A Guide to the Department of Conservation and Development, Division of History, Records, 1927-1950
A Collection in
the Library of Virginia
Accession Number 24806a-c, 25913 and 41571
Library of Virginia
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© 2004 By the Library of Virginia. All rights reserved.
Processed by: Roger E. Christman
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
Collection is open to research.
Use Restrictions
There are no restrictions.
Preferred Citation
Virginia Department of Conservation and Development, Division of History, Records, 1927-1950. Accession 24806a-c, 25913 and 41571, State Records Collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.
Acquisition Information
Accessions 24806a-c transferred from History Division, Virginia State Library on 30 June 1958; Accession 25913 transferred from Historic Publications Division, Virginia State Library on 21 November 1963; Accession 41571 transferred to Archives on 29 November 2004.
Historical Information
The Virginia State Commission of Conservation and Development was created in 1926 to consolidate and coordinate a number of conservation agencies including the Water Power and Development Commission, the State Geological Commission, the State Geological Survey, Office of the State Geologist, Office of the State Forester, and the Division of Parks. Governor Harry F. Byrd appointed his campaign manager William E. Carson (1870-1942) as the Commission's first chairman. Between 1926 and 1950 the Commission changed names several times: Virginia State Commission of Conservation and Development (1926-1938), Virginia Conservation Commission (1938-1948) and Department of Conservation and Development (1948-1985). Chairman of the Commission included: William E. Carson (1926-1935), Wilbur C. Hall (1935-1939), N. Clarence Smith (1939-1942), and William A. Wright (1942-1948). In 1948, the General Assembly, as part of a reorganization of state government abolished the Virginia Conservation Commission and created the Department of Conservation and Development. The new agency took over the function of the Conservation Commission, State Port Authority and the State Planning Board. Governor William Tuck named Wright as director of the new Department of Conservation and Development.
In 1927, Carson created the Division of History and Archaeology within the Commission to preserve and develop the historical resources of the state. The new Division was lead by Dr. H.J. Eckenrode, Director; Colonel Bryan Conrad, Assistant Director; and M.F. Pleasants, Field Assistant. Carson believed that Virginia needed to publicize Virginia's wealth of history and tradition especially to out-of-state travelers. He decided to have markers placed on the states' highways to provide information of historical events that had happened in their vicinity. By the beginning of World War II, the Commission had erected more than 1400 historical markers across Virginia.
In addition to the historical marker program, the Division of History assisted in the development of Virginia history in many other ways. It cooperated with the federal government in studying the battlefield of Yorktown and in the development of the Richmond Battlefield Park. The Division photographed thousands of colonial era houses and other significant structures. The Division sponsored the Federal Writers' Project for Virginia and conducted the WPA's Virginia Historical Inventory.
The Commission suspended the historical marker program during World War II because of rationing of metals. In its place, the Commission inaugurated a War records program including a newspaper reference file and a correspondence program in which a non-salaried correspondent from each locality sent reports about local war time activities and local war activities and reaction to the war. In addition, the Division began a program to locate and mark the graves of distinguished Virginians. Finally in 1949, the Division published The Hornbook of Virginia History that included a brief history of Virginia and other historical information.
Scope and Content
The Department of Conservation and Development, Division of History, Records are housed in 108 boxes, 3 oversize boxes, and 1 oversize map case drawer. The collection is arranged into five (5) series. Series have been designated for: I. Correspondence; II. Virginia War History Project; III. Graves of Distinguished Virginians Project; IV. Records; and V. Historical Material. These records include addresses articles, correspondence, maps, magazines, minutes, newspapers, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, photographs, postcards, programs, radio addresses, reports scrapbooks and telegrams. These records document Virginia state government's development and promotion of the Commonwealth's history and historical resources.
The creation and administration of Virginia's Historical Marker program is well documented in the records (Series I). This series provides a wealth of information on the Division's approach to markers, their construction, inscription, installation and maintenance. Of note to the Civil War Historian, this series also contains records on the creation of the Richmond Battlefield Park. Included are correspondence, maps, pamphlets and aerial photographs taken of the battlefield in the 1930s.
For researchers interested in the life on the home front during World War II, there are some records of note. The Division of History collected reports on home front conditions. Topics include local opinion and reaction to war events and news, rosters of local service men and women, activities of local organizations, economic conditions and religious conditions (Series II).
The Division of History and Archaeology also attempted to locate graves of distinguished Virginians (Series III) and created a reference file on Virginia History and eventually published The Hornbook of Virginia History (Series IV). The Historical Material files is essentially a ready reference collection containing newspaper clippings and historical sketches on historic sites and events. (Series V).
Oversize items are filed in 3 boxes and 2 map case drawers. The oversize records consist primarily of maps and newspapers. Oversize items, which were part of the regular sized filing unit, were removed from their perspective folders. A separation notice listing the item(s) separated and their new location was put in its place. For location and content list of oversize folders, see the listing at the end of the container list.
It is recommended that the researcher read the series level scope and content notes thoroughly before accessing the collection.
Organized into the following series:
I. Correspondence, 1927-1950 (Accession 24806a) II. Virginia War History Project, 1942-1946 (Accession 24806b) III. Graves of Distinguished Virginians Project, 1944-1950 (Accession 24806c) IV. Records, 1929-1950 (Accession 25913) V. Historical Material, 1927-1950 (Accession 41571)Contents List
The Correspondence series is housed in 70 boxes with oversized material separated and is arranged into two subseries. Subseries have been designated for Correspondence and Correspondence, Dead File. It is unknown why some correspondence were separated from the general correspondence (Subseries A) and grouped with the correspondence, dead file (Subseries B), because there is some overlap between the subseries. The series consists primarily of incoming and outgoing correspondence from Division of History staff members including: Dr. Hamilton J. Eckenrode, Director (1927-1949), J.R.V. Daniel, Director (1949-1950), Bryan Conrad, Assistant Director and M.F. Pleasants, Field Assistant. This series comprises a large and important section of the Division of History records. In this series, researchers have a complete view, from 1927- 1950, of most of the correspondence sent and received by the Division of History. These correspondence provide insight into the workings of the historical marker program including inscriptions, locations, and manufacturing, instillation and maintenance of markers, and the Division's promotion of history and other activities.
- Subseries A: Correspondence, 1927-1950
This subseries is housed in 55 boxes, one oversize box and two oversize map folders and is arranged alphabetically with subdivisions for general correspondence, additional correspondence and topics. This is the larger of the two subseries and contains a variety of letters from individuals across the county interested in Virginia history and the historical marker program. Topics include historical inquiries, historical marker inscriptions, investigation of the historical marker program by other states, and the Richmond Battlefield Park. Other topics include work of the Division during World War II, Shenandoah National Park, birthplace of the Wright Brothers mother, and biographical information on Dr. Hamilton J. Eckenrode and Bryan Conrad.
The History Division responded to general historical questions concerning Virginia history from historians, history buffs and students from every part of the country. Virginia's historical marker program was a model for other states and there are inquiries about the program from individuals from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, and West Virginia. Many of these letters provide detailed information about the marker system (Eckenrode to Douglas Arant, 31 August 1938) and a summary of how to install markers (Pleasants to Arthur Adams, 24 April 1931).
This subseries is a great source of information on the creation of the Richmond Battlefield Park . Included is a booklet by Eckenrode titled "History of the Richmond Battlefield Parks" dated 23 February 1932, aerial photographs of the park taken in the early 1930s by the United States Army Air Corps as well as correspondence, memorandums and reports on the creation of the park. Several maps of the battlefield from the early 1930s are filed under oversized. Additional information on the Richmond Battlefield Park is located with the correspondence of William E. Carson, Douglas Southall Freeman and Branch Spalding (Subseries B, Correspondence, Dead File).
Correspondence with William A. Wright , chairman of the Virginia Conservation Commission (1942-1948) include a report on the work of the History Division during World War II (5 August 1947) and two memorandums from Eckenrode describing the Division's plans and work during the war (12 August 1944 and March 1946). Information on the Shenandoah National Park includes newspaper clippings, the dedication program of the park (3 July 1936), and three pamphlets: "Shenandoah National Park Project" (n.d.), "A Brief History of the Beginning of the Movement for a National Park in Northern Virginia - Now Known as the Shenandoah National Park" (ca. 1934), and "The Shenandoah National Park Travelogue" (1937). Correspondence between Orville Wright and Wilbur Hall (1932-1933 filed under Wright Brothers ) concern the birthplace of Wright's mother in Virginia. Biographical information on Eckenrode ( Rowland Egger ) and Conrad ( P. Tulane Atkinson , 14 July1945) is also included. Other notable topics include the Bell Tower ( John Garland Pollard , 26 February 1931, 11 October 1932), the State Seal (Pollard, 25 August 1931) and the Growth of the Conservation and Development Commission (Box 13, Folder 9) that includes a brief history and newspaper clippings.
Correspondents include William Sumner Appleton, John Stewart Bryan, Harry F. Byrd, Arthur Kyle Davis, Sr., E. Griffith Dodson, Dr. J.D. Eggleston, E.O. Flippen, Douglas Southall Freeman, Richard A. Gilliam, Wilmer L. Hall, Douglas McArthur, John Garland Pollard, Branch Spalding, and William A. Wright.
General Correspondence
- Box 1
Folder 1
- Box 1
Folder 2
- Box 1
Folder 3
- Box 1
Folder 4
- Box 1
Folder 5
- Box 1
Folder 6
Architectural Book Publishing Company - Associated Transport Inc.
- Box 2
Folder 1
- Box 1
Folder 1
Additional Correspondence and Topics
- Box 2
Folder 2
A.C.L. Railroad (Historic Places on Line)
- Box 2
Folder 3
Act for Establishing Ports and Towns
Acts of General Assembly (See General Assembly file)
- Box 2
Folder 4
Adams, Dr. Arthur, Edgewater Park, NJ
- Box 2
Folder 5
Adjutant General, Washington, DC
- Box 2
Folder 6
Agriculture and Immigration of Virginia, Department of (publications)
- Box 2
Folder 7
Albright, Horace M. (Colonial National Monument, etc.)
- Box 2
Folder 8
Alsberg, Henry G., Director, WPA Writers Guide Project, Washington, DC
- Box 2
Folder 9
American Association for State and Local History
- Box 2
Folder 10
American Historical Association
- Box 2
Folder 11
Andrews, Dr. Matthew Page, Baltimore, MD
- Box 2
Folder 12
Ashbury, Dr. Samuel E.
- Box 2
Folder 13
Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities (APVA)
- Box 2
Folder 14
Automobile Accident Insurance (Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company)
- Box 2
Folder 15
Automobile - Forms and Receipts
- Box 2
Folder 2
General Correspondence
- Box 3
Folder 1
Bachelder, W.K. - Baker, H.P.
- Box 3
Folder 2
Baker, Henry E. - Ballagh, James Curtis
- Box 3
Folder 3
[Wm] Balantyne & Sons - Barnett, S.P.
- Box 3
Folder 4
Barney, Alice P. - Batchelor, Ellen M.
- Box 3
Folder 5
Bates, W.B. - Beale, Robert C.
- Box 3
Folder 6
Bealle, Morris A. - The Bedford Democrat
- Box 4
Folder 1
Bedsaul, F. Clyde, Mrs. - Bennett, J. Gordon
- Box 4
Folder 2
Bentley, E.B., Mrs. - Beverley, William
- Box 4
Folder 3
Bickel, Karl A. - Blair, Ruth
- Box 4
Folder 4
Blake, George McD. - Blyth, James
- Box 4
Folder 5
Board, L.I., Mrs. - Booker, George E., III
- Box 4
Folder 6
Booker, Marshall B. - Bowcock, Mildred E.
- Box 5
Folder 1
Bowen, E.W. - Bozarth, Lester E.
- Box 5
Folder 2
Bradbury, Eugene - Brewer, Jr., R.L.
- Box 5
Folder 3
Brewick, G. Millard - Brookfield, John, Mrs.
- Box 5
Folder 4
Brooks, Evelyn V. - Bruce, Fannie Maupin
- Box 5
Folder 5
Bruce, Fisher, Mrs. - Buck, Walter H.
- Box 5
Folder 6
Buckey, M.C. - Burkholder, C.S., Mrs.
- Box 6
Folder 1
Burnley, W. Sam - Bywaters, H.F.
- Box 3
Folder 1
Additional Correspondence
- Box 6
Folder 2
Baird, Alvin V., Delaplane, VA
- Box 6
Folder 3
Batchelder, F.R. (Massachusetts Tercentennial & Marker Program)
- Box 6
Folder 4
Bevan, Dr. Arthur, Charlottesville, VA
- Box 6
Folder 5
Bigger, Mrs. T.H.
- Box 6
Folder 6
Blanchard, Mrs. F.T., Bristol, TN
- Box 6
Folder 7
Bland, S. Otis
- Box 6
Folder 8
Booker, Marshall D., Halifax, VA (Commissioner)
- Box 6
Folder 9
Bowen, Homer K., Executive Secretary, Southwest Virginia, Inc., Wytheville, VA
- Box 6
Folder 10
Bradford, J.H. (Director of Budget Division)
- Box 6
Folder 11
Bridges, Major-General Charles H., War Department, Washington, DC
- Box 6
Folder 12
Bridges, J. Malcolm (Editor, Richmond Magazine)
- Box 6
Folder 13
Brooks, J. Callan
- Box 7
Folder 1
Browning, J.W., Clerk, Orange County Circuit Court
- Box 7
Folder 2
Bruce, Dr. P.A., University of Virginia
- Box 7
Folder 3
Brush, Edward H., Paeonian Springs, VA
- Box 7
Folder 4
Brydon, Dr. G. MacLaren, Richmond, VA
- Box 7
Folder 5
Budget Recommendations, 1929-1930, 1936-1950
- Box 7
Folder 6
Buford, R.P.
- Box 7
Folder 7
Bulkley, Mrs. Caroline Kemper
- Box 7
Folder 8
Bushnell, David I., Jr.
- Box 7
Folder 9
Byrd, Harry F.
- Box 6
Folder 2
- Box 7
Folder 10
Birds in Virginia
- Box 7
Folder 11
Book Reviews (by Hamilton J. Eckenrode)
- Box 7
Folder 12
Books (Secondhand)
- Box 7
Folder 13
Books (Reference) in State Library (County and City)
- Box 7
Folder 14
Bulletin (Weekly Activities of Commission on Conservation and Development) - See News Letter
- Box 7
Folder 15
Burial Places of Famous Virginians
- Box 7
Folder 16
Byrd's "VA-NC" Line
- Box 7
Folder 10
General Correspondence
- Box 8
Folder 1
Cabaniss, Robert - Campbell, William S.
- Box 8
Folder 2
Canada, W.H., Mrs. - Carrington, T.C.
- Box 8
Folder 3
Carroll, E.M. - Cary, V. Ferguson, Mrs.
- Box 8
Folder 4
Casey, A.M. - Cawood, Myrta Ethel
- Box 8
Folder 5
Chaffee, C.B., Mrs. - Cheatwood, Joyce
- Box 8
Folder 6
Cheek, H.R. - Choate, McLin S., Mrs.
- Box 9
Folder 1
Chrisman, Thomas L. - Clark, Thomas W.
- Box 9
Folder 2
Clarke, E.C. - Clore, R.W., Mrs.
- Box 9
Folder 3
Closson, W.P. - Coghill, Elizabeth A.
- Box 9
Folder 4
Cohen, John S. - Colonna, W.B.
- Box 9
Folder 5
Colton, Dan B. - Conway, Ray
- Box 9
Folder 6
Cooch, Edward W. - Copps, Michael, Mrs.
- Box 10
Folder 1
Corbell, John D. - Coverston, P.A.
- Box 10
Folder 2
Covington, H.H., Mrs. - Craighill, G. Peyton
- Box 10
Folder 3
Cramer, J.L. - Crow, C.L.
- Box 10
Folder 4
Crowder, Charles W. - Cuthriell, Harry
- Box 8
Folder 1
Additional Correspondence
- Box 10
Folder 5
Calrow, Major Charles J., Consultant-Director, State Planning Board
- Box 10
Folder 6
Cammerer, Arno B., Director, National Park Service, Washington, DC
- Box 10
Folder 7
Campbell, T. Beverly, Richmond, VA
- Box 10
Folder 8
Carrington, T.M., Richmond, VA
- Box 10
Folder 9
Carson, Mrs. William E. (Carson Papers of Conservation Commission)
- Box 11
Folder 1
Chatelain, Verne E., National Park Service, Washington, DC
- Box 11
Folder 2
Chorley, Kenneth
- Box 11
Folder 3
Chowning, C.C.
- Box 11
Folder 4
Coleman, L.V., Washington, DC (American Association of Museums)
- Box 11
Folder 5
Coleman, R.V. (Editor, Dictionary of American History)
- Box 11
Folder 6
Conrad, Bryan
- Box 11
Folder 7
Cook, Roy Bird
- Box 11
Folder 8
Cragon, Gladys W. (Huguenot Society)
- Box 11
Folder 9
Cramton, Louis C. (Colonial National Monument)
- Box 11
Folder 10
Crittenden, Dr. C.C. (North Carolina Historical Commission)
- Box 11
Folder 11
Cronyn, George W., Assistant Director, WPA Writers Guide Project
- Box 11
Folder 12
Crouch, Kenneth E.
- Box 10
Folder 5
- Box 11
Folder 13
Campaign of 1781 (LaFayette-Cornwallis-Phillips-Arnold-Wayne)
- Box 11
Folder 14
Campaign of 1781 (Von Steuben)
- Box 11
Folder 15
Campaigns of 1st and 2nd Manassas (Suggested Inscriptions)
- Box 12
Folder 1
Campaign of 1862 (Seven Days Battle)
- Box 12
Folder 2
Campaign of 1862, Diary of (Movements of Jackson's Army)
- Box 12
Folder 3
Campaign of 1862 and 1864 (Seven Days Battles), Suggested Inscriptions
- Box 12
Folder 4
Campaign of 1864 (Cold Harbor)
- Box 12
Folder 5
Chambers of Commerce, List of
- Box 12
Folder 6
China's Children Fund, Inc.
Commonwealth of Virginia - See Nickname of Virginia
- Box 12
Folder 7
Confederate Ordnance
- Box 12
Folder 8
Congress (Newspaper article)
- Box 12
Folder 9
Conservation and Development Commission, Growth of
- Box 12
Folder 10
[Virginia] Conservation Commission (Laws of Virginia)
- Box 12
Folder 11
Constitution of the United States and Tree Planting Instructions
- Box 12
Folder 12
Counties, List and Organization
- Box 12
Folder 13
Court House Markers
- Box 11
Folder 13
General Correspondence
- Box 12
Folder 14
Dabney, Charles William - Davenport, P.J.
- Box 12
Folder 15
Davidson, H.L. - Davis, John W.
- Box 13
Folder 1
Davis, Levin Nook - DeLancy, J. Lawrence
- Box 13
Folder 2
Delaney, T.C., Mrs. - Dickinson, Sally B.
- Box 13
Folder 3
Dickson, C.G. - Dodds Granite Company
- Box 13
Folder 4
Dodge, Harrison H. - Duermyer, Louis
- Box 13
Folder 5
Duffy, Elizabeth F. - Dyer, J.P.
- Box 12
Folder 14
Additional Correspondence
- Box 13
Folder 6
Darden, Colgate W., Governor of Virginia
- Box 13
Folder 7
Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.)
- Box 14
Folder 1
Davidson, D.N., Orange, VA
- Box 14
Folder 2
Davis, Private Creed T. (Diary from 4 May 1861 to 20 February 1865) [typed transcript - original at the Virginia Historical Society]
- Box 14
Folder 3
Demaray, A.E. (Colonial National Monument, etc.)
- Box 14
Folder 4
Denny, Bishop Collins
- Box 14
Folder 5
Dillon, Jesse W. (State Treasurer, 1948)
- Box 14
Folder 6
Dodson, E. Griffith
- Box 14
Folder 7
Dyson, Mrs. Mabel L. (Natural Wonders Questionnaires)
- Box 13
Folder 6
General Correspondence
- Box 14
Folder 8
Eakins, Mrs. Mary - Edwards, R.A.
- Box 14
Folder 9
Edwards, Mrs. R.B. - Ellis, Wade H.
- Box 14
Folder 10
Ellison, Charles J. - Essig, Lester C.
- Box 15
Folder 1
Etheridge, R. Bruce - Eyler, Helen L.
- Box 14
Folder 8
Additional Correspondence
- Box 15
Folder 2
Early, Jr., N.B.
- Box 15
Folder 3
Eckenrode, Hamilton J.
- Box 15
Folder 4
Eggleston, Dr. J.D.
- Box 15
Folder 5
Ellison, R.P. (Executive Secretary, Dept. of Highways)
- Box 15
Folder 2
- Box 15
Folder 6
Education in the South: A Documentary History of
- Box 15
Folder 7
Employees Merit Rating
- Box 15
Folder 6
General Correspondence
- Box 15
Folder 8
Faber, Forris E. - Fellers, P.A.
- Box 16
Folder 1
Felt, George G. - Finney, Mrs. Ruth B.
- Box 16
Folder 2
Fippin, Betty C. - Fitzhugh, William Bullitt
- Box 16
Folder 3
Fitzpatrick, F.B. - Fletcher, William Meade
- Box 16
Folder 4
Flippin, Mrs. O.G. - Foshee, R.H.
- Box 16
Folder 5
Foss, Carl A. - Francis, Mrs. Paul Hart
- Box 16
Folder 6
Frank, Thomas E. - Freeman, Margaret
- Box 17
Folder 1
French, H.S.W. - Furnell, W.W.
- Box 15
Folder 8
Additional Correspondence
- Box 17
Folder 2
Farrar, Thomas L., Charlottesville, VA
- Box 17
Folder 3
Fippen, E.O.
- Box 17
Folder 4
Fishburn, Junius P., Roanoke, VA
- Box 17
Folder 5
Flickinger, B. Floyd (Superintendent Colonial National Monument)
- Box 17
Folder 6
Fothergill, Mrs. A.B.
- Box 17
Folder 7
Freeman, Douglas Southall (part one)
- Box 17
Folder 8
Freeman, Douglas Southall (part two)
- Box 17
Folder 2
- Box 17
Folder 9
Flags of the Confederacy and the United States
- Box 17
Folder 10
Folklore and Folksongs
- Box 17
Folder 11
Fredericksburg Battlefield Park Association
- Box 17
Folder 9
General Correspondence
- Box 17
Folder 12
Gahn, Bessie Wilmarth - Gardner, William R.
- Box 18
Folder 1
Garges, Samuel - Gee, Virginia
- Box 18
Folder 2
Geiger, Frances H. - Gillespie, W.G.
- Box 18
Folder 3
Gillett, Charles A. - Goode, Virgie C.
- Box 18
Folder 4
Goodhart, Henrietta McCormick - Goyne, William J.
- Box 18
Folder 5
Grabeel, Charles E. - Green, E.L.
- Box 18
Folder 6
Green, Floyd F. - Griffin, Mrs. R.L.
- Box 19
Folder 1
Griffith, Albert H. - Gulick, J.S.
- Box 19
Folder 2
Gurney, Hubert A. - Gwyn, Mrs. T. Lenoir
- Box 17
Folder 12
Additional Correspondence
- Box 19
Folder 3
Gaines, Francis P.
- Box 19
Folder 4
Garrett and Massie, Inc. (Mark A. Rollins)
- Box 19
Folder 5
Gathright, A.B. (Director of Purchasing Division)
- Box 19
Folder 6
Gilliam, Charles Edgar
- Box 19
Folder 7
Gilliam, Richard A.
- Box 19
Folder 8
Glass, Senator Carter
- Box 19
Folder 9
Glass, Jr., Carter
- Box 19
Folder 10
Gooch, Winslow L.
- Box 19
Folder 11
Goolrick, John T.
- Box 19
Folder 12
Gordon, Armistead C.
- Box 19
Folder 13
Grayson, Mrs. J. Cooke
- Box 19
Folder 14
Groome, H.C., Warrenton, VA
- Box 19
Folder 3
- Box 20
Folder 1
Game and Inland Fisheries, Commission of (pamphlet)
- Box 20
Folder 2
Genealogy and History (publications)
- Box 20
Folder 3
General Assembly (Bills, etc.0
- Box 20
Folder 4
Gettysburg Campaign
- Box 20
Folder 5
Governor's Mansion - Notes on
- Box 20
Folder 6
Governors of Virginia (Colony and State)
- Box 20
Folder 7
Guide to HIstorical Points and other Places in Virginia
- Box 20
Folder 8
Guns (French) Landed at South Quay
- Box 20
Folder 1
- Box 20
Folder 9
Hackley, W.E. - Hall, Wilmer L.
- Box 20
Folder 10
Haller, Ellis M. - Hanson, Jospeh Mills
- Box 20
Folder 11
Harbough, Sally - Harris, H.B.
- Box 20
Folder 12
Harris, J.N. - Hart, V. Stanley
- Box 21
Folder 1
Hartman, Elizabeth - Haw, Nannie B.
- Box 21
Folder 2
Hawes, E.M. - Headman, Mrs. Mary Hoss
- Box 21
Folder 3
Heath, Mrs. Benjamin Dawson - Henry, Mrs. W. Wirt
- Box 21
Folder 4
Henshaw, Mrs. Conrad - Higgenbotham, Mrs. E.G.
- Box 21
Folder 5
Higgins, Mrs. Clayton - Hite, Maude C.
- Box 21
Folder 6
Hoadley, E. - Holladay, Waller
- Box 22
Folder 1
Holland, Dr. C.G. - Hope, Jr., William F.
- Box 22
Folder 2
Hopkins, Arthur E. - Horton, H.M.
- Box 22
Folder 3
Hosier, J. Walter - Hudgins, Alexander
- Box 22
Folder 4
Hudnall, Mrs. Edna - Hunter, W.P.
- Box 22
Folder 5
Hunton, Jr., Eppa - Hylton, Howard
- Box 20
Folder 9
Additional Correspondence
- Box 22
Folder 6
Hall, Wilbur C.
- Box 22
Folder 7
Hall, Wilmer L. (State Librarian)
- Box 23
Folder 1
Handy, Mrs. Fred A.G., Alexandria, VA
- Box 23
Folder 2
Happel, Ralph (National Park Service)
- Box 23
Folder 3
Harrington, Dr. J.C.
- Box 23
Folder 4
Harrison, Travis C. (Files on Olive Branch Christian Church, Brunswick County, Marker Requests)
- Box 23
Folder 5
Hart, Capt. R.W.B. (Lynchburg City Manager)
- Box 23
Folder 6
Hayes, Rutherford B. (Personal - Dr. Eckenrode)
- Box 23
Folder 7
Headland, Frank
- Box 23
Folder 8
Henderson, Dr. Archibald
- Box 23
Folder 9
Hiden, Mrs. P.W., Newport News, VA
- Box 23
Folder 10
Hill, D.H. (clippings)
- Box 23
Folder 11
Hobart, Inc., W.F.
- Box 23
Folder 12
Hodgkin, Dr. William H.
- Box 23
Folder 13
Hood, Samuel Stevens
- Box 23
Folder 14
Hosterman, A.D., Chairman, Ohio Revolutionary Memorial Commission, Springfield, Ohio
- Box 23
Folder 15
Hudson, Captain Christopher
- Box 23
Folder 16
Hughes, Robert M., Norfolk, VA
- Box 23
Folder 17
Hummel, Edward A., Supt., Fredericksburg, VA
- Box 23
Folder 18
Hutton, H.I., Warrenton, VA
- Box 22
Folder 6
- Box 23
Folder 19
Highways - Virginia
- Box 24
Folder 1
Historical Highway Markers - Letters
- Box 24
Folder 2
Historical Highway Markers - Letters
- Box 24
Folder 3
Historical Highway Markers - Letters
- Box 24
Folder 4
Historical Survey Project (WPA) - Miscellaneous Material
- Box 24
Folder 5
Hotels - Rates, etc.
- Box 24
Folder 6
House of Delegates (Speakers)
- Box 23
Folder 19
- Box 24
Folder 7
I.V.N.A. - Ivy, Elizabeth
- Box 24
Folder 7
Additional Correspondence
- Box 24
Folder 8
Ickes, Harold L. (Dept. of Interior)
- Box 24
Folder 8
- Box 24
Folder 9
Inquiriers Regarding Markers (List)
- Box 24
Folder 10
Institutions, Educational
- Box 24
Folder 11
Insurance Forms
Investigation of Marker System (Copies of Letters) - See folder under Marker System Investigation (Out of State Letters)
- Box 24
Folder 12
Invitations and Programs
- Box 24
Folder 13
Invoices and Shipping Notices
- Box 24
Folder 9
- Box 24
Folder 14
Jabour, Mrs. Sam - Janney, Nancy Lee
- Box 24
Folder 15
Jaquith, Mrs. Sommer B. - Jervey, Mrs. William Palmer
- Box 25
Folder 1
Jesse, Mrs. James D. - Johnson, Louise
- Box 25
Folder 2
Johnson, M.R. - Johnstone, Mrs. H.I.
- Box 25
Folder 3
Joines, James E.A. - Jones, Polly
- Box 25
Folder 4
Jones, R.L. - Juergens, William J.
- Box 24
Folder 14
Additional Correspondence
- Box 25
Folder 5
James, Mrs. E. Stewart
- Box 25
Folder 6
Johns, Jay W.
- Box 25
Folder 7
Johnson, A.S. (V.P. & G.M., James River Bridge Corp., Smithfield, VA)
- Box 25
Folder 8
Johnson, R.P.
- Box 25
Folder 9
Johnston, J. Ambler (Secretary, Richmond Battlefield Corp.)
- Box 25
Folder 10
Jones, Chapin (State Forester)
- Box 25
Folder 5
- Box 26
Folder 1
Jackson, "Stonewall" - The Last Days of Stonewall Jackson
- Box 26
Folder 2
Jackson Monument at Manassas
- Box 26
Folder 3
The Jackson Trail
- Box 26
Folder 4
James River and Kanawha Canal
- Box 26
Folder 5
Jamestown Pageant
- Box 26
Folder 6
Jamestown, Settlement of
- Box 26
Folder 7
Jefferson Memorial at Washington
- Box 26
Folder 8
Jewish Army and People (Magazine "Answer")
- Box 26
Folder 1
- Box 26
Folder 9
Kahn, Herman - Keely, Maud McLure
- Box 26
Folder 10
Keen, Mrs. Barton L. - Kemper, W.M.
- Box 26
Folder 11
Kendall, A.W. - Kerr, W.R.
- Box 26
Folder 12
Kessler, C.L. - Kimbel, Ken
- Box 27
Folder 1
Kimmell, J.W. - Kiracofe, J.W.
- Box 27
Folder 2
Kirk, Annie B. - Kocher, A. Lawrence
- Box 27
Folder 3
Koen, E.B. - Kyle, Mrs. Julia S.
- Box 26
Folder 9
Additional Correspondence
- Box 27
Folder 4
Keiley, W.S., New York ("The Batter's Last Shot" - Story)
- Box 27
Folder 5
Keim, George deB., Edgewater, NJ
- Box 27
Folder 6
Keister, E.E. (Manager, Shenandoah Publishing House)
- Box 27
Folder 7
Kemper, Charles E., State Hospital, Staunton, VA
- Box 27
Folder 8
Kemper, Colonel W.M.
- Box 27
Folder 9
Kern, Mrs. G.T.W. ("History of Virginia")
- Box 27
Folder 10
Ketron, P.E. (Director of Purchasing Division)
- Box 28
Folder 1
King, George H.S.
- Box 28
Folder 2
Krock, Arthur
- Box 28
Folder 3
Krug, J.A. (Secretary, Board of Geographic Names)
- Box 27
Folder 4
- Box 28
Folder 4
Labaree, Leonard W. - Lambert, Darwin S.
- Box 28
Folder 5
Lambert, Mrs. Fauntleroy - Langston, Myrtle
- Box 28
Folder 6
Lankford, Jr., Charles M. - Layman, Kate
- Box 28
Folder 7
Lea, James A. - Lee, Mrs. Tom
- Box 28
Folder 8
Lee, W.C. - Lewis, Ben
- Box 29
Folder 1
Lewis, Mrs. C.E. - Lilly, Kate
- Box 29
Folder 2
Limerick Co., J. Arthur - Littlejohn, Margaret
- Box 29
Folder 3
Littleton, Frank C. - Love, S.B.
- Box 29
Folder 4
Loveman, Amy - Lyon, Robert Dorsey
- Box 28
Folder 4
Additional Correspondence
- Box 29
Folder 5
Landers, Colonel H.L., Washington, DC
- Box 29
Folder 6
Leland, Dr. Waldo G.
- Box 29
Folder 7
Letcher, Captain Greenlee D.
- Box 29
Folder 8
Lichford, L.E.
- Box 29
Folder 9
Long, Lee, Dante, VA
- Box 29
Folder 10
Lyne, Cassie Moncure
- Box 29
Folder 5
- Box 30
Folder 1
Lafayette and Cornwallis in Virginia, 1781
- Box 30
Folder 2
Lee, Robert E. (History by Douglas Southall Freeman)
- Box 30
Folder 3
Libraria (Virginia Public Libraries)
List of Battlefield Markers in Richmond Vicinity - See Richmond Battlefield Markers (Richmond Defense) for list of inscriptions
- Box 30
Folder 4
Lisst of Civil War Houses Standing to Date
- Box 30
Folder 5
List of States of Union and their Capitals
- Box 30
Folder 6
Longstreet, Life of General
- Box 30
Folder 1
- Box 30
Folder 7
Mabry, Mrs. J. Hughes - Mahoney, Mrs. M.P.
- Box 30
Folder 8
Maier, R.W.R. - Mann, Vear
- Box 30
Folder 9
Manning, Mrs. Mary C. - Marr, Janey Barron Hope
- Box 30
Folder 10
Marsh, S.H. - Mason, Minnie L.
- Box 30
Folder 11
Mason, Jr., Mrs. S. Blount - Maxey, Rad
- Box 31
Folder 1
May, George E. - McCann, Bernard
- Box 31
Folder 2
McCarter, William H. - McDermott, F.J.
- Box 31
Folder 3
McDevitt, Mrs. Harry S. - McIntyre, R.A.
- Box 31
Folder 4
McKee, Frank - Meek, J.T.
- Box 31
Folder 5
Megee, Dorothy - Middough, Lorne
- Box 31
Folder 6
Milbourne, Mrs. V.S. - Miller, Hunter
- Box 32
Folder 1
Miller, J.G. - Miner, R.C.
- Box 32
Folder 2
Minge, John H. - Monnette, Orra E.
- Box 32
Folder 3
Monroe, F. - Moore, Esther
- Box 32
Folder 4
Moore, F.W. - Morgan, Geoffrey
- Box 32
Folder 5
Morgan, Georgia - Morton, R.L.
- Box 32
Folder 6
Morton, Mrs. Susan R. - Moxey, Cosby
- Box 33
Folder 1
Mugler, Mrs. Charles W.J. - Musgrave, Philip Cebern
- Box 33
Folder 2
Mussaeus, Allen - Myers, William Stair
- Box 30
Folder 7
Additional Correspondence
- Box 33
Folder 3
MacClenney, W.E., Suffolk, VA
- Box 33
Folder 4
McCandish, W.T.
- Box 33
Folder 5
McClevy, W.W. (Director of Purchasing Division)
- Box 33
Folder 6
McConnell, Dr. J.P., East Radford, VA
- Box 33
Folder 7
McCorkle, Dr. Emmett
- Box 33
Folder 8
McGill, William M., Charlottesville, VA
- Box 33
Folder 9
Tracy W. McGregor Library, Charlottesville, VA
- Box 33
Folder 10
McMillen, Wheeler (Editor of Farm Journal)
- Box 33
Folder 11
McWane, Fred E. (Director, Virginia Capital Bicentennial Commission)
- Box 33
Folder 12
Moon, William A. (Historical Inventory)
- Box 33
Folder 13
Moomaw, B.F. (Roanoke Chamber of Commerce)
- Box 33
Folder 14
Moore, R. Walton
- Box 33
Folder 15
Morton, Paul
- Box 34
Folder 1
Moulsdale, Miss Sidney K., University, VA
- Box 33
Folder 3
- Box 34
Folder 2
Mailing List
- Box 34
Folder 3
Manassas Battlefield Park
- Box 34
Folder 4
Maps - See Also Oversize Map Case 24, Drawer 10
- Box 34
Folder 5
Mariners' Museum (Huntington), Newport News, VA
- Box 34
Folder 6
McClellan Biography
- Box 34
Folder 7
Military Information
- Box 34
Folder 8
Monroe Doctrine (pamphlet)
- Box 34
Folder 9
Monthly Reports, January 1948-March 1950
- Box 34
Folder 10
"Mother of States" Monument
- Box 34
Folder 11
Motor Vehicles, Division of
- Box 34
Folder 12
Mottoes (all kinds)
- Box 34
Folder 2
- Box 34
Folder 13
Nash, Mrs. F.M. - Newbill, Willard D.
- Box 34
Folder 14
Newell, A.C. - New York World Telegram
- Box 35
Folder 1
Nicholas, Mrs. George - Norris, Jr., R.O.
- Box 35
Folder 2
Norris, W.W. - Nye, Gerald P.
- Box 34
Folder 13
Additional Correspondence
- Box 35
Folder 3
Naylor, Hugh E.
- Box 35
Folder 4
Nelson, R.F. (Director of Publicity, Richmond Chamber of Commerce)
- Box 35
Folder 3
- Box 35
Folder 5
National Anthem (Star Spangled Banner)
- Box 35
Folder 6
National Park Service, Mosque, Richmond, VA
- Box 35
Folder 7
National Parks Association
- Box 35
Folder 8
Natural Wonders, Amusement Centers, Parks and Forests
- Box 35
Folder 9
New York Worlds's Fair (Exhibits)
- Box 35
Folder 10
Nickname of Virginia (Commonwealth of Virginia)
- Box 35
Folder 11
Norfolk and Western Railroad Company (Menu Cards) - (Fred Stone) - See Also Oversize Map Case 24, Drawer 10
- Box 35
Folder 5
- Box 35
Folder 12
Oast, Edward L. - Oldfield, James A.
- Box 35
Folder 13
Oldham, M.C. - Overbey, Jean S.
- Box 35
Folder 14
Overhulse, Jesse William - Ozlin, Thomas W.
- Box 35
Folder 12
- Box 36
Folder 1
Old Homes and Churches by County
- Box 36
Folder 2
Old Letters (copies)
- Box 36
Folder 3
Ordnance (2 cannon and 12 balls), Meade Post No. 1, G.A.R. of Pennsylvania (for new battlefield marker)
- Box 36
Folder 4
Office Equipment
- Box 36
Folder 1
- Box 36
Folder 5
Pace, H.M. - Palmer, John McAuley
- Box 36
Folder 6
Palmer, Vera - Parmenter, Joseph G.
- Box 36
Folder 7
Parr, Clyde - Patton, R.S.
- Box 36
Folder 8
Paul, John - Pearson, James Larkin
- Box 36
Folder 9
Pearson, Milo L. - Perry, William G.
- Box 37
Folder 1
Peters, David W. - Pierrepont, Mrs. Alice V.D.
- Box 37
Folder 2
Pierson, Lucy Lelia - Pollock, Mrs. John G.
- Box 37
Folder 3
Poole, Mrs. G.D. - Powell, S.P.
- Box 37
Folder 4
Powell, William S. - Price, H.L.
- Box 37
Folder 5
Price, Mrs. James H. - G.P. Putnam's Sons
- Box 36
Folder 5
Additional Correspondence
- Box 37
Folder 6
Page, Elizabeth
- Box 37
Folder 7
Pederson, Fred C. (State Forester)
- Box 37
Folder 8
Peebles, Anne Bradbury, Washington, DC
- Box 37
Folder 9
Peed, Garland Powell, New York City
- Box 38
Folder 1
Peery, Governor George C.
- Box 38
Folder 2
Peirce, Mrs. C.T., Nuttsville, VA
- Box 38
Folder 3
Peterson, Charles E., Washington, DC
- Box 38
Folder 4
Phelps, Mrs. C.W., Burkeville, VA
- Box 38
Folder 5
Pike, Albert, Washington, DC
- Box 38
Folder 6
Pleasants, M.F. (1945-1949)
- Box 38
Folder 7
Pollard, Governor John Garland
- Box 38
Folder 8
Pretlow, Mary D.
- Box 38
Folder 9
Price, Governor James H.
- Box 37
Folder 6
- Box 39
Folder 1
Pageant at Virginia Beach, 1938 ("The Turbulent Deep" by T. Beverly Campbell)
- Box 39
Folder 2
Pamphlets on Virginia (Miscellaneous)
- Box 39
Folder 3
Pay Roll Deduction Plan (Bonds and Old Age Retirement)
- Box 39
Folder 4
Petersburg Battlefields
- Box 39
Folder 5
Police Lectures (Capt. C.W. Woodson, Jr.)
- Box 39
Folder 6
Poll Tax
- Box 39
Folder 7
Programs (Miscellaneous)
- Box 39
Folder 8
Public Records of Virginia (Virginia State Library)
- Box 39
Folder 9
Purchasing Division, Director of
- Box 39
Folder 1
- Box 39
Folder 10
Quarles, H.S. - Quinn, I.T.
- Box 39
Folder 10
- Box 39
Folder 11
Questionnaire - Position Description
- Box 39
Folder 11
- Box 39
Folder 12
Raab, Henry S. - Randolph, Robert I.
- Box 39
Folder 13
Rankin, Daniel S. - Reed, Muriel
- Box 40
Folder 1
Reed, P.L. - Reynolds, Hewitt
- Box 40
Folder 2
Rhinelander, Philip - Richman, Luther A.
- Box 40
Folder 3
Richmond Army Services Forces Depot - Rives, Mrs. John D.
- Box 40
Folder 4
Roan, James Tate - Robertson, Katherine
- Box 40
Folder 5
Robertson, R.A. - Rooke, J. Roland
- Box 40
Folder 6
Rorer, Henry S. - Rowe, Virginia Rives
- Box 41
Folder 1
Rowell, Mrs. Charles E. - Rush, John A.
- Box 41
Folder 2
Russell, A.N. - Ryland, Elizabeth H.
- Box 39
Folder 12
Additional Correspondence
- Box 41
Folder 3
Rawley, Heath J.
- Box 41
Folder 4
Richardson, Mrs. Eudora Ramsey (WPA - Writers Guide Project)
- Box 41
Folder 5
Roberts, Rufus, Culpeper, VA
- Box 41
Folder 6
Roineete, Lloyd M.
- Box 41
Folder 7
Robinson, Jr., W.M., Yorktown, VA
- Box 41
Folder 8
Rust, Senator John W., Fairfax, VA
- Box 41
Folder 9
Ryland, Dr. Garnett
- Box 41
Folder 3
- Box 41
Folder 10
- Box 41
Folder 11
Reorganization of the Dept. of Conservation and Development, 12-29-1948 (Duke's Final Report)
- Box 42
Folder 1
Requisitions (pipe, etc.)
- Box 42
Folder 2
Richmond Battlefield Markers
- Box 42
Folder 3
Richmond Battlefield Park (1941 Inspection Reports)
- Box 42
Folder 4
Richmond Battlefield Park (Aerial Views of Fields)
- Box 42
Folder 5
Richmond Battlefield Park (Booklets)
- Box 42
Folder 6
Richmond Battlefield Park (Cold Harbor Area)
- Box 42
Folder 7
Richmond Battlefield Park (Fort Harrison Area) - See Also Oversize Box 1, Folder 1
- Box 42
Folder 8
Richmond Battlefield Park (General File) (part one) - See Also Oversize Box 1, Folder 2
- Box 42
Folder 9
Richmond Battlefield Park (General File) (part two) - See Also Oversize Box 1, Folder 2
- Box 42
Folder 10
Richmond Bicentennial
- Box 42
Folder 11
Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad (Stations)
- Box 42
Folder 12
Roanoke Island (Lost Colony)
- Box 41
Folder 10
- Box 43
Folder 1
Sachs, Mrs. Emanie N. - Satterfield, Jr., Dave E. - See Also Oversize Box 1, Folder 3
- Box 43
Folder 2
Satterle, L.D. - Sayre, Margaret F.
- Box 43
Folder 3
Scanlan, P.L. - Schwalm, J.A.
- Box 43
Folder 4
Schwarz, Dorothy - Scrivenor, Arthur
- Box 43
Folder 5
Sears, Julian D. - Seward, Mrs. Margaret
- Box 43
Folder 6
Shackelford, V.R. - Shepherd, Fred R.
- Box 44
Folder 1
Shepherd, Mrs. William A. - Shyke, I.
- Box 44
Folder 2
Sickel, H.S.J. - Skaggs, Nadine
- Box 44
Folder 3
Skinker, Bertha Rives - Smith, Mrs. Charles S.
- Box 44
Folder 4
Smith, Downing L. - Smith, Jane E.
- Box 44
Folder 5
Smith, Jess G. - Snider, Mrs. S.A.
- Box 44
Folder 6
Snidow, W.B. - Spender, Charles E.
- Box 45
Folder 1
Spencer, Mrs. James A. - Stauffer, W.T.
- Box 45
Folder 2
Stear, Sue - Stevens, Mrs. Bessie
- Box 45
Folder 3
Stevens, James L. - Story, W.J.
- Box 45
Folder 4
Stowell, Mrs. E.C. - Stultz, R.L.
- Box 45
Folder 5
Styron, Arthur - Swanson, Claude
- Box 45
Folder 6
Swanstrom, Mrs. Frederick E. - Sydnor, A.K.
- Box 43
Folder 1
Additional Correspondence
- Box 45
Folder 7
Schwarzschild, William H.
- Box 46
Folder 1
Shield, Mrs. Conway H., Yorktown, VA
- Box 46
Folder 2
Shurtleff, Dr. Harold R.
- Box 46
Folder 3
Slemp, C. Bascom, Big Stone Gap, VA
- Box 46
Folder 4
Sloan, Professor Harold S., NJ State Teachers College, Montclair, NJ
- Box 46
Folder 5
Smith, William (WPA Director)
- Box 46
Folder 6
Somerville, Thomas P., Gordonsville, VA
- Box 46
Folder 7
Spalding, Branch (Jackson's Movements of June 1862)
- Box 46
Folder 8
Spalding, Branch (Coordinating Superintendent, National Park Service, Fredericksburg) (part one)
- Box 46
Folder 9
Spalding, Branch (Coordinating Superintendent, National Park Service, Fredericksburg) (part two)
- Box 46
Folder 10
Squires, Dr. W.H.T.
- Box 46
Folder 11
Stern, Philip N. (CWA) (Architectural Survey)
- Box 47
Folder 1
Stevens, Dr. S.K.
- Box 47
Folder 2
Stewart, Dr. T.D.
- Box 47
Folder 3
Stewart, Victor W., Petersburg, VA
- Box 47
Folder 4
Stone, Edward L., President, Stone Printing Company
- Box 45
Folder 7
- Box 47
Folder 5
Sailor's Creek Battlefield Park
- Box 47
Folder 6
Second Virginia Cavalry (Honor Roll)
- Box 47
Folder 7
Seven Days Campaign, 1862
- Box 47
Folder 8
Shenandoah National Park (Newspaper Clippings, etc.) - See Also Oversize Box 1, Folder 4
- Box 47
Folder 9
Shrines, Historic (Restorations)
- Box 47
Folder 10
Simcoe's Military Journal
- Box 47
Folder 11
Society of Colonial Wars, Washington, DC
- Box 47
Folder 12
Society of War of 1812 (Essay)
- Box 47
Folder 13
Sons of Confederate Veterans (Dr. H.J. Eckenrode - Personal)
- Box 47
Folder 14
Southern Historical Society
- Box 47
Folder 15
Southwest Virginia Data
- Box 48
Folder 1
State Battlefield Parks
- Box 48
Folder 2
State Employees Credit Union
- Box 48
Folder 3
State Library (Richmond)
- Box 48
Folder 4
State Ownership of Property in Custody of a Society
- Box 48
Folder 5
State Parks (Virginia)
State Planning Board (Major Chars. J. Calrow, Consulting Director) - folder was empty
- Box 48
Folder 6
State Rights
- Box 48
Folder 7
State Safety Council
- Box 48
Folder 8
State Senate
- Box 48
Folder 9
Superintendents (Miscellaneous Superintendents)
- Box 47
Folder 5
- Box 48
Folder 10
Tabb, T. Garnett - Taylor, Jaquelin P.
- Box 48
Folder 11
Taylor, John D. - Tewalt, John H.
- Box 48
Folder 12
Thalhimer, William B. - Thornton, Mrs. Ray
- Box 48
Folder 13
Tickner, Edith A. - Towle, H. Ledyard
- Box 49
Folder 1
Towles, Eleanor W. - Truxtun, I. Walke
- Box 49
Folder 2
Tubbs, Eleanor - Turner, Mrs. W.R.
- Box 49
Folder 3
Turpin, Mrs. D.L. - Tyson, W.A.
- Box 48
Folder 10
Additional Correspondence
- Box 49
Folder 4
Tapscott, K.A. (Assistant Landscape Architect) - See Also Oversize Box 1, Folder 5
- Box 49
Folder 5
Terrell, Mrs. A.J., New Canton, VA
- Box 49
Folder 6
Truxtun, I. Walke
- Box 49
Folder 7
Tuck, William M.
- Box 49
Folder 8
Tunnell, Mrs. Edith
- Box 49
Folder 9
Turner, Joseph A.
- Box 49
Folder 10
Turner, W.R. (re: Hillsman House and Sailor's Creek Battlefield Park)
- Box 49
Folder 11
Tyler, Dr. Lyon G., Holdcroft, VA
- Box 49
Folder 4
- Box 49
Folder 12
- Box 49
Folder 13
Telegraph Road (Telegraph Line)
- Box 49
Folder 14
- Box 50
Folder 1
Town Marker Newspaper Clippings
- Box 50
Folder 2
Travel Expenses (Revolving Fund), Bank Statements and Deposits, 1948-1950
- Box 50
Folder 3
- Box 49
Folder 12
- Box 50
Folder 4
Uhl, Raymond - Utterback, William I.
- Box 50
Folder 4
- Box 50
Folder 5
Uniforms and Dress of the Army
- Box 50
Folder 6
United Daughters of the Confederacy
- Box 50
Folder 7
University of North Carolina Press
- Box 50
Folder 8
United States Army Officers who joined the Confederacy
- Box 50
Folder 9
Unknown Folder (unsigned letters)
- Box 50
Folder 5
- Box 50
Folder 10
Vail, Mrs. Agnes D. - Varney, Frank B.
- Box 50
Folder 11
Vasika, Joanne - Voorhis, Manning C.
- Box 50
Folder 10
Additional Correspondence and Topics
- Box 50
Folder 12
Vavpetich, Rudolph
- Box 50
Folder 13
Vacation and Sick Leave Reports
- Box 51
Folder 1
Valley of Virginia (Date)
- Box 51
Folder 2
Virginia Convention
- Box 51
Folder 3
Virginia Electoral Table (1946)
- Box 51
Folder 4
Virginia Personnel Act (1942)
- Box 51
Folder 5
Virginia Retirement System
- Box 50
Folder 12
- Box 51
Folder 6
Everett Waddey Company - Wall, Mrs. E.E.
- Box 51
Folder 7
Wall, J.B. - Walton, Jr., R.B.
- Box 51
Folder 8
War Price and Rationing Board - Waters, Vincent S.
- Box 51
Folder 9
Watkins, Mrs. Fannie Burton - Wayt, H.H.
- Box 52
Folder 1
Wealch, Mrs. Georgia W. - Wells, Vernoy R.
- Box 52
Folder 2
Welsch, John B. - Whitaker, Mrs. A.E.
- Box 52
Folder 3
Whitaker, Mrs. William - Whiting, Mrs. Pearl
- Box 52
Folder 4
Whitley, Orlando - Wilbourn, Arthur E.
- Box 52
Folder 5
Wilcher, T.S. - Williams, Eugene W.
- Box 52
Folder 6
Williams, Frances M. - Williams, Philip
- Box 53
Folder 1
Williams, Priscilla - Wiltshire, Byrd
- Box 53
Folder 2
Wiltshire, Jr., D.B. - Woldert, Albert
- Box 53
Folder 3
Wolf, Joseph C. - Wootten, Mrs. A. Guy
- Box 53
Folder 4
Word, A.C. - Wytheville Studios
- Box 51
Folder 6
Additional Correspondence
- Box 53
Folder 5
Waller, General S. Gardner
- Box 53
Folder 6
Warner, T.H.
- Box 53
Folder 7
Wayland, Dr. John W., Harrisonburg, VA
- Box 53
Folder 8
Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson
- Box 53
Folder 9
White, Judge B.D.
- Box 53
Folder 10
Wolfe, J.B., Grottoes, VA
- Box 54
Folder 1
Wright, Mrs. W.W.
- Box 54
Folder 2
Wright, William A. (part one)
- Box 54
Folder 3
Wright, William A. (part two)
- Box 53
Folder 5
- Box 54
Folder 4
Wakefield Restoration (George Washington clippings) - See Also Oversize Box 1, Folder 6
- Box 54
Folder 5
Water Planning (Natural Resources Committee)
- Box 54
Folder 6
William and Mary College
- Box 54
Folder 7
Williamsburg Restoration
- Box 54
Folder 8
Wright Brothers (Mr. W.C. Hall's file) - See Also Oversize Box 1, Folder 7
- Box 54
Folder 9
Hall, Wilbur (Orville Wright Correspondence re: Weadon Home in Loudoun County)
- Box 54
Folder 4
- Box 54
Folder 10
Yale University Press - Yost, Paul M.
- Box 54
Folder 11
Yourell, R.M. - Yust, Walter
- Box 54
Folder 10
- Box 55
Folder 1
York Electro-Cast Company (Highway Markers)
- Box 55
Folder 2
Yorktown Sesquicentennial Handbook
- Box 55
Folder 1
- Box 55
Folder 3
Zehmer, George B. - Zorn, Jay
- Box 55
Folder 3
- Subseries B: Correspndence, Dead File, 1927-1950
This subseries is housed in 16 boxes and one oversize box and is arranged alphabetically by correspondent and subject. This subseries consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence from Division of History staff members. Topics include the historical marker program, historical marker inscriptions, installation, and maintenance, published guide to historical markers, Richmond Battlefield Park, and reports of History Division activities.
The most significant correspondence are between William E. Carson , chairman of the Virginia Conservation Commission from 1926 to 1934, and Dr. Hamilton J. Eckenrode. These letters provide insight into the development, administration and problems of the historical marker program. Other topics include the Richmond Battlefield Park. Topics of a personal nature include Carson's fall in 1933 and death in 1942 and Eckenrode's bachelorhood.
Notable correspondence concerning the historical marker program include letter to Carson from Eckenrode asking him to sooth Conrad's hurt feelings over mistakes Carson made in marker inscriptions (29 November 1927); letter to Carson from Eckenrode describing delays in the installation of Lynchburg markers (11 March 1930); correspondence regarding marker orders and delivery problems (23 October 1933, 25 October 1933, 16 February 1934, 24 March 1934, 18 August 1934, and 20 August 1934); correspondence describing problems with marker maintenance (17 February 1933, 10 March 1933, 11 April 1933, 27 September 1933 and 7 October 1933).
Of note within the collection are correspondence describing the development of the Richmond Battlefield Park, especially between 1931 and 1934. Significant correspondence for 1931 include (5 January, 8 July, 9 July, 10 July, 17 July, 21 July, 30 July, 14 August, 18 August, 19 August, 20 August, 4 September, 8 September, 8 December, 11 December, 17 December and 18 December); for 1932 (29 March, 15 April, 21 April, 26 April, 28 April, 2 May, 18 May, 10 August, 12 October, 13 October, 19 November, 21 November, and 14 December); for 1933 (22 May, 7 June, 14 July, 20 July, 24 July, 27 July, 4 August, 23 August, 8 September, 11 September, 15 September, 20 September, 11 October, 23 November, and 25 November); and for 1934 (10-13 January, 17 January, 7 February, 14 February, 15 February, 19 February, 12 March, 15-17 March, 10 April, 14 May, 16 May and 14 July).
Topics of a personal nature in the correspondence include Carson's fall, injury to his arm, and recovery in 1933 (12 August, 13 August, 16 August, 15 September, 18 October, 20 October, 23 October, 24 October, and 27 October) and Carson's poor health shortly before he died in 1942. Throughout their correspondence, Carson teased Eckenrode about being a bachelor and encouraged him to find a wife (10 September 1929, 6 November 1929, 7 November 1929, 27 September 1930, 22 December 1930, and 10 June 1941).
The correspondence of Bryan Conrad , contain both business and personal letters, though most relate to his employment with the Division of History. Almost all of the office correspondence are between Conrad and Eckenrode. Topics include Conrad's employment status (27 June 1927, 28 March 1929) and field work installing markers including weekly reports (1927-1928). Personal letters between Conrad and his sister, Carter Bryan Conrad of Washington, D.C., are also included within Conrad's office correspondence. Topics include Conrad's divorce (19 October 1932), family and politics (8 May 1933, 19 September 1933, 9 January 1934, 6 December 1934). Also included are Conrad's personal correspondence, including a letter to Carter Bryan Conrad regarding the Edith Maxwell case and Franklin D. Roosevelt (17 November 1937), and correspondence with his daughter, Georgia Conrad (15 March 1935, 20 September 1935 and 18 May 1936 newspaper clipping).
Correspondence between Douglas Southall Freeman and Eckenrode include Freeman's comments on marker inscriptions. Additional correspondence discuss the Richmond Battlefield Park (20 June 1933, 21 June 1933, 7 July 1933, 10 July 1933, 21 August 1933, 18 September 1933, 22 September 1933, 23 September 1933, 25 September 1933, 23 November 1933, 15 January 1934, 25 January 1934 and 5 February 1934).
Wilbur C. Hall was chairman of the Conservation Commission from 1935 to 1939. Topics included in correspondence between Hall and Eckenrode are the Richmond Battlefield Park (23 February 1935, 6 April 1935 and 11 June 1935) and the WPA Historical Inventory Project (28 May 1936, 20 August 1937 and 4 December 1937).
The correspondence of M.F. Pleasants , Field Assistant for the Division of History, describe the installation and maintenance of the historical markers. Additional information can be found under the headings Highway Department and Markers .
Also of note is a typed 17 page transcript of the diary of Dr. John Waller Reins describing his ocean voyage from Norfolk, Virginia, to California, between 2 April 1849 and May 1849, filed with the correspondence of Mrs. Harris E. Willlingham and reports of the Division's work during World War II ( Virginia World War II History ).
Additional correspondents include E. Griffith Dodson, Elmer O. Flippin, Dr. H.R. McIlwaine, N. Clarence Smith, Branch Spalding, and Dr. E.G. Swem.
- Box 55
Folder 4
Allyn, Rex M.
- Box 55
Folder 5
American Automobile Association, Washington, DC (J.A. Brown, Business Manager) - See Also Oversize Box 1, Folder 8
- Box 55
Folder 6
Burson, R.E.
- Box 55
Folder 7
C.W.A. Project (1934) - Architectural Work
- Box 55
Folder 8
Carson, W.E. (1927)
- Box 55
Folder 9
Carson, W.E. (1928)
- Box 55
Folder 10
Carson, W.E. (1929)
- Box 56
Folder 1
Carson, W.E. (1930)
- Box 56
Folder 2
Carson, W.E. (1931)
- Box 56
Folder 3
Carson, W.E. (1932)
- Box 56
Folder 4
Carson, W.E. (1933)
- Box 56
Folder 5
Carson, W.E. (1934)
- Box 57
Folder 1
Carson, W.E. (1935-1942, 1946 & 1948)
- Box 57
Folder 2
Conrad, Col. Bryan (Office Correspondence, 1927)
- Box 57
Folder 3
Conrad, Col. Bryan (Office Correspondence, 1928)
- Box 57
Folder 4
Conrad, Col. Bryan (Office Correspondence, 1929)
- Box 57
Folder 5
Conrad, Col. Bryan (Office Correspondence, 1930-1937)
- Box 57
Folder 6
Conrad, Col. Bryan (Personal File, 1929-1932)
- Box 58
Folder 1
Conrad, Col. Bryan (Personal File, 1933-1934)
- Box 58
Folder 2
Conrad, Col. Bryan (Personal File, 1935-1938)
- Box 58
Folder 3
Conrad, Col. Bryan (Personal File, 1939-1942, 1946)
- Box 58
Folder 4
Colonial National Monument, Cramton Bill (General Correspondence)
- Box 58
Folder 5
Couch, W.T., Director, University of North Carolina Press, 1933-1943
- Box 58
Folder 6
Culler, Mrs. Julia Abbott
- Box 58
Folder 7
Dietz, Mrs. Winifred
- Box 58
Folder 8
Directory of Federal and State Departments and Agencies in Virginia, 1940
- Box 59
Folder 1
Dodson, E. Griffith (Correspondence File, 1927-1931)
- Box 59
Folder 2
Dodson, E. Griffith (Correspondence File, 1932-1933)
- Box 59
Folder 3
Eckenrode, Dr. Hamilton J. (Correspondence Sent to Col. Bryan Conrad, 1927-1930)
- Box 59
Folder 4
Eckenrode, Dr. Hamilton J. (Memorandums, 1928-1937)
- Box 59
Folder 5
Eckenrode, Dr. Hamilton J. (Personal Correspondence, 1928-1938)
- Box 59
Folder 6
Flippin, Elmer O. (1927-1930) - See Also Correspondence filed under Markers
- Box 60
Folder 1
Freeman, Dr. Douglas S. (1927-1932)
- Box 60
Folder 2
Freeman, Dr. Douglas S. (1933-1935)
- Box 60
Folder 3
Garden Week in Virginia Pamphlets, 1929, 1933-1941, 1947-1949 - See Also Oversize Box 1, Folder 9
Gilliam, R.A. - See Correspondence filed under Markers
- Box 60
Folder 4
Goodwin, Dr. W.A.R. (Yorktown Sesquicentennial)
- Box 60
Folder 5
Gray, Rev. Arthur, West Point, VA
- Box 60
Folder 6
Hall, Wilbur C. (1928-1934)
- Box 60
Folder 7
Hall, Wilbur C. (1935) - part one
- Box 60
Folder 8
Hall, Wilbur C. (1935) - part two
- Box 61
Folder 1
Hall, Wilbur C. (1936) - part one
- Box 61
Folder 2
Hall, Wilbur C. (1936) - part two
- Box 61
Folder 3
Hall, Wilbur C. (1937) - part one
- Box 61
Folder 4
Hall, Wilbur C. (1937) - part two
- Box 61
Folder 5
Hall, Wilbur C. (1938)
- Box 61
Folder 6
Hall, Wilbur C. (1939-1944)
- Box 62
Folder 1
Harrison, Fairfax
Highway Department
- Box 62
Folder 2
District Engineer, Bristol, Virginia
- Box 62
Folder 3
District Engineer, Culpeper, Virginia
- Box 62
Folder 4
District Engineer, Fredericksburg, Virginia
- Box 62
Folder 5
District Engineer, Lynchburg, Virginia
- Box 62
Folder 6
District Engineer, Richmond, Virginia
- Box 62
Folder 7
District Engineer, Salem, Virginia
- Box 62
Folder 8
District Engineer, Staunton, Virginia
- Box 62
Folder 9
District Engineer, Suffolk, Virginia
- Box 62
Folder 10
Forrer, J.J., Assistant Engineer, Maintenance, Richmond, Virginia
- Box 62
Folder 11
Lambert, C.W., Assistant Engineer, Equipment, Richmond, Virginia
- Box 62
Folder 12
Mullen, C.S., Chief Engineer, Richmond, Virginia
- Box 62
Folder 13
Leech, Jr., Charles B., Equipment Engineer, Richmond, Virginia
- Box 62
Folder 14
Sawtelle, C.C., Equipment Engineer, Richmond, Virginia
- Box 63
Folder 1
Jr. Landscape Superintendent, Bristol District
- Box 63
Folder 2
Jr. Landscape Superintendent, Culpeper District
- Box 63
Folder 3
Jr. Landscape Superintendent, Fredericksburg District
- Box 63
Folder 4
Jr. Landscape Superintendent, Lynchburg District
- Box 63
Folder 5
Jr. Landscape Superintendent, Richmond District
- Box 63
Folder 6
Jr. Landscape Superintendent, Salem District
- Box 63
Folder 7
Jr. Landscape Superintendent, Staunton District
- Box 63
Folder 8
Jr. Landscape Superintendent, Suffolk District
- Box 63
Folder 9
- Box 63
Folder 10
Resident Engineers, Bristol District
- Box 63
Folder 11
Resident Engineers, Culpeper District
- Box 63
Folder 12
Resident Engineers, Fredericksburg District
- Box 63
Folder 13
Resident Engineers, Lynchburg District
- Box 64
Folder 1
Resident Engineers, Richmond District
- Box 64
Folder 2
Resident Engineers, Salem District
- Box 64
Folder 3
Resident Engineers, Staunton District
- Box 64
Folder 4
Resident Engineers, Suffolk District
- Box 62
Folder 2
- Box 64
Folder 5
Horseley, J.R., 1927-1942
- Box 64
Folder 6
Horseley, Jr., 1928 (alphabetical)
- Box 64
Folder 7
Institutional Letters - Agreements Received
- Box 64
Folder 8
Institutional Letters - Agreements Not Received
- Box 64
Folder 9
Institutional Letters - Order Placed with Factory
- Box 64
Folder 10
Kegley, F.B., 1927-1934
- Box 65
Folder 1
Kegley, F.B., 1935-1947
- Box 65
Folder 2
Correspondence of E.O. Flippin Relating to Markers, 1928-1929 (9-4-2)
- Box 65
Folder 3
Correspondence of E.O. Flippin Relating to Historical Markers, 1930 (9-4-1)
- Box 65
Folder 4
Marker Booklet, Shenandoah Publishing House, 1929-1930 (9-6-2)
- Box 65
Folder 5
Correspondence of E.O. Flippin and R.A. Gilliam, 1930 (9-1)
- Box 65
Folder 6
Important Papers (R.A. Gilliam File), 1931 (2-9)
- Box 65
Folder 7
Dr. Eckenrode, Miscellaneous (R.A. Gilliam File), 1931 (9-1 to 9-5)
- Box 65
Folder 8
Richmond Battlefield Park (R.A. Gilliam File), 1931-1932 (7-7)
- Box 65
Folder 9
Correspondence of R.A. Gilliam, 1932 (9-1 to 9-5)
- Box 65
Folder 2
- Box 65
Folder 10
Marker Maintenance (Assistant Painters)
- Box 66
Folder 1
Martin, Col. Lawrence, Washington, DC
- Box 66
Folder 2
McIlwaine, Dr. H.R.
- Box 66
Folder 3
Millard, C.I.
- Box 66
Folder 4
Mullen, C.S. (Dept. of Highways)
- Box 66
Folder 5
Neale, H.J. (Landscape Engineer), 1937-1940
- Box 66
Folder 6
Neale, H.J. (Landscape Engineer), 1941-1945
- Box 66
Folder 7
Neale, H.J. (Landscape Engineer), 1946-1948
- Box 66
Folder 8
Newspaper Clippings and Miscellaneous Printed Matter
- Box 66
Folder 9
Pleasants, M.F., 1927-1930
- Box 67
Folder 1
Pleasants, M.F., 1931
- Box 67
Folder 2
Pleasants, M.F., 1932-1933
- Box 67
Folder 3
Pleasants, M.F., 1934-1937
- Box 67
Folder 4
Pleasants, M.F., 1938-1944
- Box 67
Folder 5
Pleasants, M.F., Marker Field Work, 1946-1948
- Box 67
Folder 6
Salem Foundry and Machine Works, Inc., 1945-1946
- Box 67
Folder 7
Salem Foundry and Machine Works, Inc., 1947-1948
- Box 68
Folder 1
Sams, C. Whittle, Norfolk, VA
- Box 68
Folder 2
Schaadt, Mrs. C.W.
- Box 68
Folder 3
Shirley, Henry G. (Chairman Highway Commission), 1927-1941
- Box 68
Folder 4
Shrines in Virginia, 1932-1933
- Box 68
Folder 5
Skinnell, J.F. (Manager, WMBG Studio)
- Box 68
Folder 6
Smith, N. Clarence (Chairman), 1939-1940
- Box 68
Folder 7
Smith, N. Clarence (Chairman), 1941-1942
- Box 68
Folder 8
Spalding, Branch (National Park Service), 1933-1936 - See Also Oversize Box 1, Folder 10
- Box 69
Folder 1
Sully, Julia
- Box 69
Folder 2
Swem, Dr. E.G., 1927-1930
- Box 69
Folder 3
Swem, Dr. E.G., 1931-1936
- Box 69
Folder 4
Traveling Expenses (Revolving Fund), Correspondence, A-L (Hotel Letters)
- Box 69
Folder 5
Traveling Expenses (Revolving Fund), Correspondence, M-Z (Hotel Letters)
- Box 69
Folder 6
Traveling Expenses, Bank Statements of Account, 1 July 1946 to 1 June 1948
- Box 69
Folder 7
Virginia World War II History - See Also Oversize Box 1, Folder 11
- Box 70
Folder 1
Virginia Writers' Project (Prefaces of Books and Pamphlets)
- Box 70
Folder 2
White, J. Stuart
- Box 70
Folder 3
Whitelock, Frances, Editor "East Texas", Longview, Texas
- Box 70
Folder 4
Wiles, Edmond R., Little Rock, Arkansas
- Box 70
Folder 5
Willingham, Mrs. Harris E. (Diary of Dr. John Waller Reins, and notes on old homes)
- Box 70
Folder 6
WMBG Broadcasting Studio, Richmond, VA
- Box 70
Folder 7
WPA Artists Project
- Box 70
Folder 8
(WPA) Federal Writers' Project, Dr. H.J. Eckenrode, Director for Virginia
- Box 70
Folder 9
(WPA Project) Historic Buildings, Sites, Etc.
- Box 70
Folder 10
Wright, Jr., Marcellus E., Project Engineer, Local Virginia Emergency Relief Administration
- Box 70
Folder 11
Yorktown Pageant, 1932
- Box 70
Folder 12
Yorktown Investigation
- Box 70
Folder 13
Yorktown Sesquicentennial History (Campaign and Siege of Yorktown)
- Box 55
Folder 4
The Virginia War History Project series is housed in 10 boxes with oversized material separated and is arranged into two subseries. Subseries have been designated for Counties and Cities. The series consists of booklets, correspondence, lists, newspaper clippings, newsletters, pamphlets, photographs, programs, reports, and rosters.
In September 1942 the Virginia Conservation Commission's Division of History and Archaeology, under the direction of Dr. Hamilton J. Eckenrode, began a war records collection program. Unable to continue the Division of History's historical marker program because of wartime rationing, Eckenrode sought to "record the history of the Old Dominion's war effort while the history is still fresh in the making, rather than wait until after the war when the events and details would be more obscured." The Conservation Commission began a correspondence program in which a non-salaried correspondent from each locality sent reports about local war activities and local effects and reaction to the war. The local correspondents also assisted the Virginia World War II History Commission with its' questionnaire, "Personal War Service Record of Virginia's Ward Dead" completed by the next of kin of Virginia's deceased servicemen.
Most of the information in this series contains correspondence reports on local wartime conditions in Virginia from local correspondents mainly during 1943 with a few from 1944 and 1945. Topics include local opinion and reaction to war events and news, rosters of local service men and women, activities of local organizations, economic conditions and religious conditions. Unfortunately, the quantity and quality of these reports varied widely. Many only submitted a few reports. However, other localities submitted a substantial number of records. In addition, there are correspondence between the History Division and local correspondents related to the administration of the "Personal War Service Record of Virginia's War Dead" questionnaire on behalf of the Virginia World War II History Commission. These records were transferred to the Virginia World War II History Commission and are part of Record Group 68, accession 24805. A few localities submitted casualty lists.
- Subseries A: Counties
This subseries is housed in 9 boxes and one oversize box and is arranged alphabetically by county. This subseries consists of incoming correspondence and reports from local correspondents and replies from Division of History staff members. A few also include newspaper clippings about local soldiers and events. The bulk of the reports cover portions of 1943 and some 1944. The quality and frequency of the reports varied widely. Notable county reports include Arlington County (clippings from Washington, D.C. newspapers), Bedford County (reports on D-Day, 6-8 June 1944), Buchanan County, Buckingham County (1942-1943 issues of Seabees Buzz), Dinwiddie County (reaction to the war by Camp Lee service men, ca. 1944), Essex County (critical attitude), Fluvanna County, Halifax County, Henry County, Isle of Wight County, Loudoun County, Nelson County, Patrick County, Prince William County, Stafford County (including "Story of Stafford Evacuation" by Elizabeth Russell Powers, describing removal of 650 families for enlargement of Marine Base at Quantico in 1942), and Surry County.
A few localities (Alleghany County, Franklin County, Giles County, Prince George County, Sussex County and Wise County) also gathered biographical information about soldiers often listing the soldiers name, age, physical description, name of parents, residence, education, marital status, and a brief military record. A few records include newspaper clippings and photographs.
- Box 71
Folder 1
Accomack County, 1943-1946
- Box 71
Folder 2
Albemarle County, 1943-1946
- Box 71
Folder 3
Alleghany County, 1943-1945
- Box 71
Folder 4
Amelia County, 1942-1945
- Box 71
Folder 5
Amherst County, 1943, 1945
- Box 71
Folder 6
Appomattox County, 1942-1946
- Box 71
Folder 7
Arlington County, 1943-1946 and newspaper clippings
- Box 71
Folder 8
Augusta County, 1942-1946
- Box 71
Folder 9
Bath County, 1943-1946
- Box 71
Folder 10
Bedford County, 1943-1946
- Box 71
Folder 11
Bland County, 1943-1945
- Box 71
Folder 12
Botetourt County, 1943, 1945
- Box 71
Folder 13
Brunswick County, 1943-1946
- Box 71
Folder 14
Buchanan County, 1942-1943, 1945-1946
- Box 72
Folder 1
Buckingham County, 1942
- Box 72
Folder 2
Buckingham County, 1943
- Box 72
Folder 3
Buckingham County, 1944
- Box 72
Folder 4
Bucking County, 1945-1946
- Box 72
Folder 5
Campbell County, 1943-1946
- Box 72
Folder 6
Caroline County, 1942-1943, 1945-1946
- Box 72
Folder 7
Carroll County, 1943, 1945
- Box 72
Folder 8
Charles City County, 1942-1945
- Box 72
Folder 9
Charlotte County, 1942-1943, 1945
- Box 72
Folder 10
Chesterfield County, 1943
- Box 72
Folder 11
Clarke County, 1942-1943, 1945-1946
- Box 72
Folder 12
Craig County, 1943-1946
- Box 72
Folder 13
Culpeper County, 1942-1943, 1945-1946
- Box 72
Folder 14
Cumberland County, 1942-1945
- Box 73
Folder 1
Dickenson County, 1942-1943, 1945
- Box 73
Folder 2
Dinwiddie County, 1943-1945
Elizabeth City County - empty folder
- Box 73
Folder 3
Essex County, 1943-1946
- Box 73
Folder 4
Fairfax County, 1943-1946
- Box 73
Folder 5
Fauquier County, 1942-1943, 1945 (Also includes City of Warrenton)
- Box 73
Folder 6
Floyd County, 1943-1946
- Box 73
Folder 7
Fluvanna County, 1943-1946
- Box 73
Folder 8
Franklin County, 1942-1946
- Box 73
Folder 9
Franklin County, Register Record of Soldiers of World War II
- Box 73
Folder 10
Frederick County, 1942-1943
- Box 74
Folder 1
Giles County, 1942-1943
- Box 74
Folder 2
Giles County, 1943
- Box 74
Folder 3
Giles County, 1943-1946
- Box 74
Folder 4
Gloucester County, 1942-1946
- Box 74
Folder 5
Goochland County, 1942-1943, 1945
- Box 74
Folder 6
Grayson County, 1943, 1945
- Box 74
Folder 7
Greene County, 1943, 1945
- Box 74
Folder 8
Greensville County, 1943-1945
- Box 74
Folder 9
Halifax County, 1942-1945
- Box 74
Folder 10
Hanover County, 1943-1945
- Box 75
Folder 1
Henrico County, 1943
- Box 75
Folder 2
Henry County, 1942-1943
- Box 75
Folder 3
Henry County, 1943
- Box 75
Folder 4
Henry County, 1943-1944
- Box 75
Folder 5
Henry County, 1944-1945 (See Also Oversize Box 2, Folder 1)
- Box 75
Folder 6
Highland County, 1943, 1945
- Box 75
Folder 7
Isle of Wight County, 1943-1946
- Box 75
Folder 8
James City County, 1942-1943, 1945
- Box 75
Folder 9
King and Queen County, 1942-1946
- Box 76
Folder 1
King George County, 1942-1943, 1945
- Box 76
Folder 2
King William County, 1942-1946
- Box 76
Folder 3
Lancaster County, 1942-1945
- Box 76
Folder 4
Lee County, 1943-1945
- Box 76
Folder 5
Loudoun County, 1942-1945 (Also includes Leesburg)
- Box 76
Folder 6
Louisa County, 1942-1946
- Box 76
Folder 7
Lunenburg County, 1942-1946
- Box 76
Folder 8
Madison County, 1942-1946
- Box 76
Folder 9
Mathews County, 1942-1946
- Box 76
Folder 10
Mecklenburg County, 1943-1945
- Box 76
Folder 11
Middlesex County, 1942-1945
- Box 76
Folder 12
Montgomery County, 1942-1946 (See Also Oversize Box 2, Folder 2)
- Box 76
Folder 13
Nansemond County, 1945-1946
- Box 76
Folder 14
Nelson County, 1942-1945
- Box 77
Folder 1
New Kent County, 1942-1943, 1945
- Box 77
Folder 2
Norfolk County, 1943, 1945-1946
- Box 77
Folder 3
Northampton County, 1943, 1945
- Box 77
Folder 4
Northumberland County, 1942-1943, 1945
- Box 77
Folder 5
Nottoway County, 1943, 1945
- Box 77
Folder 6
Orange County, 1942-1943, 1945-1946 (See Also Oversize Box 2, Folder 3)
- Box 77
Folder 7
Page County, 1943-1946
- Box 77
Folder 8
Patrick County, 1942-1946
- Box 77
Folder 9
Pittsylvania County, 1943-1945
- Box 77
Folder 10
Powhatan County, 1943, 1945
- Box 77
Folder 11
Prince Edward County, 1942-1943, 1945
- Box 77
Folder 12
Prince Edward County (Hampden Sydney College), 1942-1944
- Box 77
Folder 13
Prince George County, 1943-1946
- Box 77
Folder 14
Prince William County, 1942-1946
- Box 77
Folder 15
Princess Anne County, 1942-1943
- Box 77
Folder 16
Pulaski County, 1943-1946
- Box 77
Folder 17
Rappahannock County, 1943, 1945
- Box 78
Folder 1
Richmond County, 1943, 1945-1946
- Box 78
Folder 2
Roanoke County, 1945-1946
- Box 78
Folder 3
Rockbridge County, 1942-1946
- Box 78
Folder 4
Rockingham County, 1946
- Box 78
Folder 5
Russell County, 1942-1946
- Box 78
Folder 6
Scott County, 1943-1946
- Box 78
Folder 7
Shenandoah County, 1943, 1945-1946
- Box 78
Folder 8
Smyth County, 1943-1946
- Box 78
Folder 9
Southampton County, 1945-1946
- Box 78
Folder 10
Spotsylvania County, 1942-1943, 1945
- Box 78
Folder 11
Stafford County, 1942-1945
- Box 78
Folder 12
Surry County, 1943-1946
- Box 78
Folder 13
Sussex County, 1942-1943
- Box 78
Folder 14
Sussex County, 1943
- Box 79
Folder 1
Sussex County, 1943-1944
- Box 79
Folder 2
Tazewell County, 1942-1945
- Box 79
Folder 3
Warren County, 1943, 1945
- Box 79
Folder 4
Warwick County, 1943-1945
- Box 79
Folder 5
Washington County, 1943-1945 (Also includes Abingdon)
- Box 79
Folder 6
Westmoreland County, 1942-1943, 1945-1946
- Box 79
Folder 7
Wise County, 1943-1945
- Box 79
Folder 8
Wythe County, 1942-1943, 1945 (Also includes Wytheville)
- Box 79
Folder 9
York County, 1943-1946
- Box 71
Folder 1
- Subseries B: Cities
This subseries is housed in 1 box and one oversize box and is arranged alphabetically by city. This subseries consists of incoming correspondence and reports from local correspondents and replies from Division of History staff members. Very few localities submitted any reports. Most of the correspondence concerns the collection of "Personal War Service Record of Virginia's Ward Dead".
- Box 79
Folder 10
Alexandria, 1942-1943, 1945
- Box 79
Folder 11
Bristol, 1943, 1945
- Box 79
Folder 12
Buena Vista, 1942-1945
- Box 79
Folder 13
Charlottesville, 1945
- Box 79
Folder 14
Clifton Forge, 1945
- Box 79
Folder 15
Danville, 1945-1946
- Box 79
Folder 16
Fredericksburg, 1942-1944
- Box 79
Folder 17
Hampton, 1945
- Box 79
Folder 18
Harrisonburg, 1943, 1945
- Box 79
Folder 19
Lynchburg, 1942-1946
- Box 79
Folder 20
Martinsville, 1945
- Box 80
Folder 1
Newport News, 1942, 1945
- Box 80
Folder 2
Norfolk, 1942-1945
- Box 80
Folder 3
Petersburg, 1942-1943, 1945
- Box 80
Folder 4
Portsmouth, 1942-1946
- Box 80
Folder 5
Richmond, 1942, 1944-1945
- Box 80
Folder 6
Roanoke, 1942, 1945-1946
- Box 80
Folder 7
South Norfolk, 1945
- Box 80
Folder 8
Staunton, 1945-1946
- Box 80
Folder 9
Suffolk, 1943, 1945-1946
- Box 80
Folder 10
Williamsburg, 1943-1945
- Box 80
Folder 11
Winchester, 1945-1946
- Box 79
Folder 10
The Graves of Distinguished Virginians Project series is housed in 5 boxes with oversized material separated and is arranged into two subseries. Subseries have been designated for Correspondence and County Files. The series consists of correspondence, lists, maps, newspaper clippings, and reports.
In October 1944 the Virginia Conservation Commission's Division of History began a "Graves of Distinguished Virginians" Project. Funded by a $2000 appropriation of the General Assembly, the project's goals was to identify and, if necessary, mark such graves. The bulk of the work on this project was between 1946 and 1948.
- Subseries A: Correspondence, 1944-1950
This subseries is housed in 3 boxes and one oversize box and is arranged alphabetically by correspondent with some correspondence and topics separated out. The series consists primarily of correspondence between Division of History staff members, Dr. Hamilton J. Eckenrode, Bryan Conrad and J.R.V. Daniel and interested citizens concerning the graves of distinguished Virginians. Topics include: tombstone inscriptions and information on the location of graves.
- Box 81
Folder 1
Graves of Distinguished Virginians - Official List for Corrections, Eliminations and (Suggested) Additional Names
- Box 81
Folder 2
Graves of Distinguished Virginians - Work List (See Also Oversize Box 2, Folder 4)
- Box 81
Folder 3
Alphabetical List of Graves of Distinguished Virginians with County locations (2 copies)
- Box 81
Folder 4
Grave Inscriptions
- Box 81
Folder 5
Proposed Grave Markers
- Box 81
Folder 6
Graves - Current Investigation - "Priorities"
- Box 81
Folder 7
Alexandria Gazette - Byrd
- Box 81
Folder 8
Capron - Cunningham
- Box 81
Folder 9
List of Congressmen (2 copies)
- Box 81
Folder 10
DAR - Guthrie
- Box 81
Folder 11
Graves, L.N., Installation of Markers
- Box 81
Folder 12
Grave Markers - Bounds, Paul W. (Granite Markers)
- Box 82
Folder 1
Haley - Hutton
- Box 82
Folder 2
Harrison (Benjamin's) Material
- Box 82
Folder 3
Henwood and Wilson (Granite Markers)
- Box 82
Folder 4
Howard, E.H. (Eastern Shore Marker Contract)
- Box 82
Folder 5
Ingham - Mullett
- Box 82
Folder 6
- Box 82
Folder 7
Marker Order Folder
- Box 82
Folder 8
Marker Bids and Orders
- Box 82
Folder 9
Miscellaneous Folder
- Box 82
Folder 10
Nelson - Nicar
- Box 82
Folder 11
National Park Service (Eight Superintendents)
- Box 82
Folder 12
Newspaper Clippings
- Box 82
Folder 13
Owens - Ryland
- Box 83
Folder 1
Saunders - Swem (See Also Oversize Box 2, Folder 6)
- Box 83
Folder 2
Suspense Letters
- Box 83
Folder 3
Tabb - Tynes
- Box 83
Folder 4
Tombstone Inscriptions
- Box 83
Folder 5
Upshur - Wright
- Box 83
Folder 6
Whitelaw, Ralph T.
- Box 83
Folder 7
Wold, Ansel, Washington, DC
- Box 83
Folder 8
- Box 81
Folder 1
- Subseries B: County Files
This subseries is housed in 3 boxes and is arranged alphabetically by locality. The series consists of lists of distinguished Virginians buried in each locality and an approximate location of their grave. A few localities include tombstone inscriptions and newspaper clippings about the project.
- Box 83
Folder 9
Accomack County
- Box 83
Folder 10
Albemarle County
- Box 83
Folder 11
Amelia County
- Box 83
Folder 12
Amherst County
- Box 83
Folder 13
Appomattox County
- Box 83
Folder 14
Arlington County
- Box 83
Folder 15
Augusta County
- Box 83
Folder 16
Bath County
- Box 83
Folder 17
Bland County
- Box 83
Folder 18
Botetourt County
- Box 83
Folder 19
Brunswick County
- Box 83
Folder 20
Buckingham County
- Box 84
Folder 1
Campbell County
- Box 84
Folder 2
Caroline County
- Box 84
Folder 3
Charles City County
- Box 84
Folder 4
Charlotte County
- Box 84
Folder 5
Chesterfield County
- Box 84
Folder 6
Clarke County
- Box 84
Folder 7
Culpeper County
- Box 84
Folder 8
Cumberland County
- Box 84
Folder 9
Dinwiddie County
- Box 84
Folder 10
Elizabeth City County
- Box 84
Folder 11
Essex County
- Box 84
Folder 12
Fairfax County
- Box 84
Folder 13
Fauquier County
- Box 84
Folder 14
Fluvanna County
- Box 84
Folder 15
Franklin County
- Box 84
Folder 16
Frederick County
- Box 84
Folder 17
Giles County
- Box 84
Folder 18
Gloucester County
- Box 84
Folder 19
Goochland County
- Box 84
Folder 20
Grayson County
- Box 84
Folder 21
Halifax County
- Box 84
Folder 22
Hanover County
- Box 84
Folder 23
Henrico County
- Box 84
Folder 24
Henry County
- Box 84
Folder 25
Isle of Wight County
- Box 84
Folder 26
King and Queen County
- Box 84
Folder 27
King George County
- Box 84
Folder 28
King William County
- Box 84
Folder 29
Lancaster County
- Box 84
Folder 30
Lee County
- Box 84
Folder 31
Loudoun County
- Box 84
Folder 32
Louisa County
- Box 84
Folder 33
Lunenburg County
- Box 84
Folder 34
Madison County
- Box 84
Folder 35
Mathews County
- Box 84
Folder 36
Mecklenburg County
- Box 84
Folder 37
Middlesex County
- Box 84
Folder 38
- Box 84
Folder 39
Montgomery County
- Box 84
Folder 40
Nansemond County
- Box 84
Folder 41
Nelson County
- Box 84
Folder 42
New Kent County
- Box 84
Folder 43
Norfolk County
- Box 84
Folder 44
Northampton County
- Box 84
Folder 45
Northumberland County
- Box 84
Folder 46
Nottoway County
- Box 84
Folder 47
Page County
- Box 84
Folder 48
Patrick County
- Box 84
Folder 49
Pittsylvania County
- Box 84
Folder 50
Powhatan County
- Box 84
Folder 51
Prince Edward County
- Box 84
Folder 52
Prince George County
- Box 84
Folder 53
Prince William County
- Box 84
Folder 54
Princess Anne County
- Box 84
Folder 55
Pulaski County
- Box 84
Folder 56
Rappahannock County
- Box 84
Folder 57
Richmond County
- Box 84
Folder 58
Roanoke County
- Box 84
Folder 59
Rockbridge County
- Box 84
Folder 60
Rockingham County
- Box 84
Folder 61
Russell County
- Box 85
Folder 1
Scott County
- Box 85
Folder 2
Shenandoah County
- Box 85
Folder 3
Smyth County
- Box 85
Folder 4
Southampton County
- Box 85
Folder 5
Spotsylvania County
- Box 85
Folder 6
Stafford County
- Box 85
Folder 7
Surry County
- Box 85
Folder 8
Sussex County
- Box 85
Folder 9
Tazewell County
- Box 85
Folder 10
Warren County
- Box 85
Folder 11
Warwick County
- Box 85
Folder 12
Washington County
- Box 85
Folder 13
Westmoreland County
- Box 85
Folder 14
West Virginia
- Box 85
Folder 15
Wythe County
- Box 85
Folder 16
York County
- Box 83
Folder 9
The Records series is housed in 7 boxes with oversized material separated and is arranged into two subseries. Subseries have been designated for Reference Files and The Hornbook of Virginia History. The series consists of correspondence, minutes, newspapers, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, photographs, postcards and scrapbooks.
- Subseries A: Reference Files
This subseries is housed in 4 boxes and two oversize folders and is arranged alphabetically by subject or correspondent. The series consists primarily of topical reference files. Notable subjects include: Bell Tower, Covered Bridges in Virginia (including some photographs and WPA Historical Inventory Forms), Division of History and Archaeology (organization and reports), and George Washington. The material on Washington includes several issues of Clip Sheet, published by the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission. In addition to the subject files, the subseries also consists of correspondence between Division of History staff members, Dr. Hamilton J. Eckenrode, Bryan Conrad and J.R.V. Daniel and individuals concerning the Division's work. It is unknown why these correspondence were separated from the main Correspondence File (Series I.). Notable correspondents include: W. Edwin Hemphill and Alexander Weddell.
- Box 86
Folder 1
Anderson, General James A., Commissioner of Highways
- Box 86
Folder 2
A.P.V.A. (The Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities)
- Box 86
Folder 3
Archaeology - See also folder for E.B. Sacrey, Secretary, Archaeology Society of Virginia
- Box 86
Folder 4
Architecture (drawings)
- Box 86
Folder 5
Arnold, George P.
- Box 86
Folder 6
Battle, Governor John Stuart
- Box 86
Folder 7
Battlefield Markers Association - Battlefield Markers in Richmond Vicinity, List of
- Box 86
Folder 8
Battles and Battlefields in Virginia (Lists, etc.)
- Box 86
Folder 9
Bell Tower (Capitol Square)
- Box 86
Folder 10
Berkeley, Jr., Francis L.
- Box 86
Folder 11
Calendar - Old and New Style Explained
- Box 86
Folder 12
Capitol Square - Data
- Box 86
Folder 13
Cappon, Dr. Lester J. (Highway Historical Marker Advisory Committee)
- Box 86
Folder 14
- Box 86
Folder 15
Church, Randolph W. (State Librarian - 1947)
- Box 86
Folder 16
Churches in Virginia
- Box 86
Folder 17
Coale, Commander Griffin Baily
- Box 86
Folder 18
Covered Bridges in Virginia
- Box 87
Folder 1
Daniel, James R.V.
- Box 87
Folder 2
Forts (Early Virginia Frontier Forts)
- Box 87
Folder 3
Genealogists Working in State Library
- Box 87
Folder 4
Governor of Virginia, List of
- Box 87
Folder 5
Governor of Virginia - Kibler/Daniel Correspondence
- Box 87
Folder 6
Hemphill, Dr. W. Edwin
- Box 87
Folder 7
Historic Places (Days and Hours Open to Public)
- Box 87
Folder 8
Historical Sketches, 1930-1933
- Box 87
Folder 9
Historical Sketches (Miscellaneous Articles), 1934-1935
- Box 87
Folder 10
Historical Sketches (Miscellaneous Articles), 1936-1937
- Box 87
Folder 11
Historical Sketches of States (for Sesquicentennial)
- Box 88
Folder 1
History and Archeaology, Division of
- Box 88
Folder 2
Huguenot Society of the Founders of Manakin
- Box 88
Folder 3
McCormick, Cyrus H. (Centennial of the Reaper - Material)
- Box 88
Folder 4
McDougall, Mrs. John Franklin (Huguenont Society, etc.)
- Box 88
Folder 5
Meade, Everard K.
- Box 88
Folder 6
- Box 88
Folder 7
Mountain Peaks in Virginia Above 4000 Feet Elevation
- Box 88
Folder 8
Old Families of Virginia, List of
- Box 88
Folder 9
Photographs of Monuments, Markers and Gravestones, List of
- Box 88
Folder 10
Presidents of the United States and their Wives
- Box 88
Folder 11
Rivers in Virginia
- Box 88
Folder 12
Roads in Virginia (Colonial)
- Box 88
Folder 13
Sacrey, E.B., Secretary, Archeaology Society of Virginia (See Also Archaeology folder)
- Box 88
Folder 14
State Bird
- Box 88
Folder 15
State Capitol
- Box 88
Folder 16
State Flag
- Box 89
Folder 1
State Flower
- Box 89
Folder 2
State Motto
- Box 89
Folder 3
State Poem(s)
- Box 89
Folder 4
State Seal
- Box 89
Folder 5
State Song
- Box 89
Folder 6
State Towns and Cities
- Box 89
Folder 7
Surplus Property
- Box 89
Folder 8
Torrence, William Clayton (Virginia Historical Society)
- Box 89
Folder 9
Tracer File - Highway Department (M.F. Pleasants)
- Box 89
Folder 10
George Washington's Barn, Mill and Distillery
- Box 89
Folder 11
George Washington Bicentennial (See Also Oversize Box 2, Folders 7 and 8)
- Box 89
Folder 12
George Washington's Journeys to Williamsburg (Burgess Road)
- Box 89
Folder 13
George Washington Memorial Highway
- Box 89
Folder 14
George Washington's Southern Tour, 1791
- Box 89
Folder 15
Weddell, Alexander W., "Virginia House," Richmond, Virginia
- Box 89
Folder 16
Werowocomoco - Arthur Gray
- Box 89
Folder 17
Whitelaw, Ralph T.
- Box 89
Folder 18
Wold, Ansel, Clerk, Washington, DC
- Box 89
Folder 19
Yorktown Monument
- Box 86
Folder 1
- Subseries B: The Hornbook of Virginia History
This series is housed in 3 boxes and includes information on the publication of The Hornbook of Virginia History by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Development, Division of History in 1949. Notable records include: minutes of the 21 March 1947 meeting of the History Advisory Committee, correspondence, comments and revisions to brief Virginia histories written by Everard Kidder Meade and H.J. Eckenrode, reviews, scrapbook, and requests for copies.
- Box 90
Folder 1
Hornbook History Outline, 1947-1949 (part one) (Letters from members of Advisory Committee, annotations, suggestions, re-writes, original and revised copies, etc. - including all such pertaining to Meade's version)
- Box 90
Folder 2
Hornbook History Outline, 1947-1949 (part two) (Letters from members of Advisory Committee, annotations, suggestions, re-writes, original and revised copies, etc. - including all such pertaining to Meade's version)
- Box 90
Folder 3
Hornbook History Outline, 1947-1948 (part one) (Copies of Eckenrode's "Brief Outline of Virginia History" returned by and showing annotations of various members of the History Advisory Committee)
- Box 90
Folder 4
Hornbook History Outline, 1947-1948 (part two) (Copies of Eckenrode's "Brief Outline of Virginia History" returned by and showing annotations of various members of the History Advisory Committee)
- Box 90
Folder 5
W. Edwin Hemphill, Drafts and Correspondence, 1947-1949
- Box 90
Folder 6
History Hornbook of Virginia - Samples of Proposed Material
- Box 91
Folder 1
Material re Revision of A Brief Outline of Virginia History
- Box 91
Folder 2
Hornbook of Virginia History (Complete Office Set)
- Box 91
Folder 3
Hornbook - Lewis's Samples
- Box 91
Folder 4
Baughman Company (Printing of Hornbook)
- Box 91
Folder 5
Hornbook of Virginia History - Errata Sheets
- Box 91
Folder 6
Hornbook Clippings, Letters and Reviews
- Box 91
Folder 7
The Hornbook Scrapbook
- Box 91
Folder 8
Hornbook Labels
- Box 91
Folder 9
Special Requests for Hornbook
- Box 91
Folder 10
Survey of Virginia Public Schools as to need for A Hornbook of Virginia History (Counties)
- Box 91
Folder 11
Survey of Virginia Public Schools as to need for A Hornbook of Virginia History (Cities)
- Box 92
Folder 1
Suspense Requests (Hornbook)
- Box 92
Folder 2
Unusual and Special Requests (Hornbook)
- Box 92
Folder 3
Hornbook - Special Copies to
- Box 92
Folder 4
Some "Prize" Letters
- Box 92
Folder 5
Hornbook - Inventory and Distribution
- Box 92
Folder 6
Extra Copies of Excepts re Hornbook
- Box 92
Folder 7
Correspondence re Hornbook Comments and Requests, A-Z
- Box 90
Folder 1
The Historical Material is housed in 17 boxes with oversized material separated and is arranged alphabetically by county followed by a separate section of newspapers and magazines arranged by sections. City historical material is interfiled with the nearest county. For example City of Richmond material is filed with Henrico County. A 3x5 card files provides a rough topical index to the collection. The series consists of historical sketches, maps, newspaper clippings, pamphlets and photographs.
Contents include historical data on counties and information on historic sites and places of each interest within each locality. Notable records include two photographs from the Great Dismal Swamp. The first photograph shows gnarled cypress roots in Lake Drummond, near Norfolk (no date); the second, dated 1899, shows the locomobile of John Wallace, Norfolk, the "first motor vehicle other than by electric power" (Norfolk County, Box 103, Folder 1). Other items of interest include: The Spirit of Orange: A Pageant Portraying a Few High Points of Orange County History in Relation to Local, National and International Affairs , 3 May 1930, official program for forty-third annual reunion of Confederate Veterans, in Orange, 16-18 September 1930 (Box 103, Folder 4); Glen Mary: Past and Present by A.V.S. Milbourne, 1935, photograph of commissioners and historians at Skyland, including W.E. Carson and Harry F. Byrd, (Page County, Box 103, Folder 5); newspaper clippings concerning the case of Odell Waller, a Pittsylvania County sharecropper executed for murder on 2 July 1942 (Box 103, Folder 6); photographs of Wanda Hawley, a silent motion picture actress, Helen Wainwright, Olympic swimming and diving champion, and Helen Hentschel, an outboard motor boat racer, at Virginia Beach, Princess Anne County, n.d. (Box 104, Folder 3);and Directory of Surry County, Virginia , 1932-1933 compiled by Gordon C. Berryman (Box 105, Folder 9).
- Box 93
Folder 1
Accomack County
- Box 93
Folder 2
Albemarle County, A-H
- Box 93
Folder 3
Albemarle County, J-W
- Box 93
Folder 4
Alleghany County
- Box 93
Folder 5
Amelia County
- Box 93
Folder 6
Amherst County
- Box 93
Folder 7
Appomattox County
- Box 93
Folder 8
Arlington County
- Box 93
Folder 9
Augusta County
- Box 94
Folder 1
Bath County
- Box 94
Folder 2
Bedford County
- Box 94
Folder 3
Bland County
- Box 94
Folder 4
Botetourt County
- Box 94
Folder 5
Brunswick County
- Box 94
Folder 6
Buchanan County
- Box 94
Folder 7
Buckingham County
- Box 94
Folder 8
Campbell County
- Box 94
Folder 9
Caroline County
- Box 94
Folder 10
Charles City County
- Box 94
Folder 11
Charles City County (Information on Old Homes photographed by History Division), Berkley-Indian Fields
- Box 95
Folder 1
Charles City County (Information on Old Homes photographed by History Division), Kittiwan-Wilcox Wharf
- Box 95
Folder 2
Charlotte County
- Box 95
Folder 3
Clarke County
- Box 95
Folder 4
Culpeper County
- Box 95
Folder 5
Cumberland County
- Box 95
Folder 6
Dickenson County
- Box 95
Folder 7
Dinwiddie County
- Box 95
Folder 8
Dinwiddie County (Petersburg)
- Box 95
Folder 9
Elizabeth City County
- Box 96
Folder 1
Essex County
- Box 96
Folder 2
Fairfax County
- Box 96
Folder 3
Fairfax County (Alexandria)
- Box 96
Folder 4
Fauquier County
- Box 96
Folder 5
Fluvanna County
- Box 96
Folder 6
Franklin County
- Box 96
Folder 7
Frederick County
- Box 96
Folder 8
Giles County
- Box 96
Folder 9
Gloucester County
- Box 96
Folder 10
Goochland County
- Box 97
Folder 1
Grayson County
- Box 97
Folder 2
Greene County
- Box 97
Folder 3
Greensville County
- Box 97
Folder 4
Hanover County (Information on Old Homes photographed by History Division), A-O
- Box 97
Folder 5
Hanover County (Information on Old Homes photographed by History Division), P-W
- Box 97
Folder 6
Hanover County
- Box 97
Folder 7
Hanover County (newspaper and Randolph-Macon Papers)
- Box 97
Folder 8
Henrico County
- Box 97
Folder 9
Henrico County (Richmond City - General Folder) (part one)
- Box 97
Folder 10
Henrico County (Richmond City - General Folder) (part two)
- Box 98
Folder 1
Henrico County (Richmond City, A-G)
- Box 98
Folder 2
Henrico County (Richmond City, G-R)
- Box 98
Folder 3
Henrico County (Richmond City, S-Z)
- Box 98
Folder 4
Henrico County (A Portfolio of Old Richmond in Prints)
- Box 98
Folder 5
Henry County
- Box 98
Folder 6
Highland County
- Box 98
Folder 7
Isle of Wight County
- Box 99
Folder 1
James City County
- Box 99
Folder 2
James City County (Information on Old Homes photographed by History Division)
- Box 99
Folder 3
James City County (Williamsburg)
- Box 99
Folder 4
James City County (Jamestown)
- Box 99
Folder 5
King and Queen County
- Box 99
Folder 6
King and Queen County (Information on Old Houses photographed by History Division), A-L
- Box 99
Folder 7
King and Queen County (Information on Old Houses photographed by History Division), M-W
- Box 100
Folder 1
King George County
- Box 100
Folder 2
King William County
- Box 100
Folder 3
King William County, (Information on Old Houses photographed by History Division), A-D
- Box 100
Folder 4
King William County, (Information on Old Houses photographed by History Division), E-N
- Box 100
Folder 5
King William County, (Information on Old Houses photographed by History Division), O-W
- Box 100
Folder 6
Lancaster County
- Box 100
Folder 7
Lee County
- Box 101
Folder 1
Loudoun County
- Box 101
Folder 2
Loudoun County - Sergeant John Champe's File (Photostats of story taken from British United Service Journal)
- Box 101
Folder 3
Louisa County
- Box 101
Folder 4
Lunenburg County
- Box 101
Folder 5
Madison County
- Box 101
Folder 6
Mathews County
- Box 101
Folder 7
Mecklenburg County
- Box 101
Folder 8
Middlesex County
- Box 101
Folder 9
Miscellaneous County Material, A thru J
- Box 101
Folder 10
Miscellaneous County Material, K thru P/Q
- Box 101
Folder 10a
Miscellaneous County Material, R thru Z - See Also Oversize Box 2, Folder 9
- Box 101
Folder 11
Miscellaneous State Material, A to L
- Box 102
Folder 1
Miscellaneous State Material, M to R
- Box 102
Folder 2
Miscellaneous State Material, S to Z
- Box 102
Folder 3
Montgomery County
- Box 102
Folder 4
Nansemond County
- Box 102
Folder 5
Nelson County
- Box 102
Folder 6
New Kent County
- Box 102
Folder 7
New Kent County (Information on Old House photographed by History Division), A-O
- Box 102
Folder 8
New Kent County (Information on Old House photographed by History Division), P-W
- Box 103
Folder 1
Norfolk County (also includes Norfolk City) - See Also Oversize Box 2, Folder 9
- Box 103
Folder 2
Northumberland County
- Box 103
Folder 3
Nottoway County
- Box 103
Folder 4
Orange County
- Box 103
Folder 5
Page County
- Box 103
Folder 5a
Patrick County
- Box 103
Folder 6
Pittsylvania County
- Box 103
Folder 7
Powhatan County
- Box 103
Folder 8
Prince Edward County - See Also Oversize Box 2, Folder 9
- Box 103
Folder 9
Prince George County
- Box 104
Folder 1
Prince William County
- Box 104
Folder 2
Prince William County (First and Second Battles of Manassas)
- Box 104
Folder 3
Princess Anne County
- Box 104
Folder 4
Pulaski County
- Box 104
Folder 5
Rappahannock County
- Box 104 Folder 6
- Box 104
Folder 7
Roanoke County - See Also Oversize Box 2, Folder 9
- Box 104
Folder 8
Rockbridge County (also includes Lexington) (part one)
- Box 104
Folder 9
Rockbridge County (also includes Lexington) (part two)
- Box 104
Folder 10
Rockingham County
- Box 105
Folder 1
Russell County
- Box 105
Folder 2
Scott County
- Box 105
Folder 3
Shenandoah County
- Box 105
Folder 4
Smyth County
- Box 105
Folder 5
Southampton County
- Box 105
Folder 6
Spotsylvania County
- Box 105
Folder 7
Spotsylvania County (City of Fredericksburg) - See Also Oversize Box 2, Folder 9
- Box 105
Folder 8
Stafford County - See Also Oversize Box 2, Folder 9
- Box 105
Folder 9
Surry County
- Box 105
Folder 10
Sussex County
- Box 105
Folder 11
Tazewell County
- Box 105
Folder 12
Warren County - See Also Oversize Box 2, Folder 9
- Box 105
Folder 13
Warwick County
- Box 105
Folder 14
Washington County
- Box 106
Folder 1
Westmoreland County
- Box 106
Folder 2
Wise County
- Box 106
Folder 3
Wythe County
- Box 106
Folder 4
York County
- Box 106
Folder 5
York County (Information on Old Houses photographed by History Division)
- Box 106
Folder 6
Northern Neck of Virginia
Southside Virginia - See Oversize Box 3, Folder 1
Southwest Virginia - See Oversize Box 3, Folder 2
- Box 106
Folder 7
Foreign Countries
Garden Week in Virginia - See Oversize Box 3, Folder 3
Newspapers - See Oversize Box 3, Folder 4
- Box 107
Folder 1
Other States
- Box 107
Folder 2
Other States
- Box 107
Folder 3
Other States
- Box 108
Daniel's File Index
- Subseries A: Correspondence, 1927-1950
- Map-case 24
Drawer 10
Maps - various Virginia road maps
- Map-case 24
Drawer 10
Map of Norfolk and Western Railway and Connections, December 31, 1938
- Box 1
Folder 1
Richmond Battlefield Park (Fort Harrison Area) - map of Fort Harrison area, 10 August 1933; map of Richmond Battlefields, November 1930; map of 102.3 acres in Varina District, Henrico County, 27 February 1924;
- Box 1
Folder 1
Richmond Battlefield Park (Fort Harrison Area) - sketch map of land conveyed to Geo. R. Harwood and wife by E.E. Booker, 27 September 1927; Monthly Progress report, Emergency Conservation Work, U.S. Dept. of Interior, November 1933
- Box 1
Folder 2
Richmond Battlefield Park (General File) (part one) - map of Richmond Battlefields, November 1930; proposed PWA project; (part two) - map of proposed Battlefield Parkway, April 1932; map of Gaines' Mill, 27 June 1862; map of Richmond showing various battlefields to be linked into a park system
- Box 1
Folder 3
Sampson, Mrs. Henry - Copy of Virginia Gazette and General Advertiser , 10 October 1792; Sanger, W.T. - Copy of Chicago Tribune , 12 February 1939
- Box 1
Folder 4
Shenandoah National Park (Newspaper Clippings, etc.) - copy of Northern Virginia Daily , section four, 27 November 1940
- Box 1
Folder 5
Tapscott, K.A. (Assistant Landscape Architect) - Map of Trench Lines to Fort Brady, Richmond Battlefield Park, 23 May 1934
- Box 1
Folder 6
Wakefield Restoration (George Washington clippings) - issue of The Colonial Interest , Colonial Beach, Virginia, 22 February 1932
- Box 1
Folder 7
Wright Brothers (Mr. W.C. Hall's file) - issue of Washington Post Magazine , 17 November 1929
- Map-case 24
Drawer 10
- Subseries B: Correspondence, Dead File, 1927-1950
- Box 1
Folder 8
American Automobile Association, Washington, DC (J.A. Brown, Business Manager) - two copies of Missouri Motor News (May 1936) and Official AAA Road Map for Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and Delaware with handwritten annotations, nd
- Box 1
Folder 9
Garden Week in Virginia Pamphlets - copy of Richmond Times Dispatch , 26 April 1942, section on Garden Week
- Box 1
Folder 10
Spalding, Branch (National Park Service), 1933-1936 - hand drawn map by Branch Spalding of portion of Saylor's Creek Battlefield
- Box 1
Folder 11
Virginia World War II History - two copies of The History of World War II compiled by the Associated Press (21 October 1945); 15 March 1945 issue of University of Virginia News Letter
- Box 1
Folder 8
- Subseries A: Counties
- Box 2
Folder 1
Henry County, 1944-1945 - casualty list(7 May 1945) and "Book of Letters to Service Men and Women" (25 November 1945) both from Martinsville Daily Bulletin
- Box 2
Folder 2
Montgomery County, 1942-1946 - Roll of Honor from unidentified newspaper, November 1943
- Box 2
Folder 3
Orange County, 1942-1943, 1945-1946 - Orange County Honor Roll published in 14 March 1946 issue of The Orange Review
- Box 2
Folder 1
- Subseries A: Correspondence, 1944-1948
- Box 2
Folder 4
Graves of Distinguished Virginians - Work List - Marker Inscription for Thos. Savage (1595-1633) and Map of Hollywood Cemetery
- Box 2
Folder 5
Howard, E.H. (Eastern Shore Marker Contract) - Marker Inscriptions for Chas. Scarborough (1643-1702), Obedience Robins (1600-1662), Col. Edmund Scarborough (1618-1671), Col. Wm. Kendall (died 1686), and Argol Yeardley (1621-1655)
- Box 2
Folder 6
Saunders - Swem (Sinclair, Jr., J.B.) - Elizabeth City County Zone Map, 28 May 1941
- Box 2
Folder 4
- Subseries A: Reference Files
- Box 2
Folder 7
George Washington Bicentennial - United States George Washington Commission Clip Sheet , Numbers 15-21
- Box 2
Folder 8
George Washington Bicentennial - Potomac Interest, Westmoreland County Souvenir Edition , 22 February 1932; George Washington Bicentennial News published by Alexandria Gazette , June 1931 (2 copies) and August 1931
- Box 2
Folder 7
- Box 2
Folder 9
Norfolk County (also includes Norfolk City) - sections B and K of Norfolk Virginian-Pilot , 75th Anniversary Edition, 1940
- Box 2
Folder 9
Prince Edward County - section IV, March 1935 issue of The Farmville Herald
- Box 2
Folder 9
Miscellaneous County Material, R thru Z - section on Virginia from 8 September 1935 issue of Brooklyn (NY) Daily Eagle
- Box 2
Folder 9
Roanoke County - section two, 28 May 1938 of The Times-Register (Roanoke County centennial)
- Box 2
Folder 9
Spotsylvania County (City of Fredericksburg) - Washington Bicentennial section of 22 February 1932 issue of The Free Lance-Star
- Box 2
Folder 9
Stafford County - 23 July 1936 issue of The Stafford Register (reenactment of First Manassas)
- Box 2
Folder 9
Warren County - section eight, 27 November 1940 and section one, 15 November 1941 issues of Northern Virginia Daily
- Box 3
Folder 1
Southside Virginia - 26 April 1934 issue of The Southside Virginia News ; and supplement from 30 August 1940 Richmond News Leader on the National Tobacco Festival in South Boston
- Box 3
Folder 2
Southwest Virginia - 30 August 1940 Sesqui-Centennial Edition of Southwest Virginia Enterprise
- Box 3
Folder 3
Garden Week in Virginia - special supplement of The Richmond News Leader , 27 April 1936, 26 April 1937, 25 April 1938, 24 April 1939, 22 April 1940, 27 April 1941 and 24 April 1949
- Box 3
Folder 4
Newspapers - 30 November 1939 issue of The Richmond Times-Dispatch