A Guide to the WRVA Radio Collection, 1925-2000
A Collection in
the Library of Virginia
Accession Number 38210
Library of Virginia
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© 2002 By The Library of Virginia. All Rights Reserved.
Funding: Web version of the finding aid funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Processed by: Jay Gaidmore
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
There are no restrictions.
Use Restrictions
The original verbatim transcript of the dedication of the WRVA transmitter in Varina in 1939 can be viewed, but to read text, please use photocopies. Permission must be requested in writing from WRVA/Clear Channel Communications to reproduce any sound recordings.
Preferred Citation
WRVA Radio Collection, 1925-2000. Accession 38210, Business records collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.
Acquisition Information
Gift of Clear Channel Communications, June 2001.
Biographical/Historical Information
WRVA was officially dedicated on 2 November 1925. Owned and operated by Larus & Brother Company, manufacturers of Edgeworth Smoking Tobacco and other tobacco products, the station initially operated as a community station without commercial revenue and broadcast only two evenings a week. The Corn Cob Pipe Club was one of the many regular programs begun in 1925. It proved so popular with listeners throughout the United States and Canada that by July 1935, almost nine hundred clubs were established in the United States and foreign countries. By January 1926, the station increased its schedule to three nights a week, and by 1929, WRVA was broadcasting day and night seven days a week. Also in 1929, the station increased its power from 1,000 watts to 5,000 watts and became affiliated with the National Broadcasting Company (NBC). In May 1933, WRVA opened new broadcasting studios in the Hotel Richmond, on 9th and Grace Streets. In April 1935, the station built and began using the first all-wood self-supporting radio tower in America. On 27 June 1937, WRVA joined Columbia Broadcasting Systems (CBS) as a full time affiliate. On 17 March 1939, the 50,000 watt transmitter, located in eastern Henrico County was officially dedicated. In March 1940, Sunshine Sue and Her Rangers first broadcast on WRVA. In September 1946, WRVA leased the old Lyric Theater on 9th and Broad Street and the Old Dominion Barn Dance began airing on WRVA. On 28 January 1959, WRVA rejoined NBC. On 29 May 1968, the new WRVA studio, located in historic Church Hill and overlooking Richmond, was dedicated.
In 1968, Larus & Brother Company reorganized and became the Larus Investing Company. In July 1968, WRVA AM and FM became WRVA Radio, Inc. and WRVA-FM Radio, Inc., respectively, subsidiary corporations of the Larus Investing Company. Larus Investing Company sold its entire WRVA stock to Southern Broadcasting Company of Winston, Salem, North Carolina in November 1969. In August 1977, Harte-Hanks Newspapers, Inc., purchased Southern Broadcasting Company, including WRVA-AM and WRVQ-FM. Harte-Hanks Communications, Inc., sold the radio stations to Edens Broadcasting Company, a company formed by the senior managers of Harte- Hanks Radio, Inc., a subsidiary of Harte-Hanks Communications, Inc., in December 1984. In September 1991, WRVA was sold to Force II Communication, L. P., of San Diego. In the Spring 1992, Clear Channel Communications bought WRVA and is the current owner.
Scope and Content Information
The WRVA Radio Collection spans seventy-five years and contains applause letters, minutes, anniversary booklets, program scripts, program guides, newsletters, histories, interviews, employee questionnaires, sales manuals, audience and sales promotions, rate cards, listener surveys, posters, newspaper clippings, FCC applications and reports, drawings, photographs, and sound recordings. This material documents the history of WRVA, the role the station played in Virginia and Richmond for over half-a-century, and the development of radio in Virginia and the United States. The collection is also rich in material on the Larus & Brother Company, including histories, anniversary booklets, photographs of officials, employees, and factories, and promotions.
The sound recordings date from the 1930's to the 1990's and contain news broadcasts of significant local, state, national, and world events and personalities, programs of a local and regional interest, including the Capitol Squirrel, Calling All Cooks, the Radio Scholarship Quiz, and the Quiz of Two Cities, and musical programs, such as the Corn Cob Pipe Club, the Old Dominion Barn Dance, the Sunshine Hour, and the Silver Star Quartet. Selected sound recordings are now available for use on CD. Each CD has been cataloged individually. Search The Library of Virginia Archives and Manuscripts Catalog to find WRVA sound recordings of interest.
Debbie J. Ashley, WRVA Office Manager (retired), contributed significant personal time and effort to gather and help preserve these records and audio/visual materials.
Organized into the following series:
Contents List
The applause memos contain comments from listeners on the station's programming and document the strength of WRVA's signal. The geographical distribution of applause letters received reveals that WRVA had listeners from the Atlantic Provinces of Canada to California. The correspondence file includes letters, memos, and telegrams regarding matters relating to the running of the station, station policy, the hiring and promotion of employees, and listener responses to programming. Correspondence also documents the transfer of part of WRVA's archives to the University of Virginia. The public service correspondence includes letters from listeners commenting and/or expressing thanks for WRVA programming. In many cases, a response from WRVA is included.
- Box 1
Applause Memos, 1926 (Geographic Distribution of Applause Memos, 1929)
- Box 1
Correspondence, 1933-1991
- Box 1
Correspondence re. the University of Virginia's solicitation and acquisition of WRVA Archives, June-Aug. 1969
- Box 1
Public Service, Jan. - Apr. 1966
- Box 1
Public Service, May - Dec. 1966
- Box 1
Public Service, 24 Apr. 1968, 1969
- Box 1
Public Service, Jan.-May 1970
- Box 1
Public Service, June-July 1970
- Box 1
Public Service, Aug. 1970 - Jan. 1971
Includes minute books from WRVA Radio, Inc. and WRVA-FM, Inc., the subsidiary companies of the Larus Investing Company, the company formed when Larus and Brother Company reorganized in 1968. Also includes miscellaneous minutes and reports of staff, managers, and stockholders from 1956-1968
- Box 1
WRVA Radio, Inc. Minute Book, No. 1 - Charter
- Box 1
WRVA Radio, Inc. Minute Book, No. 1 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, 1968-1970
- Box 1
WRVA Radio, Inc. Minute Book, No. 1 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, 1972-1978
- Box 1
WRVA Radio, Inc. Minute Book, No. 1 - Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, 1968-1969
- Box 1
WRVA Radio, Inc. Minute Book, No. 1 - Stockholders Meeting Minutes, 1968-1977
- Box 1
WRVA Radio, Inc. Minute Book, No. 1 - By-laws
- Box 1
WRVA-FM, Inc. Minute Book - Charter
- Box 1
WRVA-FM, Inc. Minute Book - Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, 1968-1969
- Box 1
WRVA-FM, Inc. Minute Book - Directors Meeting Minutes, 1968-1972
- Box 1
WRVA-FM, Inc. Minute Book - Stockholders Meeting Minutes, 1968-1972
- Box 1
Staff, Managers, and Stockholders Meeting Minutes and Reports, 1956-1968
Includes the files relating to the administrative functions of WRVA, including incorporation files, deeds, accounts receivable, FCC renewal applications, and employee benefits.
Organized into the following four subseries: A. Ownership Records; B. Financial Records; C. Federal Communications Commission, (FCC), 1947-1969; D. Human Resources.
- Box 2
Subseries A: Ownership Records15 folders.
Includes files relating to incorporation of WRVA after the creation of the Larus Investing Company, by-laws of WRVA Radio, Inc., the sale of WRVA to the Southern Broadcasting Company, and land deed titles to the transmitter and studio properties.
- Box 2
Larus Inventing Company - Amendments to Articles of Incorporation
- Box 2
Agreement of Sales, June 1968
- Box 2
WRVA-AM - Charter and Filing (5 folders)
- Box 2
WRVA-FM - Charter and Filing, 1968
- Box 2
WRVA Radio, Inc. - By-laws, 11 June 1968 (2 copies)
- Box 2
Southern Broadcasting Corporation (2 folders)
- Box 2
WRVA Radio Inc. Sale to Southern Broadcasting Company, 1968-1969
- Box 2
Land Deed Titles to WRVA Transmitter and Studio Property, 1938-1978 (2 folders)
- Box 2
- Box 3
Subseries B: Financial Records7 folders.
Includes accounts receivable and commissions for advertising sales.
- Box 3
Accounts Receivable - Cleanup Reports, Feb. 1983 - Jan. 1984 (6 folders)
- Box 3
Eastman Radio Commissions, 1982
- Box 3
- Box 3-5
Subseries C: Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 1947-196930 folders.
Includes agreements, affidavits, and statements of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Station Representative hearings from 1947-1949 regarding national spot sales, and FCC license renewal applications and ownerships reports from 1963-1969. These license renewal applications and ownership reports contain stockholder information, the percentage of air time devoted to entertainment, religious, news, agricultural, and educational programs, brief summaries of programs broadcasted, copies of unsolicited commendation and response letters to public service programming, and program and transmitter logs.
Arranged chronologically.
- Box 3
Station Representatives Hearing, 1947-1949 (2 folders)
- Box 3
License Renewal Applications and Ownership Reports, 1963 (6 folders)
- Box 4
License Renewal Applications and Ownership Reports, 1965 (3 folders)
- Box 4-5
License Renewal Applications and Ownership Reports, 1966 (11 folders)
- Box 5
License Renewal Applications and Ownership Reports, 1967
- Box 5
License Renewal Applications and Ownership Reports, 1968
- Box 5
License Renewal Applications and Ownership Reports, 1969 (5 folders)
- Box 5
FM Broadcast Station Construction Permit Application (FCC Form 319)
- Box 3
- Box 5-6
Subseries D: Human Resources13 folders.
Includes material relating to employee benefits such as medical, insurance, and pension plans. Material of a sensitive nature has been removed and is restricted.
Arranged alphabetically.
- Box 5
Bonus Computation, 1969
- Box 5
Edens Broadcasting, Inc. - Aetna Insurance, 1985
- Box 5
Group Insurance Program Enrollment Forms
- Box 5
Harte-Hanks / Aetna Monthly Premium Statement, 1984
- Box 5
Harte-Hanks Communications, Inc. - Medical/Dental/Life Insurance Program Manual, 1979
- Box 5
Liberty Mutual Automobile Insurance Accident Report Forms
- Box 5
Medical Conversion Benefits
- Box 6
Schedule of Insurance - WRVA Radio, Inc. and Larus & Brother Company, 1968
- Box 6
Summary Annual Report for American Home Assurance Company Group AD & D Plan 19 Jan. 1984
- Box 6
Summary Annual Report for Harte-Hanks Employee Benefit Plan, 6 Feb. 1984
- Box 6
WRVA Employee Pension Plan (2 folders)
- Box 6
Worker's Compensation (Employee Injury) - Liberty Mutual Insurance
- Box 5
Contains material used and created by the WRVA Sales Department to attract advertisers, including manuals, advertisements, advertising booklets and displays, client presentations, newsletters, rate cards, and surveys. The advertisements, booklets, and displays were created to convey the listening power of WRVA and the benefits advertisers would received from advertising on the radio. The surveys contain information on the habits and preferences of WRVA's listening audience. The rate cards span from the 1930's to the 1960's and illustrate the costs of advertising on the radio. Also includes copies of WRVAds from 1950 to 1953, the sales department newsletter, which contained information on programming.
Arranged alphabetically
- Box 6
Advertising - Memos, Announcements, Newsletters, Rates, Apr. 1955 - Apr. 1965 (2 folders)
- Box 6
Advertising, Mail Order - Plan of Future Development, Mar. 1951
- Box 6
Advertisement - "Flip Over to AM. WRVA Live Radio 1140.", 1991
- Box 6
Advertisement - "Thank You, Richmond For the Highest Average Rating of Any Radio Station in the U.S.!", 1948
- Box 6
Advertisement - "This Size Ad"
- Box 6
Advertisement - "Top Winners - morning - noon - night", ca. 1957
- Box 6
Advertisement - "Twenty-nine of the thirty top radio programs are all on WRVA-Radio", 1955
- Box 6
Advertisement - "Want to deal yourself a winning hand with Richmond's blue chip listening audience?"
- Box 6
Advertisement - "Want to get really close to her?"
- Box 6
Advertisement - "WRVA's Extra Step Means Extra Sales For You", 1950
- Box 6
Advertisement - "WRVA-Radio 'Tops Them'", 1957
- Box 6
Advertisement Booklet - "A Comparison of Radio and Newspaper Efficiency in Virginia", 1952
- Box 6
Advertisement Booklet - "does your advertising stop here? Richmond City Limits" ca. 1958
- Box 6
Advertisement Booklet - "Figures and Figures, or statistics in one easy lesson"
- Box 6
Advertisement Booklet - "Is There A $1,704,000,000 Hole In Your Marketing Map?", ca. 1971
- Box 6
Advertisement Booklet - "No Cellophane No Pink Ribbon (WRVA Radio promotion through newspapers, billboards, displays, etc.)
- Box 6
Advertisement Booklet - Norfolk and Tidewater Region, ca. 1938
- Box 6
Advertisement Booklet - "Richmond - Growth Area of the South", ca. 1961
- Box 6
Advertisement Booklet - "A Tale of Two Cities"
- Box 6
Advertisement Booklet - "The Total Coverage Radio Station in Richmond, Virginia", 1965
- Box 7
Advertisement Booklet - "Unlock Your Sales Potential"
- Box 7
Advertisement Booklet - "WRVA #1 All Day", 1965
- Box 7
Advertisement Booklet - "WRVA-Radio Unlocks More Virginia Homes", 1961
- Box 7
Advertisement Display - "Unlock Your Sales Potential"
- Box 7
Advertisement Packet, 1965-1966
- Box 7
Advertisements appearing in "Sponsor"
- Box 7
BMB Audience Study No. 1 - "Try This On Your Slide Rule!", 1946
- Box 7
BMB Station Audience Map for WRVA - Nighttime, 1946
- Box 7
BMB Station Audience Map for WRVA - Day and Night, Mar. 1949
- Box 7
BMB Station Audience Report Study No. 2, Spring 1949
- Box 7
CBS Listening Area - Richmond and Norfolk, 1944
- Box 7
Circulation Report on Virginia's "Rich-urbia," 1964
- Box 7
Client Presentation - VEPCO, ca. 1940s
- Box 7
Client Presentation - "A Proposal for Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad," 1952
- Box 7
Coverage Maps
- Box 7
Listener Diary Study, Spring 1948 (3 folders)
- Box 8
Listener Diary Study, Spring 1948 - duplicate copy (3 folders)
- Box 8
Mailing Piece - "Wetherill Paint Letters," 1953
- Box 8
Mailing Piece - "WRVA is the leading station in Richmond and #2 station in Norfolk," 1953
- Box 8
Market Report - "An Analysis of Agricultural Market News Dissemination in Virginia," 1960
- Box 8
Market Report - "WRVA Three-Way Radio," ca. 1966
- Box 8
Nielson Service Coverage Report, 1961
- Box 8
Norfolk Pulse, Summary of, Oct. - Nov. 1950
- Box 8
Rate Cards, 1930's - 1968 (21 folders)
- Box 8-9
Rate Card and Data / Contract Form Information, 1936-1952, n.d. (4 folders)
- Box 9
Rate Card Forms (American Association of Advertising Agencies), 1960
- Box 9
Rates - Miscellaneous, 1963-1964
- Box 9
Ratings of Richmond and Norfolk Stations, 1948
- Box 9
Research - Richmond Market Area, 1959
- Box 9
Research Report - "Reaching All Your Potential Market", ca. 1953
- Box 9
Research Report - "The Richmond Radio Audience: A Profile", 1965
- Box 9
Research Report - "WRVA-RADIO reaches a rich 72-country market"
- Box 9
Richmond Pulse Reports, Jan. 1953 - Feb. 1954
- Box 9
Richmond Pulse, Summary of, July 1950 - June 1951
- Box 9
Sales Department Reorganization, 1952
- Box 9
Sales Manual, 1940's and 1950's (2 folders)
- Box 9
Sales Manual, 1950's (3 folders)
- Box 9
Sales Manual, 1950's and 1960's (4 folders)
- Box 9
Sales Manual - Miscellaneous, 1950's
Sales / Production FormsPhysical Location: See Oversize Box 3
- Box 10
Sales Promotion - WRVA/WRVQ, ca. 1986
- Box 10
Sales Promotion Packet, 1972-1973
- Box 10
Sales Promotion Packets, n.d.
- Box 10
Sales Promotion Poster - "WRVA Radio's 65 County Coverage Makes Richmond the 13th Biggest Buy in the Country"
- Box 10
Sales Questionnaire, 1945
- Box 10
Shows Available on WRVA (used for client presentations), Aug. 1944 - Sept. 1947 (2 folders)
- Box 10
Survey - "Adult Radio Audience", Feb. - Mar. 1963
- Box 10
Survey - "Fifty-One out of Fifty-Five or How Good Can You Get!", 15 Feb. 1952
- Box 10
Survey - Graphic Comparison, Richmond Radio Stations, Total Service Areas, N. C. S. No. 2, 1956
- Box 10
Survey - "households reached by radio and television in metropolitan richmond", June 1956
- Box 10
Survey - "households reached by radio and television in metropolitan richmond", June 1957
- Box 10
Survey - Norfolk Listener Distribution, 21-27 Apr. 1940
- Box 10
Survey - "The Pulse of Norfolk, Vol. I, No. 1," Oct. - Nov. 1950
- Box 10
Survey - "The Pulse of Norfolk, Vol. II, No. 1," Dec. 1952 - Jan. 1953
- Box 10
Survey - "The Pulse of Norfolk," Mar. 1952
- Box 10
Survey - Richmond Listener Distribution, 10-16 Nov. 1940
- Box 10
Survey - "Richmond, Va. Continuing Measurement of Radio Listening," May-Sept. 1945
- Box 10
Survey - "Smoking and Listening Habits of University of Richmond Students"
- Box 10
Survey - Standard Audit & Measurement Services, Inc. Station Audience Report, Spring 1952
- Box 10
Survey - State Planters, 1963
- Box 10
Survey - Verifak Surveys Report in Richmond, Virginia, Jan. 1958
- Box 10
Survey - "WRVA - The 50,000 Watt Voice of Virginia" (source: April-June 1967 Pulse for Richmond), 1967
- Box 10
The Virginia Farmer and Market News, Sept. 1955
- Box 10
WRVAds, Sept./Oct. 1950, Apr./May - Oct./Nov. 1951, Jan./Feb. 1952, Oct./Nov. 1953
- Box 10
WRVA Daytime-Nighttime Coverage Map, ca. 1950's
- Box 10
WRVA-Radio Market Guide, ca. 1957
- Box 10
WRVA Surveys, Mar. 1950
WRVA Dialog was the program guide for national and local programs airing on WRVA Radio. The guides included highlights of programs, time listings, and numerous photographs. Unfortunately, several significant gaps exist.
Arranged chronologically.
- Boxes 11
Inventory of Existing Dialogs
- Box 11
July 1938
- Box 11
March, Sept. - Nov. 1939
- Box 11
July - Aug., Dec. 1940
- Box 11
June - July, Oct. - Dec. 1941
- Box 11
Feb., June, Nov. - Dec. 1942
- Box 11
July, Sept., Dec., 1943
- Box 11
Jan. - Mar., May - Aug. 1944
- Box 11
Sept. - Dec. 1944
- Box 11
Feb. - Apr. 1945
- Box 11
May - July 1945
- Box 11
Aug. - Oct. 1945
- Box 11
Nov. - Dec. 1945
- Box 11
Jan. - Mar. 1946
- Box 11
Apr. - June 1946
- Box 11
July - Sept. 1946
- Box 11
Oct. - Dec. 1946
- Box 11
Jan., Apr. - May 1947
- Box 11
June - Sept. 1947
- Box 11
Oct. - Dec. 1947
- Box 11
Jan. - Mar. 1948
- Box 11
Apr. - June 1948
- Box 12
July - Sept. 1948
- Box 12
Oct. - Dec. 1948
- Box 12
Jan. - Mar. 1949
- Box 12
Apr. - June 1949
- Box 12
July - Sept. 1949
- Box 12
Oct.-Dec. 1949
- Box 12
Jan. - Mar. 1950
- Box 12
Apr. - June 1950
- Box 12
July - Sept. 1950
- Box 12
Oct. - Dec. 1950
- Box 12
Jan. - Mar. 1951
- Box 12
Apr. - June 1951
- Box 12
Sept. - Dec. 1951
- Box 12
Jan. - May, Sept., Nov. 1952
- Box 12
Jan. - Mar. 1953
- Box 12
Apr. - May 1953
- Box 12
Oct. - Nov. 1953
- Box 12
Jan. - Feb., Apr. 1954
- Box 12
Sept. - Dec. 1954
- Box 12
Jan. - Feb. 1955
- Box 12
May, Sept. 1955
- Box 12
Oct. - Dec. 1955
- Box 12
Jan. - Apr. 1956
- Box 12
15 July 1963; 25 Oct. 1963
- Box 12
Incomplete copies, n.d.
Includes files relating to the planning, construction, and dedication of WRVA's new building on Church Hill, such architectural plans and surveys, construction specifications, invitations and RSVP's for the dedication, and the dedicatory remarks of then Governor Mills E. Godwin, Jr. Philip Johnson, a renowned architect, designed the building, which was dedicated in 1968.
- Box 13
Memos and Correspondence, Nov. 1963 - May 1968 (2 folders)
- Box 13
Congratulatory Letters, 8 May - 27 June 1968 (2 folders)
- Box 13
Letters of Regret, May 1968
Architectural Drawings and SurveysPhysical Location: See Oversize Box 3
- Box 13
Architectural Record, Dec. 1969 (see page 96)
- Box 13
Clippings, 1966-1968
- Box 13
Construction Specifications, 1967 (3 folders)
- Box 13
Crystal Set
- Box 13
Dedication Brochure
- Box 13
Dedication Mailing Lists
- Box 13
Dedication Receipts and Expenses
- Box 13
Dedication Remark of Gov. Mills E. Godwin, Jr., 29 May 1968
- Box 13
Floor Plans
- Box 13
Philip Johnson, Architect
- Box 14
Miscellaneous (publicity plan, dedication plan, notes, flowers, equipment)
- Box 14
Miscellaneous (signage and mail delivery)
- Box 14
New Studio Proposals
- Box 14
Open House
- Box 14
Poster - "WRVA-Radio Moves Up!"
- Box 14
Press Packet
- Box 14
Press Releases, 1966-1968
- Box 14
Production of Dedication Brochure and Invitations
- Box 14
Rough Drafts of Dedication Brochure Text
- Box 14
RSVP's, Invitations, Brochures, Envelopes
- Box 14
Script - WRVA-Radio Dedication Service, 29 May 1968
- Box 14
"Search for status in station design," Broadcasting, 26 May 1968
- Box 15
Returned, Stamped, and Blank RSVP's
This series contains advertisements, biographies, booklets, books, brochures, editorials, employee questionnaires, histories, interviews, letters, memorandums, memoirs, newsletters, newspaper clippings, posters, press releases, program guides, programs, promotions, scrapbooks, scripts, and speeches relating to the station's history, the Larus & Brother Company, the many individuals and staff who worked for WRVA, important events and individuals of the twentieth century, and radio programs and commercials. Of note are the files relating to WRVA's many anniversaries; the station's studios and transmitters; announcers, such as Alden Aaroe, Lou Dean, Wayne Lemon, Tim Timberlake, and Big John Trimble; staff, such as Walter R. Bishop, Ted Chezik, Bertha Hewlett, Calvin T. Lucy, Bill McGowan, John Tansey, and Harry Wood; performers, such as J. Robert Beadles, Pat Binford, Homer & Jethro, the Silver Star Quartet, Sunshine Sue, and Holland R. Wilkinson; special characters such as Millard the Mallard; musical programs, such as the Corn Cob Pipe Club, the Sunshine Hour, the Old Dominion Barn Dance, and the New Dominion Barn Dance ; public service activities; local, state, and national politics and politicians; publicity and promotions; radio programs, such as Calling All Cooks, the Carl Stutz Show, and the Sports Desk with Bob Smith ; and other radio stations, such as WBAZ, WBBL, and WCOD.
Arranged alphabetically.
- Box 16
20th Anniversary - Booklet and Chronology
- Box 16
22nd Anniversary
- Box 16
25th Anniversary - Booklet
- Box 16
25th Anniversary - Religious Observance, 1 Oct. 1950
- Box 16
25th Anniversary - Resume of programs and clippings
- Box 16
29th Anniversary
- Box 16
30th Anniversary - Complete Program
- Box 16
30th Anniversary - Virginia Cavalcade, Autumn 1955; Rough Draft of "Catwhiskers and Kilocycles"
- Box 16
30th Anniversary - WRVA Milestones (chronology)
- Box 16
34th Anniversary - Program Notes (see also CD WRVA - 564)
- Box 16
35th Anniversary
- Box 16
40th Anniversary - Memos and Correspondence, Aug. 1965-Jan. 1966
- Box 16
40th Anniversary - Programs, Research, Misc.
- Box 16
40th Anniversary - Sound Sheet
- Box 16
50th Anniversary - Booklet
- Oversize Box 5
50th Anniversary - Commemorative Gold Plate
Inscribed with the words "WRVA 50 Years of Responsible Broadcasting A Magnificent Foundation For The Demand Of The Future".
- Box 16
50th Anniversary - Memos and Correspondence, May-Dec. 1975 (2 folders)
- Box 16
50th Anniversary - Miscellaneous
- Box 16
50th Anniversary - Pamphlet
- Box 16
50th Anniversary - Richmond Magazine, Nov. 1975
- Box 17
50th Anniversary - Rough drafts of booklet
- Box 17
50th Anniversary - Script for "A Portrait in Sound" anniversary album
50th Anniversary - "WRVA Radio - The First 50 Years" (Montage by Richmond artist Jack Woodson Marking the 50th Anniversary of WRVA Radio, November 2, 1975)Physical Location: Located in Map Cabinet OS-4, Drawer 3: Barcode 0005626614
- Box 17
57th and 58th Anniversaries
- Box 17
60th Anniversary
- Box 17
60th Anniversary - Material donated by Doris (Newton) Butler
- Box 17
65th Anniversary
- Box 17
70th Anniversary
- Box 17
Aaroe, Alden (2 folders)
- Box 17
Aaroe, Alden - 75th Birthday Celebration, 1993 (3 folders)
- Box 17
Aaroe, Alden - Clippings, 1963-1993
- Box 17
Aaroe, Alden - Richmond Magazine, Nov. 1974
- Box 17
Aaroe, Alden - Richmond Surroundings, Mar.-Apr. 1987, p. 49-51
Aaroe, Alden - Style Weekly Cover, "Radio Legend Alden Aaroe," 25 February 1986Physical Location: See Oversize Box 4
- Box 17
Aaroe, Alden - "A Tribute to Alden Aaroe" WRVA Radio News Documentary, 1993 (Recording of this program is available on CD WRVA - 591)
Aaroe, Alden - William Booth Award of the Salvation ArmyPhysical Location: See Oversize Box 4
Advertisement - "Our Serve"Physical Location: See Oversize Box 1
Advertisements - Block Prints by Charles W. Smith of Virginia Landmarks (Variety Awards Pitch, 1945)Physical Location: See Oversize Box 1
Advertisements - Block Prints by Charles W. Smith promoting Virginia's industriesPhysical Location: See Oversize Box 1
Advertisements for Style Magazine, Nov. 1995 - Feb. 1996Physical Location: See Oversize Box 1
- Box 17-18
Advertisements, Newspaper, 1949-1952, Aug. 1956-1959, 1964-1965, 1983, 1990's (5 folders)
Advertising Poster - "Virginia Is For Lovers. WRVA Is Virginia."Physical Location: See Oversize Box 4
Advertising Posters for WRVA News - "As Long As There Is News There Is WRVA AM 1140 Radio"Physical Location: See Oversize Box 4
Advertising Posters, MiscellaneousPhysical Location: See Oversize Boxes
- Box 18
Almond, J. Lindsay, Jr. - Production notice and transcript of address (Recording of speech on CD WRVA-390), 6 Apr. 1959
- Box 18
Almond, J. Lindsay, Jr. - Program notes of speech delivered in commemoration of 1861 Peace Conference (Recording of speech on CD WRVA-228), 4 Feb. 1961
- Box 18
Anniversary Booklets - WPTF Radio, Durham, N. C., WSJS Radio and Television, Winston-Salem - 1959
- Box 18
Announcer's Handbook and Operating Procedures
- Box 18
Arnold, Remmie L.
- Box 18
Aunt Sammy (Bertha E. Hewlett)
- Box 18
Beadles. J. Robert
- Box 18
The Big John Trimble Show
The Big John Trimble Show - AdvertisementsPhysical Location: See Oversize Box 1
- Box 18
Binford, Pat
- Box 18
Bishop, Walter R.
- Box 18
Walter R. Bishop Files - Clippings for possible future reference
- Box 18
Walter R. Bishop - Clippings, 1941-1954
- Box 18
The Bob Smith Show / The Sports Desk with Bob Smith
- Box 18
Broadcast Pioneer History Project - Historical Inventory and Industry Reference Library, July 1968
- Box 18
Builders for Victory, USNCTC, Camp Peary, Williamsburg, Virginia, 20 Nov. 1943 (Recording on CD WRVA - 11)
- Box 18
Building Renovation 1990
- Box 18
Byrd, Harry F., Sr. - Speeches and statements, 1961
- Box 18
Byrd, Harry F., Jr. - Testimonial Dinner Program, 6 Dec. 1982
- Box 18
Byrd, 1952
- Box 18
Calling All Cooks, 1949
- Box 18
"Carl's In A League of His Own!" - Carl McNeil Night, 8 July 1993
- Box 18
Carl Stutz Show, 1954-1957
- Box 18
Catalog - Gates Radio and TV Transmitting Equipment
- Box 18
CBS American School of the Air - Calendar Manuals, 1946-1947, 1947-1948
- Box 18
Certificates of Recognition - Richmond Community Chest, 1949; Mail Users Council, 1968; American Advertising Federation, 1973 Third District Award; Maymont Foundation, 1981; Richmond Public Schools, 1982-1983; React International, 1983; Virginia Society of the American Institute of Architects, 1983; Henrico County Board of Supervisors, 1990; Richmond Police Department, 1997; National Kidney Foundation (Ken Wayland), 1998-1999; Special Olympics Virginia, 2000
- Box 18
Certificates of Recognition - War Production Board, 1942-1943; USO, 1942
- Box 19
Chelsea Cigarette Commercials (Larus & Brother Company, Inc.), 3 Feb. - 31 Mar. 1941, 11 July 1941 (4 folders)
- Box 19
Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel Dedication, 15 Apr. 1964 (Recording of dedication on CD WRVA - 390)
- Box 19
Chezik, Theodore William - Biography
- Box 19
Christmas Programs - William and Mary Choir; Virginia State College, 1960
- Box 19
Church Across the Way - Book of Poems, ca. 1949-1950
- Box 19
Churchill, Winston - Background Information
- Box 19
Civil War Centennial Opening Ceremonies - Open and close, 8 Jan. 1961 (Recording of opening ceremonies on CD WRVA - 225)
- Box 19
Clippings, 1925-1969, 1973, 1975-1985, 1987-1998, n.d. (13 folders)
- Box 19
Colonial Williamsburg - Virginia General Assembly Commemorative Session, 30 Jan. 1945
- Box 19
Community Club Awards Day - Certificates of Recognition, 1994
- Box 20
Congressional Elections, 1954 (2 folders)
- Box 20
Contracts - Release of Musical Rights to WRVA, 1941, 1948-1953, n.d.
- Box 20
Corn Cob Pipe Club, History of
- Box 20
Corn Cob Pipe Club - Letter, 2 March 1934
- Box 20
Corn Cob Pipe Club - Membership Certificate
- Box 20
Corn Cob Pipe Club - Playlist kept by Bertha Hewlett, ca. 1925-1935
- Box 20
Corn Cob Pipe Club - Script, "Crossroads Hall," 27 May 1938
- Box 20
Corn Cob Pipe Club - "Smoke," June, Aug., Oct. 1934; Feb., May-Aug. 1935
- Box 20
Darden, Colgate - Inauguration as University of Virginia President, 1947
- Box 20
D-Day - 50th Anniversary, 5-6 June 1994
- Box 20
Dean, Lou
- Box 20
Democratic Primary Results, 1953
- Box 20
Democratic Primary, July 1955
- Box 20
Democratic Primary, July 1957
- Box 20
Democratic Primary, 1959 (3 folders)
- Box 20
Don and Mike Show
- Box 20
Editorials, 1962-1979
- Box 20
Editorials - Correspondence, 1962
- Box 21
Editorials - Daylight Savings Time, Jan. - Feb. 1962
- Box 21
Editorial - Lockwood House Preservation Efforts, Feb. 1989 - Apr. 1990
- Box 21
Editorials - Proposed Richmond-Henrico Merger, 1961-1962
- Box 21
Edwards, Horace H., 1953
- Box 21
Expressway, 1950-1951
- Box 21
Farm and Home Hour, 27 May 1938
- Box 21
Federal Office Building Dedication Ceremonies, 21 Mar. 1962 (Recording of ceremonies on CD WRVA - 233)
- Box 21
Freeman, Douglas Southall - Open and close of program excerpting speech at dedication of McLean House at Appomattox, 16 Apr. 1950 (Recording of speech on CD WRVA - 225)
- Box 21
Freemason Street Baptist Church Service, 1953
- Box 21
Gaines, Francis Pendleton - Open and close of program excerpting his address on the occasion of Robert E. Lee's Birthday, 19 Jan. 1959 (Recording of program on CD WRVA - 322)
- Box 21
Gary, J. Vaughan - "Your Congressman Reports," 1962-1964 (3 folders)
- Box 21
Governor's Race, 1953
- Box 21
"Good Listening," 27 Apr. 1946
- Box 21
Harrison, Albertis S.
- Box 21
Hewlett, Bertha E.
- Box 21
Hewlett, Bertha E. - Transcript of interview with Constance Ober, 15 Apr. 1976
- Box 21
Historic Richmond Foundation - Minutes, 26 Jan. 1977, 21 Apr. 1977
- Box 21
Homer & Jethro Souvenir Album
- Box 21
"Kepone: A Portrait in Abuse," 31 Dec. 1975
- Box 21
Larus & Brother Company 75th Anniversary Booklet - Layout and Worksheets
- Box 21
Larus & Brother Company 75th Anniversary Booklet
- Box 21
Larus & Brother Company History (includes photographs)
- Box 21
Larus & Brother Company - Miscellaneous (envelopes and testimonial advertisement for Ford cars, 1935)
- Box 21
"Robert E. Lee: A Dramalogue"
- Box 21
Lemon, Wayne
Liddy, G. Gordon - AdvertisementsPhysical Location: See Oversize Box 1
- Box 21
Lowen, Joe
- Box 21
Lucy, Calvin Tompkins
- Box 21
- Box 21
Marshall, John
- Box 21
McGowan, Bill - Biography
- Box 22
Medical College of Virginia Inauguration - Address of Dr. Joseph C. Robert, President of Hampden-Sydney College - Introduction, Timing and Cue Sheet, 17 Dec. 1956 (Recording of address on CD WRVA - 85)
- Box 22
Memorabilia - Civil War, Colonial Williamsburg
- Box 22
Millard the Mallard
Millard the Mallard - Roach Heat Transfers for T-shirtsPhysical Location: See Oversize Box 2a
- Box 22
- Box 22
Miscellaneous Production Notes and Memos
- Box 22
National Democratic Convention, 1952
- Box 22
New Dominion Barn Dance, 1956-1960
- Box 22
News Reports (includes news scripts and wire reports)
- Box 22
Old Dominion Barn Dance - clippings, personnel list, miscellaneous, promotions
- Box 22
On the Go with WRVA-Radio (newspaper advertisement), 31 Aug. - 28 Dec. 1958
- Box 22
On the Go with WRVA-Radio (newspaper advertisement), 11-25 Jan. 1959
- Box 22
Opening Program, Transcript of, 2 November 1925
- Box 22
Organization Charters - Richmond Organizations
- Oversize Box 5-6
Plaques, 1982-2000Better Business Bureau, 1999 (Oversize Box 6)Leukemia Society of America, 1999 (Oversize Box 5)Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, 2000 (Oversize Box 5)Others, [1982] (Oversize Box 6)The Salvation Army (Oversize Box 5)The Salvation Army Salutes WRVA and Alden Aaroe (Oversize Box 5)Virginia Association of Broadcasters, 1988 (Oversize Box 5)
- Box 22
Politics, 1963 (2 folders)
- Box 22
Politics, 1964
Poster - "Studley's Back! Duck Race on the James" (presented to WRVA "For Outstanding Community Support" 1991 Duck Race on the James Big Brothers/Big Sisters)Physical Location: See Oversize Box 4
- Box 22
Press Releases, 1966-1969 (4 folders)
- Box 22
Press Release - Old Dominion Shows, Inc., 27 May 1953
- Box 22
Press Releases Sent by WRVA Sales
- Box 22
Press Releases - WRVA History and Milestones, 1952, 1957
- Box 23
Profiles, Jan. 1974 - Apr. 1976 (7 folders)
- Box 23
Program Information, 21 Oct. 1925 - 11 Nov. 1926
- Box 23
Program List, 16-30 Nov. 1927
- Box 23
Promotion - WRVA Radio Half-Price Free Fair, 1984
- Box 23
Promotion - WRVA Radio Holiday Food Festival, 1983
- Box 23
Promotion - WRVA Radio News, 1970's
- Box 23
Promotion - WRVA Spring Fever
- Box 23
Promotion - WRVA Free Ride Pamphlet, [1989]
Promotions, Holiday - Christmas and St. Patrick's DayPhysical Location: See Oversize Box 3
- Box 23-24
Pronunciation Guide - A-Z
- Box 24
Publicity and Promotion - Booklets, Brochures, Programs, Souvenir Radio Logs, etc., 1930's - 1940's
- Box 24
Publicity and Promotion (WRVA Hawaii Tour), 1960
- Box 24-25
Publicity and Promotion, 1962-1966, 1975, 1977, 1979-1987, 1995, 1997-2000, n.d. (16 folders)
- Box 25
Puller, Chesty - Program notes of speech delivered 24 July 1959 (Recording of speech on CD WRVA - 361-362)
- Box 25
Questionnaires, Employee - Larus & Brother Company and WRVA (Aaroe - Yarborough)
- Box 26
Questionnaires, VIP
- Box 26
- Box 26
Recording Charges, 1946
- Box 26
Reynolds Metals Company - Biographical data on company executives
- Box 26
Reynolds Metals - "Operation Reynolds Metals"
- Box 26
Richmond Chamber of Commerce - 95th Annual Report 1962
- Box 26
Richmond City Council Election, 1954
- Box 26
Richmond City Council Election, 12 June 1956
- Box 26
Richmond City Council Election, 1958
- Box 26
Richmond City Council Election, 1960
- Box 26
Richmond City Council Election, 1962
- Box 26
Richmond Manufacturers' War Bond Committee of the 7th War Loan - "It Pays to be Ignorant," 25 May 1945
- Box 26
The Richmond "Virginians" Baseball Network, 1960
- Box 26
Richmond Virginians' Baseball, 1964
- Box 26
Robertson, A. Willis
- Box 26
Scrapbook, 1965-1966
- Box 26
Scrapbook, 1967-1968 (2 folders)
- Box 27
Scrapbooks - "1970's WRVA Historical" (4 volumes)
- Box 28
Senatorial Primary - Byrd vs. Miller, 1952
- Box 28
Shoe Fund
- Box 28
Silver Star Quartet
- Box 28
Stanley, Thomas B.
- Box 28
State Races, 1955
- Box 28
Sunshine Sue (Mary Higdon Workman) - Clippings
- Box 28
Sunshine Sue - "The Queen of the Hillbillies" ( The Commonwealth, March 1950)
- Box 28
Sunshine Sue's Radio Songs and Sunshine Sue and the Happy Valley Girls Radio Hymns
- Box 28
Sunshine Sue - Scrapbook (copy)
- Box 28
Talmadge, Herman E. - Address at Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, 28 Feb. 1958 (Recording of address on CD WRVA 304)
- Box 28
Tansey, John
Timberlake, Tim - Richmond Times-Dispatch, 8 July 1990 ; Style Weekly, 16 October 1990Physical Location: See Oversize Box 1
- Box 28
Trafficopter Editorial Page, 1965
- Box 28
Transmitter Cornerstone
Transmitter Dedication, 1931 - Verbatim Transcript of Special Seven-Hour Program Celebrating the Official Dedication of WRVA's New 50,000 Watt Transmitter Friday, March 17, 1939 8:00 pm to 3:00 amPhysical Location: See Oversize Box 4
- Box 28
Transmitter Dedication, 1961 - Address of Samuel M. Bemiss, 30 Nov. 1961
- Box 28
Transmitter Dedication, 1961 - Congratulatory Letters, 30 Nov. - 20 Dec. 1961
- Box 28
Transmitter Dedication, 1961 - Correspondence and Memos, July - 4 Dec. 1961 (2 folders)
- Box 28
Transmitter Dedication, 1961 - Mailing and Attendance Lists
- Box 28
Transmitter Dedication, 1961 - RSVP's and Invitations
- Box 28
Transmitter Dedication, 1961 - Program Scripts
- Box 28
Transmitter Dedication, 1961 - Program Schedule
- Box 28
Transmitter Dedication, 1961 - Remarks of W. T. Reed; Remarks of Harold B. Barre
- Box 28
Transmitter Dedication, 1961 - Thank you letters sent, 5-18 Dec. 1961
- Box 28
Transmitter - "Historical Sketch of Radio Station WRVA and Its Transmitter Site"
- Box 28
Transmitter - "WRVA Installs New Radio Facilities" ( Broadcast News, June 1963)
- Box 28
Transmitters - New AM and FM, 1961
- Box 29
The Tunnel
- Box 29
UPI 1962 Awards Entry - WRVA Radio Best Community Awareness
- Box 29
UPI 1963 Awards Entry - WRVA Radio Best Coverage Community Event
- Box 29
UPI 1963 Awards Entries
- Box 29
UPI 1964 Awards Entry - WRVA Radio Best Multi-Man News Operation
- Box 29
UPI 1964 Awards Entry - WRVA Radio Best Coverage Community Events
- Box 29
Variety Awards, 1942-1943
- Box 29
Variety Awards Pitch, 1945
- Box 29
Variety Showmanship Questionnaire, 1939
- Box 29
VEA School Bell Awards - Official Entries, 1966
Virginia Associated Press Broadcasters - Douglas Southall Freeman Awards, 1957, 1975, 1987, 1989, 1991; Meritorious Award for Best Editorial or Editorial Series, May 1988Physical Location: See Oversize Box 4
- Box 29
- Box 29
WBBL - "From Catwhiskers to Stereo: The Story of WBBL Radio"
- Box 29
- Box 29
Weather Information
- Box 29
Whitehorne, Leonard G.
- Box 29
Wilder, Doug
- Box 29
Wilkinson, Holland R.
- Box 29
Wilkinson, Holland R. - The Sunshine Hour
- Box 29
Wilkinson, Holland R. - Sunshine Hymns and Stories
- Box 29
Williams, Louis H. - Third Congressional District Race, 1962
- Box 29
Wilson, Woodrow - Centennial 1956-1957
- Box 29
Wood, Harry
- Box 29
WRVA-FM, 15 Jan. 1947
- Box 30
WRVA Historical Information (2 folders)
- Box 30
WRVA Logos
WRVA / WRVQ LogosPhysical Location: See Oversize Box 1
- Box 30
WRVA Organization Chart, 15 Sept. 1937
- Box 30
The WRVA Radio Program Schedule - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, n.d.
- Box 30
WRVA Radio Space Age News Map
- Box 30
WRVA Radio Staff, 1 Dec. 1967, 20 June 1969, 30 June 1970
- Box 30
WRVA Station History - "WRVA Richmond: The Voice of Virginia 'Down Where the South Begins'", by Calvin T. Lucy
WRVA's 50,000 Watt Transmitter - Richmond News Leader, 17 March 1939 : p. 31-42Physical Location: See Oversize Box 3
- Box 30
WRVA Talent Sheet, 1930's
- Box 30
WRVA Tape Recording Log, n.d.
- Box 30
WRVB-FM 94.5 Program Guide, Mar., May, Dec. 1955, Feb. - Aug., Oct. 1956 (3 folders)
- Box 30
WRVC-FM 102.5 Program Guide, Dec. 1956
- Box 30-31
Year-End Scripts, 1950-1953, 1956-1958 (7 folders)
- Box 31
"Your Funeral" (Highway Safety), 26 May 1955
Includes books, newspapers, and magazines. The books and magazine primarily relate to broadcasting and the history of radio, including WRVA. Of note is a copy of the Virginia Cavalcade, Autumn 1955, containing the article, "Catwhiskers and Kilocycles: Tuning Virginia Radio Stations During the Twenties." The newspapers have been transferred to the Virginia Newspaper Project, but a list of the newspapers and their dates is included in the folder.
Arranged alphabetically.
- Box 31
Crisis: a report from the Columbia Broadcasting System
- Box 31
The Commonwealth, Nov. 1954 - Kemp's Konversations
- Box 31
The Commonwealth, Dec. 1962, Jan. 1963
- Box 31
Echoes of 1861-1961 by J. Ambler Johnston
- Box 31
Journal of Broadcasting, Spring 1964, Summer 1964
- Box 31
Journal of Broadcasting, Spring 1965, Fall 1965
- Box 31
Journal of Broadcasting, Summer 1966, Fall 1966
- Box 32
Journal of Broadcasting, Winter 1967-68, Spring 1968, Fall 1968
- Box 32
Magazines and Pamphlets (2 folders)
- Box 32
News and Views (GMAC), Sept. 1967
- Box 32
"Politics and a Century of Presidential Nominations as Reported in the New York Times "Physical Location: See Oversize Box 3
- Box 32
Radio Broadcast, May 1927
- Box 32
Techniques of Television Production (1953)
- Box 32
"This I Believe" A Series of Radio Broadcasts by Edward Murrow
- Box 32
Virginia Cavalcade, Autumn 1955 - "Catwhiskers and Kilocycles: Tuning in Virginia Radio Stations of the Twenties"
- Box 32
Virginia Cavalcade, Vol. One, 1951-1952
This series contains photographs that document the visual history of WRVA from its opening program on November 2, 1925 to 2000. Includes photographs of WRVA's studios and transmitters; staff, announcers, and performers; staff parties; broadcasts; special events; public service and community activities; anniversaries; programs; local, state and national politicians; and Larus & Brother Company. Some of the folders for WRVA staff contain biographical and program information.
Individual folders exist for some staff, performers, and events. However, there are several broad categories the researcher should consult for photographs of staff, performers, and events. Many of the photographs of performers are grouped into Performers or Performers, Early. Staff photographs are grouped together in Staff, Individual or Staff, Group. Events are generally located under Special Events. Photographs of broadcasts can found under Broadcasts or Broadcasts, Remote.
The albums primarily contain 4 x 8 photographs of staff and staff events from 1985 to 2000.
Organized into the following subseries: A. Photographs; B. Albums; C. Negatives; D. Promotion and Events Negatives, October 1985-January 2000.
- Box 33-58
Subseries A: Photographs
Arranged alphabetically.
- Box 33
1st Anniversary, 3 Nov. 1926
- Box 33
15th Anniversary
- Box 33
16th Anniversary
- Box 33
20th Anniversary
- Box 33
25th Anniversary
- Box 33
25th Anniversary Religious Service
- Box 33
25th Anniversary of Move Into Hotel Richmond, 1958
- Box 33
30th Anniversary
- Box 33
35th Anniversary Brochure
- Box 33
35th Anniversary - Holiday in Hawaii
- Box 33
40th Anniversary
- Box 33
50th Anniversary (3 folders)
- Box 33
50th Anniversary Booklet - the 20's (2 folders)
- Box 33
50th Anniversary Booklet - the 30's
- Box 33
50th Anniversary Booklet - the 40's
- Box 33
50th Anniversary Booklet - the 50's
- Box 34
50th Anniversary Booklet - the 60's
- Box 34
50th Anniversary Booklet - the 70's
- Box 34
50th Anniversary Booklet - Staff and Personalities (3 folders)
- Box 34
Aaroe, Alden (4 folders)
- Box 34
Aaroe, Alden - 75th Birthday
- Box 34
Aaroe, Alden - Proofs and Negatives
- Box 34
Alden Aaroe and Tim Timberlake
- Box 34
Advertisements - Eskimo Pie
- Box 34
- Box 34
Awards Presentations
- Box 35
Almond, J. Lindsay
- Box 35
Apple Blossom Festival, 1936
- Box 35
Arion's Orchestra - WRVA's Opening Night, 2 Nov. 1925
- Box 35
Aunt Sammy's Radio Recipes
- Box 35
Baldwin, Whit
- Box 35
Battle, John S.
- Box 35
Barre, Harold
- Box 35
Black, Bob
- Box 35
Blacker, Mike
- Box 35
Beadles, J. Robert
- Box 35
Beck, George F.
- Box 35
Binford, Pat
- Box 35
Bishop, Walter
- Box 35
Bloom, Howard
- Box 35
Bradley, Lyle (2 folders)
- Box 35
Broadcasts (3 folders)
- Box 36
Broadcasts, Remote, 1940's (2 folders)
- Box 36
Broadcasts, Remote, 1956-1961 (11 folders)
- Box
Broadcasts, Remote, 1962-1964 (3 folders)
- Box 37
Broadcasts, Remote, n.d. (2 folders)
- Box 37
Broadcasts, WRVA Television
- Box 37
Brooks, Frank
- Box 37
Brown, Joe
- Box 37
Byrd, Harry F.
- Box 37
Cabell, Chris
- Box 37
Callan, Tom
- Box 37
Calling All Cooks
- Box 37
Capitol Squirrel
- Box 37
Carey, Sam (2 folders)
- Box 37
Carlyle, Hugh
- Box 37
Cash, Carla
- Box 37
CBS (2 folders)
- Box 38
Celebrities (2 folders)
- Box 38
Christmas Parties, 1938, 1941, 1948-1949, 1951, n.d.
- Box 38
Christmas Party, 1956
- Box 38
Christmas, 1965
- Box 38
Churches and Ministers (2 folders)
- Box 38
Coast Guard Helicopter Rescue Demonstration - Byrd Park (first helicopter to visit Richmond), 16 Feb. 1946
- Box 38
Coleman, Al
- Box 38
Corn Cob Pipe Club
- Box 38
Corn Cob Pipe Club (proofs)
- Box 38
Culpepper, Kathy
- Box 38
Curry, Charlie
- Box 38
Darden, Colgate W.
- Box 39
Dean, Lou (5 folders)
Dean, Lou - DrawingsPhysical Location: See Oversize Box 2
- Box 39
Dennison, Chris
- Box 39
Dewey, Mike
- Box 39
Dewey, Thomas E.
- Box 39
Dixie Spiritual Singers
- Box 39
Dodd, Larry
- Box 39
Draft Registration Day, 1940
- Box 39
Easter Bonnet Contest, 1958, 1960
- Box 39
Edgeworth Dance Orchestra
- Box 39
Edgeworth Dance Party - Camp Lee, 1941
- Box 39
Edwards, Horace
- Box 39
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
- Box 39
Election Coverage, 1969
- Box 39
Elections (2 folders)
- Box 40
Engineers Operating WRVA, WRVB, WRVC (3 folders)
- Box 40
Ennis, John
- Box 40
- Box 40
Farley, Tim
- Box 40
Felton, Durwood
- Box 40
Fleitz, Ron
- Box 40
Francioni, John
- Box 40
Freeland, Bill
- Box 40
Frensch, Karen
- Box 40
Frontiero, Mike
- Box 41
Gary, J. Vaughan
- Box 41
Gillies, Jerry
- Box 41
Gillis, Dick
- Box 41
Gilmore, Bob
- Box 41
Gordon, Bill
- Box 41
Gravely, Jack
- Box 41
Haab, George (Little George)
- Box 41
Hall, Kevin
- Box 41
Halloween, 1987
- Box 41
Harding, John
- Box 41
Harmon, John
- Box 41
Harrison, Albertis S.
- Box 41
Hart, Jay
- Box 42
Hathaway, Sue (Little Sue)
- Box 42
Hewlett, Bertha E.
- Box 42
Hibblen, Michael
- Box 42
Hi-Plane Pilots
- Box 42
Howard, Barron
- Box 42
Hudson, Harvey (2 folders)
- Box 42
Jacobs, Jim
- Box 42
Jasper, Dave
- Box 42
Joe Matthews Sabbath Glee Club
- Box 42
Keeton, Bob
- Box 42
Kemp's Konversations (3 folders)
- Box 42
Kemp, Verbon
- Box 42
Kennedy, Ray
- Box 42
Kings Dominion
- Box 42
Lane, Dean
- Box 43
Larus & Brother Company 75th Anniversary Booklet (11 folders)
These photographs are arranged according to the page on which they appear.
- Box 43
Larus & Brother Company Executives (2 folders)
- Box 43
Larus & Brother Company Factory Workers (2 folders)
- Box 43
Larus & Brother Company Miscellaneous (2 folders)
- Box 44
Larus & Brother Company Office, 1952
- Box 44
Larus & Brother Company Officers (2 folders)
- Box 44
Larus & Brother Company Promotions (2 folders)
- Box 44
Larus & Brother Company Tobacco Factories (2 folders)
- Box 44
Larus & Brother Company Tobacco Products (5 folders)
- Box 44
Larus, Lewis G.
- Box 44
Lawrence, Harold
- Box 44
Lindbergh, Charles A.
- Box 45
Lucy, Calvin Tompkins (3 folders)
- Box 45
Lucy, H. S.
- Box 45
Lund, Jerry
- Box 45
Lynn, Tracy
- Box 45
Mahone, Ashby
- Box 45
Martin, Lewis
- Box 45
Martin, Lewis - Housewives Protective League (2 folders)
- Box 45
Martin, Melinda
- Box 45
Maust, Joe, and wife
- Box 45
McFarland, Bob
- Box 45
McNeill, Carl
- Box 45
McNeil, Carl - Birthday Bunny, July 1986
- Box 46
Melewski, Steve
- Box 46
Merchants Ice and Cold Storage Explosion, 16 January 1958
- Box 46
Millard the Mallard (2 folders)
- Box 46
- Box 46
Mobile Studio
- Box 46
Montgomery, Suzanne
- Box 46
Moore, Jay
- Box 46
Murdock, Charlie
- Box 46
Naff, E. D. (Squire Hix)
- Box 46
National Association of Broadcasters, 4th District
- Box 46
Nelson County Car Caravan for flood victims, 1969 (3 folders)
- Box 46
New Building Construction (2 folders)
- Box 46
New Building Construction (negatives)
- Box
New Building Dedication, 1968 (3 folders)
- Box 47
New Building Groundbreaking
- Box 47
New Dominion Barn Dance
- Box 47
News Department (8 folders)
- Box 47
News Plane
- Box 47
News Staff
- Box 47
Nimitz, Chester
- Box 48
Noe, Chuck
- Box 48
Office and Studio Space, [1920's and 1930's]
- Box 48
Old Dominion Barn Dance (2 folders)
- Box 48
Old Dominion Barn Dance Picture Album (2 folders)
- Box 48
Old Dominion Barn Dance Picture Album, second edition
- Box 48
Operation Flood, 16 Mar. 1963
- Box 48
O'Toole, Mike
- Box 48
Overstreet, Pam
- Box 48
Passage, George
- Box 48
Performers (2 folders)
- Box
Performers, Early (11 folders)
- Box 49
Philips, Harold
- Box 49
Pocahontas (advertisement for John Rolfe Custom Pipe Tobacco), 1962
- Box 49
Political (2 folders)
- Box 49
Price, James H.
- Box 49
Publicity - Virginia and Miscellaneous Historical (4 folders)
- Box 50
Publicity - WRVA (3 folders)
- Box 50
Quinn, Jim
- Box 50
Quiz of Two Cities and Quiz of Two States
- Box 50
Raabe, Rudy
- Box 50
Radio Towers
- Box 50
Reed, William T., Jr.
- Box 50
Reinhardt, Ellen
- Box 50
Remote Service
- Box 50
Rianhard, Conrad
- Box 50
Richmond, Scenes of
Richmond Skyline - DrawingPhysical Location: See Oversize Box 2
- Box 50
Rider, Brick
- Box 50
Ridley, Renee
- Box 50
Roberts, Rob
- Box 50
Robinson, Veronica
- Box 50
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- Box 51
Roth, Bill
- Box 51
Rozmus, Joan
- Box 51
Ryan, Tim
- Box 51
Sales Functions, 1986
- Box 51
Sales Functions, 1996
- Box 51
Sharbutt, Eve
- Box 51
Silver Star Quartet
- Box 51
Simpson, Valerie
- Box 51
Sisisky, Terry
- Box 51
Smith, Bob
- Box 51
Smoky and Poky
- Box 51
Southern, Sally
- Box
Special Events (12 folders)
- Box 52
Special Events, 1986-1988, 1996 (2 folders)
- Box 52
- Box 52
Sports Radio 910
- Box 53
Staff - Group (5 folders)
- Box
Staff - Individual (8 folders)
- Box 54
Staff - Miscellaneous
- Box 54
Staff - "Old Timers"
- Box 54
Staff Party, 1970's
- Box 54
Stanley, Thomas B.
- Box 54
Stevenson, Adlai
- Box 54
Stone, Jack
- Box 54
Stutz, Carl
- Box 54
The Sunshine Hour
- Box 54
Sunshine Sue
- Box 54
Swiderski, Ray
- Box 54
Taft, Robert A.
- Box 54
Tanner, Ken
- Box 54
Tansey, John
- Box 54
Thalhimers Window Displays
- Box 54
The Three Jesters ("Red" Latham, "Guy" Bonham, and "Wamp" Carlson)
- Box 54
Timberlake, Tim
- Box 55
Traffic Copter (2 folders)
- Box 55
Traffic Copter - Proofs and Negatives
- Box 55
Transmitter, Mechanicsville
- Box 55
Transmitter, Mechanicsville - Progress of First All-Wood Self-Supporting Radio Tower in America, 1935 (2 folders)
- Box 55
Transmitter - Varina (3 folders)
- Box 55
Transmitter - Varina - Dedication, 1939
- Box 55
Big John Trimble
- Box 55
Big John Trimble - Drawing
- Box 55
Big John Trimble - Negatives
- Box 56
Truman, Harry S.
- Box 56
Tuck, William M.
- Box 56
Turkey Island - Tests for the Radio Site, 1938
- Box 56
Turner, Lucille (Aunt Sarah)
- Box 56
Turner, Ray
- Box 56
University of Richmond - WRVA Radio Scholarship Quiz
- Box 56
U. S. S. Midway Christening Ceremony - Newport News, 20 Mar. 1945
- Box 56
Vaughan, Ray
- Box 56
Virginia Association of Broadcasters
- Box 56
Virginia Convention of 1775, Re-creation of, 23 March 1927
- Box 56
Virginia State Fair, 1957 (2 folders)
- Box 56
Virginia State Fair, 1958 (2 folders)
- Box 56
Virginia State Fair, 1958 (photocollages)
- Box 56
Virginia State Fair, 1959
- Box 56
Virginia State Fair, 1960
- Box 56
Virginia State Fair, 1961
- Box 56
Virginia State Fair, 1962-1963
- Box 57
Virginia State Fair, n.d.
- Box 57
Walden, Bobby
- Box 57
Walker, Terri
- Box 57
Wallace, Amelia
- Box 57
Wayland, Ken
- Box 57
Weeks, Joe
- Box 57
West, Junie
- Box 57
Wilder, Doug
- Box 57
Wilkinson, Holland
- Box 57
Wilson, Frank
- Box 57
Wood, Harry
- Box 57
Woods, David C.
- Box 57
WRVA Building - Church Hill (4 folders)
- Box 58
WRVA Building - Church Hill (original prints)
WRVA Building - Church Hill (prints)Physical Location: See Oversize Box 2
- Box 58
WRVA-Historic Richmond Foundation - Elmira Shelton House, 29 May 1968 - Philip Johnson and James Biddle Dialogue
- Box 58
WRVA Robot
- Box 58
WRVA Theater
- Box 58
WRVA Theatre Marque (4 folders)
- Box 58
WRVA Transmitting Plant (original) - Main Street, 1925
- Box 58
- Box 58
WRVA Window Display
- Box 58
- Box 58
WRVC Norfolk
- Box 58
WRVC Norfolk - Staff
- Box 58
WRVC Norfolk - Promotions (2 folders)
- Box 58
Zahlout Family
- Box 33
- Box 59-66
Subseries B: Albums, ca. 1950's-2000
- Box 59
"Radio Sales goes to town!"
- Box 59
"Some Foto Recollections of WRVA Radio-TV, 1925-1961", by C. T. Lucy
- Box 60
Alden Aaroe's 75th Birthday Celebration
- Box 60
Building and Grounds - Transmitter and Studio
- Box 60
- Box 60
- Box 60
- Box 61
- Box 61
- Box 61
Mar. 1989 - Oct. 1990
- Box 61
- Box 61
- Box 62
Feb. - Dec. 1992
- Box 62
Aug. - Dec. 1992
- Box 62
Feb. - July 1993
- Box 62
July - Aug. 1993
- Box 62
Sept. - Dec. 1993
- Box 63
Jan. - July 1994
- Box 63
May - June 1994
- Box 63
July - Aug. 1994
- Box 63
Sept. - Dec. 1994
- Box 63
WRVA and WRNL (910 Sports Radio), 1994-1995
- Box 64
Jan. - Dec. 1995
- Box 64
Jan. - Aug. 1996
- Box 64
Aug. - Dec. 1996
- Box 64
Jan. - June 1997
- Box 64
June - Oct. 1997
- Box 65
Oct. 1997 - Apr. 1998
- Box 65
WRVA and WRNL (910 Sports Radio), 1998 (2 volumes)
- Box 65
- Box 66
June - Oct. 1998
- Box 66
Nov. 1998 - May 1999
- Box 66
May 1999 - Nov. 1999
- Box 66
Dec. 1999 - Jan. 2000
- Box 59
- Negative Box 1-10
Subseries C: Negatives
This subseries consists of prints and negatives of many of the photographs listed in Subseries A. Covers WRVA staff and announcers, politicians, events, celebrities, places, and buildings.
Arranged alphabetically.
- Negative Box 1
Aaroe, Almond (I-IV)4 sleeves
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe at 1957 State Fair with Rusco Windows and Doors, Sept. 25, 1957
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe at 1957 State Fair - Miscellaneous, Sept. 25, 1957
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - 1959 Buick Premier at Dubose Buick, 1225 W. Broad St., with models Frances Hollans (in the "sack" dress and Carolyn Melton of R.P.I., Sept. 19, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe, Edna Aaroe, and Wady Hanky at Hotel Chamberlin dining room, Mar. 9, 19632 sleeves
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe and Watkins Abbitt - Election 1957 in Winter Garden of Hotel Richmond, Nov. 5, 1957
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with Virginia Governor J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., Sept. 1, 1959
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with Aloha Airlines Stewardesses and Representatives, Apr. 19, 1963
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe and daughter Anna Lou, Nov. 5, 1957
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - A & N Store Remote at Azalea Shopping Center, Nov. 4, 1963
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - Birthday cake and decorations in CB #2, May 5, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with Benjamin Moore Paint Can, Aug. 11, 1960
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe Billboards, Oct. 9-Nov. 10, 1959
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe and Lyle Bradley at A & P opening on Mechanicsville Turnpike
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with Dewey Brazell, Richmond District Sales Manager for Purina, at John Marshall Hotel, Jan. 9, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - Bricklaying Contest (Southern Brick & Supply Co.), Apr. 28, 1962
- Negative Box 1
Aaroe - CB-Z, Oct. 10, 1957
- Negative Box 1
Aaroe and Clements on Painted Bulletin Board in Sear's Parking Lot, Dec. 17, 1957
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - Crippled Children's Hospital, Dec. 30, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe for d-CON Insecticide at 1957 State Fair, Sept. 25, 1957
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe and Lou Dean at 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 19-27, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe for DeKalb Chickens at 1957 State Fair, Sept. 25, 1957
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with DeKalb Hybrid Corn, Sept. 8, 1959
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe in Derby Hat, Apr. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with winners of Dominion Chevrolet Grand Opening Prize, Mar. 21, 1960
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with Virginia Duesberry at 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 19-27, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with Easter Bonnet Winners, Apr. 3, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - Easter Bonnet Contest Winner (rejects), Apr. 3, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe on Election Night 1957, Nov. 5, 1957
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - Emcee of Jaycee's Annual Carnival Winter Garden, Hotel Richmond, Apr. 15, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - Fedders Air Conditioner at Goldberg-Tiller Corp., Apr. 30, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe on stage at Highland Springs High School Talent Show, Apr. 14, 1961
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with International Harvester display at 1961 State Fair, Sept. 26, 1961
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with International Harvester District Manager H. W. Nicholls
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - International Harvester "Flying Traders" to Canada, Nov. 16, 1960
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - International Harvester Grand Opening, Apr. 19, 1960
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with International Harvester model tractor, Mar. 30, 1960
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe flies to International Harvester's "New World of Power" Show in Chicago, July 11, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with International Harvester tractor and Virginia Farm Queen, Sept. 20, 1963
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with International Harvester Tractors, Dec. 13, 1956
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe interviews patients during Sheltering Arms Hospital Drive, Nov. 14, 1961
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with Ladies at "Easter Bonnet Contest Winners," Apr. 14, 1960
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe and "Lady Greyhound" with Joe Plyler, Richmond Manager Greyhound and dog's trainer, Mar. 25, 1961
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - Laurel Supply's "Do-It Yourself Exposition," Oct. 24, 1959
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe and Miss Rebecca Lee of Roanoke, "Miss Virginia" of 1957, Sept. 19, 1957
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - Len-Tuck Appliance Remote, May 9-11, 1962
- Negative Box 1
Aaroe and Lil's Jimmy Dickens, Oct. 14, 1957
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - "Luncheon with the Girls" at Nick's House of Steaks with Ginter Park Methodist Church - W.S.C.S., Feb. 3, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - "Luncheon with the Girls" at Nick's Steak House with Laurel Home Demonstration Club, Jan. 20, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - "Luncheon with the Girls" at Nick's Steak House with Post Office Supervisors Auxiliary, Feb. 10, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - "Luncheon with the Girls" at Nick's Steak House with Thursday Morning Club, Jan. 27, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe for McCulloch Chain Saws at 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 19-27, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - McCulloch Chain Saw Program on "New Dominion Barn Dance," Sept. 27, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Aaroe talking with Earl McDonald, Oct. 10, 1957
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with Mexican hat and life-size cut out of himself, July 2, 1964
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with Ray Middleton at Farm Directors Meeting at Hotel John Marshall, Feb. 21, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - Miller & Rhoads Remote, Oct. 14, 1963
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe in Mobile Studio, Apr. 13, 1961
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe in Mobile Studio for "Back to School Safety Month," Sept. 1, 1959
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - Moto-Mower Contest, June 10, 1961
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - Moto-Mower Display at Laurel Supply with Sue Patterson and Sandra Wicker, June 18, 1960
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe and "Mr. Frosty" Display, Mar. 1961
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with "Mrs. Virginia" (Mrs. Betty Ikenberry of Roanoke) at Robertshaw-Fulton Cooking School, Nov. 17, 1959
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with Mrs. Virginia '60 (Mrs. Betty Ikenberry), Greentree's Window, Nov. 17, 1959
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with Asst. Secretary of Agriculture Ervin L. Petersen, May 11, 1959
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - Poultry plant interviews and Sherlock Holmes (Basil Rathbone), Mar. 25, 1956
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with ? for Purina at John Marshall Hotel, Jan. 9, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - Purina Display at Central Atlantic Sales Meeting at John Marshall Hotel, Jan. 9, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe for Purina at 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 19-27, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - Purina Pig Parlor at 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 19-27, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe for Ralston-Purina at 1957 State Fair, Sept. 25, 1957
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - Red Cross "Farm Pond Safety Campaign" with 6-year old Lynn Talley, June 19-July 31, 19612 sleeves
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - Reynolds Metals Company Headquarters Building, Oct. 8-10, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe making interviews at Reynolds Metals Company Headquarters Building, Oct. 8-10, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe and Heck Rice, Manager of 1957 State Fair, Sept. 25, 1957
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with Roy Rowland, President of Ralston-Purina Co. in St. Louis, Missouri, Mar. 1960
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with Miss Augusta Scott (wheelchair) and Mrs. L. O. Guy (nurse), Superintendent of Virginia Home for Incurables, Apr. 3, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe - "Snowman Contest", Feb. 15-20, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe in Southern States uniform, Feb. 17-Mar. 1, 1964
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with Leanora Elizabeth Stoneman (Virginia's Farm Queen) and Patricia Gaulding (Miss Virginia 1962) at Tobacco Festival Parade, Sept. 28, 1962
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe in Studio A with microphone (prints only), Oct. 22, 1956
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe and Sunshine Sue at Evans Super Market, Oct. 5, 1956
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe, John B. Tansey, Engineer Dick Tisdale receiving Red Cross Award for Public Service, May 23, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe gets 1st telephone directory, Oct. 2, 1962
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with Telephone in Thalhimers' Window #2 for C & P Telephone Co., May 23, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe, William B. Thalhimer, Jr., John B. Tansey, Engineer Dick Tisdale, May 23, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe in Thalhimers' Window with Engineers Dick Tisdale (light coat) and Mike Garthright (dark coat), May 19, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe in Thalhimers' Window with Marilyn Smith, President of the Ladies Professional Golf Association (Engineer Dick Tisdale), May 20, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with Dick Tisdale (Engineer), Nick Baronian, and son, Johnny, Jan. 27, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe doing TV Spot, May 15, 1962
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe with Ray Vaughan at 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 19-27, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe for V-C Fertilizer at 1957 State Fair, Sept. 25, 1957
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe at Williamsburg Shopping Center, 2700 Williamsburg Road, June 11, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Aaroe and Wingfield-Hatcher Fuel Co. Bulletin Board, May 16, 1957
- Negative Box 1
Alden Aaroe and Harry Wood in "1963 Sampson Paint-Off Contest" with Brick Rider narrating, Apr. 4, 1963
- Negative Box 1
Admiral Radios Window Display in Hotel Richmond Snack Bar, Sept. 13, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Agency Parties (I-IV)4 sleeves
- Negative Box 1
Alemite Products - 4 cans
- Negative Box 1
Alemite Products on Theatre Marquee, Jan. 27-Feb. 3, 1961
- Negative Box 1
Mel Allen with Frank Messer at Richmond "Virginians" Dinner at The Arena, Jan. 31, 1962
- Negative Box 1
Allison, G. Hampton
- Negative Box 1
All-Virginian Cruise Winner, Jan. 1954
- Negative Box 1
Almond, Bob
- Negative Box 1
Governor J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., at Engineers-Scientist Dinner at John Marshall Hotel with J. Louis Reynolds seated to left, Feb. 21, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Governor J. Lindsay Almond Inauguration, Jan. 11, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Governor J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., at Richmond-Petersburg Turnpike Opening, June 30, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Governor J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., speaks of safety in mobile study for "Back to School Safety Month," Sept. 1, 1959
- Negative Box 1
American Gasolines on Theatre Marquee, May 18, 1961
- Negative Box 1
American Machine & Foundry Co. Stockholders (on NBC, Apr. 21, 1959) from left to right, Henry G. Ellis, Philip C. Meyer, John E. Morrill, Paul W. Jacobs, Apr. 15, 1959
- Negative Box 1
T. Coleman Andrews, President of Richmond Chamber of Commerce, at Richmond-Petersburg Turnpike Opening, June 30, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Anthony, Robert
- Negative Box 1
A & P Store $25 in Groceries Contest at McGuire Circle Shopping Center, Jan. 30-Feb. 1, 1962
- Negative Box 1
A & P Store with Mobile Studio at McGuire Circle Shopping Center, Jan. 30-Feb. 1, 1962
- Negative Box 1
Atlantic Life Insurance Co.. Sponsorship of University of Virginia Football on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Sept. 15-Nov. 14, 1958
- Negative Box 1
Atlantic "Magna-Mart" Opening with Mobile Studio, Apr. 13, 1962
- Negative Box 1
Autry, Gene
- Negative Box 1
Azalea Mall Remote in House Trailers, Nov. 22, 1963
- Negative Box 2
Lon Backman Billboards, Mar. 20, 1960
- Negative Box 2
Lon Backman with Bernard Earl Dunn, Candidate for Henrico County Board of Supervisors, May 18, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Lon Backman ID shot, Apr. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Barkley, Alben W., Vice-President of the United States
- Negative Box 2
Mrs. Nick Baronian and Johnny with Aaroe Poster, Feb. 10, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Hal Barre with Tom Joynes (center) and Lou Martin at Richmond Virginians Baseball Dinner, Jan. 31, 1962
- Negative Box 2
Hal Barre and John Tansey at a staff meeting - Barre gets 5-year pin, Dec. 18, 1957
- Negative Box 2
Battle, John S. - Governor of Virginia
- Negative Box 2
Mrs. Mona Beach and Family - winner of "Why I would like to call my mother on Mother's Day," May 7, 1960
- Negative Box 2
Beadles, Robert
- Negative Box 2
Rev. George M. Bean
- Negative Box 2
Robert J. Beatty (center) winner - "Oldest Car with a working radio" with left to right, Lee Wicker and Sue Patterson, May 28, 1960
- Negative Box 2
Tex Beneke
- Negative Box 2
Benjamin Moore Paints Window Display at Hotel Richmond Snack Bar, Mar. 9-Apr. 6, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Benjamin Moore Paint on WRVA Theatre Marquee, June 1, 1960
- Negative Box 2
Joan Bennett and Carl Stutz
- Negative Box 2
Bergen - McCarthy
- Negative Box 2
Billboard - "Clamp Your Dial to 1140", Dec. 4, 1960
- Negative Box 2
Billboard - "Glue Your Dial", Aug. 14, 1960
- Negative Box 2
Billboard - "Lock Your Dial", Nov. 20, 1960
- Negative Box 2
Billboard - "Nail Your Dial", Aug. 7, 1960
- Negative Box 2
Billboard at Sear's Parking Lot, June 20, 1957
- Negative Box 2
Billboard at Sear's Parking Lot and Wingfield-Hatcher
- Negative Box 2
Billboard behind Sear's Parking Lot, Dec. 8, 1960
- Negative Box 2
Billboard at Wingfield-Hatcher, Jan. 7, 1946
- Negative Box 2
Sam Binswanger (Left), Walter W. Craigie (right) at Richmond Chapter, Virginia Region, National Conference of Christians and Jews, Feb. 19, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Bishop, Walter2 sleeves
- Negative Box 2
Walter Bishop at C. T. Lucy retirement party, Oct. 2, 1961
- Negative Box 2
Walter Bishop in derby hat
- Negative Box 2
Walter Bishop and Dick Gillis, Jan. 30, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Walter Bishop at staff meeting, Dec. 18, 1957
- Negative Box 2
Boat - WRVA Radio News Boat on the James River with Jack Clements and Mr. Jamison, owner of Berkeley Plantation, July 1958
- Negative Box 2
Bowling Team Champions (L-R: Earle McDonald, Mike Garthright, Lewis Madison)
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley at 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 19-27, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley with Alden Aaroe at the 1958 State Fair of Virginia Sept. 19-27, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley with Ray Anthony, Feb. 7, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley at Arena for Boat Show, Feb. 19, 1964
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley and Miss Gloria Bartley - Remote at High's, Feb. 14, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley Billboards, Mar. 12, 1960
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley and Burt Browning with Ed Hines in Foreground - Remote at High's, Feb. 14, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley at Collins Remote Equipment (show room of Southern Brick & Supply Co.), Apr. 28, 1962
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley (left), Bob Smith (center), Lou Dean (right) - Crippled Children's Hospital, Dec. 30, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley in derby hat and other shots, Apr. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley at High's Plantation Room with engineers Ed Hines and Dick Tisdale, Feb. 14, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley with waitresses at High's Plantation Room, Feb. 14, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley - Head shots, Mar. 12, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley with Homelite Chain Saw Contest Winner, Bennie W. Thompson, and W. A. Clarke, Asst. District Manager, Homelite, Nov. 14, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley at microphone - News, Aug. 14, 1956
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley - Miller and Rhoads Remote, Oct. 14, 1963
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley in Mobile studio (Ice House contest), Aug. 29, 1961
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley in Mobile studio, Sept. 3, 1963
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley at N. F. Jacobs remote, Nov. 26, 1962
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley at Sears Remote, Oct. 15-16, 1962
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley at 1957 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 21, 1957
- Negative Box 2
Lyle Bradley TV spot, May 7, 1962
- Negative Box 2
Broad Street Methodist Church at 10th and Broad Streets, July 1958
- Negative Box 2
Broadway Lumber and Building Supply Co. "Success Letter", Feb. 14, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks at 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 19-27, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks with Gov. J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., on "Open for Opinion", Jan. 5, 1962
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks at Azalea Mall Remote in a trailer, Nov. 22, 1963
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks with Gloria Bartley at High's Plantation Room, Southside Plaza, Feb. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks with Benjamin Moore Paint Can, Aug. 11, 1960
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks Billboards, April 10 - July 1 1959, Dec. 10 1959 - Jan. 10, 19604 sleeves
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks with Campus Lane Clothes in Greentree's Window, Nov. 20, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks in derby hat, Apr. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks - Election night, Nov. 5, 1957
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks with Maynard Ferguson at 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 21, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks with Florsheim shoes in Greentree's, Nov. 20, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks and Wilbur M. Gaunt, Jr., Executive Director of the Virginia Retail Council, on "Open for Opinion", Mar. 23, 1962
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks with Henry R. Gonner, Central Richmond Association, Mar. 12, 1963
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks at High's Plantation Room, Southside Plaza, Feb. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks with Frances Hollans at the Organ, 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 22, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks with Interwoven socks in Greentree's window, Nov. 20, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks at Jaycee's Carnival Winter Garden, Hotel Richmond, with engineer Dick Tisdale, Apr. 15, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks with Kai Winding, Mar. 11, 1960
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks - Miller and Rhoads Remote, Oct. 14, 1963
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks at N. F. Jacobs Remote, Nov. 26, 1962
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks - "Pal Joey" Promotion at State Theatre, Dec. 21, 1957
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks (right) with Cy Rains (center) and Dick Tisdale (left) at High's Plantation Room, Southside Plaza, Feb. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks with J. Linwood Rice, Public relations counsel for 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 19-27, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks with Mayor Mrs. Eleanor P. Sheppard, July 26, 1962
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks in Thalhimers' Window with engineer Ed Hines, May 22, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks TV spot, May 7, 1962
- Negative Box 2
Frank Brooks with Van Heusen shirts in Greentree's, Nov. 20, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Brown, Robert
- Negative Box 2
S. A. Burnette (left), Henrico County Board of Supervisors candidate, with Jack Clements, May 11, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Bus Card (VTC) Special Demonstration by Temple Cook and Bill Kindle, Jan. 14, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Bus Dash Signs, Richmond and Norfolk - Norfolk Billboard - WRVA - WRVC (I-II)2 sleeves
- Negative Box 2
Business - Education Day
- Negative Box 2
Byrd, Senator Harry F.
- Negative Box 2
Byrd, Harry F., Jr.
- Negative Box 2
Byrnes, Gov. James F. - Visit to Williamsburg session of 1952 Virginia General Assembly
- Negative Box 2
Chris Cabell (William Cabell Venable) at microphone
- Negative Box 2
Cadillac Dog Food Banquet, Southside Plaza, Nov. 11, 1961
- Negative Box 2
Cadillac Dog Food Window Display, Oct. 15, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Cadillac Dog Food on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Oct. 1, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Calling All Cooks (I-IV)4 sleeves
- Negative Box 2
Call, Norman - President, RF&P Railroad
- Negative Box 2
Camel Cigarettes Window Display, July 20, 1960
- Negative Box 2
"Capitol Squirrel" - copies of art work used for 1960 Douglas Southall Freeman Award Entry ("Annexation or Merger", "Flood Control", "Police Probe", "Politics"), Sept. 1960
- Negative Box 2
"Capitol Squirrel" - 11th Tobacco Festival Parade
- Negative Box 2
Carey, Sam
- Negative Box 2
Carlson, Arthur
- Negative Box 2
Mary Elizabeth Carter with balloon at Southside Plaza Shopping Center, Oct. 13, 1960
- Negative Box 2
Mary Alice Carter with Kathleen Heinz at Southside Plaza Shopping Center (with balloons), Oct. 13, 1960
- Negative Box 2
Mary Carter with Phil Jordan "Yardstick Promotion", Mar. 18, 1961
- Negative Box 2
Hazel Caulden, Jan. 12, 1962
- Negative Box 2
Cessna Homes Theatre Marquee, Sept. 1, 1960
- Negative Box 2
Chap-Ans Window Display, Dec. 19, 1960
- Negative Box 2
Chapstick and Chap-ans on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Dec. 15, 1960
- Negative Box 2
Chezik, Ted
- Negative Box 2
Christmas Party in the WRVA Theatre, Dec. 21, 1956
- Negative Box 2
Christmas Parties - WRVA
- Negative Box 2
Churchill, Sarah, and Virginius Dabney and William B. Thalhimer, Jr.
- Negative Box 2
Clarke, Herb
- Negative Box 2
Class Room 59 (new radio series) - Houghton Mifflin Co. Window Display, Feb. 10, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements - 1958 Virginia Associated Press Broadcasters Awards, National Press Club, Washington, D.C. (L-R: Frank Wilson, Jack Clements, Max Fullerton, Chief of AP Bureau, Baltimore, Harry Monroe, and Bob Smith), May 2, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements at beeper recorder, Apr. 30, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements Billboards, Feb. 2, 1960
- Negative Box 2
Clements - Bishop - Wilson - Tisdale at opening of General Assembly (taken in Capitol Gallery), Jan. 8, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements and Walter Bishop at Patrick Henry Airport for Queen Elizabeth's visit to Jamestown and Williamsburg, Oct. 16, 1957
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements in derby hat, Apr. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements and Walter Bishop on Election Night, Nov. 5, 1957
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements with (L-R) Dewey Brazzel, Richmond Sales Manager for Purina; Bobby Shaw, Rt. 4, Glen Allen, Virginia; Russell O. Berry, Holzgrefe Brothers Hathery, June 20, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements at College of William and Mary at Wren Building for Queen Elizabeth's visit to Jamestown and Williamsburg with engineer Dick Tisdale, Oct. 16, 1957
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements with McCarthy Downs, Jr., candidate for Henrico County Board of Supervisors, June 3, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements - Election Night, Nov. 5, 1957
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements - J. Vaughan Gary Election, Nov. 5, 1957
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements with Cecil Harper, candidate for Henrico County Board of Supervisors, June 10, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements and Leo Hoarty of WBDF, Virginia Beach - Installation of Clements as president, Virginia Associated Press Broadcasters at National Press Club in Washington, D.C., May 2, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements interview at 1959 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 29, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements and Ledford, candidate for Henrico County Board of Supervisors, June 17, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements makes a call from the mobile news unit, May 1, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements with member of cast of the "Happiest Millionaire" - Jaycee's Carnival, Winter Garden, Hotel Richmond, Apr. 15, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements at microphone in Studio "B" with telephone, May 1, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements with "Miss Virginia of 1958", Miss Barbara Doris Guthrie of Martinsville, Virginia, Aug. 1958
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements with Miss Virginia, Aug. 24, 1956
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements with Mobile News Unit (pointing to location of Radio Telephone), May 1, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements and Mobile Studio "Back to School Safety Month", Sept. 1, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Clements, Monroe, and Aaroe at Virginia Associated Press Broadcasters Awards Presentation, Mar. 29, 1957
- Negative Box 2
Clements - Monroe Billboard on U.S. Route #1 North, Aug. 22, 1957
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements at Moto-Mower Contest, June 10, 1961
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements with newsroom clip file, May 1, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements at newsroom typewriter, May 1, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements with Ted Partlow, Lee Wicker, Bob Portteu (Polariod Corp.) in Galeski Photo Center, Feb. 6, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements - Passport Photos, Feb. 18, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements and Tollie H. Quinn, candidate for Henrico County Board of Supervisors, June 24, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements and Buddy Ragsdale, candidate for Henrico County Board of Supervisors, July 1, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements Remote, Aug. 27, 1956
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements with Schemerhorn, candidate for Henrico County Board of Supervisors, May 21, 1959
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements with Bobby Shaw, 1st place 4-H Junior Broiler Growers, June 20, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements with Nicholas Spinnella, president of St. Bridget's PTA, winners of "Apple for the Teacher" contest, Mar. 15, 1962
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements with stripteaser at 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 22, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements in Thalhimers' Window with engineer Dick Tisdale, May 21, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements - TV News spot, May 8, 1962
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements with Two Thalhimers Models on "Sideview on the News", May 19, 1958
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements at UP Machine, Oct. 10, 1957
- Negative Box 2
Jack Clements and Frank Wilson in Mobile News Unit, May 1, 1958
- Negative Box 3
Coldene Lobby Display, Jan. 31, 1958
- Negative Box 3
Coldene Window Display, Jan. 31, 1958
- Negative Box 3
Comet on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Apr. 19, 1960
- Negative Box 3
Colonial Stores on WRVA Theatre Marquee, June 7, 1960
- Negative Box 3
Dr. Ernest L. Copley - Pulling of his body from James River, May 13, 1957
- Negative Box 3
Corn Chex Window Display, Oct. 30, 1959
- Negative Box 3
Corn Chex on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Nov. 2, 1959
- Negative Box 3
Kitty Cousins
- Negative Box 3
Walter F. Craigie, President of Central Richmond Association, at Richmond-Petersburg Turnpike Opening, June 30, 1958
- Negative Box 3
George Creegan Puppet Show at Tuckahoe Fire Station, Dec. 7, 1962
- Negative Box 3
Crippled Children's Hospital, Dec. 30, 1958
- Negative Box 3
Crippled Children's Hospital Appreciation Awards - 6 year old Michael Gray makes presentation, Feb. 4, 1959
- Negative Box 3
Crippled Children's Hospital Appreciation Awards (L-R: Mrs. Paul Erdman; John B. Tansey; R. Karleen Ingerson; Mrs. A. Wade Lamb, Jr.; A. Churchill Young, Jr.; Dr. James T. Tucker, MD), Feb. 4, 1959
- Negative Box 3
Dale Crisp (left) and Sherry Eborn in Tobacco Festival Parade, Oct. 4, 1963
- Negative Box 3
Crosby, Bing
- Negative Box 3
Crowder, J. B. D.
- Negative Box 3
Darcel, Denise
- Negative Box 3
Day, Gene
- Negative Box 3
D-Con on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Mar. 29, 1960
- Negative Box 3
Lou Dean at 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 19-27, 1958
- Negative Box 3
Lou Dean in Derby Hat, Apr. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 3
Lou Dean - Election Night 1957, Nov. 5, 1957
- Negative Box 3
Lou Dean Gag Shots, Mar. 18, 1960
- Negative Box 3
Lou Dean with Audrey Gill, Virginia Farm Queen of 1961, Sept. 22, 1961
- Negative Box 3
Lou Dean Head Shots, Mar. 12, 1958
- Negative Box 3
Lou Dean in Mobile Studio at Virginia Sports Cars on West Broad (first remote with trailer), Aug. 14, 1959
- Negative Box 3
Lou Dean Portraits, Aug. 1963
- Negative Box 3
Lou Dean - TV Promotion Spot, May 7, 1962
- Negative Box 3
Lou Dean at Ward's TV and Appliance Center, 1806 W. Broad, Mar. 14, 1958
- Negative Box 3
Derby Hat Promotion with Greentree's, Apr. 22, 1959
- Negative Box 3
Derby Hat Promotion with Greentree's (L-R: Frank Brooks, Lou Dean, Lyle Bradley, Bob Smith, Bob McHone, Alden Aaroe), Apr. 22, 1959
- Negative Box 3
Derby Hat Promotion
- Negative Box 3
Derby, Robert L.
- Negative Box 3
Dogwood Knoll Homes Window Display, Oct. 6, 1960
- Negative Box 3
Dogwood Knoll Homes on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Aug 14, 1960
- Negative Box 3
Dominion Chevrolet on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Jan. 19, 1961
- Negative Box 3
Dominion Chevrolet on WRVA Theatre Marquee, May 29, 1961
- Negative Box 3
John Driver at Microphone, Sept. 20, [?]
- Negative Box 3
Dubose Buick 1959 Car Preview Night, Sept. 19, 1958
- Negative Box 3
Dubose, J. Edwin
- Negative Box 3
Duke's Mayonnaise Lobby Display with Sarah Jane Grogan and Ralph Krueger, June 13 - July 1958
- Negative Box 3
Duke's Mayonnaise Window Display, June 13 - July 1958
- Negative Box 3
Duke's Mayonnaise - Wood's Market, Aug. 21, 1958
- Negative Box 3
Bill Duncan in derby hat, Apr. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 3
Durden, Chauncy - receiving Barber Poll Award from Ray Kennedy,
- Negative Box 3
Eagles, Nellie
- Negative Box 3
Easter Bonnet Contest Winners, Apr. 3, 1958
- Negative Box 3
Easter Bonnet Contest Winners (rejects), Apr. 3, 1958
- Negative Box 3
Easter Bonnet Contest Winners, Apr. 14, 1960
- Negative Box 3
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (I-II)2 sleeves
- Negative Box 3
Election Central
- Negative Box 3
Election Coverage
- Negative Box 3
Election Coverage, Nov. 7, 1962
- Negative Box 3
Election Coverage - WRVA Radio and TV in Theatre (I-IV), Nov. 8, 19604 sleeves
- Negative Box 3
Election Night - Councilmatic Election (I-II), June 10, 19582 sleeves
- Negative Box 3
Election Scenes, Nov. 5, 1957
- Negative Box 3
"Eleven-Forty" 1140 Family Contest at City Stadium, Apr. 21, 1967
- Negative Box 3
Miss Eskimo Pie, Miriam P. Molander, at Willow Lawn (I-II), Apr. 10, 19632 sleeves
- Negative Box 3
Miss Eskimo Pie, Miriam P. Molander, at Willow Lawn with Irby Hollans, Joe Lowen, and Ralph Krueger, Apr. 11, 1963
- Negative Box 3
Miss Eskimo Pie, Miriam P. Molander, in WRVA-Radio Studio Display, Apr. 11, 1963
- Negative Box 3
Eskimo Pie Promotion with Mrs. Anne Garrett, July 27, 1962
- Negative Box 3
Esskay Meats on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Mar. 15, 1961
- Negative Box 3
Esso Bumper Strips "Your Esso Reporter" on Red Top Cabs, Apr. 15 - May 31, 1958
- Negative Box 3
Esso Conference Luncheon at the Rotunda Club (L-R: John Tansey; Roy E. McDaniel, Manager of Virginia-West Virginia Division of Esso; Walter Bishop; Jack Clements; C. Graham Pembroke; General Sales Manager; Hal Barre; Carroll F. Toler, Merchandise Manager; James Irving Robertson, Assistant to McDaniel), Nov. 5, 1958
- Negative Box 3
Esso Display at 1959 State Fair of Virginia, Oct. 1, 1959
- Negative Box 3
Esso Display "Your Esso Reporter" at 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 19-27, 1958
- Negative Box 3
Esso - "Prize-O-Rama" meeting of dealers at Jefferson Hotel with Jack Clements and Lon Backman, Oct. 1, 1959
- Negative Box 3
Esso Reporter on WRVA Theatre Marquee, July 3, 1957
- Negative Box 3
Esso Standard Oil Company Billboards, Aug. 1, 1959
- Negative Box 3
Esso - WRVA Luncheon at the Commonwealth Club, Nov. 5, 1958
- Negative Box 3
Esso - "Your Esso Reporter" on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Aug. 4-29, 1958
- Negative Box 3
Esso - "Your Esso Reporter" on WRVA Theatre Marquee, May 7, 1959
- Negative Box 3
Evans, Mark
- Negative Box 3
Eveready Batteries on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Dec. 22, 1960
- Negative Box 3
Fab Soap Displays at Giant Food Stores, May 22, 1958
- Negative Box 3
Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr., with Edith Lindeman
- Negative Box 3
Farm Queen of 1961 with Army, Navy, and Marine Units, Sept. 22, 1961
- Negative Box 3
Farm Queen, 1961 - cuts ribbon to open State Fair of 1961, Sept. 22, 1961
- Negative Box 3
Farm Queen of 1961 - Miss Audrey Gill, Sept. 22, 1961
- Negative Box 3
Farm Queen of 1961 - Miss Audrey Gill at 4-H Tractor Drivers Contest, Sept. 26, 1961
- Negative Box 3
Farm Queen of 1961 - Miss Audrey Gill with Alden Aaroe, Sept. 22, 1961
- Negative Box 3
Farm Queen of 1961 receives trophy (L-R: Admiral Glover, Paul Sanders, Miss Audrey Gill, Mrs. S. Frank Carr), Sept. 22, 1961
- Negative Box 3
Farm Queen of 1961 with State Fair Officials (L-R: Paul Sanders, Mrs. Sheppardson, Mrs. Frank Carr, Paul Brinkley, Miss Audrey Gill, Colonel Hancock Reed, Alden Aaroe, Sam Bemiss, Admiral Glover), Sept. 22, 1961
- Negative Box 3
Farm Queen of 1961 with Virginia Electric Cooperatives Display, Sept. 22, 1961
- Negative Box 3
Farm Queen of 1961 with Virginia Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs, Sept. 22, 1961
- Negative Box 3
Farm Queen Contest of 1963
- Negative Box 3
Farm Queen Contest of 1964 (I-III), Sept. 12, 19643 sleeves
- Negative Box 3
Farm Queen of 1963 - Opening State Fair, Sept. 20, 1963
- Negative Box 3
Farm Queen of 1963 - Dixie Perkins on "Governor's Day", Sept. 24, 1963
- Negative Box 3
Farm Queen of 1963 - Dixie Perkins with Donna Ratcliff, "Miss State Fair 1962" and Lisa Hanmer, "Miss State Fair 1963", Sept. 22, 1963
- Negative Box 3
Farm Queen of 1964 - Linda Carole Beard at Governor's Day with winner of 4-H tractor contest and Miss State Fair, Brenda Ann Lewis of Fredericksburg
- Negative Box 3
Farm Queen of 1964 - Linda Carole Beard at Miss State Fair Contest, Sept. 27, 1964
- Negative Box 3
Farm Queen of 1964 - Linda Carole Beard opens state fair, Sept. 25, 1964
- Negative Box 3
F.C.C. Measuring Point, July 24, 1962
- Negative Box 3
Mrs. Fearnow's Brunswick Stew on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Dec. 1, 1959
- Negative Box 3
Federal Office Building Ground Breaking Ceremony sponsored by Central Richmond Association with Senator A. Willis Robertson, Mayor A. Scott Anderson, etc., June 15, 1959
- Negative Box 3
Feen-A-Mint / Chooz Lobby Display (I-II), Jan. 14, 19582 sleeves
- Negative Box 3
Ferko String Band on Hotel Richmond Steps for Tobacco Festival, Oct. 24, 1958
- Negative Box 3
Findlay, Dave (I-II)2 sleeves
- Negative Box 3
Flako Pie Crust at Evans Supermarket, 34th and E. Marshall - "Lewis Martin Week", Oct. 24, 1957
- Negative Box 3
Flako Pie Crust Mix at Stratford Hills Supermarket, Nov. 21, 1957
- Negative Box 3
Senator Ralph E. Flanders (R - Vermont) at Engineers-Scientist Dinner with J. Louis Reynolds on left, at John Marshall, Feb. 21, 1958
- Negative Box 3
FLIT on WRVA Theatre Marquee, May 25, 1960
- Negative Box 3
Football Billboards, Oct. 2, 1959
- Negative Box 3
Football on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Sept. 14, 1959
- Negative Box 3
Ford, H. A.
- Negative Box 3
Foster, L. C.
- Negative Box 3
Four-Way Cold Tablets Window Display (I-II), Mar. 8, 19582 sleeves
- Negative Box 3
Fouts, J. Sam
- Negative Box 3
Franklin, Harold
- Negative Box 3
Bill Freeland (I-II), Nov. 20, 19572 sleeves
- Negative Box 3
Bill Freeland Gag Shots, Nov. 20, 1957
- Negative Box 3
Bill Freeland Head Shots, Mar. 12, 1958
- Negative Box 3
Free Wax on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Oct. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 3
French Merci Train Officials
- Negative Box 4
Mayor F. Henry Garber at Richmond-Petersburg Turnpike Opening, June 30, 1958
- Negative Box 4
Mrs. Anne Garrett for Eskimo Pie Promotion with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Davis, July 27, 1962
- Negative Box 4
Garrett, Patsy
- Negative Box 4
Garthright, Mike
- Negative Box 4
Mike Garthright and Ed Hines in WRVA Master Control Election, Nov. 5, 1957
- Negative Box 4
General Assembly - Governor Thomas B. Stanley Addresses Joint Session, Jan. 8, 1958
- Negative Box 4
General Assembly Opening, 1954
- Negative Box 4
George, W. Brooks
- Negative Box 4
Georgia Mountain Boys, Apr. 30, 1957
- Negative Box 4
General Oil Company on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Feb. 2, 1959
- Negative Box 4
Giant Food Stores - "Lewis Martin Week," May 22, 1958
- Negative Box 4
Gill, Josephine
- Negative Box 4
Dick Gillis, Walter Bishop, and Tom Carlin, "Colonel Virginia" - 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 20, 1958
- Negative Box 4
Dick Gillis (center), Major Burton (right) of Esso, and Paul Jolly (left) of Esso, Dec. 5, 1957
- Negative Box 4
Dick Gillis with Charlottesville Chamber of Commerce Executive, Jan. 1961
- Negative Box 4
Dick Gillis and David Kilgore - "The Barksdale Players", Jan. 30, 1958
- Negative Box 4
Dick Gillis and Henry Meacham of Dun & Bradstreet
- Negative Box 4
Dick Gillis with Robert Porterfield, Chairman 1958 Cancer Crusade, June 12, 1958
- Negative Box 4
Dick Gillis with Paula Prentis (right), Dec. 13, 1960
- Negative Box 4
Dick Gillis with two girls (Gloria Sheehan on left), Oct. 1960
- Negative Box 4
Dick Gillis with Bill Willis of Henrico Herald, Jan. 17, 1959
- Negative Box 4
Richard S. Gillis, Virginia State Chamber of Commerce at 1957 State Fair, Sept. 21, 1957
- Negative Box 4
Bob Gilmore's Car with Vee's signs, July 7, 1964
- Negative Box 4
Bob Gilmore with Romeo Champagne, owner of Richmond Virginians and Lou Martin, Business Manager
- Negative Box 4
Bob Gilmore and John Harmon in baseball get-up
- Negative Box 4
Bob Gilmore and John Harmon with microphone
- Negative Box 4
Bob Gilmore and John Harmon (black out shots)
- Negative Box 4
Bob Gilmore - Portrait with microphone
- Negative Box 4
Glinn, Emma
- Negative Box 4
Miss Emma Glinn, Receptionist, Feb. 3, 1958
- Negative Box 4
GMAC signs in office, June 12, 1963
- Negative Box 4
Godfrey, Arthur with Sunshine Sue, Mrs. Godfrey, and Governor William Tuck
- Negative Box 4
Golden Garbage Can Award, awarded by City Manager Horace Edwards to the team of Page, Clarke, and Wiltshire, Nov. 16, 1959
- Negative Box 4
Good Manners
- Negative Box 4
Gosden, Freeman (Amos) with C. T. Lucy
- Negative Box 4
Graham, Bill in WRVA Theatre, May 8, 1956
- Negative Box 4
Dean C. J. Gray - Scholarship Quiz at Albemarle High School near Charlottesville, Feb. 12, 1958
- Negative Box 4
Dean C. J. Gray, University of Richmond, Feb. 10, 1958
- Negative Box 4
Greece's King and Queen
- Negative Box 4
Greentree's Remote - watching Alden Aaroe and Miss Virginia, Nov. 17, 1959
- Negative Box 4
Greentree's Window Display in Snack Bar, Nov. 12, 1959
- Negative Box 4
Greentree's window at night remote broadcasts, Nov. 20, 1959
- Negative Box 4
Gulf Oil Corporation and Atlantic Life Insurance Co. on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Sept. 20, 1957
- Negative Box 4
Gulf Oil Corp. window display, Aug. 21, 1959
- Negative Box 4
Gulf Oil Corp. on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Aug. 10, 1959
- Negative Box 4
Gulf Oil Corp. on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Aug. 24, 1959
- Negative Box 4
Gulf Oil - service station poster display (station is at Lombardy Street and Chamberlayne Ave.), Oct. 23, 1957
- Negative Box 4
Gulf Scoreboard 1962 Football Season, Oct. 30, 1962
- Negative Box 4
Jan Hagel Cookies on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Nov. 6, 1958
- Negative Box 4
Jan Hagel Cookie on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Nov. 3-7, 1958
- Negative Box 4
Jan Hagel Cookies given at New Dominion Barn Dance by Lee Wicker, Nov. 22, 1958
- Negative Box 4
Hamilton, Fred
- Negative Box 4
Wade Hanky at Tobacco Festival Opening Dance in Arena with Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, Sept. 22, 1962
- Negative Box 4
Hardee's Drive-In Trailer Remote, Apr. 20, 1962
- Negative Box 4
John Harmon at microphone, Apr. 13, 1961
- Negative Box 4
Governor Albertis S. Harrison at WRVA-Radio microphone, Mar. 14, 1962
- Negative Box 4
Jack Harter at 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 20, 1958
- Negative Box 4
Jack Harter and Harold Phillips at 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 20, 1958
- Negative Box 4
Jack Harter Portrait shot, Mar. 18, 1960
- Negative Box 4
Bob Hatcher at Ampex Tape Recorder Racks, Oct. 10, 1957
- Negative Box 4
Bob Hatcher and Hal Phillips at Tape Rack on Election Night feeding Jack Clements to CBS Radio for "The World Tonight", Nov. 5, 1957
- Negative Box 4
Hawaiian Party at Empire Room, Jefferson Hotel - shot of Aaroe with girls, Oct. 8, 1960
- Negative Box 4
Hawaiian Party at Empire Room, Jefferson Hotel - shots of crowd, Oct. 8, 1960
- Negative Box 4
Hawaiian Party - Jefferson Hotel
- Negative Box 4
Hawaiian Tour - arrival shots, Nov. 20, 1960
- Negative Box 4
Hawaiian Tour - boarding plane, Nov. 19. 1960
- Negative Box 4
Hawaiian Tour - Capital "Viscount" took group to D.C., Nov. 19, 1960
- Negative Box 4
Hawaiian Tour departs, July 22, 1961
- Negative Box 4
Hawaiian Tour - group shot in front of airplane, Nov. 19, 1960
- Negative Box 4
Hawaiian Tour - inside plane, Nov. 19, 1960
- Negative Box 4
Hawaiian Tour - presentation of gifts to Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii, Nov. 28, 1960
- Negative Box 4
Hawaiian Tour - return to Byrd Field, Dec. 5, 1960
- Negative Box 4
Hawaiian Tour Returns, Aug. 5, 1961
- Negative Box 4
Hawaiian Tour Party Crowd Shots, June 17, 1961
- Negative Box 4
Hawaiian Tour Party - Hawaiian Band (really Filipino), June 17, 1961
- Negative Box 4
Hawaiian Tour Party - "Hawaiian" Hostesses (In totem pole order: Sandy Wicker, Pat Cuicci, Hilda Flacke, Christine Brooking, and Jeanne Jay), June 17, 1961
- Negative Box 4
Hawthorne Cities Service Station Opening, Oct. 20, 1961
- Negative Box 4
Katie Heinz with Pontiac winning salesmen, Apr. 22, 1963
- Negative Box 4
Heritage Homes on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Nov. 22, 1960
- Negative Box 4
High's Ice Cream window display, Feb. 19, 1959
- Negative Box 4
Frances Hollans and Susan Hollans on telephone for "Open for Opinion" story in Virginia Foodsman Magazine, Aug. 19, 1962
- Negative Box 4
Irby Hollans at 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 19-27, 1958
- Negative Box 4
Irby Hollans with Dewey Brazell, Richmond District Sales Manager for Purina, John Marshall Hotel, Jan. 9, 1958
- Negative Box 4
Irby Hollans with Robert A. Cook, Adv. and Sales Mgr., Virginia Metal Products Company, Orange, Virginia (Profile), Mar. 22, 1962
- Negative Box 4
Irby Hollans with Francis Gray at 4-H Tractor Contest [J.l. Case Tractor], Sept. 26, 1961
- Negative Box 4
Irby Hollans in derby hat, Apr. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 4
Irby Hollans with E. Milton Farley, Pres. of Biggs Antique Company, Richmond (Profile), Mar. 16, 1962
- Negative Box 4
Irby N. Hollans, Jr., with William L. Heartwell, Jr., Industrial Director of Virginia State Chamber of Commerce, Mar. 29, 1963
- Negative Box 4
Irby Hollans - ID shots, Feb. 7, 1963
- Negative Box 4
Irby Hollans on microphone, Aug. 16, 1956
- Negative Box 4
Irby Hollans with James A. Nottingham Sperry, Piedmont Company Division Manager, Charlottesville, Virginia (Profile), Mar. 22, 1962
- Negative Box 4
Irby Hollans with (L-R) Ted Partlow, Bob Portteus of Polariod Corp. and Lee Wicker (taken at Galeski Photo Center, 8th and Main), Feb. 6, 1958
- Negative Box 4
Irby Hollans interviews David P. Reynolds, V.P. in charge of sales, Reynolds Metals Company, Oct. 9, 1958
- Negative Box 4
Irby Hollans in Thalhimers' Window with engineer Ed Hines, May 19, 1958
- Negative Box 4
Home Run Derby Grand Drawing at "WRVA-Radio Night with Vees", Aug. 6, 1963
- Negative Box 4
Bob Hope with Aaroe and WRVA Theatre Marquee (NBC)
- Negative Box 4
Hotel Richmond for location of sign on building (I-II), Aug. 21, 19622 sleeves
- Negative Box 4
Howard, Barron
- Negative Box 4
Howren, Rosemary
- Negative Box 4
Huckstep, Monroe, and tape recorder bank, May 7, 1957
- Negative Box 4
Hudson Dinner Napkins at Stratford Hills Supermarket, Nov. 21, 1957
- Negative Box 4
Hudson Tissue Display at Giant Food Stores, May 22, 1958
- Negative Box 4
Hunt, Harry
- Negative Box 4
Imperial Margarine at Stratford Hills Supermarket, Nov. 21, 1957
- Negative Box 4
International Harvester Grand Opening, Apr. 19, 1960
- Negative Box 4
International Harvester Sales Meeting at Executive Motel (L-R: Harold Barre, Alden Aaroe, C.A. Lane, Ben Franklin, Wm. A. Stark)
- Negative Box 4
International Harvester on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Mar. 21, 1960
- Negative Box 4
International Harvester on WRVA Theatre Marquee, July 14, 1960
- Negative Box 4
International Harvester on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Mar. 23, 1961
- Negative Box 4
N.F. Jacobs Remote, Nov. 26, 1962
- Negative Box 4
James River
- Negative Box 4
James River Marathon Races
- Negative Box 4
Jarrett, Scott (I-II)2 sleeves
- Negative Box 4
Jaycee's Carnival in Miniature - Winter Garden (Sandy Wicker and Diane Franklin), Apr. 17, 1962
- Negative Box 4
Jones, J. Harold
- Negative Box 4
Otis Broaddus Jones, Dec. 14, 1961
- Negative Box 4
Otis Broaddus Jones in derby hat, Apr. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 4
Otis Broaddus Jones and Earle McDonald, Dec. 14, 1961
- Negative Box 4
Broaddus Jones with Ken Tanner, Sept. 16, 1963
- Negative Box 4
Jones, Grandpa
- Negative Box 4
Dr. Lewis Webster Jones, President, National Conference of Christians and Jews, Feb. 19, 1959
- Negative Box 4
Spike Jones with Joan Brooks
- Negative Box 4
Jordan, Virginia
- Negative Box 4
Jordan, Virginia - Dialog Cover
- Negative Box 4
Virginia Jordan at Switchboard, Feb. 10, 1958
- Negative Box 4
Victory Jory with Ray Kennedy - "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof", Oct. 23, 1957
- Negative Box 5
Kay, Larry
- Negative Box 5
Keller, Donn - ID shots, Feb. 7, 1963
- Negative Box 5
Kelly's Jet Drive-In "Eat-a-Burger Contest", July 1, 1961
- Negative Box 5
Verbon Kemp with Kenneth Hyde, Ernest Farley, and J. Harvie Wilkinson), Dec. 14, 1960
- Negative Box 5
Verbon Kemp with group from movie "Where the Boys Are", Jim Hutton, Joe Paternak, and Maggie Pierce, Dec. 13, 1960
- Negative Box 5
Verbon E. Kemp - Virginia Chamber of Commerce Week with Forrest S. Wommack (Suffolk), Robert S. Johnson (Arlington), and A.S. Rachel (Roanoke), Mar. 21, 1959
- Negative Box 5
Verbon Kemp with WRVA Radio and TV people (Sam Carey, Walter Bishop, and John Tansey), Nov. 2, 1960
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations with J. Harvie Wilkinson (State Planters Bank), Walter I. Dolbeare (VEPCO), Verbon Kemp, and Dr. George M. Modlin (University of Richmond), Dec. 12, 1957
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations with Mrs. Irving L. Matthews (Exec. Secretary of Garden Club of Virginia), Mrs. Raymond C. Power (chairman of Historic Garden Week of 1958), Verbon Kemp, and Mrs. Alton Davis (receptionist of the Virginia State Chamber of Commerce), Apr. 3, 1958
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations with J. Sydnor Mitchell, Henry N. Bono, Verbon Kemp, and W. Robert Woerner, Apr. 10, 1958
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations - "Discussing Share in America Campaign" with Hugh Leech (president of Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond), Chapman Edwards (state director of Savings Bond Division), Verbon Kemp, and Charles W. Phillips (vice-president of the Atlantic Life Insurance Co.), May 18-25, 1958
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations with Forrest C. Nuckols, Frank K. Lord, Jr., Verbon Kemp, and Dr. W.L. Bendix, June 6, 1958
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations with Chris H. Whiteman (Director of Industrial Services), George F. Wright, Jr. (Director of Public Relations), Verbon Kemp, and Colonel W.T. Watkins (President of the Virginia State Chamber of Commerce), July 26, 1958
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations with James Philip (Eastern representative of British Travel Association), Alderman F.G.W. Chamberlain (mayor of Bristol, England), Verbon Kemp, and J. Scott Anderson (mayor of Richmond, Virginian), Aug. 23, 1958
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations - "Careers in Retailing" Week with Charles Thalhimer, Mrs. Mary Brooks (La Vogue), Verbon Kemp, and T. Mathews (Sears), Oct. 11, 1958
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations - "Farm and City Week" with Colonel W.T. Watkins, Earl J. Shiflett, Verbon Kemp, and Parke C. Brinkley, Nov. 22, 1958
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations with Robert T. Marsh, Jr., Colonel W.T. Watkins, Verbon Kemp, and Governor J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., Jan. 1959
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations - Advertising Week Salute with Daniel J. Korman, Robert A. Wilson, Verbon Kemp, and Horace B. Gans, Feb. 7, 1959
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations - "Brotherhood Week" with Walter W. Craigie, Paul J. Bliley, Peter Mellette, Verbon Kemp, and Irving May, Feb. 14, 1959
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations with David G. Conning, Senator Albert Gore (D-Tenn.), Verbon Kemp, and Caskie Norvell, Feb. 21, 1959
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations with Blanton M. Bruner, Edwin O. Meyer, Verbon Kemp, and Herbert E. Bickel
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations with Caskie Norvell, Verbon Kemp, William Ellyson, Jr., and William A. Lashley, Aug. 22, 1959
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations with Roy E. McDaniel and Lester H. Miles (Esso), Verbon Kemp, and Lee F. Davis (Central National Bank), Oct. 16, 1959
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations with Bob Porterfield (Barter Theatre), George F. Wright, Jr. (Virginia State Chamber of Commerce), Verbon Kemp, Edith Lindemann (Richmond Times-Dispatch), Nov. 17, 1959
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations, Jan. 22, 1960
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations with two unidentified person, Peter Mellette, and Verbon Kemp, Aug. 22, 1960
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations with Frank J. Louthan, Jr., Verbon Kemp, Newman Hamblett, and Robert E. Anderson, Jan. 9, 1961
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations with Charles S. Hutzler, Henry S. Holland, III, Doug Smith, and Rawley Daniels, Jan. 23, 1961
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations with Adrian L. Bendheim, Verbon Kemp, Walter W. Craigie, and Joseph J. Muldowney, Feb. 13, 1961
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations with James Mathews (Sears), Verbon Kemp, Horace Gan (Better Business Bureau), and Davin N, Martin (Cargill, Wison, & Acree), Feb. 20, 1961
- Negative Box 5
Kemp's Konversations with T.T. Vinson, L. Clarke Jones, Verbon Kemp, and Kenneth I. Doran, Feb. 27, 1961
- Negative Box 5
Kennedy, Dave
- Negative Box 5
Kennedy, Ray
- Negative Box 5
Ray Kennedy at staff meeting, Dec. 18, 1957
- Negative Box 5
King Starch Window Display, May 27, 1960
- Negative Box 5
King Starch Window Display, Aug. 16, 1960
- Negative Box 5
King Starch on WRVA Theatre Marquee, June 16, 1960
- Negative Box 5
King, Sterling W. - Mayor of Richmond
- Negative Box 5
Kite Flying Contest with Alden Aaroe and Mobile Studio, Mar. 25, 1961
- Negative Box 5
Kite Flying Contest (2nd Annual) at City Stadium, Apr. 21, 1962
- Negative Box 5
Klick, Mary (I-II)2 sleeves
- Negative Box 5
Knapp, Robert P.
- Negative Box 5
Ralph Kruekger in derby hat, Apr. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 5
Ladies Home Journal at Wood's Market, Aug. 21, 1958
- Negative Box 5
Larus 75th Anniversary (I-XXIV)24 sleeves
- Negative Box 5
Larus Christmas Party, 1953
- Negative Box 5
Larus, John
- Negative Box 5
Larus, Lewis G. (I-II)2 sleeves
- Negative Box 5
Larus Publicity Shots (I-V)5 sleeves
- Negative Box 5
A. Treadway Layne, Henrico County Board of Supervisors candidate, with Jack Clements, May 4, 1959
- Negative Box 5
Life Insurance Company of Georgia - Sales Meeting with Aaroe, Tanner, and McDonald, Feb. 1, 1962
- Negative Box 5
Life Insurance Company of Georgia Sales Meeting, Mar. 21, 1963
- Negative Box 5
Life of Georgia on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Jan. 10, 1961
- Negative Box 5
Listeners Family Picnic
- Negative Box 5
Lodge, Henry Cabot with Governor Thomas B. Stanley
- Negative Box 5
Lombardo, Guy
- Negative Box 5
Louvell Lawrence, Technical Director of Chrysler Corp. at Engineers-Scientist Dinner at John Marshall Hotel with Senator Ralph E. Flanders of Vermont and J. Louis Reynolds, Feb. 21, 1958
- Negative Box 5
Joe Lowen - ID shots, Feb. 7, 1963
- Negative Box 5
Joe Lowen - Making TV Spots, Oct. 16, 1963
- Negative Box 5
Lucy, C.T. (I-V)5 sleeves
- Negative Box 5
C.T. Lucy with "Hi-Fi" hefer at retirement party with W. T. Reed and John Tansey, Oct. 2, 1961
- Negative Box 5
Lucy, C.T. - Retirement Party
- Negative Box 5
Luzianne Coffee Lobby Display, Dec. 7, 1957
- Negative Box 5
Luzianne Coffee Window Display, Dec. 13, 1957
- Negative Box 5
Lynn, Jeffery
- Negative Box 6
MacDonald, Janette
- Negative Box 6
Sharon Lee MacFarlane with Marcia Robbins Watts at Southside Plaza Shopping Center with trailer and balloons, Oct. 14, 1960
- Negative Box 6
Madison County High School (Madison, Virginia), on "Virginians Caravan", Apr. 12, 1960
- Negative Box 6
Lewis Madison in derby hat, Apr. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Martin Chevrolet on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Apr. 9, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Janis Martin with Billboard Plaque, Dec. 1, 1956
- Negative Box 6
Janis Martin and The Marteens, Jan. 5, 1957
- Negative Box 6
Janis Martin (good negatives) - Repine's Home and Barn Dance, May 26-27, 1952
- Negative Box 6
Janis Martin (standby negatives) - Repine's Home and Barn Dance, May 26-27, 1952
- Negative Box 6
Janis Martin (good negatives) in Roanoke at Radio Records Shop, Apr. 6-7, 1956
- Negative Box 6
Janis Martin (standby negatives) in Roanoke at Radio Record Shop, Apr. 6-7, 1956
- Negative Box 6
Janis Martin (standby negatives) in Roanoke at Radio Record Shop, Apr. 6-7, 1956
- Negative Box 6
John Martin, Nov. 1962
- Negative Box 6
John Martin ID shots, Feb. 7, 1963
- Negative Box 6
John Martin at tape machines and in master control, Mar. 15, 1963
- Negative Box 6
Lewis Martin at 1957 State Fair with Better Homes and Gardens, Sept. 26, 1957
- Negative Box 6
Lewis Martin at 1957 State Fair with Mrs. Carl Burtner of Harrisonburg, Virginia, Sept. 26, 1957
- Negative Box 6
Lewis Martin at 1957 State Fair with L.B. Dietrick, Dean of Agriculture at Virginia Tech, Sept. 26, 1957
- Negative Box 6
Lewis Martin and Gene Bayer, Grocery Manager, Colonial Store, Glenwood Farms Addition, Apr. 15, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Lewis Martin at Black and White Store, 2413 Petersburg Pike, with C.M. Poteat, Meat Manager, Russell Wooland, Assistant Store Manager, and Joe Brown, Store Manager, Sept. 17, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Lewis Martin - Colonial Stores, Nov. 12, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Lewis Martin at Evan's Supermarket, Glenwood Gardens, for Lewis Martin Week, Mar. 26, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Lewis Martin at Giant Food Store, Southside Plaza, with Herb Shear and Jim Tarter, May 22, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Lewis Martin Week at Giant Food Stores, Apr. 8, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Lewis Martin for HPL [Housewives Protective League] Promotion in Lukhard's Market, 2104 Dumbarton Road, with Paul Sculthorpe, Store Manager, and Dick Tisdale, Engineer, Jan. 22, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Lewis Martin with Raymond Lavender, manager of Ukrop's Market, 1915 Mechanicsville Pike, Feb. 19, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Lewis Martin Week at Lukhard Markets (with Tetley, Foulds, Bananas, Jan Hagel, Calumet), Dec. 3, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Lewis Martin with Jim Richardson, manager of Wood's Market, 400 N. Robinson, Aug. 21, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Lewis Martin - Safeway Stores, Sept. 17., 1958
- Negative Box 6
Lewis Martin at Siegel's Supermarket, June 12, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Lewis Martin in Thalhimer's Window with Mrs. Emma Puckett, Buyer-Notions, and Ed Hines, Engineer, May 22, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Lewis Martin interviews Ukrop's Market, 1915 Mechanicsville Pike, Feb. 19, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Lewis Martin with Mrs. Emily Woodfin, Ukrop's Supermarket, 1915 Mechanicsville Pike, Feb. 19, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Lewis Martin with a listener at Wood's Market, 400 N. Robinson, Aug. 21, 1958
- Negative Box 6
McCormick Tea Displays at Giant Food Stores, May 22, 1958
- Negative Box 6
McCormick Tea during "Lewis Martin Week" at Giant Store, Willow Lawn, Sept. 17, 1957
- Negative Box 6
McCormick Tea Window Display, July 14, 1960
- Negative Box 6
McCormick Tea at Wood's Market, Aug. 21, 1958
- Negative Box 6
McCormick Tea on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Aug. 4, 1960
- Negative Box 6
McCulloch Chain Saw Demonstration by Alden Aaroe at 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 19-27, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Maurice Earle McDonald, Dec. 14, 1961
- Negative Box 6
M. Earle McDonald and Broaddus Jones, Dec. 14, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Don McGraw (Cuzzin)
- Negative Box 6
Bob McHone with Campus Lane Clothes in Greentree's, Nov. 20, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Bob McHone in derby hat, Apr. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Bob McHone with ladies at "Easter Bonnet Contest Winners," Apr. 14, 1960
- Negative Box 6
Bob McHone with Florsheim Shoes in Greentree's, Nov. 20, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Bob McHone with Betty Johnson at 1959 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 29, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Bob McHone with Interwoven Socks in Greentree's Window, Nov. 20, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Bob McHone in Mobile Studio at 1959 State Fair of Virginia, Oct. 2, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Bob McHone in Mobile Studio - "Back to School Safety Month", Sept. 1, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Bob McHone - Staff announcer, Sept. 14, 1958
- Negative Box 6
- Negative Box 6
Bob McHone - TV Spot, May 7, 1962
- Negative Box 6
Miss Carolyn Melton - "Miss Eskimo Pie" Promotion, May 21, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Mennen Products Window Display, Nov. 23, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer, Mar. 1961
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer, Apr. 1961
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer with 1962 Football Trophy winners, Bill Davis (VMI), Bob Soleau (William & Mary), and John Tansey, Dec. 12, 1962
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer with Bill Alias, coach at University of Virginia, Mar. 18, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer with Ballentine Trophy Presentation, Apr. 17, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer with "Choo-Choo" Justice, Dec. 12, 1962
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer with Frank Gifford, CBS Radio Sportscaster and former New York Giants halfback, Feb. 16, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer and John Harmon, Apr. 13, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer and John Harmon at WRVA Night with the "Virginians", Aug. 19, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Messer, Harmon, Tanner Sports TV Shot, May 8, 1962
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer ID shots, Feb. 7, 1963
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer at microphone
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer at microphone, Dec. 14, 1960
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer with Malcolm Pitt, University of Richmond Athletic Director, Sept. 12, 1962
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer presiding at Richmond "Virginians" Dinner at the Arena, Jan. 31, 1962
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer with Dr. Lowell W. Scwab and "Candy Twins," Lavona and Lavelda Rowe, Iowa City, Iowa, Dec. 21, 1962
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer with Chris Shenkle at Ballentine Trophy Presentation, Apr. 17, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer with Bob Smith, Dec. 13, 1960
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer and Bob Smith with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ermer, Feb. 15, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer with Tennis Star, Tony Trabert, Feb. 7, 1963
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer - Making TV Spots, Oct. 16, 1963
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer - TV News Spot, May 8, 1962
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer with Virginians staff, Jerry Waring, Lou Martin, and Tom Joynes, Dec. 13, 1960
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer with Jerry Waring, General Manager of the Richmond Virginians, Dec. 13, 1960
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer, Sandy Wicker, and Pat Cuicci with baseball players, Aug. 19, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer with winners of contest to estimate opening game attendance, Apr. 22, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer with WRVA Football Trophy Winners, Don Christman and Earl Stoudt, Dec. 14, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Frank Messer with WRVA-Radio Football Trophy Winners, Bob Schweickert (VPI) and Turnley Todd (UVA),
- Negative Box 6
Methodist Visitors to Station, Aug. 1958
- Negative Box 6
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Window Display, Dec. 30, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Meyer Motor Sales on Theatre Marquee, Apr. 6, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Francis Pickens Miller - taken in Studio A, Oct. 11, 1956
- Negative Box 6
Miller and Rhoads - corner of 6th and Grace, Oct. 14, 1963
- Negative Box 6
Miller and Rhoads Remote with mobile studio, Sept. 3, 1963
- Negative Box 6
Miller and Rhoads Warehouse Sale
- Negative Box 6
Miller and Rhoads Warehouse Sale, Sept. 14-15, 1962
- Negative Box 6
Miller and Rhoads Warehouse Sale, Mar. 22, 1963
- Negative Box 6
Miller and Rhoads Warehouse Sale with Mobile Studio (I-II), Sept. 13, 19632 sleeves
- Negative Box 6
Miscellaneous negatives
- Negative Box 6
Helen Mitchell and Deane Geier for "Yardstick Promotion", Mar. 18, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Helen Mitchell and Bob Sverka for "Yardstick Promotion", Mar. 18, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Helen Mitchell with Otis White for "Yardstick Promotion", Mar. 18, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Mobile News Unit in baseball parade with Bob Gilmore (driving), John Harmon, and Ken Tanner, Apr. 22, 1964
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio - 11th Tobacco Festival Parade with Lee and Sandy Wicker, Frank Brooks, and Alden Aaroe, Oct. 16, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio - "Back to School Safety Month" Kick-off, Sept. 1, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio - Baseball Tour, Aug. 12, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio at Diggs and Beadles, Apr. 13, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio at Arena for Richmond Council of Garden Clubs, Oct. 22, 1963
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio at Belvidere Toll Plaza - 5th Anniversary of toll road, July 1, 1963
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio at Chamber of Commerce Spring Outing - Hermitage Ethelwood Country Club, June 13, 1963
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio at Diggs & Beadles, Apr. 1, 1960
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio at Dominion Chevrolet, Mar. 19, 1960
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio at Dominion Chevrolet Grand Opening, Mar. 19. 1960
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio at International Harvester Grand Opening, Apr. 19, 1960
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio at Miller and Rhoads May Sale at 5th and Grace Street, Apr. 26, 1963
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio - Opening of 12th Richmond A & P Store, Azalea Shopping Center, Oct. 13, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio - Opening of 13th Richmond A & P Store, Cary and Thompson Street, Nov. 11, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio in front of Sears, West Broad Street, July 3, 1964
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio at State Fair with Silver Star Quartet, Sept. 22, 1962
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio at Thalhimer's Toy Parade with Lee and Sandy Wicker, and Frank Brooks, Nov. 17, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio at Turf Equipment Co., Dec. 11, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio at Usry's Mobile Home Show, Dec. 4, 1960
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio at Village Esso Service Center, Dec. 8, 1960
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio (Ice House Contest) at Village Shopping Center, Aug. 29, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio at Virginia Sports Cars, Inc. - Lou Dean's "Music Til Morning," Aug. 21-22, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio at WRVA Radio Transmitter, June 16, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Mobile Studio at WRVA Radio Transmitter being delivered by Atlantic Trailer Co., Baltimore, Maryland, June 16, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Harry Monroe with Charles Blanton, II, unsuccessful candidate for House of Delegates - Election, Nov. 5, 1957
- Negative Box 6
Harry Monroe in derby hat, Apr. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Harry Monroe - Election Night, Nov. 5, 1957
- Negative Box 6
Harry Monroe at microphone, Jaycee's Carnival, Winter Garden, Hotel Richmond, Apr. 15, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Harry Monroe at microphone in mobile studio, Sept. 1, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Harry Monroe at microphone - News, Aug. 14, 1956
- Negative Box 6
Harry Monroe at microphone in studio "C", May 1, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Harry Monroe at News Room Correspondents' Map, May 1, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Harry Monroe with portable tape recorder, May 1, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Harry Monroe with Mayor Mrs. Eleanor P. Sheppard, July 26, 1962
- Negative Box 6
Harry Monroe with telephone at typewriter, May 1, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Harry Monroe in Thalhimers' Window with Ed Hines, Engineer, May 19, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Monroe, Vaughan with Charles Cappleman
- Negative Box 6
Moore, E. Blackburn - Speaker of the House of Delegates
- Negative Box 6
Bill Morgan at microphone (I-II) Dec. 13, 19602 sleeves
- Negative Box 6
Bill Morgan - Moto-Mower Contest, June 10, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Moshos, Gus
- Negative Box 6
Moto-Mower Contest - Aaroe and Morgan clowning, June 10, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Moto-Mower Contest - Crowd and General Shots, June 10, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Moto-Mower Contest on Theatre Marquee, May 20, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Moto-Mower Contest Winner, June 20, 1963
- Negative Box 6
Moto-Mower Marquee Display, Apr. 3, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Moto-Mower Display at Laurel Supply Co. with Sue Patterson and Sandra Wicker, June 18, 1960
- Negative Box 6
Moto-Mower Window Display, May 29, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Moto-Mower Window Display, May 24, 1959
- Negative Box 6
Moto-Mower on WRVA Theatre Marquee, May 20, 1960
- Negative Box 6
Muellers Products on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Dec. 7, 1960
- Negative Box 6
Mueller's Products - WRVA Theatre Marquee, Feb. 19-23, 1961
- Negative Box 6
Charlie Murdock at Control Board and with Eddie Lopat, Aug. 14, 1956
- Negative Box 6
Charlie Murdock with WRVA Football Players of 1956, Dec. 12, 1956
- Negative Box 6
Charlie Murdock Billboard, July 11, 1957
- Negative Box 6
Murine Window Display, Nov. 5, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Murine Display at Hotel Richmond Snack Bar, Nov. 6, 1958
- Negative Box 6
Edward R. Murrow with Jack Clements, Jan. 8, 1959
- Negative Box 7
National Conference of Christians and Jews Award, Feb. 20, 1963
- Negative Box 7
NBC Billboards, June 30, 1959
- Negative Box 7
Nescafe Instant Coffeee Window Display, Jan. 28, 1960
- Negative Box 7
Nescafe Instant Coffee Window Display, Dec. 2, 1960
- Negative Box 7
Nescafe Instant Coffee on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Feb. 10, 1960
- Negative Box 7
Nescafe Instant Coffee on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Nov. 9, 1960
- Negative Box 7
Nescafe Instant Coffee on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Feb. 15, 1961
- Negative Box 7
News Car in Chimbarazo Park, May 1, 1958
- Negative Box 7
News Plane in the Air!, Oct. 1958
- Negative Box 7
News Plane at Byrd Field, Oct. 1958
- Negative Box 7
News Plane with Jack Clements at Byrd Field, Oct. 1958
- Negative Box 7
Nolde's Bread Window Display, Feb. 10, 1960
- Negative Box 7
Nolde's Bread Window Display, May 10, 1960
- Negative Box 7
Nolde's Bread on WRVA Theatre Marquee, May 20, 1960
- Negative Box 7
Nolde's Buttermilk Bread on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Feb. 24, 1960
- Negative Box 7
Norfolk Division Studios, Personnel, et al (I-II)2 sleeves
- Negative Box 7
Old Dominion Barn Dance, July 21, 1956
- Negative Box 7
Old Dominion Barn Dance - 10th Anniversary, Sept. 15, 1956
- Negative Box 7
Old Dominion Barn Dance (1-20)20 sleeves
- Negative Box 7
Old Dominion Barn Dance - Group Shots (I-II)2 sleeves
- Negative Box 7
Old Dominion Barn Dance - Group Shots (negatives)
- Negative Box 7
Old Dominion Barn Dance - Hayrides (I-II)2 sleeves
- Negative Box 7
Old Virginia Jams and Jellies on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Feb. 26, 1961
- Negative Box 7
"Operation Flood" - U.S. Marine Reserve Trucks (I-III), Mar. 14-19633 sleeves
- Negative Box 7
"Operation Flood" - Lions Club Collections
- Negative Box 7
Ortho Products Window Display, July 6, 1959
- Negative Box 7
Mr. and Mrs. Overstreet and Admiral recording rebuttal to Communist Party Secretary talk at UVA, Apr. 12, 1963
- Negative Box 7
Pacquin's Display in WRVA Theatre Lobby, Apr. 9, 1960
- Negative Box 7
Pacquin's Hand Cream Display in standard drug store, Mar. 1959
- Negative Box 7
Pacquin's Hand Cream Window Display - Hotel Richmond Snack Bar, Feb. 23-Mar. 2, 1959
- Negative Box 7
Pacquin's Lobby Display, Apr. 1, 1958
- Negative Box 7
Pacquin's Lotion Window Display, Feb. 26, 1959
- Negative Box 7
Pacquin's Samples at New Dominion Barn Dance, Jan. 24, 1959
- Negative Box 7
Pacquin's Silk 'n Satin on Theatre Marquee, Mar. 17, 1960
- Negative Box 7
Pacquin's Silk and Satin Window Display, Mar. 21, 1960
- Negative Box 7
Pacquin's Store Display at Ukrop's Supermarket, 1915 Mechanicsville Pike, during "Lewis Martin Week", Feb. 19, 1958
- Negative Box 7
Pacquin's Window Display, Apr. 3, 1958
- Negative Box 7
Carl Padow's Hams on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Dec. 10, 1959
- Negative Box 7
Parker Field - Yankees vs. Virginians, Apr. 15, 1960
- Negative Box 7
Carol Pavey Promotion, June 19, 1964
- Negative Box 7
Pearce, Oscar
- Negative Box 7
Pearl's Laundry Quiz, Sept. 29, 1958
- Negative Box 7
Pepsi-Cola Window Display, Apr. 5, 1960
- Negative Box 7
Pepsi-Cola on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Apr. 13, 1960
- Negative Box 7
Peters, Griffin, Woodward Indoctrination Trip - Breakfast Studio "A", June 12, 1959
- Negative Box 7
Peters, Griffin, Woodward Indoctrination Trip - Tour of Larus & Brother Co., Inc. Plant, June 12, 1959
- Negative Box 7
Peters, Griffin, Woodward Indoctrination Trip - Lunch at Country Club of Virginia, June 12, 1959
- Negative Box 7
Peters, Griffin, Woodward Indoctrination Trip - Group Shot, June 12-13, 1959
- Negative Box 7
Peters, Griffin, Woodward Indoctrination Trip - Station Presentation, Colonial Room, Hotel Richmond, June 13, 1959
- Negative Box 7
Peters, Griffin, Woodward Indoctrination Trip - Williamsburg, June 13, 1959
- Negative Box 7
Performers (unidentified)
- Negative Box 7
PGA Gold Tournament
- Negative Box 7
Harold Phillips in derby hat, Apr. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 7
Harold Phillips - Dick Tisdale at 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 20, 1958
- Negative Box 7
Playgoer's Guild Series (1-3)3 sleeves
- Negative Box 7
Preston, William R.
- Negative Box 7
Bill Preston - John Tansey Staff Meeting (Preston explains pulse trends in 1957), Dec. 18, 1957
- Negative Box 7
Prestone Anti-Freeze Window Display, Nov. 10, 1958
- Negative Box 7
Prestone Anti-Freeze Window Display, Nov. 13, 1960
- Negative Box 7
Prestone Anti-Freeze on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Oct. 26, 1960
- Negative Box 7
Prestone Window Display - Hotel Richmond Snack Bar, Nov. 6, 1958
- Negative Box 7
Puritron Display - Miller & Rhoads, Apr. 15, 1959
- Negative Box 7
Purolator Dealers, Apr. 1961
- Negative Box 7
Purolator Filters with Miss Marcia Robbins, Nov. 28, 1959
- Negative Box 7
Queen Elizabeth - Patrick Henry Airport with Governor Stanley, Nov. 16, 1957
- Negative Box 7
Queen Elizabeth at Wren Building, William & Mary, Nov. 16, 1957
- Negative Box 7
Question Mark (?) - WRVA event, cold weather, lunch and speeches (1-7)7 sleeves
- Negative Box 8
R. W. Raabe in derby hat, Apr. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 8
R. W. Raabe - ID (head and shoulders), Mar. 3, 1960
- Negative Box 8
Rudy Raabe - staff meeting, Dec. 18, 1957
- Negative Box 8
Ralston-Purina on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Sept. 20, 1957
- Negative Box 8
Ray-O-Vac Batteries Lobby Display, Dec. 6, 1957
- Negative Box 8
Ray-O-Vac Batteries Window Display, Dec. 5, 1957
- Negative Box 8
Ray-O-Vac Window Display in Hotel Richmond snack bar, Oct. 11, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Ray-O-Vac Batteries on WRVA Theatre Display, Dec. 7, 1957
- Negative Box 8
Reaves, Archie
- Negative Box 8
Reception for CBS Executives at Commonwealth Club (1-2)2 sleeves
- Negative Box 8
Reddi-Wip on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Jan. 4, 1961
- Negative Box 8
Red Heart Dog Food - Wood's Market, Aug. 21, 1960
- Negative Box 8
Reed, William T., Jr. (1-2)2 sleeves
- Negative Box 8
W. T. Reed, Jr., received W.R. Bishop Plaque from Delegate Tom Frost with John Tansey, Russell Carneal, and Brooks George, Jan. 31, 1964
- Negative Box 8
Sherwood Reeder, Richmond City Manager, with Richard Foster and Stirling King
- Negative Box 8
Repine, Burt
- Negative Box 8
R.J. Reynolds window display - Winston & Salem cigarettes, Feb. 2, 1959
- Negative Box 8
Rebecca Richardson (Miss Virginia 1956), Aug. 24, 1956
- Negative Box 8
Thomas H. Richardson, International League President with Mrs. Calvin C. Erma and Mrs. Gerry Waring, Feb. 15, 1961
- Negative Box 8
Richfood Coffee window display, Feb. 2, 1959
- Negative Box 8
Richmond Chamber of Commerce Outing - Frog Jumping Contest (1-2), June 14, 19622 sleeves
- Negative Box 8
Richmond Food Stores Display - Grand Opening of Warehouse, June 6, 1959
- Negative Box 8
Richmond-Petersburg Toll Road Opening, June 30, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Richmond TV Hearing in Washington
- Negative Box 8
Richmond Tire & Rubber Company on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Jan. 26, 1961
- Negative Box 8
Richmond "Virginians" Bumper Strips on Red Top Cabs, Oct. 12, 1962
- Negative Box 8
Brick Rider ID shot, Feb. 7, 1963
- Negative Box 8
Brick Rider with Indian Princess, June 19, 1964
- Negative Box 8
Brick Rider Making TV spots, Oct. 16, 1963
- Negative Box 8
Phil Ruzzuto - CBS Radio Sportscaster, Apr. 11, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Miss Marcia Robbins - WRVA Radio Publicity Shots, Nov. 28, 1959
- Negative Box 8
Robinson, Lynn
- Negative Box 8
Safeway Stores on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Apr. 17, 1959
- Negative Box 8
Dr. Carl J. Sanders
- Negative Box 8
Santa Claus of WRVA on microphone
- Negative Box 8
Scholarship Quiz (1-4), 19524 sleeves
- Negative Box 8
Scholarship Quiz (1-3), 1953?3 sleeves
- Negative Box 8
Scholarship Quiz, 1953
- Negative Box 8
Scholarship Quiz - Highland Springs High School, Apr. 15, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Scholarship Quiz winners - William Roberts (James Blair High School, Williamsburg), Richmond Crinkley (Blackstone High School), and James Jarrell (Spotsylvania High School), May 15, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Dr. Lowell W. Scwab, Dr. William L. Curry and "Candy Twins", Lavona and Lavelda Rowe, Dec. 21, 1962
- Negative Box 8
Dr. Lowell W. Scwab, Dr. William L. Curry, Edith Price, Joy Smith, Betty Bulifant, and "Candy Twins", Lavona and Lavelda Rowe, Dec. 21, 1962
- Negative Box 8
Zachary Scott
- Negative Box 8
Cecil Sheets
- Negative Box 8
Shell News and Weather on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Aug. 8, 1957
- Negative Box 8
Sheltering Arms Hospital Drive, Nov. 14, 1961
- Negative Box 8
Ken Shelton with microphone and records, Mar. 30, 1960
- Negative Box 8
Ken Shelton with copy and microphone, Mar. 30, 1960
- Negative Box 8
Shoney's and Big Boy Restaurants - crowd shots and waitresses with Lyle Bradley (I-III), Oct. 30, 19623 sleeves
- Negative Box 8
Silver Dust - Lobby Display, Apr. 5 - May 3, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Silver Dust - Window Display, Apr. 5 - May 3, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Silver Star Quartet (1-2)2 sleeves
- Negative Box 8
Silver Star Quartet, May 1963
- Negative Box 8
Silver Star Quartet at 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 20, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Silver Star Quartet at 1959 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 26, 1959
- Negative Box 8
Bob Smith - 1957 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 27, 1957
- Negative Box 8
Bob Smith - 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 19-27, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Bob Smith with 1960 winners of WRVA trophy (sports), Earl Stoudt, University of Richmond half-back, and Ronald Gassert, UVA tackle, Dec. 14, 1960
- Negative Box 8
Bob Smith in derby hat, Apr. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 8
Bob Smith head shots, Mar. 12, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Bob Smith with Frank Messer, Dec. 13, 1960
- Negative Box 8
Bob Smith and Frank Messer with "Vees" and "Yankees" players, Mel Roach, "Bullet Bob" Turley, Bill Stafford, and Eddy Casko, Feb. 15, 1961
- Negative Box 8
Bob Smith and Frank Messer with Jerry Waring, Feb. 15, 1961
- Negative Box 8
Bob Smith and Frank Messer with Jack White, Feb. 15, 1961
- Negative Box 8
Bob Smith with Frank Messer, Jack White, General Manager of the New York Yankees, and Tommy Richardson, President of the International League, Feb. 15, 1961
- Negative Box 8
Bob Smith - "The New Dominion Barn Dance", Dec. 7, 1957
- Negative Box 8
Bob Smith and Tommy Richardson, President of the International League, Feb. 15, 1961
- Negative Box 8
Bob Smith with Phil Rizzuto, Apr. 11, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Bob Smith - "Sporting News" presentation with Harry Simkins, Clarence Brown, Chester Fritz, and Rex Collins, Jan. 28, 1959
- Negative Box 8
Bob Smith in Thalhimer's Window with engineer Ed Hines, May 19, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Bob Smith on "Virginians Caravan" at Gordonsville, Virginia, Apr. 12, 1960
- Negative Box 8
Bob Smith - WRVA-Radio Sports Awards for 1957 Season with Bobby Jordan (VMI) and Jim Kiser (UVA), Dec. 11, 1957
- Negative Box 8
Solarine Floor Wax Lobby Display, June 6, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Solarine Floor War Window Display, May 29, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Solarine Floor War at Wood's Market, May 29, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Solarine Floor Wax on WRVA Theatre Marquee
- Negative Box 8
Southlanders Quartet
- Negative Box 8
Cecil Spicer
- Negative Box 8
S.S.S. Tonic window display in Standard Drug Store, Mar.-Apr. 1959
- Negative Box 8
S.S.S. Tonic window display at Hotel Richmond snack bar, Mar. 2-9 and Apr. 6-27, 1959
- Negative Box 8
Staff Members - Groups (1-3)3 sleeves
- Negative Box 8
Staff Shots of head and shoulders for Virginia State Police Press Pass, Apr. 1956
- Negative Box 8
Stanley, Thomas B. - Governor of Virginia
- Negative Box 8
Governor Stanley before joint houses
- Negative Box 8
Stassen, Harold with George Passage
- Negative Box 8
1957 State Fair Product Table, Sept. 27, 1957
- Negative Box 8
1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 19-27, 1958
- Negative Box 8
1959 State Fair of Virginia (personality shots, product display booth, crowd shots, and Aaroe and products) (I-IV), Sept. 24 - Oct. 3, 19394 sleeves
- Negative Box 8
1960 State Fair of Virginia (crowd shots at Mobile Studio, shots of Marcia Robbins Watts giving out shopping bags, farm products display booth) (I-III), Sept. 21 - Oct. 1, 19603 sleeves
- Negative Box 8
1961 State Fair of Virginia (crowd shots, trailer shots, farm products display booth) (I-III), Sept. 21-30, 19613 sleeves
- Negative Box 8
Stevenson, Adlai
- Negative Box 8
Jack Stone
- Negative Box 8
Jack Stone's Boat
- Negative Box 8
Lewis E. Straus, Secretary of U.S. Department of Commerce, at John Marshall Hotel for Jaycees "Bosses' Night Dinner", Jan. 20, 1959
- Negative Box 8
Carl Stutz (I-II)2 sleeves
- Negative Box 8
Carl Stutz - 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 19-27, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Carl Stutz at Alcoa "Care Free Home" with Westhampton Junior Woman's Club, Dec. 10, 1957
- Negative Box 8
Carl Stutz Billboard on U.S. Route 250 West, June 20, 1957
- Negative Box 8
Carl Stutz Billboards, Nov. 10, 1959
- Negative Box 8
Carl Stutz - Crippled Children's Hospital, Dec. 30, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Carl Stutz in derby hat, Apr. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 8
Carl Stutz - Easter Bonnet Contest Winners, Apr. 3, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Carl Stutz - Easter Bonnet Contest Winners (rejects), Apr. 3, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Carl Stutz at H-Fi Show at Hotel John Marshall, Sept. 21, 1957
- Negative Box 8
Carl Stutz with Hi-Fi Stereo Fair Poster at Hotel John Marshall, Sept. 14, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Carl Stutz with Interwoven Socks in Greentree's Window, Nov. 20, 1959
- Negative Box 8
Carl Stutz with Edith Lindeman
- Negative Box 8
Carl Stutz at Arthur Murray Dancing Party, Tantilla Gardens (1-2), Jan. 28, 19582 sleeves
- Negative Box 8
Carl Stutz on microphone, Aug. 16, 1956
- Negative Box 8
Carl Stutz in Thalhimer's Window with engineer Mike Garthright, May 22, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Carl Stutz with Van Heusen shirt in Greentree's Window, Nov. 20, 1959
- Negative Box 8
Sunshine Sue (1-3)3 sleeves
- Negative Box 8
Sunshine Sue - Good Luck Margarine
- Negative Box 8
Sunshine Sue's Home
- Negative Box 8
Sunshine Sue (photograph by Hugh Morton)
- Negative Box 8
Super Suds at Wood's Market, Aug. 21, 1958
- Negative Box 8
Lillian Sutphin
- Negative Box 8
Hardy J. Snyder
- Negative Box 9
Taft, Senator Robert A.
- Negative Box 9
"Tall Tales Contest" Winner, Bill Rothenberg, with Sandy and Lee Wicker, Aug. 5, 1960
- Negative Box 9
Ken Tanner - 1963 Home Show at the Arena with John Martin, Mar. 28, 1963
- Negative Box 9
Ken Tanner - AVIS Rent a Car Remote
- Negative Box 9
Ken Tanner - Brick Laying Contest (Southern Brick and Supply Co.), Apr. 28, 1962
- Negative Box 9
Ken Tanner - full length photo for Shoney's Display, May 23, 1963
- Negative Box 9
Ken Tanner with life-sized cutout of himself, July 1963
- Negative Box 9
Ken Tanner in Miller and Rhoads, 6th and Grace Streets Window, Oct. 10, 1963
- Negative Box 9
Ken Tanner in Mobile Studio at Arena, Oct. 22, 1963
- Negative Box 9
Ken Tanner in Mobile Studio at Miller and Rhoads May Sale at 5th and Grace Street, Apr. 26, 1963
- Negative Box 9
Ken Tanner at N.F. Jacobs Remote, Nov. 26, 1962
- Negative Box 9
John Tansey - Receiving Veterans Administration Award from Mr. Powell of Virginia Office, Apr. 3, 1964
- Negative Box 9
Ken Tanner interviews nurse during Sheltering Arms Hospital Drive, Nov. 14, 1961
- Negative Box 9
Ken Tanner in trailer at State Fair, Sept. 25, 1964
- Negative Box 9
Ken Tanner doing TV spot, May 15, 1962
- Negative Box 9
Ken Tanner at Virginia Stationery Company with Brooks George, Lou Dean, and Broaddus Jones, Oct. 24, 1962
- Negative Box 9
Tansey, John
- Negative Box 9
John Tansey with 1962 Football Trophy Winners and Frank Messer, Dec. 12, 1962
- Negative Box 9
John Tansey with Ballentine and Richmond "Virginians" personnel (Ed Phillip, Leonard Faupell, and Jerry Waving), Nov. 22, 1960
- Negative Box 9
John Tansey with Walter W. Craigie and Dr. Lewis Webster Jones, president, National Conference of Christians and Jews (WRVA gets first annual Brotherhood Award for Crippled Children's Hospital Drive), Feb. 19, 1959
- Negative Box 9
John Tansey in derby hat, Apr. 27, 1959
- Negative Box 9
John Tansey with John S. Lanahan, president, and Charles M. Adams, sales manager, Richmond Hotels, Inc., June 1962
- Negative Box 9
John Tansey with C.T. Lucy at retirement of Lucy, Oct. 2, 1961
- Negative Box 9
John Tansey with H. Preston Peters, C.T. Lucy, and W.T. Reed, Oct. 2, 1961
- Negative Box 9
John Tansey at staff meeting, Dec. 18, 1957
- Negative Box 9
John Tansey at Lt. Governor A.E.S. Stephens - National Safety Council Award, May 5, 1960
- Negative Box 9
John Tansey with WRVA Trophy Football Winners, Don Christman and Earl Stoudt, Dec. 14, 1961
- Negative Box 9
"Telar" Anti-Freeze window display, Dec. 5, 1960
- Negative Box 9
"Telar" Anti-Freeze on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Nov. 14, 1960
- Negative Box 9
William D. Terrell, winner "Oldest Radio Contest", with Sue Patterson and Lee Wicker, May 28, 1960
- Negative Box 9
Sanford Terry
- Negative Box 9
Tetley Tea, July 21, 1956
- Negative Box 9
Tetley Tea - Evans Supermarket, Glenwood Farms, Mar. 24-29, 1958
- Negative Box 9
Tetley Tea - Evans Supermarket, Jan. 1959
- Negative Box 9
Tetley Tea - Safeway Stores, Oct. 1958
- Negative Box 9
Texaco Window Display - Hotel Richmond Snack Bar, May 31, 1959
- Negative Box 9
William B. Thalhimer, Jr., at opening of the Richmond-Petersburg Turnpike, June 30, 1958
- Negative Box 9
Thalhimer's Window #2, May 23, 1958
- Negative Box 9
Thalhimer's Window #2 - Crowds outside (I-II), May 19, 20, 23, 19582 sleeves
- Negative Box 9
Bill Thompson - WRVA - TV Hearing (I-III)3 sleeves
- Negative Box 9
Richard B. Tisdale - 1957 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 25, 1957
- Negative Box 9
Richard Tisdale - ALCOA "Care-free Home", Dec. 10, 1957
- Negative Box 9
Tobacco Festival (I-III)3 sleeves
- Negative Box 9
Tobacco Festival 1961 - Alden Aaroe, Joyce Cook, and Mike Garthright doing broadcasts, Sept. 30, 1961
- Negative Box 9
Tobacco Festival 1961 - Naming of Queen, Miss Sandra Leigh Baker, Danville, Virginia, Sept. 30, 1961
- Negative Box 9
Tobacco Festival 1961 - Shots from Press Box, Sept. 30, 1961
- Negative Box 9
Tobacco Festival 1961 - Crowd Shots, Sept. 30, 1961
- Negative Box 9
Tobacco Festival Opening Bell at The Arena - Tommy Dorsey Orchestra with Sam Donahue (singer Jeannie Thomas), Sept. 22, 1962
- Negative Box 9
Traffic Department - Bertha Hewlett and Malcolm Roddenberry
- Negative Box 9
- Negative Box 9
Transmitter Building (WRVA Radio), Dec. 17, 1962
- Negative Box 9
Transmitter Building (WRVA) - exterior
- Negative Box 9
Transmitter Building at Varina (WRVA Radio), May 23-24, 1959
- Negative Box 9
Transmitter with Ted Chezik (WRVA Radio) - RCA 20 KW FM, Dec. 20, 1962
- Negative Box 9
Transmitter Control Room Shots with Dubarry Crowder and Fred Hamilton, Dec. 17, 1962
- Negative Box 9
Transmitter - Dummy Antenna (WRVA Radio), Jan. 12, 1963
- Negative Box 9
Transmitter - Emergency Power Generator with Wilson Yarborough (WRVA-Radio), Jan. 12, 1963
- Negative Box 9
Transmitter with Leroy Foster and Fred Hamilton (WRVA-Radio) RCA 50 KW AM (I-II), Dec. 15, 19622 sleeves
- Negative Box 9
Transmitter Line Dryer (WRVA-Radio) - Hendricks, Dec. 20, 1962
- Negative Box 9
Transmitter (New) - WRVA AM and FM RCA photos, Dec. 1961
- Negative Box 9
Transmitter Power Supply - WRVA Radio, Dec. 15, 1962
- Negative Box 9
Transmitter Towers Aerial Views (WRVA Radio), May 9, 1964
- Negative Box 9
Transmitter Towers, Varina (WRVA Radio) (I-II), May 23-24, 1959
- Negative Box 9
Transmitters - Mechanicsville
- Negative Box 9
Transmitters - Test Shots (WRVA Radio), Dec. 8, 1962
- Negative Box 9
TV Hearing (I-X)10 sleeves
- Negative Box 9
TV Tower - Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Co., Nov. 10, 1957
- Negative Box 9
Twin Trophies Presentation, 1952
- Negative Box 9
Tuck, William M. - Governor of Virginia
- Negative Box 9
Universal Motors on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Aug. 30, 1957
- Negative Box 9
- Negative Box 10
Ray Vaughan, Oct. 24, 1957
- Negative Box 10
Ray Vaughan at 1957 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 25, 1957
- Negative Box 10
VEPCO Weathergram on WRVA Theatre Marquee, July 25, 1957
- Negative Box 10
VEPCO Weathergram on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Apr. 2, 1959
- Negative Box 10
Vest, Donald
- Negative Box 10
Vick's Lobby Display, Feb. 22, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Vick's Window Display, Feb. 22, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Village Shopping Center Fashion Show (1-2), Mar. 21, 19592 sleeves
- Negative Box 10
Village Shopping Center Window Contest, Dec. 13, 1961
- Negative Box 10
Robert Wood Vincent, Jr. - World's Largest New Year's Greeting Card Winners (located at W. Main St. and Shields Ave.), Jan. 4, 1964
- Negative Box 10
Virginia Apples - Safeway Stores, Oct. 1958
- Negative Box 10
Virginia Apples Window Display, Oct. 30, 1959
- Negative Box 10
Virginia Apples Window Display, Oct. 22, 1960
- Negative Box 10
Virginia Apples on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Oct. 22, 1959
- Negative Box 10
Virginia Apples on WRVA Theatre Marquee, Oct. 6, 1960
- Negative Box 10
Mrs. Virginia Conquest with Red Barber Sports Show Sign, Apr. 5, 1963
- Negative Box 10
Virginia Farm Queen 1962, Leanora Elizabeth Stoneman, Sept. 21, 1962
- Negative Box 10
Virginia Farm Queen 1962 - Leanora Elizabeth Stoneman gets trophy from Richard D. Chumney, commissioner of agriculture, at State Fair opening, Sept. 21, 1962
- Negative Box 10
Virginia Farm Queen 1962 - Leanora Elizabeth Stoneman opening 1962 state fair, Sept. 21, 1962
- Negative Box 10
Virginia Farm Queen 1962 - Leanora Elizabeth Stoneman with Miss State Fair 1962 and Mr. Paul Napier of New York, Sept. 25, 1962
- Negative Box 10
Virginia Farm Queen 1962 - Leanora Elizabeth Stoneman with tractor driving contest winner, Sept. 25, 1962
- Negative Box 10
Virginia Farm Queen 1962 - Leanora Elizabeth Stoneman in evening dress, Sept. 28, 1962
- Negative Box 10
Virginia Farm Queen 1962 and Miss State Fair with Maj. General Edwin Booth, Sept. 25, 1962
- Negative Box 10
Virginia Farm Queen Contest 1963, Sept. 14, 1963
- Negative Box 10
Virginia Farm Queen Judges 1962 (Mrs. F. Frank Carr, Charles Stelling, Alden Aaroe, Edwin O. Meyer, Dr. Paul Sanders, Mrs. O. Warren Long), Sept. 11, 1962
- Negative Box 10
Virginia State Fair
- Negative Box 10
Virginia Weekly
- Negative Box 10
Voice of Democracy Program
- Negative Box 10
V.P.P.A. - Edward R. Murrow Trophy Awarded for Best TV Reel
- Negative Box 10
Walton, Elizabeth
- Negative Box 10
George Washington Statue in Capitol Square, Oct. 10, 1957
- Negative Box 10
Waverly Fabrics at Miller and Rhoads, Oct. 24, 1957
- Negative Box 10
Waverly Fabrics - Silk Trading Co., Oct. 17, 1957
- Negative Box 10
Waverly Fabrics - Thalhimer's 2nd floor, Sept. 21, 1957
- Negative Box 10
Webster, A.T.
- Negative Box 10
Western Electric 50 KW Transmitter and Associate Equipment (WRVA Radio), Dec. 15, 1962
- Negative Box 10
Westinghouse Light Bulbs Window Display, Oct. 2, 1959
- Negative Box 10
White, Eleanor
- Negative Box 10
Ed Whitehead - ID shot, Feb. 11, 1963
- Negative Box 10
Ed Whitehead Making TV spots, Oct. 23, 1963
- Negative Box 10
Whitehead News Conference - Studio B
- Negative Box 10
Whitehorne, Leonard
- Negative Box 10
Paul Whiteman with Charlie Murdock, May 16, 1957
- Negative Box 10
Whitman's Candy Lobby Display, Dec. 14, 1957
- Negative Box 10
Whitman's Candy Window Display, Dec. 17, 1957
- Negative Box 10
Lee Wicker, "Miss Portable Radio", June 23-27, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Lee Wicker, "Miss Portable Radio", with "Casey the Cop", June 23-27, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Lee Wicker, "Miss Portable Radio", with Temple Cook, Ed Stone, and Bob Sorka of Stone-Heffner-Cook, June 23-27, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Lee Wicker, "Miss Portable Radio", with Marvin Heffner of Stone-Heffner-Cook, June 23-27, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Lee Wicker, "Miss Portable Radio", with Broaddus Jones at La Vogue Store, June 23-27, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Lee Wicker, "Miss Portable Radio", with Thomas Leake, Vice-President, and William Wright, Sales Manager, Universal Motor Co., June 23-27, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Lee Wicker, "Miss Portable Radio", with Guy Mengulas, Stephen's Lobster House, June 23-27, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Lee Wicker, "Miss Portable Radio", with Lon Savage and Charlie Mahon of United Press, June 23-27, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Lee Wicker, "Miss Portable Radio", with Miss Patricia Worsham, Grady Wolfe, and Laverne Cole, Galeski Photo Center, June 23-27, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Sandy Wicker and Diane Franklin with WRVA-Radio Booth at "Jaycees Carnival in Miniature", Apr. 17, 1962
- Negative Box 10
Sandy Wicker at N.F. Jacobs Remote, Nov. 26, 1962
- Negative Box 10
Sandy Wicker and Becky Rogers in WRVA-Radio outfits at State Fair, Sept. 24, 1962
- Negative Box 10
Sandy Wicker and Gloria Wright - Moto-Mower Contest, June 10, 1961
- Negative Box 10
Wicker Sisters in costume in Mobile Studio for Thalhimer's Toy Parade, Nov. 22, 1960
- Negative Box 10
Wicker Sisters, Sandy and Lee, with Bill Rothenberg, "Tall Tales Contest" Winner, Aug. 5, 1960
- Negative Box 10
Wicker Sisters, Sandy and Lee, with WRVA microphone, Aug. 5, 1960
- Negative Box 10
Wilkinson, Holland R. (I-II)2 sleeves
- Negative Box 10
Williams, Mrs. Alton Mildred
- Negative Box 10
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Williams, Winners of "Night on the Town" Contest, May 29, 1960
- Negative Box 10
Willis, Bill
- Negative Box 10
Willow Lawn Shopping Center Remote - Mexican Promotion, July 31, 1964
- Negative Box 10
Frank Wilson - 1958 State Fair of Virginia, Sept. 19-27, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Frank Wilson at beeper recorder, Apr. 30, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Frank Wilson, Frank Brooks, Dick Tisdale - "Esso Reporter", Jaycees Carnival Winter Garden, Hotel Richmond, Apr. 15, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Frank Wilson and Jack Clements - Crippled Children's Hospital, Dec. 30, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Frank Wilson, "Esso Reporter", at Jaycee's Carnival Winter Garden, Hotel Richmond, Apr. 15, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Frank Wilson - Head Shots, Mar. 12, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Frank Wilson makes a call from Mobile News Unit, May 1, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Frank Wilson at Newsroom Typewriter, May 1, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Frank Wilson in Thalhimer's Window with engineers, Ed Hines and Dick Tisdale, May 19-23, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Jim Wilson - Barn Dance, July 21, 1956
- Negative Box 10
John Wilson Making TV Spots, Oct. 23, 1963
- Negative Box 10
Wonder Bread and Profile Bread at Evans Supermarket, Glenwood Farms, Mar. 24-29, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Wonder Bread at Wood's Market, Aug. 21, 1958
- Negative Box 10
Harry Wood and Alden Aaroe in 1963 Sampson Paint-off Contest with Brick Rider Narrating, Apr. 4, 1963
- Negative Box 10
Harry Wood - Lighting First Gaslight at Mayor Mrs. Eleanor P. Sheppard's House, Dec. 5, 1963
- Negative Box 10
Harry Wood - Miller and Rhoads Remote, Oct. 14, 1963
- Negative Box 10
Harry Wood at N.F. Jacobs Remote with Sandy Wicker, Nov. 26, 1962
- Negative Box 10
Harry Wood with USMCR "Toys for Tots" campaign at Tuckahoe Shopping Center, Dec. 6, 1962
- Negative Box 10
WOOLCO Opening Mobile Studio, Nov. 15, 1962
- Negative Box 10
Workman, Sam
- Negative Box 10
Workman Twins - Don and Sam, Jan. 1959
- Negative Box 10
WRVA 25th Anniversary (I-II)2 sleeves
- Negative Box 10
WRVA 25th Anniversary Album (I-II)2 sleeves
- Negative Box 10
WRVA 25th Anniversary of Move into Mezzanine of Hotel Richmond, May 23, 1958
- Negative Box 10
WRVA 40th Anniversary
- Negative Box 10
WRVA Billboard at Parker Field, June 12, 1963
- Negative Box 10
WRVA Billboard at Parker Field, July 3, 1964
- Negative Box 10
WRVA Night with the Richmond "Virginians" - Egg Throw Contest, Aug. 19, 1961
- Negative Box 10
WRVA Night with the Vee's Baseball Team (1-2), Aug. 18, 19622 sleeves
- Negative Box 10
WRVA Radio Antenna System, Jan. 2, 1963
- Negative Box 10
WRVA-Radio Booth at 1962 State Fair, Sept. 26, 1962
- Negative Box 10
WRVA Radio Night with the Vees, Aug. 7, 1964
- Negative Box 10
WRVA-Radio - Personalities doing TV Spot, May 17, 1962
- Negative Box 10
WRVA Radio Sign, Mar. 15, 1963
- Negative Box 10
WRVA Sign on Hotel Richmond, Mar. 8, 1963
- Negative Box 10
WRVA Sign on Parker Field Press Box, July 3, 1964
- Negative Box 10
WRVA Sign at Sears
- Negative Box 10
WRVA Telephone Operation
- Negative Box 10
WRVA Theatre Crowd Shots - Robertshaw-Fulton Cooking School, Nov. 17, 1959
- Negative Box 10
WRVA Theatre Exterior
- Negative Box 10
WRVA Theatre - Lux 15th Anniversary Contest with Don Dyer and five winners
- Negative Box 10
WRVA Theatre Marquee
- Negative Box 10
WRVA Theatre Marquee - Baseball Promotion, Apr. 15, 1958
- Negative Box 10
WRVA Theatre Marquee - Moto-Mower Promotion, Apr. 15, 1958
- Negative Box 10
WRVA Theatre Marquee - Moto-Mower Promotion, May 23, 1958
- Negative Box 10
WRVA Theatre Marquee - NBC Network Change, July 3, 1959
- Negative Box 10
WRVB Aerial Views
- Negative Box 10
Zippy Liquid Laundry Starch at Wood's Market, Aug. 21, 1958
- Negative Box 1
- Negative Box 11-14
Subseries D: Promotions and Events Negatives, Oct. 1985, 1986-Jan. 2000
This subseries includes negatives from WRVA, WRNL, and Sports Radio 910 of primarily promotions and events from October 1985-January 2000. The events include sales meetings, staff meetings and parties, client parties, Christmas parties, birthday parties, staff anniversaries, station anniversaries, sports promotions, sporting events, sales promotions, charity promotions, parades (Azalea, Christmas, Easter, St. Patrick's Day), concerts, awards presentations, festivals, remote broadvasts, dedication ceremonies, luncheons, fairs, and garden shows Also includes negatives of staff, studio shots, and facilities.
Arranged chronologically.
- Negative Box 11
Promotions and Events Negatives, October 1985, 1986-1990
- Negative Box 12
Promotions and Events Negatives, 1991-1995
- Negative Box 13
Promotions and Events Negatives, 1996-1997
- Negative Box 14
Promotions and Events Negatives, 1998 - January 2000, undated
- Negative Box 11
- Box 67-68
Crystal Radio Set for dedication of new building in 1968 (5 sets)
- Box 67
Sewing Needles
- Box 67
Golf Tees
- Box 67
WRVA name plate
- Box 68
- Box 69-70
Alden Aaroe's Shoes
Howard Bloom Memorial StonePhysical Location: Located on shelf, Barcode: 0005626149
The plaque is inscribed with the words "In Memory of Howard Bloom 1943-1974 WRVA." It was originally located outside of WRVA Studio on Church Hill.
Includes recordings of news broadcasts, campaign, dedication and political speeches, anniversary, christening, and dedication events, political conventions, programs of a local and regional interest such as the Alden Aaroe Show, Around Bishop's Cracker Barrel, Capitol Squirrel, Calling All Cooks, Kemp's Konversations, Legislative Roundup, Radio Scholarship Quiz, Sideviews on the News, Quiz of Two Cities, Quiz of Two States, Virginia Legislators' Interview, and Virginia Weekly, and musical groups and programs such the Al Zahlout Family, Corn Cob Pipe Club, Georgia Wildcats, Happy Valley Girls, Old Dominion Barn Dance, The Sunshine Hour, and the Silver Star Quartet. These sound recordings provide a unique perspective into important events in Virginia during the 20th century, including World War II, Massive Resistance and desegregation, Civil Rights, and hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes. NOTE: See Series XIII and XIV for News Tape Morgue (XIII) and Special Programs and Airchecks (XIV) recordings.
In this finding aid, the compact discs are arranged alphabetical by title of recording or last name of person delivering speech or being interviewed. These compact discs are arranged numerically in the CD cabinet.
- (WRVA - 147-149)
1956 Democratic National Convention, 13-18 August 19563 compact discs. Duration: 2 hr., 35 min., 30 sec.
Contains recordings of a series of news broadcasts from Jack Clements and Walter R. Bishop of WRVA radio at the 1956 Democratic National Convention. Intended for the listeners back home in Virginia, these broadcasts, direct from Chicago, primarily cover the activities of the Virginia delegation during the convention. Of note is John Battle's work on the platform committee and its adoption of a civil rights plank. Southern delegations were adamant in their refusal to support any platform that endorsed the Supreme Court decision regarding school desegregation. The news broadcasts contain news from each candidates' camp and the prospects of a floor fight over the civil rights plank of the platform. Also includes the Virginia delegation's response to Tennessee Governor Frank G. Clement's keynote speech, its feelings on the various candidates, and its decision to support John S. Battle for president.
- (WRVA - 369)
1959 in Virginia, 31 December 19591 compact disc. Duration: 31 min., 27 sec.
Lon Backman and Harry Monroe, WRVA news broadcasters, recap the major news events in Virginia in 1959, including the crash of a Piedmont Air Liner near Charlottesville, the fire at the McIntyre Implement Company on East Franklin Street, Hurricane Gracie, the death of George C. Marshall, Massive Resistance and desegregation, the launching of the nuclear submarine Robert E. Lee, and Richmond merger, downtown redevelopment, and urban renewal. Also includes news of notable Virginians and crimes.
- (WRVA - 415)
1963 - Year of Contrasts1 compact disc. Duration: 29 min., 51 sec.
This program features news highlights from the year. The exact date of broadcast is not known. Includes segments on the opening of "free schools" in Prince Edward County and a history of why they were closed, including comments by Governor Albertis S. Harrison at a press conference, court rulings, and comments by the Richmond Chapter president of the NAACP on the schools. Other segments include the annexation of a portion of Henrico County by the City of Richmond, Richmond City Council news, Virginia General Assembly elections, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) meeting on school integration that took place in Richmond, with remarks by Martin Luther King, Jr., Governor Harrison's announcement of the calling of a special session of the General Assembly to find a substitute for the poll tax, and sports news in Richmond, including a story on the Richmond Virginians baseball team. There is also a segment on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
- (WRVA - 395)
1961 New Year Resolutions1 compact disc. Duration: 10 min., 39 sec.
Includes New Year's resolutions from the following WRVA broadcasters: Alden Aaroe, Lyle Bradley (1:20), Carl Stutz (2:26), Bob McHone (3:38), Lou Dean (4:45), Harry Monroe (5:56), Bob Smith (7:09), Frank Brooks (8:18), and Bill Morgan (9:30).
- (WRVA - 347)
25 Years of Song Hits, 3 November 19501 compact disc. Duration: 32 min., 1 sec.
Includes music from the last twenty-five years, including the songs "Valencia", "Sweet Sue", and "Pagan Love Song", and music from Kate Smith, Little Helen Kane, Irving Berlin, and Frank Sinatra. Hosted by Carl Stutz and Lee Lively. Broadcast in celebration of WRVA's 25th anniversary.
- (WRVA - 374)
4th Annual Virginia Cruise Corporation Tour: Verbon Kemp Interviews Clyde Luther Powers, Dr. Ariel Goldberg, Norman T. Phelps, David J. Matson, and Mrs. Ernest Tice, July-August 19601 compact disc. Duration: 41 min., 51 sec.
Recordings of interviews conducted by Verbon Kemp, executive director of the Virginia State Chamber of Commerce and host of the WRVA radio program Kemp's Konversations, on the cruise ship Victoria during a three-day trip to Moscow and Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Soviet Union. Kemp interviews Clyde Luther Powers, Dr. Ariel Goldberg, Norman T. Phelps, David J. Matson, and Mrs. Ernest Tice regarding their experiences and observations in the Soviet Union. Clyde Luther Powers of Richmond discusses his experiences being interviewed by Soviet authorities about a possible relationship with captured U-2 pilot, Francis Gary Powers. Dr. Ariel Goldberg, Rabbi at Congregation Beth Ahabah in Richmond, recounts his experiences attending services at a Jewish synagogue and describes the suppression of religion in the Soviet Union. Norman T. Phelps, headmaster of The Phelps School in Malvern, Pennsylvania, discusses the University of Moscow and education in the Soviet Union. David J. Matson, a native of Roanoke, Virginia, describes his impressions of the Soviet Union including the appearances and attitudes of its people. Mrs. Ernest Tice of Richmond describes her impressions of a fashion show and department store.
- (WRVA - 145-146)
49th Governor's Conference in Williamsburg, Virginia, 24-26 June 19572 compact discs. Duration: 1 hr., 7 min., 44 sec.
Jack Clements reports from the 49th Governor's Conference in Williamsburg, Virginia from June 24-26, 1957. The recordings include commentary on the various issues addressed at the conference, speeches, and resolutions. Also includes excerpts of speeches and interviews with participants. The major issues the Governors discussed were civil rights, transportation, and school overcrowding. The recordings contain a recap of Eisenhower's speech on states' right, and an in-depth discussion of his proposal to study how more power can be returned to the states. There is also considerable discussion on various resolutions covering such topics as civil rights, states' rights, military pay structure, air pollution, and the classification of FBI files. The recordings were broadcast from Williamsburg to Richmond over the telephone lines.
- (WRVA - 560)
50th Anniversary of the 50,000 Watt Transmitter, 17 March 19891 compact disc. Duration: 5 min., 18 sec.
This recording includes sound clips of the dedication broadcast from 17 March 1939, including the playing of the Carillon by Hilton J. Rufty. Includes several takes. Narrated by John Harding.
- (WRVA - 574)
Aaroe, Alden, Discussion of Bamboo Roots, 2 May 19581 compact disc. Duration: 10 min., 8 sec.
This is a recording of Alden Aaroe discussing a controversy that began when a listener offered him some free bamboo for his yard. Listeners immediately started contacting Aaroe, alerting him to the insidious evil of bamboo and the damage it can do to a person's yard, plants and driveway. Another listener wrote in to tell him, conversely, that the United States government was supporting bamboo as the new crop for southern farmers. Aaroe also briefly talks about Mother's Day and does a voice advertisement for Markow's Florist. The recording begins with an advertisement for the 1958 University of Richmond-WRVA Radio Scholarship Quiz.
- (WRVA - 457)
Aaroe on the Go, Vacation 1960, August 19601 compact disc. Duration: 20 min., 52 sec.
Alden Aaroe reports on his family's vacation to Maine and New Brunswick, Canada, for WRVA's listeners. Aaroe describes the drive, camping, Acadia National Park, Anemone Cave in Acadia National Park, Eastport (Maine), St. John (New Brunswick), Fundy National Park in New Brunswick, the economics of Canada such as the price of gas, and Alma (New Brunswick).
- (WRVA - 592)
Aaroe Tribute and Memorial Service, 10 July 19931 compact disc. Duration: 1 hr., 1 min., 35 sec.
Recording of "Tribute to Alden Aaroe" and memorial service for Alden Aaroe held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. The tribute is a duplicate of the recording on WRVA - 591. Memorial service begins at 29:45. The memorial service includes readings by Tim Timberlake, WRVA broadcaster, and Anna Lou Schaberg, Alden Aaroe's daughter, the eulogy by John Harding, WRVA news director, and the Silver Star Quartet (Wesley Harvey, Clarence Valentine, Harold Bates, Eugene Beard, and Hartwell McDaniel) singing "Amazing Grace" (50:00-53:03). The program for the memorial service is available in Box 17, Folder Aaroe, Alden (I).
- (WRVA - 179)
Adams, Theodore F., Interview, 27 July 19551 compact disc. Duration: 14 min., 26 sec.
Interview, 27 July 1955, with Dr. Theodore F. Adams (1898-1980) of Richmond, Virginia, with Edwin Robertson, Assistant Head of Religious Broadcasting for the British Broadcasting Corporation. The interview was conducted shortly after Adams was elected president of the Baptist World Alliance, and was in London attending the organization's yearly Congress. He discusses the mission and purpose of the Alliance, its organizational makeup, beliefs, and views on church and state, the current Congress, and Reverend Billy Graham's participation. Adams also talks about his upcoming trip to the Soviet Union.
- (WRVA - 370)
AFL-CIO Salute to the People of Virginia, 5 September 19591 compact disc. Duration: 13 min., 43 sec.
Recording of a message from Hal Boyd (Harold B. Boyd), president of the Virginia AFL-CIO, to the people of Virginia on Labor Day. Boyd discusses the creation of Labor Day and the father of Labor Day, Peter J. McGuire, a carpenter in New York City.
- (WRVA - 558)
AIDS the Silent Killer: WRVA Documentary, September 19851 compact disc. Duration: 24 min., 39 sec.
This documentary is a 10-part series focusing on AIDS, including an editorial of John Tansey, WRVA general manager, regarding the AIDS epidemic, and interviews with people suffering from the disease and medical personnel. Produced and reported by Margaret Branham.
- (WRVA - 585)
Alden Aaroe's 40th Anniversary, 31 January 19861 compact disc. Duration: 1 min., 40 sec.
Sound clips of Mayor Roy West of Richmond and Governor Gerald L. Baliles proclaiming January 31, 1986 Alden Aaroe Day in Richmond and Virginia in celebration of Alden Aaroe's fortieth anniversary of broadcasting over WRVA Radio.
- (WRVA - 586-590)
Alden Aaroe 40th Anniversary Program, 31 January 19865 compact discs. Duration: 4 hr., 39 min., 30 sec.
Recording of the program celebrating Alden Aaroe's fortieth year of service with WRVA Radio. Includes sound clips of Alden Aaroe broadcasting over WRVA from the last forty years, and phone calls and studio visits with co-workers, former co-workers, friends and neighbors, family, and political, community and business leaders of Richmond and Virginia, including Millard the Mallard, Bertha Hewlett, John Trimble, Buster Puffenbarger, Brick Rider, John Tansey, Mac Jameson, Roy West, Bob Fleet, Larry Nachman, W. Brooks George, Son Watson, Gerald Baliles, Henry Gonner, Bob McNeil, Frank Hargrove, Tom Bliley, John P. Stokes, Steve Richardson, Lou Dean, Curley Collins, Edna Aaroe, Phil Bagley, Dick Gillis, Harvey Powers, Captain Don Faulkner, Larry Dodd, Bill Galloway, Virginia Crumpler, Irving Gurganus, and Howard Mears, among others. These guests congratulated Alden Aaroe on his forty years of service to WRVA Radio and his many good deeds for the community over the years, and reminisced about the early days of WRVA. Tim Timberlake co-hosted the program.
- (WRVA - 593-594)
Alden Aaroe Historical File2 compact discs. Duration: 1 hr., 2 min., 15 sec.
Includes sound clips of or relating to Alden Aaroe. The majority of these clips were included in the program, "Tribute to Alden Aaroe." Sound clips of note include: Aaroe and Millard the Mallard discussing golf (24:39-25:45); the renaming of the Shoe Fund for Aaroe; President Reagan calling Aaroe on his 70th birthday (26:08-29:14); Aaroe broadcasting from Thalhimer's Department Store; Aaroe reading the list of school closings; excerpts from Aaroe's 75th birthday celebration; and the passage of a resolution by the Virginia General Assembly in honor of Aaroe's fortieth year of service with WRVA.
- (WRVA - 176)
Alden Aaroe Show, 12 April 19571 compact disc. Duration: 17 min., 35 sec.
Broadcast on 12 April 1957, this show includes music, talk, news headlines and weather, and commercial spots. Aaroe tells stories about taking a stray dog to a veterinarian, and gives details about his vegetable garden at home, reads promotional advertisements for Ford tractors and Fleischman's yeast, gives the weather forecast, and reads numerous agricultural interest stories and provides crop estimate outlooks.
- (WRVA - 176)
Alden Aaroe Show, 22 May 19571 compact disc. Duration: 23 min., 5 sec.
Broadcast on 22 May 1957, this show includes music, talk, news headlines and weather, and commercial spots. Aaroe discusses the "Circle Security Plan" offered by Mutual of Omaha insurance, interviews the director of the Richmond office of the Social Security Administration concerning home visits by field representatives, mentions free chest x-rays being offered downtown, the availability of a life insurance booklet free by mail, announces an upcoming show of the Old Dominion Barn Dance, and gives an agricultural update. Musical selections include "Four Walls" by Dorothy Collins, and "I'm Sorry" by Al Martino with Les Baxter's Orchestra.
- (WRVA - 96)
Alden Aaroe Show, 23 May 19571 compact disc. Duration: 23 min., 35 sec.
Broadcast on 23 May 1957, this show includes music, talk, news headlines and weather, and commercial spots. Musical selections include "Why Baby Why" by Pat Boone and "One Suit" by Tennessee Ernie Ford. Aaroe mentions a speaking engagement he attended in Prince George County, talks about the benefits of Flex-Alum Awnings, and discusses the herb garden he and his wife are tending at their residence.
- (WRVA - 562)
Alden Aaroe Show, 29 May 19581 compact disc. Duration: 16 min., 10 sec.
Broadcast on 29 May 1958, from Thalhimer's department store in downtown Richmond. Includes Aaroe mentioning the going out of business sale of a local nursery, interviews with William B. Thalhimer, Jr., and the president of the Richmond chapter of the American Red Cross presenting John Tansey and WRVA a certificate of appreciation. The show also features music, weather, a retail market report, and commercial spots.
- (WRVA - 456)
Alden Aaroe - Vacation Reports from Colorado, 1958 or 19591 compact disc. Duration: 32 min., 24 sec.
Alden Aaroe reports on a family vacation to Colorado. The first segment (track 1) contains an interview with Ferrel Atkins, former professor of mathematics at the University of Richmond, concerning the history of the area encompassing Estes Park, Colorado and Rocky Mountain National Park. The second segment (track 4) contains an interview with a six year old boy named Dickie(?) about hiking Specimen Mountain, and Aaroe discussing humming birds, camp cooking, and Cortez, Colorado. The third segment (track 5) includes Aaroe discussing Mesa Verde National Park and the surrounding area. These recordings are track 1, track 4, and track 5 on WRVA - 456.
- (WRVA - 456)
Alden Aaroe - Vacation Reports from Hawaii, 1958 or 19591 compact disc. Duration: 12 min., 14 sec.
Alden Aaroe reports on a vacation to Honolulu, Hawaii, including a brief description of the trip and the time line of the flight back to Richmond, and discussions about packing for the return trip, the various curios being purchased, and Honolulu's restaurants. These recordings are track 2-3 on WRVA - 456.
- (WRVA - 480)
Almond and Tuck in Washington on Civil Rights Bill, 26 February 19561 compact disc. Duration: 15 min., 11 sec.
This recording is track 1 on WRVA - 480. Jack Clements, WRVA news director, talks with the Attorney-General of Virginia, J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., and Congressman William M. Tuck regarding the proposed civil rights legislation. In discussing his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, Almond talks about the potential excesses of the civil rights legislation and its violation of the constitution. Tuck discusses the movement of the civil rights bill from a subcommittee to the full House Judiciary Committee of which he is a member. He intends to make every effort to hold the bill over and believes that there is no chance to defeat the bill if it make it to the floor of the House. Track 2 includes a commercial for Kingan Meats delivered by Sunshine Sue (Mary Higdon Workman) and George Passage directing a person named Charlie how to read an aspirin commercial.
- (WRVA - 228)
Almond, J. Lindsay, Address at the 1861 Civil War Peace Convention Centennial Ceremonies, 4 February 19611 compact disc. Duration: 21 min., 2 sec.
Address, 4 February 1961, by Governor J. Lindsay Almond, at ceremonies commemorating the 100th anniversary of the peace conference held in Washington, D.C. in 1861, sponsored by the Richmond Civil War Centennial Commission and the Virginia Civil War Centennial Commission. The ceremonies took place at the State Capitol, and marked the opening of the Civil War Centennial observances in Richmond. Almond discusses the history of events leading up to the peace conference, gives information about the delegates from Virginia and their positions, and offers his suggestions as to why the conference failed.
- (WRVA - 300)
Almond, J. Lindsay, Almond at the Virginia Educational Association, 30 October 19581 compact disc. Duration: 36 min., 1 sec.
This is a recording of the broadcast by the WRVA division of special events from the Mosque Auditorium at the 74th annual convention of the Virginia Educational Association. Governor J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., addresses grave questions about public school education concerning all Virginians and all the nation. Almond declares that he is dedicated to the cause of public education and talks in great length about his youth in rural Virginia and what education was like then. This leads to a discussion of the present school problems and the larger issues from which they stem, namely forced integration of the public schools and the transgressions of the United States Supreme Court in regard to its powers.
- (WRVA - 528)
Almond, J. Lindsay, Almond - School Board, [1958 or 1959]1 compact disc. Duration: 9 min., 58 sec.
Governor J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., attempts to dispel misconceptions as to the responsibility, authority, and accountability of the school superintendents and school board members in the localities affected school closings and who are defendants in cases pending in federal district court. He also speaks on the potential results of integration, specifically the destruction of the public school system. Track 2 of this recording is blank.
- (WRVA - 526-527)
Almond, J. Lindsay, Governor's Press Conferences, 9, 11, 25 September [1958]2 compact discs. Duration: 11 min., 13 sec.
Governor J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., comments on the school closing under the Massive resistance laws, discussing the potential impact of integration on Virginia's public schools. He believes the objective of the integrationists is not to improve education, but social amalgamation.
- (WRVA - 360)
Almond, J. Lindsay, Inaugural Address, 11 January 19581 compact disc. Duration: 57 min., 44 sec.
Recording of the inaugural address of Governor J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., in which he discusses desegregation, Sputnik, states' rights, and decries the recent actions of the United States Supreme Court. The speech focuses on the importance of preserving segregation for the good of both races and to save the public school system. Almond sees no room for compromise, believing that limited integration will do irreparable harm.
- (WRVA - 386)
Almond, J. Lindsay, School Integration Speech, 20 January 19591 compact disc. Duration: 14 min., 56 sec.
Governor J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., defiantly responds to the rulings of the Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals and the federal district court in Norfolk that Virginia's school closing law is unconstitutional. He vehemently declares his refusal to yield to the integrationists.
- (WRVA - 572)
Almond, J. Lindsay, Speech, November 19571 compact disc. Duration: 3 min., 15 sec.
This is a recording of a short speech recorded for radio by J. Lindsay Almond, in which he promises to work hard for Virginia for the four years of his term, with the support of all the citizens of Virginia. Almond reiterates that he is especially dedicated to public education, alluding to the threat of public school integration as mandated by the United States Supreme Court.
- (WRVA - 387)
Almond, J. Lindsay, Speech, 28 January 19591 compact disc. Duration: 46 min., 16 sec.
Speech, 28 January 1959, by Governor J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., to a joint session of the Virginia General Assembly. Almond outlines his program to end Massive Resistance, implementing token integration to lessen the blow of imminent judicial decision that will force integration. He urges repeal of the compulsory attendance statute and calls for the appropriation of funds for tuition grants. Jack Clements, WRVA news editor, recaps the highlights of Almond's speech.
- (WRVA - 390)
Almond, J. Lindsay, Speech, 6 April 19591 compact disc. Duration: 43 min., 50 sec.
Speech, 6 April 1959, by Governor J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., to a joint session of the Virginia General Assembly. He discusses the work of the Commission on Education (Perrow Commission) created to deal with the judicial decisions of January 18 and outlines the commission's report. The Commission's recommendations insure the freedom of choice and will not force any child to attend a racially-mixed school. He declares that the failure of massive resistance was neither his fault nor from the lack of effort, but because there is no alternative to judicial edict. See Box 18 for production notice and transcript of speech.
- (WRVA - 573)
Almond, J. Lindsay, Tribute to Senator Harry F. Byrd, 12 February 19581 compact disc. Duration: 8 min., 14 sec.
This is a recording of Governor J. Lindsay Almond speaking to the senate of Virginia upon the occasion of United States Senator Harry F. Byrd's decision not to seek re-election. Calling this the "hardest task of my life," Almond calls recognition to Byrd as a leader of his party, as a state senator, governor and ultimately United States senator. He showers praise on Byrd's record, character, courage, and integrity, just some among other qualities that made Byrd's decision not to run again such a terrible shock and disappointment to Almond.
- (WRVA - 305)
Almond, Mrs. J. Lindsay, Mary Washington Talk, 14 March 19581 compact disc. Duration: 16 min.
This is a recording of Josephine Katherine Minter Almond's speech at the 50th anniversary convocation of the founding of Mary Washington College in Fredericksburg, Virginia. The wife of Governor J. Lindsay Almond, she discusses the roles and powers of women and the positive impact of education on the women of Virginia.
- (WRVA - 333)
Al Zahlout Family, 20-29 April 19541 compact disc. Duration: 56 min., 20 sec.
Recordings of four shows of the Al Zahlout family. The Al Zahlout Family, consisting of Al and Berna and their four daughters, Naomi Ruth, Pauline Marie, Eileen Esther, and Catherine Jane, includes singing and messages of spiritual inspiration.
- (WRVA - 400)
Andrews, T. Coleman, Speech, 6 June 19481 compact disc. Duration: 15 min., 13 sec.
Paid political broadcast sponsored by the Richmond Citizen's Association. T. Coleman Andrews discusses the election of a new Richmond city council under the new charter and asks people to vote for the candidates of the Richmond Citizen's Association, the pro-charter candidates. The new charter established the city council-manager form of government in Richmond.
- (WRVA - 137-138)
Andrews, T. Coleman, Campaign Speech, 15 October 19562 compact discs. Duration: 1 hour, 7 min., 6 sec.
T. Coleman Andrews, presidential candidate of the Constitution Party, speaks about states' rights and the liberalism of the two major political parties. He decries oppressive taxation, uncontrolled spending, international entanglements, and integration. He tells the audience that his party offers a choice for independents alienated by both major parties. He criticizes Earl Warren, chief justice of the Supreme Court, for his role in the court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education to end school segregation. He praises Senator Harry F. Byrd, Sr. and the pay-as-you-go fiscal policy. Andrews outlines ways to save money and cut spending, and condemns the income tax.
- (WRVA - 534)
Andrews, T. Coleman, Jr., Things We Know That Are Not So: Is the Human Race Ready for Self-government, 29 October 19651 compact disc. Duration: 5 min., 38 sec.
Recording of the program, "Things We Know That Are Not So" on which T. Coleman Andrews, Jr., delivers an essay entitled, "Is the Human Race Ready for Self-government." The T. Coleman Andrews, Jr., Insurance Company sponsored this program.
- (WRVA - 239)
And Then There Was One: Piedmont Airlines Crash Coverage, 1 November 19591 compact disc. Duration: 27 min., 46 sec.
Recording of a documentary which aired on 1 November 1959, containing news clips and other coverage of the Piedmont Airlines crash near Crozet, Virginia on 30 October 1959. The plane, a Douglas DC-3, crashed on Bucks Elbow Mountain, near Skyline Drive, killing 26 people. There was one survivor - E. Philip Bradley of Clifton Forge, Virginia. The show includes a recounting of events prior to and following the crash. The search for the wreckage and survivors is covered extensively. There are reports by Jack Clements, Harry Monroe, and Lon Backman. Also included are interviews with Philip Bradley while he was recovering in the hospital, as well as a representative from Piedmont Airlines. Bradley later wrote a book in 1997 on his experience entitled Sole Survivor.
- (WRVA - 346)
Anniversary Chorus Roundup, 27 October 19501 compact disc. Duration: 32 min., 51 sec.
Recording of broadcasts of musical groups heard over WRVA the last twenty-five years. Broadcast as part of WRVA's series of anniversary broadcasts. Hosted by Don Vest. Contains transcribed performances of the following choral groups: Randolph-Macon College Singers sing "Go Not Far From Thee O' Lord"; the Virginia State College Mixed Choir sings "Ezekial Saw the Wheel"; Longwood College Girl's Choir sings "Ave Verum"; Mary Washington College Choir and VMI Glee Club sing "How Lovely is Our Dwelling Place"; Hartshorn College and Virginia Union University Glee Clubs sing "Souls of Righteousness"; Madison College Chorus sing "The Night Has a Thousand Eyes"; and Richmond Shrine Chanters, directed by Alton Howell, sing "Allah We Turn to Thee" and "Stout-Hearted Men."
- (WRVA - 180)
Around Bishop's Cracker Barrel, 2 September 19551 compact disc. Duration: 8 min., 55 sec.
Broadcast on 2 September 1955, this show hosted by Walter R. Bishop (1903-1963), features political news and stories, including information on E. Griffith Dodson's book The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, 1919-1939 , and a comparison of some of the book's subjects to contemporary events. Bishop also discusses other Virginia political news and events, including the retirement of Henry G. Gilmer (1881-1961) as state comptroller.
- (WRVA - 203)
Around Bishop's Cracker Barrel: WRVA 30th Anniversary Special, 29 October 19551 compact disc. Duration: 11 min., 24 sec.
Hosted by Walter R. Bishop (1903-1963) and broadcast on 29 October 1955 in conjunction with WRVA's 30th anniversary. Congressman J. Vaughan Gary (1892-1973) is Bishop's guest. Gary discusses his start in politics, his first campaign for the Virginia House of Delegates, and gives an overview of his career in the state legislature.
- (WRVA - 412)
Around Bishop's Cracker Barrel, 2 November 19571 compact disc. Duration: 8 min., 32 sec.
Hosted by Walter R. Bishop (1903-1963) and broadcast on 2 October 1957. Bishop mentions the 32nd anniversary of WRVA and the upcoming elections in Virginia. Most of the program, however, is devoted to his discussion with Congressman J. Vaughan Gary (1892-1973). Gary discusses his start in politics, his first campaign for the Virginia House of Delegates in 1925, Harry F. Byrd's election as Governor, and other statewide races of the past.
- (WRVA - 413)
Around Bishop's Cracker Barrel, 4 January 19581 compact disc. Duration: 12 min., 54 sec.
Hosted by Walter R. Bishop (1903-1963) and broadcast on 4 January 1958. Bishop mentions Governor Thomas B. Stanley's upcoming farewell address and other farewell addresses by former governors. He then goes on to devote most of the show discussing the careers of past governors after their term had ended. Bishop ends the program by speculating on Stanley's future plans after he leaves office.
- (WRVA - 109)
Arthur Godfrey Time, 2 November 19501 compact disc. Duration: 7 min., 22 sec.
The recording is only a portion of the entire show, and features Godfrey congratulating the radio station on its 25th anniversary. Also included is the song "Carry Me Back to Old Virginny" played by the show's organist, and a performance of "There is Nothing Like a Dame" by The Mariners male quartet, which is dedicated to WRVA.
- (WRVA - 513)
Babe Ruth Christmas Story, 25 December 19651 compact disc. Duration: 11 min., 7 sec.
Christmas story, broadcast on 25 December 1965, concerning baseball legend Babe Ruth and his very first Christmas tree, as told by Ray Turner of WRVA. Turner is introduced by sportscaster Wayne Lemon.
- (WRVA - 579)
Backman, Lon, Interview with Danny Thomas, 25 August 19621 compact disc. Duration: 13 min., 38 sec.
Lon Backman interviews Danny Thomas, who was visiting Richmond to attend the Virginia State Moose Convention. The recording consists of a general interview regarding the ALSAC campaign (Aiding Leukemia Stricken American Children). ALSAC, which later was changed to stand for American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities, is the fund raising organization that runs St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, TN. Thomas discusses how the funds raised by various campaigns are allocated, the types of research done at St. Jude's, and his role in helping raise awareness of the organization and its work. Also included in this recording is a brief Sideviews on the News in which Thomas discusses the good works the Loyal Order of Moose do for children, as well as television programs he was developing at the time.
- (WRVA - 37)
Battle, John Stewart, Convention Speech, 24 July 1952Duration: 5 min., 20 sec.
1 compact disc. Complete recording of John S. Battle's speech against the loyalty pledge at the 1952 Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
- (WRVA - 293)
Battle, John Stewart, Opening Talk to the General Assembly, 1952 Jan. 91 compact disc. Duration: 59 min., 56 sec.
From the Gallery of the House of Delegates, Governor John Stewart Battle speaks at the opening session of the General Assembly. E. Blackburn Moore of Berryville, Speaker of the House of Delegates, introduces the governor. Battle discusses the threats of communism to the United States, the return to war footing in regard to the war in Korea, Civil Defense in Virginia, the economy and taxes, as well as the Virginia highway system, and absentee voter status in Virginia. He also covers public assistance and school building and planning for white and black schools. An analysis of the speech is provided by WRVA's George Passage and Walter Bishop.
- (WRVA - 103)
Bemiss, Samuel Merrifield, Powhatan Hill Address, 8 June 19571 compact disc. Duration: 10 min., 30 sec.
Address, 8 June 1957, by Samuel Merrifield Bemiss (1894-1966), on the early settlement of Virginia, given at Powhatan Hill in Richmond as part of the Richmond-Jamestown Festival Week festivities. Topics include Jamestown, the Virginia Company of London, Captain Christopher Newport, Sir Walter Raleigh, England under Elizabeth I, and the development of the Virginia colony and its English traditions.
- (WRVA - 520)
Bible Scripture Reading by Senator A. Willis Robertson, 5 July 19501 compact disc. Duration: 4 min., 10 sec.
Bible scripture reading, broadcast on 5 July 1950, by United States Senator A. Willis Robertson. Robertson reads from the Book of Job, and also explains why it is favorite scripture selection.
- (WRVA - 506-507)
The Big Gig, 8 July 19952 compact discs. Duration: 1 hr., 37 min., 42 sec.
Recording of The Big Gig, a summer weekly outdoor musical concert series held in Richmond, Virginia. This week's show features performances by the Richmond Symphony and the Ramsey Lewis Trio. There is also an interview of Lewis by Tim Timberlake during the show's intermission.
- (WRVA - 16)
Big Mo: Refloating of the U.S.S. Missouri, 31 January 19501 compact disc. Duration: 9 min., 36 sec.
Bill Willis, WRVA News Reporter, reports on the dress rehearsal for the refloating operation for the U.S.S. Missouri, which ran aground in the Chesapeake Bay on 17 January 1950. The ship was refloated on 1 February 1950 after unloading over 11,000 tons.
- (WRVA - 563)
Bishop, Marjorie Simpson, Interview, 13 November 19571 compact disc. Duration: 4 min., 5 sec.
Interview, 13 November 1957, with Marjorie Simpson Bishop, a local actress, by Alden Aaroe. Bishop talks about her role in the upcoming children's theater production of "The Wizard of Oz."
- (WRVA - 598)
Black on Black Crime: The Myths and the Realities, June 19861 compact disc. Duration: 15 min., 20 sec.
Recording of a multi-part documentary series by WRVA, broadcast in June 1986. Includes comments by social workers and other professionals, police officials, school teachers, community leaders, and citizens of Richmond. There are segments on causes and solutions, life in Richmond's poorest neighborhoods and public housing projects, poverty, lack of role models, effects of the broken family, schools and crime, drugs, courts and sentencing, and welfare reform.
- (WRVA - 118)
Bob Smith Show (Commercial Clips)1 compact disc. Duration: 11 min., 3 sec.
Consists of only commercial clips, presumably used on the show. Included are commercial spots for Cavalier cigarettes, Heidi Bread, Goodyear Tire, Equitable Insurance, Vaseline hair tonic, Budweiser, Blue detergent, Beech Nut gum, and Pall Mall cigarettes. The date of the recording is unknown.
- (WRVA - 181)
Boggs, Hale. Speech at the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Richmond, 24 February 19561 compact disc. Duration: 41 min., 55 sec.
Speech, by United States Representative Hale Boggs (1914-1972) of Louisiana, 24 February 1956, at the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner in Richmond, Virginia. He is introduced by United States Senator A. Willis Robertson (1887-1971). Boggs discusses the great leaders of the Democratic Party, party principles and strengths, differences between the Democrats and Republicans, the election of the current Congress, the nation's prosperity and valuable social and economic programs due to the Democrats, Vice-President Richard Nixon's recent speech on civil rights compared with one given by Adlai Stevenson, and the upcoming elections for local and state leaders and President.
- (WRVA - 545)
Bricklaying Contest Between Ken Tanner and Alden Aaroe, 28 April 19621 compact disc. Duration: 25 min., 41 sec.
Harry Monroe provides play by play for the bricklaying contest between Ken Tanner and Alden Aaroe, held at 1900 Roseneath Road in front of Southern Brick and Supply.
- (WRVA - 323)
Brinkley, Parke, Happy Birthday Announcement to WRVA on its 29th Birthday, 11 November 19541 compact disc. Duration: 2 min., 30 sec.
Parke Brinkley remembers the many years Market Reports have aired on WRVA and its hosts. He also wishes WRVA a happy 29th birthday.
- (WRVA - 567)
Broad Street Methodist Church Choir Performances1 compact disc. Duration: 6 min., 24 sec.
Features two selections sung by the Broad Street Methodist Church choir, including "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart" and "Take the Name of Jesus With You." The date of the recording is unknown.
- (WRVA - 11)
Builders for Victory: Naval Construction Training Center, Camp Peary, Williamsburg, Virginia, 20 November 19431 compact disc. Duration: 8 min., 40 sec.
Recording of the dedication of new radio facilities at the Naval Construction Training Center at Camp Peary, Williamsburg, Virginia. Includes music from the Seabees Orchestra and Chorus featuring a medley of songs from Jerome Kern's Show Boat. This recording is track 1 on WRVA-11.
- (WRVA - 77-78)
Businessmen's Bible Class, 16 and 21 August 19402 compact discs. Duration: 1 hr., 5 min., 49 sec.
The recordings in this set consist of two installments of the Businessmen's Bible Class, with the lessons for both delivered by Holland R. Wilkinson; as well as a Bible lesson on the second disc that appears to be unrelated to the Businessmen's Bible Class. Wilkinson's lesson for the program of 16 August 1940 is entitled "The God-Guided Life", and the lesson for the 21 August 1940 program is entitled "Gratitude." The Bible lesson on the second disc is untitled but is dated 5 July 1941. This person delivering this lesson is also unidentified.
- (WRVA - 24-25)
Byrd Field Dedication, 1 April 19502 compact discs. Duration: 1 hr., 1 min., 43 sec.
Broadcast of the dedication of the new terminal at Byrd Airport (now Richmond International Airport) in Richmond, Virginia. Speakers include Arthur Godfrey, master of ceremonies, and Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd, for whom the airport is named. Byrd talks about the communist threat from Stalin and the Soviet Union. Byrd's speech begins on the third track of the first CD and continues on the first track of the first CD (6:12). Alden Aaroe was the WRVA reporter covering the event.
- (WRVA - 384)
Byrd, Harry Flood, Byrd's Acceptance, [Nov. 1958]1 compact disc. Duration: 1 min., 35 sec.
Radio announcement by Senator Harry F. Byrd, Sr., thanking the people of Virginia for his reelection to the United States Senate. He declares that he "will never be a candidate for public office again."
- (WRVA - 327-328)
Byrd, Harry Flood, Address to the Kiwanis Club, Richmond, Virginia, 8 February 19572 compact discs. Duration: 52 min., 39 sec.
Recording of a speech of Senator Harry F. Byrd, Sr., to the Richmond Kiwanis Club on 18 February 1957. Byrd calls for fiscal responsibility, an end to wasteful spending, and the reduction of the federal budget by $1 billion. He outlines the spending increase in the federal government from 1932 to 1957 and derides the notion of federal grants. He also addresses the issue of civil rights, calling the Supreme Court decision a violation of states' rights. He laments the attacks on the South and believes that integration will destroy the public school system.
- (WRVA - 14)
Byrd, Harry Flood, Campaign Speech, 28 June 19461 compact disc. Duration: 14 min., 10 sec.
Campaign speech, 28 June 1946, of Senator Harry F. Byrd in which he criticizes the size and scope of the federal government and its control over people's daily lives and discusses the difference between the federal governments of 1935 and 1946. He calls for retrenchment now that the war is won and the easing of unnecessary government controls. He outlines a plan to restore fiscal sanity and emphasizes his activities in the United States Senate to keep the federal government fiscally responsible. He promises to continue these activities if re-elected. Broadcast paid for by the Byrd Campaign Committee Headquarters.
- (WRVA - 35)
Byrd, Harry Flood, Campaign Speech, 7 October 19521 compact disc. Duration: 30 min., 56 sec.
Recording of a paid advertisement of Senator Harry F. Byrd, Sr. speaking from the radio studios of WINC in Winchester, Virginia. Byrd discusses Virginia's philosophy of government, the Taft-Hartley Act, civil rights, the 1952 Democratic National Convention, John S. Battle's actions during the convention, and outlines his stance on deficit spending. He also states that he cannot support the Stevenson-Sparkman ticket or the Democratic party platform.
- (WRVA - 477)
Byrd, Harry Flood, Senator Byrd on Labor, [July] 19521 compact disc. Duration: 4 min., 32 sec.
Speaking directly to the laboring people of Virginia, Senator Harry F. Byrd, Sr., explains his views on labor and his efforts to fight government waste and higher taxes.
- (WRVA - 382)
Byrd Harry Flood, Picnic, 25 August 19621 compact disc. Duration: 9 min., 8 sec.
Brick Rider, WRVA news broadcaster, reports from the 40th annual picnic at Senator Harry F. Byrd, Sr.'s, log cabin in Berryville, Virginia. Rider interviews Byrd, who discusses his philosophy on pay-as-you-go and limited government. He believes in reducing expenditures before reducing taxes. He does not consider a tax reduction on borrowed money sound practice. When asked which President he considered fiscally responsible, Byrd replies that all the presidents showed fiscal responsibility until Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He now sees no effort to reduce the federal debt.
- (WRVA - 524)
Byrd, Harry Flood, Senator Byrd Will Run Again, 24 February 19581 compact disc. Duration: 5 min., 15 sec.
Senator Harry F. Byrd, Sr., reconsiders his decision to retire and announces that he will run again for the United States Senate. He credits his decision to the resolution passed by the Virginia General Assembly urging him to run again, the telegram signed by former governors of the Commonwealth, and the many communications sent by others. He also reads from a statement by his wife in which she says that due to the many communications urging her husband to run again she gives him her blessing.
- (WRVA - 525)
Byrd, Harry Flood, Senator Harry F. Byrd, 30 August 19581 compact disc. Duration: 14 min., 32 sec.
Senator Harry F. Byrd, Sr., discusses the recent congressional session, commenting on the deterioration of fiscal sanity, reckless expenditures, and federal debt. He attacks the recent decisions of the United States Supreme Court under the leadership of Chief Justice Earl Warren as destroying states' rights, local authority, and individual rights. He criticizes the Warren Court for deciding the desegregation case on a sociological basis rather than a legal one, and promises to fight the decision by every legal means possible.
- (WRVA - 123-123A)
Byrd, Harry Flood, Speech at the Institute of Public Affairs, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 26 June 19521 compact disc. Duration: 30 min., 2 sec.
Recording of speech of Harry F. Byrd, Sr., to the 19th session of the Institute of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. During the speech, Byrd laments the increasing power of the federal government and executive branch. He praises the free enterprise system and warns of the dangers of high taxation and over spending.
- (WRVA - 178)
Byrd, Harry Flood, Speech Before the Ruritan Club, 21 January 19571 compact disc. Duration: 45 min., 42 sec.
Speech, 21 January 1957, by Senator Harry F. Byrd (1887-1966) before the Ruritan Club in Richmond, Virginia. He is introduced by Lieutenant Governor Allie Edwards Stokes Stephens (1900-1973). Byrd speaks about the centralization of power by the federal government, government spending, inflation, federal deficits, foreign aid waste, the need to keep the military strong and to fight Communism, his work on the Senate Finance Committee, the loss of states' rights, federal money going to public schools, and the recent Supreme Court decision on school integration.
- (WRVA - 227)
Byrd, Harry Flood, Speech Before the Richmond Traffic Club, Hotel John Marshall, 20 February 19611 compact disc. Duration: 53 min., 15 sec.
Speech, 20 February 1961, by Senator Harry F. Byrd before the Richmond Traffic Club at the Hotel John Marshall. Topics of the speech include the first thirty days of the Kennedy Administration, opposition to the Democratic platform by Southern senators, Senate committee chairmanships, Kennedy's appointments and legislative proposals, Byrd's relationship with past presidents, including Roosevelt, Truman, and Eisenhower, the national debt, welfare, foreign aid, and the gold standard. Byrd also provides the audience with his definition of a conservative.
- (WRVA - 41-53)
Calling All Cooks, 1949-195413 compact discs. Duration: 12 hr., 9 min., 37 sec.
These recordings consist of the half-hour broadcasts of the Calling All Cooks quiz program and cover each weekly broadcast from 29 October 1949 to 25 March 1950, and then intermittent broadcasts from 3 March 1951 to 13 February 1954, at the WRVA Theater and John Marshall High School in Richmond. The Master of Ceremonies of the show is George Passage, and the announcer is Carl Stutz. Eight women compete on two teams of four as the Cooks and the Bakers, alternately coming on stage and answering cooking and food related questions in order to win prizes provided by the sponsors. Each prize selection is punctuated with a scripted advertisement for the product read by Carl Stutz. At the mid-point of the program, Calling All Cooks Home Economist Harriet Allen provides cooking tips in the Norge kitchen stage set, while bantering back and forth with George Passage.
- (WRVA - 54)
Calling All Cooks Anniversary Program, 8 November 19501 compact disc. Duration: 29 min., 15 sec.
This recording consists of one half hour episode of Calling All Cooks, which aired during WRVA's week-long celebration of its 25th anniversary. Broadcast live from the WRVA Theater in Richmond, the Master of Ceremonies of the show is George Passage, and the announcer is Carl Stutz. As with the regular program, eight women compete on two teams of four as the Cooks and the Bakers, alternately coming on stage and answering questions in order to win prizes provided by the sponsors. In this instance, however, the questions are all related to either WRVA's 25th anniversary or anniversaries in general. Each prize selection is punctuated with a scripted advertisement for the product read by Carl Stutz. At the mid-point of the program, Calling All Cooks Home Economist Harriett Allen discusses cooking trivia from the Norge kitchen stage set, while bantering back and forth with George Passage.
- (WRVA - 238)
Capitol Airlines Crash Coverage, 18-19 January 19601 compact disc. Duration: 24 min., 14 sec.
Coverage, 18-19 January 1960, of the crash of a Capitol Airlines jet thirty-five miles southeast of Richmond in Charles City County, Virginia near the small town of Holdcroft. Harry Monroe of WRVA reports from the scene shortly after the crash. Jack Clements also reports from WRVA studios. Included are eyewitness accounts. Names of some of the victims are read on air, and there is speculation by Clements and Monroe on the cause of the crash. The jet, a Vickers Viscount Turboprop, went down at night in a wooded area, enroute from Washington, D.C. to Norfolk, resulting in the deaths of 48 passengers.
- (WRVA - 441-444)
Capitol Squirrel Cuts4 compact discs. Duration: 3 hr., 2 min. 26 sec.
These recordings are of the WRVA Radio Capitol Squirrel's "provocative thought for the day" segments, which usually were no longer than a five to ten seconds. The Capitol Squirrel made editorial comments on such topics as activities of the General Assembly, litter in the city of Richmond, the city police and bus drivers, drunk driving, and parking in downtown Richmond.
- (WRVA - 110-117)
Carillon Holiday Programs, 1946-19478 compact discs. Duration: 7 hrs., 15 min., 18 sec.
Carillon holiday programs, 1946-1947, featuring musical selections played on the bells of the Virginia War Memorial Carillon in Richmond by Hilton J. Rufty (1909-1974), to commemorate different holidays, including Easter, Washington's Birthday, Armistice Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
- (WRVA - 97)
Carl Stutz Show1 compact disc. Duration: 19 min., 45 sec.
Features various musical selections, including "Warsaw Concerto" by Liberace, "I Could Have Danced All Night" from the musical "My Fair Lady," "The Man With a Dream" from the motion picture Seventh Heaven, "Little Star" by Carmen Dragon, and music by the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra. Unknown artists perform "Tojours Moi" and "The Gold and Silver Waltz." Stutz also gives details for a restaurant essay contest, and reads commercial spots for Pepsodent toothpaste, Sanka coffee, Bufferin aspirin, and Westinghouse. The date of this program is unknown.
- (WRVA - 543-544)
Carl Stutz Show, December 19572 compacts discs. Duration: 1 hr., 13 min., 50 sec.
Consists of recordings of five Carl Stutz Shows. These shows include Carl Stutz hosting the Three Chopt Woman's Club, Bryan Park Woman's Club, Brook Run Junior Woman's Club, Westhampton Junior Woman's Club, Ginter Park Junior Woman's Club at the Alcoa Carefree Home on Westgate Drive in Bon Air, Virginia. Stutz identifies club members, discusses the community service activities in which they are involved, and asks their impression of the home. The Aluminum Company of American (Alcoa) sponsored the building of Alcoa Carefree Homes in twenty-four cities around the United States, including Richmond, Virginia. Designed by Charles M. Goodman (1906-1992) and built by local contractors, these home contained modern amenities and were intended to promote the various uses of aluminum in residential homes. Kayhoe Construction built the Alcoa Carefree Home in Richmond. The house is still standing and is located at 3318 Cedar Grove Road, at the intersection of Cedar Grove Road and Westgate Drive in Bon Air, Virginia.
- (WRVA - 6)
Carter Glass Testimonial, 4 January 19401 compact disc. Duration: 42 min., 49 sec.
Incomplete recording of a testimonial dinner for Carter Glass held at Sweet Briar College in Sweet Briar, Virginia, on the occasion of his 82nd birthday and the establishment of the Carter Glass professorship of government at the college. Includes speeches by Senator Harry F. Byrd and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Russell Cornwell Leffingwell, and Carter Glass, and a performance by the Sweet Briar Glee Club. J. Stewart Bryan, publisher of the Richmond Times-Dispatch, introduces both Byrd and Leffingwell.
- (WRVA - 150)
CBS News, Parts of the World on Segregation, 3 September 19571 compact disc. Duration: 11 min., 34 sec.
Larry LeSueur reports on the segregation crisis in Little Rock, Arkansas during which Governor Orval Faubus called out the Arkansas National Guard to surround a school to prevent integration. He also reports on the activities of John Casper, a rabid segregationist, in organizing White Citizens' Councils in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Broadcast includes excerpts from a speech Casper delivered. Finally, LeSueur reports on a news conference with President Eisenhower regarding his feelings on the school desegregation issue. Eisenhower comments that you ""can't change people's hearts by law."
- (WRVA - 294-296)
Chandler, Alvin Duke, Presidential Inauguration Ceremony, College of William and Mary, 15 May 19533 compacts discs. Duration: 2 hr., 46 sec.
This recording of the inauguration of Alvin Duke Chandler, 22nd president of the College of William and Mary, opens with a 16 minute performance of the William and Mary choir. Speakers include Governor John Stewart Battle, who welcomes visitors and discusses the promises Chandler's leadership will provide the college; and former Governor Colgate W. Darden, who brings greetings from the Virginia colleges. Chandler speaks on the accomplishments, events, and people of the past as they reflect the present and motivate the future of the college. Governor Battle is awarded the honorary Doctor of Laws degree, as is President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Original WRVA recording was titled "President Eisenhower at Williamsburg."
- (WRVA - 106)
Character Promotional Spots, 9 Jan. 19581 compact disc. Duration: 9 min., 20 min.
Character promotional spots, 9 January 1958, urging people to listen to WRVA. The spots are voice imitations of famous individuals or fictitious characters, including Winston Churchill, Boris Karloff, Peter Lorre, Jimmy Stewart, Clark Gable, Cary Grant, Elmer Fudd, and Bugs Bunny.
- (WRVA - 398)
Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel Dedication, 15 April 19641 compact disc. Duration: 49 min., 41 sec.
Recording of the dedication and opening of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, including the invocation by Reverend William A. Brown, retired Bishop of the Diocese of Southern Virginia, introductory remarks by Lucious Kellam, chairman of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel commission, an address by Governor Albertis S. Harrison, and the release of sea gulls to make the official opening of the bridge-tunnel. Ed Whitehead and Alden Aaroe, WRVA broadcasters, report from the scene, and discuss the potential number of user of the bridge-tunnel and its impact on the economy of Virginia Beach and Virginia's Eastern Shore.
- (WRVA - 378-379)
Christmas Songs from Virginia's Choirs, December 19602 compact discs. Duration: 1 hr., 37 min., 48 sec.
Contains recordings of Christmas carols sung by the choirs of the College of William and Mary, Richmond Professional Institute, Virginia State College, and Armstrong High School, and by employees of the State Planters Bank assisted by the chancel choir of Beulah Methodist Church of Chesterfield County.
- (WRVA - 69)
Church Across the Way, 1 November 19481 compact disc. Duration: 30 min., 3 sec.
Recording of the 1 November 1948 broadcast of The Church Across the Way, an inspirational program which could be heard each weekday morning from 10-10:30 a.m. This particular program, recorded at the Hotel Richmond Studios of the Edgeworth Broadcasting Service, featured "old fashioned hymn-singing and devotion time" as presented by Sam Workman. Workman also sends on-air greetings for birthdays, anniversaries and shut-ins and promotes his book of poetry, Church Across the Way Book of Poems. Hymns sung on this program include "Do Not Pass Me By" (or "Pass Me Not [Oh Gentle Savior]"); "Face to Face with Christ, My Savior"; "I Gave My Life for Thee"; "Cause Jesus Loves Me"; and "Have Thine Own Way, Lord."
- (WRVA - 225)
Civil War Centennial Opening Ceremonies, Washington and Lee University Chapel, 8 January 19611 compact disc. Duration: 20 min., 10 sec.
Opening ceremonies, 8 January 1961, of the opening of the Civil War Centennial celebrations in Virginia, which took place at Washington and Lee University Chapel in Lexington. Included are the invocation, and remarks by Congressman William M. Tuck (1896-1983) and Dr. Francis Pendleton Gaines (1892-1963), president emeritus and chancellor of Washington and Lee. Also covered during the ceremonies is the laying of wreaths by representatives from the United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Civil War Centennial Commission.
- (WRVA - 522)
Clements - CBS Feed on World Tonight, [1957]1 compact disc. Duration: 5 min., 18 sec.
Includes a CBS News report concerning the United States Supreme Court's refusal to overturn a lower court ruling against Virginia's Pupil Placement Board. The lower court will now presumably order the schools of Newport News and Norfolk to integrate. Jack Clements, WRVA news director, reports on Virginia's reaction to the United States Supreme Court's action and its impact on the current gubernatorial election between J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., a supporter of Massive resistance, and Ted Dalton, a supporter of local option.
- (WRVA - 414)
Clips from Richmond Area Plane Crash Sites, 1959-19611 compact disc. Duration: 2 min., 56 sec.
Clips of WRVA reports from Richmond area plane crash sites, including the Piedmont Airlines crash near Crozet, Virginia on 30 October 1959, the crash of a Capitol Airlines jet thirty-five miles southeast of Richmond in Charles City County, Virginia near the small town of Holdcroft on 18 January 1960, and the crash of an Imperial Airlines jet two miles southeast of Byrd Field in Richmond on 8 November 1961.
- (WRVA - 568)
College of William and Mary Choir, "Carry Me Back to Old Virginny"1 compact disc. Duration: 10 min., 43 sec.
Features an undated performance of the College of William and Mary Choir singing "Carry Me Back to Old Virginny." The performance repeats three times.
- (WRVA - 611)
Colonial Heights Tornado Coverage, 19931 compact disc. Duration: 15 min., 35 sec.
Clips of WRVA's coverage of a tornado that hit Colonial Heights, Virginia on 6 August 1993. Includes the announcement by the station that the tornado had struck the area, as well as clips of reporters on the scene describing the damage to a Wal-Mart store, and to vehicles on the Varina-Enon Bridge. A section of Petersburg was also damaged. There are eyewitness accounts, updates on the traffic situation, and segments from later broadcasts that describe the cleanup and recovery efforts, including interviews with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) officials. The volume is very low on the majority of the recording.
- (WRVA - 367)
Commemorative Session of the Virginia General Assembly, 29 January 19581 compact disc. Duration: 31 min., 59 sec.
Broadcast of a joint meeting of the Virginia General Assembly from the restored Capitol in Williamsburg, Virginia. Includes speeches by Governor J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., and Congressman Howard W. Smith. Almond discusses the development of constitutional government in Virginia and the United States. Smith praises constitutional government and decries the power of the federal judiciary. Both call the demise of constitutional government disturbing.
- (WRVA - 396)
Commemorative Session of the Virginia General Assembly, 1 February 19641 compact disc. Duration: 30 min., 29 sec.
Recording of the commemorative session of the Virginia General Assembly held in the Hall of the House of Burgesses at Colonial Williamsburg. Includes speeches by Governor Albertis S. Harrison and Senator Harry F. Byrd, Sr. Governor Harrison praises the principles exhibited by the early patriots of Williamsburg. Senator Byrd criticizes the centralization of power and massive spending of the federal government. He refers to the principles of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and other early Virginians.
- (WRVA - 30)
Convention Documentary: The Story of John Battle and the 1952 Democratic National Convention, ca. 19521 compact disc. Duration: 55 min., 40 sec.
Contains sound clips of convention events and news commentary for a documentary produced by WRVA and narrated by George Passage entitled "The Story of John Battle and the 1952 Democratic National Convention." The documentary examines John Battle's role in the fight against the loyalty pledge, which the Virginia delegates believed bound them to support the nominee before he was selected, and the platform before it was adopted. Louisiana, South Carolina, and Virginia refused to support the loyalty pledge and were almost denied participation in the convention. The recordings include excerpts of speeches of Battle, Governor Adlai Stevenson, presidential nominee from Illinois, Senator Richard Russell of Georgia, and the roll call of voting on the resolution. Battle's speech was instrumental in the resolution's defeat. The commentary of George Passage puts the speeches and roll call in context, and provides background information on the events of the convention. The sound clips of the convention events and news commentary are separate. The convention events are the first four tracks and the news commentary are the last two tracks. The news commentary recordings set up each sound clip of the convention events.
- (WRVA - 1)
Corn Cob Pipe Club of Virginia, ca. 19331 compact disc. Duration: 9 min.
This recording of the Corn Cob Pipe Club includes music, comedy routines, and a comedic poetry recitation. Also includes information about joining the Corn Cob Pipe Club.
- (WRVA - 408)
Coverage of Miscellaneous News Stories, 19611 compact disc. Duration: 3 min., 56 sec.
Coverage of miscellaneous news stories from 1961, including a fight and injuries reported in Norfolk, Virginia, a story on State Senator Mills E. Godwin (1914-1999) and organized labor, including the state AFL-CIO, and the smear campaign against his opponent, and a report on Chowning's Tavern at Colonial Williamsburg.
- (WRVA - 407)
Coverage of Public Meeting on Merger Proposal Held in Henrico County, 18 August 19611 compact disc. Duration: 7 min., 36 sec.
Coverage of a public meeting, 18 August 1961, to discuss the proposed merger of Richmond and Henrico County. John Tansey of WRVA describes the meeting, and numerous recorded clips are also included.
- (WRVA - 595)
Coverage of Standoff at the Hotel John Marshall, 17 October 19731 compact disc. Duration: 49 min.
Coverage of a standoff at the Hotel John Marshall in Richmond, Virginia between Ralph Carattini and police on 17 October 1973. Carattini, an escapee from the federal prison in Petersburg, took refuge in a room at the hotel, and kept police at bay for four hours. Dave Miller of WRVA reports from the hotel lobby, and also conducts a phone interview with Carattini, hoping to prevent him from committing suicide. Charles Davis narrates from WRVA studios, Larry Matthews reports from outside the hotel, and Howard Bloom reports from a traffic helicopter above the scene. There is coverage of the gun battle that ensued, resulting in Carattini shooting himself, and dying later at MCV Hospital. The recording ends with a summary of events by Larry Matthews in a "Profile" segment.
- (WRVA - 198)
Cullen Johnson: WRVA 30th Anniversary Special, 30 October 19551 compact disc. Duration: 23 min., 38 sec.
Features E. Cullen Johnson (1913-2001) singing religious and inspirational hymns dedicated by him to various Virginia residents. Charlie Wakefield is featured on piano and organ. Also appearing on the program is Mrs. Henry P. Garber, who sang on WRVA's first broadcast on 2 November 1925.
- (WRVA - 39)
Dalton, Ted, Concession Speech, November 19531 compact disc. Duration: 4 min., 9 sec.
Ted Dalton, Virginia's Republican candidate for governor in 1953, concedes the election to his opponent, Thomas B. Stanley, the Democratic and Byrd Organization candidate. He congratulates Stanley, and expresses hope that his campaign helped establish a two-party system in Virginia and move Virginia forward in a progressive manner. The last minute of the recording (2:53-4:00) contains a phone interview between George Passage, WRVA news broadcaster, and Harry F. Byrd, Sr., United States senator, concerning Stanley's victory. Byrd answers that he was not surprised by Stanley's victory, but no comment to Passage's other questions. The recording of Byrd is faint and barely audible. The recording also includes a few sound bytes of a radio newsroom in action during an election night.
- (WRVA - 478)
Dalton, Ted, 12 January 19541 compact disc. Duration: 3 min., 16 sec.
In a statement to the people of Virginia and the members of the Virginia General Assembly, Ted Dalton (1901-1989) calls for people not to regard him as a defeated candidate for Governor. He stresses the importance of teamwork in the upcoming General Assembly session, and emphasizes his support for removal of the poll tax and other electoral reforms, and greater funding for education, the mentally ill, and roads.
- (WRVA - 523)
Dalton, Ted, Concession Speech, November 19571 compact disc. Duration: 1 min., 52 sec.
Ted Dalton, the defeated Republican candidate for Governor, congratulates J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., on his victory and hopes the contest makes for a better Virginia. He calls for Virginians to look forward not backward when a finding a solution to the great problem of desegregation and still believes the local option plan represents the best means for Virginia to preserve separate public schools.
- (WRVA -105)
Dalton, Ted, Interview, 19571 compact disc. Duration: 5 min., 30 sec.
Interview, 1957, with Ted Dalton (1901-1989) at his home in Radford, Virginia following his defeat in the Virginia gubernatorial election. Dalton discusses his future plans, his beliefs about what issues dominated the election, especially school integration, and what led to his defeat. He also talks about his views on Virginia's pupil placement plan and massive resistance.
- (WRVA - 221)
Darden, Colgate W., Speech at the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Richmond, 9 April 19531 compact disc. Duration: 44 min., 7 sec.
Speech, 9 April 1953, by Colgate W. Darden (1897-1981) at the Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner in Richmond. Darden begins his remarks with humorous anecdotes. He devotes a large portion of his comments to a comparison of the present political climate with that during the administration of President Andrew Jackson. Darden discusses the dangers of unrestricted majority rule and power, the results of the recent elections, Democratic Party divisions and differences, southern states' representation in Congress and their participation in the Democratic Party, reasons why the Democrats lost in 1952, and what can be done to return the party to a position of prominence.
- (WRVA - 140)
Darden, Colgate W., Statement at the Virginia General Assembly Public Hearings on School Legislation, 5 September 19561 compact disc. Duration: 28 min., 38 sec.
In this statement at the Virginia General Assembly's public hearings on school legislation, Darden expresses his opposition to the decision and the belief that the United States Congress should have been the final arbiter on such a decision. He explains the race situation in Southside Virginia and predicts that integration will not occur in this area because the races live near each other. Darden pushes for adoption of the Gray Plan and believes its local option plan will help the Southside. He wants as little integration as possible but desires the adoption of a plan with almost unanimous support.
- (WRVA - 487)
D-Day, June 6, 1944: Looking Back, 19941 compact disc. Duration: 41 min., 45 sec.
Recording of a ten-part series hosted by John Harding, broadcast between 30 May and 3 June 1994. The segments, featuring radio clips from the time, include signals to the invasion, first word of the attack, military censorship, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin on that day, and the air invasion. There are also segments on Omaha and Utah beaches, the latter being reported on by Charles Collingwood (1917-1985), as well as a situation report, Eisenhower leading the nation in prayer, reviews of Operation Overlord, and suggestions for further reading on D-Day. Some of the vintage radio clips are repeated at the end of the recording.
- (WRVA - 420)
Dedication Ceremonies for New WRVA Studios, Church Hill, 29 May 19681 compact disc. Duration: 31 min., 46 sec.
Dedication ceremonies, 29 May 1968, for the new WRVA studios in the Church Hill district of Richmond. Alden Aaroe was the master of ceremonies. Includes music by the Bellvue School choir, invocation, and remarks by the mayor of Richmond, as well as W. Brooks George, president of Larus and Brother, Governor Mills E. Godwin, Bruce English of the Historic Richmond Foundation, and Philip Johnson, architect of the new studios.
- (WRVA - 329)
Dedication of the Third Arch in the Virginia Military Institute Cadet Barracks, 15 May 19511 compact disc. Duration: 46 min., 11 sec.
Recording of the dedication of the third arch in the Virginia Military Institute cadet barracks. The arch was dedicated to George C. Marshall, graduate of VMI, Army Chief of Staff during World War II, and Secretary of State in the Truman administration. Includes music from the Cadet Glee Club and speeches from Bernard M. Baruch (1870-1965) and George C. Marshall. Baruch speaks about VMI's history and the participation of its cadets in the Battle of New Market during the Civil War. He also speaks about the previous two arches, dedicated to George Washington and Stonewall Jackson, and Marshall's role in World War II and as Secretary of State. He recounts General Pershing's recommendation to FDR for Marshall's appointment as Chief of Staff, and discusses Marshall's philosophy of military preparedness. Marshall speaks about the VMI graduates who participated in the Philippine Insurrection and World War I, and asserts that the development of character at VMI resulted in positions of responsibility for VMI graduates. He also recounts the dedication of the monument honoring the VMI cadets who participated in the Battle of New Market.
- (WRVA - 29)
Democratic Convention Spots, ca. 19521 compact disc. Duration: 4 min., 35 sec.
Various CBS news broadcasters announce the broadcasting of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1952 "on this station." The broadcasters are Bill Shadel, Douglas Edwards, Larry LeSueur, Robert Trout, Edward R. Murrow, Bill Downs, and Lowell Thomas.
- (WRVA - 139)
Democratic National Convention, 19561 compact disc. Duration: 17 min., 12 sec.
Contains a CBS interview with John S. Battle about being nominated for president at the 1956 Democratic National Convention and his involvement in the states' rights group at the 1952 Democratic National Convention, Virginia Governor Thomas B. Stanley's speech nominating Battle, Harry F. Byrd, Jr.'s speech seconding Battle's nomination, and the casting of votes for Battle by Virginia's delegation.
- (WRVA - 197)
A Determined Purpose - WRVA 30th Anniversary Special, 4 November 19551 compact disc. Duration: 15 min., 27 sec.
Broadcast on 4 November 1955, this program features a look back at religious broadcasting on WRVA since the station's beginning. Walter R. Bishop interviews the wife of Dr. William E. Hill, who preached at Second Presbyterian Church in Richmond from 1926 to 1940, and conducted the first religious service on WRVA, and Dr. A. Purnell Bailey, pastor of Richmond Centenary United Methodist Church, who hosted the station's "Night Pastor" program.
- (WRVA - 322)
Dick Gillis: Robert E. Lee's Birthday, 19 January 19571 compact disc. Duration: 18 min., 20 sec.
Recording of Dick Gillis speaking with Walter R. Bishop and Ray Kennedy on the occasion of Robert E. Lee's birthday, 19 January 1957. Includes biographical information on Lee, Bishop expressing surprise that large observations of Lee's birthday are no longer celebrated like when he was a boy, Gillis recounting medals being pinned on his chest by his grandfather, a Confederate veteran, Bishop and Gillis remembering the stories about Lee told to them when they were younger by veterans, and Kennedy listing the various radio programs regarding Lee's birthday being broadcast over WRVA. This recording is track 1 on WRVA - 322.
- (WRVA - 461)
Dick Gillis Show on WRVA 35th Anniversary, 3 November 19601 compact disc. Duration: 23 min., 55 sec.
Hosted by Dick Gillis, director of activities for the Virginia State Chamber of Commerce. This show was broadcast in celebration of WRVA's 35th anniversary. The guests were Walter R. Bishop, WRVA public relations director, and Bertha Hewlett, both employees of the radio station since 1925. Gillis reminiscences about listening to WRVA as a boy growing up in Brunswick County. Bishop and Hewlett talk about their many years with WRVA, and the station's programming of live musical talent in the early years including the Corn Cob Pipe Club. Also includes a recording of Bertha Hewlett playing "Silent Night" on the organ.
- (WRVA - 15)
Dominion Datebook, 25 and 27 January 19501 compact disc. Duration: 13 min., 30 sec.
This program contains dates and descriptions of notable events in Virginia's towns and clubs, including roundtable discussions, plays and concerts, benefits, fundraising campaigns, church organizations, women's clubs, conferences, and seminars. George Passage, the WRVA News editor, is the announcer.
- (WRVA - 167)
Dominion Datebook, 17 March 19501 compact disc. Duration: 14 min., 39 sec.
Contains a summary of civic and cultural events happening in Richmond, read by George Passage.
- (WRVA - 434)
Drug Abuse in Chesterfield County Schools, 1980Duration: 14 min., 32 sec.
Documentary, 1980, on the drug abuse in Chesterfield County schools. The exact date of broadcast is not known. Features comments by parents, students, and teachers, as well as the Chesterfield County school superintendent, the county supervisor, and other officials. The reasons students start abusing drugs, and efforts to combat the problem, are explored.
- (WRVA - 607)
Drug Wars: The First Line of Defense, 2-14 February 19921 compact disc. Duration: 20 min., 35 sec.
Recording of a ten-part documentary series broadcast in February 1992. Includes short segments on the work of narcotics officers and detectives, why they chose their career, their opinions on suspects and criminals, type of work involved, a typical drug raid, job pressure and exhaustion, dangers faced, progress in the war on drugs, and interviews with wives of officers, and the effects of the job on their marriage and their relationships with others.
- (WRVA - 476)
E. B. Pugh, 4 June 19481 compact disc. Duration: 4 min., 15 sec.
Ernest B. Pugh, head of the Virginia CIO, speaks on the importance of voting in the upcoming election for Richmond City Council and calls for voters to support the Citizen's Slate consisting of John S. Davenport, III, T. D. du Cuennois, F. Henry Garber, W. Stirling King, Wade G. McGargo, James D. Patton, Jr., R. Hugh Rudd, J. Randolph Ruffin, and Robert A. Wilson. These candidates support the city's new charter creating the City Council-Manager form of government.
- (WRVA - 615-618)
Echoes of 1861-1961: A Narration by J. Ambler Johnston, 19704 compact discs. Duration: 3 hrs., 12 min., 48 sec.
This recording is a narration by J. Ambler Johnston (1885-1974) of his book Echoes of 1861-1961 , first published in 1970. It includes narratives of chapters in his book, including A Tour Around the Richmond Battlefields, The Battlefield Parks Around Richmond, which includes information on the history of the Battlefield Markers Association and Richmond Battlefield Parks Corporation, Richmond and Chicago Civil War Roundtables, Visiting Dignitaries, The Myth that Rommel Canvassed the Jackson Campaign, Homes Along the Pamunkey, and Footprints. In the preface to the 1970 edition of his book, Johnston mentions that WRVA made this recording of his narrative.
- (WRVA - 508)
Editorial on Historic Garden Week in Virginia1 compact disc. Duration: 5 min., 47 sec.
Editorial on Historic Garden Week in Virginia, by John Tansey of WRVA. Tansey encourages listeners to attend the events sponsored by the Garden Club of Virginia. The editorial repeats twice. The date is unknown.
- (WRVA - 508)
Editorials on Daylight Savings Time, 31 January 19621 compact disc. Duration: 6 min.
Editorials on daylight savings time in Virginia, 31 January 1962, by John Tansey of WRVA. Tansey urges the General Assembly to adopt daylight savings time from May through October like much of the rest of the nation, and states his reasons why he is for it. There are two different editorials on the subject.
- (WRVA - 407)
Editorials on Proposed Merger of Richmond and Henrico County, 5-13 December 19611 compact disc. Duration: 34 min., 53 sec.
Various editorials read by John Tansey of WRVA expressing the radio station's position on the proposed merger of Richmond and Henrico County. The editorials were broadcast during the period 5-13 December 1961. Also included is a musical jingle on the merger, and various commercial spots relating to the proposal.
- (WRVA - 610)
Editorials Read by John Harding, 1992-19931 compact disc. Duration: 29 min., 5 sec.
Editorials, read by John Harding, news director at WRVA, during 1992 and 1993. Topics include violent crime in Richmond, the highway bond referendum, medical savings accounts, gun control proposals in the General Assembly, the Americans with Disabilities Act, closing of the Richmond News-Leader, patriotism in America, the Washington Redskins stadium proposal, the Confederate battle flag, redistricting, the work of the Richmond Police, the presidential debate at the University of Richmond, the shrink swell soil controversy in Chesterfield County, meals tax hike proposal, Coastal Power Company in Wise County selling electricity to Virginia Power, an update on the WRVA Shoe Fund, the Chesterfield School Board seeking funding, a proposal to construct a new city health department building in Jackson Ward, and the death of Alden Aaroe.
- (WRVA - 18)
Edwards for Governor, 19491 compact disc. Duration: 14 min., 42 sec.
Statement of T. McCall Frazier supporting Horace H. Edwards in the 1949 Democratic gubernatorial primary in Virginia. He praises the other candidates, John S. Battle, Colonel Francis Pickens Miller, and Remmie L. Arnold, but feels that Edwards is the candidate most qualified to serve as Virginia's governor. He describes Edward's experience in Virginia politics, his program to improve Virginia, and the campaign strategy of his opponents. He believes the election comes down to a choice between John S. Battle and Horace H. Edwards. Broadcast ends with the Edwards for Governor campaign jingle.
- (WRVA - 22)
Edwards for Governor: Paid Political Broadcast, 25 July 19491 compact disc. Duration: 30 min., 17 sec.
Paid political broadcast on behalf of Horace H. Edwards, candidate for governor in the 1949 Democratic gubernatorial primary. John W. Flannagan, former United States Congressman, and State Senator Charles T. Moses endorse Edwards for governor. The first track contains John W. Flannagan's endorsement. Flannagan supports Edwards' legislative plan and attacks the other candidates. The second track contains Charles T. Moses' endorsement. Moses supports Edward's plan to improve Virginia's public schools and criticizes the proposals of the other candidates. The second track ends with an Edwards for Governor campaign jingle. Broadcast paid for by the 9th District Edwards for Governor Committee.
- (WRVA - 23)
Edwards for Governor: A Talk with John Flannagan, Jr., 20 July 19491 compact disc. Duration: 7 min., 19 sec.
Flannagan addresses the farmer of Virginia in regard to school funding in Virginia. He criticizes the other candidates' plan to continue school funding from real estate taxation. He believes that Edwards' sales tax plan is the best means to support schools. Flannagan also calls for the end of machine rule in Virginia and for the people to regain control of the state Democratic party.
- (WRVA - 144)
Eisenhower, Dwight D., Speech at Byrd Airport, 29 October 19561 compact disc. Duration: 16 min., 58 sec.
Recording of an Eisenhower campaign speech at Byrd Airport (now Richmond International Airport) in Richmond, Virginia. Walter Spencer Robertson introduces Eisenhower while the crowd chants, "We Want Ike." Eisenhower praises the characteristics of Virginia's leaders and Virginians' preference for local and state control over centralized federal control. He praises Senator Harry F. Byrd, and promises tax returns, to stop useless government expenditures, and job growth. He stresses the importance of peace and promises to strive for peace if re-elected. He also pushes for voter registration.
- (WRVA - 195)
Election Day : WRVA 29th Birthday Special, 11 November 19541 compact disc. Duration: 14 min., 14 sec.
Election Day special, 11 November 1954, hosted by Walter R. Bishop (1903-1963) and George Passage, in conjunction with WRVA's 29th birthday celebration. Bishop and Passage share stories of past elections, with particular emphasis on the 1925 election and the influence of the Ku Klux Klan. They also discuss the differences in election coverage by the media, WRVA's policies on candidate advertising, the recent election of women to the Virginia House of Delegates, and Virginia political races that were closely contested.
- (WRVA - 551)
Election Night, 4 November 19691 compact disc. Duration: 1 hr., 1 min., 55 sec.
WRVA reporters, John Harding, Joe Weeks, Larry Dodd, Mary Jane Walsh, and Wayne Ferrar, report on election night in 1969, including the gubernatorial election between Democrat William C. Battle and Republican Linwood Holton and elections for the Virginia House of Delegates. The recording includes the concession speech of William C. Battle, a speech by Andrew Pickens Miller, successful Democratic candidate for Attorney General, an interview with Linwood Holton, the first Republican elected governor of Virginia since Reconstruction, interviews with Richmond legislators, Junie L. Bradshaw and George E. Allen, Jr., a reporting of House races throughout Virginia and the Consolidation vote in Roanoke and Roanoke County, and a rundown of election returns in Virginia's counties. Also includes NBC news of the gubernatorial election in New Jersey and mayoral races in New York City, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and Detroit. Includes commercials for the United Virginia Bank State Planters.
- (WRVA - 519)
Emergency Landing of Plane Carrying Alfred M. Grunther and William M. Tuck at Byrd Field, 15 July 19591 compact disc. Duration: 15 min., 5 sec.
Reports, broadcast on 15 July 1959, on the emergency landing of an airplane carrying Alfred M. Grunther, former supreme commander of NATO, and U.S. Congressman William M. Tuck, at Byrd Field in Richmond. The airplane, a C-47 military transport plane, was scheduled to land in Danville, Virginia, where Grunther and Tuck were to appear at an event. Upon approach in Danville, the plane's landing gear would not go into locked position, thus it was diverted to Richmond, where it made a safe landing. Irby Hollans and Jack Clements report from the scene. There is also an interview with the flight crew after the successful landing.
- (WRVA - 337)
Emily Post-Mortem: Governor's Highway Safety Committee. Program 4, 19471 compact disc. Duration: 15 min., 26 sec.
Drama concerning the dangers of road rage. George Lott demonstrates a pleasant disposition when dealing with his wife and co-workers, but when behind the wheel, he is impatient and drives offensively. Then the drama reverses George's life. He is rude and impatient to his wife and co-workers, and slaps a co-worker boasting about speeding away from police. When asked why he slapped the man, George tells a story about driving with his family and getting in an accident that killed his children. The moral of the story is that "bad manners can kill you socially, bad manners on the highway can kill you permanently." This recording is track 2 on WRVA - 337.
- (WRVA - 529)
Enterprise Special on Virginia Industry, 19581 compact disc. Duration: 12 min., 22 sec.
This recording is Part 2 in a series of five programs on Virginia industry. Verbon Kemp, executive secretary of the Virginia Chamber of Commerce, discusses Virginia's labor supply and the issues facing Virginia when attracting new industry. Harold B. "Hal" Boyd, president of the Virginia AFL-CIO, discusses Virginia's ability to fulfill the labor needs of large industries. Charles Taylor of the Virginia Manufacturers Association explains the cost of an industry to take on additional workers. Raymond V. Long of the Department of Conservation and Economic Development, discusses the necessity for localities to encourage industrial development. Hosted by Harry Monroe, WRVA news reporter.
- (WRVA - 330A)
Esso Reporter: Pleasant Larus Reed, 13 April 19511 compact disc. Duration: 6 min., 12 sec.
Recording of the 13 April 1951 broadcast of the Esso News Reporter. Includes reports on General Douglas MacArthur's homecoming, the Korean War, San Francisco and Alcatraz, the flooding of the Mississippi River, the bad health of United States Senator Arthur Hendrick Vandenberg of Michigan, and the weather. At 1:42, recording includes a report on the death of Pleasant Larus Reed, owner and former president of the Larus and Brother Company, a tobacco manufacturing firm in Richmond, Virginia. See WRVA - 330 for related sound recordings.
- (WRVA - 201)
Esso Reporter: WRVA 30th Anniversary Special, 27 October 19551 compact disc. Duration: 24 min., 10 sec.
News program, 27 October 1955, broadcast in conjunction with WRVA's 30th anniversary. Featured are sound clips of world, national, and local news from the past 30 years, and information on WRVA staff participation in World War II, as well as the station's news broadcasting history and early beginnings.
- (WRVA - 569)
Exchange Club Charity Baseball Game Promotion, [August 1956]1 compact disc. Duration: 1 min., 17 sec.
This short recording consists of a promotion for a charity baseball game between the Richmond firemen and policemen, which took place 5 August 1956, at Parker Field. The game was sponsored by the Richmond Exchange Club to raise money to fight juvenile delinquency in Richmond.
- (WRVA - 546)
Excerpts From Testimonial to Senator Harry F. Byrd, 2 April 19631 compact disc. Duration: 13 min., 20 sec.
Recording of excerpts of the testimonial dinner for Senator Harry F. Byrd, Sr., including speeches by Bernard M. Baruch, Virginius Dabney, Mike Mansfield, Everett M. Dirksen, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and Harry F. Byrd, Sr.
- (WRVA - 58)
Farm and Home News, 13 November 19471 compact disc. Duration: 10 min., 11 sec.
An unnamed host interviews Mr. Howard S. Zeigler, from Rockingham County, recently elected president of the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation; and Mr. H. G. Blalock, new vice president of Virginia Farm Bureau Federation from Mecklenburg County. The interview provides background information on Zeigler's and Blalock's interest and involvement in the Farm Bureau, which had a membership of nearly 22,000 at the time, and other related agricultural organizations. Recording is made during the time of the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation's 22nd Annual convention, which was held in Richmond, Virginia. Zeigler and Blalock discuss the recent convention and who spoke at the banquet. Twenty-two resolutions were presented and adopted at the morning session, including one regarding using the Marshall Plan for sending food abroad. The membership also passed a resolution for the adoption of a sales tax in Virginia as a last resort to raise funds for schools and health care.
- (WRVA - 202)
Farm Markets Report: WRVA's 30th Anniversary Special, 2 November 19551 compact disc. Duration: 12 min., 50 sec.
This program was broadcast in conjunction with WRVA's 30th anniversary and features agricultural reports and prices for grains, vegetables, livestock, poultry, eggs, and other products in different national and state markets. The reports are read by individuals who have hosted the program during the past 30 years, including Mr. and Mrs. Earle V. Coville.
- (WRVA - 233)
Federal Office Building Dedication, Richmond, Virginia, 21 March 19621 compact disc. Duration: 34 min., 17 sec.
Dedication ceremonies, 21 March 1962, of the federal office building in Richmond, Virginia. The recording begins with reading of names, by an unknown individual, of dignitaries in attendance. Following are remarks by Carl Wallace of the General Services Administration, who also presents a plaque to the mayor of Richmond. Also included are remarks by Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Mortimer M. Caplan, Governor Albertis S. Harrison, U.S. Congressman J. Vaughan Gary, and Secretary of the Treasury C. Douglas Dillon.
- (WRVA - 225)
Freeman, Douglas Southall, Address at Dedication of McLean House, Appomattox Court House, 16 April 19501 compact disc. Duration: 15 min., 40 sec.
Excerpts of a speech delivered by Douglas Southall Freeman at the dedication of the McLean House at Appomattox Court House on 16 April 1950. The segment is introduced by Jack Clements.
- (WRVA - 302)
Freeman, Douglas Southall, On Jefferson Davis, [25 June 1952]1 compact disc. Duration: 27 min., 51 sec.
This is a recording of historian Douglas Southall Freeman providing a historical sketch of Jefferson Davis, discussing his motivations and beliefs toward secession, the Constitution, slavery and his leadership skills. This speech appears to take place in the Virginia State Capitol building in Richmond, Virginia, at the unveiling of the bust of Jefferson Davis on 25 June 1952, an event for which Douglas Southall Freeman gave the keynote address.
- (WRVA - 330)
Freeman, Douglas Southall, Pleasant Larus Reed Tribute, 19 April 19511 compact disc. Duration: 1 min., 10 sec.
Douglas Southall Freeman, historian and editor of the Richmond News-Leader, comments on the death of Pleasant Larus Reed, owner and former president of Larus and Brother Company, a tobacco manufacturing company in Richmond, Virginia. Reed died on 13 April 1951. See WRVA - 330A for related sound recordings.
- (WRVA - 571)
Freeman, Douglas Southall, Tribute to Charles Reed, 1 February 19521 compact disc. Duration: 1 min., 58 sec.
This recording is a short tribute to Charles L. Reed, vice-president of local tobacco manufacturer, Larus and Brother Company. Douglas Southall Freeman remarks on his dedication and devotion to the city of Richmond, even in times when many disagreed with him.
- (WRVA - 70)
Freemason Street Baptist Church Service, 23 May 19481 compact disc. Duration: 1 hr., 2 min., 3 sec.
Recording from the Norfolk-based Freemason Street Baptist Church on 23 May 1948. This particular sermon, "The Everlasting Gospel," was delivered by Dr. John Henry Day of Baltimore, during the centennial services in celebration of the Freemason Street Baptist Church's 100th anniversary. WRVA broadcast the sermons from the Freemason Street Baptist Church, normally delivered by the Reverend Sparks W. Melton, D.D., during the entire month of May in 1948, on Sundays from 11 a.m. to noon.
- (WRVA - 21)
Freemason Street Baptist Church Easter Service, 9 April 19501 compact disc. Duration: 49 min., 34 sec.
WRVA Sunday morning church service. Easter service, 9 April 1950, at Freemason Street Baptist Church in Norfolk, Virginia. Includes a sermon from Reverend Sparks W. Melton, pastor at the church from 1908 to 1952, entitled "Life and Immortality."
- (WRVA - 353-354)
Freemason Street Baptist Church Palm Sunday Service, 29 March 19532 compact discs. Duration: 1 hr., 56 min., 21 sec.
Includes two recordings of the Palm Sunday Service, 29 March 1953, at Freemason Street Baptist Church in Norfolk, Virginia. Includes Dr. Sparks W. Melton delivering a sermon entitled, "And Jesus Wept." WRVA - 353 (62:12) was the recording of the church service. WRVA - 354 (54:09) was the recording made for broadcast.
- (WRVA - 322)
Gaines, Francis P., The Message of Robert E. Lee to 1957, 19 January 19571 compact disc. Duration: 17 min., 23 sec.
Founder's Day Address, 19 January 1957, of Dr. Francis P. Gaines, president of Washington and Lee University, entitled "The Message of Robert E. Lee to 1957." In the speech, Pendleton describes the virtues of George Washington and Robert E. Lee, calls for people to imitate Washington and Lee and take responsibility for their actions. Recording ends with choir music singing songs of the South. This recording is track 2 on WRVA - 322.
- (WRVA - 199)
Galen Drake Show, 10 November 19551 compact disc. Duration: 40 min., 1 sec.
Drake talks about his recent trip to Richmond to take part in the 30th anniversary celebration for WRVA. He discusses the flight down, hospitality of Richmonders, tourist sights, including the Washington Statue in Capitol Square, the trip back to New York on the train, and other stories about his visit. Drake also interviews an amateur writer of cookbooks and restaurant reviews from New York City who discusses restaurant etiquette and tipping. There are also interviews with servicemen in the audience, and birthdays in the audience are also noted. The show's band performs various songs, including "You Make Me Feel So Young," "A Woman in Love" from Guys and Dolls , "Breezing Along," "Forgive My Heart, Forgive Me," "Way Back Home," "Love and Marriage" from Our Town, and "Kentucky."
- (WRVA - 453-455)
Gary, J. Vaughan, Your Congressman Reports, 1947-19643 compact discs. Duration: 59 min., 31 sec.
Recordings of six programs (17 April 1947, 6 June 1947, 4 February 1949, 19 January 1951, 29 June 1951, [March] 1953, 22 August 1964) of Congressman J. Vaughan Gary's "Your Congressman Reports", a weekly report on the activities of the United States Congress to the listeners of Virginia's Third Congressional District. These programs include information on legislation involving labor, civil rights, taxes, appropriations, urban renewal, trade, and banking. Gary also discusses Winston Churchill's address to a joint session of Congress, the Korean War, the Douglas MacArthur hearings, the death of Josef Stalin, the United Nations, and the United States Supreme Court's decision on the apportionment of state legislatures. "Your Congressman Reports" aired on WRVA from 18 January 1947 to 1964.
- (WRVA - 34)
General Eisenhower in Richmond, 26 September 19521 compact disc. Duration: 16 min., 8 sec.
Contains a speech of Dwight Eisenhower, Republican candidate for president, in Richmond, under the auspices of the Virginia Democrats for Eisenhower. He praises Harry F. Byrd, Sr., and criticizes the New Deal, the Fair Deal, and the Democratic party's abandonment of Jeffersonian principles. Also includes an opening statement from Republican State Senator Ted Dalton. Part 2 is missing. Transcribed text of speech is available in the Richmond Times-Dispatch , 27 September 1952, p. 7.
- (WRVA - 222)
George P. Coleman Memorial Bridge Dedication, 7 May 19521 compact disc. Duration: 27 min., 21 sec.
Highlights from the dedication of the George P. Coleman Memorial Bridge on 7 May 1952. Includes the invocation, music by the Hampton Institute Choir, and remarks by Virginia highway commissioner James A. Anderson and Virginia Supreme Court Justice C. Vernon Spratley. Spratley discusses Coleman's career and personal character. Mrs. George Coleman is introduced, and Coleman's granddaughter unveils a bronze marker. Music is provided by the Norfolk Navy Base Band. Virginia Governor John S. Battle also makes remarks at the official ribbon cutting.
- (WRVA - 165)
George Passage News, 2 June 19491 compact disc. Duration: 7 min., 45 sec.
Features a segment on the discovery of a bottle of uranium 235 that had been missing from a Chicago atomic laboratory. Passage also pays tribute to the lately deceased, Alfred L. Gray, Jr., a WRVA radio engineer.
- (WRVA - 517)
George Passage News, 28 June 19491 compact disc. Duration: 4 min., 38 sec.
Features stories on the amendment offered by U.S. Senator Robert Taft to a Truman administration labor bill, as well as various other amendments to the legislation on national emergency strikes that was pending in Congress which was part of the Truman administration's effort to repeal the Taft-Hartley Act. There is also a commercial spot for the Old Dominion Barn Dance.
- (WRVA - 164)
George Passage News, 19501 compact disc. Duration: 8 min., 17 sec.
The exact date is unknown. Features reports on Secretary of State Dean Acheson's comments at a conference in White Sulphur Springs, on State Department worker loyalty, a segment on the Schuman Plan as the basis for the European Coal and Steel Community being established, and finally Europe's views on the efforts of Britain and Russia to keep Germany permanently divided. There is also a commercial spot for Domino cigarettes, and a segment by Amos and Andy congratulating WRVA on its 25th anniversary.
- (WRVA - 163)
George Passage News, 12 June 19511 compact disc. Duration: 9 min., 8 sec.
Features interviews with students and a teacher from William Fox Elementary School discussing their humanitarian efforts in sending CARE packages to India. Views on the Korean conflict by the Soviet Union's representative to the United Nations are also covered in another segment.
- (WRVA - 27-28)
George Passage News, 30 July 19532 compact discs. Duration: 1 hr., 30 min., 43 sec.
Contains six recordings of essentially the same news broadcast of George Passage on WRVA. The most complete of the recordings are parts 4 and 5. The news broadcast covers the Korean War peace talks and truce, a polio inoculation clinic in Bristol, Virginia, after the outbreak of several polio cases in the area, the weather, economic help for Virginia's farmers, local, state, and national news, and the love story of Antonio and Nunzia of Naples, Italy, a true modern day Romeo and Juliet. Jim Thomas reports from the scene at the polio clinic in Bristol.
- (WRVA - 162)
George Passage News1 compact disc. Duration: 3 min., 33 sec.
Undated segment of George Passage News, featuring a report on the fighting in Korea between Chinese and United Nations troops.
- (WRVA - 399)
Godwin, Mills E., Address to the Virginia General Assembly, 17 January 19661 compact disc. Duration: 51 min., 3 sec.
Recording of Governor Mills E. Godwin, Jr.'s, address to a joint session of the Virginia General Assembly, 17 January 1966. Godwin praises the administration of Governor Harrison and concurs with Harrison's budget recommendations. He supports the adoption of a general sales tax to meet the future needs of all Virginians and considers it the most important issue facing the General Assembly. He outlines his legislative recommendations, including plans to increase educational spending, such as raise teacher salaries, establish a system of community colleges, and improve funding for higher education. WRVA news staff recap and discuss the major points of Godwin's speech. This address is tracks 1-3 on WRVA - 399.
- (WRVA - 399)
Godwin, Mills E., Inaugural Address, 15 January 19661 compact disc. Duration: 13 min., 48 sec.
Recording of the inaugural address of Governor Mills E. Godwin, Jr., 15 January 1966. This recording is track 4 on WRVA - 399.
- (WRVA - 423)
The Godwin Years: Four Years of Change1 compact disc. Duration: 30 min., 13 sec.
This program documents Mills E. Godwin's term as Governor of Virginia. The date of the recording is not known. Includes biographical information, clips from his State of the Commonwealth addresses, comments by family and associates, and legislative highlights during his term. Narrated by John Harding.
- (WRVA - 120)
Goodwin, Frederick D. and Miller, Minor C. Statements on the Virginia Council of Churches, 22 September 19491 compact disc. Duration: 7 min., 22 sec.
Statements, 22 September 1949, by Bishop Frederick D. Goodwin (1888-1968) and Reverend Minor C. Miller (1889-1968) concerning the Virginia Council of Churches. They discuss the organization of the Council, the cooperation, needs, common faiths, and unity of the various Protestant denominations, the outlook for cooperative church work, as well as responsibilities, planning, and efforts being undertaken by the Council.
- (WRVA - 151)
Gosden, Freeman, Interview, 21 June 19501 compact disc. Duration: 15 min., 6 sec.
C. T. Lucy, general manager of WRVA radio, interviews Freeman Gosden, Amos of Amos 'n' Andy. Gosden is back in his hometown of Richmond, Virginia, in search of a real kingfish for the television version of Amos 'n' Andy. He discusses his reasons for entering show business, how he got into radio, and the history of Amos 'n' Andy. He also describes who he is looking for to play Kingfish.
- (WRVA - 512)
Grace Street Apartment Eviction Report1 compact disc. Duration: 5 min., 50 sec.
Jack Clements reports on the eviction of eleven people from their apartments located at 1031 E. Grace Street in Richmond. The date of the recording is not known. The eviction, which occurred one week before Christmas, was due to the landlady not paying money due the owner of the property from rents she received from the tenants.
- (WRVA - 385)
Green Christmas for the Crippled Children's Hospital, [December 1958]1 compact disc. Duration: 8 min., 52 sec.
Ray Kennedy, WRVA news broadcaster, reports in December 1958 from the auditorium of the Crippled Children's Hospital of Virginia as an appeal for donations for the hospital. Kennedy talks with Alden Aaroe and Carl Stutz, WRVA radio broadcasters, on their fundraising efforts. Also, the following people express their thanks to the contributors and WRVA for their support: Tom Gordon, chairman of the hospital's board of directors; Mrs. Edward Gunst, president of the hospital's board of managers; Karleen Ingersoll, the hospital's chief administrator; and Mabel H. Erdman, the hospital's director of public relations.
- (WRVA - 417)
Groundbreaking Ceremonies for New WRVA Studios, Church Hill, 22 June 19671 compact disc. Duration: 18 min., 3 sec.
Coverage, 22 June 1967, of the groundbreaking ceremonies for the new WRVA studios in the Church Hill district of Richmond. Includes comments by Dr. Bruce English of the Historic Richmond Foundation, W. Brooks George of Larus and Brother Company, and C. T. Lucy, general manager of WRVA.
- (WRVA - 191-192)
Haddock, Edward E., Speech Before the Sportsmen's Club, Richmond, 25 November 19542 compact discs. Duration: 1 hr., 12 min., 33 sec.
Speech, 25 November 1954, by former Richmond mayor Edward E. Haddock (1912-1996) before the Sportsmen's Club concerning his participation in bringing AAA franchise baseball to the city. Haddock discusses the history of the team's acquisition by the city, dealings with the promoter, the development of Parker Field, fundraising by Greater Richmond Civic Recreation (GRCR), resulting difficulties with the franchise's owner Harry C. Seibold (1901-1960), and the chances of the team leaving Richmond. There is a question and answer session at the end of the speech, also attended by Andrew Welsh, president of GRCR.
- (WRVA - 9)
Happy Valley Girls, 6 August 19421 compact disc. Duration: 30 min., 37 sec.
Recording of The Happy Valley Girls radio program. Songs performed were "It's Homecoming Time in the Happy Valley," "Prisoner's Dream," "I'm Crying Myself to Sleep," "Clinch Mountain Home," "Little Liza Jane," "Ridin' Down that Texas Trail," "The Last Letter," "Prisoner at the Bar," and "Let the Lower Lights Be Burning." Performers include Ramona Riggins, Smoky Mountain Sweetheart Jane Allen, and Sunshine Sue (Mary Higdon Workman). Program sponsored by the North American Accident Insurance Company of Chicago.
- (WRVA - 553)
Harding Interviews Titanic Survivor Albert Caldwell of Richmond, 10 April 19751 compact disc. Duration: 7 min., 15 sec.
Albert Caldwell (1885-1977) recounts his experiences on the Titanic to John Harding, WRVA news director.
- (WRVA - 532)
Harrison, Albertis S., Attorney General Harrison on Running for Governor, 19611 compact disc. Duration: 1 min., 27 sec.
Albertis S. Harrison discusses his feelings on being elected Governor of Virginia. He considers becoming Governor the highest honor that can be accorded any Virginian and serving, a responsibility second to none.
- (WRVA - 236)
Harrison, Albertis S., Interviews and Victory Speech, 7 November 19611 compact disc. Duration: 9 min., 21 sec.
Interviews and victory speech, 7 November 1961, with Albertis S. Harrison, prior to and after his election as Governor of Virginia.
- (WRVA - 580)
Harrison, Albertis S., On Education and Tourism, [ca. 1961]1 compact disc. Duration: 7 min., 18 sec.
This recording consists of Albertis S. Harrison promoting his ideas regarding education and tourism in Virginia. There are also two versions of an unidentified song during approximately the last four minutes of the recording.
- (WRVA - 226)
Harrison, Albertis S., Speech Announcing His Candidacy for Governor, Lawrenceville, 14 January 19611 compact disc. Duration: 22 min., 20 sec.
Speech, 14 January 1961, by Albertis S. Harrison (1907-1995) at a banquet held at Brunswick High School following the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Farmers and Merchants Bank of Lawrenceville. At the event, Harrison announces his candidacy for governor. He discusses the state's agricultural outlook, problems in Virginia's large cities, his views on segregation and racial issues, fiscal and tax policies, and the state budget.
- (WRVA - 411)
Harrison, Albertis S., State of the Commonwealth Address, 15 January 19621 compact disc. Duration: 1 hr., 3 min., 3 sec.
State of the Commonwealth address, 15 January 1962, by Governor Albertis S. Harrison before the Virginia General Assembly. Topics covered include his budget proposals and recommendations, tax reform, education and the improvement of pubic schools, and highway and traffic issues.
- (WRVA - 380)
Harrison, 11 July 19611 compact disc. Duration: 4 min., 5 sec.
Recording of a broadcast from the campaign headquarters of Albertis S. Harrison. Harrison comments on receiving the Democratic nomination for governor and answers several questions from Jack Clements, WRVA news editor. He thanks his staff, supporters, and running mates (Mills E. Godwin, Jr. and Robert Y. Button), and praises the ticket's opponents (A.E.S. Stephens, Armistead L. Boothe, and T. Munford Boyd). This recording runs from 0:25 to 4:30 and is on the same track as the concession statement of A.E.S. Stephens.
- (WRVA - 531)
Harry Monroe Election Commentary (Tongue In Cheek), 8 January 19561 compact disc. Duration: 10 min., 22 sec.
Harry Monroe, WRVA broadcaster, reports on the beating of a woman in St. Benedict's Church, a state trooper shooting and killing a former boxer, a Bedford County farmer killing two men in a dispute after a night of drinking, and Governor J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., briefing newsmen on his proposed budget. Monroe also delivers a tongue in cheek commentary on election reporting, reports on the "silent record movement" and the creation of the "Hush Label" at the University of Detroit, and explains methods to deal with tension. This broadcast includes commercials for Richbrau Brewing Company.
- (WRVA - 554)
Hewlett, Bertha, Interview: WRVA 50th Anniversary Material1 compact disc. Duration: 34 min., 38 sec.
Track 1 contains sound clips of every president from Calvin Coolidge to Lyndon Baines Johnson taking the oath of office. Track 2 contains the interview with Bertha Hewlett, who discusses her involvement with WRVA since 1925. She describes opening night and expresses her pleasure in being involved with WRVA from the beginning and being able to witness every change and development with the station. Additionally, she names early staff members and discusses the Sunshine Hour, the Silver Star Quartet, the Corn Cob Pipe Club, Aunt Sammy, Patsy Garrett, Sunshine Sue (Mary Higdon Workman), and Amos 'n' Andy's visit to WRVA.
- (WRVA - 337A)
Highway Safety Spots: Governor's Highway Safety Committee. Program 8, 19481 compact disc. Duration: 10 min., 10 sec.
Contains short public service announcements encouraging driving safely, focusing on drinking and driving, teenage drivers, road rage, speeding and traffic violations, and paying attention and not doing anything else when driving.
- (WRVA - 348)
Hits of 1925, Part 21 compact disc. Duration: 2 min., 37 sec.
Recording of the song "Don't Bring Lulu." Part 1 is missing.
- (WRVA - 153)
Holiday Cigarette Commercials1 compact disc. Duration: 3 min., 30 sec.
Contains recordings of Holiday cigarette commercials. Larus and Brother Company, a tobacco manufacturing company in Richmond, Virginia and the first owners of WRVA Radio, produced Holiday cigarettes.
- (WRVA - 440)
Holiday for Music, 25 August 19571 compact disc. Duration: 25 min., 5 sec.
Broadcast on 25 August 1957 and hosted by Bob Smith, this program features musical performances by the Holiday Glee Club, Silver Strings, and others. There are also commercial spots for Holiday cigarettes.
- (WRVA - 465-475)
Holland R. Wilkinson, 1939-195411 compact discs. Duration: 5 hrs., 50 min., 21 sec.
Includes recordings of programs featuring Holland R. Wilkinson (1893-1954), including "The Sunshine Hour," "The Book of Memories," and "Our Scrapbook." These programs include the singing of hymnals, secular songs, and gospel music, and the spreading of messages of inspiration and hope. Holland R. Wilkinson, also known as the singing evangelist and the "Sunshine Man", hosted these programs, assisted by Bertha Hewlett on the organ and Bob Beadles on the piano. The Sunshine Hour was first broadcast on WRVA on 28 March 1927 and aired until 1954. WRVA - 467 includes an endorsement of the Sunshine Hour by a devoted listener, the Reverend James U. "Jimmy" Edwards of Matoaco, Virginia. Reverend Edwards, an invalid for twenty-three years, tells from his bedside the importance of the Sunshine Hour to shut-ins. WRVA - 469-470 includes Sunshine Hour chimes. WRVA - 474 includes the last recorded program of the Sunshine Hour and the Sunshine Hour Memorial Program. The last Sunshine Hour was recorded before Holland R. Wilkinson's death but broadcast the day after. The Memorial program, produced by WRVA in tribute to Holland R. Wilkinson, who died on 11 December 1954, includes tributes from C. T. Lucy, Bertha Hewlett, Bob Beadles, Sam Carey, Ruby Raabe, and Walter Bishop, and recordings of Wilkinson singing listeners' favorite psalms. WRVA - 475 contains recordings of the music used in the Memorial program.
- (WRVA - 514)
Home for Christmas by Ray Turner, 21 December 19651 compact disc. Duration: 6 min., 33 sec.
Recording of a fictional story told by Ray Turner of WRVA, broadcast on 21 December 1965. The story concerns the importance of being home during the holidays, and a traveling salesman's repeated failures to do so before his untimely death.
- (WRVA - 424)
Horse Racing Coverage from Bowie Racetrack, Bowie, Maryland1 compact disc. Duration: 29 min, 34 sec.
Coverage of horse racing by Joe Kelly at the Bowie Racetrack in Bowie, Maryland. The date of the recording is unknown.
- (WRVA - 424-425)
Howard Bloom Reports, February-March, 19672 compact discs. Duration: 44 min., 52 sec.
Contains different segments broadcast during the period of February and March, 1967. Howard Bloom (1943-1974) of WRVA reports on various accidents in Richmond, including a fire at the Church Hill Auto Paint Shop on 6 February 1967, the rescue of two men stranded in the James River on 11 March 1967, a fire at the Goldman Paper Stock Company on 15 March 1967, and a fire at the Richmond Tomato Repacking Company on 30 March 1967.
- (WRVA - 422)
Hurricane Camille Flood Damage Coverage, August 19691 compact disc. Duration: 12 min., 10 sec.
Coverage of the damage caused throughout Virginia by floodwaters as a result of Hurricane Camille in August 1969. A majority of the coverage concerns the impending flooding of the James River in downtown Richmond, and the city's response and plans to deal with the disaster. There are remarks by Governor Mills E. Godwin after touring the state, and there is a report from the Scottsville area. Also included are remarks by rescue workers.
- (WRVA - 224)
Imperial Airlines Crash Coverage, 8 November 19611 compact disc. Duration: 38 min., 20 sec.
Coverage, 8 November 1961, of the crash of an Imperial Airlines jet two miles southeast of Byrd Field in Richmond, Virginia. Jack Clements of WRVA reports from the scene shortly after the crash. Included are eyewitness accounts. Other reports are filed by Harry Monroe, Frank Messer, and Lon Backman. The jet, a Lockheed L-049E Constellation, went down at night in a wooded area, enroute from Newark, New Jersey to Columbia, South Carolina via Baltimore, resulting in the deaths of 77 passengers. There were two survivors.
- (WRVA - 410)
Inauguration of Albertis S. Harrison as Governor of Virginia, 13 January 19621 compact disc. Duration: 30 min., 44 sec.
Coverage of the inauguration of Albertis S. Harrison as Governor of Virginia on 13 January 1962. Jack Clements, Lon Backman, and Harry Monroe report from Capitol Square in Richmond on the pre-inaugural festivities, crowd size, weather conditions, the set-up of the grandstands, dignitaries in attendance, and reminisce about previous inaugurations. The coverage also includes the invocation, the oaths of office administered to the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, and a 21-gun salute.
- (WRVA - 229)
Inauguration of Davis Young Paschall as the Twenty-third President of the College of William and Mary in Virginia, 13 October 19611 compact disc. Duration: 45 min., 49 sec.
Recording of the inauguration of Dr. Davis Young Paschall (1911-2001) as the 23rd President of the College of William and Mary, on 13 October 1961. Includes introduction by James M. Robertson, rector of the Board of Visitors, the taking of the oath by Paschall, remarks by State Superintendent of Instruction Woodrow W. Wilkerson (1913-1986) and U.S. Senator A. Willis Robertson (1887-1971), as well as the inaugural address by Paschall.
- (WRVA - 446-448)
Jack Clements European Tour, 10 July 19583 compact discs. Duration: 2 hr., 7 min., 4 sec.
These are recordings of Jack Clements' broadcasts back to the WRVA studios while participating in an Air Force press tour in the spring of 1958. Clements joined reporters from all over the country as guests of the United States Air Force on tours of Bermuda, the Azores, England, France and Germany, usually visiting air bases. Clements reports on the people, landscape and culture of each place. As this is an Air Force sponsored tour, much of the focus is on the reactions of local citizens to the presence of the American military in their country, or the feelings of Americans living abroad. While in Europe, the interviews address the defense of the various countries against attacks of Soviet aggression, the business of NATO and rebuilding efforts following World War II.
- (WRVA - 449)
Jack Clements News, 9 September 19581 compact disc. Duration: 16 min., 12 sec.
This is a recording of a broadcast of the 8 a.m. news, featuring Jack Clements. The topics include the wait in Charlottesville for a federal judge's decision on the legality of the Charlottesville school officials' refusal to accept applications from thirty black pupils to attend white public schools. Other school integration news includes the judge's decisions on the Warren County situation in regard to desegregation, as well as the situations in Alexandria, Newport News and the city of Richmond. The broadcast also features a report by Clements and Harry Monroe on the Richmond city council's activities and other local news.
- (WRVA - 166)
James River Call, 30 December 19501 compact disc. Duration: 15 min., 3 sec.
Features various choral and orchestral selections, including "Now Thank We All Our God" by The World Choristers, "My Pretty Girl" by Russ Morgan's Orchestra, and "It Was Nice While it Lasted" by the Eddie Howard Orchestra. The host of the show also reads numerous commercial spots for the Willard Tablet Company.
- (WRVA - 581)
James River Flood: VAB Community Service Award, AP Continuing Story, November 19851 compact disc. Duration: 19 min., 45 sec.
Contains sound clips of WRVA news broadcasts covering the flooding of the James River in November 1985.
- (WRVA - 81)
Janssen, Mary Patton, Interview, 6 June 19561 compact disc. Duration: 6 min., 20 sec.
Telephone interview, 6 June 1956, with Mary Patton Janssen, while she was in London competing in the British Women's Amateur Open, conducted by Jack Clements.
- (WRVA - 303)
Jefferson Davis Memorial, [25 June 1952]1 compact disc. Duration: 42 min., 5 sec.
This is a recording of the ceremonies marking the unveiling of the Jefferson Davis bust, held in the Capitol Building in Richmond, Virginia, on 25 June 1952. The bust was a gift of the state of Mississippi, and participants in the ceremony include Virginia Governor John S. Battle and historian Douglas Southall Freeman, who gives the keynote address on the life and legacy of Jefferson Davis.
- (WRVA-304)
Jefferson-Jackson Day, 28 February 19581 compact disc. Duration: 57 min., 18 sec.
This is a recording of the annual Democratic Party fund raising event, known as the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, held at the Hotel John Marshall in Richmond, Virginia, on 28 February 1958. The recording begins with a brief part of a speech in which Harry Flood Byrd discusses his decision to run for re-election to the United States Senate. Byrd is followed by Governor J. Lindsay Almond's long introduction of the main speaker, Herman E. Talmadge, United States Senator from Georgia. The remainder of the recording is of Talmadge's speech, which focuses on praising Virginia's policy of Massive Resistance in response to the Supreme Court's decision of forced integration in the public schools, while criticizing the lack of government spending on the military. He rounds out his speech with criticism of the federal leaders for spending too much money on foreign aid, at the expense of domestic programs at home.
- (WRVA - 547)
Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, [1968]1 compact disc. Duration: 44 min., 32 sec.
Recording of the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner in the Grand Hall of the Hotel John Marshall. Watkins M. Abbitt, chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee and Fourth District Congressman, introduces the keynote speaker, Governor Mills E. Godwin, Jr. The bulk of the recording is Godwin's speech. Godwin praises the current Democrats of Virginia's congressional delegation, retired Senator A. Willis Robertson, retired Congressman Howard W. Smith, and the late Harry F. Byrd, Sr. He outlines the accomplishments of Byrd's gubernatorial term and criticizes the Republican Party's opposition to certain legislation. He fears the splitting of the Democratic Party into its divergent factions more than the power of the Republican Party. He calls for Democrats to make the party's diversity its strength. The first fifteen minutes of this recording is barely audible and primarily contains the voices of WRVA broadcasters preparing for the recording of Governor Godwin's speech.
- (WRVA - 67-68)
Joan Brooks Show, August-September 1948Duration: 1 hr., 29 min., 16 sec.
2 compact discs. This collection consists of three broadcasts of the Joan Brooks Show, a musical variety program, hosted by Sewell Brown and starring John Connelly, Wilson Angel, The Hospitality House Orchestra, and the hostess, "the girl with the voice you won't forget", Joan Brooks. Each program's musical performances were punctuated with witty banter between Joan Brooks and the other performers. The following is a sample of songs performed on the programs: "Funiculi, Funicula"; "It's Only a Paper Moon"; "Somewhere Beyond the Sea"; "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"; "I'm Nobody's Baby"; and "Every Day I Love You(Just a Little Bit More)."
- (WRVA - 486)
Joe Morrissey's Summer of Discontentment, 19931 compact disc. Duration: 43 min., 20 sec.
Recording of an entry by WRVA in the Virginia Association of Broadcasters awards competition for 1993, featuring segments on the controversy surrounding Joe Morrissey, Commonwealth's Attorney for the City of Richmond. Includes stories on the various investigations of Morrissey, his numerous suspensions from office, appeals, and reinstatements, his trial and acquittal on bribery and perjury charges, subsequent ethics violation hearing, and his campaign against opponent David Hicks.
- (WRVA - 298)
Kemp's Konversations: Jamestown Visitors from England, 23 August 19571 compact disc. Duration: 29 min., 47 sec.
This is a recording of the 145th weekly transcription of conversations between representatives of Virginia Business and Professional leaders and Verbon E. Kemp, Executive Director of Virginia State Chamber of Commerce. He is joined by members of the British Parliamentary delegation, who attended a ceremony commemorating the 338th anniversary of the first meeting of the Virginia House of Burgesses at Jamestown in 1619. They discuss the history of the British parliament, as well as variations in and details of British parliamentary procedures. They give impressions of Virginia and the Jamestown Festival. Kemp gives his impressions of post-war England, and his guests talk about their memories and tell stories of the bombings and changes since the war. They discuss the common heritage of Great Britain and the United States.
- (WRVA - 299)
Kemp's Konversations with John S. Battle at Brussel's World Fair, 4 October 19581 compact disc. Duration: 25 min., 2 sec.
This recording is of the 204th conversation between representatives of Virginia business and professional leaders and Verbon E. Kemp, Executive Director of the Virginia State Chamber of Commerce. The occasion is Virginia Day at the 1958 World Fair in Brussels, Belgium. He is joined by the Honorable John S. Battle, former governor and leader of the Virginia party at the World's Fair; Mrs. R. T. Pickett, member of the Roanoke City Council and official representative of the city of Roanoke at the World's Fair; and Mrs. Paul Watkins, editor and publisher of the Hanover County Herald Progress and official representative of the Virginia Press Association. The recording begins with the official Virginia Day ceremonies, held at the United States Pavilion on September 22, 1958, which is followed by a conversation the next day in the studios of the Voice of America, between Kemp and his guests, as they discuss their experiences on the trip over to Europe, their travels through Belgium's countryside, and their visit to the fair.
- (WRVA - 463)
Kemp's Konversations: 6th Anniversary Show for WRVA's 35th Anniversary, 7 November 19601 compact disc. Duration: 25 min.
This program is track 3 on WRVA - 463. On the occasion of WRVA's 35th Anniversary and the 6th Anniversary of Kemp's Konversations, Verbon Kemp, executive director of Virginia State Chamber of Commerce, leads a discussion with Sam Carey, program manager of WRVA-TV, Walter R. Bishop, WRVA public relations director, and John Tansey, WRVA general manager. They discuss WRVA's mobile broadcasting unit, Kemp's Konversations, WRVA's public service activities, the history of WRVA, and the establishment of radio in Virginia. This program is also available as track 1-2 WRVA - 464.
- (WRVA - 376)
Kemp's Konversations: Discussion of Activities and Contributions of the PTA, 14 November 19601 compact disc. Duration: 23 min., 41 sec.
Recording of the WRVA radio program, Kemp's Konversations, hosted by Verbon Kemp, executive director of the Virginia State Chamber of Commerce. In this program, Kemp leads a discussion with Mrs. Aaron Margolis of Santa Fe, New Mexico, of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, Mrs. R. T. Atkinson, president of the Henrico County PTA, and Dr. Edgar Johnson, president of the Virginia Congress of Parents and Teachers. The group discusses the meeting of the Virginia Congress of Parents and Teachers recently held in Richmond and some of the activities of Parent-Teacher organizations.
- (WRVA - 373)
Kennedy in Norfolk, 4 November 19601 compact disc. Duration: 20 min., 20 sec.
Harry Saunders of WTAR Norfolk reports for WRVA on Senator John F. Kennedy's campaign speech at Granby High School in Norfolk. Also includes speeches by Governor J. Lindsay Almond and Congressman Porter Hardy. Almond introduces Kennedy and endorses the Kennedy-Johnson ticket for president. Kennedy criticizes Nixon's statement that the Democratic Party is no longer the party of Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, and Woodrow Wilson. Harry Saunders recaps the highlights of Kennedy's speech, and describes the crowd and their efforts to shake Kennedy's hand.
- (WRVA - 428)
Kepone: A Portrait in Abuse, 31 December 19751 compact disc. Duration: 28 min., 44 sec.
Recording of a documentary detailing the history of the manufacture of kepone (chlordecone), a highly toxic pesticide, by Life Science Products, a subsidiary of Allied Chemical Company, located in Hopewell, Virginia, and the subsequent illness of company employees and pollution of the James River. Includes details of the investigation of the company, interviews with employees, as well as local and state officials, company officials, and state legislators. There is also information on the closing of the James River to commercial fishing by Governor Mills E. Godwin.
- (WRVA - 237)
Launching of the Submarine Robert E. Lee at Newport News, 18 December 19591 compact disc. Duration: 14 min., 38 sec.
Highlights from the launching of the nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine Robert E. Lee at the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company on 18 December 1959. Lon Backman describes the events, including the speakers, music, and the christening ceremonies. There is also an interview with Rear Admiral William F. Raborn, Jr. (1905-1990), director of the Navy's Polaris missile program.
- (WRVA - 10)
Lee Naval Volunteers, 15 July 19421 compact disc. Duration: 15 min., 12 sec.
Recording of a recruiting announcement for the Lee Naval Volunteers, United States Navy. Includes a skit concerning Jason Taylor and his desire to enlist in the Lee Naval Volunteers. While telling his parents of his intentions, Jason's father recounts the story of grandfather's involvement in the Virginia navy during the Civil War and in the battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac. Also includes a message from Ensign J. B. Johnson of the Richmond recruiting district calling for the men of Virginia to enlist in the Lee Naval Volunteer program, and a decree from Governor Colgate W. Darden dedicating July to the Lee Naval Volunteer program. Produced by WRVA Radio in cooperation with the United States Navy.
- (WRVA - 371)
Legislative News, 19 February 19601 compact disc. Duration: 14 min., 38 sec.
Harry Monroe, WRVA news broadcaster, reports on the 1960 Virginia General Assembly and the defeat of the sales tax proposal. Almond responds to the defeat of his sales tax measure. State Senator Harry F. Byrd, Jr., responds to Almond's attack on the opponents of the sales tax. Monroe also reports on legislation to permit the spending of county money to fund private educational institutions in Prince Edward County and news of sit down demonstrations at a downtown Hampton lunch counter by Hampton Institute students. Also includes the Capitol Squirrel commenting on the possibility of a new downtown convention center.
- (WRVA - 313-320)
Legislative Roundup, January-March 19588 compacts discs. Duration: 7 hr., 12 min., 27 sec.
The Legislative Roundup was a daily program covering highlights of the activities of both the Virginia House of Delegates and the Senate during the 1958 session of the General Assembly. Jack Clements hosted the program, with the assistance of Harry Monroe and Frank Wilson. Each program included a run-down of the day's activities provided by the radio announcers, which was interspersed with interviews and commentary from various delegates and senators. Examples of topics covered in some interviews include committee work and legislation involving everything from bills regarding quail season, disciplinary spanking in the classroom and minimum milk prices, to various attempts to either curb or enhance both Virginia's policy of Massive Resistance and Governor Almond's level of executive power in response to the threat of federal troops enforcing the integration of public schools in the Commonwealth.
- (WRVA - 72)
Let's Go to Town, September 19441 compact disc. Duration: 30 min., 2 sec.
This recording provides "A Radio View of Richmond, Virginia," as presented by the Armed Forces Radio Service to all the soldiers overseas and at home. Highlights of the program include a visit to the Westwood Supper Club to hear "Would You Like to Swing on a Star" performed by Pretty Kitty Breeze; Jack Kilpatrick, editor of the Servicemen's News, summarizes news from Richmond from the past year; and the Sunrise Hillbillies from WRNL and Sunshine Sue of WRVA perform "You Are My Sunshine" together. There is also a discussion regarding soldiers returning to civilian work, the Selective Service local board that will help them return to work, and a brief interview with a woman doing war work while her husband is away fighting.
- (WRVA - 8)
Let's Ride Together: Virginia State Highway Advisory Committee. Program 1-2, 15 and 23 July 19421 compact disc. Duration: 31 min. 10 sec.
Recording of two public service announcements from the Virginia State Highway Advisory Committee concerning the importance of car pooling to help save rubber and gas for the war effort. Program 1 includes a brief statement from Governor Colgate W. Darden, information on group riding clubs, a skit promoting group riding clubs and gas and rubber rationing, and music from Sunshine Sue (Mary Higdon Workman) and Her Rangers ("Nellie Bly"), Ramona Riggins ("Mockingbird"), Smoky Mountain Sweetheart Jane Allen ("Ole Chisholm Trail"), and The Rangers ("Ole' Dan Tucker"). Program 2 includes a statement from Major A. B. Curry of the Richmond Air Force Base on the importance of saving tires by riding together to help the air force and the uses of tires in the construction of the B-17, music from Burt Repine's Orchestra ("Melody in F") and Wilson Angel ("Columbia,Gem of the Ocean" and "Home on the Range"), and a skit promoting group riding clubs and gas and rubber rationing. Jack Stone of WRVA Radio produced both programs.
- (WRVA - 575)
Let's Talk Business with Irby Hollans, 9 September 19601 compact disc. Duration: 5 min., 21 sec.
This is a recording of an episode of "Let's Talk Business" hosted by Irby Hollans and sponsored by the Bank of Virginia, submitted for the 1960 UPI Awards. A nightly program that provided local updates on financial happenings in Richmond and Virginia businesses, this specific recording has information on Reynolds Metal, a meeting of Virginia Ford automotive dealers at the Mosque to preview the 1961 Ford models, a Federal Reserve Bank report that says Richmond department store sales are down from the previous year, an advertisement about the merger of Chesterfield Bank and the Bank of Virginia, railroad news from Virginia and around the country, and a calendar of events for various Virginia businesses and associations.
- (WRVA - 5)
Let's Visit a Train Dispatcher, 23 September 19391 compact disc. Duration: 27 min., 56 sec.
Program of a visit to a train dispatcher of the Richmond, Fredericksburg, and Potomac Railroad (RF&P). Broadcast from the east wing of the Broad Street Station in Richmond, Virginia. Includes highlights of the history of RF&P, demonstration of the work of a train dispatcher, detailed description of the job of a train dispatcher, the method by which passenger and freight locomotives are named, and a discussion of the number of train passengers who travel through the Broad Street Station on a typical day. The following employees of RF&P are interviewed: W. A. Aiken, Jr., General Superintendent of RF&P; J. C. Bullock, train dispatcher; J. E. Swift, Assistant to the General Superintendent; and Bernard L. Jones, trainmaster.
- (WRVA - 552)
Linwood Holton Inauguration, 17 January 19701 compact disc. Duration: 44 min., 10 sec.
WRVA reporters, Larry Dodd, Don Murray, and Joe Weeks, report on the inaugural ceremony for governor-elect Linwood Holton. The recording includes Andrew Pickens Miller, J. Sargeant Reynolds, and Linwood Holton taking the oaths of office for attorney-general, lieutenant governor, and governor, respectively, and the inaugural address of Linwood Holton. In his inaugural address, Holton emphasizes bi-partisanship and calls for Virginia to become a model for race relations. This recording also includes an WRVA's reporters providing an analysis of the inaugural address, Joe Weeks speaking with Mel Carico, political correspondent for the Roanoke Times , a description of the inaugural parade, speculation on the possibility of Senator Harry F. Byrd, Jr., becoming a Republican for his upcoming re-election campaign for the United States Senate, and music of the Queen's Guard Band of the College of William and Mary and the Robert E. Lee High School Band of Staunton, Virginia.
- (WRVA - 612-614)
Little Oil Company Fire Coverage, 26 June 19751 compact disc. Duration: 2 hrs., 45 min.
Coverage, 26 June 1975, of the fire at the Little Oil Company in downtown Richmond. The recording consists of WRVA's regularly scheduled programming, including "Open for Opinion" with Larry Dodd, and the "Tim Timberlake Show," but also includes updates on the fire. Alden Aaroe, Walt Williams, and Tim Timberlake report from the scene, with information on the fire and the leaks in two gasoline storage tanks, and the fear that it could spread to three tanks holding fuel oil and kerosene. Many of the updates concern the weather and traffic conditions. The fire was started by lightning the previous evening. A portion of Interstate 95 was closed due to the fire.
- (WRVA - 548-550)
Lucy, C. T., History of WRVA3 compact discs. Duration: 2 hr., 12 min., 9 sec.
Recording of C. T. Lucy, former general manager of WRVA Radio, reading a history of WRVA Radio entitled, "WRVA Richmond, The Voice of Virginia, 'Down Where the South Begins.'" The history traces WRVA's history year by year from 1925 to 1968. It begins with Larus and Brother Company purchasing the largest broadcasting station Western Electric Company makes, and Pleasant Larus Reed, vice-president of Larus and Brother Company assigning Lucy to build and operate the station. It ends with WRVA moving into new offices and studios on Church Hill. A transcript of this broadcast is located in Box 30. This broadcast was recorded for Broadcast Pioneers in 1968.
- (WRVA - 119)
Lucy, Calvin T., Interview, 2 November 19571 compact disc. Duration: 9 min.
Interview, 2 November 1957, with Calvin T. Lucy (1891-1980), vice-president of Larus and Brother Company, conducted by Dick Gillis, on the occasion of WRVA's 32nd anniversary. Lucy, one of the founders of WRVA, discusses his early years with the radio station, and reminisces about the first night's broadcast and the individuals who were involved in it.
- (WRVA - 561)
Lunch with the Girls, 6 March 19581 compact disc. Duration: 12 min., 50 sec.
This program, hosted by Alden Aaroe, features short interviews and talk with members of the Richmond Association of Plumbing and Heating Contractors Women's Auxiliary while having lunch at a local Richmond restaurant. One member of the group discusses their work with Sheltering Arms Hospital. Aaroe also presents an orchid to one of the members, and the group participates in a commercial spot contest.
- (WRVA - 561)
Lunch with the Girls, 17 April 19581 compact disc. Duration: 14 min., 5 sec.
This program, hosted by Alden Aaroe, features short interviews and talk with members of an unidentified local patriotic and religious organization while having lunch at a Richmond restaurant. The members discuss the purpose of their organization and some of the fraternal benefits. Aaroe also presents an orchid to one of the members, and the group participates in a commercial spot contest.
- (WRVA - 403-404)
Meeting on Proposed Merger of Richmond and Henrico County Sponsored by the Richmond Chamber of Commerce, 21 September 19612 compact discs. Duration: 51 min., 53 sec.
Remarks, 21 September 1961, delivered by David J. Mays (1896-1971) and Garland M. Harwood, Jr. (1920-1973), at a meeting on the proposed merger of Richmond and Henrico County, sponsored by the Richmond Chamber of Commerce. Both discuss various issues and implications associated with the proposal, including the proportion of county vs. city voters, who would run the newly formed city if a consolidation took place, population growth in the city vs. the county, taxation and representation issues, court reorganization, and the extension of urban services.
- (WRVA - 403)
Meetings on Proposed Merger of Richmond and Henrico County Held at Richmond City Hall and Douglas Freeman High School, 28 August 19611 compact disc. Duration: 22 min.
Special report, hosted by Lon Backman of WRVA, featuring recorded excerpts from two meetings held on 28 August 1961 to discuss the proposed merger of Richmond and Henrico County. The meetings were held at Richmond City Hall and Douglas Freeman High School in Henrico County. Featured are clips of remarks by various speakers before the Richmond City Council, and questions from the audience and answers from merger negotiators at the meeting in Henrico County.
- (WRVA - 621)
Memorial Service for Senator Robert F. Kennedy, 9 June 19681 compact disc. Duration: 56 min., 16 sec.
Coverage of the memorial service held for Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, held on 9 June 1968, at the State Capitol in Richmond. Includes the main address by Bishop J. Louis Flaherty, remarks by U.S. Senator William B. Spong, Jr., various biblical readings, and musical selections sung by Mrs. Marie Hunter.
- (WRVA - 306-307)
Merchants Cold Storage Explosion, 16-17 January 19582 compact discs. Duration: 1 hr., 30 min., 46 sec.
These discs include recordings of WRVA news reports following an explosion at the Merchants Cold Storage Building, located in Richmond, Virginia, at the corners of 6th and Canal Streets. Jack Clements reports from the WRVA newsroom, and Irby Hollans and Alden Aaroe report from the scene. The northeast corner of the four story building exploded just before 11 a.m., on 16 January 1958, with six to eight men in the building. They report on the smell of ammonia gas, which permeated the area. They discuss the missing and injured men and the work of civil defense, fire, rescue and police. On the scene reports are followed by various updates over the course of the day, recaps, and interviews with citizens on the street. A version of the wrap-up of the explosion edited for CBS radio is included on the second disc.
- (WRVA - 324-325)
Military Church Services at the Marine Post Chapel, Quantico, Virginia, 3 July 19562 compact discs. Duration: 1 hr., 2 min., 25 sec.
Church services broadcast from the Marine Corps Schools Post Chapel in Quantico, Virginia, in cooperation with WRVA and the Quantico Informational Services Office. Navy Chaplain Hugh Embry delivers a sermon entitled, "Mighty to Grasp the Idea." The service ends with part III. Part IV contains organ music.
- (WRVA - 17)
Miller, Battle, Arnold: 1949 Virginia Democratic Gubernatorial Primary, 8 August 19491 compact disc. Duration: 19 min., 39 sec.
WRVA reports on the 1949 Democratic Gubernatorial primary in Virginia. Colonel Francis Pickens Miller speaks about the election results throughout the Commonwealth and his belief that it is still too soon to concede the election to John S. Battle. Later in the broadcast, Miller concedes the election and thanks his supporters. Also includes concession speeches from Remmie L. Arnold of Petersburg and Horace H. Edwards of Richmond. WRVA reporters are George Passage, Alden Aaroe, Bob Knapp, and Bill Maust.
- (WRVA - 418)
Miscellaneous Studio Takes of Introductions by Mills Godwin and Alton Howell1 compact disc. Duration: 18 min., 48 sec.
Miscellaneous studio takes of introductions by Mills E. Godwin and Alton Howell. The dates of the recordings are not known. The recording begins with studio chatter by two unknown individuals. Governor Mills E. Godwin (1914-1999) reads a message welcoming the Rothman World Group, manufacturers of tobacco, to Richmond and to the Commonwealth of Virginia. Alton Howell (1906-1987), director of the Richmond Choral Society, records introductions and spots that identify various choral pieces.
- (WRVA - 187)
Mrs. WRVA Interview with Galen Drake, New York City, 12 November 19551 compact disc. Duration: 4 min., 35 sec.
Interview, 12 November 1955, with Mrs. Opal M. Beverly of Richmond, winner of the Mrs. WRVA contest, by radio show host Galen Drake (1907-1989) in New York City. Beverly discusses the activities she and her husband have been attending on her trip, which she won in the contest. She also presents Drake with a gift of a Smithfield ham.
- (WRVA - 186)
Mrs. WRVA Interview, 14 November 19551 compact disc. Duration: 6 min., 5 sec.
Interview, 14 November 1955, with Mrs. Opal M. Beverly of Richmond, winner of the Mrs. WRVA contest, by Sam Carey of WRVA. Beverly talks about her recent trip to New York City which she won in the contest.
- (WRVA - 193)
Milestones: WRVA's 29th Birthday, 11 November 19541 compact disc. Duration: 29 min., 4 sec.
Includes comments by Calvin T. Lucy (1891-1980) and William T. Reed, Jr. (1904-1966), and information on the beginning of the radio station and its evolution from a non-commercial to a commercial network station. There are also clips from past shows, including the "Maxwell House Hour," "Sunshine Sue," as well as birthday greetings from Amos n Andy and Senator Harry F. Byrd. There is also information on WRVA's coverage of events during World War II, including President Franklin D. Roosevelt's address before Congress, and the station's coverage of Virginia gubernatorial inaugurations. The musical tune "Carry Me Back to Old Virginny" is also played.
- (WRVA - 194)
Music for the Day : WRVA 29th Birthday Special, 11 November 19541 compact disc. Duration: 15 min.
Features musical selections that were popular in 1925, including "Remember," "Yes Sir, That's My Baby," and "Yearning." There is also an interview with Bertha E. Hewlett (1903-1997), WRVA's music librarian and an original employee of the station, on the early history of WRVA and her recollections of the first day of broadcasting.
- (WRVA - 503-505)
NASCAR Race Week Coverage, 8 September 19943 compact discs. Duration: 2 hrs., 49 min., 33 sec.
NASCAR Race Week coverage, 8 September 1994, with Tim Farley, featuring a portion of an interview with legendary stock car driver Dale Earnhardt (1951-2001), as well as an interview with driver Eddie Johnson of Ashland, Virginia. Johnson also responds to listeners' calls. Also included is a segment of "This Week in NASCAR," hosted by Eli Gold, which contains an interview with driver Kenny Wallace, and listeners' calls to Wallace. Farley also interviews Gold, as well as driver Ward Burton.
- (WRVA - 530)
Nathan Thorington, 15 January 19591 compact disc. Duration: 8 min., 36 sec.
Jack Clements, WRVA news director, interviews Nathan Thorington, president of Thorington Construction Company, in his Piper Comanche airplane at ten thousand feet. Includes a discussion of the plane's usefulness in running a construction business, the plane's speed and amenities, and a description of the Richmond area from the air. This program is part of the Sideviews of the News series.
- (WRVA - 154)
Naturalization Ceremonies at Lake Matoaka Ampitheatre, Williamsburg, Virginia, 4 July 19561 compact disc. Duration: 14 min., 55 sec.
Recording of naturalization ceremonies of the Naturalized Citizens of America held at the Lake Matoaka Ampitheatre in Williamsburg, Virginia on 4 July 1956. 112 people became citizens during the ceremony. Includes a speech from a member of the Board of Directors of the Naturalized Citizens of America concerning liberty and the Declaration of Independence, an interview with the president of the Naturalized Citizens of America concerning the organization, and an interview with a person who was naturalized during the ceremony.
- (WRVA - 190)
Navy Jet Crash Coverage, Windsor Farms, Richmond, Virginia, 7 December 19551 compact disc. Duration: 17 min., 40 sec.
Coverage of a crash of a U.S. Navy jet in the Windsor Farms section of Richmond, Virginia on 7 December 1955, with various reports by Alden Aaroe, Herb Clarke, George Passage, and Bill Willis. Included are interviews with eyewitnesses, and information on the pilot, as well as the family of Benjamin Dennis III, whose house was damaged by the crash.
- (WRVA - 578)
NBC Monitor: Salute to Jamestown, 1962 May 131 compact disc. Duration: 6 min., 5 sec.
A recording from the NBC program "Monitor," in which the narrator recounts a brief history of the travels to and settlement of English colonists at Jamestown in 1607. Marking the 355th anniversary of the colonists' arrival, the program also provides dramatic readings from the day, including excerpts from the written narratives of George Percy, early governor of Jamestown, as well as from the popular London play of the day Eastward Ho.
- (WRVA - 489)
News Commentary with Dr. Gregor Ziemer, 6 January 19481 compact disc. Duration: 15 min., 20 sec.
News commentary, 6 January 1948, with Dr. Gregor Ziemer. This was Zeimer's first broadcast after joining the staff of WRVA. Includes his comments on world news headlines, including the breakup of the United Nations peace talks on Korea held in Paris, the invasion of Costa Rica by Nicaragua, China relief aid, Soviet influence in German elections, and the trial of Alger Hiss.
- (WRVA - 430)
News Report Read by John Harding, 29 August 19781 compact disc. Duration: 16 min., 18 sec.
News report, 29 August 1978, read by John Harding including local, state, national, and world news. Much of the broadcast covers the firing of Richmond City Manager William J. Leidinger by the City Council, the selection process for a new manager, and comments by Leidinger, his supporters, and members of City Council on the firing. There are also stories on a rate increase by the Virginia Electric and Power Company (VEPCO) and opposition from the Consumer Congress. National stories include the release of new economic indicators, strength of the U.S. dollar, an update on the National Governors Conference, and Ford safety defects on some of its vehicles. World news includes Kepone chemical waste disposal in Germany, a coup attempt in Nicaragua, and a story on Pope John Paul I. There are also local weather and traffic reports, and a commercial for Miller and Rhoades.
- (WRVA - 392)
Newton C. Minnow of the FCC at the University of Virginia Legal Forum, 8 March 19631 compact disc. Duration: 52 min., 57 sec.
Recording of speech by Newton C. Minnow, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), at the University of Virginia. Minnow discusses government regulatory agencies such as the FCC, the work of the FCC in the broadcasting industry, and service with the federal government. He encourages the students to consider federal service. Also includes a question and answer session after the speech.
- (WRVA - 372)
Nixon in Richmond, 3 October 19601 compact disc. Duration: 55 min., 23 sec.
Jack Clements, Harry Monroe, and Lon Backman, WRVA news broadcasters, cover Richard M. Nixon's campaign visit to Virginia. Includes speeches by Walter S. Robertson, former secretary of state for Far Eastern Affairs in the Eisenhower administration, Richard M. Nixon, and Pat Nixon. In introducing Nixon, Robertson speaks on the accomplishments of the Eisenhower administration and Nixon's role in the administration. Nixon directs his speech towards Democrats, deemphasizes party affiliation, and stresses specific differences between the Democratic and Republican party platforms. Track 2 repeats part of Nixon's speech. The WRVA announcers discuss the speech, describe the crowd, and compare Nixon's visit to an earlier visit by President Eisenhower.
- (WRVA - 124)
Old Dominion Barn Dance, 19 October 19501 compact disc. Duration: 14 min., 58 sec.
Hosted by Cousin Crazy Joe Maphis. Contains Benny Kissinger and Curley Collins singing "I Still Do," Toby Stroud singing "I'll Always Feel the Same," the entire cast singing "Stand up for Jesus," and Grandpa Jones and Ramona singing "Old Camp Meeting Days." Also includes commercials for BC headache powders and tablets, Chase and Sanborn instant coffee, and Ivory snow soap.
- (WRVA - 125)
Old Dominion Barn Dance: Blue Ridge Barbecue, 19 October 19501 compact disc. Duration: 13 min., 54 sec.
Hosted by Curley Collins. Contains Jackie Phelps singing "White House Blues," Curley Collins singing "You're Eyes are Blue, So Blue" or "Blue, Blue Eyes," Grandpa Jones and Ramona singing "Remember Me," and Cousin Crazy Joe Maphis singing "The Cannonball Special." This broadcast also includes a reading of upcoming personal appearances of Old Dominion Barn Dance performers and an advertisement for tickets to the Old Dominion Barn Dance at the WRVA Theater on Saturday nights. Also includes commercials from Galen Drake for Kellogg's All Bran for irregularity and Bel dishwashing liquid.
- (WRVA - 126)
Old Dominion Barn Dance, 23 October 19501 compact disc. Duration: 17 min., 18 sec.
Hosted by Sunshine Sue (Mary Higdon Workman). Contains Grandpa Jones singing "Daisy Dean Old Time," Sunshine Sue singing "Old Wooden Rocker," Toby Stroud singing "I'll Be Around if You Need Me," and fiddle music with no vocals. Also includes commercials for Chase and Sanborn Coffee, Tender Leaf Tea, Pertussin Cough syrup, and Stanback aspirin.
- (WRVA - 127)
Old Dominion Barn Dance, Early Morning Edition, 6 November 19501 compact disc. Duration: 15 min., 10 sec.
Sunshine Sue (Mary Higdon Workman) introduces the host of this early morning edition of the Old Dominion Barn Dance, Cousin Crazy Joe Maphis. Contains Grandpa Jones singing "Jesse James," Cousin Crazy Joe Maphis accompanied by Buster Puffenbarger singing "Pan-American," Quincy Snodgrass performing "Chicken Reel," and Benny Kissinger singing "Crybaby Heart." Also includes a list of upcoming performances by Old Dominion Barn Dance performers.
- (WRVA - 128)
Old Dominion Barn Dance: CBS Playback, 21 May 19531 compact disc. Duration: 20 min., 38 sec.
Hosted by Sunshine Sue (Mary Higdon Workman). Contains Zag Pennell, the Ozark Mountain Boy, singing "I Saw the Light," Sunshine Sue singing "There is No Other Love for Me," and Sonny Day performing "The Lady of Spain" on the accordion. The program ends at 9:51. At 10:13, Sunshine Sue promotes a western on CBS. Also, at 11:02, CBS lists, "on closed circuit," a listing of CBS broadcasts for radio station personnel only, not for public consumption.
- (WRVA - 130)
Old Dominion Barn Dance, ca. 19571 compact disc. 45 min., 56 sec.
Recording of a live broadcast. Contains Sunshine Sue (Mary Higdon Workman) and Her Rangers singing "Marianne," Zag Pennell, the Ozark Mountain Boy, singing "Jump a Foot High on the Last Note," Gene Jenkins performing "Little Brown Jug," Pete Pike singing "I Can See an Angel Walkin'," John Workman and Sunshine Sue singing "If You Will Marry Me," and Jim Wilson singing "I Walk the Line." The first and second track are identical except for All the Ranch Hands performing "Panhandle Rag" on the second track. Kingan Meats sponsored this program.
- (WRVA - 132)
Old Dominion Barn Dance, Niagra Program, 11 June 19531 compact disc. Duration: 4 min., 45 sec.
Hosted by Sunshine Sue (Mary Higdon Workman). Contains Sonny Day performing "Bye Bye Blue" and Sunshine Sue singing "I Saw Jesus." Also includes a commercial for Niagra Instant Laundry Starch.
- (WRVA - 133)
Old Dominion Barn Dance, Karo Corn Products Program, 29 January 19541 compact disc. Duration: 30 min., 16 sec.
Includes two programs both hosted by Sunshine Sue (Mary Higdon Workman). The first program (Track 1) contains Mary Click and Zeb Robinson singing "When the Roses Bloom in Dixieland," Gene Jenkins playing the guitar, Sunshine Sue singing "Maple on the Hill," Mary Click, Zeb Robinson, and Irving Gurganus accompanied by Sonny Day and Gene Jenkins singing "A Love that Has Ended Too Soon." The second program (Track 2) contains Irving Gurganus performing "Darby's Ram," Sonny Day playing the accordion, Sunshine Sue singing "I Dreamed of an Old Affair," Sonny Day and Zeb Robinson singing "With These Pins and Needles in My Heart," and Sunshine Sue singing "Where Could I Go." Also includes commercials for Karo Syrup and Niagra Instant Laundry Starch.
- (WRVA - 405)
Open for Opinion, 30 November 19611 compact disc. Duration: 47 min., 38 sec.
Hosted by Frank Brooks, this listener call-in program features F. Henry Garber III (1910-1979) of Richmond City Council answering questions concerning the proposed merger of Richmond and Henrico County, and explaining why he is opposed to a consolidation.
- (WRVA - 406)
Open for Opinion, 5 December 19611 compact disc. Duration: 47 min., 35 sec.
Hosted by Frank Brooks, this listener call-in program features Robert P. Buford, III, an attorney from Henrico County and member of "Citizens for Merger," answering questions concerning the proposed merger of Richmond and Henrico County, and explaining why he is in favor of a consolidation.
- (WRVA - 240)
Open for Opinion, 5 January 19621 compact disc. Duration: 55 min., 21 sec.
Hosted by Frank Brooks, this listener call-in program features a discussion with Governor J. Lindsay Almond (1898-1966). Listeners calls are also taken. Almond talks about his term as governor, the inaugural address of his successor Albertis S. Harrison, his feelings on leaving office, the state's sales tax, the administration of President John F. Kennedy, his greatest accomplishments and biggest disappointments while serving as governor, issues relating to Virginia's ports, public education, Richmond's traffic congestion, factory automation, states' rights, taxes, the Virginia National Guard, the Governor's Mansion, pardons and release of prisoners, the two party system of government, the local option issue, alcohol legislation, Catholic schools, crime and sentencing guidelines, and the exodus of African-Americans from the South. He also discusses his future plans after leaving office.
- (WRVA - 100)
Owsley, Alvin Mansfield. Address Before the American Legion State Convention in Richmond, 3 August 19571 compact disc. Duration: 39 min., 17 sec.
Address, 3 August 1957, by Alvin M. Owsley (1888-1967) before the American Legion State Convention in Richmond, Virginia. Topics include the importance of the youth in America to carry on the traditions of the Legion, why the United States failed in Korea, his visit to the Virginia War Memorial, states' rights, debates in the U.S. Congress on the trial by jury bill and immigration law, and the need to defeat Communism.
- (WRVA - 219)
Panel Discussions on a Proposed Expressway, 19511 compact disc. Duration: 49 min., 56 sec.
Panel discussions, 26 October 1951, on the proposed referendum to build an expressway in the city of Richmond. The panelists are in favor of the referendum, and the spots are paid for by "Citizens for Traffic Relief." Issues discussed include the need for a modern freeway, traffic problems in Richmond, congestion, safety issues, property values, taxes, the idea of building a bypass rather than a freeway, alternatives, costs, and the use of federal and state funds for its construction. There are also comments on the referendum's approval roughly a week later, the obstacles that were overcome, and opposition to the plan by various individuals and groups. The recording ends with studio chatter, weather, programming schedule, The Ambassadors' recording of "Yearning," and fashion tips.
- (WRVA - 74)
People You Know Miller and Rhoads Audition, 23 February 19441 compact disc. Duration: 11 min., 10 sec.
This is an incomplete transcription of the quiz program People You Know, as recorded in the Virginia Room at the Hotel John Marshall. Quiz participants are Rotarians. It is not clear from the recording what the program had to do with Miller and Rhoads.
- (WRVA - 601)
The Peter Babalas Affair: Censure of Norfolk State Senator Peter Babalas, 19861 compact disc. Duration: 14 min., 30 sec.
Recording of WRVA's entry in the 1986 Virginia Association of Broadcasters news awards competition for best continuing story. The broadcast documents the conflict of interests allegations against State Senator Peter K. Babalas (1922-1987) concerning his vote against legislation that involved Landbank Equity Corporation, one of his private law firm clients. Included are stories on the opinions of the Senate Ethics Advisory Panel and the state attorney general, legislative proposals on conflict of interests by the Virginia General Assembly, Babalas' trial and acquittal, and his eventual censure by the State Senate.
- (WRVA - 135)
Poage Concedes to Gary, 2 November 19481 compact disc. Duration: 1 min., 11 sec.
Recording of the broadcast of the concession speech of Richard C. Poage, Republican candidate for the Third Congressional district in Virginia in 1948. Poage concedes the election to his Democratic opponent, J. Vaughan Gary, and hopes that his campaign furthered two-party politics in Virginia.
- (WRVA - 518)
Pocahontas Fuel Company Mine Explosion Report, 27 October 19581 compact disc. Duration: 2 min., 2 sec.
Report, 27 October, 1958, on a methane gas explosion at a mine in Bishop, West Virginia operated by the Pocahontas Fuel Company. The explosion resulted in the deaths of 22 workers, and occurred underground almost directly under the Virginia/West Virginia state line.
- (WRVA - 479)
Portrait to Lieutenant Governor Collins, 15 February 19541 compact disc. Duration: 3 min., 5 sec.
State Senator Ted Dalton speaks at the unveiling of the portrait of Lieutenant Governor L. Preston "Pat" Collins (1896-1952) in the Virginia State Senate on 15 February 1954. Dalton calls Collins' death on 20 September 1952 a loss for both parties.
- (WRVA - 335)
President Eisenhower Places Wreath on Mary Washington's Grave, 9 May 19541 compact disc. Duration: 30 min., 51 sec.
Recording of the broadcast of the ceremony surrounding President Eisenhower's placing of a wreath on Mary Washington's grave on Mother's Day, 9 May 1954. Includes music from the United States Marine Corps Band of Quantico, Virginia and the Fredericksburg Civic Choir, speeches from Gertrude S. Carraway (1896-1993) and Frances Mason Williams, and brief words from President Eisenhower. Carraway delivered a speech entitled "George Washington's Greatest Inspiration," his mother, Mary Ball Washington. Williams speaks on the history of the Mary Washington Memorial. Eisenhower states how honored he is to have the privilege of paying tribute to Mary Washington and praises George Washington's character. Don Vest reported for WRVA.
- (WRVA - 334)
President Eisenhower's Visit to Richmond, 9 May 19541 compact disc. Duration: 30 min., 37 sec.
Recording of President Eisenhower's visit to Richmond on Mother's Day, 9 May 1954. George Passage, Herb Clarke, and Harry Monroe of WRVA News report on Eisenhower's visit from his arrival at Byrd Airport to his attendance at Mother's Day services at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Includes a discussion of the anniversary of the Richmond Light Infantry Blues, a listing of other militia units in Richmond to celebrate the anniversary, and a description of the history and interior of St. Paul's Episcopal Church.
- (WRVA - 7)
Price, James H., Speech, 22 November 19401 compact disc. Duration: 15 min., 6 sec.
Recording of speech of Governor James H. Price on 22 November 1940 in Staunton, Virginia. Price outlines his legislative plan for changing the administrative structure of state government, probation and parole, the deplorable conditions of local jails, elimination of the fee system, the establishment of a modern personnel system, road building, passage of workers' compensation law, electoral reforms, repeal of the poll tax, increased teachers' salaries, and improved funding for schools. Recording is incomplete.
- (WRVA - 3)
Program of the Dedication of WRVA's New 50,000 Watt Transmitter, 17 March 19391 compact disc. Duration: 32 min., 31 sec.
Broadcast of the dedication of WRVA's new 50,00 watt transmitter on 17 March 1939. Program included music, congratulatory words from WRVA's national affiliate, CBS, Governor James H. Price, and Senator Harry F. Byrd, information on the establishment of WRVA, highlights of WRVA's broadcasting history, and a description of the new transmitter from its site on the James River in eastern Henrico County, Virginia. Produced by CBS, the program goes back and forth between New York and Richmond.
- (WRVA - 361-362)
Puller, Chesty, Speech, 24 July 19591 compact disc. Duration: 1 hr., 7 min., 36 sec.
Speech, 24 July 1959, of Chesty Puller, retired Marine Lieutenant General. Puller expresses his opinions on a variety of subjects including American diplomacy, the military preparedness of the United States, and increased taxation. The recordings should be listened to in the following order: WRVA - 361, track 1 (side I); WRVA - 362, track 2 (side IV); WRVA - 361, track 3 (side III); and WRVA - 361, track 2 (side II).
- (WRVA - 297)
Queen Elizabeth, Williamsburg, Virginia, 16 October 19571 compact disc. Duration: 13 min., 12 sec.
Jack Clements reports on the visit of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip to the College of William and Mary during their tour of Tidewater Virginia, during the 350th anniversary celebration of the founding of Jamestown. From the balcony of the campus' Christopher Wren Building, the Queen and Prince appear and are welcomed by James M. Robertson, Rector of the Board of Visitors of the College of William and Mary. He comments on the historic relationship between the British Royal Crown and education in Virginia, beginning with the chartering of the college in 1693, and notes this is the first visit to the college by a reigning monarch of Great Britain. The Queen presents a gift of a copy of the Statute of the Order of the Garter, presented to Prince William, Duke of Gloucester, nephew of King William, three years after the founding of the College. Prince Philip is greeted by Alvin Duke Chandler, President of the College of William and Mary, and the two exchange gifts between the College and the University of Edinburgh, the alma mater of the College's first president, the Reverend James Blair.
- (WRVA - 223)
Quiz of Two Cities, 17 April 19481 compact disc. Duration: 30 min., 52 sec.
Recorded on 17 April 1948 in Richmond and Norfolk, this quiz show features employees of the Virginia Transit Company in both cities answering questions in various categories. Art Richardson is the announcer. Alden Aaroe is the host in Richmond, and Ira Hull hosts from Norfolk.
- (WRVA - 223)
Quiz of Two Cities, 26 July 19481 compact disc. Duration: 30 min., 46 sec.
Recorded in Richmond and Norfolk, this quiz show features employees of the Graybar Electric Company in both cities answering questions in various categories. Art Richardson is the announcer. Alden Aaroe is the host in Richmond, and Bob Knapp hosts from Norfolk.
- (WRVA - 62)
Quiz of Two States, 9 November 19461 compact disc. Duration: 30 min., 19 sec.
A general quiz show matching wits between members of various groups or organizations from Richmond and Charlotte, North Carolina. This particular episode presents the Richmond Lions Club and the Charlotte, N.C., Lions Club. The North Carolina portion of the program was broadcast from Charlotte's station WBT. "Quiz Wizards" Scott Jarrett for the Richmond team and Kurt Webster for the Charlotte participants ask their respective teams the questions. Listerine is the sponsor of this program.
- (WRVA - 204-218B)
Radio Scholarship Quiz, 1952-1955, 1957-195817 compacts discs. Duration: 8 hrs., 28 min., 23 sec.
Recordings of the quiz show "Radio Scholarship Quiz," sponsored by WRVA and the University of Richmond and covering the years 1952 to 1955, and 1957 to 1958. Dean Raymond B. Pinchbeck (1900-1957) of Richmond College was the first quizmaster. Dean C. J. Gray (1908-2003) took over the duties in later programs. Students from various Virginia high schools compete against each other for a chance to win various cash prizes, including an all-expense paid one-year scholarship to Richmond College or Westhampton College. The students are introduced, and they discuss their backgrounds, school activities, and future plans. They alternate answering questions in the categories of history, spelling, English, mathematics, science, and literature. The competitions took place at high schools in Brunswick and Spotsylvania Counties, Fredericksburg, Hampton, Highland Springs, Hopewell, Midlothian, Newport News, Norfolk, Petersburg, Richmond, and Williamsburg.
- (WRVA - 108)
Reed, William T. , Jr., Statement on the 25th Anniversary of WRVA, 1 November 19501 compact disc. Duration: 1 min., 51 sec.
Statement, 1 November 1950, by William T. Reed, Jr. (1904-1966), president of Larus and Brother Company, on the 25th anniversary of WRVA. Reed recognizes the assistance of the Federal Radio and Communications Commission, the Columbia Broadcasting System, and the support of the station's listeners. He also discusses the station's plans for television broadcasting in the future.
- (WRVA - 619-620)
Religious Service Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of the Bruton Parish Church Building, 14 November 19652 compact discs. Duration: 1 hr., 26 min., 46 sec.
Religious service held at Bruton Parish Church in Williamsburg, Virginia on 14 November 1965, commemorating the 250th anniversary of the completion of the church building. The commemorative sermon was delivered by Bishop John Elbridge Hines (1910-1997), presiding bishop of the National Episcopal Church.
- (WRVA - 576)
Repine, Burt T., "A New Love Every Spring," 18 November 19521 compact disc. Duration: 3 min., 4 sec.
Contains "A New Love Every Spring," a song performed by WRVA employee Burt T. Repine (1901-1990) on 18 November 1952.
- (WRVA - 566)
Richmond Ballet Promotional Spots1 compact disc. Duration: 5 min., 2 sec.
Promotional spots for the Richmond Ballet. The dates of the advertisements are unknown. There are four different spots, each announcing upcoming performances, times, ticket outlet locations, and guest artists.
- (WRVA - 311)
Richmond Celebration of Turnpike Opening, 30 June 19581 compact disc. Duration: 40 min., 38 sec.
This disc contains recordings of the ceremonies held in celebration of the opening of the Richmond-Petersburg Turnpike on 30 June 1958. These are the full-length recordings made for an episode of Sideviews on the News, and Jack Clements is the host. Speakers at the ceremonies include T. Coleman Andrews, president of the Richmond Chamber of Commerce, who talks about the safety features of this "dream of modern transportation"; F. Henry Garber, mayor of Richmond, who discusses the turnpike's impact on retail and civic relations between Richmond, Petersburg, Hopewell and other communities; former Governor Thomas Stanley; and Governor J. Lindsay Almond.
- (WRVA - 82)
Richmond Junior Chamber of Commerce Rally, 1 October 19571 compact disc. Duration: 28 min., 26 sec.
Rally, held on 1 October 1957, by the Richmond Junior Chamber of Commerce. Highlights include speeches by Virginia gubernatorial candidates Ted Dalton (1901-1989) and J. Lindsay Almond (1898-1986), and their comments concerning the Supreme Court decision on school desegregation, civil rights legislation, Little Rock, the pupil assignment plan in Virginia, the admission of African-American students into North Carolina colleges, and that state's assignment plan.
- (WRVA - 84)
Richmond Memorial Hospital Dedication, 13 January 19571 compact disc. Duration: 27 min., 11 sec.
Dedication, 13 November 1957, of Richmond Memorial Hospital in Richmond, Virginia. Speakers include Robert E. Henley, president of the hospital's Board of Trustees, Richmond Mayor F. Henry Garber, Virginia State Treasurer Jesse W. Dillon, and Emma Gray Trigg. There is also music by the Union Theological Seminary choir, and the invocation and benediction is given by Reverend Theodore F. Adams, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Richmond.
- (WRVA - 603)
Richmond Newspapers Marathon Coverage, 23 October 19881 compact disc. Duration: 5 min., 9 sec.
Coverage of the Richmond Newspapers marathon held on 23 October 1988, featuring clips from various reporters during the 26-mile run through downtown Richmond.
- (WRVA - 452)
Richmond Report on Who Killed Michael Farmer, 21 April 19581 compact disc. Duration: 20 min., 10 sec.
Jack Clements hosts this program addressing the local juvenile delinquency situation. Other participants are Mr. Carroll Minor, Director of Youth Services at the State Department of Welfare; Sergeant Robert P. Milliken, Juvenile and Missing Persons Division of the Richmond Police Bureau; and Sydney G. Morton, Intake Officer at the Richmond Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court. The program aired immediately following a CBS radio documentary hosted by Edward R. Murrow called "Who Killed Michael Farmer?" Farmer was a teenager who was killed in New York City by a youth gang from the Bronx. The participants discuss the depth of the problems of violence and juvenile crime and delinquency in Richmond as compared to New York City. They look for reasons for the problems, including race relations, mobility of population, density of population, television and family situations.
- (WRVA - 458)
Richmond School Board Chairman Response to Complaints of the Richmond Education Association, [1993]1 compact disc. Duration: 13 min., 5 sec.
Response by the chairman of the Richmond School Board to the vote of "no confidence" and resolution passed by the Richmond Education Association (R.E.A). The exact date of the recording is unknown, but assumed to be in 1993. The chairman responds to the R.E.A.'s attacks on the school board's leadership, low teacher raises and pay disparity, and demands for an elected school board. In their resolution, the R.E.A. also addressed the following issues: upgrades and reclassification of support personnel, student discipline problems, planning and initiatives by the Board, lack of attention paid to the R.E.A., the budget proposed for 1993-1994, and grievance procedures.
- (WRVA - 169)
Robert Beadles News, 1 July 19291 compact disc. Duration: 7 min., 6 sec.
Includes reports on President Hoover urging passage of farm relief and tariff legislation before Congress, as well as other national news and a stock market report. Also covered is John Archer Lejuene becoming the new superintendent of the Virginia Military Institute, opening of the baseball season, churches in the U.S. experiencing gains in membership, and conditions at a Richmond orphanage.
- (WRVA - 84)
Robert, Joseph C., Address at the Inauguration of Dr. Robert Blackwell Smith, Jr., as President of the Medical College of Virginia, 17 December 19561 compact disc. Duration: 26 min., 57 sec.
Address, 17 December 1956, by Dr. Joseph C. Robert (1906-2003), president of Hampden-Sydney College, at the inauguration of Dr. Robert Blackwell Smith, Jr., as fourth president of the Medical College of Virginia. Dr. Robert discusses the history of MCV from its founding, medical practices in the nineteenth century, school requirements and course work, and the college's affiliation with Hampden-Sydney College. The recording ends with the swearing in of Dr. Smith.
- (WRVA - 136)
Romulo, Carlos P., Commencement Speech at the University of Richmond, 5 June 19561 compact disc. Duration: 33 min., 26 sec.
Contains the speech of Carlos P. Romulo to the University of Richmond graduation class of 1956. Romulo invokes the name of Thomas Jefferson and the importance of Jeffersonian principles for countries whose people are oppressed. He stresses the importance of choosing between freedom and Soviet imperialism.
- (WRVA - 83)
Romulo, Carlos P., Speech Before the 51st Annual Convention of the Virginia Education Association, 1 November 19571 compact disc. Duration: 1 hr., 2 min., 29 sec.
Speech, 1 November 1957, by Carlos P. Romulo (1899-1985), Philippines ambassador to the United States, before the Virginia Education Association. Romulo is introduced by Virginia Congressman J. Vaughan Gary (1892-1973). In his speech entitled "The Asia America Does Not Know," Romulo comments on the importance of Asia to U.S. national security, discusses Soviet imperialism and that country's incursions into Formosa, Korea, the Philippines, Greece, China, and India, and urges the U.S. to continue to build strong friendships with other countries to combat the Soviet's "desire of world conquest."
- (WRVA - 224a)
Ronald H. Conway Press Conference, 10 November 19611 compact disc. Duration: 25 min., 25 sec.
Press conference, 10 November 1961, with Ronald H. Conway, captain and pilot of the Imperial Airlines jet that crashed near Byrd Field in Richmond, Virginia on 8 November 1961. The jet, a Lockheed L-049E Constellation, went down at night in a wooded area, enroute from Newark, New Jersey to Columbia, South Carolina via Baltimore, resulting in the deaths of 77 passengers. There were two survivors. Conway recounts his actions, and the actions of the crew and passengers, before and after the crash, before various reporters at the Medical College of Virginia Hospital. The taped comments are introduced by Lon Backman of WRVA.
- (WRVA - 134)
S.S. United States Launching, 16 May 19521 compact disc. Duration: 14 min., 16 sec.
WRVA reports from the S.S. United States, an ocean liner built at the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company in Newport News, Virginia, on its first trial run. The broadcast covers the ocean liner's background and its amenities, discusses the system used to measure the liner's speed, and includes interviews of random attendees of the event. The S.S. United States is expected to beat the speed record held by the British liner, Queen Mary.
- (WRVA - 338)
Safety Award, 11 September 19471 compact disc. Duration: 2 min., 40 sec.
Recording of the presentation of a certificate of achievement to WRVA for its public service announcements on behalf of safety on Virginia's highways. C. T. Lucy, WRVA General Managers accepts the certificate from Governor William M. Tuck and speaks briefly on WRVA's support for the community. William R. Wilson thanks his radio colleagues, WRVA management, and state officials for their efforts in making Virginia's highways safer. Aired 14 September 1947.
- (WRVA - 321)
St. George Story, Bermuda's Part in the Jamestown Story, 16 February 19571 compact disc. Duration: 29 min., 33 sec.
Re-enactment of the voyage of the Sea Venture, from its departure in England in June 1609 to its wreck in Bermuda after a hurricane and the settlement of Bermuda. Also includes a description of Bermuda's historic sites and its history from the settlement through the Civil War, and a ceremony featuring the Governor of Bermuda and Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia, A.E.S Stephens. The ceremony includes the dedication of a plaque commemorating the wreck of the Sea Venture and the voyage of the ships, Patience and Deliverance, built by the shipwrecked crew of the Sea Venture and sailed to Jamestown in May 1610 bringing much needed supplies, and a speech of Lieutenant Governor Stephens accepting replicas of the Patience and Deliverance.
- (WRVA - 332)
St. Paul's Polytechnic Institute Songs, 15 December 19531 compact disc. Duration: 36 min., 55 sec.
The St. Paul's Polytechnic Institute (renamed St. Paul's College in February 1957) choir of Lawrenceville, Virginia, sing Christmas carols.
- (WRVA - 177)
Saturday Session with Lyle Bradley, 29 April 19571 compact disc. Duration: 19 min., 20 sec.
Features popular music selections, including "40 Cups of Coffee" by Les Brown and JoAnne Greer, "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah" by the Ames Brothers, "A Shoulder to Cry On" by Susan Silo, "Love Me a Little Bit" by Eddy Howard, "Music Maestro Please" by the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, "I Thought it was Over" by Frank Duval and Orchestra, "Dispy-Doodle" by Larry Clinton, "Bumble Bee" by Doris Day, and "Street of Dreams" by the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra. There is also a weather forecast, a commercial for Budweiser, and a public service announcement for free chest x-rays being offered in Richmond. The show cuts off in mid-song.
- (WRVA - 337)
Second Honeymoon: Governor's Highway Safety Committee. Program 3, 19471 compact disc. Duration: 15 min., 10 sec.
Drama concerning an accident between a train and an automobile. Includes graphic description of the accident's carnage. The driver of the automobile had been drinking and was driving too fast. He tried to race the train and created a horrific accident. Program was based on a true accident. Written by Charles Freeman. Produced by Dan Valentine. This recording is track 1 on WRVA - 337.
- (WRVA - 26)
Search for Lost Boys, 13 August 19531 compact disc. Duration: 19 min., 32 sec.
News reports on the search for four lost boys, Walter Charles "Tex" Boykin, age 7, twin brothers, Wilson and Woodrow Blackstock, age 7, and their brother, George Blackstock, age 5. Alden Aaroe reports on the search for the boys direct from the scene in the McGuire Hospital area of Chesterfield County. John Tansey reports on the discovery of the boy's bodies in an abandoned icebox near their homes (8:06).
- (WRVA - 234)
Sheppard, Eleanor P., Interview, 12 July 19621 compact disc. Duration: 8 min., 35 sec.
Interview, 12 July 1962, with Eleanor P. Sheppard (1907-1991), shortly after her election as mayor of Richmond, Virginia. She discusses her feelings about family and children, comments on her duties as mayor, and gives her opinions regarding a woman being elected president of the United States.
- (WRVA - 389)
Sideviews on the News: 30th Anniversary Luncheon for Brotherhood Week, 19 February 19561 compact disc. Duration: 10 min., 25 sec.
This program concerns the 30th anniversary luncheon for Brotherhood Week, containing excerpts of a speech by Dr. Lewis Webster Jones (1899-1975), president of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, and a speech by Walter W. Craigie, Sr., regarding the creation of a community award to give to those advancing the cause of brotherhood. John Tansey accepts the award on behalf of WRVA for its role in raising money for the Crippled Children's Hospital. Samuel E. Binswanger also received a certificate for promoting brotherhood among all people. This program also includes commercials for the Raleigh Grill on 9th and Bank Street and Wright's Townhouse at 513 E. Grace Street.
- (WRVA - 99)
Sideviews on the News, 27 May 19571 compact disc. Duration: 32 min., 38 sec.
Hosted by Jack Clements, this show includes a special feature, news, weather, and commercial spots. The special feature in this broadcast is on polygraph machines, including how they work, accuracy, and results, as explained by a representative from a Richmond detective agency. News stories include the Virginia attorney general campaign, the death of former House of Delegate member Howard C. Rogers of Loudoun County, Korean War preparedness, state automobile accidents, updates on the Pupil Placement Act in Virginia and civil rights legislation in the U.S. Congress, including comments by Sen. A. Willis Robertson, the mutual test ban treaty in the U.S. Congress, foreign aid requests, and U.S. Navy strength. There are commercial spots for Ford Motors, Metropolitan Life, Supersuds detergent, Budweiser, and Camel cigarettes.
- (WRVA - 158)
Sideviews on the News: Anniversary of Lee's Surrender, 18 April 19561 compact disc. Duration: 14 min., 45 sec.
Includes speech of Douglas Southall Freeman from 1950 dedicating the restoration of the Wilmer McLean house at Appomattox. Freeman describes the surrender and the reaction of Confederate soldiers to the surrender, and compares the appearances of Lee and Grant. Also contains Jack Clements reading a poem from Percy Gregg, a British historian and southern sympathizer, written in 1865.
- (WRVA - 429)
Sideviews on the News, 26 January 19631 compact disc. Duration: 7 min., 56 sec.
Hosted by Larry Dodd, this show features an interview with Frank W. Berkman, executive vice-president of the Hotel Sales Management Association. Berkman discusses the purpose and history of the organization, founded in 1927, its convention activities, and the organization of the Virginia chapter. The organization is now known as Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International.
- (WRVA - 538)
Sideviews on the News: Bermuda, 28 March 19581 compact disc. Duration: 8 min., 28 sec.
Ray Kennedy hosts this episode of Sideviews on the News, in which Jack Clements reports from his visit to Bermuda. He provides a basic overview of the locale, including the geography, population, climate and history.
- (WRVA - 511)
Sideviews on the News: Birth Control, 14 December 19591 compact disc. Duration: 10 min., 55 sec.
Hosted by Lon Backman, this show features interviews with Reverend Anthony Zimmerman and Dr. John R. Cavanagh, who discuss the Catholic Church's views on birth control and overpopulation.
- (WRVA - 147)
Sideviews on the News: Captain Jack Pettis, 30 July 19561 compact disc. Duration: 10 min., 9 sec.
Jack Clements interviews Jack Pettis (John Powell Pettis), retired captain of the Virginia Capitol Police. Pettis was appointed to the Capitol Police in 1889 by then-Governor Fitzhugh Lee. He retired in 1948 under Governor William M. Tuck. Pettis reminiscences about his years working at the state capitol, commenting on various governors, politics, and the capitol grounds. He considered E. Lee Trinkle the friendliest governor and Andrew Jackson Montague the most colorful. This recording is Track 1 on WRVA - 147.
- (WRVA - 536)
Sideviews on the News: Chesapeake and Potomac Series, 27 January-15 February 19581 compact disc. Duration: 38 min., 1 sec.
Jack Clements hosts this four part series of Sideviews on the News detailing the daily operations and inner workings of the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia. The program is co-hosted by Mr. C. E. Grosser from the Virginia Society of Professional Engineers. The purpose of the program is to promote an interest in engineering as a career opportunity for Virginia high school students.
- (WRVA - 362)
Sideviews on the News: Chesty Puller, 24 July 19591 compact disc. Duration: 9 min., 12 sec.
Contains a recap of the highlights of Chesty Puller's speech on WRVA 361-362. This recording is track 2 on WRVA - 362.
- (WRVA - 533)
Sideviews on the News: Christmas at the Governor's Mansion with Mrs. Albertis S. Harrison, [1962]1 compact disc. Duration: 12 min., 45 sec.
Brick Rider and his children, Mark and Nanette, take a tour of the Governor's Mansion at Christmas time with Mrs. Lacey Virginia (Barkley) Harrison. The children tell Mrs. Harrison what they want for Christmas. Rider and Mrs. Harrison talk about the Mansion, discussing its decorations, the number of rooms, the portraits, and the cleaning of the chandeliers.
- (WRVA - 357)
Sideviews on the News: Christmas at the Governor's Mansion with Mrs. Stanley, 23 December 19571 compact disc. Duration: 9 min., 15 sec.
Jack Clements, WRVA news editor and his daughter, Ann, visit the Governor's Mansion at Christmas time. Ann describes the mansion's Christmas tree. Anne Pocahontas (Bassett) Stanley describes the trees, decorations, and Christmas at the Governor's Mansion.
- (WRVA - 622-623)
Sideviews on the News: Christmas Eve, 1956-19572 compact discs. Duration: 21 min., 31 sec.
Jack Clements hosts this edition of Sideviews on the News, in which he goes to the North Pole to investigate rumors that Santa Claus will be unable to deliver his toys due to the fact the Rudolph's red nose is not working. The supposed cause of the problem is the commercialization of Christmas, and the program is intended to remind people of the religious basis of the holiday. WRVA-622 is the 1956 broadcast of this story, and WRVA-623 is the same story but from 1957.
- (WRVA - 542)
Sideviews on the News: Colonel Wright, New Chief of Police, 24 February 19611 compact disc. Duration: 5 min., 54 sec.
Lon Backman hosts this episode of Sideviews on the News, in which he interviews John Wright, the new chief of police for the city of Richmond. Wright, who had been on the force forty-one years at the time of his appointment, joined the force at age 18 and served as acting chief for nearly a year. Backman asks him about his plans for the force, what the previous year as acting chief was like and the response of his wife to his new position.
- (WRVA - 159)
Sideviews on the News: Dean Raymond B. Pinchbeck Tribute, 4 February 19571 compact disc. Duration: 12 min., 35 sec.
This program is a tribute to Raymond B. Pinchbeck (1900-1957), Dean at the University of Richmond, professor of economics, and host of WRVA's Radio Scholarship Quiz, who died on 4 February 1957. Includes reminiscences of and tributes to Pinchbeck from Carl Stutz, Ray Kennedy, and Walter R. Bishop, all employees of WRVA Radio. Stutz reminiscences about his years as one of Pinchbeck's students at the University of Richmond. Kennedy shares his memories working with Pinchbeck on the Radio Scholarship Quiz Show. Bishop recounts Pinchbeck's civic achievements and public service. Also includes a news tribute and excerpts from Pinchbeck's talk on the national radio broadcast, "This I Believe."
- (WRVA - 537)
Sideviews on the News: Egypt-Arab League, 13 February 19581 compact disc. Duration: 10 min., 14 sec.
Jack Clements hosts a discussion with a former dean from the School of Commerce at Cairo University about the League of Arab States, also commonly known as the Arab League. His guest defines the organization and comments that this goodwill tour of the United States is an effort to win friends for Egypt. He talks about the importance of the unity of Arab states, while Clements asks him questions about the relationship between the communists and the Arab states, how the Egyptians feel about Americans, the issue of Israel and where Egypt would stand if there was a war between the United States and Russia. His guest comments on the instance following the Civil War in which approximately fifty Confederate officers from Virginia went to Egypt to help them build their army.
- (WRVA - 368-368a)
Sideviews on the News: Enterprise Special Merger Annexation, [1960]2 compact discs. Duration: 1 hr., 36 sec.
Hosted by Lon Backman, this show features four different programs devoted to the issue of annexation of Henrico County by the City of Richmond. The date of the programs are not known, but thought to be from 1960. Backman interviews various individuals involved in the annexation/consolidation controversy. Horace Edwards, Richmond City Manager, discusses the annexation ordinance process, various studies taking place, court procedures, annexation case questions, costs involved, referendum procedures, and statewide trends in annexation cases. A. Howe Todd, executive director of the Richmond Regional Planning Commission, talks about the work and composition of the Commission, the merger/annexation process, tax issues, differences between annexation and merger, and the work of the Public Administration Service (PAS). Richmond City Councilman J. Edward Lawler explains the issues involved, tax burden, business tax revenues in the city vs. county tax revenues, who would benefit from annexation, the chances of annexation succeeding, the resolution introduced by him on annexation, effect of the recent flood in Richmond on the issue, and race and school issues and their effect on the proposal. Joseph T. Williams, Jr., a member of the Virginia House of Delegates, states his position on the issue and why is vehemently opposed to annexation, discusses his legislative work in the General Assembly on the topic, and how issues of race could affect the question of annexation. Burl A. Parks, director of city planning, sums up the issues involved in annexation, merger, and status quo. Parks discusses what the alternatives are, forms of government, services provided, and tax issues involved in all three options.
- (WRVA - 363)
Sideviews on the News: Hawaii Elections, 6 August 1959Duration: 5 min., 55 sec.
1 compact disc. Lon Backman, WRVA news broadcaster, reports on the first free elections in Hawaii. Includes sound bytes of radio broadcasts concerning the elections from Station KGU-AM in Honolulu.
- (WRVA - 510)
Sideviews on the News: Hungarian General, 18 February 19601 compact disc. Duration: 7 min., 24 sec.
Hosted by Jack Clements, this show features an interview with Bela K. Kiraly, leader of the Hungarian resistance movement. Kiraly discusses the struggle by the resistance against the Soviet army in his country in 1956, and also the role of Radio Free Europe in combating Communism.
- (WRVA - 235)
Sideviews on the News: Interview with C. T. Overstreet, 23 August 19621 compact disc. Duration: 12 min., 16 sec.
Hosted by Joe Lowen, this show features an interview with Carson Thomas Overstreet (1901-2000) of Glen Allen, Virginia concerning the possible defection of his "foster" son James Joseph Dresnok to North Korea. Overstreet discusses Dresnock's childhood, divorce, prior military service, and what he has learned from the U.S. military concerning Dresnok's disappearance while serving in the Army in South Korea near the demilitarized zone.
- (WRVA - 535)
Sideviews on the News: Juvenile Series, 15 November 19571 compact disc. Duration: 27 min., 9 sec.
Jack Clements hosts this three part series of Sideviews on the News, which explores the issue of juvenile crime and delinquency in Richmond. The first part features a discussion of this "serious problem in Richmond" with Kermit V. Rocke, associate judge of the Richmond Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court. Clements asks Rocke his opinions on juvenile delinquency in Richmond as compared to other cities in the country and what he thinks the root causes are for the problem. Part two features an interview with the Reverend Paul Edward Crandall, executive secretary of the Richmond Baptist Association, on what the churches are doing to meet the problem of juvenile crime; and part three features three student guests from John Marshall High School, who also share their opinions and views on the causes and possible solutions to juvenile delinquency in the city.
- (WRVA - 509)
Sideviews on the News: Leaves and Lives, 30 August 19651 compact disc. Duration: 5 min., 33 sec.
This show features Ray Turner reading a poem entitled "Leaves and Lives," about a walk through Maymont Park in Richmond and how the seasons of the year relate to the seasons of one's life.
- (WRVA - 364)
Sideviews on the News: Mental Discussions, 10-12 August 19591 compact disc. Duration: 44 min., 41 sec.
Lon Backman and Jack Clements, WRVA news reporters, explore the issues and problems with the state mental hospitals in a series of five programs. Part 1 contains a discussion with a patient at Western State Hospital and with Dr. Howard H. Ashbury, clinical director of psychology at Western State Hospital, regarding the patient's prognosis. Part 2 contains an interview with Dr. James B. Pettis, superintendent of Western State Hospital, who recounts the history of Western State Hospital and the state of affairs in Virginia's mental hospitals. Also includes an interview with one of the hospital's elderly patients. Part 3 includes a discussion with Dr. Howard H. Ashbury concerning overcrowding. Part 4 contains a discussion with John Edward Raine, chairman of a special legislative commission studying the problems of the aged in Virginia's mental hospitals. Part 5 contains an interview with State Senator Edward Willey, chairman of the Virginia State Hospital Board.
- (WRVA - 577)
Sideviews on the News: Mr. O'Neal Prevention of Blindness1 compact disc. Duration: 11 min., 8 sec.
Lon Backman hosts this episode of Sideviews on the News, in which he interviews James E. O'Neal, the director of Industrial Service for the National Society for the Prevention of Blindness. The focus of the interview is the use of industrial safety spectacles with shatter resistant lenses as safer for people than wearing regular glasses when playing sports, doing industrial jobs, fishing, hunting or mowing the lawn. O'Neal also talks specifically about the work of the Industrial Service section of the society and the importance of eye protection to prevent or eliminate unnecessary eye damage. The date of this program is unknown.
- (WRVA - 170-174)
Sideviews on the News: Police Series, 1956-19575 compacts discs. Duration: 2 hrs., 49 min., 51 sec.
Covering the period 4 October 1956 through 4 April 1957 and hosted by Jack Clements. This program includes fifteen parts in the series detailing the duties and responsibilities of the Richmond Police Department. Included are shows discussing the Juvenile, Records and Communications, and Traffic Safety Divisions, interviews with police officers while on patrol, coverage of the booking of a suspect and the various procedures that are followed, coverage of a vice-squad raid, discussions on safecrackers, pick-pockets, shoplifters, and automobile thieves, a demonstration of a speed radar, on-the-scene reports of routine traffic stops, as well as a tour of the Richmond Police Academy which includes a discussion on the training of new officers, and the future outlook for the police profession.
- (WRVA - 143)
Sideviews on the News: Robert E. Lee's Birthday, 18 January 19571 compact disc. Duration: 10 min., 23 sec.
This program is recorded in the Virginia Room of the White House of the Confederacy on the occasion of Robert E. Lee's birthday. Walter Bishop, WRVA public relations director, and Jack Clements, WRVA news editor, interview India Thomas, house regent of the Museum of the Confederacy. She discusses the life of Robert E. Lee and the various artifacts of Lee the museum owns. Also includes a speech of Governor Thomas B. Stanley during which he praises Lee and his effort to preserve states' rights.
- (WRVA - 565)
Sideviews on the News: Robert Heberle, 11 May 19601 compact disc. Duration: 7 min., 55 sec.
Hosted by Lon Backman, this show featured Robert J. Heberle (1907-1975), a lawyer and member of Richmond City Council. Heberle discusses his background, outside interests, career, and his interest in the oversight of Richmond's city budget and real estate tax issues.
- (WRVA - 451)
Sideviews on the News: Rock and Roll, 17 March 19581 compact disc. Duration: 9 min., 40 sec.
In this episode of the regular WRVA program, Sideviews on the News, Jack Clements interviews Richmond city police Sergeant Robert Milliken from the Juvenile and Missing Persons Division. The topic is Rock and Roll, "the new music." The discussion revolves around live rock and roll shows and their influence on juvenile delinquency. While the officer concedes that an incident involving six juveniles from the prior evening was not caused by a show at the Mosque, he does say that often the music does incite the youngsters to "get uncontrollable and go into a frenzied state."
- (WRVA - 540)
Sideviews on the News: Sales Tax, Senator Byrd, 28 January 19601 compact disc. Duration: 10 min., 48 sec.
Lon Backman hosts this segment of Sideviews on the News, in which Senator Harry F. Byrd, Jr., reacts to Governor Almond's comment that his proposed state budget is "bare bones." Byrd discusses the 33.8 percent proposed increase in state expenditures and the 3 percent sales tax bill Almond recommends. Also covered is the possible budget surplus, which at the time had the potential of being the second highest in Virginia history.
- (WRVA - 541)
Sideviews on the News: Senator A. Willis Robertson, 25-27 October 19611 compact disc. Duration: 29 min., 13 sec.
This is a recording of a three-part Sideviews on the News program featuring United States Senator A. Willis Robertson of Virginia. Robertson provides a viewpoint on the "political philosophies, moral philosophies and an assessment of the physical realities in our world today." This includes his feelings about serving as a United States Senator, the United Nations and the United States' responsibility to that body, the attitudes of Americans in the tense times of fears about communism, and states' rights. Hosted by Harry Monroe. This recording is the broadcast version. The original interview between Harry Monroe and Senator Robertson is on WRVA - 230.
- (WRVA - 230)
Sideviews on the News: Senator Robertson and Hank [Harry] Monroe Original Interview, 27 October 19611 compact disc. Duration: 24 min., 15 sec.
Harry (Hank) Monroe, WRVA broadcaster, interviews United States Senator A. Willis Robertson (1887-1971) of Virginia. Robertson reminisces about his tenure in the Virginia state legislature, and talks about his current workload in the U.S. Senate, federal government interference and bureaucracy, military appropriations, U.S.-Soviet relations and the Cold War, the federal deficit, inflation, the Berlin crisis, the United Nations, and the faith of the citizens of the United States in their country. This recording is the original interview conducted. For the broadcast version see WRVA - 541.
- (WRVA - 312)
Sideviews on the News: Special Turnpike Ceremonies, 30 June 19581 compact disc. Duration: 17 min., 35 sec.
This compact disc contains a special episode of Sideviews on the News, covering the ceremonies held in celebration of the opening of the Richmond-Petersburg Turnpike on 30 June 1958. This is an edited version of the full-length recordings contained on WRVA -311. Jack Clements is the host. Speakers at the ceremonies include T. Coleman Andrews, president of the Richmond Chamber of Commerce, who talks about the safety features of this "dream of modern transportation"; F. Henry Garber, mayor of Richmond, who discusses the turnpike's impact on retail and civic relations between Richmond, Petersburg, Hopewell and other communities; former Governor Thomas Stanley; and Governor J. Lindsay Almond.
- (WRVA - 359)
Sideviews on the News: Steel Strike, 16 July 1959Duration: 8 min., 57 sec.
1 compact disc. Lon Backman, WRVA news reporter, examines the nationwide steel strike and its potential impact on Richmond and Virginia.
- (WRVA - 175)
Sideviews on the News - Tredegar Iron Works, 30 April - 2 May 1957Duration: 40 min., 11 sec.
Hosted by Jack Clements, this program includes three segments on the Tredegar Iron Works in Richmond, Virginia. The shows were recorded live at the Tredegar company site, and include a tour of the facilities, history of the company, information on the types of products produced and methods employed, and the future of the company. Interviews are conducted with Edward H. Trigg (1893-1975), vice-president of Tredegar, and Christian E. Grosser (1909-1983), chief engineer at Philip Morris.
- (WRVA -