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John M. Jackson, Archivist
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The collection is open for research.
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: [identification of item], [box], [folder], W. Graham Claytor Papers, Ms1981-095, Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.
Source of Acquisition
The W. Graham Claytor Papers were donated to Special Collections and University Archives in 1981.
Processing Information
The processing, arrangement, and description of the W. Graham Claytor Papers commenced in February 2013 and was completed in March 2013.
Biographical Note
William Graham Claytor, son of Graham and Marion Bell Claytor, was born in Bedford, Virginia on December 20, 1886. More familiarly known by his middle name, Graham Claytor matriculated at Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College (later Virginia Tech) as an electrical engineering student in 1902. Following his father's death, Claytor left school in his junior year to work as a student engineer in General Electric's Lynn, Massachusetts testing plant. In 1907, Claytor accepted a position with the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company as a salesman; in 1908, he was appointed an electrical engineer. That same year, Claytor married Gertrude Harris Boatwright, a Virginia poet. The couple would have three sons.
Through successive promotions, Claytor had become general superintendent of Roanoke Railway and Electric and the Lynchburg Traction and Light Company by 1914. His career on temporary hold while serving as a captain in the U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps from 1918 to 1919, Claytor afterward resumed his previous position and in 1923, was named chief engineer for American Electric Power Company of Philadelphia. In 1926, Claytor became the company's general manager. The following year, the company was purchased by American Gas and Electric Company of New York. Claytor was transferred to New York City and appointed vice president and director of a number of the company's subsidiaries, including Appalachian Electric Power Company, Kentucky and West Virginia Power Company, West Virginia Power Company, Radford Limestone Corporation, and Franklin Real Estate Company. As vice president of Appalachian Power, Claytor directed construction of the Appalachian Power Company's dam on the New River in Pulaski County, Virginia. Completed in 1939, the dam created Claytor Lake, named in his honor. Claytor retired in 1954, but returned to serve as executive vice president of American Electric Power from 1960. After retiring from American Electric again in 1962, he continued to serve as president of Richardson-Wayland Electric Corporation (Roanoke, Virginia).
Claytor remained an ardent supporter of his alma mater and in the 1950s served on the board of directors of both the VPI Alumni Association and the VPI Educational Foundation. Chief among Claytor's other interests was ham radio, a hobby he pursued for more than 25 years. Following his 1962 retirement, Claytor resided in the cottage he had built on Claytor Lake. Graham Claytor died in Roanoke February 28, 1971, and was buried in Evergreen Burial Park, Roanoke, Virginia.
Scope and Content
This collection contains the business and personal papers of Graham Claytor, a 1906 graduate of Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College (later Virginia Polytechnic Institute) and an executive overseeing the operations of a number of American Gas and Electric Company subsidiaries during the 20th century. Included are such materials as correspondence, printed materials, financial statements, reports, and photographs.
A large portion of the collection consists of materials relating to routine personal financial matters, including stock holdings, insurance, bank accounts, and philanthropy. The collection also includes correspondence with politicians, business associates, company employees, and personal friends, with discussions of business and personal matters often overlapping within a single letter. Also regarding Claytor's affiliation with American Gas and Electric are files specifically relating to company operations, speeches made by Claytor, and promotional printed materials.
The single most predominant subject in the collection is Virginia Polytechnic Institute. The materials document Claytor's contacts with other alumni and his membership in the Virginia Tech Alumni Association - New York Chapter. The focus of the files, however, is on Claytor's service on the boards of directors of the VPI Alumni Fund and the VPI Educational Foundation. Of particular interest, perhaps, are materials relating to the establishment of the foundation and fundraising efforts for Virginia Tech's War Memorial Chapel and Memorial Court.
The collection also contains several files relating to Claytor's interest in ham radio. Included are correspondence with other ham radio operators, printed materials from dealers and manufacturers, and technical specifications.
The collection essentially retains Claytor's original, alphabetical filing system, though a few items have been moved for the sake of consistency, and a few files previously labeled "miscellaneous" and housed at the end have been interfiled with the remainder of the collection. The arrangement retains a quirk in that some materials are filed by subject matter, while others are filed by correspondent name, apparently depending on which Claytor thought was the more significant at the time. Correspondence relating to a single subject may therefore be spread among the file entries for a number of individuals.
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- Appalachian Electric Power Company (1926-1958)
- Appalachian Power Company
- Local/Regional History and Appalachian South
- Railroad
- Science and Technology
- Students and alumni
- University History
- Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute (1896-1944)
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1944-1970)
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Board of Visitors
Rights Statement for Archival Description
The guide to the W. Graham Claytor Papers by Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, is licensed under a CC0 ( https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/ ).
Significant Persons Associated With the Collection
- Claytor, W. Graham (William Graham), 1886-1971
Container List
Abbot, John L.1938-1950
Academy of Political Science1951, n.d.
Adams, Holcombe C.1951
Adamson, A. V.1948
Adamson, Learoyd1946, n.d.
Adelphi College1953-1954
Admirals of the Flagship Fleet1951
Aetna Life Insurance Company1943-1952
Air Conditioning1937-1948
Albergotti, Robert Buckner1944
American Assembly1952
American Electric Power System Management Meeting1967, n.d.
American Gas and Electric Company1945-1957, n.d.
American Institute of Electrical Engineers1938-1952, n.d.
American Red Cross1950-1951, n.d.
Amos, O'Neal1951-1952
Anthony, Graham1942
Appalachian Power Company1938-1961, n.d.
Arco Electric Supply Company1949
Argabrite, Newt M.1949-1952
Armistead, Allen B.1953
Armpriester, Charles W.1949
Ashforth, Albert B., Inc.1948
Associated Hospital Service of New York1937-1951, n.d.
Associated Industries of Kentucky1950
Atlantic City Electric Company1947-1949
Atlantic Hardware and Supply Company1952
Atomic Energy Commission1951-1952, n.d.
Attwood, Frederic1943-1945
Auto accident1934
Avrack, J. Albert1946
Ayer, N. W. and Son, Inc.1948, n.d.
Babcock and Wilcox Company1947
Babin Boiler Service1944
Bainbridge, Kimpton and Haupt, Inc.1949
Baldwin, Charles L. Jr.1940
Ball, Ben1949
Ball, Benson (Mrs.)1948
Barnes, James E.1936
Barrow, Joe1944
Battle, John S.1954
Beard, William K1936-1954
Bedford County Memorial Hospital Building Fund1950, n.d.
Berinati Press1937-1940
Berry, Orville1933
Berry Schools1950
Black, Ficher1948
Black Sign Maple Syrup Company1943
Blair, J. Jacob1944
Blewett, William E. Jr.1952
Blue Diamond Service Corporation1933
Boatwright, Gertrude H.1931-1948
Bobbitt, Walter B. (Radford Limestone Company)1944-1954
Boca Raton Club1948
Bondurant, J. C.1936
Breakell, James1942
Brenner, Butler and McVeigh1951-1952, n.d.
Brown, W. E.1941-1942
Buchanan, W. A.1949
Buckley, William1948
Buford, Paul C.1940
Burchill, Joseph M.1941
Bureau of Motor Vehicles (New York)1946-1952
Bureau of Vital Statistics (Virginia)1947
Burger, Milan1948
Burger, R. E.1948-1954
Burks, Martin1948
Burleson, W. H.1943
Burress, J. W.1954
Burton, Clarence1949
Butler, Mary1944
Byllesby and Buck Hydroelectric Plant - group photograph and list of visitors1912
Byrd, Harry F.1935-1952, n.d.
Calvert, Carl C.1949
Carlton House1952
Casabona, Bettina1954
Cemeteries (Bedford, Virginia)1949
Central Operating Company1953
Chamber of Commerce (Roanoke, Virginia)1953-1954
Chandler, Albert B.1954
Christmas Card Listn.d.
Clark, James Albon1951
Clay, Lucius D.1953
Clayton, James1933-1942, n.d.
Claytor Family (California)1945, n.d.
Claytor Lake1941-1959, n.d.
Claytor Lake Property and Cottage1950-1954, n.d.
Claytor, Richard1952
Claytor, W. Graham1933-1952, n.d.
Claytor, W. Graham Jr.1947
Claytor, William G. (Bedford, Virginia)1947
Cochocton Chamber of Commerce1948
Collins, Lewis Preston1950
Columbia University1952
Cook, Philip F.1936
Cotten, Bob1949
Cotton, Edwin R.1954
Cotton, Preston1952
Coudert, Frederic R. Jr.1949
Cox, Oscar W.1949
Coxe, M. F.1946
Craig, Annie1946
Crannell, Nugent and Kranzer, Inc.1951
Crumb, K. B.1946
Cryder, James W.1950-1951
Cutright, H. G.1953
Dalton, Ted1950-1954, n.d.
Daniel, Robert H.1953
Darrah, A. J.1948-1950
Davey, Martin L. Jr.1947-1949
Dazey Churn and Manufacturing Company1947
De Treville, Ruth Saffold1941-1942, n.d.
Deahl, Jessie1947-1948
Deepwater Power Plant1927-1934
Deering John G.1951
Diamond AGE Association1944-1951, n.d.
Dickerman, Judson C.1938-1942
Dietz Press1948
Dixon, E. H.1949
Dowdy, Roy C.1948-1953
Doyle, R. E.1952
Draper, Claude L.1949-1953
Draper, John S.1953
Dreier, Thomas1947
Dubilier, William1947
Duffy, B. C.1948
Dunn, G. S.1952
Dunning, E. R.1954
Dzwonczyk, V. L.1952
Eastman Kodak Company1949-1952
Edison Electric Institute1950
Eily, Carrie1945
Electric Range1945
Electrical Communication Subscription1947, n.d.
Elliott, Davis1950
Employee Information Program (American Gas and Electric Service Corporation)1952, n.d.
Engineers' Investment Association1942
England, B. L.1948-1952
Equitable Life Assurance Society1953
Erben, H. V.1948
Erwin, E. D.1952
Eudy, Mary Cummins1946
Evans, Flen J.1953
Fargo Motor Corporation1947
Farr, John A.1947
Federal Power Commission1935-1936, n.d.
Feldman, Robert H.1947
Ferguson, Homer L.1943-1951
Ferrell, R. W.1951
Ficklen, W. F.1948
Fields, Ernest S.1954
Firearms Exhibit (Herman P. Dean Arms Collection)n.d.
First National Exchange Bank of Roanoke1932-1939
Flanagan, James H.1940-1941
Flowers, Mary1944
Fox, Edward C.1938-1947, n.d.
Frost, R. J. "Jack,"1941-1951
Funk, M. C.1947-1951
Furr, Guy Littleton "Fuzzy"1946-1952
Furr, Guy Littleton Jr.1953
Gatchell, Willard1943-1954, n.d.
General Electric1947-1953
Gills, James P.1946-1954
Gilman, W. C. and Company1949
Gordon, Herbert1942-1953
Graham, Charles V.1952
Gray, H. O.1954
Gresham, L. G.1950
Griffin, Frederick, R. III1954
Grimsley, A. H.1949
General Precision Equipment1959
Griscom Russell Company1958-1959
Guaranty Trust Company of New York1944-1954
Guill, George1949
Gulf States Utilities Company1947-1953
Haller, William G.1948
Halpin, Dan1948
Hancock, Grace1952, n.d.
Hancock, John W.1946-1953
Hancock, John W. Jr.1942-1952, n.d.
Hand, Learned1943
Handy, John T. Company1947-1953
Hartford Electric Light Company1944, n.d.
Haslam, R. T.1952
Hay, Eugenia C.1946-1954, n.d.
Hayes, H. R.1950
Higgins, A. W.1947
Hill, J. Calvin1960
Hodges, Marian1949-1954
Hodges, R. E. "Dick"1947-1948
Hogan, Arnold1946-1959
Holden, Raymond1946
Holtzclaw, J. G.1945
Hoover Report1949, n.d.
Horn, Fraser1949
Hospital Stay1950, n.d.
Howell, Clifton H. (Radford Limestone Company)1933-1947
Hughes, Bob1953
Hurt, R. N.1952, n.d.
Hutchinson, Rivinus and Company1936-1954
Ickes, Harold L.1934
Ide, Charles E.1949
Income Tax1947-1951, n.d.
Indiana and Michigan Electric Company1950, n.d.
Indianapolis Star and News1948
Inn, The (Biddeford Pool, Maine)1945, n.d.
Insurance Company of North America1952, n.d.
Interlaken Innn.d.
Interlocking Positions1940-1941
Iron Worker1947-1951
Jackson, John Early1933-1942
Jackson, Raymond T.1935
Jennings, Croft1944
Jennings, Lawrence "Larry"1945-1952
Jennison, Ralph D.1943
Jewell, R. R.1949
Jewett, John M. "Jack"1949, n.d.
John, Grace Spaulding1953
Johnson, Eliza1941
Johnston, Clement D.1949
Juror Summons1942
Kalette, M. E.1946
Kee, Elizabeth1951-1953, n.d.
Kee, John1935
Kerite Company1948, n.d.
Kerschner, Edward1947, n.d.
Kerschner, Edward Jr.1938, n.d.
Ketterer, Ann1948
Ketterer, John G.1952
King, J. H. "Hal"1948
Kirkeby Hotelsn.d.
Kuylenstierna, A. Julius1933-1943
Kyle, W. D.1940-1954
Lane, F. A.1952
Lang, Chester H.1953
Larkin, Roosevelt and Larkin1942
Lawrence, J. D.1948-1954
Lawrence, M. P.1950
Lawton, Frank B.1938
Lawton, Mabel A.1938, n.d.
Lawton, William J.1938
Lee, Claudius1952, n.d.
Legal Aid Society1949
Line Material Company1949-1950
Lineweaver, G. W.n.d.
Link, Fred M.1937
Livingston, Von E.1947-1948
Logan, Douglas1953
Lowmaster, A. T.1938
Luce, Donald C.1948
Lunsford Sons and Izard Insurance1934-1953
Macabe, Helenn.d.
Macabe, T. J.1938
MacLane, J. F.1952, n.d.
Malley, Patricia1948
Mariners' Museumn.d.
Markle, H.1944-1945
Marks, Herbert1949-1950
Matthews, A. R.1953-1954, n.d.
Maxwell, John1945-1946
May, Vera I.1948
McCoy, William V.1953
McGraw, Max1951-1952
McNinch, Frank R.1937
McWane, Henry E.1952
Meadows, C. W.1948
Merrill, A. S.1944-1946
Messick, Warren1953
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company1942-1952
Metten, John F. "Jack"1944-1947
Miles, George Jr.1949
Military Order of the Purple Heartn.d.
Miller, A. D.1957
Minichan, D. P.1948-1951
Mir, Flora1949
Mitchell, Sydney A.1953
Moomaw, B. F.1945
Mooney, Joe1950
Moore, Charles E.1954
Moore, L. Franklin1943-1947
Moore, Junius T.1950
Moorehead, Ludwig K.1947-1948, n.d.
Moorhead, D. G.1949-1952
Morin, C. B.1953, n.d.
Mortimer, C. Roy1944-1953
Moseley, Sherrard1939-1940
Mount Holly Garage1952
Mount Holyoke College1950
Music Research Foundation1947-1953, n.d.
Nagele, F. G.1950
National City Bank of New York1928-1953
National Resources Planning Board1950, n.d.
Neubauer, Bob1947
New Jersey State Federation of Labor1948
New River Case1947, n.d.
New York Life Insurance Company1935-1952
New York Southern Society1946-1947
New York State Electric and Gas Corporation1943
New York Telephone Company1941-1943, n.d.
New York Times1949
Niagara Frontier Planning Board1940
Nicholson, John E.1949
Nickel Plate Road1948
Noland, L. U. "Casey"1940-1947
O'Brien Sales Corporation1945
Ohio Congressional Representatives1949
Ohio Edison Company1949
Ohio Power Company1950, n.d.
Ohio Valley Board of Trade1950
Old First Company, Virginia Coast Artilleryn.d.
Oliver, Robert B.1950
Ormond, Roy B.1936-1951
Otey, Ernest G.1953-1954
Ould, E. H.1953-1954
Overstreet, J. W.1954
Painter, B. D.1947-1948
Palmer, Arthur1947
Parker, T. M.1951
Parsons, D. W.1949
Pebbleford Distillery Company1948
Peek, W. S.1949
Perry, Hunter1942-1945, n.d.
Pick, Lewis A.1950, n.d.
Pilot Club1949-1951, n.d.
Pinckney, J.1950
Pistol License (New York)1940-1952
Pocahontas Fuel Company1947
Poems1949, n.d.
Police Complaint (New York)1948
Pomerene, Warren M.1947-1954
Potter, Edwin E.1952
Poysky, Edward1953
Preston, Kathryn1951-1952
Princeton University Library1952
Proctor, C. L.1944-1949
Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce1954
Purdue University1946
Purdy, Francis "Mike"1946
Purrington, Helen C.1940-1941
Radio (Ham)1936-1964, n.d.
Railroad-Machinery Club of New York1946-1954, n.d.
Rayburn Bill (Public Utility Act of 1935)1935
Read, Granville M.1950
Reconstruction Finance Corporation1945
Reese, Everett. D.1954
Rhodes, H. W.1938
Richards, H. Moore1940
Richardson-Wayland Electrical Corporation1918-1954, n.d.
Roanoke Country Club1942-1952
Roanoke, Virginia - Real Estate Taxes,1932-1953, n.d.
Roanoke World News1950
Roberson, Curtis1947-1954
Roberts, W. S.1941
Robertson, A. Willis1947-1950, n.d.
Robertson, William P.1942-1943
Rogers Peet Company1949
Royal-Eastern Electrical Supply Company1953
Ruffin, Peter B.1948-1950
Rumsey, George A.1948-1949
St. Luke's Hospital1942-1948
Salvation Army1947-1949, n.d.
Sammis, Walter1942-1944
Sanders, Claytor1936
Sanders, Lucy1936, n.d.
Sands Point Golf Club1941-1942
Sawyer, R. Tom1948
Sawyer, Willits H.1948-1949
Schenck, Pansy1951, n.d.
Schley, Frederic C.1945-1946
Schmidt, Henry G.1949
Sclater, I. H.1938-1949
Seabrook Farms Company1949
Sears Roebuck and Company1947, n.d.
Securities and Exchange Commission1937-1954
Security Analysts, New York Society of1951
Seven Gables Bookshop1950
Seymour, Frederick D.1952
Shedd, Fred1948
Sheraton Hotel (Boston, Massachusetts)1949
Sidur, Marguerite1937
Sidur, Robert Alexander1939-1954, n.d.
Siebrecht, Alice1943
Sliter, H. M.1949
Slocum, Harry Spencer1941-1949, n.d.
Slover, S. L.1939
Smith, George Otis1936
Smith, R. H.1954, n.d.
Smith, W. H.1941
Social Security1936-1949
Sollitt, Ralph1948
Sorenson, C. V.1947-1953, n.d.
Southeastern Electric Exchange1950
Sowle, Harry1951
Spear, L. Y. "Willy"1944-1947, n.d.
Speeches1951-1953, n.d.
Sporn, Philip1947-1960, n.d.
Sprague, Frank Julian1948-1953
Stanley, W. F.1943
Stansbury, H. A.1941, n.d.
Stearns, Florence D.1953, n.d.
Steele, R. B.1945
Stephenson, Walter G.1938
Stereo Slide Service1952
Sterling, J. Loren1947
Sterling, Lee1949-1954, n.d.
Stevens, R. G.1947, n.d.
Stevenson, T. Kennedy1952-1954
Stewart, Robert1946
Stillman, Hugh D.1953
Stocks1947-1954, n.d.
Stoke, H. F.1936-1949
Stone, Edward L. (Stone Printing and Manufacturing Company)1935
Strain, W. C. (Radford Limestone Company)1938-1940
Sutton, Louis V.1948, n.d.
Swanson, Dale H.1947-1949
System Disturbance1950
Tabor, C. H.1941
Taylor, Charles1943, n.d.
Taylor, John M.1950
Thomas, Margaret Loring1953
Thompson, Street Garage1952
Thompson, W. C. Garage (Biddeford, Maine)1942
Thornburg, C. A.1948
Tice, William1949
Tidd, George N.1945-1949
Torchio, Philip1947-1952, n.d.
Torrey, Carl E.1941
Travelers Aid Society1941-1953
Travelers Insurance1937-1941
Troy, M. O.1938
Turner, Harold1946-1953, n.d.
Tynes, Buford C.1951
Underwood and Underwood1944, n.d.
Union Fishermens Co-operative1953, n.d.
United Air Lines1941
United States Casualty Company1943, n.d.
United States Treasury Dept.1944
Universal Signal Appliances Companyn.d.
University of Virginia Graduate School of Business1952, n.d.
Veterans Administration1945-1954, n.d.
Virginia Bridge Company1938
Virginia Coal and Coke Company1954
Virginia Electric and Power Company1938-1951
Virginia Historical Society1952, n.d.
Virginia State Commission on Conservation and Development1938, n.d.
Virginia State Corporation Commission1950
Virginians, The1952-1953
Virginias Seniors Golf Association1940-1953
Wade, Charlie1947
Wagenhals, E.1943-1947, n.d.
Waldo, Marion1946
Waldo, Paul V. W.1944
Walker, Thomas P.1947
Ward, N. Floyd1941-1942
Washington, Booker T. Birthplace Memorial1947, n.d.
Washington Square Association1934
Watson, E. Alban1952
Way, Asa P.1947
Wellford, Armstead L.1951
Werth, Bogardus1951
Werth, James Robert1947-1951
Werth, Pauline1947
West Penn Power Company1953
Wheelock, John Hall1953
White, Bryant1935-1950
White, Charles M. Jr.1941-1942
Whitefield, W. I.1938-1948
Whittington, Will M.1950
Who's Who in Transportation and Communication1942
Wildman, Eunice1948
Wildman, Loyd1943-1948
Williams, E. B.1947
Williams, Harrison1953
Williams, R. Gray1942
Wood, Charles P.1954
Wood, W. E.1947
Woodcock, Floyd W.1943-1953, n.d.
Woodrum, Clifton A.1935-1948, n.d.
Woods, James P.1938
Woodward, J. B.1953
Woodyard, Henry C.1947
Wright, Frederick A.1940
Wylie's Fishing Calculator1944
Wysor, Frank1950-1951
Zapp, L. M.1936-1942
Ziegler, William Jr.1948
Zimmerman, Laura V.1938