke to John T. Barraud.1809 February 6
- Box 7
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 February 7
- Box 7
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 February 8
- Box 7
Edwin Gray to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 February 10
- Box 7
Dr. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 February 10
- Box 7
Arthur Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 February 14
- Box 7
Edwin Gray to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 February 18
- Box 7
Sally E. Browne to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1809 February 18
- Box 7
Robert D. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 February 22
- Box 7
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 March 11
- Box 7
Samuel B. Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 March 12
- Box 7
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 March 15
- Box 7
D. Sanford to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 March 21
- Box 7
William Taliaferro to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 March 24
- Box 7
Arthur Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 April 8
- Box 7
Memo sale of horse- John Hartwell Cocke to Payne.1809 April 9
- Box 7
Thomas Whitelaw to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 April 23
- Box 7
William Pettit to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 April 25
- Box 7
Robert D. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 May 8
- Box 7
Bernard M. Carter to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 May 13
- Box 7
John Maxwell to Helen Read.1809 May 27
- Box 7
William Taliaferro to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 May 29
- Box 7
Olivia A. Maxwell to Louisa Maxwell Cocke.1809 May
- Box 7
Receipts.1809 May-June
- Box 7
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 May 19
- Box 7
Arthur Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 June 2
- Box 7
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann Cocke.1809 June 8
- Box 7
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann B. Cocke.1809 June 8
- Box 7
Hartwell Carsley to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 June 9
- Box 7
William M. May to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 June 28
- Box 7
Richard Gallego and Co. to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 July 4
- Box 7
George Ruffin to [Cocke?].1809 July 4
- Box 7
Merit Moore Robinson to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1809 July 22
- Box 7
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 July 22
- Box 7
John Hartwell Cocke to Mary Kennon Cocke re Deed of Gift.1809 July 26
- Box 7
Arthur Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 July
- Box 7
Dr. Robert Holmes to Mrs. Louisa Holmes, later Mrs. John Hartwell Cocke.1809 July
- Box 7
Receipts.1809 July-August
- Box 8
Dr. Philip Barraud to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1809 August 6
- Box 8
Dr. Robert Holmes to Mrs. Louisa Maxwell Holmes, later Cocke.1809 August 8
- Box 8
S.G. Tucker to Barraud.1809 August 8
- Box 8
Dr. Robert Holmes to Mrs. Louisa Holmes (Cocke).1809 August 13
- Box 8
Dr. Robert Holmes to Mrs. Louisa Holmes (Cocke).1809 August 18
- Box 8
Edwin Gray to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 August 19
- Box 8
Anne H. Nicholas to Ann Barraud Cocke.1809 August 19
- Box 8
Dr. Philip Barraud to Mrs. A. Cocke.1809 August 21
- Box 8
Dr. Robert Holmes to Mrs. Louisa Maxwell Holmes, later Cocke.1809 August 25
- Box 8
Ann Barraud Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1809 August 25
- Box 8
John T. Barraud to Ann Barraud Cocke.1809 August 29
- Box 8
E.B. Halloway to Louisa Maxwell Holmes [Cocke].1809 August 31
- Box 8
John Barraud to Ann Blaws Barraud Cocke.1809 August
- Box 8
Louisa Holmes to Dr. Holmes.1809 August
- Box 8
Account-Ellis and Allan with John Hartwell Cocke.1809 August-1810 July
- Box 8
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1809 September 5
- Box 8
John T. Barraud to Ann Barraud Cocke.1809 September 7
- Box 8
Merit M. Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 September 9
- Box 8
John T. Barraud to Ann B. Cocke (fragment).1809 September 12
- Box 8
Sally Cocke Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 September 15
- Box 8
Anne H. Nicholas to Ann Barraud Cocke.1809 September 18
- Box 8
to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 September 18
- Box 8
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 September 19
- Box 8
Receipts.1809 September-October
- Box 8
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Mrs. A. Cocke.1809 October 11
- Box 8
Richard Cocke of "Shoal Bay" to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 October 23
- Box 8
John Barraud to Nancy (Ann B.) Cocke.1809 October 24
- Box 8
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 October 24-25
- Box 8
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1809 October 28
- Box 8
Charles H. Graves to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 October 29
- Box 8
Mrs. Ann Barraud and Dr. Philip Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1809 October
- Box 8
List of Household articles.1809 October
- Box 8
Memo re sale of wheat.1809 Fall
- Box 8
Arthur Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 November 1
- Box 8
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 November 2
- Box 8
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 November 7
- Box 8
Edwin Gray to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 November 11
- Box 8
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 November 14
- Box 8
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1809 November 15
- Box 8
Arthur Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 November 20
- Box 8
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 November 26
- Box 8
Contract- John Hartwell Cocke -Taliaferro Estate.1809 November 27
- Box 8
Receipts.1809 November-December
- Box 8
William Taliaferro to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 December 4
- Box 8
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 December 6
- Box 8
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1809 December 24
- Box 8
Re Contract- John Hartwell Cocke and Littleberry Tucker.1809 December 28
- Box 8
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 December 30
- Box 8
William P. Harris to John Hartwell Cocke.1809 December
- Box 8
Bills, accounts-Ellis and Allan with John Hartwell Cocke.1809
- Box 8
Memo on animal breeds.1809
- Box 8
Memo re corn crop.1809
- Box 8
Notes re fertilizers.1809
- Box 8
A list of fees in the Superior Court of Law for Fluvanna County from its origin to the year 1831 - John Timberlake.1809-1830
- Box 8
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 January 1
- Box 8
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 January 1
- Box 8
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 January 2
- Box 8
Arthur Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 January 4
- Box 8
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 January 6
- Box 8
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1810 January 7
- Box 8
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 January 9
- Box 8
Thomas Gray to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 January 9
- Box 8
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 January 10
- Box 8
Sally E. Browne to Mrs. Ann B.Cocke.1810 January 16
- Box 8
Commission of John Hartwell Cocke (artillery company captain).1810 January 19
- Box 8
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1810 January 20
- Box 8
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 January 20
- Box 8
Robert Holmes to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1810 January 20
- Box 8
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 January 26
- Box 8
Robert Holmes to Mrs. Louisa Holmes, later Cocke.1810 January 27
- Box 8
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 January 29
- Box 8
M.W. Cabell to Ann Barraud Cocke.1810 January 29
- Box 8
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1810 February 3
- Box 8
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 February 5
- Box 8
Judith Cary Applewhaite to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1810 February 8
- Box 8
Memo of contract for tobacco crop.1810 February 8
- Box 8
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 February 13
- Box 8
Robert Holmes to Mrs. Louisa, later John Hartwell Cocke.1810 February 14
- Box 8
Arthur Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 February 17
- Box 8
Ann B. Cocke to John T. Barraud.1810 February 19
- Box 8
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 February 19
- Box 8
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 February 23
- Box 8
Edmund Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 February 24
- Box 8
William Taliaferro to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 February 25
- Box 8
List of crop by Mosby Young.1810 February 28
- Box 8
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 March 2
- Box 8
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 March 3
- Box 8
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 March 5
- Box 8
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Nancy (Ann B.) Cocke.1810 March 5
- Box 8
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 March 13
- Box 8
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 March 13
- Box 8
Letter ( Bremo ).1810 March 20
- Box 8
Bernard M. Carter to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 March 24
- Box 8
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1810 March 26
- Box 9
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 April 1
- Box 9
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 April 2
- Box 9
Lt. Arthur Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 April 2
- Box 9
Mrs. Ann Barraud Cocke to Mrs. Robinson.1810 April 3
- Box 9
Dr. George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 April 3
- Box 9
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 April 9
- Box 9
Bernard M. Carter to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 April 8
- Box 9
Mrs. Ann B. Barraud Cocke to John Barraud.1810 April 10
- Box 9
Mrs. Ann Barraud Cocke to Mrs. V. Cary.1810 April 12
- Box 9
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 April 12
- Box 9
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 April 14
- Box 9
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 April 17
- Box 9
Sally E. Browne to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1810 April 17
- Box 9
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 April 26
- Box 9
Bernard M. Carter to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 April 29
- Box 9
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 May 8
- Box 9
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 May 14
- Box 9
Mrs. Sally Cocke Faulcon to Ann Blaws Cocke.1810 May 14
- Box 9
Ann B. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 May 14
- Box 9
Dr. George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 May 17
- Box 9
Dr. Philip Barraud to John T. Barraud.1810 May 21
- Box 9
Dr. Philip Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1810 May 28
- Box 9
Dr. Philip Barraud to Nancy, c/o John Hartwell Cocke.1810 May
- Box 9
Bills-Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 June to November
- Box 9
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 July 2
- Box 9
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 July 2
- Box 9
G.W. Smith to Hutchins Barnett.1810 July 4
- Box 9
Theodore Maguire to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 July 6
- Box 9
W. Fontaine to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 July 8
- Box 9
Bernard M. Carter to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 July 12
- Box 9
R.T. Coles to Ann B. Cocke.1810 July 13
- Box 9
John T. Barraud to Miss Judith Cary Applewhaite.1810 July 25
- Box 9
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 August 1
- Box 9
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 August 7
- Box 9
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 August 2
- Box 9
John Staples to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 August 3
- Box 9
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke (daughter).1810 August 13
- Box 9
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 August 18
- Box 9
Hickman and Dewhurts account to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 August 19
- Box 9
Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1810 August 20
- Box 9
James P. Preston to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 August 20
- Box 9
Dr. Juan Pablo Saler re certificate for 20 sheep.1810 August 20
- Box 9
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 August 21
- Box 9
Sally Faulcon to Ann B. Cocke.1810 August 27
- Box 9
Dr. Philip Barraud to Ann B. Cocke (daughter).1810 September 3
- Box 9
Anne Robinson to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1810 September 7
- Box 9
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 September 14
- Box 9
Merit Moore Robinson and Ann H. Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 September 15
- Box 9
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Ann B. Cocke (daughter).1810 September 18
- Box 9
Dr. George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 September 18
- Box 9
William Stewardson to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 September 20
- Box 9
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 September [23]
- Box 9
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 September 26
- Box 9
Account-Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 September-1811 June
- Box 9
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Ann B. Cocke (daughter).1810 October 1
- Box 9
Ann Barraud Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1810 October 9
- Box 9
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 October 9
- Box 9
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 October 14
- Box 9
Arthur Sinclair.1810 October 15
- Box 9
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 October 16
- Box 9
Bernard M. Carter to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 October 18
- Box 9
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 October 29
- Box 9
Ann Barraud Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1810 November 1
- Box 9
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 November 5
- Box 9
Bernard M. Carter to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 November 5
- Box 9
Ann Barraud Cocke to Ann Barraud.1810 November 7
- Box 9
Mrs. John Cocke from Davidson Bradfute.1810 November 8
- Box 9
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 November 12
- Box 9
Mrs. Sallie Cocke Faulcon to Mrs. Cocke (Ann B.).1810 November 13
- Box 9
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Ann B. Cocke (daughter).1810 November 19
- Box 9
Unsigned letter-Ann B. Cocke.1810 November 21
- Box 9
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 November 27
- Box 9
William Taliaferro to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 November 29
- Box 9
Thomas Ogle to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 December 5
- Box 9
Cole and Henderson to John Hartwell Cocke.1810 December 20
- Box 9
Mrs. Ann B. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.ca. 1810-1815 December 25
- Box 9
Account - Merino sheep - John Hartwell Cocke.1810
- Box 9
Love Poems by Judith Cary Applewhaite.1810
- Box 9
Ann B. Cocke "Catalogue of music".1810
- Box 9
Carpenter's for Montpelier.1810-1812
- Box 9
Typed extracts from letters from Thomas Jefferson to John Hartwell Cocke.1810-1825
- Box 9
Mona J. Coalter to Ann B. Cocke.1810-1818
- Box 9
- Box 9
Ann B. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.c. 1810
- Box 9
William Stewardson (overseer to Bremo ) to John Hartwell Cocke.1810-1811
- Box 10
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 January 5
- Box 10
Arthur Sinclair will of Arthur Sinclair.1811 January 6
- Box 10
Ben Johnson to John Hartwell Cocke (sale of plaster of Paris).1811 January 9
- Box 10
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 January 12
- Box 10
David Price to Dr. Philip Barraud (offer of $330 for male cook slave).1811 January 17
- Box 10
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke w/copy of Nicholas Faulcon to William Edwards.1811 January 19
- Box 10
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 January 31
- Box 10
Receipts.1811 January-March
- Box 10
Ann Blaws Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 February 3
- Box 10
Ann Blaws Barraud Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 February 9
- Box 10
Bernard M. Carter to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 February 10
- Box 10
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke (poor tobacco prospect).1811 February 11
- Box 10
Ann Blaws (Barraud) Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 February 16
- Box 10
Ann Blaws Barraud Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 February 18
- Box 10
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 February 25
- Box 10
George Holeman to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 March 1
- Box 10
John Hartwell Cocke to George Holleman.1811 March 2
- Box 10
Ann Barraud Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.ca. 1811-1812 (March 2)
- Box 10
Theodore Armistead "The Tanning Principle of Bark".1811 March 12
- Box 10
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 March 22
- Box 10
Duplicates; George to Fulmar Skipwith.1811 March 28-1812 July 6
- Box 10
List of Tobacco crop for 1810.1811 April 2
- Box 10
Isaac A. Coles to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 April 2
- Box 10
Buller Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 April 3
- Box 10
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 April 3
- Box 10
Dr. Philip Barraud to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1811 April 6
- Box 10
Thomas Ogle to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 April 29
- Box 10
George Veule to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 April 30
- Box 10
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Ann B. Cocke (daughter).ca. 1811 April
- Box 10
Receipts.1811 April-June
- Box 10
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 May 2
- Box 10
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann B. Cocke.1811 May 5
- Box 10
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann B. Cocke.1811 May 5
- Box 10
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke (daughter).1811 May 13
- Box 10
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 May 13
- Box 10
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 May 14
- Box 10
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 May 14
- Box 10
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 May 16
- Box 10
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 May 20
- Box 10
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 May 26
- Box 10
Account-Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 May-September
- Box 10
Doctor Societies Advice to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 May
- Box 10
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 June 1
- Box 10
Solomon Stoddard note for $8.1811 June 4
- Box 10
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 June 11
- Box 10
Thomas Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 June 20
- Box 10
Ryland Randolph to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 June 24
- Box 10
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 June 26
- Box 10
George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 July 1
- Box 10
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 July 2
- Box 10
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 July 8
- Box 10
Isaac A. Coles of "Enniscorthy" to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 July 16
- Box 10
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 July 26
- Box 10
Mr. B. Bradfute to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1811 July 26
- Box 10
Isaac A. Coles to John H. Coles.1811 July 31
- Box 10
Carter H. Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 July
- Box 10
Receipts.1811 July
- Box 10
Business papers.1811 July-1815 August
- Box 10
Ann Barraud Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1811 August 4
- Box 10
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann B. Cocke.1811 August 5
- Box 10
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann Cocke.1811 August 8
- Box 10
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann B. Cocke.1811 August 9
- Box 10
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann B. Cocke.1811 August 12
- Box 10
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 August 13
- Box 10
Bernard M. Carter John Hartwell Cocke.1811 August 16
- Box 10
William Maxwell to Louisa Holmes.1811 August 18
- Box 10
John Hartwell Cocke from George W. Richardson.1811 August 20
- Box 10
Merit Moore Robinson and Ann H. Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 August 20
- Box 10
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann B. Cocke.1811 August 20
- Box 10
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann B. Cocke.1811 August 22
- Box 10
William Maxwell to Mrs. Louisa Maxwell.1811 August 25
- Box 10
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 August 30
- Box 10
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1811 August
- Box 10
Receipts.1811 August-October
- Box 10
William Maxwell to Louisa Holmes.1811 September 9
- Box 10
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 September 10
- Box 10
Arthur Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 September 11
- Box 10
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann B. Cocke.1811/12 September 13
- Box 10
Ann Barraud Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1811 September 16
- Box 10
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 September 17
- Box 10
Ellis and Allan.1811 September 18
- Box 10
Randolph Harrison of Clifton to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 September 18
- Box 10
Edward Coles to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 September 21
- Box 10
William Maxwell to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1811 September 21
- Box 10
Mrs. Sallie Cocke Faulcon to Ann Cocke.1811 September 25
- Box 10
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 September 30
- Box 10
Ann Barraud Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1811 October 6
- Box 10
William Maxwell to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1811 October 11
- Box 10
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 October 15
- Box 10
J. Smith and John Hartwell Cocke.1811 October 15
- Box 10
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 October 18
- Box 10
Ann Barraud Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1811 October 20
- Box 10
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 October 22
- Box 10
Henry Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 October 22
- Box 10
Cary Barraud to Ann Cocke.1811 October 23
- Box 11
Bernard M. Carter to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 November 1
- Box 11
A[rthur] Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 November 4
- Box 11
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 November 4
- Box 11
Mrs. Ann Barraud to her daughter, Ann B. Cocke.1811 November 4
- Box 11
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 November 10
- Box 11
M. Kennon Cocke to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1811 November 12
- Box 11
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 November 13
- Box 11
Edmund Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 November 16
- Box 11
Note from a Negro to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1811 November 17
- Box 11
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1811 November 18
- Box 11
Dr. Philip Barraud to Mrs. Ann Barraud.1811 November 19
- Box 11
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 November 24
- Box 11
Richard H. Hannon to J. H. Cocke.1811 November 29
- Box 11
Receipts.1811 November
- Box 11
M. M. Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 December 6
- Box 11
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 December 6
- Box 11
(Col) Isaac A. Coles to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 December 7
- Box 11
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 December 17
- Box 11
Sally Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 December 23
- Box 11
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 December 24
- Box 11
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1811 December 30
- Box 11
A. H. Robinson to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1811 December 31
- Box 11
Receipts.1811 December & n.d.
- Box 11
John Hartwell Cocke's account with John Cunningham & Co.1811
- Box 11
List of Tobacco Crop for 1811.1811
- Box 11
William Maxwell to his sister, Louisa Maxwell Holmes (Cocke).1811-1815
- Box 11
Pocket Memorandum Book re expenses, kept by John Hartwell Cocke, 24 p.1811-1812
- Box 11
John Hartwell Cocke's Accounts with Thomas Whitelaw.1811-1819
- Box 11
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 January 19
- Box 11
M. A. Harrison to Nancy.1812 January 7
- Box 11
Samuel B. Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1812
- Box 11
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 February 2
- Box 11
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 February 2
- Box 11
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 February 3
- Box 11
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 February 4
- Box 11
Samuel B Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 February 8
- Box 11
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1812 February 9
- Box 11
Benjamin Walkins Leigh to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 February 13
- Box 11
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 February 18
- Box 11
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 February 18
- Box 11
(Col) Isaac A. Coles to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 February 24
- Box 11
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 February 25
- Box 11
Memo of cattle sale at Upper Bremo.1812 February
- Box 11
A.H. Robinson to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1812 March 9
- Box 11
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 March 15
- Box 11
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 March 16
- Box 11
A[rthur] Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 March 16
- Box 11
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 March 17
- Box 11
Samuel B. Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 March 21
- Box 11
Bill for cloth purchased from Ellis & Allan.1812 March
- Box 11
Major Yancey's directions for a Seine.1812 April 1
- Box 11
William Edwards to J. H. Cocke.1812 April 4
- Box 11
(Col.) Isaac A. Coles to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 April 5
- Box 11
Ellis and Allan to J. H. Cocke.1812 April 8
- Box 11
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 April 13
- Box 11
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 April 19
- Box 11
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 April 21
- Box 11
Theodore Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 April 21
- Box 11
John Patterson to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 April 22
- Box 11
Samuel B. Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 April 26
- Box 11
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1812 May 4
- Box 11
Tucker Coles of "Tallwood" to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 May 9
- Box 11
Mrs. Sallie Cocke Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke, Jr.1812 May 10
- Box 11
Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 May 11
- Box 11
Merit Moore Robinson, Ann H. Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 May 12
- Box 11
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 May 12
- Box 11
Bill.1812 May 16
- Box 11
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 May 18
- Box 11
Dr. George W. Tennent to J. H. Cocke.1812 May 18
- Box 11
Mrs. Ann Barraud to her daughter Ann B. Cocke.[c. 1812] May 18
- Box 11
Mrs. Sallie Cocke Faulcon to Ann Blaws Cocke.1812 May 18
- Box 11
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 May 20
- Box 11
James Meade to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 May 27
- Box 11
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 June 5
- Box 11
Samuel B Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 June 6
- Box 11
John Harlan to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 June 6
- Box 11
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 June 9
- Box 11
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 June 10
- Box 11
Theodore Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 June 14
- Box 11
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 June 17
- Box 11
Map of Land Purchased by John Hartwell Cocke.1812 June 19
- Box 11
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.[1812] June 22
- Box 11
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 June 22
- Box 11
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 June 23
- Box 11
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 June 24
- Box 11
Henry Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 June 28
- Box 11
Mrs. Ann Barraud to her daughter Ann B. Cocke.[1812] June 29
- Box 11
Merit Moore Robinson to J. H. Cocke.1812 June 29
- Box 11
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 July 1
- Box 11
Wilson J. Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 July 2
- Box 11
Col. Miles Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 July 2
- Box 11
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 July 4
- Box 11
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 July 7
- Box 11
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 July 10
- Box 11
John Patterson to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 July 13
- Box 11
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 July 18
- Box 11
Merit Moore Robinson to J. H. Cocke.1812 July 21
- Box 11
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 July 25
- Box 11
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 July 28
- Box 11
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 July 28
- Box 11
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 July 29
- Box 11
J. C. Harrison to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1812 July 29
- Box 11
Thomas Diddep to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 July 30
- Box 12
(General) Preston to John Hartwell Cocke (Agriculture - sheep).1812 August 15
- Box 12
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1812 August 17
- Box 12
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann Blaws B. Cocke.1812 August 12
- Box 12
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 August 18
- Box 12
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann Blaws B. Cocke.1812 August 21
- Box 12
Maria Cowan to Louisa Holmes.1812 August 22
- Box 12
R.W. McKinson (?) to Louisa Maxwell H. Cocke.1812 August 26
- Box 12
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann B. Barraud Cocke.1812 September 3
- Box 12
Anne H. Robinson to Mrs Anne Cocke.1812 September 13
- Box 12
William Maxwell to Mrs Louisa Holmes.1812 September 14
- Box 12
William Maxwell to Mrs Louisa Holmes.1812 September 19
- Box 12
James P. Preston to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 September 21
- Box 12
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 September 22
- Box 12
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 September 29
- Box 12
Merit Moore Robinson to J. H. Cocke.1812 October 4
- Box 12
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 October 5
- Box 12
Bill for iron and steel goods from Wilson, Drew & Robinson.1812 October 6
- Box 12
William Maxwell to Mrs Louisa Holmes.1812 October 8
- Box 12
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 October 13
- Box 12
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 October
- Box 12
(Gov.) Wilson Cary Nicholas to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 November 1
- Box 12
St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 November 2
- Box 12
Mary Kennon (Cocke) Faulcon to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1812 November 3
- Box 12
Dr. Nelson's prescription for Peter (to Capt. John Cocke).1812 November 11
- Box 12
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 November 16
- Box 12
Samuel Dyer to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 November 16
- Box 12
St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 November 17
- Box 12
Expense account of trip to Norfolk.1812 November 20
- Box 12
B.W. Leigh to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 December 5
- Box 12
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 December 22
- Box 12
St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1812 December 29
- Box 12
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann B. Barraud Cocke.1812 December 30
- Box 12
F. Garwood to D.C. Barraud.1812 December 31
- Box 12
Detail for last requisition.1812
- Box 12
Mrs. Ann Barraud to her daughter Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.[1812] n.d.
- Box 12
Ledger ( John Hartwell Cocke ).1812
- Box 12
From Coleman Collection -medical in nature.1812-1821
- Box 12
R. Cary to Mrs Ann B. Cocke.ca. 1812-15?
- Box 12
Mrs. Virginia Cary to Mrs Ann B. Cocke.ca. 1812-14?
- Box 12
V[irginia] C[ary] to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.ca. 1812-15?
- Box 12
Date of Musters -War of 1812.1812
- Box 12
Bills, Accounts, receipts - John Hartwell Cocke.1812
- Box 12
Ledger ( John Hartwell Cocke ).1812
- Box 12
( Bremo, -sketches, estimates, memoranda for farm buildings).1812-16
- Box 12
War of 1812.[1812-1815]
- Box 12
War of 1812-General Orders, Regimental Brigade Orders, Pay Scale.1812-1815
- Box 12
War of 1812, Drill Instructions, Manual of Arms, etc.1812-1815
- Box 12
War of 1812 Courts Martial1812-1815
- Box 12
Ben C. Stanard to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 January 7
- Box 12
St.G. Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 January 10
- Box 12
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann B. Barraud Cocke.1813 January 12
- Box 12
E.S. Kennon to Mrs. Cocke.1813 January 14
- Box 12
St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 January 15
- Box 12
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 January 18
- Box 12
St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 January 19
- Box 12
Davy Ross to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 January 20
- Box 12
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 January
- Box 12
Bills, Receipts, & Accounts.1813 (January-May)
- Box 12
War of 1812.1813 (January-June)
- Box 12
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 February 10
- Box 12
War of 1812-Order Book.1813 February 13-1814 March 17
- Box 12
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 February 16
- Box 12
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 February 23
- Box 12
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 February 23
- Box 12
Mrs. Sallie (Cocke) Faulcon to Ann Blaws Cocke.1813 February 29
- Box 12
Dr. Philip Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1813 February
- Box 12
David Adams to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 March 1
- Box 12
(Dr.) Thomas Nelson to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 March 1
- Box 12
Samuel B. Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 March 3
- Box 12
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 March [5?]
- Box 12
Memo concerning leather goods.1813 March 6
- Box 12
Edmund Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 March 10
- Box 12
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 March 10
- Box 12
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 March 15
- Box 12
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 March 16
- Box 12
Henry Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke -diagrams.1813 March 19
- Box 12
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 March 19
- Box 12
William Maxwell to sister Louisa Maxwell Holmes (Cocke).1813 March 20
- Box 12
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1813 March 22
- Box 12
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 March 23
- Box 12
M. Kennon Cocke to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1813 March 23
- Box 12
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 March 23
Mentions British landing, War of 1812.
- Box 12
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 March 24
- Box 12
Dr. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke and Mrs. B. to Mrs. C.1813 March 30
- Box 12
To W. Hezekiel Stowe, Jr. From John (Bemis?).1813 March 24
- Box 13
Commission of John Hartwell Cocke.1813 April 2
- Box 13
John T. Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1813 April 2
- Box 13
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1813 April 4
- Box 13
B.D. Payne to John Hartwell Cocke (Col.).1813 April 6
- Box 13
Mrs. Sallie Cocke Faulcon to Ann Blaws Cocke.1813 April 6
- Box 13
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 April 10
- Box 13
Henry Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 April 12
- Box 13
Mrs. Sallie Cocke Faulcon to Ann Blaws Cocke.1813 April 13
- Box 13
(Col.) S.B. Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 April 13
- Box 13
Cary Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1813 April 14
- Box 13
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1813 April 18
- Box 13
Philip Barraud, Ann Barraud, L. Barraud to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1813 April 24
- Box 13
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann B. Barraud Cocke.1813 April 26
- Box 13
J. Patterson to John Hartwell Cocke (personal).1813 April
- Box 13
Mrs. Ann & Dr. Barraud to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1813 April
- Box 13
Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke, Ann Barraud to Nancy Cocke.1813 May 1
- Box 13
Memo from William Pettit re bill due John M. Dickinson.1813 May 8
- Box 13
James Sheppard to John Hartwell Cocke (Bill and Receipt).1813 May 11
- Box 13
Col. Miles Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 May 12
- Box 13
John T. Bowdoin to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1813 May 17
- Box 13
M. Kennon Cocke to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1813 May 25
- Box 13
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 May 25
- Box 13
John Letellier account to John Hartwell Cocke (silverware).1813 May 28
- Box 13
Robert Quarles to John Hartwell Cocke - real estate (re price of R.Q.'s Fluvanna lands.).1813 May 29
- Box 13
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann B. Barraud Cocke.1813 May 29
- Box 13
J. Patterson to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 May
- Box 13
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 June 1
- Box 13
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 June 1
- Box 13
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 June 8
- Box 13
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 June 16
- Box 13
David S. Garland to John Hartwell Cocke -Agriculture (sheep sale).1813 June 20
- Box 13
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1813 June 22
- Box 13
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 June 22
- Box 13
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 June 22
- Box 13
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 June 22
- Box 13
Thomas Whitelaw to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 June 23
- Box 13
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 June 23
- Box 13
Mrs. Sallie Cocke Faulcon to Ann Blaws Cocke.1813 June 23
- Box 13
William W. Hening (Deputy Adjutant General) for Moses Green (Adjutant General) to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 June 26
- Box 13
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1813 June 28
- Box 13
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 June 29
- Box 13
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 June 30
- Box 13
Bills, Receipts, and Accounts.1813 June-December
- Box 13
W. Armistead, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 1
- Box 13
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 1
- Box 13
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1813 July 1
- Box 13
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 1
- Box 13
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 2
- Box 13
A[rthur] Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 4
- Box 13
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 4
- Box 13
W.J. Cary to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1813 July 4
- Box 13
Sallie Cocke Faulcon to Ann Blaws Cocke.1813 July 4
- Box 13
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 5
- Box 13
War of 1812- Battalion Reports- Camp Holly.1813 July 6-29
- Box 13
Harriet H. Sanders to Laura M. Holmes (Cocke).1813 July 6
- Box 13
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 6
- Box 13
Cornet Dickinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 6
- Box 13
William W. Hening to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 6
- Box 13
William W. Hening (D.A.G.) for Moses Green (A.G.) to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 6
- Box 13
William W. Hening (D.A.G.) for Moses Green (A.G.) to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 7
- Box 13
Col. Seldon to W. Armistead.1813 July 7
- Box 13
John Dickinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 7
- Box 13
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 7
- Box 13
Major J. Pryor to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 8
- Box 13
William W. Hening, D.A.G. to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 8
- Box 13
A Return of Tents and Camp Equipage sent to Major Armistead's Detachments.1813 July 9
- Box 13
Regimental Morning Reports.1813 July 9 & 15; August 3-12
- Box 13
Surgeon's Certificate to James Wilkinson.1813 July 10
- Box 13
Major J. Pryor to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 10
- Box 13
William P. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 10
- Box 14
Col. Miles Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 11
- Box 14
Report of the View of the Camp Grounds.1813 July 12
- Box 14
Jonathan McLain to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 12
- Box 14
Burwell Bassett to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 12
- Box 14
John Barraud to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1813 July 13
- Box 14
Major Beverly Robinson to ( John Hartwell Cocke ).1813 July 13
- Box 14
Surgeon's Certificate to Phillip Fitzhugh.1813 July 13
- Box 14
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 13
- Box 14
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1813 July 14
- Box 14
William W Hening, D.A.G. to Col. John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 14
- Box 14
Jonathan Stanley to John Hartwell Cocke re errors on Stanley's accounts.1813 July 14
- Box 14
S.E. Bowdoin to ________.1813 July 15
- Box 14
Report of Officers Appointed as Inspectors of Provisions.1813 July 16
- Box 14
Major Beverly Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 16
- Box 14
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 17
- Box 14
H. Tompkins to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 17
- Box 14
Regimental Orders from John Hartwell Cocke for Court Martial.1813 July 17
- Box 14
B. Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 18
- Box 14
J. Myers to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 18
- Box 14
Major J. Pryor to Colonel John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 18
- Box 14
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 19
- Box 14
Order to examine the provisions (from John Hartwell Cocke ).1813 July 19
- Box 14
Robert Quarles to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 19
- Box 14
D. Watson (Capt. Cavalry) to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 20
- Box 14
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 22
- Box 14
Battalion Report.1813 July 22
- Box 14
William W. Hening to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 22
- Box 14
Capt. Cole to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 22
- Box 14
Samuel Wilson to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 22
- Box 14
William Campbell to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 23
- Box 14
Regimental Order.1813 July 23
- Box 14
Col. William Campbell to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 24
- Box 14
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 24
- Box 14
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 24
- Box 14
Reports from Samuel Wilson (surgeon)-rec. discharges.1813 July 25
- Box 14
James Henderson to Mr. Rawlins.1813 July 25
- Box 14
Peter E. Graves to Capt. Hoomes.1813 July 25
- Box 14
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 26
- Box 14
Landon Richardson to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 26
- Box 14
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 July 29
- Box 14
Ammunition on Hand July 30, 1813.1813 July 30
- Box 14
Morning Reports (Battalion) July.1813 July
- Box 14
Regimental Orders (Report on Martial).1813 July
- Box 14
Milling bill from Thomas Shores, Jr.1813 July
- Box 14
Regimental Roster for July 1813.1813 July
- Box 14
War of 1812.1813 July
- Box 14
War of 1812- Courts Martial, Camp Holly.1813 July-August
- Box 14
War of 1812- Guard Reports-Camp Holly.1813 July-August
- Box 14
Robert Thomas to John Hartwell Cocke-agriculture report on Lower Bremo Plantation.1813 August 1
- Box 14
William Pettit to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture report on Upper Bremo Plantation.1813 August 2
- Box 14
Major Street to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 August 2
- Box 14
Alfred Wren to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 August 2
- Box 14
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 August 3
- Box 14
Samuel Holmes to Louisa M. Holmes (Cocke).1813 August 5
- Box 14
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 August 5
- Box 14
Abstract from Regimental Report.1813 August 6
- Box 14
"Total Strength of the Regiment Involving the Cols. & Staff".1813 August 7
- Box 14
Regimental Order.1813 August 9
- Box 14
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 August 9
- Box 14
Major J. Pryor to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 August 9
- Box 14
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann B. Barraud Cocke.1813 August 10
- Box 14
Col. Miles Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 August 11
- Box 14
Gales & Seaton to John Hartwell Cocke re subscription to Intelligencer.1813 August 12
- Box 14
D. Watson to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 August 12
- Box 14
Eagle Tavern Bill.1813 August 13
- Box 14
James McDowell to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 August 13
- Box 14
Benjamin Wolfe to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 August 13
- Box 14
Bill and Receipt for William George.1813 August 14
- Box 14
(Frans Pintti) to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 August 14
- Box 14
M.H. Faulcon to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1813 August 17
- Box 14
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 August 18
- Box 14
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 August 23
- Box 14
A(rthur) Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 August 25
- Box 14
William Maxwell to Louisa Maxwell Holmes.1813 August 28
- Box 14
Wilson Drew Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 August 28
- Box 14
John Hobson, Jr to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture.1813 August 31
- Box 14
Roster of the Officers at Holly Springs.1813 August
- Box 14
Morning Reports (Battalion) August.1813 August
- Box 14
"Formula For the Officers at Camp Holly".1813 Spring-August
- Box 14
War of 1812.1813 August
- Box 15
D.C. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 September 1
- Box 15
John T. Bowdoin to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 September 13
- Box 15
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 September 14
- Box 15
Robert Quarles to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 September 16
- Box 15
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 September 23
- Box 15
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 September 23
- Box 15
Col. Miles Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 September 24
- Box 15
Mrs. M. Harrison to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1813 September 24
- Box 15
William Maxwell to his sister Louisa Holmes (later Mrs. John Hartwell Cocke ).1813 September 25
- Box 15
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 September 26
- Box 15
Mrs. Harrison to Mrs. Cocke.1813 September 29
- Box 15
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 October 1
- Box 15
Dr. (Charles) Everette to John Hartwell Cocke -linen supply (see June 4, 1834).1813 October 4
- Box 15
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 October 5
- Box 15
Address to Officers of the 12th Regiment by John Hartwell Cocke.1813 October 6
- Box 15
William Maxwell to his sister Louisa Holmes (Later Mrs. John Hartwell Cocke ).1813 October 6
- Box 15
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 October 7
- Box 15
A(rthur) Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 October 10
- Box 15
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 October 10
- Box 15
Union Insurance Company G. Gale to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 October 10
- Box 15
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 October 11
- Box 15
M.K. Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke (her brother).1813 October 12
- Box 15
Returns of 1) Company of Light Infantry & 2) 1st Battalion of the 12th Regiment.1813 October 13
- Box 15
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 October 19
- Box 15
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 October 19
- Box 15
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 October 24
- Box 15
Capt. Cary's Return Artillery Company 2nd Bat.1813 October 27
- Box 15
[Cap.] Creasy's Return of Rifle Corps.1813 October 28
- Box 15
William Munford to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 October 28
- Box 15
Tax Receipt.1813 October 30
- Box 15
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 November 4
- Box 15
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 November 16
- Box 15
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 November 17
- Box 15
S.E. Bowdoin to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1813 November 22
- Box 15
A(rthur) Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 November 30
- Box 15
Dr. George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 November 30
- Box 15
William Woodson to John Hartwell Cocke -enclosure.1813 December 4
- Box 15
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 December 5
- Box 15
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 December 8
- Box 15
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 December 9
- Box 15
Robert Quarles to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 December 11
- Box 15
J. Wells to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 December 12
- Box 15
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 December 12
- Box 15
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 December 18
- Box 15
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 December 20
- Box 15
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 December 20
- Box 15
Wilson J. Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 December 21
- Box 15
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 December 27
- Box 15
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1813 December
- Box 15
Receipted bill to John Hartwell Cocke.1813
- Box 15
Mrs. Ann Barraud to her daughter Ann B. Cocke.1813 & n.d.
- Box 15
Bills, Accounts, Receipts- John Hartwell Cocke.1813
- Box 15
H.F. Branch "The Rose".1813
- Box 15
Major Johnson's return 2nd Bat.1813
- Box 15
Maneuvers 1-18 - War of 1812.1813 & n.d.
- Box 15
Regiment. Order - War of 1812.1813
- Box 15
Allowance for Barracks Transportation.1813
- Box 15
Orders Concerning Morning Reports.1813(n.d.)
- Box 15
- Box 15
Book Dealers, Publishers to John Hartwell Cocke (accounts, memorandums, etc relating to purchases).1813-20
- Box 15
Blacksmith Shop Ledger.1813-14
- Box 15
Dr. Philip Barraud to St. George Tucker.1814 January 3
- Box 15
Andrew Stevenson to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 January 7
- Box 15
Commission of John Hartwell Cocke.1814 January 7
- Box 15
Robert Quarles to John Hartwell Cocke (2 letters).1814 January 7
- Box 15
Photostat of John Hartwell Cocke's Commission as Brigadier General in Virginia Militia.1814 January 7
- Box 15
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 January 8
- Box 15
St. George Tucker to Mrs. John Hartwell Cocke (congratulating her on birth of her son).1814 January 9
- Box 15
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 January 10
- Box 15
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 January 10
- Box 15
Memo of distances around the Brigade taken from Major Perkins Computation.1814 January 12
- Box 15
Wilson J. Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 January 12
- Box 15
Robert Quarles to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 January 13
- Box 15
Dr. P Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 January 13
- Box 15
D.C. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 January 14
- Box 15
Charles Yancey to J. Duncan.1814 January 24
- Box 15
Ann B. Barraud to Ann (Barraud) Cocke.1814/15 January 16
- Box 15
John Patterson to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 January 17
- Box 15
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 January 18
- Box 15
Dr. Frank Carr to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 January 22
- Box 15
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. and Ann Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 January 23
- Box 15
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 January 24
- Box 15
Davis Durrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 January 25
- Box 15
Joseph Pollard to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 January 27
- Box 15
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 January 31
- Box 15
Court Martial Material.1814 January
- Box 15
War of 1812.1814 January-April
- Box 16
Copy of Receipt for Muster Roles (Lt. Higginbotham to Col. Johnson).1814 February 2
- Box 16
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 February 2
- Box 16
Dr. George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 February 3
- Box 16
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 February 9
- Box 16
Col. Miles Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 February 9
- Box 16
Thomas S. Coalter to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 February 13
- Box 16
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 February 15
- Box 16
Bill -Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 February 15
- Box 16
John Forbes to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 February 16
- Box 16
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 February 16
- Box 16
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 February 16
- Box 16
Wilson and Drew.1814 February 18
- Box 16
Claiborne Gooch for Moses Green to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 February 19
- Box 16
Dr. George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 March 1
- Box 16
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 March 6
- Box 16
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 March 10
- Box 16
D.C. Barraud to Cocke.1814 March 15
- Box 16
H. Skipwith, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 March 16
- Box 16
A[rthur] Sinclair to General John Hartwell Cocke.1814 March 18
- Box 16
John R. Todd to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 March 21
- Box 16
George W. Higginbotham to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 March 22
- Box 16
Dr. H. Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 March 23
- Box 16
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 March 24
- Box 16
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 April 1
- Box 16
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1814 April 2
- Box 16
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1814 April 3
- Box 16
Claiborne W. Gooch to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 April 4
- Box 16
Orders Concerning Changes in Uniform for U. S. Army.1814 April 4
- Box 16
Edward Coles to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 April 5
- Box 16
Miles Cary receipt for artillery accoutrements.1814 April 10
- Box 16
Thomas Whitelaw estimate to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 April 10
- Box 16
Dr. P Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 April 12
- Box 16
Richard and James Duke to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 April 20
- Box 16
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 April 26
- Box 16
John T. Bowdoin to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 April 27
- Box 16
Joseph C. Cabell to J. H. Cocke.1814 April 30
- Box 16
Robert Saunders to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 May 4
- Box 16
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 May 7
- Box 16
Circular -Bible Society of Virginia to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 May 8
- Box 16
A[rthur] Sinclair to Brigadier John Hartwell Cocke.1814 May 10
- Box 16
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1814 May 14
- Box 16
Joseph C. Cabell to J. H. Cocke.1814 May 14
- Box 16
P. Lightfoot to [ John Hartwell Cocke].1814 May 17
- Box 16
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 May 23
- Box 16
Dr. George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 May 31
- Box 16
Broadside, Uniform of U.S. Light Dragoon.1814 June 12
- Box 16
Uniform of the U.S. Light Dragoons.1814 June 12
- Box 16
John T. Barraud to Ann (Barraud) Cocke.1814 June 13
- Box 16
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 June 14
- Box 16
B. Gordon to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 June 16
- Box 16
Cary Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 June 20
- Box 16
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 June 21
- Box 16
Robert Quarles to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 June 21
- Box 16
Saint George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 June 22
- Box 16
Moses Green to John Hartwell Cocke (Orders: War of 1812).1814 June 22
- Box 16
Wilson & Drew re John Hartwell Cocke's Tobacco Crops.1814 June 24-August 9
- Box 16
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 June 27
- Box 16
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 July 1
- Box 16
Dan Higginbotham to John Hartwell Cocke-bill for millstones.1814 July 5
- Box 16
(Gov.) Wilson Cary Nicholas to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 July 7
- Box 16
(Col.) S. B. Archer to John Hartwell Cocke -Plan of Fort Sackett.1814 July 9
- Box 16
John T. Bowdoin to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 July 14
- Box 16
General Orders from Claiborne Watts Gooch, D.A.G.1814 July 18
- Box 16
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 July 15
- Box 16
M.A. Faulcon to Ann (Barraud) Cocke.1814 July 19
- Box 16
Joseph Wheaton to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 July 22
- Box 16
Claiborne W. Gooch to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 July 25
- Box 16
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 July 25
- Box 16
Schedule of Monthly Pay, Subsistence.1814 July 26
- Box 16
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 July 31
- Box 16
War of 1812 -General Orders-U.S. Light Dragoons Uniforms, etc.1814 July
- Box 16
Mr. Creasy to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 August 2
- Box 16
Ann Blaws (Barraud) Cocke to Judy Applewhaite.1814 August 3
- Box 16
Claiborne W. Gooch to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 August 4
- Box 16
Major T. Yancey to John Hartwell Cocke re return of the 17th regiment.1814 August 6
- Box 16
Henry Timberlake to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 August 8
- Box 16
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 August 11
- Box 16
Muster Roll of a Company of Infantry by R. Sandridge.1814 August 14
- Box 16
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 August 16
- Box 16
Henry St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 August 19
- Box 16
Thomas Wood to John Hartwell Cocke re Brigade orders of 24th July.1814 August 19
- Box 16
Claiborne W. Gooch to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 August 20
- Box 16
General Orders.1814 August 20
- Box 16
Will Grange to John Hartwell Cocke (receipt of brigade orders).1814 August 23
- Box 16
Philip Norborne Nicholas to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 August 24
- Box 16
Henry Timberlake- receipt for brigade orders.1814 August 24
- Box 16
Thomas Ward-Brigade Orders.1814 August 25
- Box 16
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 August 26
- Box 16
Edward Ross to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 August 26
- Box 16
After General Orders (Leigh to John Hartwell Cocke ).1814 August 30
- Box 16
After Order- B.W. Leigh (aide-de-camp).1814 August 30
- Box 16
Account of deaths in the 7th Regiment.1814 August 30-1815 February 17
- Box 16
C.W. Gooch-General Orders and After Orders.1814 August 31
- Box 16
War of 1812-General Orders, misc. letters, etc.1814 August-September
- Box 16
War of 1812 Forage Returns and other Vouchers.1814 August-December
- Box 17
General Orders James Maurice & C.W. Gooch.1814 September 1
- Box 17
General Orders.1814 September 1
- Box 17
(Col.) S.B. Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 September 2
- Box 17
William Maxwell to His Sister Louisa Holmes (Later Mrs. John Hartwell Cocke ).1814 September 2
- Box 17
General Orders.1814 September 2
- Box 17
C.W. Gooch to John Hartwell Cocke - After General Orders.1814 September 2
- Box 17
A(rthur) Sinclair to Brig. John Hartwell Cocke.1814 September 3
- Box 17
C.W. Gooch-General Orders.1814 September 3
- Box 17
James Maurice-General Orders.1814 September 3
- Box 17
Ann Blaws (Barraud) Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 September 4
- Box 17
General Order.1814 September 4
- Box 17
Extract from General Orders (Gooch).1814 September 4
- Box 17
After General Order.1814 September 4
- Box 17
General Order.1814 September 5
- Box 17
Classification of the Sick (General Orders).1814 September 5
- Box 17
General Order (James Maurice).1814 September 5
- Box 17
Mrs. Ann Barraud to her daughter Ann B. Cocke.(1814?) September 6
- Box 17
General Orders (Maurice).1814 September 6
- Box 17
General Orders-C.W. Gooch.1814 September 7
- Box 17
General Orders-C.W. Gooch.1814 September 8
- Box 17
Ann Blaws (Barraud) Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 September 9
- Box 17
General Orders (Gooch).1814 September 9
- Box 17
C.W. Gooch (after orders).1814 September 9
- Box 17
General Orders (Maurice).1814 September 10
- Box 17
Ann Blaws (Barraud) Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 September 11
- Box 17
General Orders (Gooch).1814 September 11
- Box 17
General Orders (Gooch) and after orders.1814 September 12-13
- Box 17
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 September 13
- Box 17
Continuance of General Orders (Maurice).1814 September 13
- Box 17
Details and Guard Report.1814 September 14
- Box 17
After Orders-C.W. Gooch.1814 September 14
- Box 17
Division Orders-(P. Lightfoot).1814 September 14
- Box 17
General Orders-(C.W. Gooch).1814 September 15
- Box 17
Harriet H. Sanders to Louisa Maxwell Holmes (Cocke).1814 September 17
- Box 17
Ann Blaws (Barraud) Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 September 18
- Box 17
C.W. Gooch-General Orders.1814 September 18
- Box 17
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 September 19
- Box 17
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke, Sr.1814 September 19
- Box 17
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 September 19
- Box 17
Division Orders (W.C. Williams).1814 September 19
- Box 17
N. Cargill, Quartermaster General to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 September 19
- Box 17
Division Orders (General Orders)-W.C. Williams.1814 September 20
- Box 17
General Orders (P.Lightfoot).1814 September 20
- Box 17
Division Orders (P.Lightfoot).1814 September 21
- Box 17
General Orders and Division Orders.1814 September 21
- Box 17
General Orders and Division Orders.1814 September 21
- Box 17
H and L Payne to Louisa Maxwell Holmes (Cocke).1814 September 22
- Box 17
Division Orders (P.Lightfoot).1814 September 22
- Box 17
General Orders (C.W. Gooch).1814 September 22
- Box 17
General Orders (James Maurice).1814 September 23
- Box 17
After Orders (James Maurice).1814 September 23
- Box 17
Discharge Orders (by General William C. Williams).1814 September 23
- Box 17
Division Orders (General William C. Williams).1814 September 23
- Box 17
N. Cargill Quarter Master General to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 September 23
- Box 17
Inspection Return (7th Regiment).1814 September 24
- Box 17
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke, Sr.; Louisiana B. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke, Sr.1814 September 24
- Box 17
Ann Blaws (Barraud) Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 September 25
- Box 17
General Orders & Division Orders.1814 September 25
- Box 17
John Hartwell Cocke, Sr. to John Hartwell Cocke, Jr.1814 September 26
- Box 17
Division Orders and General Orders-William C. Williams.1814 September 26
- Box 17
General W[illiam C.?] Williams to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 September 27
- Box 17
Maurice, James General Orders.1814 September 28
- Box 17
Major General William C. Williams and/or Adj. Gen. Maurice James to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 September 28
- Box 17
General Orders by James, Maurice Adj. Gen.1814 September 29
- Box 17
C.F. Mercer to Capt. Rives.1814 September 29
- Box 17
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke, Sr.1814 October 1
- Box 17
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 October 1
- Box 17
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke, Sr.1814 October 2
- Box 17
Ann Blaws (Barraud) Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 October 2
- Box 17
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 October 4
- Box 17
Buller Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 October 8
- Box 17
Six returns.1814 October 8
- Box 17
Ann Blaws (Barraud) Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 October 9
- Box 17
St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 October 13
- Box 17
Ann Blaws (Barraud) Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 October 16
- Box 17
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 October 16
- Box 17
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke, Sr.1814 October 16
- Box 17
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 October 17
- Box 17
Ann Blaws (Barraud) Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 October 22
- Box 17
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 October 23
- Box 17
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke, Sr.1814 October 23
- Box 17
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 October 25
- Box 17
Ann Blaws (Barraud) Cocke.1814 October 30
- Box 17
Survey of the Road from Camp Holly.1814 October 31
- Box 17
Forage Returns (October).1814 October
- Box 17
War of 1812-general orders, brigade orders, receipts, reports, and misc. letters.1814 October
- Box 17
War of 1812-Courts Martial-Camp Carter.1814 October-November
- Box 17
James Barbour agreement James Barbour & R. Anderson, Temple Gwathmey, and Edward Cunningham.1814 October-1815 October
- Box 18
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 November 1
- Box 18
Archelaus Hughes to John Hartwell Cocke -concerning arrest of Rev. Robert Taylor.1814 November 1
- Box 18
Muster Roll of John Hartwell Cocke.1814 November 1
- Box 18
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 November 3
- Box 18
Ann Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 November 1
- Box 18
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 November 4
- Box 18
Ann Blaws (Barraud) Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 November 6
- Box 18
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 November 9
- Box 18
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1814 November 10
- Box 18
Benjamin E. Payne to Mrs. Louis Maxwell Holmes.1814 November 11
- Box 18
D. Cary Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 November 12
- Box 18
John Coalter to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 November 16
- Box 18
Virginia Argus-receipt to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 November 17
- Box 18
A(rthur) Sinclair to Brig. John Hartwell Cocke.1814 November 18
- Box 18
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 November 23
- Box 18
Proceedings of 2 General Court Martial.1814 November 23-27
- Box 18
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 November 24
- Box 18
Ann Belfield Whitehead to Louisa Maxwell Holmes (Cocke).1814 November 24
- Box 18
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1814 November 28
- Box 18
Mrs. Ann B. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 November 28
- Box 18
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 November 30
- Box 18
Ensign James Penn to Brig. John Hartwell Cocke.1814 November 30
- Box 18
Col. Miles Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 November 31
- Box 18
Forage Returns (November-some include few days in December).1814 November 31
- Box 18
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1814 November
- Box 18
War of 1812-general orders, brigade orders, receipts, misc. letters.1814 November
- Box 18
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 December 1
- Box 18
C.W. Gooch to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 December 1
- Box 18
4th Brigade Order Book (War of 1812).1814 December 1-1815 February 19
- Box 18
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 December 2
- Box 18
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 December 2
- Box 18
W.T. Pendleton to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 December 3
- Box 18
William W. Austin to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 December 4
- Box 18
Orders by John Hartwell Cocke (War of 1812).1814 December 4
- Box 18
C.W. Gooch to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 December 4
- Box 18
James Fisher to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 December 10
- Box 18
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann Cocke.1814 December 15
- Box 18
George Holeman to John Hartwell Cocke -real estate.1814 December 16
- Box 18
C.W. Gooch to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 December 17
- Box 18
C.W. Gooch to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 December 18
- Box 18
C.W. Gooch to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 December 18
- Box 18
Morning Garrison Report Fort Powhatan Under Maj. Perkins by James Penn.1814 December 18
- Box 18
Maj. Perkins to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 December 19
- Box 18
C.W. Gooch Adjutant General's Office to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 December 20
- Box 18
Receipt from Richmond Mills for Wheat from John Hartwell Cocke.1814 December 20
- Box 18
(Col.) S.B. Archer to John Hartwell Cocke -Archer's idea of a hollowed rocket-shell.1814 December 20
- Box 18
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 December 24
- Box 18
Major Perkins to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 December 24
- Box 18
Court Martial Material ( + 1 in November).1814 December
- Box 18
Forage Returns (December and few days in January 1815).1814 December
- Box 18
War of 1812-general order book, other orders, reports, and misc. letters.1814 December
- Box 18
Bill-Wilson & Drew to John Hartwell Cocke.1814
- Box 18
Bills, Accounts, Receipts- John Hartwell Cocke.1814
- Box 18
War of 1812- Regulations for Government of 4th Brigade by John Hartwell Cocke.1814
- Box 18
4th Brigade Order Book (War of 1812).1814 December 1-February 19
- Box 19
Quarter Master's Model Roll.[1814?]
- Box 19
Receipt- Brigade Orders.1814
- Box 19
Warnings for the Safety of the State.1814
- Box 19
War of 1812- Reports of 4th Brigade.1814
- Box 19
War of 1812-General Orders, etc.[1814?]
- Box 19
Hotel Bills to John Hartwell Cocke.1814-60
- Box 19
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1814 January 5
- Box 19
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 January 12
- Box 19
J. Myers to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 January 20
- Box 19
Nicholas Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1815 January 26
- Box 19
Nicholas Faulcon to Gen John Hartwell Cocke, announcing death of John Hartwell Cocke's sister Polly.1815 January 27
- Box 19
Ann Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 January 30
- Box 19
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann B. Cocke.1815 January 31
- Box 19
War of 1812 Forage Returns & Other Vouchers.1815 January-February
- Box 19
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 February 2
- Box 19
D.C. Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1815 February 4
- Box 19
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 February 4
- Box 19
Ann B. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 February 4
- Box 19
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 February 5
- Box 19
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 February 5
- Box 19
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1815 February 8
- Box 19
G.W. Gooch to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 February 10
- Box 19
William Cabell Rives to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 February 11
- Box 19
John Hartwell Cocke to Ann Cocke.1815 February 14
- Box 19
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 February 15
- Box 19
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 February 15
- Box 19
A list of deaths in the 8th Regiment, 4th Brigade (with causes, etc.).1815 February 17
- Box 19
William Cabell Rives to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 February 17
- Box 19
G.W. Gooch to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 February 17
- Box 19
G.W. Gooch to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 February 18
- Box 19
Sam B. Peter to J.W.C.1815 February 18
- Box 19
Farewell Letter from Officers.1815 February 18
- Box 19
Samuel Holmes to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1815 February 19
- Box 19
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 February 28
- Box 19
Mrs. Ann Barraud to her daughter Ann B. Cocke.[1815?] February 28
- Box 19
A[rthur] Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 February
- Box 19
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 March 2
- Box 19
Henry St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 March 6
- Box 19
Mrs. Ann & Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 March 7
- Box 19
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 March 7
- Box 19
Brigade Orders-Rough Draft and Copy.1815 March 9
- Box 19
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.[1815] March 12
- Box 19
Andrew Stevenson to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 March 13
- Box 19
A[rthur] Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 March 17
- Box 19
St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 March 21
- Box 19
William Cabell Rives to John Hartwell Cocke (in oversize Cocke box).1815 March 28
- Box 19
Benjamin Prince catalogue of tree etc.1815 March
- Box 19
Benjamin Prince to [ John Hartwell Cocke?].1815 March
- Box 19
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1815 April 3
- Box 19
H[enry] St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 April 4
- Box 19
Benjamin Payne to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1815 April 8
- Box 19
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 April 14
- Box 19
Major Charles Woodson to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 April 15
- Box 19
Negroes, Horses, Cattle, etc. at Lower Bremo.1815 April 21
- Box 19
Thomas S. Coalter to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 April 25
- Box 19
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 April 25
- Box 19
Lucy F. Smith to Louisa Maxwell Holmes (later Mrs. John Hartwell Cocke ).1815 April 27
- Box 19
L. Flintham to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1815 April 27
- Box 19
John Allan (Ellis and Allan) to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 May 1
- Box 19
Ann B. Cocke to Mrs. Mary Cabell.1815 May 3
- Box 19
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 May 5
- Box 19
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 May 7
- Box 19
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 May 9
- Box 19
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 May 11
- Box 19
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1815 May 17
- Box 19
P. Lightfoot to John Hartwell Cocke -Division Orders.1815 May 17
- Box 19
Major Charles Woodson to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 May 19
- Box 19
B.E. Payne to Louise M. Holmes [later Cocke].1815 May 23
- Box 19
John Hartwell Cocke -sheep shearing weight record.1815 May
- Box 19
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1815 June 4
- Box 19
Lucy F. Smith to Louisa Maxwell Holmes (later Mrs. John Hartwell Cocke ).1815 June 11
- Box 19
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 June 12
- Box 19
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 June 13
- Box 19
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 June 15
- Box 19
Statement of flour made from May wheat-Middleton Mills.1815 June 20
- Box 19
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke re:loan for John Hartwell Cocke.1815 June 22
- Box 19
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke re $10,000 loan to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 June 23
- Box 19
Ellis and Allan (Charles Ellis) to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 June 29
- Box 19
Major Charles Woodson to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 July 2
- Box 19
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. & Louisiana B. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke, Sr.1815 July 4
- Box 19
Major Charles Yancey to John Hartwell Cocke concerning sale of land.1815 July 9
- Box 19
William B. Lynch to John Hartwell Cocke re military promotions.1815 July 10
- Box 19
A[rthur] Sinclair to General John Hartwell Cocke.1815 July 14
- Box 19
John Patterson to John Hartwell Cocke re purchase of buffaloes and land.1815 July 15
- Box 19
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 July 17
- Box 19
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 July 20
- Box 19
ALS Lucy F. Smith to Louisa Maxwell Holmes [later Cocke].1815 July 26
- Box 19
Copy John Hartwell Cocke [to Judge St. George Tucker?].1815 July 31
- Box 20
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 August 1
- Box 20
John Coalter to John Hartwell Cocke - interesting discussion on planting sugar maples.1815 August 7
- Box 20
John T. Bowdoin to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 August 9
- Box 20
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 August 11
- Box 20
Mrs. Ann and Dr. Philip Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.[1815] August 14
- Box 20
Julia L. Mitchell to Louisa Maxwell Holmes [Cocke].1815 August 16
- Box 20
[Ann] and P. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke, Sr.1815 August 22
- Box 20
Indenture of William & Elizabeth Seay to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 August 28
- Box 20
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke, Sr.1815 August 29
- Box 20
(Col.) Isaac A. Coles to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 August
- Box 20
William Cabell Rives to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 September 3
- Box 20
Benjamin Prince to John Hartwell Cocke & Joseph Cabell.1815 September 4
- Box 20
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 September 5
- Box 20
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 September 6
- Box 20
Nicholas Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1815 September 12
- Box 20
(Col.)Isaac A. Coles to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 September 12
- Box 20
D.C. Barraud to Nancy (Ann B.) Cocke.1815 September 16
- Box 20
Helen M. Payne to Louisa Maxwell Holmes [Cocke].1815 September 16
- Box 20
Louisa Maxwell Holmes [Cocke] to Helen Reed (in oversize Cocke box).1815 September 18
- Box 20
Joseph C. Cabell to Benjamin Prince re fruit trees.1815 September 20
- Box 20
William Maxwell to his mother, Mrs. Helen Read.1815 September 22
- Box 20
Lucy F. Smith to Louisa Maxwell Holmes (later Cocke).1815 September 23
- Box 20
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 September 26
- Box 20
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 September 27
- Box 20
Louisa Maxwell Holmes (later Mrs. Cocke) to Helen Reed, her mother.1815 October 2
- Box 20
Helen M. Payne to Louisa Maxwell Holmes (later Mrs. John Hartwell Cocke ).1815 October 2
- Box 20
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 October 5
- Box 20
D.C. Barraud to Cocke.1815 October 7
- Box 20
P. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 October 10
- Box 20
W.E. Routh to Alexander Hammett.1815 October 11
- Box 20
D. Cary Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 October 14
- Box 20
Peter Minor to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 October 15
- Box 20
L. Holmes to Mrs. Helen Read.1815 October 17
- Box 20
Benjamin Prince to John Hartwell Cocke & Joseph Cabell.1815 October 23
- Box 20
George Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 October 23
- Box 20
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 November 1
- Box 20
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann Cocke.1815 November 6
- Box 20
Dr. George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 November 7
- Box 20
Benjamin Prince to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 November 12
- Box 20
Dr. Philip Barraud to Gen John Hartwell Cocke.1815 November 18
- Box 20
W.S. Bates to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 November 26
- Box 20
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 November 27
- Box 20
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 November 27
- Box 20
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke, announcing death of Sally Bowdoin.1815 November 28
- Box 20
Trees, Shrubs & Plants, Bought of Benjamin Prince by John Hartwell Cocke.1815 November
- Box 20
List of shipment of trees & other articles.1815 November
- Box 20
Francis Walker Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 December 3
- Box 20
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 December 5
- Box 20
J. David to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 December 6
- Box 20
Ann Blaws (Barraud) Cocke to Judy Applewhaite.1815 December 10
- Box 20
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1815 December 12
- Box 20
Lucy F. Smith to Louisa Maxwell Holmes (later Cocke).1815 December 13
- Box 20
Ann Blaws (Barraud) Cocke to Miss Judy Applewhaite.1815 December 18
- Box 20
Ann Blaws (Barraud) Cocke to Judy Applewhaite.1815 December 19
- Box 20
Religious Extracts-Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1815 December 25
- Box 20
(oversize) Barraud family letters, etc.1815
- Box 20
Bills, Accounts, Receipts- John Hartwell Cocke.1815
- Box 20
John Hartwell Cocke -records pertaining to fruit trees.1815
- Box 20
Ellis & Allan accounts to John Hartwell Cocke.1815
- Box 20
Valuation of household furniture.1815
- Box 20
War of 1812-Furloughs & Discharges-Camp Center.1815
- Box 20
Thomas Whitelaw account with John Hartwell Cocke.1815
- Box 20
Bills-Galt and Johnson to John Hartwell Cocke.1815
- Box 20
War of 1812-General Orders, letters of application or recommendation, and misc. letters.1815-17
- Box 21
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke (farm prices).1816 January 4
- Box 21
Mrs. L. Flintham to Mrs. Louisa Holmes .1816 January 4
- Box 21
W. Banks, Bill & Receipt-Washington Tavern .1816 January 7
- Box 21
Tavern Bill and Receipt .1816 January 8
- Box 21
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke1816 January 10
- Box 21
Temple Gwathmey to John Hartwell Cocke1816 January 10
- Box 21
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke1816 January 10
- Box 21
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to Ann B. Barraud .1816 January 14
- Box 21
B.E. Payne to Louisa Maxwell Holmes [Cocke].1816 January 16
- Box 21
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke -tobacco prices .1816 January 18
- Box 21
Ann B. Cocke to Miss Applewhaite .1816 January 21
- Box 21
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke1816 January 26
- Box 21
(Gov.) Wilson Cary Nicholas to John Hartwell Cocke1816 January 30
- Box 21
Judith Cary Applewhaite to Mrs. A. B.1816 January 31
- Box 21
List of surviving regular soldiers in Fluvanna County .1816 January
- Box 21
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke - Allan established in London; tobacco market .1816 February 1
- Box 21
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke1816 February 7
- Box 21
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke1816 February 7
- Box 21
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke1816 February 13
- Box 21
Temple Gwathmey to John Hartwell Cocke1816 February 14
- Box 21
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke -tobacco market .1816 February 14
- Box 21
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke1816 February 17
- Box 21
Ann Blaws (Barraud) Cocke to Judy Applewhaite-(oversize).1816 February 18
- Box 21
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1816 February 18
- Box 21
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke1816 February 20
- Box 21
Receipt of payment of bill owed Thomas Nelson by John Hartwell Cocke1816 February 20
- Box 21
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke1816 February 21
- Box 21
(Col.) Isaac A. Coles to John Hartwell Cocke -interview with Jefferson about Cocke's new residence .1816 February 23
- Box 21
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke-tobacco market .1816 February 28
- Box 21
Memorandum of Orchard Plantings and Graftings.1816 February 29
- Box 21
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke-supplies.1816 February 29
- Box 21
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr.'s school reports by John Lewis.1816 February 29-October
- Box 21
John Hartwell Cocke Jr to John Hartwell Cocke Sr.1816 March 6
- Box 21
Wilson S. Drew to John Hartwell Cocke1816 March 7
- Box 21
Receipt from C.R. Fontaine to John Hartwell Cocke1816 March 8
- Box 21
John Patterson to John Hartwell Cocke [regarding agriculture].1816 March 12
- Box 21
Hugh Nelson to John Hartwell Cocke1816 March 17
- Box 21
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke1816 March 19
- Box 21
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke1816 March 19
- Box 21
John T. Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1816 March 20
- Box 21
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke, Jr.1816 March 24
- Box 21
Francis Walker Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke1816 March 24
- Box 21
Direct Tax Receipt .1816 March 25
- Box 21
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke-tobacco market .1816 March 25
- Box 21
J. Timberlake to John Hartwell Cocke1816 March 26
- Box 21
(Gov.) Wilson Cary Nicholas to John Hartwell Cocke1816 March 30
- Box 21
August(ustus) Shepherd to John Hartwell Cocke-re loan to.1816 April 2
- Box 21
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke, Sr .1816 April 6
- Box 21
Ms. Lucy F. Smith to Louisa Maxwell Holmes [later Cocke].1816 April 8
- Box 21
Bill of Powell's - Paid by John Hartwell Cocke to William Richards .1816 April 9
- Box 21
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke1816 April 13
- Box 21
Hughes & Armistead.1816 April 16
- Box 21
Hughes and Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke1816 April 17
- Box 21
Hughes and Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke1816 April 18
- Box 21
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke1816 April 23
- Box 21
Hughes and Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke1816 April 25
- Box 21
Benjamin E. Payne to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1816 May 3
- Box 21
S. Flintham to Louisa Maxwell Holmes [later Cocke].1816 May 4
- Box 21
Hughes and Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke1816 May 8
- Box 21
William Cabell Rives to John Hartwell Cocke1816 May 11
- Box 21
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke1816 May 28
- Box 21
Tavern Bill Paid by John Hartwell Cocke to M. Randolph.1816 May 30
- Box 21
Bill-Garland & Roy to John Hartwell Cocke1816 June 1
- Box 21
Advertisement by John Lewis, teacher.1816 June 1
- Box 21
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke Sr.1816 June 10
- Box 21
C.W. Gooch.1816 June 8
- Box 21
Gen. P. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke1816 June 11
- Box 21
J. Moore receipt to John Hartwell Cocke1816 June 13
- Box 21
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke1816 June 18
- Box 21
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke1816 June 19
- Box 21
Mr. Cavidali-Advertisement of a Temple or Rotunda (architect's model).1816 June 20
- Box 21
Richard Gallego & Co. to John Hartwell Cocke1816 June 27
- Box 21
G. N. Skipworth to John Hartwell Cocke1816 June 29
- Box 21
Ann Blaws (Barraud) Cocke to Judy Applewhaite.1816 June 30
- Box 21
Tavern Bill and Receipt ( John Hartwell Cocke to Powell Tisdale).1816 June
- Box 21
Mrs. Ann Barraud to Mrs. Ann B.[1816?]
- Box 21
Hughes and Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke1816 July 4
- Box 21
Ann (Barraud) Cocke to Ann B. Barraud.1816 July 7
- Box 21
Carter Wilkinson to Joseph Gallego.1816 July 7
- Box 21
Joseph Gallego to John Hartwell Cocke1816 July 10
- Box 21
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke1816 July 9
- Box 21
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke1816 July 9
- Box 21
Bernard M. Carter to John Hartwell Cocke1816 July 9
- Box 21
William Gray to John Hartwell Cocke1816 July 9
- Box 21
Hughes and Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke1816 July 12
- Box 21
Margaret Eliza Tucker to Louisa Maxwell Holmes [later Cocke].1816 July 12
- Box 21
A[rthur] Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke1816 July 15
- Box 21
Joseph Gallego to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 July 17
- Box 21
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 July 17
- Box 21
Lucy F. Smith to Louisa Maxwell Holmes [later Cocke].1816 July 23
- Box 21
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke Sr.1816 July 25
- Box 21
John C. Howard to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 July 27
- Box 21
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke Sr.1816 July 30
- Box 21
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 July 30
- Box 22
Francis W. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 August 1
- Box 22
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 August 1
- Box 22
John Lewis Receipt for John Cocke [Jr.] board and tuition.1816 August 1
- Box 22
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 August 4
- Box 22
(Gov.) Wilson Cary Nichols to John Hartwell Cocke (enclosed letter from John Hartwell Cocke?).1816 August 5
- Box 22
Samuel Holmes to Mrs. Louisa Holmes [later Cocke].1816 August 6
- Box 22
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 August 6
- Box 22
(Gov.) Wilson Cary Nichols to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 August 7
- Box 22
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 August 7
- Box 22
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 August 8
- Box 22
Garland & Roy to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 August 10
- Box 22
Joseph Gallego to John Hartwell Cocke -concerning slave Jeffrey.1816 August 10
- Box 22
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke Sr.1816 August 11
- Box 22
Mrs. S. Flintham to Mrs. Louisa Homes [later Cocke].1816 August 15
- Box 22
Temple Gwathmey to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 August 18
- Box 22
Swan Tavern Bill and Receipt.1816 August 18
- Box 22
Louisiana B. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1816 August 18
- Box 22
William Allison receipt-chinaware.1816 August 19
- Box 22
Dr. Carrington's Bill and Receipt for medicine.1816 August 19
- Box 22
Louisa M. Payne to Louisa Maxwell Holmes [Cocke].1816 August 22
- Box 22
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1816 August 24
- Box 22
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1816 September 2
- Box 22
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 September 3
- Box 22
Louisiana B. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1816 September 8
- Box 22
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 September 8
- Box 22
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 September 9
- Box 22
Benjamin Prince to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 September 10
- Box 22
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 September 11
- Box 22
Edmond Smith Slaughter to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 September 12
- Box 22
Mrs. L. Flintham to Mrs. Louisa Holmes [later Cocke].1816 September 12
- Box 22
Mrs. Sally Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 September 17
- Box 22
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 September 19
- Box 22
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke Sr.1816 September 24
- Box 22
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 September 24
- Box 22
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 September 24
- Box 22
Edmond Smith Slaughter to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 September 25
- Box 22
Dr. Philip Barraud to St. George Tucker.1816 October 1
- Box 22
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 October 2
- Box 22
Judith Hunsforth receipt to P. Barraud (silver bowl).1816 October 6
- Box 22
A[rthur] Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 October 7
- Box 22
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke Sr.1816 October 7
- Box 22
Bond, William & Jacob Moon to Pleasant Dawson.1816 October 7
- Box 22
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 October 8
- Box 22
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 October 9
- Box 22
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 October 10
- Box 22
Hughes and Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 October 10
- Box 22
John Hartwell Cocke to St. George Tucker.1816 October 11
- Box 22
Bill Paid by John Hartwell Cocke to M. Nelson.1816 October 11
- Box 22
W.C. Nicholas to John Hartwell Cocke (1st appointment to University of Virginia Board of Visitors).1816 October 18
- Box 22
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Lelia Tucker.1816 October 19
- Box 22
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke, Sr.1816 October 20
- Box 22
Dr. Philip Barraud to St. George Tucker.1816 October 20
- Box 22
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1816 October 21
- Box 22
Indenture of Richard Nutt's Land to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 October 21
- Box 22
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 October 22
- Box 22
Allan and Ellis (London) to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 October 23
- Box 22
M[ary] H[arrison] to Mrs. Ann B. Cocke.1816 October 25
- Box 22
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 October 24
- Box 22
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 October 26
- Box 22
Paulina Legrand to Mrs. Louisa Maxwell Holmes [later Cocke].1816 October 28
- Box 22
Receipt for taxes.1816 October 28
- Box 22
Mrs. Sally Faulcon to her brother, John Hartwell Cocke.1816 October 29
- Box 22
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 October 30
- Box 22
John Patterson to John Hartwell Cocke -agricultural matters.1816 November 1
- Box 22
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke, Sr.1816 November 4
- Box 22
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 November 5
- Box 22
(Gov.) Wilson Cary Nicholas to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 November 7
- Box 22
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 November 7
- Box 22
John Hartwell Cocke, Sr. to John Hartwell Cocke, Jr.1816 November 10
- Box 22
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 November 12
- Box 22
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke, Sr.1816 November 18
- Box 22
John Patterson to John Hartwell Cocke -social note.1816 November 19
- Box 22
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 November 19
- Box 22
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 November 20
- Box 22
Peter Minor to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 November 20
- Box 23
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 November 22
- Box 23
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 November 25
- Box 23
List of trees purchased from Benjamin Prince & Co.1816 November 25
- Box 23
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 November 26
- Box 23
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 November 26
- Box 23
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 November 28
- Box 23
Benjamin Prince to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 November 30
- Box 23
Forage Return for two troopers from John Hartwell Cocke.1816 November 30
- Box 23
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 December 5
- Box 23
Francis Walker Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 December 6
- Box 23
Dr. Philip Barraud to St. George Tucker.1816 December 8
- Box 23
A. Bernard's Bill and Receipt (tavern).1816 December 9
- Box 23
John Hartwell Cocke to J.C. Cabell.1816 December 9
- Box 23
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 December 9
- Box 23
Dr. Philip Barraud to St. George Tucker.1816 December 11
- Box 23
James P. Preston to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 December 11
- Box 23
Dr. Philip Barraud to St. George Tucker.1816 December 12
- Box 23
Dr. Philip Barraud to St. George Tucker.1816 December 15
- Box 23
Tucker Coles of "Tallwood" to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 December 15
- Box 23
Dr. Philip Barraud to St. George Tucker.1816 December 18
- Box 23
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 December 18
- Box 23
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 December 23
- Box 23
Randolph Harrison, Sr of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1816 December 25
- Box 23
Will of John Hartwell Cocke's Wife, Ann (Barraud) Cocke.1816 December 28
- Box 23
St. George Tucker to Dr. Philip Barraud.1816 December 29
- Box 23
Mary W. Cabell to Joseph C. Cabell.1816 December 29
- Box 23
D.C.B. to Dr. B (envelope sheet).1816 December 30
- Box 23
John Hartwell Cocke -accounts.1816
- Box 23
Barraud & Son Bill to John Hartwell Cocke.1816
- Box 23
P.H. Ware Memorial.1816
- Box 23
Bill and Receipt for Horse in Richmond-Pd. by John Hartwell Cocke to Cline.1816
- Box 23
Dr. C.R. Fontaine - John Hartwell Cocke's account.1816
- Box 23
Receipt for carriage tax.1816
- Box 23
Bills-Wilson & Drew to John Hartwell Cocke.1816
- Box 23
Bills-Galt & Johnson to John Hartwell Cocke.1816
- Box 23
M. Sawyer to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1816
- Box 23
Military-3rd Brigade-Orders, letters.1816-21
- Box 23
Diary of John Hartwell Cocke.1816-1818
- Box 23
Diary of John Hartwell Cocke (copy).1816-1818
- Box 23
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 January 1
- Box 23
Mrs. Mary Harrison of "Clifton" (Mrs. Randolph Harrison, Sr.) to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 January 1
- Box 23
Allan Fowles to John Hartwell Cocke (letter brought by indentured servant to be gardener).1817 January 1
- Box 23
St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 January 6
- Box 23
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 January 7
- Box 23
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 January 14
- Box 23
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 January 15
- Box 23
John Woodson to Randolph Harrison.1817 January 18
- Box 23
Paulina Legrand to Louisa Maxwell Holmes [later Cocke].1817 January 19
- Box 23
Edmund Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 January 20
- Box 23
E.B. Kennon to Cocke (oversize box).1817 January 20
- Box 23
Sally Faulcon to her brother, John Hartwell Cocke.1817 January 21
- Box 23
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 January 21
- Box 23
Charles A. Scott to John Hartwell Cocke -misc. correspondence.1817 January 21
- Box 23
Harry St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 January 22
- Box 23
John Lewis to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 January 29
- Box 23
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 January 29
- Box 24
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke re agriculture.1817 February 3
- Box 24
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 February 9
- Box 24
William Cabell Rives to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 February 10
- Box 24
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 February 10
- Box 24
Mrs. Mary Harrison of "Clifton" (Mrs. Randolph Harrison, Sr.) to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 February 17
- Box 24
Robert Anderson to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 February 17
- Box 24
Thomas R. Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 February 17
- Box 24
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke Sr.1817 February 18
- Box 24
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 February 18
- Box 24
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 February 20
- Box 24
Thomas Caldwell to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 February 24
- Box 24
Mrs. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 February 25
- Box 24
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 February 25
- Box 24
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 February 25
- Box 24
Thomas Whitelaw to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 February
- Box 24
Memo: John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke Sr.1817 February
- Box 24
Wilson J. Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 March 1
- Box 24
S. Flintham to Louisa Maxwell Holmes [later Cocke].1817 March 2
- Box 24
St. George Tucker.1817 March 3
- Box 24
Benjamin Anderson to J. H. Cocke.1817 March 4
- Box 24
Paulina LeGrand to Louisa Maxwell Holmes [later Cocke].1817 March 8
- Box 24
Martha Coleman to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 March 9
- Box 24
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 March 11
- Box 24
Hughes and Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 March 13
- Box 24
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 March 14
- Box 24
Maj. Charles Woodson to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 March 18
- Box 24
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 March 20
- Box 24
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 March 25
- Box 24
E.B. Kennon to Cocke.1817 March 26
- Box 24
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 March 27
- Box 24
John Lewis' recommendation of John G. Lawrence to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 April 1
- Box 24
L. Mims to Miles Carey - order to obtain subscriptions to Washington's Monument & subscription list.1817 April 4
- Box 24
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 April 8
- Box 24
Hughes & Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 April 10
- Box 24
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 April 11
- Box 24
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 April 16
- Box 24
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke, Sr.1817 April 20
- Box 24
Thomas Whitelaw to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 April 21
- Box 24
Randolph Harrison Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 April 23
- Box 24
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 April 23
- Box 24
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 April 24
- Box 24
J.L. Dinsmore to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 April 29
- Box 24
Thomas Caldwell to John Hartwell Cocke -misc. correspondence.1817 April 30
- Box 24
Hughes & Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 April
- Box 24
John Patterson to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 May 1
- Box 24
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 May 2
- Box 24
Maj. Charles Woodson to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 May 3
- Box 24
Hughes & Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 May 3
- Box 24
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 May 5
- Box 24
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 May 5
- Box 24
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 May 6
- Box 24
John H. Rice to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 May 7
- Box 24
Wilson J. Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 May 9
- Box 24
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1817 May 13
- Box 24
John Woodson to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 May 15
- Box 24
Col. Miles Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 May 19
- Box 24
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 May 20
- Box 24
William Robertson to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 May 20
- Box 24
William Woodson to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 May 22
- Box 24
Maj. Charles Woodson to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 May 24
- Box 24
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 May 30
- Box 24
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 May 31
- Box 24
(Gov.) Wilson Cary Nicholas to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 June 5
- Box 24
James P. Preston to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 June 6
- Box 24
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 June 6
- Box 24
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 June 10
- Box 24
Tarlton W. Pleasants to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 June 17
- Box 24
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 June 17
- Box 24
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 June 18
- Box 24
Charles A. Scott to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 June 18
- Box 24
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 June 23
- Box 24
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 June 24
- Box 24
C. Everette to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 June 28
- Box 24
Hughes & Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 June 30
- Box 24
Miss M.H. [?] to John Hartwell Cocke -misc correspondence.1817 July 1
- Box 24
John T. Bowdoin to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 2
- Box 24
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 3
- Box 24
Archibald Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 5
- Box 24
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 8
- Box 24
C.A. Scott to John Hartwell Cocke -misc papers.1817 July 8
- Box 24
E.B. Kennon to Cocke.1817 July 9
- Box 24
Hughes & Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 11
- Box 24
Hughes & Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 11
- Box 24
Henry C. Coleman to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 11
- Box 24
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 11
- Box 24
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 11
- Box 24
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 15
- Box 24
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 15
- Box 24
(Gov.) Wilson Cary Nicholas to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 16
- Box 24
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke-subscriptions for Central College ( University of Virginia ).1817 July 19
- Box 24
Edmund Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 19
- Box 24
John Timberlake to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 22
- Box 24
Dr. Philip Barraud to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 22
- Box 24
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 22
- Box 24
Nicholas Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 23
- Box 24
John T. Bowdoin to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 25
- Box 24
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 26
- Box 24
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 29
- Box 24
Martha Coleman to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 July 29
- Box 25
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 August 1
- Box 25
Adjutant General, C.M. Gooch to Brig. John Hartwell Cocke.1817 August 1
- Box 25
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 August 2
- Box 25
Thomas Purdie to Merit Moore Robinson.1817 August 2
- Box 25
Mann Page to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 August 6
- Box 25
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 August 7
- Box 25
John Hartwell Cocke to Randolph Harrison, Willis Wilson, John Page et al.1817 August 8
- Box 25
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 August 9
- Box 25
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 August 11
- Box 25
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 August 11
- Box 25
D.C. Barraud to Cocke.1817 August 12
- Box 25
William Stickney to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 August 12
- Box 25
A[rthur] Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 August 19
- Box 25
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 August 19
- Box 25
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 August 21
- Box 25
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 August 25
- Box 25
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 August 26
- Box 25
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 August 30
- Box 25
George Maury to Dr. Philip Barraud.1817 August
- Box 25
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 September 2
- Box 25
Last Will & Testament of John Hartwell Cocke.1817 September 4
- Box 25
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 September 9
- Box 25
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 September 10
- Box 25
Francis Walker Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 September 18
- Box 25
J. Dinsmore to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 September 22
- Box 25
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 September 23
- Box 25
Lucy F. Smith to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1817 September 24
- Box 25
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 September 26
- Box 25
Otway B. Barraud to J.T. Barraud.1817 September 30
- Box 25
Prices Current of Boston & Chelmsford Window Glass.1817 October 1
- Box 25
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 October 7
- Box 25
John Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1817 October 14
- Box 25
[Arthur Sinclair] to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 October 17
- Box 25
Thomas Williamson to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 October 18
- Box 25
(Gov.) Wilson Cary Nicholas to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 October 20
- Box 25
Contract for Sale of Slave by M.M.Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 October 27
- Box 25
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 October 28
- Box 25
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 October 28
- Box 25
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 November 4
- Box 25
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 November 6
- Box 25
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 November 13
- Box 25
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 November 17
- Box 25
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 November 18
- Box 25
T.L. Mitchell to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1817 November 20
- Box 25
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 November 20
- Box 25
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 November 20
- Box 25
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 November 24
- Box 25
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 November 24
- Box 25
Samuel Holmes to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1817 November 25
- Box 25
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 November 27
- Box 25
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 December 1
- Box 25
M.M.Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 December 4
- Box 25
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 December 7
- Box 25
Martha Coleman to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 December 10
- Box 25
Charles Ellis to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1817 December 11
- Box 25
Robert Hughes to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 December 11
- Box 25
List of Farm Goods Purchased.1817 December 13
- Box 25
Paulina Legrand to Louisa Maxwell Holmes (Later Mrs. John Hartwell Cocke ).1817 December 15
- Box 25
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 December 15
- Box 25
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 December 18
- Box 25
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 December 18
- Box 25
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 December 19
- Box 25
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 December 21
- Box 25
contract- John Hartwell Cocke with Dinsmore & Neilson.1817 December 23
- Box 25
John Watson to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 December 26
- Box 25
(Samuel J?) Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 December 28
- Box 25
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 December 29
- Box 25
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke; also letter on same paper from his son, John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1817 December 29
- Box 25
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 December 30
- Box 25
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 December 30
- Box 25
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 December 31
- Box 25
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1817 December
- Box 25
Ellis & Allan-accounts, correspondence to John Hartwell Cocke.1817
- Box 25
"Memo For Jobs Connected With Buildings at Bremo".1817
- Box 25
Hughes & Armistead-bills, receipts, & accounts.1817
- Box 25
Bills, accounts, receipts- John Hartwell Cocke.1817
- Box 25
John Hartwell Cocke -inventory.1817
- Box 25
Official Statistics re exports of Tobacco.1817-18
- Box 25
Bank Book belonging to John T. Bowdoin, in account with the Bank of the United States, Norfolk.1817-19
- Box 25
James Clark to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 January 9
- Box 25
Nicholas Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1818 January 12
- Box 25
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 January 12
- Box 25
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 January 12
- Box 25
George Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 January 14
- Box 25
(Col.) Isaac A. Coles to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 January 16
- Box 25
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 January 18
- Box 25
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 January 26
- Box 25
John Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1818 January 27
- Box 25
Deed for Crossroads in Surry (J. Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke ).1818 January 27
- Box 25
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 January 27
- Box 25
Wilson J. Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 January 29
- Box 25
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 January 29
- Box 25
Peter Minor to John Hartwell Cocke - (agriculture).1818 February 2
- Box 25
Christian Hayes to Hughes & Armistead-survey of tobacco industry.1818 February 2
- Box 25
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 February 12
- Box 25
Thomas Wilson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 February 13
- Box 25
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 February 17
- Box 25
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 February 18
- Box 25
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 February 21
- Box 25
Caleb Howe receipt to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 February 21
- Box 25
William Kennelly's letter of recommendation.1818 February 21
- Box 25
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 February 23
- Box 25
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 February 23
- Box 26
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 March 15
- Box 26
Nicholas Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1818 March 17
- Box 26
Charlie Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 March 18
- Box 26
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 March 18
- Box 26
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 March 18
- Box 26
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 March 19
- Box 26
Daniel Hyde to John Hartwell Cocke - horses.1818 March 21
- Box 26
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 March 23
- Box 26
John Allan (Ellis & Allan) to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 March 23
- Box 26
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke - Central College financing.1818 March 24
- Box 26
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 March 24
- Box 26
N. Herbert to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 March 25
- Box 26
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 April 6
- Box 26
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 March 25
- Box 26
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 March 27
- Box 26
Receipts.1818 March-1819 December
- Box 26
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 April 2
- Box 26
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 April 5
- Box 26
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 April 6
- Box 26
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 April 7
- Box 26
J. Nicholas Campbell to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1818 April 10
- Box 26
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 April 14
- Box 26
Thomas S. Pleasants to John Hartwell Cocke -survey of Cocke's lands.1818 April 15
- Box 26
Charles Fenton Mercer to John Hartwell Cocke - American Colonization Society.1818 April 19
- Box 26
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 April 23
- Box 26
Caleb Howe receipt to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 April 25
- Box 26
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 April 26
- Box 26
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 April 28
- Box 26
T.N. Harrison to Gen John Hartwell Cocke.1818 April 30
- Box 26
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 May 5
- Box 26
Martha Coleman to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 May 5
- Box 26
John Watson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 May 6
- Box 26
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 May 8
- Box 26
Mrs. Lockey Curle to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 May 10
- Box 26
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 May 12
- Box 26
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 May 13
- Box 26
William H. Smith receipt to John Hartwell Cocke (maple chairs).1818 May 15
- Box 26
Edward Cox to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 May 20
- Box 26
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 May 22
- Box 26
E.S. Slaughter to John Hartwell Cocke - by John Morris.1818 May 22
- Box 26
Mrs. Lockey Curle to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 May 23
- Box 26
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 May 29
- Box 26
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 June 4
- Box 26
William Short to Merit Moore Robinson.1818 June 8
- Box 26
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 June 10
- Box 26
Martha Coleman to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 June 10
- Box 26
Abraham Perkins to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 June 16
- Box 26
Daniel Coleman to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 June 17
- Box 26
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 June 18
- Box 26
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 June 20
- Box 26
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 July 1
- Box 26
S.G. Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 July 4
- Box 26
Daniel Hyde to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 July 6
- Box 26
Bremo - Copy of Cornerstone papers original in John Hartwell Cocke's handwriting.1818 July 8
- Box 26
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 July 9
- Box 26
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 July 13
- Box 26
E.S. Slaughter to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 July 13
- Box 26
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke -account of Merit Moore Robinson w/ John Faulcon.1818 July 13
- Box 26
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 July 14
- Box 26
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 July 16
- Box 26
D(avy) Ross to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture.1818 July 17
- Box 26
A(rthur) Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 July 17
- Box 26
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 July 18
- Box 26
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 July 20
- Box 26
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 July 21
- Box 26
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 July 23
- Box 26
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 July 23
- Box 26
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 July 26
- Box 26
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 August 1
- Box 26
John Hartwell Cocke from Mrs. Barraud.1818 August 3
- Box 26
Ro(bert) Hill to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 August 4
- Box 26
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 August 10
- Box 26
John Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1818 August 11
- Box 26
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 August 11
- Box 26
Archibald Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 August 11
- Box 26
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 August 11
- Box 26
Mrs. Lucy F. Smith to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1818 August 12
- Box 26
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 August 13
- Box 26
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 August 16
- Box 26
Ellis & Allan also John Foster to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 August 20
- Box 26
John Nicholas receipt to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 August 21
- Box 26
Anthony Isack account- John Hartwell Cocke.1818 August 24
- Box 26
Robert Lammie to John Hartwell Cocke inquiry re Agricultural Society.1818 August 27
- Box 26
Thomas Rutherford to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 August 28
- Box 26
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke Sr.1818 August 29
- Box 26
Philip S. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Sr.1818 August 29
- Box 26
James P. Preston to John Hartwell Cocke re monument for George Washington.1818 August
- Box 26
L.B. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 August
- Box 26
Diary of Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1818 August-September
- Box 26
Otway B. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke, Jr.1818 September 1
- Box 26
Dr. Barraud to St. George Tucker.1818 September 7
- Box 26
A(rthur) Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 September 19
- Box 26
John T. Bowdoin to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 September 19
- Box 26
Mrs. Mary Harrison of "Clifton" (Mrs. Randolph Harrison, Sr.) to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 September 28
- Box 26
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 September 29
- Box 26
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 September 30
- Box 26
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 October 1
- Box 26
A. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 October 1
- Box 26
Jerman Baker to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 October 2
- Box 26
A. Bernard to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 October 5
- Box 26
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 October 5
- Box 26
Mrs. S. Flintham to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1818 October 6
- Box 26
John Brockenbrough to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 October 9
- Box 26
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 October 12
- Box 26
John Brockenbrough to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 October 15
- Box 26
Robert Saunders to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 October 20
- Box 26
Mrs. Lucy F. Smith to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1818 October 21
- Box 26
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 October 28
- Box 26
Copy of letter from John Hartwell Cocke to Mr. Barksdale, re horses.1818 October
- Box 27
Thomas Williamson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 November 2
- Box 27
Martha Coleman to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 November 4
- Box 27
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 November 15
- Box 27
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 November 16
- Box 27
Hugh Nelson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 November 17
- Box 27
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 November 17
- Box 27
John D. Dickinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 November 17
Concerning Robert Kennon's inheritance.
- Box 27
John H. Rice to Cocke.1818 November 21
- Box 27
Benjamin E. Payne to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 November 23
- Box 27
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 November 24
- Box 27
A. Barraud to ________"My Dear Son".1818 November 24
- Box 27
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 November 26
- Box 27
William Barksdale to John Hartwell Cocke -horse breeding.1818 November 27
- Box 27
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 November 28
- Box 27
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 November 29
- Box 27
Charles Woodson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 November 30
- Box 27
Robert E. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 November
- Box 27
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 December 1
- Box 27
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 December 1
- Box 27
L.B. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 December 3
- Box 27
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 December 3
- Box 27
E.C. Finney to John Hartwell Cocke.[1818 or 19?] December 9
- Box 27
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 December 10
- Box 27
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 December 15
- Box 27
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 December 15
- Box 27
(Gov.) Wilson Cary Nicholas to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 December 18
- Box 27
John Faulcon to Gen John Hartwell Cocke.1818 December 18
- Box 27
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 December 20
- Box 27
Mary Ann Maitre to Louisa Maxwell Holmes [later Cocke].1818 December 22
- Box 27
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 December 24
- Box 27
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 December 26
- Box 27
Robert K. Dabney to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 December 29
- Box 27
Robert Hill to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 December 29
- Box 27
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1818 December
- Box 27
List of Subscribers to Central College.1818
- Box 27
New York Edition of the Christian Observer (from London edition).1818
- Box 27
Statistics re Tobacco Exports- U.S. and Virginia.1818
- Box 27
Bills, receipts & accounts.1818
- Box 27
A bill for establishing a system of public education (written by Thomas Jefferson).1818
- Box 27
John Hartwell Cocke -Inventory.1818
- Box 27
Newspaper clipping-William Cobbett raising rutabagas.1818
- Box 27
Ellis & Allan-accounts, correspondence to John Hartwell Cocke.1818
- Box 27
List of revolutionary officers & soldiers composing the 3rd brigade.1818
- Box 27
A treatise on Soils and Manures..London title page and editor's note.1818
- Box 27
Statistics re Exports of Tobacco by ports.1818-19
- Box 27
Bills & printed matter.1818-21
- Box 27
Correspondence in regard to building house.1818-22
- Box 27
Paper bound book, "Inventories and Various Memoranda 1818 to 1825".1818-29
- Box 27
Invitations to John Hartwell Cocke, cards, etc.1818-53
- Box 27
Charles H. Scott to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 January 1
- Box 27
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 January 3
- Box 27
Nicholas Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1819 January 3
- Box 27
John T. Bowdoin to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 January 7
- Box 27
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 January 8
- Box 27
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 January 10
- Box 27
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 January 12
- Box 27
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 January 15
- Box 27
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 January 16
- Box 27
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 January 17
- Box 27
William Rawle's "An Address to the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture".1819 January 19
- Box 27
George Holeman to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 January 20
- Box 27
William Cabell Rives to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 January 20
- Box 27
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 January 21
- Box 27
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 January 22
- Box 27
Robert Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 January 24
- Box 27
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 January 26
- Box 27
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 January 27
- Box 27
John H. Rice to Cocke.1819 January 28
- Box 27
Randolph Harrison John Hartwell Cocke.1819 January 29
- Box 27
Dr. Barraud to St. George Tucker.1819 January 30
- Box 27
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 January 31
- Box 28
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 February 4
- Box 28
(Gov.) Wilson Cary Nicholas to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 February 6
- Box 28
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 February 7
- Box 28
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 February 7
- Box 28
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 February 8
- Box 28
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 February 9
- Box 28
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 February 10
- Box 28
[Charles Ellis] to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 February 11
- Box 28
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 February 12
- Box 28
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 February 12
- Box 28
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 February 12
- Box 28
Bartetot P. Todd to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 February 12
- Box 28
Call for the meeting of the Board of Visitors for the University of Virginia.1819 February 13
- Box 28
John Hartwell Cocke's Appointment to the Board of Visitors at the University of Virginia by Gov. James P. Preston.1819 February 13
- Box 28
Benjamin Watkins Leigh to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 February 14
- Box 28
A. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 February 15
- Box 28
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 February 16
- Box 28
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 February 17
- Box 28
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 February 19
- Box 28
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 February 21
- Box 28
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 February 23
- Box 28
J.H. Rice to Cocke.1819 February 25
- Box 28
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 February 26
- Box 28
James P. Preston to John Hartwell Cocke re Appointment of Cocke as member of the Board of Visitors at the University of Virginia.1819 February 27
- Box 28
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 1
- Box 28
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 1
- Box 28
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 4
- Box 28
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 6
- Box 28
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 7
- Box 28
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 7
- Box 28
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 7
- Box 28
D. Watson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 8
- Box 28
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 9
- Box 28
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 11
- Box 28
J. Curd to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 12
- Box 28
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 12
- Box 28
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 13
- Box 28
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 14
- Box 28
William Short to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 16
- Box 28
Cocke vs. Scruggs (summons).1819 March 16
- Box 28
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 16
- Box 28
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 19
- Box 28
John Nicholas to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 19
- Box 28
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 21
- Box 28
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 22
- Box 28
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 23
- Box 28
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 23
- Box 28
John Edmunds to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 26
- Box 28
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 26
- Box 28
L. Whitney to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 29
- Box 28
Mrs. Herron to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 March 31
- Box 28
Charles Fenton Mercer to John Hartwell Cocke re American Colonization Society.1819 April 2
- Box 28
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 April 3
- Box 28
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 April 6
- Box 28
E. Cowan to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1819 April 8
- Box 28
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 April 8
- Box 28
William Newsum to John Hartwell Cocke (farm land and yield).1819 April 9
- Box 28
Robert Saunders to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 April 9
- Box 28
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 April 11
- Box 28
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 April 12
- Box 28
(Gov.) Wilson Cary Nicholas to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 April 14
- Box 28
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 April 15
- Box 28
R.G. Scott to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 April 15
- Box 28
Carter H. Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 April 15
- Box 28
James P. Preston to John Hartwell Cocke re application of Arthur S. Brockenbrough for appointment as Bursar at the University of Virginia.1819 April 16
- Box 28
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 April 18
- Box 28
Merit Moore Robinson John Hartwell Cocke.1819 April 20
- Box 28
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 April 20
- Box 28
Carter H. Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 April 21
- Box 28
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 April 24
- Box 28
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 April 24
- Box 28
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 April 27
- Box 28
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 April 29
- Box 28
Robert Saunders to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 April 29
- Box 28
Letter- John Hartwell Cocke to [Thomas Jefferson] copy - Miscellaneous writings of John Hartwell Cocke.1819 May 2
- Box 28
Mrs. S. Flintham to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1819 May 3
- Box 28
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 May 7
- Box 28
D. English to Mr. Hughes & Mr. Armistead.1819 May 7
- Box 28
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 May 3
- Box 28
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 May 13
- Box 28
David Bullock to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 May 16
- Box 28
A[rthur] Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 May 19
- Box 28
William Bolling to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 May 17
- Box 28
A.J. Wren to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 May 17
- Box 28
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 May 18
- Box 28
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 May 18
- Box 28
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 May 18
- Box 28
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 May 18
- Box 28
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke (check for folder in file) Bills.1819 May 18
- Box 28
William Maxwell to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1819 May 22
- Box 28
Mrs. Sally Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 May 24
- Box 28
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke -Central College finances.1819 May 24
- Box 28
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 May 25
- Box 28
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 May 27
- Box 28
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 May 31
- Box 29
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 June 1
- Box 29
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke (in oversize Cocke box).1819 June 2
- Box 29
Henry C. Coleman to John Hartwell Cocke -extract of will of Hartwell Cocke.1819 June 3
- Box 29
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 June 3
- Box 29
Mrs. S. Flintham to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1819 June 4
- Box 29
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 June 4
- Box 29
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 June 4
- Box 29
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke -oversize box.1819 June 4
- Box 29
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 June 8
- Box 29
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 June 9
- Box 29
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 June 10
- Box 29
H. Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 June 14
- Box 29
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 June 15
- Box 29
John F. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 June 15
- Box 29
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 June 15
- Box 29
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 June 17
- Box 29
Major William Bolling to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 June 17
- Box 29
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 June 17
- Box 29
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke-oversize box.1819 June 18
- Box 29
A.S. Brockenbrough to John Hartwell Cocke -price of brickwork on University of Virginia buildings.1819 June 19
- Box 29
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 June 19
- Box 29
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 June 20
- Box 29
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 June 22
- Box 29
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 June 27
- Box 29
John Hartwell Cocke to Major P. Lightfoot.1819 June 29
- Box 29
Insurance Policy.1819 June 29
- Box 29
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 June
- Box 29
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 July 2
- Box 29
A[rthur] Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 July 5
- Box 29
John N. Gordon to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 July 5
- Box 29
National Vaccine Institution Circular.1819 July 5
- Box 29
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 July 9
- Box 29
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke -oversize box.1819 July 10
- Box 29
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 July 11
- Box 29
Bishop Moore to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 July 15
- Box 29
Thomas Jefferson Randolph to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 July 15
- Box 29
Ellis & Allan to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1819 July 19
- Box 29
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 July 23
- Box 29
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 July 23
- Box 29
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 July 29
- Box 29
Joseph C. Cabell to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 July 31
- Box 29
Wheat lists of Bremo.1819 August 9
- Box 29
Ellis & Allan to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1819 August 10
- Box 29
Thomas R. Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 August 11
- Box 29
Bills of Randolph Harrison, paid by John Hartwell Cocke.1819 August 12
- Box 29
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 August 18
- Box 29
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 August 19
- Box 29
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 August 19
- Box 29
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 August 21
- Box 29
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 August 27
- Box 29
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 September 3
- Box 29
General John Armstrong to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 September 5
- Box 29
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 September 10
- Box 29
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 September 13
- Box 29
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 September 16
- Box 29
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 September 16
- Box 29
Mrs. S. Flintham to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1819 September 17
- Box 29
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 September 21
- Box 29
(Gov.) Wilson Cary Nicholas to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 September 22
- Box 29
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. John Hartwell Cocke - prospect Post Office: Prince Edward to Bremo.1819 September 25
- Box 29
Charles Woodson to Cocke.1819 September 25
- Box 29
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 September 28
- Box 29
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 September 28
- Box 29
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 September 28
- Box 29
Mrs. Lucy F. Smith to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1819 October 3
- Box 29
Daniel Calverly to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 October 4
- Box 29
James Whitelaw to John Hartwell Cocke ( Bremo ).1819 October 4
- Box 29
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 October 7
- Box 29
A.S. Brockenbrough to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 October 7
- Box 29
Lucy J. Fitch to John Hartwell Cocke (deserted by husband).1819 October 7
- Box 29
A.S. Brockenbrough to Thomas Jefferson referred to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 October 12
- Box 29
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 October 13
- Box 29
Document naming John Hartwell Cocke as Martha Coleman's Attorney.1819 October 14
- Box 29
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 October 14
- Box 29
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 October 15
- Box 29
Major Street to John Hartwell Cocke (recommendation of the Rev. Peter Nelson).1819 October 18
- Box 29
(Gov.) Wilson Cary Nicholas to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 October 18
- Box 29
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 October 19
- Box 29
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 October 21
- Box 29
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 October 22
- Box 29
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 October 24
- Box 29
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 October 27
- Box 29
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 October 28
- Box 29
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 October 28
- Box 29
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 October 31
- Box 29
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 November 4
- Box 29
A.S. Brockenbrough to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 November 5
- Box 29
Count summons for Samuel Vanderslice, signed, by William Dodd.[1819] November 5
- Box 29
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 November 11
- Box 29
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 November 12
- Box 29
Ellis & Allan to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1819 November 13
- Box 29
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 November 16
- Box 29
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 November 19
- Box 29
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 November 21
- Box 29
Mrs. S. Flintham to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1819 November 22
- Box 29
Andrew Duncan's estimate of grist mill to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 November 27
- Box 29
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 November 29
- Box 30
Secretary Board of Trustees of Female Academy to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 December 1
- Box 30
Col. Miles Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 December 2
- Box 30
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 December 5
- Box 30
Division Orders from James Williams.1819 December 7
- Box 30
P. Lightfoot to Brig. John Hartwell Cocke.1819 December 8
- Box 30
Robert Saunders [Jr?] to John Hartwell Cocke (Thanks for hospitality, etc.).1819 December 8
- Box 30
James M. Garnett to Merit Moore Robinson-activity of abolitionist conventions, etc.1819 December 11
- Box 30
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 December 13
- Box 30
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 December 14
- Box 30
A.S. Brockenbrough to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 December 17
- Box 30
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 December 17
- Box 30
George C. Pickett to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 December 18
- Box 30
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 December 20
- Box 30
Martha MacGill to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 December 21
- Box 30
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 December 22
- Box 30
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 December 22
- Box 30
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 December 23
- Box 30
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 December 25
- Box 30
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 December 31
- Box 30
John Hartwell Cocke -check for James Whighthon.1819 [?] 17
- Box 30
Bills. Receipts, etc. of John Hartwell Cocke.1819
- Box 30
Ellis & Allan accounts, correspondence to John Hartwell Cocke.1819
- Box 30
John Hartwell Cocke's Taxes.1819
- Box 30
John Neilson account with John Hartwell Cocke ( Bremo ).1819
- Box 30
Louisiana Cocke-exercise books.1819
- Box 30
Circular-American Colonizing Society to John Hartwell Cocke.1819
- Box 30
(Gov.) Wilson Cary Nicholas to John Hartwell Cocke.1819 [?]
- Box 30
A Copy of Two Reports Respecting the University of Virginia and Recapitulation of the Proctor's Account.n.d. [1819-22]
- Box 30
Diary and notes of Louisiana Cocke.1819-20
- Box 30
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 January 1
- Box 30
Hayes and Story [Liverpool] to John Hartwell Cocke (tobacco price & market).1820 January 1
- Box 30
Nicholas Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1820 January 4
- Box 30
Major Charles Yancey to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 January 4
- Box 30
Wilson J. Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 January 5
- Box 30
John H. Rice to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 January 6
- Box 30
James Garnett, Henry Watkins, E. Booker to John Hartwell Cocke -commercial regulations injurious to Southern agriculture.1820 January 8
- Box 30
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 January 8
- Box 30
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 January 10
- Box 30
Dr. George W. Tennent to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 January 12
- Box 30
Louisiana Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 January 13
- Box 30
Rev. J.H. Turner to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 January 13
- Box 30
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 January 17
- Box 30
Mary R. Digges to Cocke - Laurel Farm.1820 January 17
- Box 30
Mrs. S. B. Purcell to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1820 January 20
- Box 30
John T. Bowdoin to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 January 20
- Box 30
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 January 20
- Box 30
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke - Group I - Richmond to Bremo.1820 January 20
- Box 30
J. Van Lews to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 January 22
- Box 30
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 January 23
- Box 30
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke -financial difficulties of Central College.1820 January 24
- Box 30
Academia Economics-Agraria.1820 January 26
- Box 30
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke - Group I - Richmond to Bremo.1820 January 27
- Box 30
John Van Lew & Co. to John C. & George Newton.1820 January 27
- Box 30
John Clarke to Gov. Thomas M. Randolph ( James River and Kanawha Canal Company ).1820 January 28
- Box 30
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 January 29
- Box 30
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 January 31
- Box 30
Bill paid at Goochland Court House.1820 January
- Box 30
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 February 1
- Box 30
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 February 4
- Box 30
Andrew Duncan to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 February 5
- Box 30
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 February 8
- Box 30
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 February 8
- Box 30
John Clarke to Gov. Thomas M. Randolph, Estimate of Cost of Canal.1820 February 9
- Box 30
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 February 9
- Box 30
C. Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 February 10
- Box 30
Hugh Nelson to John Hartwell Cocke.[1820-30?] February 13
- Box 30
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 February 17
- Box 30
John Van Lews & Co to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 February 17
- Box 30
Division Orders by James Williams.1820 February 17
- Box 30
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 February 20
- Box 30
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 February 21
- Box 30
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 February 22
- Box 30
Hughes and Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke - Tobacco market.1820 February 22
- Box 30
S.G. Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 February 24
- Box 30
John T. Parke to Cocke.1820 February 26
- Box 30
Dr. Philip Barraud John Hartwell Cocke.1820 February 28
- Box 30
T.M. Randolph to John Hartwell Cocke -2nd appointment as Visitor of the University of Virginia.1820 February 29
- Box 31
Mrs. S. Flintham to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1820 March 1
- Box 31
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 March 1
- Box 31
A[rthur] Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke -with enclosed copy of LS, Thomas Gray to A.S. (December 20, 1819).1820 March 3
- Box 31
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 March 6
- Box 31
General Gooch to General Cocke.1820 March 8
- Box 31
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 March 11
- Box 31
Robert Harrison to Cocke.1820 March 15
- Box 31
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1820 March 16
- Box 31
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 March 17
- Box 31
James ([Ombrolli]) to John Hartwell Cocke - re Admission to Agricultural Society of Georgofili at Florence.1820 March 18
- Box 31
Blackford, Arthur & Co. to James Leitch.1820 March 20
- Box 31
Robert Hill to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 March 20
- Box 31
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 March 21
- Box 31
Charles Ellis (Ellis & Allan) to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 March 23
- Box 31
Hughes & Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 March 24
- Box 31
Robert Poore to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 March 27
- Box 31
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 March 28
- Box 31
Robert & Pollard to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 March 30
- Box 31
Hughes & Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 March 31
- Box 31
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 March
- Box 31
John S. Skinner to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 April 3
- Box 31
General Robert Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 April 4
- Box 31
Thomas M. Strong to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1820 April 5
- Box 31
Charles Ellis (Ellis & Allan) to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 April 6
- Box 31
Andrew Duncan to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 April 10
- Box 31
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 April 11
- Box 31
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 April 11
- Box 31
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 April 11
- Box 31
Hughes & Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 April 13
- Box 31
Charles Ellis (Ellis & Allan) to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 April 13
- Box 31
Nicholas Poindexter to Cocke.1820 April 13
- Box 31
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 April 18
- Box 31
John T. Bowdoin to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 April 20
- Box 31
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 April 20
- Box 31
R. Poore to [ John Hartwell Cocke].1820 April 20
- Box 31
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 April 22
- Box 31
George Richardson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 April 22
- Box 31
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 April 24
- Box 31
St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 April 26
- Box 31
Charles Ellis (Ellis & Allan) To John Hartwell Cocke.1820 April 28
- Box 31
Col. Miles Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 April 29
- Box 31
Mrs. Mary Cowan to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1820 May 1
- Box 31
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 May 2
- Box 31
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 May 2
- Box 31
Charles Ellis (Ellis & Allan) to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 May 4
- Box 31
A.S. Brockenbrough to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 May 4
- Box 31
Ellis and Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 May 5
- Box 31
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 May 14
- Box 31
John Coalter to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 May 15
- Box 31
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 May 16
- Box 31
Charles Ellis (Ellis & Allan) to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 May 17
- Box 31
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 May 18
- Box 31
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke relative to inquiries about school at Bremo.1820 May 18
- Box 31
Robert Saunders to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 May 20
- Box 31
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 May 21
- Box 31
Mrs. S.B. Purcell to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1820 May 22
- Box 31
P. Barraud to Mrs. MacGill.1820 May 22
- Box 31
Major Perkins to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 May 22
- Box 31
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 May 25
- Box 31
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 May 27
- Box 31
Martha MacGill to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 May 30
- Box 31
John Neilson account to John Hartwell Cocke (bill of work executed at Bremo ).1820 May 30
- Box 31
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 June 1
- Box 31
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 June 1
- Box 31
William F. Lee to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 June 2
- Box 31
William Jackson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 June 5
- Box 31
Charles Ellis (Ellis & Allan) to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 June 7
- Box 31
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 June 8
- Box 31
Robert Saunders to John Hartwell Cocke - relative to son who will remain in Williamsburg & not attend school at Bremo.1820 June 12
- Box 31
John Watson to Cocke.1820 June 12
- Box 31
Buller Cocke to Cocke - Bremo School.1820 June 13
- Box 31
Temple Gwathmey to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 June 15
- Box 31
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 June 15
- Box 31
Robert Pollard to John Hartwell Cocke ( James River and Kanawha Canal Company ).1820 June 15
- Box 31
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 June 17
- Box 31
William Bolling to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 June 18
- Box 31
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 June 20
- Box 31
H. Lee to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 June 20
- Box 31
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 June 22
- Box 31
Temple Gwathmey to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 June 26
- Box 31
John Coalter to John Hartwell Cocke - reference to St. George being too young for Bremo School.1820 June 28
- Box 31
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 June 29
- Box 31
John Neilson to Cocke - University to Upper Bremo.1820 June 29
- Box 31
[Mrs] Mary Chandler to Cocke - Norfolk to Bremo.1820 June 30
- Box 31
John Hartwell Cocke to Hugh Chisholm.1820 June 30
- Box 31
William Bollins to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 July 3
- Box 31
Martha MacGill to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 July 3
- Box 31
Archibald Taylor to [Cocke] Virginia Mills.1820 July 8
- Box 31
Bremo Seminary rules and regulations.1820 July 10
- Box 31
Rules and regulations of the Bremo Seminary.1820 July 10
- Box 31
Leroy Anderson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 July 12
- Box 31
John Eyre to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 July 12
- Box 31
General Robert Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 July 10
- Box 31
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 July 11
- Box 31
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 July 17
- Box 31
Wade Mosby to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 July 22
- Box 31
William Munford to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 July 24
- Box 31
A[rthur] Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 July 25
- Box 31
Archibald Taylor to Cocke - Virginia Mills to Bremo.1820 July 25
- Box 31
William Bolling to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 July 27
- Box 31
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 August 3
- Box 31
Henry Skipwith to Gen John Hartwell Cocke.1820 August 3
- Box 31
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 August 3
- Box 31
Ellis & Allan to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1820 August 4
- Box 31
Nicholas Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1820 August 8
- Box 31
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 August 10
- Box 31
James Whitelaw to Cocke - Henrico County to New Canton.1820 August 14
- Box 31
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 August 15
- Box 32
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 August 17
- Box 32
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 August 18
- Box 32
Benjamin E. Payne to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1820 August 18
- Box 32
William H. Cabell to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 August 20
- Box 32
Notice of Civil Suit John Hartwell Cocke vs. James Fisher.1820 August 20
- Box 32
Buller Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 August 23
- Box 32
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 August 24
- Box 32
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 August 25
- Box 32
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 August 26
- Box 32
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke, Enclosed list of books.1820 August 28
- Box 32
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 August 28
- Box 32
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 August 29 (postmark)
- Box 32
Wade Mosby to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 August
- Box 32
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 2
- Box 32
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 2
- Box 32
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 5
- Box 32
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 5
- Box 32
Dr. William Foushee to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 5
- Box 32
Thomas Pemberton to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 7
- Box 32
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 7
- Box 32
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 8
- Box 32
John T. Bowdoin to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 10
- Box 32
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 11
- Box 32
William H. Cabell to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 11
- Box 32
William Bollins to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 11
- Box 32
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 12
- Box 32
Buller Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 13
- Box 32
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 13
- Box 32
Carter B. Page to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 14
- Box 32
Dr. William Foushee to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 14
- Box 32
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 15
- Box 32
Col. Wright to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 16
- Box 32
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 18
- Box 32
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 20
- Box 32
Lucy F. Smith to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1820 September 22
- Box 32
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 25
- Box 32
William Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 29
- Box 32
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 September 30
- Box 32
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 October 1
- Box 32
J.S. Armistead to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 October 5
- Box 32
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 October 12
- Box 32
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 October 13
- Box 32
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 October 13
- Box 32
John Coles to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 October 14
- Box 32
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 October 17
- Box 32
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 October 17
- Box 32
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 October 18
- Box 32
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 October 19
- Box 32
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 October 23
- Box 32
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 November 1
- Box 32
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 November 6
- Box 32
Walter L. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 November 8
- Box 32
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 November 11
- Box 32
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 November 13
- Box 32
Nat Perkins to Cocke - Mr. Richardson's to Bremo.1820 November 15
- Box 32
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 November 16
- Box 32
Account, John Hartwell Cocke and Andrew Duncan with John Watson.1820 November 18
- Box 32
John Coalter to John Hartwell Cocke - reference to meeting of River Commissioners - Cocke chairman.1820 November 20
- Box 32
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 November 20
- Box 32
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 November 21
- Box 32
William Prince to John Hartwell Cocke - catalogue of fruit & forest trees, etc.1820 November 21
- Box 32
Isaac Entwisle to John Hartwell Cocke - Alexandria.1820 November 24
- Box 32
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 November 25
- Box 32
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 November 27
- Box 32
list weight of pork drafts, agriculture.1820 November 29
- Box 32
Andrew Kean to [Cocke] - Goochland.1820 November 29
- Box 32
(From Coleman Collection) Barraud to St. George Tucker, and Cabell to Tucker.1820 November 30
- Box 32
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 November
- Box 32
Edmund Ruffin to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 December 2
- Box 32
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 December 6
- Box 32
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 December 7
- Box 32
William Bolling to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 December 8
- Box 32
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 December 11
- Box 32
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 December 12
- Box 32
Bishop Moore to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 December 14
- Box 32
Major F.J. Gibbons to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 December 15
- Box 32
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 December 16
- Box 32
James Heron to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 December 19
- Box 32
Asbury Crenshaw to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 December 21
- Box 32
Mary R. Digges to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 December 21
- Box 32
Will of Edmund Harrison.1820 December 21
- Box 32
F. Whittle to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 December 26
- Box 32
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 December 26
- Box 32
James Barron to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 December 31
- Box 33
Accounts, bills, receipts- John Hartwell Cocke.1820
- Box 33
Ellis & Allan accounts, correspondence to John Hartwell Cocke.1820
- Box 33
A Complete Census of the U.S., taken according to law in year 1820.1820
- Box 33
Bills, receipts & accounts.1820-21
- Box 33
Accounts-business papers.1820-22
- Box 33
Business ledger ( John Hartwell Cocke ).1820-22 [-24]
- Box 33
- Box 33
Letters and accounts re Horse breeding.1820-25
- Box 33
Book Dealers, Publishers, etc. to John Hartwell Cocke.1820-1830
- Box 33
Papers relating to the buildings of the University of Virginia.1820-1840
- Box 33
Accounts-etc. receipts of John Hartwell Cocke.1820-34
- Box 33
Prescription of Doctor Smith of U.S. Army for cholera.182--
- Box 33
Diagram concerning University of Virginia - original filed in TJ papers, vault, under date [1819?].182--
- Box 33
Louisiana B. Cocke-Arithmetic Book.n.d. c 1820?
- Box 33
Receipts for Bremo Boys (from Mrs. Bryson).ca 1820?
- Box 33
New System of School Discipline.n.d. c 1820-25?
- Box 33
W.W. Minor to John Hartwell Cocke.1820-30? November 20
- Box 33
Books for Bremo School.n.d. [1820-30?]
- Box 33
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 January 1
- Box 33
Robert K. Dabney to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 January 1
- Box 33
James P. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 January 1
- Box 33
John Watson to John Hartwell Cocke.1820 [21] January 2
- Box 33
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 January 4
- Box 33
Dr. Philip Barraud to St. George Tucker (from Coleman collection).1821 January 5
- Box 33
Major William Jackson to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 January 6
- Box 33
Mary R. Digges to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 January 18
- Box 33
Mary Chandler to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 January 22
- Box 33
John T. Parke to Cocke.1821 January 27
- Box 33
John T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 January 29
- Box 33
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 January 30
- Box 33
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke (vegetating thorn apples).1821 January
- Box 33
William Burke to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 January
- Box 33
Richard Anderson to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 February 2
- Box 33
Wade Mosby to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 February 2
- Box 33
Richard Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke - Norfolk to Bremo.1821 February 5
- Box 33
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 February 5
- Box 33
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 February 6
- Box 33
George Holeman to Cocke - Spring Garden to Bremo.1821 February 6
- Box 33
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 February 13
- Box 33
Edmund Ruffin to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 February 14
- Box 33
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 February 20
- Box 33
Robert Hill-bill of fees (original & copy) copy of portion of letter from Jerman Baker.1821 February 20
- Box 33
Dr. Barraud to St. George Tucker (from Coleman collection).1821 February 21
- Box 33
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 February 21
- Box 33
William Burke to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 February 21
- Box 33
F. Whittle to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 February 21
- Box 33
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke - Jefferson advises Cabell to run for senate against the advise of John Hartwell Cocke, etc.1821 February 22
- Box 33
John S. Skinner to John Hartwell Cocke - Agriculture.1821 February 22
- Box 33
C.A. Rodney to John Hartwell Cocke re agriculture.1821 February 24
- Box 33
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 February 25
- Box 33
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 February 27
- Box 33
Hugh Pettit, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 February 27
- Box 33
J.T. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 February 28
- Box 33
Mary R. Digges and William Barke (receipt to Richard Taylor for money paid as tuition at Bremo School).1821 February
- Box 33
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 March 1
- Box 33
George Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 March 2
- Box 33
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 March 3
- Box 33
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 March 6
- Box 33
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 March 6
- Box 33
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 March 6
- Box 33
John Hartwell Cocke to Edmund Ruffin.1821 March 10
- Box 33
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 March 14
- Box 33
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 March 15
- Box 33
Reuben Maury to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 March 17
- Box 33
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 March 17
- Box 33
John Hartwell Cocke to Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton".1821 March 19
- Box 33
Will of John T. Bowdoin.1821 March 20
- Box 33
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 March 23
- Box 33
Benjamin Anderson to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 March 25
- Box 33
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 March 27
- Box 33
Edmund Ruffin to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 March 27
- Box 33
Thomas Mann Randolph to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 March 29
- Box 33
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke (John Allan).1821 March 30
- Box 33
Robert Hughes to John Hartwell Cocke statistics: re Tobacco Trade in Europe 1820, etc.1821 March
- Box 33
Robert Rives to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 April 3
- Box 33
Sally Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 April 3
- Box 33
William Munford to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 April 4
- Box 33
C.A. Rodney to John Hartwell Cocke re agriculture.1821 April 4
- Box 33
Chapman Johnson & James Breckenridge to John Hartwell Cocke: discussion of building plans at the University of Virginia.1821 April 5
- Box 33
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 April 5
- Box 33
James Shepard to Cocke - Richmond to Bremo1821 April 7
- Box 33
William Foushee to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 April 11
- Box 33
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 April 11
- Box 33
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke - tobacco.1821 April 12
- Box 33
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 April 14
- Box 33
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -tobacco.1821 April 14
- Box 33
William Cabell Rives to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 April 15
- Box 33
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 April 16
- Box 33
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke - order of food.1821 April 20
- Box 33
John Watson to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 April 20
- Box 33
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 April 21
- Box 33
William Tatum, Sr. to Cocke - Cumberland county to Fluvanna County.1821 April 21
- Box 33
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 April 21
- Box 33
P. St.G. to John Hartwell Cocke. Sr.1821 April 22
- Box 33
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Sr.1821 April 29
- Box 34
John S. Skinner to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture.1821 May 4
- Box 34
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 May 6
- Box 34
J.D. Parton to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1821 May 7
- Box 34
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 May 7
- Box 34
Temple Gwathmey to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 May 8
- Box 34
Major C. Yancey to John Hartwell Cocke (southern chub-fish).1821 May 8
- Box 34
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 May 14
- Box 34
John S. Skinner to John Hartwell Cocke - Agriculture.1821 May 18
- Box 34
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 May 20
- Box 34
Mrs. L[ouisa] Holmes to Mrs. Mary Barraud.1821 May 21
- Box 34
John Patterson to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 May 26
- Box 34
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 May 27
- Box 34
L[elia] and St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 May 27
- Box 34
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Holmes [later Cocke].1821 May 28
- Box 34
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1821 May 29
- Box 34
Gen John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1821 May 30
- Box 34
John Cowpen to John Hartwell Cocke - "Dismal Swamp Canal".1821 May
- Box 34
Mrs. L[ouisa] Holmes to Cocke.1821 June 1
- Box 34
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1821 June 5
- Box 34
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 June 5
- Box 34
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 June 7
- Box 34
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 June 9
- Box 34
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1821 June 10
- Box 34
Mrs. L[ouisa] Holmes to Cocke - Norfolk to Bremo.1821 June 11
- Box 34
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 June 12
- Box 34
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke --order of supplies.1821 June 15
- Box 34
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1821 June 17
- Box 34
William Bolling to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 June 17
- Box 34
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke - business.1821 June 18
- Box 34
Mrs. L[ouisa] Holmes to John Hartwell Cocke - Norfolk to Bremo.1821 June 19
- Box 34
William Bolling to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 June 20
- Box 34
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke - Refers to approaching marriage of John Hartwell Cocke.1821 June 21
- Box 34
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1821 June 25
- Box 34
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 June 26
- Box 34
Mrs. L[ouisa] Holmes to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 June 26
- Box 34
William Bolling to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 June 28
- Box 34
Temple Gwathmey to Cocke.1821 June 28
- Box 34
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1821 July 3
- Box 34
Mrs. L[ouisa] Holmes to Cocke.1821 July 3
- Box 34
Thomas Carsley to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 July 5
- Box 34
Lucy F. Smith to Louisa Cocke.1821 July 5
- Box 34
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 July 6
- Box 34
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 July 6
- Box 34
John Woodson to John Hartwell Cocke - Bear Garden to Bremo.1821 July 6
- Box 34
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 July 8
- Box 34
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1821 July 9
- Box 34
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Sr.1821 July 9
- Box 34
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Holmes.1821 July 10
- Box 34
William Bolling to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 July 10
- Box 34
John Patterson to John Hartwell Cocke re school at Bremo, etc.1821 July 13
- Box 34
[Mrs. Louisa Holmes] to Cocke - Norfolk to Surry Court House.1821 July 14
- Box 34
James Whitelaw to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 July 16
- Box 34
Mrs. Louisa Holmes to Cocke - Norfolk to Mt. Pleasant (Surry Court House).1821 July 17
- Box 34
List of Article Purchased at the Sale of John Bowdoin.1821 July 18
- Box 34
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 July 20
- Box 34
Robert Pollard to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 July 21
- Box 34
Thomas Gray to Cocke.1821 July 22
- Box 34
John D. Wilkins to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 July 25
- Box 34
Capt. Partridge to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 July 28
- Box 34
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 July 30
- Box 34
Dr. Barraud to Tucker-religious matters-Tucker Coleman Collection.[1821 August 1]
- Box 34
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 July 31
- Box 34
Hugh Pettit to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 August 6
- Box 34
St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 August 10
- Box 34
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke --bills.1821 August 11
- Box 34
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 August 13
- Box 34
John N. Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1821 August 14
- Box 34
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 August 14
- Box 34
Board of Visitors University of Virginia.1821 August 15 & 20
- Box 34
Ro[bert] Saunders to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 August 17
- Box 34
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 August 17
- Box 34
Helen Read to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1821 August 20
- Box 34
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 August 21
- Box 34
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 August 21
- Box 34
Benjamin E. Payne to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1821 August 21
- Box 34
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke - bills & ALS re supplies.1821 August 21
- Box 34
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 August 21
- Box 34
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 August 23
- Box 34
Daniel Coleman to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 August 24
- Box 34
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke (in oversize Cocke box).1821 August 27
- Box 34
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke - bill.1821 August 28
- Box 34
Peter J. Chevallie to John Hartwell Cocke re wheat.1821 August 29
- Box 34
Mary L. Campbell to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1821 August 29
- Box 34
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 August 31
- Box 34
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 September 4
- Box 34
Otway B. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke - Norfolk to Bremo.1821 September 4
- Box 34
Archibald Taylor (by Ed. W. Sims) to John Hartwell Cocke - Virginia Mills to Bremo.1821 September 4
- Box 34
List of Invalids.1821 September 4
- Box 34
prescribed treatment for pain in head etc.1821 September 5
- Box 34
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 September 8
- Box 34
Peter J. Chevallie to John Hartwell Cocke re wheat.1821 September 10
- Box 34
N. Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 September 11
- Box 34
Peter J. Chevallie to John Hartwell Cocke re wheat.1821 September 11
- Box 34
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 September 11
- Box 34
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 September 13
- Box 34
Archibald Taylor to Cocke - Richmond to Bremo.1821 September 13
- Box 34
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 September 17
- Box 34
Peter J. Chevallie to John Hartwell Cocke re wheat.1821 September 19
- Box 34
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke - Prices; fever epidemic & "The Ghost of Fame".1821 September 24
- Box 34
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 September 25
- Box 34
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke re loan to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 September 27
- Box 34
Beverley Blair to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 September 27
- Box 34
John N. Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke Jr. - New Hope to Bremo.1821 September 27
- Box 34
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 October 2
- Box 34
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 October 4
- Box 34
St. George and Lelia Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 October 4
- Box 34
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 October 9
- Box 34
Mrs. Randolph Harrison to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1821 October 11
- Box 34
Cure for dysentery-Dr. Abernathy.1821 October 12
- Box 34
Recipe for fever (Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke )-oversize.1821 October 13
- Box 34
William Bolling to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 October 15
- Box 34
Peter T. Spratley to Cocke - Surry Court House to Bremo.1821 October 19
- Box 34
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 October 20
- Box 34
Elllis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 October 22
- Box 34
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 October 22
- Box 34
N. Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1821 October 23
- Box 34
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 October 26
- Box 34
William Bolling to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 October 27
- Box 34
Robert Pollard to John Hartwell Cocke (James River & Kanawha Co.).1821 October 27
- Box 34
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -crop prices.1821 October 29
- Box 34
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 October 30
- Box 34
Peter J. Chevallie to John Hartwell Cocke re wheat.1821 October 30
- Box 34
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke - Battledores for Mrs. John Hartwell Cocke.1821 October 31
- Box 34
Timberlake & Magruder to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 October 31
- Box 35
Mary L. Campbell to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1821 November 3
- Box 35
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 November 3
- Box 35
Galt and Johnson to Cocke.1821 November 4
- Box 35
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke - Mount Pleasant to Bremo.1821 November 6
- Box 35
Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1821 November 7
- Box 35
W.L. Fontaine to Cocke.1821 November 8
- Box 35
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke ref. to $4000 loan to Cocke, wheat & flour prices.1821 November 8
- Box 35
Mrs. Sally Cocke Faulcon to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1821 November 12
- Box 35
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 November 14
- Box 35
Peter J. Chevallie to John Hartwell Cocke re wheat.1821 November 15
- Box 35
Daniel Coleman to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 November 15
- Box 35
Robert Wilson to Cocke - Petersburg to Bremo.1821 November 18
- Box 35
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 November 21
- Box 35
Sally Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 November 26
- Box 35
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 November 26
- Box 35
P. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1821 November 27
- Box 35
(Dr.) S. McAfee to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 November 28
- Box 35
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke, wheat & flour prices, Preston trial.1821 November 30
- Box 35
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 November
- Box 35
P. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1821 December 1
- Box 35
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 December 3
- Box 35
Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1821 December 4
- Box 35
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 December 6
- Box 35
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 December 10
- Box 35
M.M. Todd to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 December 13
- Box 35
Randolph Harrison, Sr. of "Clifton" to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 December 14
- Box 35
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 December 17
- Box 35
William Bolling to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 December 17
- Box 35
George Wilson to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 December 17
- Box 35
William Jackson to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 December 19
- Box 35
A[rthur] Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 December 21
- Box 35
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1821 December 27
- Box 35
George Holeman to Cocke.1821 December 27
- Box 35
Printed Documents.1821-1827
- Box 35
Statement of Fees paid to Lawyers for B. Oliver's estate.1821-1837
- Box 35
Account-John H. Vaughn with Bowdoin Estate.1821-1827
- Box 35
John Hartwell Cocke Inventory of Livestock.1822 January 1
- Box 35
Stock valuation at plantation.1822 January 2
- Box 35
John Augustine Smith to John Hartwell Cocke - concerning Cocke's son, John, at William & Mary College.1822 January 2
- Box 35
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 January 5
- Box 35
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 January 8
- Box 35
Helen Read to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 January 17
- Box 35
James Currie to John Hartwell Cocke - Edinburgh to Bremo.1822 January 20
- Box 35
Capt. A[rthur] Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 January 21
- Box 35
C.K. Stribling to Louisa Cocke.1822 January 22
- Box 35
William Bolling to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 January 22
- Box 35
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 January 22
- Box 35
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke - re purchase of wine, ale; Cocke's loan.1822 January 24
- Box 35
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke - Bill for 1 barrel of ale.1822 January 25
- Box 35
Coleman Estes to Cocke - Nelson to Bremo.1822 January 25
- Box 35
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 January 31
- Box 35
John Neilson to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 January
- Box 35
Mrs. V. Cary to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 January
- Box 35
Extract from Tilloch's Philosophical Magazine re propulsion of canal boats - James River and Kanawha Canal Company.1822 January-February
- Box 36
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 February 1
- Box 36
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke re order of supplies.1822 February 2
- Box 36
Wilson J. Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 February 3
- Box 36
Susan Maxwell to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 February 4
- Box 36
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 February 4
- Box 36
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 February 5
- Box 36
William Bolling to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 February 7
- Box 36
Mrs. V. Cary to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 February 7
- Box 36
Hugh Nelson to John Hartwell Cocke.18[2]2? February 11
- Box 36
John C. Calhoun to Hugh Nelson re John Hartwell Cocke's son.1822 February 12
- Box 36
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke re order of supplies, prices.1822 February 16
- Box 36
Mrs. Sally Faulcon to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 February 18
- Box 36
Burwell Bassett to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 February 18
- Box 36
Helen Read to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 February 18
- Box 36
N. Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 February 19
- Box 36
John Nelson Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 February 20
- Box 36
From College of William & Mary Board to John Hartwell Cocke about John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1822 February 25
- Box 36
Thomas Hunt to John Hartwell Cocke (Contains Receipt).1822 February 25
- Box 36
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke re supplies, market for slaves.1822 February 28
- Box 36
J.C. Calhoun to James Pleasants re John Hartwell Cocke's son.1822 February 28
- Box 36
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 February 28
- Box 36
James Pleasants to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 March 1
- Box 36
General Orders from Adjutant General's Office.1822 March 1
- Box 36
George M. Payne to John Hartwell Cocke -oversize box.1822 March 2
- Box 36
Merit Moore Robinson, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke; Merit Moore Robinson to Louisiana Cocke.1822 March 3
- Box 36
Lucy F. Smith to Louisa Cocke.1822 March 4
- Box 36
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 March 7
- Box 36
Betsy W. Miller to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 March 8
- Box 36
William Mayo to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 March 9
- Box 36
Mrs. V. Cary to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 March 11
- Box 36
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 March 14
- Box 36
Cure for hydrophobia.1822 March 15
- Box 36
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 March 15
- Box 36
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 March 18
- Box 36
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 March 19
- Box 36
Helen Read to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 March 19
- Box 36
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 March 21
- Box 36
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -supplies, Cocke to succeed Williams as Maj. Gen. of 2nd Division, Virginia Militia.1822 March 21
- Box 36
T.T. Mayo to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 March 22
- Box 36
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 March 23
- Box 36
Helen M. Stribling to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 March 26
- Box 36
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 March 28
- Box 36
William H. Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.[1822?] March 28
- Box 36
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 March 29
- Box 36
Mrs. Sally Faulcon to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 April 1
- Box 36
Edmund Ruffin to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 April 2
- Box 36
John Corthrae to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 April 9
- Box 36
Merit Moore Robinson, Jr., Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 April 11
- Box 36
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 April 12
- Box 36
David Burr to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 April 13
- Box 36
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -supplies, crop prices.1822 April 18
- Box 36
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 April 18
- Box 36
John D. Wilkins to Cocke - Brunswick County to Bremo.1822 April 20
- Box 36
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 April 21
- Box 36
Helen Read to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 April 22
- Box 36
A. Brockenbrough to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 April 24
- Box 36
John Adams (contractor) to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 April 22
- Box 36
Louisiana Barraud Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 April 22
- Box 36
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 April 23
- Box 36
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 April 27
- Box 36
Major C. Yancey to John Hartwell Cocke (southern chub).1822 April 27
- Box 36
Otway B. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 April 28
- Box 36
John Adams (contractor) to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 April 29
- Box 36
C.K. Stribling to Louisa Cocke.1822 April 30
- Box 36
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 May 1
- Box 36
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -loss of tobacco shipment, supplies.1822 May 2
- Box 36
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 May 2
- Box 36
William Bolling to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 May 2
- Box 36
Peter T. Spratley to Cocke - Surry Court House to Bremo.1822 May 3
- Box 36
W.L. Fontaine to Cocke.1822 May 5
- Box 36
P. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1822 May 7
- Box 36
Fulwar Skipwith to [Gen John Hartwell Cocke?].1822 May 8
- Box 36
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -business, supplies, travel by steamer.1822 May 10
- Box 36
F. B. Deans to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 May 10
- Box 36
John J. Skinner to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture-plowing contest.1822 May 25
- Box 36
V[irginia] Cary to Mrs. Louisa Cocke - Carysbrook to Norfolk.1822 May 28
- Box 36
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 May 28
- Box 36
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 May 30
- Box 36
F. Whittle to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1822 May 30
- Box 36
D.L. Burr to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1822 June 2
- Box 36
"Assurance" Policy- John Hartwell Cocke -oversize box.1822 June 8
- Box 36
J. Patterson to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 June 10
- Box 36
Gen. Edward C. Carrington to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 June 12
- Box 36
Philip & L.A. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1822 June 14
- Box 36
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 June 19
- Box 36
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 June 15
- Box 36
Mrs. Sally Faulcon to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 June 18
- Box 36
William Galt to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 June 21
- Box 36
Ann B. Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 June 21
- Box 36
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 June 25
- Box 36
Helen Read to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 July 1
- Box 36
Mrs. Sally Faulcon to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 July 2
- Box 36
J. Faulcon to Merit Moore Robinson.1822 July 2
- Box 36
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 July 4
- Box 36
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 July 5
- Box 36
John Brockenbrough to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 July 5
- Box 36
Ferdinand S. Campbell to John Hartwell Cocke, concerning John Hartwell Cocke Jr. at William & Mary College.1822 July 6
- Box 36
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -bill, business, supplies, etc.1822 July 8
- Box 36
H.M. Stribling to Louisa Cocke.1822 July 9
- Box 36
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 July 9
- Box 36
N. Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 July 10
- Box 36
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke: business, supplies, trip to Norfolk.1822 July 11
- Box 36
P.J. Chevallie to Cocke - Richmond to Bremo.1822 July 11
- Box 36
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 July 11
- Box 36
Benjamin Peers to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 July 14
- Box 36
John G. Gamble to [Cocke].1822 July 15
- Box 36
[Colonel] George W. Camp to Cocke - Norfolk to Bremo.1822 July 17
- Box 36
Thomas P. Hunt to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 July 22
- Box 36
Louisa M. Payne to Louisa M.H. Cocke.1822 July 23
- Box 36
John N. Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke Jr. - New Hope to Bremo.1822 July 25
- Box 36
John S. Skinner to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture-cattle show.1822 July 26
- Box 36
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 July 26
- Box 36
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 July 29
- Box 36
Robert Pollard to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 July 30
- Box 37
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 August 2
- Box 37
Fulwar Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 August 3
- Box 37
Otway B. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 August 4
- Box 37
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 August 5
- Box 37
William H. Cabell to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 August 8
- Box 37
George Gray Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 August 11
- Box 37
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 August 13
- Box 37
Louisiana Barraud Cocked to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 August 16
- Box 37
Louisiana B. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 August 19
- Box 37
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -supplies, business.1822 August 25
- Box 37
John Adams (contractor) to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 August 29
- Box 37
N. Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 August 30
- Box 37
Mrs. Virginia Cary to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 August 30
- Box 37
Louisiana B. Cocke to father, John Hartwell Cocke.1822 September 1
- Box 37
Mrs. Sally Faulcon to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 September 2
- Box 37
Helen Read to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 September 3
- Box 37
William H. Cabell to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 September 5
- Box 37
St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 September 5
- Box 37
Nicholas Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 September 6
- Box 37
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 September 6
- Box 37
Benjamin E. Payne to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 September 9
- Box 37
J. Gibbons to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 September 12
- Box 37
St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 September 12
- Box 37
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke re shipment of 2 plows.1822 September 13
- Box 37
Mrs. Harrison to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 September 13
- Box 37
A[rthur] Sinclair to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 September 14
- Box 37
Mrs. Mary Harrison of "Clifton" (Mrs. Randolph Harrison Sr.) to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 September 16
- Box 37
Mrs. Mary Harrison of "Clifton" (Mrs. Randolph Harrison Sr.) to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 September 19
- Box 37
George Gray Skipwith (report from Hampden-Sydney College) to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 September 20
- Box 37
Fluvanna County Sabbath School roll book.1822 September 20
- Box 37
Susan Maxwell, Mary J. Payne to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 September 24
- Box 37
Susan Maxwell to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 September 24
- Box 37
L[ouisiana] B. Cocke to Mrs. Susan J. Harrison.1822 September 24
- Box 37
Henry E. Watkins to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 September 26
- Box 37
John Faulcon (J.H. & R.H. Faulcon, John Hartwell Cocke, N. Faulcon-exec. of John T. Bowdoin, estate).1822 September 27
- Box 37
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 September 27
- Box 37
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 September 28
- Box 37
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -supplies & prices of crops.1822 October 3
- Box 37
Mrs. Sally Faulcon to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 October 3
- Box 37
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 October 8
- Box 37
William Prince to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 October 9
- Box 37
Mark Harnsey to [Cocke] Mine Run Orange? to -------.1822 October 12
- Box 37
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 October 15
- Box 37
William F. Wickham to Cocke Richmond to ------.1822 October 18
- Box 37
John Corthrae to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 October 19
- Box 37
Bill-Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 October 21
- Box 37
N. Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 October 29
- Box 37
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 November 1
- Box 37
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 November 7
- Box 37
Fulwar Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 November 10
- Box 37
Mrs. Sally Faulcon to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 November 11
- Box 37
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 November 12
- Box 37
Helen Read to Mrs. Louisa Maxwell.1822 November 12
- Box 37
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke - supplies, crop prices.1822 November 14
- Box 37
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 November 14
- Box 37
John S. Skinner to John Hartwell Cocke - Agriculture - chair of agriculture at University of Virginia.1822 November 15
- Box 37
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1822 November 18
- Box 37
John Patterson to John Hartwell Cocke re an epidemic.1822 November 21
- Box 37
detecting adulterated wines-making cider.1822 November 21
- Box 37
James Whitelaw to Cocke - Richmond to Bremo.1822 November 25
- Box 37
H.M. Stribling to Louisa Cocke.1822 November 26
- Box 37
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 November 26
- Box 37
G.M. Quarles to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 November 26
- Box 37
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 November 27
- Box 37
J.H. Brooks to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 November 29
- Box 37
Bowdoin Estate.1822 November 30
- Box 37
Mrs. Mary Harrison of "Clifton" (Mrs. Randolph Harrison, Sr.) to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 November
- Box 37
Mrs. A. Woodson to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 November
- Box 37
Helen Read to Mrs. Louisa Maxwell.1822 December 3
- Box 37
Moncure Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 December 4
- Box 37
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 December 8
- Box 37
Louisiana B. Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 December 10
- Box 37
Cabell to St. George Tucker (from Coleman collection).1822 December 11
- Box 37
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -Madison elected Major General 2nd Division, business, crop prices.1822 December 12
- Box 37
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 December 17
- Box 37
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -business, politics-Taylor a Senator, moving of capitol.1822 December 19
- Box 37
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 December 19
- Box 37
Thornton Rogers to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 December 20
- Box 37
John Woodson to John Hartwell Cocke - Bear Garden to Bremo.1822 December 21
- Box 37
Lucy F. Smith to Louisa Cocke.1822 December 22
- Box 37
John Hartwell Cocke. Jr. to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1822 December 22
- Box 37
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Jr. - Bremo to William & Mary, Williamsburg.1822 December 23
- Box 37
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 December 26
- Box 37
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1822 December 26
- Box 37
Louisiana Cocke-exercise book.1822
- Box 37
Mrs. V. Cary to Mrs. Louisa Maxwell.1822
- Box 37
Bills, receipts & accounts.1822
- Box 37
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 January 3
- Box 37
Major Jackson's Plan for Musters.1823 January 6
- Box 37
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 January 7
- Box 37
Louisiana Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 January 13
- Box 37
Charles Fenton Mercer to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 January 13
- Box 37
Fortesque Whittle to John Hartwell Cocke - account.1823 January 15
- Box 37
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1823 January 16
- Box 37
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke - Williamsburg to Bremo.1823 January 17
- Box 37
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Jr. Richmond to William & Mary, Williamsburg.1823 January 19
- Box 37
Philip St. George to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 January 19
- Box 37
Fulwar Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 January 21
- Box 37
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke - with expense list.1823 January 26
- Box 37
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 January 31
- Box 38
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 February 2
- Box 38
Wilson J. Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 February 4
- Box 38
Mrs. Sally Faulcon to Mrs. [Louisa] Cocke.1823 February 4
- Box 38
George Anderson to John Hartwell Cocke re a slave's clothes.1823 February 7
- Box 38
John J. Smith to John Hartwell Cocke -horse breeding.1823 February 7
- Box 38
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 February 10
- Box 38
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 February 12
- Box 38
Bernard Peyton John Hartwell Cocke.1823 February 13
- Box 38
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 February 16
- Box 38
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke, Jr.1823 February 17
- Box 38
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 February 18
- Box 38
Mrs. Mary Harrison of "Clifton" (Mrs. Randolph Harrison, Sr.) to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 February 18
- Box 38
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 February 18
- Box 38
John Neilson (builder) to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 February 22
- Box 38
Letter- John Hartwell Cocke to Thomas Jefferson (?) Concerning University of Virginia.1823 February 22
- Box 38
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke (public works).1823 February 23
- Box 38
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 February 25
- Box 38
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 February 27
- Box 38
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 February 27
- Box 38
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 February 27
- Box 38
I. Kirkpatrick to Cocke.1823 March 1
- Box 38
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 March 3
- Box 38
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke, Jr.1823 March 3
- Box 38
William Woods to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 March 5
- Box 38
Bernard Peyton to [Cocke].1823 March 6
- Box 38
John S. Skinner to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture.[1823?] March 9
- Box 38
John P. Duval to John Hartwell Cocke -Board of Public Works.1823 March 9
- Box 38
Nicholas Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1823 March 11
- Box 38
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 March 12
- Box 38
William Woods to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 March 12
- Box 38
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 March 13
- Box 38
A.S. Brockenbrough to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 March 13
- Box 38
William Woods to John Hartwell Cocke -In Respect To Musters.1823 March 14
- Box 38
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 March 15
- Box 38
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 March 15?
- Box 38
Mary E. Carter to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 March 16
- Box 38
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 March 19
- Box 38
John Brockenbrough to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 March 20
- Box 38
Wilson J. Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 March 20
- Box 38
Mrs. M.E. Carter to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 March 22
- Box 38
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 March 23
- Box 38
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 March 24
- Box 38
Thomas G. Thornton, re estate of Dr. George W. Tennent, to John Hartwell Cocke - Ornsby Plain to Fluvanna C. H.1823 March 25
- Box 38
Martin Dawson to John Hartwell Cocke -balance sheets University of Virginia.1823 March 25
- Box 38
John Timberlake-Fluvanna Court Order to exempt John Hartwell Cocke from taxes on slaves.1823 March 25
- Box 38
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 March 26
- Box 38
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 March 27
- Box 38
William Prince to John Hartwell Cocke (fruit trees).1823 March 27
- Box 38
Chapman Johnson to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 March 30
- Box 38
William Woods to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 March 31
- Box 38
Advertisement re prize bulls - Agriculture.1823 March
- Box 38
Moon S. Perkins to John Hartwell Cocke - re milling flour.1823 April 1
- Box 38
William Woods to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 April 2
- Box 38
Misses Mary & Malvina Terrell to [Mrs. Louisa Cocke].1823 April 2
- Box 38
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 April 3
- Box 38
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 April 4
- Box 38
A.S. Brockenbrough to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 April 7
- Box 38
Moon S. Perkins to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 April 8
- Box 38
Joseph C. Cabell to [Mrs. Louisa Cocke].1823 April 8
- Box 38
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1823 April 10
- Box 38
A.S. Brockenbrough to John Hartwell Cocke.1823[?] April 13
- Box 38
Alex Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 April 15
- Box 38
James Heron to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 April 16
- Box 38
John Cowper to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 April 18
- Box 38
Mrs. R. Harrison to [Mrs. Louisa Cocke].1823 April 18
- Box 38
William Boatwright to John Hartwell Cocke - agriculture.1823 April 21
- Box 38
Nicholas Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1823 April 21
- Box 38
John Gibbon to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 April 21
- Box 38
Otway B. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 April 22
- Box 38
Mrs. L. [B.] Faulcon to [Mrs. Louisa Cocke].1823 April 22
- Box 38
B[ernard] Peyton to Cocke - Richmond to Bremo.1823 April 24
- Box 38
Bernard M. Carter to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 April 25
- Box 38
John Woodson to John Hartwell Cocke -real estate; tobacco prices.1823 April 26
- Box 38
Peter Minor to John Hartwell Cocke - Agriculture.1823 April 26
- Box 38
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1823 April 28
- Box 38
Edmund Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 April 30
- Box 38
Fulwar Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 April 30
- Box 38
Thornton Rogers to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 April
- Box 38
Miss Mary E. Terrell to [Mrs. Louisa Cocke].[1823] April
- Box 38
James Madison to C. Johnson-see 1828 May 1.1823 May 1
- Box 38
Major C. Woodson to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 May 3
- Box 38
John Jaquelin Ambler to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 May 3
- Box 38
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 May 5
- Box 38
D.I. Burr to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 May 5
- Box 38
Carter Page to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 May 5
- Box 38
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 May 8
- Box 38
B[ernard] Peyton to Cocke - Richmond to Bremo.1823 May 8
- Box 38
Louisa Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 May 10
- Box 38
Mrs. Virginia Cary to Mrs. [Louisa] Cocke.1823 May 13
- Box 38
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -sale of tobacco.1823 May 15
- Box 38
George Love to John Hartwell Cocke -employment as surveyor.1823 May 15
- Box 38
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 May 18
- Box 38
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 May 25
- Box 38
(Gov) James Pleasants Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 May 29
- Box 38
Edward Evans to William J. Brooke.1823 May 31
- Box 38
Edward Evans to William J. Brooke.1823 May 31
- Box 38
Account Book of Gen John Hartwell Cocke.1823 May
- Box 38
L[ouisa] C[ocke] to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 June 2
- Box 38
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1823 June 4
- Box 38
Winfield Scott to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 June 5
- Box 38
Winfield Scott to Robert L. Livingston.1823 June 5
- Box 38
Winfield Scott to General Wadsworth.1823 June 5
- Box 38
Mrs. Louisa Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 June 6
- Box 38
Mary E. Carter to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 June 7
- Box 38
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1823 June 10
- Box 38
Deed-Robert C. Mason to Gater Clarke.1823 June 12
- Box 38
Indenture-Gater Clarke to William S. Dance.1823 June 12
- Box 38
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1823 June 14
- Box 38
J.F. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 June 16
- Box 38
David L. Bates, Engineer of Erie Canal, to John Hartwell Cocke - James River and Kanawha Canal Company.1823 June 19
- Box 38
"Notes..on Erie Canal".1823 June 19
- Box 38
Gov. James P. Preston to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 June 19
- Box 38
P[hilip] S[t.] G[eorge] Cocke to [Mrs. Louisa Cocke].1823 June 21
- Box 38
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1823 June 23
- Box 38
Mrs. Louisa Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 June 25
- Box 38
Degraff Walton's Statement of Transportation costs on Erie canal; Bill of Tolls.1823 June 30
- Box 38
James Whitelaw to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 June 30
- Box 38
Mrs. Louisa Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 June 30
- Box 38
"Notes on Schuylkill Navigation & Coal".1823 June
- Box 39
Tolls on Willis River July 1 1823-July 1 1824.1823 July 1
- Box 39
William S. Archer to Judge Dorsey.1823 July 13
- Box 39
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 July 15
- Box 39
Bill-Henry Dugger to Bowdoin Estate.1823 July 21
- Box 39
Ellis & Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 July 29
- Box 39
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 July 30
- Box 39
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 July 31
- Box 39
Archibald Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 July 31
- Box 39
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 August 2
- Box 39
(Col.) Isaac A. Coles to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 August 5
- Box 39
Archibald Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 August 7
- Box 39
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 August 7
- Box 39
Bernard Peyton to Cocke.1823 August 7
- Box 39
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 August 8
- Box 39
Maj. Charles Woodson to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 August 14
- Box 39
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 August 15
- Box 39
Fulwar Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 August 16
- Box 39
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 August 18
- Box 39
Bernard Peyton to Cocke.1823 August 19
- Box 39
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 August 21
- Box 39
J. Neilson to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 August 23
- Box 39
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 August 25
- Box 39
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 August 26
- Box 39
[Mrs.] Lucy F. Smith to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1823 August 28
- Box 39
Robert Pollard to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 August 28
- Box 39
William H. Carter to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 August 30
- Box 39
Col. Miles Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 August 31
- Box 39
B[ernard] Peyton to Cocke.1823 September 4
- Box 39
E.W. Sims to John Hartwell Cocke -account with Mr. Fariss.1823 September 6
- Box 39
B[ernard] Peyton to Cocke - Richmond to Bremo.1823 September 11
- Box 39
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 September 12
- Box 39
Moncure Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 September 16
- Box 39
Edmund Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 September 18
- Box 39
W.A. Turpin to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture.1823 September 19
- Box 39
Lucy F. Smith to Louisa Cocke.1823 September 20
- Box 39
Ryland Rodes to John Hartwell Cocke -horses-purchase of stallion.1823 September 20
- Box 39
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 September 22
- Box 39
John G. Gamble to John Hartwell Cocke re hiring of Cocke's slave stonecutters.1823 September 22
- Box 39
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 September 25
- Box 39
Jonathan P. Cushing-Recommendation of Beverly Crawford.1823 September 27
- Box 39
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 September 27
- Box 39
Fulwar Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 September 28
- Box 39
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 September 28
- Box 39
[copies of 2 letters from John Hartwell Cocke (?) to Edmund Harrison(?)].1823 September 29
- Box 39 1823 October 28
- Box 39
B. Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 September 29
- Box 39
(Dr.) Andrew Kean to John Hartwell Cocke -medical treatment.1823 September
- Box 39
Carter Page to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 October 1
- Box 39
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke - Richmond to Bremo.1823 October 2
- Box 39
A.S. Brockenbrough to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 October 4
- Box 39
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 October 5
- Box 39
Edmund Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 October 5
- Box 39
Henry St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 October 8
- Box 39
Walker Timberlake to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 October 10
- Box 39
Temple Gwathmey to John Hartwell Cocke -Schools in Williamsburg.1823 October 15
- Box 39
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 October 18
- Box 39
John T. Parke to John Hartwell Cocke -account of money due Mrs. E.H. Taliaferro.1823 October 20
- Box 39
Bernard Peyton to Cocke - Richmond to Bremo.1823 October 23
- Box 39
Edmund Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 October 26
- Box 39
Francis Walker Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 October 27
- Box 39
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 October 30
- Box 39
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke, James River and Kanawha Canal Company.1823 October 30
- Box 39
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 November 7
- Box 39
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 November 8
- Box 39
Otway B. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke, Jr.1823 November 11
- Box 39
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 November 15
- Box 39
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 November 15
- Box 39
William H. Cabell to John Hartwell Cocke -sale of Cabell's land in Nelson Co.1823 November 23
- Box 39
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 November 27
- Box 39
G. Curd to Joseph C. Cabell-politics-requested to run for Congress.1823 November 28
- Box 39
Otway B. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1823 November 31
- Box 39
Copy of letter to Randolph Harrison-River Commission on subject of canals.1823 November
- Box 39
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 December 1
- Box 39
Peyton Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke, Nashville to Bremo.1823 December 2
- Box 39
Andrew Stevenson to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 December 4
- Box 39
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 December 5
- Box 39
Fanny Coalter to Ann C. (Nannie) Oliver.1823 December 6
- Box 39
(Rev.) Walker Timberlake to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 December 10
- Box 39
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1823 December 10
- Box 39
Mrs. Louisa Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 December 15
- Box 39
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1823 December 17
- Box 39
D.I. Burr to John Hartwell Cocke re purchase of a mill.1823 December 17
- Box 39
Louisiana Barraud Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1823 December 18
- Box 39
[Thomas Walker Gilmer?] to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 December 20
- Box 39
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 December 22
- Box 39
Mrs. Sally Faulcon to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1823 December 23
- Box 39
Fulwar Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 December 24
- Box 39
Louisiana Barraud Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1823 December 25
- Box 39
Louisiana Barraud Cocke to Mrs. Louisa B. Cocke.1823 December 27
- Box 39
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1823 December 30
- Box 40
Mrs. Louisa Cocke to Cary C. Cocke.1823
- Box 40
Brigade Orders.1823
- Box 40
1) Mustering Notices and Receipts for 1823 and 2) Receipts for notices.1823
- Box 40
Fork Union Meeting House-plans, bids, subscriptions.1823
- Box 40
Bills, accounts, receipts - John Hartwell Cocke.1823
- Box 40
Military, return of 3rd Brigade of Virginia- John Hartwell Cocke commanding.1823
- Box 40
Agricultural Book.1823-1824
- Box 40
Memo of Expenditures.1823-1825
- Box 40
Business Papers.1823-1828
- Box 40
Report of Committee of Board of Public Works re tolls for James River traffic.[ca. 1823]
- Box 40
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke Concerning proposed trip to Washington and more data about the James River & Kanawha Canal.1824 January 3
- Box 40
Gen. Stephen Van Rensselaer from John Hartwell Cocke.1824 January 8
- Box 40
Louisiana B. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 January 9
- Box 40
Louisiana B. Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 January 15
- Box 40
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 January 15
- Box 40
P. B. Read to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 January 18
- Box 40
Ryland Rodes to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture.1824 January 19
- Box 40
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 January 20
- Box 40
Gen. Stephen Van Rensselaer to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 January 20
- Box 40
William S. Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 January 23
- Box 40
William Weaver to John Hartwell Cocke re debts owed Cocke.1824 January 25
- Box 40
Benjamin E. Payne to Mrs. Louisa Cocke (aunt).1824 January 26
- Box 40
Mrs. Louisa Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 January 28
- Box 40
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke -reports on flood conditions and retaining walls.1824 January 31
- Box 40
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 February 9
- Box 40
Nicholas Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1824 February 10
- Box 40
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke - Bill; loan bill & canal project.1824 February 12
- Box 40
Brigade Orders.1824 February 13
- Box 40
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke - cost of canal between (Schenectady) and Albany, New York.1824 February 13
- Box 40
Tucker Coles of "Tallwood" to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 February 14
- Box 40
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 February 16
- Box 40
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke - bill, James River Canal project.1824 February 19
- Box 40
W. Wilson to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 February 20
- Box 40
St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 February 23
- Box 40
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 February 24
- Box 40
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -supplies, delay by legislature re James River Canal project.1824 February 26
- Box 40
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 February 26
- Box 40
Indentures of William S. Mary Woodson to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 February 27
- Box 40
J. Pleasants Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke (3rd Appoint. as Visitor to the University of Virginia ).1824 March 1
- Box 40
William H. Richardson (Clerk) to John Hartwell Cocke (commission to attend University of Virginia as visitor).1824 March 1
- Box 40
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -supplies-iron, millstones, tobacco.1824 March 4
- Box 40
John Coalter to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 March 4
- Box 40
James Pleasants Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 March 4
- Box 40
William H. Cabell to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 March 5
- Box 40
Thomas A. Emmet to Thomas Jefferson.1824 March 8
- Box 40
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 March 8
- Box 40
Louisa M. Payne to Louisa M.H. Cocke.[1824] March 8
- Box 40
Nicholas Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1824 March 9
- Box 40
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke - supplies; subscription to seminary at Hampden - Sydney.1824 March 11
- Box 40
(Rev.) Walker Timberlake to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 March 11
- Box 40
Charles L. Mosley to John Hartwell Cocke re accident to his father, etc.1824 March 18
- Box 40
J. Brown to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 March 20
- Box 40
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 March 20
- Box 40
Samuel Campbell to Cocke.1824 March 24 (?)
- Box 40
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke - books.1824 March 25
- Box 40
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke -plans to take charge of Chesapeake Canal.1824 March 25
- Box 40
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 March 25
- Box 40
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 March 26
- Box 40
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 March 29
- Box 40
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 March 30
- Box 40
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 March 31
- Box 40
William Munford to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 April 1
- Box 40
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. to Brother Philip St. George Cocke - part in French.1824 April 2
- Box 40
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke concerning letter written by Gov. Pleasants to General Stephen Van Rensselaer of planned survey of James & Jackson Rivers.1824 April 6
- Box 40
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 April 8
- Box 40
William Cabell Rives to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 April 14
- Box 40
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke re unwillingness on part of Board of Directors of Canal.1824 April 15
- Box 40
John N. Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1824 April 19
- Box 40
William Cabell Rives to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 April 20
- Box 40
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 April 24
- Box 40
Henry B. Montague to John Hartwell Cocke -tracts, etc.1824 April 26
- Box 40
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 April 27
- Box 40
Francis Walker Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 April 30
- Box 40
Mary Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 May 4
- Box 40
Louisiana B. Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 May 6
- Box 40
Mrs. S. Harrison to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 May 7
- Box 40
Wade Mosby, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke -horse breeding.1824 May 10
- Box 40
(Miss) Isabella Wydown to John Hartwell Cocke -teacher's position.1824 May 11
- Box 40
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 May 13
- Box 40
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 May 13
- Box 40
W.H. Purington to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture.1824 May 16
- Box 40
Mrs. Louisa Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 May 17
- Box 40
Gen. J.H. & Miss Louisiana Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 May 18
- Box 40
A.S. Brockenbrough to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 May 22
- Box 40
Benjamin E. Payne. to John Hartwell Cocke re catechisms Cocke wanted.1824 May 24
- Box 40
Mrs. Louisa Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 May 24
- Box 40
John Augustine Smith to John Hartwell Cocke re John Hartwell Cocke Jr. at William & Mary College.1824 May 26
- Box 40
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 May 27
- Box 40
(Rev) Walker Timberlake.1824 May 31
- Box 40
Louisa Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 May
- Box 40
William Jackson to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 Spring
- Box 41
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -tobacco.1824 June 3
- Box 41
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 June 3
- Box 41
B[ernard] Peyton to Cocke - Richmond to Bremo.1824 June 4
- Box 41
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke - pertaining to work on canal, etc.1824 June 5
- Box 41
Mrs. Lucy F. Smith to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 June 9
- Box 41
Articles of Agreement.1824 June 9
- Box 41
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke - supplies, purchase of testaments, tobacco.1824 June 10
- Box 41
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 June 11
- Box 41
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 June 11
- Box 41
Mrs. Sally Faulcon to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 June 13
- Box 41
William Anderson to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 June 14
- Box 41
John Augustine Smith to John Hartwell Cocke re John Hartwell Cocke Jr. at William & Mary College.1824 June 14
- Box 41
John Moody to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture-milling.1824 June 15
- Box 41
Fulwar Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 June 18
- Box 41
Isabella Wydown to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 June 19
- Box 41
Mrs. Hannah Rudd to John Hartwell Cocke -schools-proposed female academy at Orange.1824 June 23
- Box 41
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -millstones,testaments, tobacco prospects.1824 June 24
- Box 41
Wade Mosby, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke, Jr.-horses.1824 June 24
- Box 41
Andrew Stevenson to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 June 24
- Box 41
Mrs. Hannah Rudd to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 June 26
- Box 41
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 June 26
- Box 41
William Shepard to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture.1824 June 28
- Box 41
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 June 29
- Box 41
Bernard Peyton to Cocke - Richmond to Bremo.1824 July 1
- Box 41
John Hartwell Cocke to DeWitt Clinton.1824 July 2
- Box 41
John Hartwell Cocke to DeWitt Clinton.1824 July 2
- Box 41
Rev. James Marsh to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 July 2
- Box 41
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 July 2
- Box 41
B[ernard] Peyton to Cocke - Richmond to Bremo.1824 July 7
- Box 41
(Dr.) Carter H. Bradley to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 July 9
- Box 41
(Gen.) J. Swift to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture.1824 July 10
- Box 41
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 July 10
- Box 41
B[ernard] Peyton to Cocke - Richmond to Bremo.1824 July 10
- Box 41
H.E. Watkins to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture.1824 July 12
- Box 41
Letter- John Hartwell Cocke to the Governor & Council of State - Miscellaneous writings (letters) of John Hartwell Cocke.1824 July 12
- Box 41
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 July 12
- Box 41
Rev. Marsh to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 July 12
- Box 41
John Caskie to D. Bradfute.1824 July 12
- Box 41
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 July 12
- Box 41
William Morgan to D. Bradfute.1824 July 12
- Box 41
Otway B. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 July 14
- Box 41
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke - concerning election of new Board of Directors for canal.1824 July 14
- Box 41
Mrs. Louisa Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 July 16
- Box 41
Wade Mosby Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke -Horse Racing.1824 July 16
- Box 41
John Hartwell Cocke to daughter Louisiana - Bremo to Clifton.1824 July 16
- Box 41
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 July 17
- Box 41
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke, enclosure (Thomas Carsley to Faulcon) - Agriculture overseers position.1824 July 20
- Box 41
(Gov.) DeWitt Clinton to John Hartwell Cocke - expense of canals.1824 July 21
- Box 41
William Fowler to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture.1824 July 24
- Box 41
Phil R. Thompson to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 July 29
- Box 41
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 July 31
- Box 41
George Love to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture.1824 July 31
- Box 41
A Prayer for the 1st Monthly Prayer Meeting.1824 July
- Box 41
Mrs. Sally Faulcon to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 August 2
- Box 41
John Tandy to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture.1824 August 3
- Box 41
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 August 3
- Box 41
Temple Gwathmey to John Hartwell Cocke -legal matters: re sale of Nicholas (Lands); see also Sept. 24.1824 August 4
- Box 41
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 August 5
- Box 41
Charles Ellis to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 August 5
- Box 41
Col. Miles Cary to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 August 8
- Box 41
Joseph C. Cabell to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 August 9
- Box 41
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 August 9
- Box 41
David Thomas to John Hartwell Cocke -introducing Horatio Hanks (artist).1824 August 10
- Box 41
John H. Rice to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 August 11
- Box 41
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 August 13
- Box 41
Henry St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 August 17
- Box 41
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke - pertaining to James River & Kanawha Canal.1824 August 17
- Box 41
Bernard Peyton to Cocke.1824 August 19
- Box 41
(Rev.) Walker Timberlake to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 August 19
- Box 41
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 August 19
- Box 41
Fulwar Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 August 20
- Box 41
Charles Mercer to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 August 25
- Box 41
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 August 27
- Box 41
Gen. J. Swift to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 August 30
- Box 41
Bill-Bowdoin Estate.1824 August 31
- Box 41
Gen. Stephen Van Rensselaer to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 September 5
- Box 41
Sally Faulcon to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 September 6
- Box 41
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 September 6
- Box 41
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1824 September 8
- Box 41
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 September 8
- Box 41
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 September 8
- Box 41
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -supplies, etc.1824 September 9
- Box 41
Merit Moore Robinson to Louisiana B. Cocke.1824 September 9
- Box 41
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 September 9
- Box 41
William Short to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 September 12
- Box 41
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 September 13
- Box 41
David R. Patterson to John Hartwell Cocke - Agriculture.1824 September 13
- Box 41
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke re shipment of supplies.1824 September 13
- Box 41
Asbury Crenshaw to John Hartwell Cocke - Legal matters: re. Thomas Jefferson legal contract with Rivanna Navigation Company.1824 September 14
- Box 41
Memo-freight rates, Middleton Mills, New Canton.1824 September 15
- Box 41
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 September 17
- Box 41
(Dr.) Carter H. Bradley to John Hartwell Cocke -medicine-smallpox vaccine.1824 September 22
- Box 41
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1824 September 23
- Box 41
Charles Mercer to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 September 23
- Box 41
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 September 23
- Box 41
Temple Gwathmey to John Hartwell Cocke -legal matters: re sale of Nicholas lands.1824 September 23
- Box 41
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke -concerning sickness among workers on Delaware Canal.1824 September 23
- Box 41
Robert G. Scott to John Hartwell Cocke -Lafayette's visit.1824 September 26
- Box 41
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 September 26
- Box 41
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 September 27
- Box 41
William Galt (merchant) to John Hartwell Cocke - Re Ministry of Rev. Brooks & a home for him.1824 September 30
- Box 41
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke - Cocke urged to participate in militia review for Lafayette's visit.1824 September 30
- Box 41
B[ernard] Peyton to Cocke.[1824?] September 30
- Box 41
Notes on Coal Trade.1824 September
- Box 42
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 October 1
- Box 42
Thomas Carsley to John Hartwell Cocke - Agriculture - overseers position.1824 October 1
- Box 42
William J. Armstrong to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 October 2
- Box 42
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 October 3
- Box 42
Chapman Johnson to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 October 3
- Box 42
Robert G. Scott to John Hartwell Cocke -Lafayette's visit, etc.1824 October 7
- Box 42
[Bernard] Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 October 7
- Box 42
J. Brown, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 October 9
- Box 42
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke 1) Celebrations in honor of Lafayette.1824 October 10
- Box 42
Otway B. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 October 10
- Box 42
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke, Jr.1824 October 12
- Box 42
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke -proposed trip to see John Hartwell Cocke.1824 October 23
- Box 42
Gen. Claudius Crozet to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 October 24
- Box 42
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1824 October 27
- Box 42
B. Crawford to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 October 28
- Box 42
Col. Allan McLane to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 October 30
- Box 42
Louisiana B. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 November 1
- Box 42
John P. Wilson to John Hartwell Cocke - Lafayette's visit - en route to Monticello, wheat orders & reading matter.1824 November 1
- Box 42
John Augustine Smith to John Hartwell Cocke -concerning John Hartwell Cocke Jr. at William & Mary College.1824 November 1
- Box 42
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke re: Lafayette's visit.1824 November 2
- Box 42
Bill-Thomas H. Drew to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 November 3
- Box 42
T.H. Drew to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture.1824 November 4
- Box 42
Louisiana B. Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 November 7
- Box 42
John Hartwell Cocke to Louisiana Cocke-Lafayette & Jefferson.1824 November 8
- Box 42
John S. Skinner to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture.1824 November 11
- Box 42
James W. Gibbon to John Hartwell Cocke re painting of Cocke's horse.1824 November 12
- Box 42
Mrs. S. Harrison to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 November 12
- Box 42
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 November 15
- Box 42
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 November 20
- Box 42
Mr. Woolidge to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 December 4
- Box 42
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 December 5
- Box 42
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 December 7
- Box 42
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke -changes to be made concerning James River & Jackson Canal.1824 December 7
- Box 42
William Prince to John Hartwell Cocke (fruit trees).1824 December 7
- Box 42
Louisa [Holmes] Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke - Bremo to Richmond.1824 December 7
- Box 42
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke - Price of work that has been executed on New York Western Canal.1824 December 7
- Box 42
Louisiana B. Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 December 7
- Box 42
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 December 9
- Box 42
Mrs. Louisa Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 December 13
- Box 42
Nicholas Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1824 December 14
- Box 42
Mrs. Louisa Cocke to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1824 December 15
- Box 42
Henry St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 December 15
- Box 42
(Gov.) DeWitt Clinton to John Hartwell Cocke - Acknowledge letter of congratulation.1824 December 16
- Box 42
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 December 16
- Box 42
Mrs. Louisa Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 December 18
- Box 42
Major Jackson to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 December 18
- Box 42
Otway B. Barraud to Cocke.1824 December 19
- Box 42
William Short to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 December 23
- Box 42
John Neilson to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 December 23
- Box 42
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke -pertaining to report of Capt. Corset.1824 December 23
- Box 42
James Marsh to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 December 24
- Box 42
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 December 25
- Box 42
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 December 28
- Box 42
Louisiana B. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 December 29
- Box 42
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke 1)Gilmer on his way to Monticello.1824 December 30
- Box 42
Benjamin E. Payne to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1824 December 31
- Box 42
Susan Maxwell to Aunt [Louisa H. Cocke].1824 [?] 13
- Box 42
Bills, Receipts & Accounts.1824
- Box 42
Blacksmith's Shop Accounts.1824
- Box 42
"Prices agreed upon at The Blue Ridge by Col. Anderson & the undertakers".1824
- Box 42
Statements of the proposed loan.1824
- Box 42
Bill-J. Howard March & Co. to John Hartwell Cocke -bill for Madeira Wine.1824
- Box 42
Plan of Tobacco Prize 1824 by E.S. Gay ca.1824
- Box 42
Papers relating to suit of James Gray vs. Wilson C. Nicholas1824
- Box 42
Receipts (arranged).1824-1827
- Box 42
Fulwar Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 January 1
- Box 42
Thomas Seton Randolph to John Hartwell Cocke re horse sale.1825 January 2
- Box 42
John G. Gamble to John Hartwell Cocke slavery-re hiring slave stone masons on canal.1825 January 5
- Box 42
John Carthroe to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 January 5
- Box 42
Carter Page to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 January 5
- Box 42
Cary Charles Cocke to [Mrs. John Hartwell Cocke].1825 January 6
- Box 42
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 January 6
- Box 42
Wilson Shores to John Hartwell Cocke - re debt owed Cocke.1825 January 8
- Box 42
Ann B. Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 January 8
- Box 42
Mrs. Nicholas Faulcon Jr. to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 January 10
- Box 42
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 January 10
- Box 42
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -contribution to American Colonization Society.1825 January 13
- Box 42
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 January 13
- Box 42
John G. Gamble to John Hartwell Cocke -slavery re hiring of slave stone masons on canal project.1825 January 13
- Box 42
William Howard to John Hartwell Cocke re bond for purchase of a slave.1825 January 16
- Box 42
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 January 16
- Box 42
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 January 17
- Box 42
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 January 20
- Box 42
Cary Charles Cocke to [Mrs. Louisa Cocke].1825 January 20
- Box 42
Daniel Chester to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 January 23
- Box 42
DeWitt Clinton to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 January 23
- Box 42
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1825 January 24
- Box 42
William Howard to John Hartwell Cocke -Lafayette's visit, turkeys for Lafayettes.1825 January 27
- Box 42
J. King to Mr. Johnston.1825 January 27
- Box 42
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke re transporting cannon from New Canton to Rich.; wheat market (see also January 13, 1825).1825 January 27
- Box 42
Mrs. Louisa Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 January 30
- Box 42
David Garland to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 January 31
- Box 42
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 January 31
- Box 42
Cary Charles Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 January
- Box 42
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 February 3
- Box 42
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 February 3
- Box 42
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1825 February 3
- Box 42
B. Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 February 4
- Box 42
Mrs. Sarah Wilson to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 February 4
- Box 42
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 February 8
- Box 42
Mrs. James Maxwell to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 February 8
- Box 42
Oswald Gibson to John Hartwell Cocke -Lafayette's Visit, re turkeys for Lafayettes 1825 February 8 Francis G. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke 1825 February 11 Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke re account.1825 February 8
- Box 42
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke - concerning Claudius Crozet report & gentlemen commissioners.1825 February 11
- Box 42
Jeremiah Day to Hon. Isaac C. Bates-teachers-Luther Wright of Yale.1825 February 12
- Box 42
Brigade Orders.1825 February 15
- Box 42
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 February 15
- Box 42
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke - James River project; wheat prices.1825 February 17
- Box 42
A. Rean to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 February 19
- Box 42
John Hartwell Cocke Sr. to John Hartwell Cocke Jr.1825 February 21
- Box 42
Indenture of Joseph Cabell.1825 February 21
- Box 42
Louisiana B. Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 February 22
- Box 42
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 February 23
- Box 42
Overton B. Pettit to John Hartwell Cocke -slavery re hiring of a slave.1825 February 23
- Box 42
William C. Rives to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 February 25
- Box 42
John Hartwell Cocke to DeWitt Clinton.1825 February 26
- Box 42
William Howard to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 February 27
- Box 42
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 February 27
- Box 42
Carter H. Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 February 28
- Box 42
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 February 28
- Box 43
(Rev) Walker Timberlake to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 March 1
- Box 43
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke supplies, crop prices.1825 March 3
- Box 43
Mrs. G.H. Rice to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 March 4
- Box 43
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 March 5
- Box 43
B. Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 March 6
- Box 43
Malvina T. Terrill to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 March 7
- Box 43
Deed to Charlottesville Land (R. Battles to John Hartwell Cocke ).1825 March 8
- Box 43
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke 1)Consideration of Judge Barbour as professor of law.1825 March 10
- Box 43
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke --supplies, crop prices.1825 March 10
- Box 43
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 March 11
- Box 43
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 March 11
- Box 43
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 March 13
- Box 43
Mrs. Anna Maria Woodford to John Hartwell Cocke 1) Inquiry about position of hotel-keeper.1825 March 13
- Box 43
Susan Maxwell to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 March 15
- Box 43
John Staples (river commissioner) to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 March 16
- Box 43
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 March 18
- Box 43
Philip Slaughter to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 March 20
- Box 43
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 March 20
- Box 43
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke, Jr.1825 March 21
- Box 43
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 March 24
- Box 43
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 March 24
- Box 43
Charles Fenton Mercer to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 March 25
- Box 43
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke -Railroads more costly than canals.1825 March 27
- Box 43
James Barbour to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 March 27
- Box 43
Copy of a letter of Introduction to Mr. Calhoun.1825 March
- Box 43
Ira J. Tichenor to John Hartwell Cocke re carriage repairs.1825 April 2
- Box 43
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 April 3
- Box 43
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 April 5
- Box 43
John Hartwell Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke , Jr.1825 April 5
- Box 43
J. Brown to John Hartwell Cocke - James River and Kanawha Canal Company.1825 April 6
- Box 43
Francis Bowman to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 April 6
- Box 43
Miss Mary E. Terrell to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 April 6
- Box 43
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -supplies.1825 April 7
- Box 43
A.S. Brockenbrough to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 April 7
- Box 43
James M. Garnett to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 April 7
- Box 43
Malvina Terrell to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 April 8
- Box 43
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 April 8
- Box 43
George Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 April 11
- Box 43
Louisiana B. Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 April 12
- Box 43
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -John Cocke's finances, crop prices.1825 April 12
- Box 43
Malvina Terrell to Mrs. Malvina Terrell to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 April 12
- Box 43
John Neilson to John Hartwell Cocke - University of Virginia. buildings; Charlottesville real estate.1825 April 12
- Box 43
Mrs. Sally Faulcon to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 April 13
- Box 43
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke 1) Number of students at the University of Virginia.1825 April 13
- Box 43
A.S. Brockenbrough to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 April 15
- Box 43
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 April 15
- Box 43
Thomas Carsley to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture-overseer's reports.1825 April 16
- Box 43
L.B. Cocke to [ John Hartwell Cocke].1825 April 18
- Box 43
Nicholas Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1825 April 19
- Box 43
Oswald Gibson to John Hartwell Cocke -Lafayette's visit, wild turkeys.1825 April 21
- Box 43
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 April 22
- Box 43
Mrs. James Maxwell to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 April 26
- Box 43
Fulwar Skipwith to the Secretary of State (duplicate).1825 April 27
- Box 43
Mrs. Anne S. Rice to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 April 30
- Box 43
Payne, Treasury of Colonization Society in Fluvanna Company -receipt to Cocke for $10 entitling life membership.1825 April
- Box 43
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 May 1
- Box 43
Fulwar Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 May 1
- Box 43
Nicholas Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1825 May 3
- Box 43
Miss Augusta Ellen Granbery to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 May 3
- Box 43
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 May 3
- Box 43
Louisiana B. Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 May 3
- Box 43
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 May 6
- Box 43
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -tobacco marketing, crop prices.1825 May 7
- Box 43
Henry L. Guthrie to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture-timber.1825 May 9
- Box 43
Grief G. Perkins to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 May 11
- Box 43
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -tobacco sale.1825 May 12
- Box 43
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 May 12
- Box 43
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -tobacco sale.1825 May 13
- Box 43
Fulwar Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 May 21
- Box 43
Joseph Saul [?] to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 May 21
- Box 43
Bill-Bernard Peyton John Hartwell Cocke.1825 May 26
- Box 43
Francis Walker Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 May 30
- Box 43
Benjamin E. Payne to Mrs. [aunt] Louisa Cocke.1825 June 1
- Box 43
Benjamin Kidd to John Hartwell Cocke schools-Pestalozzi method.1825 June 2
- Box 43
Nicholas Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1825 June 7
- Box 43
John Hartwell Cocke to James Barbour.1825 June 7
- Box 43
Mrs. Sally Faulcon to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 June 8
- Box 43
George M. Payne to John Hartwell Cocke re books containing colonial charter, constitution.1825 June 8
- Box 43
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke -proposed Delaware & Hudson Canal.1825 June 10
- Box 43
H.B. Montague to John Hartwell Cocke -American Colonization Society.1825 June 10
- Box 43
A. and T.B. Crenshaw to John Hartwell Cocke - agriculture-wheat & milling.1825 June 11
- Box 43
Thomas Mann Randolph of "Tuckahoe" to John Hartwell Cocke re May wheat for seed.1825 June 12
- Box 43
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 June 13
- Box 43
A & T.B. Crenshaw to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 June 14
- Box 43
H. D. Gilpin to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 June 16
- Box 43
William Short to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 June 17
- Box 43
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 June 17
- Box 43
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke 1) American Colonization Society 2) Chancellor Kent of New York rumored as Law professorship appointee 3) Willingness of Judge Green to accept Law professorship.1825 June 18
- Box 43
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 June 20
- Box 43
B. Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 June 20
- Box 43
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 June 23
- Box 43
George G. Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 June 24
- Box 43
Richard Sampson to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture.1825 June 26
- Box 43
John Allan to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 June 29
- Box 43
Edmund F. Wickham to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture.1825 June 29
- Box 43
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 June 30
- Box 43
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 June 30
- Box 44
Thomas Mann Randolph to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 July 1
- Box 44
Nicholas Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1825 July 4
- Box 44
Benjamin E. Payne to John Hartwell Cocke -setting up business with Cocke.1825 July 6
- Box 44
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke re various business accounts; wheat prices.1825 July 7
- Box 44
Joseph Watkins to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 July 8
- Box 44
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 July 8
- Box 44
Richard Sampson to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 July 8
- Box 44
Mamakating Contracts.1825 July 11
- Box 44
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 July 14
- Box 44
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke re various business accounts-sale of wheat.1825 July 14
- Box 44
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 July 12
- Box 44
Edmund Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 July 15
- Box 44
Charles C. Cocke to [Mrs. John Hartwell Cocke].1825 July 15
- Box 44
Joseph Watkins to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 July 17
- Box 44
[Unsent copy of letter from John Hartwell Cocke to Edmund Harrison].1825 July 17
- Box 44
[Rev] Walker Timberlake to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 July 18
- Box 44
Alexander Garrett- John Hartwell Cocke appointed judge at agricultural fair.1825 July 18
- Box 44
John H. Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 July 18
- Box 44
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke: sale of wheat; crop prices.1825 July 18
- Box 44
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 July 19
- Box 44
Richard Sampson to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 July 20
- Box 44
J. Brown Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 July 20
- Box 44
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -wheat sales.1825 July 20
- Box 44
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -wheat market; supplies.1825 July 22
- Box 44
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke 1) difficulty in appointing law professor 2) Jefferson's declining health 3) agricultural exhibit.1825 July 23
- Box 44
Miss Mary E. Terrell to Louisa Cocke.1825 July 23
- Box 44
Thomas Jefferson Randolph to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 July 23
- Box 44
Fluvanna County Remonstrance re appointment of justices.1825 July 25
- Box 44
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke -asking John Hartwell Cocke to come to Rome, New York to view New York Canal.1825 July 26
- Box 44
R.R. Gurley to John Hartwell Cocke -American Colonization Society-subscriptions.1825 July 26
- Box 44
Mrs. Sarah Wilson to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 July 27
- Box 44
Robert Douthat to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture.1825 July 28
- Box 44
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -confidential comment on business acquaintance.1825 July 28
- Box 44
A. & T.B. Crenshaw to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 July 29
- Box 44
John Hartwell Cocke to DeWitt Clinton.1825 July 30
- Box 44
John Hartwell Cocke to DeWitt Clinton.1825 July 30
- Box 44
Fulwar Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 July 31
- Box 44
George G. Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 1
- Box 44
Thomas R. Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 1
- Box 44
William Short to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 3
- Box 44
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -bill; wheat market.1825 August 4
- Box 44
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 5
- Box 44
(Col.) S.B. Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 9
- Box 44
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 9
- Box 44
William Bolling to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 10
- Box 44
Benjamin Toler to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture.1825 August 12
- Box 44
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 13
- Box 44
Mrs. Virginia Cary to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 August 13
- Box 44
Charles H. Graves to John Hartwell Cocke -request for loan.1825 August 13
- Box 44
E.B. Kennon to Cocke.1825 August 14
- Box 44
Merit Moore Robinson Jr., Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 14
- Box 44
John Hartwell Cocke, Sr. to C. Charles Cocke.1825 August 1[5?]
- Box 44
Andrew Duncan-contract between J. Cabell & Andrew Duncan.1825 August 15
- Box 44
Mrs. H.M. Stribling to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 August 16
- Box 44
Letter- John Hartwell Cocke to Mr. Garnett.1825 August 16
- Box 44
Mrs. Virginia Cary to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 August 17
- Box 44
P.N. Nicholas to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 17
- Box 44
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -John C's account; carriage shipped.1825 August 18
- Box 44
John Hartwell Cocke, Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 19
- Box 44
Archibald Blair to John Hartwell Cocke -agriculture.1825 August 20
- Box 44
Copy of letter from General Lafayette to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 21
- Box 44
P. St.G. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke (Lafayette's Reception at the University of Virginia).1825 August 21
- Box 44
Mrs. James Maxwell to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 August 25
- Box 44
Otway B. Barraud to Cocke.1825 August 25
- Box 44
Kingston Abstracts of Contracts.1825 August 25
- Box 44
Robert Johnston & Son to John Hartwell Cocke re obtaining jail locks.1825 August 25
- Box 44
Copy of letter from John Hartwell Cocke to General Lafayette.1825 August 27
- Box 44
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 28
- Box 44
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 29
- Box 44
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 29
- Box 44
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 29
- Box 44
Charles Fenton Mercer to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 29
- Box 44
James Garnett to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 30
- Box 44
(Col.) Isaac A. Coles to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 30
- Box 44
J.K. Horsburgh (for Edmund Huffin) to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 31
- Box 44
G.G. Skipwith to [ John Hartwell Cocke].1825 August 31
- Box 44
William W. Hening to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 August 31
- Box 44
R. Smith to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 September 1
- Box 44
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -turkeys for Lafayette; wheat sales.1825 September 1
- Box 44
Mrs. Margaret R. Cabell to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 September 2
- Box 44
Memo about lot at Fork Union.1825 September 3
- Box 44
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 September 3
- Box 44
(Col.) S.B. Archer to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 September 7
- Box 44
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -tobacco price; shipping turkeys for Lafayette.1825 September 8
- Box 44
Otway B. Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 September 8
- Box 44
Mrs. Virginia Cary to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 September 13
- Box 44
Charles F. Mercer to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 September 16
- Box 44
Dudley Montague to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 September 17
- Box 44
Miss Mary E. Terrell to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 September 21
- Box 44
Ann Blaws Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 September 25
- Box 44
Contract between Hudson & Delaware Canal Co., and E. Balburn, etc.1825 September 26
- Box 45
Mrs. Sally Faulcon to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 October 1
- Box 45
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke -bill; tobacco, wheat.1825 October 1
- Box 45
Ann B. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 1
- Box 45
(Rev) Walker Timberlake to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 2
- Box 45
Mr. Cary Charles Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 October 2
- Box 45
Nicholas Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 2
- Box 45
Robert Johnston & Son to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 7
- Box 45
Ann B. Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 October 8
- Box 45
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 9
- Box 45
William Bolling to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 9
- Box 45
William Galt (merchant) to John Hartwell Cocke re shipment to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 10
- Box 45
Nicholas Faulcon to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 11
- Box 45
William Galt to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 11
- Box 45
William Galt to Gen. John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 12
- Box 45
George G. Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 12
- Box 45
Philip St. George Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke -mentions vaguely the student riots, societies of Patrick Henry and Jefferson.1825 October 12
- Box 45
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke re shipment of supplies, commotions at the University of Virginia.1825 October 13
- Box 45
A.S. Brockenbrough-commending a hotel keeper.1825 October 13
- Box 45
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 13
- Box 45
Ann B. Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 15
- Box 45
William Prince & [Benjamin?] Prince to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 15
- Box 45
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 16
- Box 45
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 20
- Box 45
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 22
- Box 45
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 25
- Box 45
Robert L. Jones to John Hartwell Cocke re making a clock for Cocke.1825 October 26
- Box 45
Fulwar Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 28
- Box 45
Robert L. Jones to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 28
- Box 45
Ann B. Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 October 29
- Box 45
Francis Walker Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 October 29
- Box 45
Mrs. Sally Faulcon to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 November 1
- Box 45
Cary Charles Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 November 2
- Box 45
Robert L. Jones to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 November 2
- Box 45
A. Baber to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 November 2
- Box 45
(Rev) Walker Timberlake to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 November 2
- Box 45
Mrs. Virginia Cary to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 November 6
- Box 45
John Hartwell Cocke Jr. to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 November 6
- Box 45
Edmund Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 November 7
- Box 45
Moncure Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 November 8
- Box 45
Ann Blaws Cocke to Sally Faulcon Cocke.1825 November 13
- Box 45
Ann B. Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 November 13
- Box 45
Fulwar Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 November 15
- Box 45
Mrs. Carter Gray to James Madison.[1825-30 ?] November 15
- Box 45
William Flanagan to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 November 18
- Box 45
Fulwar Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 November 19
- Box 45
Mrs. Virginia Cary to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 November 24
- Box 45
G.C. Skipwith, Philip St. G. Cocke to Gen John Hartwell Cocke.1825 November 24
- Box 45
Ann B. (Cocke) Cabell to John Hartwell Cocke.1824 November 26
- Box 45
Cary Charles Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 November 29
- Box 45
William Flanagan to John Hartwell Cocke -real estate.1825 November 29
- Box 45
William Morgan to M. Bradfute.1825 December 2
- Box 45
William Rice to John Hartwell Cocke -horses.1825 December 5
- Box 45
D. Bradfute -reply to request for estimate of amount of flour shipped.1825 December 10
- Box 45
John Garth- amount of flour shipped.1825 December 10
- Box 45
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 December 18
- Box 45
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke - bill; shipping: Randolph Harrison.1825 December 16
- Box 45
Major Jackson 's scheme for regimental masters [to John Hartwell Cocke].1825 December 18
- Box 45
Bernard Peyton (per Rawleigh B. Green).1825 December 20
- Box 45
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 December 22
- Box 45
List of Bonds in the hands of J. Winn for John Hartwell Cocke.1825 December 25
- Box 45
Gen. Francis Preston to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 December 26
- Box 45
Ann B. Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 December 26
- Box 45
John Gray to [John Hartwell Cocke].1825 December 30
- Box 45
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke.1825 December 31
- Box 45
Testimony on use of playing cards at the University of Virginia (John Gray).[ca. 1825 December]
- Box 45
Memos from J. Patterson.1825 December
- Box 45
Mrs. Virginia Cary to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1825 December
- Box 45
Accounts-Peter Ragsdale with Estate of John T. Bowdoin-bills, summons & judgement against Ragsdale.1825
- Box 45
Bills-Robert Johnson & Sons to John Hartwell Cocke.1825
- Box 45
William Champion to Gen. Stephen Van Rensselaer (Durham short-horn bull).1825
- Box 45
Bills, receipts & accounts.1825
- Box 45
The Loudoun Address on Calling a Convention.1825
- Box 45
Recommendation to the Magistrates.1825-26
- Box 45
records concerning slaves (1826 July 3 in oversize Cocke Box).1825,-26,-27
- Box 45
List of bonds accepted and money delivered and paid over to John Hartwell Cocke by John Minor.1825,-26,-27
- Box 45
Accounts-John Winn to John Cocke.1825-1827
- Box 45
Vouchers for the Bowdoin Estate.1825-27
- Box 45
(Col.) Isaac A. Coles to Charles A. Scott.1825 August-1828 May 5
- Box 45
Business Receipts, etc.1825-44
- Box 46
Inventories of Plantations of John T. Bowdoin (Meherin, Roses Creek, Arthur's Creek, Pee Hill) at request of Mr. Faulcon.1826 January 1
- Box 46
W. Flanagan to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 January 1
- Box 46
William N. Page to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 January 2
- Box 46
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1826 January 4
- Box 46
John Winn to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 January 4
- Box 46
Joseph S. Watkins to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 January 5
- Box 46
John Rutherfoord to John Hartwell Cocke -Teachers re John Singleton, student.1826 January 7
- Box 46
Ann. B. Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1826 January 8
- Box 46
William Robard to William Murray re Cocke's claim against Skipwith state.1826 January 8
- Box 46
William Skipwith to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 January 8
- Box 46
Louisa [Holmes] Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 January 10
- Box 46
Simeon B. Chapman to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 January 11
- Box 46
St. George Tucker to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 January 12
- Box 46
William Murray to John Hartwell Cocke re Cocke's claim against George N. Skipwith estate.1826 January 13
- Box 46
Peachy R. Gilmer to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 January 14
- Box 46
Ann. B. (Cocke) to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 January 16
- Box 46
Dr. Philip Barraud to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 January 16
- Box 46
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1826 January 17
- Box 46
Louisa [Holmes] Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke (Note by Sally F. Cocke).1826 January 17
- Box 46
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1826 January 18
- Box 46
John Hartwell Cocke to Cary Charles Cocke.1826 January 23
- Box 46
William Cabell Rives to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 January 23
- Box 46
Ann B. (Cocke) to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 January 27
- Box 46
James Hunter to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 January 30
- Box 46
W. Flanagan to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 January 31
- Box 46
Brigade Orders.1826 February 1
- Box 46
Robert S. Jones to John Hartwell Cocke (clock from Monticello).1826 February 2
- Box 46
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 February 3
- Box 46
James Garnett to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 February 7
- Box 46
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 February 7
- Box 46
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 February 7
- Box 46
General Robert B. Taylor to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 February 8
- Box 46
Mrs. Louisa Cocke to Cary Charles Cocke.1826 February 9
- Box 46
Robert Bolling to John Hartwell Cocke re horse breeding.1826 February 10
- Box 46
Frank Carr to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 February 13
- Box 46
F.B. Deane to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 February 14
- Box 46
Mrs. Sally Faulcon to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1826 February 14
- Box 46
Miss Mary E. Terrell to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1826 February 15
- Box 46
William Short to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 February 17
- Box 46
Mrs. Sukey [J] Harrison to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1826 February 18
- Box 46
Martha W. Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 February 19
- Box 46
Benjamin Wright to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 February 19
- Box 46
Edward W. Sims to John Hartwell Cocke -order of bran.1826 February 20
- Box 46
Bernard Peyton to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 February 20
- Box 46
John Hartwell Cocke to Cary Charles Cocke.1826 February 20
- Box 46
Alexander Garrett to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 February 21
- Box 46
W. Flanagan to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 February 22
- Box 46
Letter- John Hartwell Cocke to Martha W. Harrison.1826 February 23
- Box 46
John Faulcon to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 February 28
- Box 46
Mrs. James Maxwell to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1826 February 28
- Box 46
Mrs. Virginia Cary to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1826 February
- Box 46
Moncure Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1826? February 28
- Box 46
Merit Moore Robinson to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 March 1
- Box 46
John Hartwell Cocke to Charles Nicholas.1826 March 1
- Box 46
William H. Richardson to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 March 2
- Box 46
W. Flanagan to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 March 2
- Box 46
Robert Jones to proposals for carpenter's work.1826 March 2
- Box 46
John Hartwell Cocke to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1826 March 4
- Box 46
Randolph Harrison to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 March 5
- Box 46
John Hartwell Cocke and Louisiana Faulcon to Mrs. Louisa Cocke.1826 March 6
- Box 46
C.J. Nicholas to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 March 6
- Box 46
Gen. Stephen Van Rensselaer to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 March 8
- Box 46
[Louisa Holmes] Cocke to John Hartwell Cocke.1826 March 8