A Guide to the Eleanor P. Sheppard papers, 1924-1978 M 277
A Collection in Special Collections and Archives, James Branch Cabell Library, Collection number M 277
VCU James Branch Cabell Library
Special Collections and Archives 901 Park AvenueRichmond, Virginia 23284
Business Number: (804) 828-1108
URL: https://www.library.vcu.edu/research-teaching/special-collections-and-archives/locations/#cabell
Betsy Pittman and Chadwick Cannon
Administrative Information
Use Restrictions
There are no restrictions.
Access Restrictions
Collection is open to research.
Preferred Citation
Eleanor P. Sheppard papers, Collection # M 277, Special Collections and Archives, James Branch Cabell Library, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.
Biographical / Historical
A native of Pelham, Georgia, Eleanor Parker attended Limestone College. She married Thomas E. Sheppard in 1928 and lived in Georgia and Arizona before moving to Richmond in 1936. Mrs. Sheppard began her political career through her activities with the Ginter Park PTA. In 1954, when she was president of the Richmond Federation of PTAs and a member of the Council of Women's Organizations, she ran for City Council. She served on the Richmond City Council from 1954 until 1968. During her tenure on council she became Richmond's first woman vice mayor (1960-1962) and later mayor (1962-1964). She left Council in 1968 to run for the Virginia House of Delegates, where she represented Richmond until March 1977. Mrs. Sheppard became the first chairwoman of a Virginia General Assembly committee in 1974 when she assumed the leadership of the House Education Committee. She also served on the Finance and Health, Welfare and Institutions committees. Mrs. Sheppard was honored by numerous groups toward the end of her active career for her many contributions to the community. She died 14 March 1991 after a long illness.
Scope and Contents
The collection covers Mrs. Sheppard's civic and political career from the mid 1950s until 1978. The issues covered include education, city planning and development and various bills proposed in the General Assembly. Materials include correspondence, reports, speeches, campaign documents, statements, photographs, publications and a vast quantity of newspaper clippings (to be indexed). Photographs have been transferred to RG 60, Box . The collection was very disorganized when received and the order described below was established by the library. The collection originally contained a vast number of name tags, buttons, business cards and souvenirs. All but representative samples have been disposed of.
Collection is arranged alphabetically. Series I: Personal and Civic materials (n.d., 1954-1970) ; Series II: City Council (n.d., 1924-1968); Series III: General Assembly (n.d., 1967-1978) ; Series IV: Oversize materials (n.d., 1954- 1975 from series I and II) ; Series V: Programs and Publications.
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- Sheppard, Eleanor P. (Eleanor Parker), 1907-1991
- Women civic leaders -- Virginia -- Richmond
- Women legislators -- Virginia
- Women mayors -- Virginia -- Richmond
- Women politicians -- Virginia -- Richmond
Significant Persons Associated With the Collection
- Sheppard, Eleanor P. (Eleanor Parker), 1907-1991
Container List
- Mixed Materials box: 1
5000 Days in Richmond , n.d.
- Mixed Materials box: 1
Arts, n.d.1954-1955, 1957-1958, 1969-1970
- Mixed Materials box: 1
Awards, n.d.1965
- Mixed Materials box: 1
Central Richmond Association, n.d.1970
- Mixed Materials box: 1
Children's Theater1962-1963
- Mixed Materials box: 1
Christmas Pageant1969
- Mixed Materials box: 1
Correspondence: Christmas Mother1953-1954
- Mixed Materials box: 1
Correspondence: Miscellaneous, n.d.
- Mixed Materials box: 1
Junior League of Richmond, n.d.
- Mixed Materials box: 1
People: BiographiesScope and Contents
Bernard, Louise
Bliley, Thomas J., Jr.
Bliss, Mrs. Terry
Brawley, Eleanor
Brothers, J. David
Bryan, D. Tennant
Cardwell, Charles P., Jr.
Cephas, B. Addison, Jr.
Crandall, Dr. Paul
Crater, Flora
Crowe, Merrill M.
Daniel, William V.
Du Val, Chalkley
Emroughty, J.M.
Forb, Nathan J.
Gillespie, J. Samuel, Jr.
Gold, Rev. William
Graham, Arthur
Grey, Robert J.
Grimsley, James
Hancock, Coalter Cabell
Harns, Burt I.
Harrison, Arthur
Hechler, Katheryne
James, Mrs. Allix
Johnson, Julius R.
Johnston, J. Ambler
Kilgore, Ann
Kittenplan, Mrs. Philip
Lasday, Mrs. Albert
Lawrence, Eleanor A.
Mackenzie, Ross
Madden, John B.
Marshall, George C.
Maxwell, Sarah
McNamara, T.R.
Meacham, Harry M.
Mebane, R. Alan
Meir, Golda
Moody, George
Moore, Hullihen, W.
Morris, Philip
Newman, Mrs. Cynthia
Orndoff, J.M.,Jr.
Pollard, Jane DeJarnette
Rennie, Wayland W.
Rhee, Syngman Robertson, William B.
Robins, Claiborne
Rountrey, James
Satterfield, Blanche
Scott, Mrs. Marion
Shackleford, Lorraine M.
Simons, Helen Stone, Mara
Stratton, John
Strauss, Lewis
Thompson, Aubrey H.
Thompson, William M., Jr.
Valentine, Henry L.
Wayne, Edward A.
Wheat, James C.
White, Rebecca Clark
Willett, Henry I.
Wood, Mary Elizabeth
- Mixed Materials box: 1
- Mixed Materials box: 1
- Mixed Materials box: 1
Correspondence, January-September1962
- Mixed Materials box: 1
Correspondence, October-December1962
- Mixed Materials box: 2
- Mixed Materials box: 2
Correspondence, January-March1964
- Mixed Materials box: 2
Correspondence, April-May1964
- Mixed Materials box: 2
Correspondence, June-August1964
- Mixed Materials box: 2
Correspondence, September-December1964
- Mixed Materials box: 2
- Mixed Materials box: 3
Correspondence, January-March1966
- Mixed Materials box: 3
Correspondence, June-December1966
- Mixed Materials box: 3
Education, n.d.1959, 1963-1966, 1968
- Mixed Materials box: 3
Education: Articles, Notes and clippings
- Mixed Materials box: 3
Education: Improving Human Resources through Education1962
- Mixed Materials box: 3
Education: Richmond Public Schools, n.d.1957-1959, 1962, 1967-1968
- Mixed Materials box: 3
Education: Rules and Regulations of the School Board1963
- Mixed Materials box: 3
Education: School Board Budget1963
- Mixed Materials box: 3
Education: School Board Budget1964-1965
- Mixed Materials box: 3
Education: School Board Budget1965-1966
- Mixed Materials box: 3
Education: Vocational and Adult Education, n.d.1952-1954, 1956, 1963
- Mixed Materials box: 4
League of Virginia Municipalities1954
- Mixed Materials box: 4
Press Releases and Coverage, n.d.1956, 1962-1963, 1965-1971
- Mixed Materials box: 4
Report and Recommendations on Coliseum Management1967
- Mixed Materials box: 4
Report of a Survey: Bureau of Police1955
- Mixed Materials box: 4
Report on Broad Street Methodist Church1966
- Mixed Materials box: 4
Report on Bureau of Police1960
- Mixed Materials box: 4
Report on Bureau Police v. I1960
- Mixed Materials box: 4
Report on Bureau of Police v. III, n.d.1960
- Mixed Materials box: 4
Report on Bureau of Police (Confidential)1960
- Mixed Materials box: 4
Report on Criminal Activity1967
- Mixed Materials box: 4
Report on Cultural Center1962
- Mixed Materials box: 5
Report on Education in Richmond Public Schools1954
- Mixed Materials box: 5
Report on Examination of Records1960
- Mixed Materials box: 5
Report on Festival of Arts (11th Annual)1967
- Mixed Materials box: 5
Report on Richmond Nursing Home1967
- Mixed Materials box: 5
Report on Shoplifting1967
- Mixed Materials box: 5
Richmond City Chamber of Commerce1964
- Mixed Materials box: 5
Richmond City Council1960-1968
- Mixed Materials box: 5
Richmond City Council: Arts1963
- Mixed Materials box: 5
Richmond City Council: Belvidere Extension1954-1956
- Mixed Materials box: 5
Richmond City Council: Belvidere Underpass, n.d.
- Mixed Materials box: 5
Richmond City Council: Bonds1954-1963-1964
- Mixed Materials box: 5
Richmond City Council: Budget1955-1968
- Mixed Materials box: 5
Richmond City Council: Housing1967
- Mixed Materials box: 5
Richmond City Council: Jail, n.d.1956-1958, 1967
- Mixed Materials box: 5
Richmond City Council: Legislative Committee1965-1966
- Mixed Materials box: 6
Richmond City Council: Members
- Mixed Materials box: 6
Richmond City Council: Milk Dating, n.d.1957-1958
- Mixed Materials box: 6
Richmond City Council: Mosque1967
- Mixed Materials box: 6
Richmond City Council: NAACP, n.d.1963
- Mixed Materials box: 6
Richmond City Council: Parking1957-1960
- Mixed Materials box: 6
Richmond City Council: Personnel, n.d.Scope and Contents
1954-1955, 1957-1958, 1960, 1963-1965, 1967
- Mixed Materials box: 6
Richmond City Council: Pine Camp1957-1958
- Mixed Materials box: 6
Richmond City Council: Pool Site1966
- Mixed Materials box: 6
Richmond City Council: Real Estate Tax1954, 1958-1959, 1961, 1964
- Mixed Materials box: 6
Richmond City Council: Resolutions1964-1967
- Mixed Materials box: 6
Richmond City Council: Richmond Public Library, n.d.Scope and Contents
1924, 1929, 1954-1961, 1967
- Mixed Materials box: 6
Richmond City Council: Richmond Tour1965-1966
- Mixed Materials box: 6
Richmond City Council: Sales Tax1962
- Mixed Materials box: 6
Richmond City Council: Task Force on Poverty, n.d.
- Mixed Materials box: 7
Richmond City Council: Taxes1958-1964
Richmond City Planning and Housing1955-1967
- Mixed Materials box: 7
Richmond City Planning Commission, July-August1964-1965
- Mixed Materials box: 7
Richmond City Planning Commission1965-1966
- Mixed Materials box: 7
Richmond City Planning Commission: Committee on Office Administration and Proceedings1965-1966
- Mixed Materials box: 7
Richmond City Planning Commission: Master Plan1964
- Mixed Materials box: 8
Richmond City Planning Commission: Monument Avenue1965-1966
- Mixed Materials box: 8
Richmond City Planning Commission: Mosque1959-1966
- Mixed Materials box: 8
Richmond City Planning Commission: Mosque Report1965
- Mixed Materials box: 8
Richmond City Planning Commission: Parking Plan for Civic Center1960
- Mixed Materials box: 8
Richmond City Planning Commission: Preliminary Study Proposed Coliseum1964
- Mixed Materials box: 8
Richmond City Planning Commission: Proposal for Richmond Civic Center1963, 1965
- Mixed Materials box: 8
Richmond City Planning Commission: Richmond Coliseum1962-1966
- Mixed Materials box: 8
Richmond City Planning Commission: Report on Organization Procedure and Program1966
- Mixed Materials box: 9
Richmond City Planning Commission: Report on Organization Procedure and program (Final)1967
- Mixed Materials box: 9
Richmond City Planning Commission: Study of Economic Feasibility of Coliseum1966
- Mixed Materials box: 9
Richmond Metropolitan Authority Expressway1967
- Mixed Materials box: 9
Richmond Metropolitan Authority Expressway System: Engineering Report1966
- Mixed Materials box: 9
Richmond Forward9
- Mixed Materials box: 9
Richmond Public Schools, n.d.
- Mixed Materials box: 9
Richmond Regional Development Plan1967
- Mixed Materials box: 9
RPI-MCV Merger1966-1967
- Mixed Materials box: 9
Road Study, n.d.
- Mixed Materials box: 9
Sears, Roebuck and Co.1971
- Mixed Materials box: 9
Special Committee in Annexation and Consolidation1963
- Mixed Materials box: 10
Speeches and Scripts
- Mixed Materials box: 10
- Mixed Materials box: 10
Study on Charter Changes1963
- Mixed Materials box: 10
Sutton, T. Dix (Dunn-Ball-Carwile)
- Mixed Materials box: 10
Tax Revisions1955-1965
- Mixed Materials box: 10
Tax Studies and Reports1960-1961, 1967
- Mixed Materials box: 10
Tickets, Passes, n.d.1962-1967
- Mixed Materials box: 10
Tobacco Festival Grand Ball: Questionnaire for Hostesses1969
- Mixed Materials box: 11
Virginia Council on Human Relations1964
- Mixed Materials box: 11
Virginia Federation of Democratic Women's Clubs1968-1972
- Mixed Materials box: 11
- Mixed Materials box: 11
Westwood Survey1968
- Mixed Materials box: 11
" Articulation "-Transfer of credit within state supported universities and colleges1975-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 11
Bills and Drafts1973-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 11
Charter Bills1968-1969, 1973
- Mixed Materials box: 11
Clippings re: Handicapped, n.d.Scope and Contents
1964, 1966, 1968, 1970-1971, 1974-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 11
Collective Bargaining
- Mixed Materials box: 12
College Tuition, n.d.1975-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 12
Commission on State Governmental Management-Information Papers on the Agencies of State Government1976
- Mixed Materials box: 12
Commission on State Governmental Management-Report and Correspondence1976
- Mixed Materials box: 12
Commission Report re: Problems of Richmond's Boundary Expansion1969
- Mixed Materials box: 12
Committee on Education and Labor Hearings1977
- Mixed Materials box: 12
Community Colleges1975-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 13
Community Development1968
- Mixed Materials box: 13
Competency Testing1976-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 13
- Mixed Materials box: 13
Congressional Bills1977
- Mixed Materials box: 13
Congressional Delegation, n.d.1968, 1970
- Mixed Materials box: 13
Controversy1973-1974, 1977-1978
- Mixed Materials box: 13
Correspondence, January-June1967
- Mixed Materials box: 13
Correspondence, August-December1967
- Mixed Materials box: 13
Correspondence, July1967
- Mixed Materials box: 13
- Mixed Materials box: 14
- Mixed Materials box: 14
- Mixed Materials box: 14
Correspondence, January1973
- Mixed Materials box: 14
Correspondence, February1973
- Mixed Materials box: 14
Correspondence, March1973, 1975
- Mixed Materials box: 14
Division for Children-Extended Day Care Task Force1978-1980
- Mixed Materials box: 15
Divorce, n.d.1972, 1974-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 15
Economic Value of the Housewife, n.d.1973, 1975-1976
- Mixed Materials box: 15
- Mixed Materials box: 15
Education-Title IX1976
- Mixed Materials box: 15
Education Commission of the States1977-1978
- Mixed Materials box: 15
ECS-Affirmative Action1975-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 15
ECS Bulletin1975
- Mixed Materials box: 15
ECS Commission Handbook1974
- Mixed Materials box: 15
ECS Commissioner Handbook1978
- Mixed Materials box: 15
ECS Commissioner Newsletter1976-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 15
ECS Correspondence1973-1976
- Mixed Materials box: 15
ECS Correspondence, Newsletters, Pamphlets, etc.1976-1978
- Mixed Materials box: 15
ECS Early Childhood Project Newsletter1975-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 16
ECS Education for Handicapped Children, n.d.1976-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 16
ECS Financing Ed. Programs for Handicapped Children1972, 1974
- Mixed Materials box: 16
ECS Handicapped Child Ed. Proj.1975
- Mixed Materials box: 16
ECS Higher Education in the States Newsletter1975-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 16
ECS Legislative Review1977-1978
- Mixed Materials box: 16
ECS Meeting, Bloomington, MNJune 27-29, 1973
- Mixed Materials box: 16
ECS Meeting, Doral, Florida1974
- Mixed Materials box: 16
ECS Meeting , Kansas City, MoJune 19-July 2, 1975
- Mixed Materials box: 17
ECS Meeting, San Francisco, Ca.May 26-28, 1976
- Mixed Materials box: 17
ECS Meeting, New York, NYJune 14-17, 1977
- Mixed Materials box: 17
ECS News Releases, n.d.1975
- Mixed Materials box: 17
ECS Policy Positions1965-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 17
ECS State Postesecondary Edu. Profiles Handbook1976
- Mixed Materials box: 17
Education Committee Study on Schools for the Blind and Deaf, n.d.1975-1976
- Mixed Materials box: 18
Education of Handicapped/LD Children, n.d.1973
- Mixed Materials box: 18
- Mixed Materials box: 18
- Mixed Materials box: 18
Election: Advertising for Governor1971
- Mixed Materials box: 18
Election: Assistance1973
- Mixed Materials box: 18
Election: Campaign Headquarters1967
- Mixed Materials box: 18
Election: City Democratic Committee
- Mixed Materials box: 18
Election: Crusade for Voters, n.d.1965-1971, 1973-1974
- Mixed Materials box: 18
Election: Democratic Primary1971
- Mixed Materials box: 18
Election: Democratic Primary--Finance1967
- Mixed Materials box: 18
Election: Democrats1975
- Mixed Materials box: 18
Election: Democrats--State and U.S., n.d.1965-1971
- Mixed Materials box: 18
Election: General Assembly1975
- Mixed Materials box: 19
Election: Laws18
- Mixed Materials box: 19
Election: Miscellaneous
- Mixed Materials box: 19
Finance Reports1971
- Mixed Materials box: 19
Finance-Special Education, n.d.1974-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 19
General Assembly: Bills1964, 1968
- Mixed Materials box: 19
General Assembly: Resolutions, n.d.
- Mixed Materials box: 19
Governmental Change1976-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 19
Governmental Reorganization1970, 1975-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 20
Governor's Committee and Advisory Council on Handicapped Education, n.d.1975-1976
- Mixed Materials box: 20
Handicapped Bills, etc., n.d.1975-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 20
Handicapped Education-IEP, n.d.1972, 1977
- Mixed Materials box: 20
Handicapped Subcommittee Minutes1977
- Mixed Materials box: 20
Handicapped Publications and Papers, n.d.1972-1975
- Mixed Materials box: 20
Handicapped Publications and Papers1976
- Mixed Materials box: 20
Handicapped Publications and Papers1977
- Mixed Materials box: 21
HB 547 Student Activity Fee, n.d.1975-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 21
HB 692 School of Law at George Mason University1973-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 21
HB 1057 Tuition for Handicapped Children, n.d.1974, 1976-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 21
HB 1106 Higher Education Consortia1974-1976
- Mixed Materials box: 21
Health Education1976-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 21
Health Education Advisory Committee, n.d.1973, 1975, 1977
- Mixed Materials box: 21
Higher Education Letters, n.d.1975-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 21
Higher Education Newspaper Articles, n.d.1970-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 21
House of Delegates1967-1968, 1970-1971
- Mixed Materials box: 21
House of Delegates, Misc., n.d.1963-1969, 1971-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 21
Inheritance and Gift Taxes, n.d.1975-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 21
James Madison University, n.d.1976-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 21
James River History: Proposals re: Enhancement: Locks, n.d.1954, 1957, 1962-1973
- Mixed Materials box: 22
Joint Commemorative Session of General Assembly1968
- Mixed Materials box: 22
Joint Ownership Between Spouses, n.d.1977
- Mixed Materials box: 22
Kindergarten and Early Childhood Education, n.d.1964, 1974-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 22
Law-Related Education Advisory Committee1972, 1974-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 22
Legislative Platforms, n.d.1968-1973
- Mixed Materials box: 22
Letters and Statements1962, 1971
- Mixed Materials box: 22
Letters on Handicapped, n.d.1972-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 22
Mainstreaming-Technical Assistance Program, n.d.1975
- Mixed Materials box: 22
Maymont: Proposal for Development1971
- Mixed Materials box: 22
Miscellaneous, n.d.Scope and Contents
1955-1959, 1962-1969, 1971, 1973-1974, 1976-1978
- Mixed Materials box: 22
Miscellaneous, n.d.1972-1976
- Mixed Materials box: 23
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), n.d.1975-1978
- Mixed Materials box: 23
NAEP Brochures1970-1975
- Mixed Materials box: 23
NAEP Correspondence1975-1976
- Mixed Materials box: 23
NAEP Efficacy Report by Greenbaum1974
- Mixed Materials box: 23
NAEP Evaluation1975
- Mixed Materials box: 23
NAEP Greenbaum Report Reply: Goals and Accomplishments1974-1975
- Mixed Materials box: 23
NAEP Handbook1977
- Mixed Materials box: 23
NAEP Minutes1974-1978
- Mixed Materials box: 23
NAEP Newsletter1975-1978
- Mixed Materials box: 23
NAEP Organization, n.d.1975-1976
- Mixed Materials box: 23
NAEP Procedures, n.d.1974-1978
- Mixed Materials box: 24
NAEP Reports1973-1975
- Mixed Materials box: 24
NAEP Reports1975-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 24
NAEP Reports1977-1978
- Mixed Materials box: 24
NAEP State and Local School District Services1976-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 24
NAEP Sucontracting1975
- Mixed Materials box: 24
NAEP Utilization, n.d.1975-1976
- Mixed Materials box: 25
National Assn. for Retarded Citizens (NARC) Statements, n.d.1971, 1973-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 25
National Center for Educational Statistic-National Assessment Information1976
- Mixed Materials box: 25
National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances-Agenda for the Subcommittee on Scope, Jurisdiction and Enforcement1978
- Mixed Materials box: 25
National Conference of State Legislatures1975-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 25
Optometry Schools1976-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 25
Postsecondary Education Policy Development in Four State Legislatures1975
- Mixed Materials box: 25
Precinct Organization: General, n.d.
- Mixed Materials box: 25
Press Releases and coverage
- Mixed Materials box: 25
Primary: Finance1969
- Mixed Materials box: 25
Primary: Organization1969
- Mixed Materials box: 25
Program Evaluation of Community College System-Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission1975
- Mixed Materials box: 26
Public Law 94-1421974, 1976-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 26
Public Law 94-142 and Handicapped Student Rights1975-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 26
Questions and Answers
- Mixed Materials box: 26
R-CAP Study Committee Report1970
- Mixed Materials box: 26
Report on National Assessment of Educational Progress1976
- Mixed Materials box: 26
- Mixed Materials box: 26
Resource Material1967-1970
- Mixed Materials box: 26
Retirement-Supplemental for State Employees1969, 1976
- Mixed Materials box: 26
Richmond-Counties-Annexation-Charters_HAHN Commission-General, n.d.1966-1971, 1980
- Mixed Materials box: 27
Richmond Area Community Council Membership Meetings Newsletter1969-1973
- Mixed Materials box: 27
Richmond Public Schools, n.d.1974, 1976-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 27
Rights of Spouses, n.d.1974-1978
- Mixed Materials box: 27
Salaries of School Board Members1976-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 27
School Board Selection1969-1970, 1977
- Mixed Materials box: 27
School Division Criteria Study Commission, n.d.1969, 1974-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 27
School Personnel-Employment and Certification1975-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 27
Souther Regional Education Legislation by States: Southern Regional Education Board1974-1978
- Mixed Materials box: 27
Southern Regional Education Legislation Workshop Biloxi1975
- Mixed Materials box: 27
Southern Regional Education Legislation Workshop1976
- Mixed Materials box: 27
Southern Regional Education Publications
- Mixed Materials box: 28
Special Education-Amended Annual Program Plan FY1976
- Mixed Materials box: 28
Special Education-Standards of Quality, n.d.1972-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 28
State Council for Higher Education, n.d.1974-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 28
State Department of Education-Handicapped1976-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 28
- Mixed Materials box: 28
Subcommittee on School Lunches, n.d.1977
- Mixed Materials box: 28
Tenure-State Supported Colleges and Universities, n.d.1973, 1975-1976
- Mixed Materials box: 28
Title I1973-1974
- Mixed Materials box: 28
University Faculty Tenure, n.d.1968, 1974-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 28
University of Virginia Newsletter1960, 1965, 1968-1969, 1977-1978
- Mixed Materials box: 28
Veterinary Schools, n.d.1974-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 29
Virginia Assn. for Children with Learning Disabilities (VACLD) Newsletter1973-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 29
Virginia Constitutional Revision1969
- Mixed Materials box: 29
Virginia Council of Administrators of Special Education1974-1976
- Mixed Materials box: 29
Virginia Education Association1976-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 29
Virginia School Boards Assn.1975-1978
- Mixed Materials box: 29
Virginia Special Education Legislation, n.d.1974, 1976-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 29
VPI_SU Library, n.d.1977
- Mixed Materials box: 29
William and Mary Law School1974-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 29
Will, n.d.1972, 1976-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 29
Women's Finances, n.d.1975-1978
- Mixed Materials box: 29
Youth Commission and Related Items, n.d.1976-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 29
Youth Commission and Related Items II, n.d.1970, 1975, 1977
- Mixed Materials box: 30
Election Campaign1967-1969
- Mixed Materials box: 30
Election: Council1954, 1958-1966
- Mixed Materials box: 30
Richmond City Council: Southside Community Center1963
- Mixed Materials box: 30
Precinct Reports1975
- Mixed Materials box: 30
Virginia Municipal League: Legislative Support Committee1963-1964
- Mixed Materials box: 31
American Heart Association/Virginia Affiliate1977-1978oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
American Municipal Association1963oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Annual Reports Various Organizations1954-1973oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Application for Legislative Assistant1974oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Assembly Business1970-1977oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities1961-1977oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Brookings Institute-U.R. Seminar1964-1965
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Buford Academy1956-1966oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Business and Professional Women's Club of Virginia1968-1980oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Campaign Eleanor Sheppard1966-1979oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
- Mixed Materials box: 31
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Capital Square1972-1976oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Career Education Advisory Committee1975-1977oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Central Virginia Educational, T.V.1964-1981oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Central Virginia Educational Television1984oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Christmas Mother: Community Christmas Pageant1974oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
City Council Campaigns1962-1963oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Civic Center1956-1965oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Collective Bargaining: Colleges1977-1978oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Collective Bargaining: Public Employees1974-1977oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Commission on the Status of Women1968-1980oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Commonwealth Girl Scout Council of Virginia1968-1971oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Commonwealth Girl Scout Council1980oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Community Advisory Board/Community Correctional Center Steering Committee1973-1977oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Community Improvement Program1968-1970oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Compensation/USRS and Travel Vouchers1974-1978oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Compulsory Education1973-1977oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Conference Roanoke, VA1975oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
Conflict of Interest1963-1976oversize
- Mixed Materials box: 31
- Mixed Materials box: 32
Congratulatory Letters1973
- Mixed Materials box: 32
Constitutional Officers1971-1973
- Mixed Materials box: 32
Constitution: Commission to Revise1968
- Mixed Materials box: 32
Constitution: Presentation to Electorate1970
- Mixed Materials box: 32
Constitutional Revision1969
- Mixed Materials box: 32
- Mixed Materials box: 32
- Mixed Materials box: 32
- Mixed Materials box: 32
Correspondence/Non Personal1963-1975
- Mixed Materials box: 32
Council Business1958-1965
- Mixed Materials box: 32
Council Procedure1967-1970
- Mixed Materials box: 32
Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services1964
- Mixed Materials box: 32
Democratic Party and Caucus1975-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 32
Election Campaign1973
- Mixed Materials box: 32
Election Information1975-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 32
Equal Rights1973-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 32
Equal Rights Monitor Magazine1976-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 32
General Assembly1973-1977
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
Girls State Auxiliary1965
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
Girls State Auxiliary1968-1972
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
Girls State Auxiliary1973-1976
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
Governors Commission1963-1967
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
Governor John N. Dalton1975
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
Governor Linwood Holton1970-1974
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
Governor Mills E. Godwin1968-1977
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
Greater Ginter Park Citizens Association1959
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
Historic Richmond Foundation1957-1976
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
House Bills1969
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
House Bills1969
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
House Bills1973-1977
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
House of Delegates1973
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
House of Delegates1974
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
Housing Opportunities Made Equal (H.O.M.E.)1980-1983
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
Institute for Business and Community Development1966-1971
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
International Toastmistress Clubs Commonwealth Chapter1965-1970
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
- Mixed Materials [A11423641674] box: 33
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
Jimmy Carter1976
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
John Marshall Youth Camp1966-1967
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
Joint Subcommittee on the Placement of Children for Adoption1976
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
J. Sergeant Reynolds Nursing Program Advisory Board1975-1982
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
Junior League Community1973-1977
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
Letters to Constituents from Eleanor P. Sheppard1973-1977
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
Local Subsidy1952-1953
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
Lotteries and Parimutual Betting #1 of 21968-1974
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
Lotteries and Parimutual Betting #2 of 21971-1974
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
Maymont/Articles of incorporation
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
Medical College of Virginia1976
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
Mental Retardation Subcommittee-Services Board1970-1976
- Mixed Materials [A11423639342] box: 34
- Mixed Materials [A11423641690] box: 35
National Laboratory for Higher Education1972-1974
- Mixed Materials [A11423641690] box: 35
National Order of Women Legislators1976-1979
- Mixed Materials [A11423641690] box: 35
National Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances Committee1975-1978
- Mixed Materials [A11423641690] box: 35
Newspaper Articles 1-20 N.D.
- Mixed Materials [A11423641690] box: 35
Newsletter-University of Virginia1974
- Mixed Materials [A11423641690] box: 35
Northside Community Council1966-1970
- Mixed Materials [A11423641690] box: 35
North Richmond Branch Metro Richmond YMCA
- Mixed Materials [A11423641690] box: 35
Pages Session1976
- Mixed Materials [A11423641690] box: 35
Page Applications Session1977
- Mixed Materials [A11423641690] box: 35
Photos, n.d.
- Mixed Materials [A11423641690] box: 35
Programs, n.d.
- Mixed Materials [A11423641690] box: 35
Programs, n.d.
- Mixed Materials [A11423641690] box: 35
Programs, n.d.
- Mixed Materials [A11423641690] box: 35
Programs, n.d.
- Mixed Materials [A11423641690] box: 35
Programs, n.d.
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Publications, n.d.
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Publications, n.d.
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Report To The Governor On Consumer Education1976-1977
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Resumes: Legislative Assistant for Eleanor Sheppard1973
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Resumes: Legislative Assistant for Eleanor Sheppard1974
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Resumes: Legislative Assistant for Eleanor Sheppard1975
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Resumes: Legislative Assistant for Eleanor Sheppard1976
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Richmond Area Community Council1970-1975
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Richmond Area Democratic Women's Club1977-1978
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Richmond Area Heart Association1968-1972
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Richmond Area Psychiatric Clinic Advisory Board1968-1975
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Richmond City Judges1972-1977
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Richmond City Library1958-1964
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Richmond Civil War Centennial1960-1965
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Richmond Council of Garden Clubs1973-1982
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Richmond Experiment In International Living1968-1978
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Richmond Independence Bicentennial Commission1976-1980
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Richmond International Council1966-1972
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Richmond Metro YMCA Board of Directors1977-1980
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Richmond Metro YMCA Policies1976-1985
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Richmond Symphony1966-1980
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Science Museum of Virginia1968-1974
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Sears Roebuck Board of Directors1971-1972
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Strategic Air Command Info Kit1975
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Teachers Salaries1954
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Thank You Letters1975
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Travel Memorabilia, n.d.
- Mixed Materials [A11423641682] box: 36
Twenty Three Hundred Club1964-1966
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
Urban Policy Conference ProgramMay 27, 1964
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
Urban Policy Conference ProgramJune 24, 1964
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
Urban Policy Conference ProgramJanuary 13, 1965
Urban Policy Conference ProgramFeb. 3, 1965
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
Urban Policy Conference ProgramMay 19, 1965
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
Urban Policy Conference ProgramFeb. 24, 1965
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
Urban Policy Conference ProgramMay 17, 1965
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
Urban Policy Conference ProgramApril 7, 1965
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
Urban Policy Conference ProgramJune 8, 1965
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
Virginia Association of Workers for the Blind inc.1967-1973
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
Virginia Council On Social Welfare-Rep. RACC1973-1975
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
Virginia Historic Landmarks Committee: Notes On Virginia1973-1976
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
Virginia Metropolitan Areas Study Commission1967-1969
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts1964-1976
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
Virginia Museum O Fine Arts1985-1988
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
Virginia Plan for Higher Education1989
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
Virginia State Library1958-1977
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
Voting Precincts1970-1971
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
Voting Records1972-1977
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
YMCA Board and Study1968-1969
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
YMCA Board and Study1969-1973
- Mixed Materials [A11423641616] box: 37
YMCA Human Resources1975-1981
- Mixed Materials box: 38
- Mixed Materials box: 39
Index Cards containing names and addresses