University of Virginia Library
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Funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
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Celia Thaxter Collection, Accession 6994-d, Special Collections Department, University of Virginia Library
Deposit 1967 Mar 8
Funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities
[Four line verse seeking the grace to find God's love despite life's trials.]
[One verse, apparently a quotation from longer work.]
[Regrets missing call and being unable to accept invitation; hopes to see her in Cambridge . ]
[Expresses appreciation for book and note; comments on favorite poems in the volume " Daphles , " " Wife of Brittany , " " A Summer Moon , " and " Feudal Picture . "]
[Comments positively on Mr. Anthony's engravings; suggests their placement in the book; requests 100 copies for her brothers; speculates on sales.]
[Gives permission to use her poems; apologizes for delay in responding.]
[Wants Mr. Fields advice before making selection from the Shoals volume; feels remote from everything; wishes her novel were written.]
[Thanks him for flattering note and newspaper article on her work; hopes to meet him soon.]
[Comments on his bright cheerfulness; thanks him for the charming letter.]
[Invites him and his sister to visit; writes that she will paint something in his book of poems; invites Mrs. Heard in postscript.]
[Thanks her for dinner invitations; explains her delay in responding; regrets being unable to accept.]
[Rejects "vulgar cover"; requests something simpler.]
[Thanks him for vase and for his charming thoughtfulness.]
[Comments on printer's errors in her poems, giving example for " Stardust "; considers them inconsequential as they will soon, and deservedly, be forgotten.]
[Introduces Miss Blake who has question he is better able to answer.]
[Sends a copy of poems with photograph, autograph, and additional photo.]
[Gives permission to use poems; sends photograph and signature.]
[Thanks her and her son for Christmas gifts; encloses note to Marion.]
[Sends pledges; requests certificates be sent; states mail arrives four times a day.]
[Asks him to return the enclosed [poem ?] if it is unwanted; understands he has "a ton of poems on hand."]
[Thanks him for photo; comments on Mrs. Dickinson's beauty and charm.]
[Gives publishing history of " Don't Sing Before Breakfast , " first printed in " Wide Awake " then in a volume of children's poems, and " Courage , " printed in Atlantic Monthly and then in her first volume of poems; states that they are available in bookstores if she is interested.]
[Declines invitation to write something because of poor health; encloses magazine photo.]
[States she sent poems without accompanying letter; requests their return if they cannot be used; writes that she will try again if he would like something different.]
[States she has written "the gentleman from the far West" a note indicating he will find the song on page 60 of Driftwood . ]
[Thanks him for hospitality shown the Hassam s of whom she is very fond; sends regards to Miss Phinney.]
[Compares sea air to Lexington air; "votes" for Lexington air at present; describes frames and prices received for his work in New York ; inquires about Lexington friends Miss Phinney, Miss Shaw, and Miss [Grokin].]
[Offers piece for the Century to use if possible, as supporters of the [noble maid] for the Republic's emblem who want to be able to state they are quoting from the largest, most important magazine.]
[Sends copy of a piece and permission to print it if Houghton & Mifflin agree; mentions health and weather.]
[Thanks him for the photograph; praises its loveliness.]
[Thanks him for pictures; comments on his kindness for making them available to people who want them.]
[Introduces Ross Turner ; sends regards to Mrs. S[tedman].]
[Signed, with ANS, n. d., requesting return if not desired.]
[With ANS, 1 page, 1890 Sep 12, stating that this is the only photograph available.]
[In youth.]
[Signed, older.]
[Includes biographical piece.]