A Guide to the Sherwood Anderson Collection Anderson, Sherwood. 6181-a

A Guide to the Sherwood Anderson Collection

A Collection in the
Clifton Waller Barrett Library of American Literature
Accession number 6181-a


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© 1997 By the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. All rights reserved.

Funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Processed by: Margarete Groschel

University of Virginia. Library. Special Collections Dept. Alderman Library University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 USA
Collection Number
Sherwood Anderson Collection 1923-1941
ca. 77 items

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions

Collection is open to research.

Use Restrictions

See the University of Virginia Library’s use policy.

Preferred Citation

Sherwood Anderson Collection, Accession 6181-a, Special Collections Department, University of Virginia Library

Acquisition Information

Deposit [ 17 Dec 1963 shipment] 13 Feb 1964

Funding Note

Funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities

Significant Persons Associated With the Collection

  • A. U. [Rawler]
  • Alfred Dashiell
  • Alfred Kreymborg
  • Arthur Barton
  • Arthur Vance
  • Ben Huebsch
  • Ben [Huebsch]
  • Bernadine Liveright
  • Bill Stewart
  • Blanche Gregory
  • Boleslaw Prus
  • Carl van Doren
  • D. H. Lawrence
  • Donald Freeman
  • Dorothea Prall Radin
  • Dorothea Radin
  • Eleanor Copenhuaer
  • Elizabeth Prall
  • Ernest Hemingway
  • Grant Overton
  • H. L. Mencken
  • Harold Mason
  • Henry Canby
  • Henry Goodman
  • Herbert Feis
  • Horace Liveright
  • Jasper Deeter
  • Joseph H. [Maconnahey]
  • Louis Gruenberg
  • Mark Antony
  • Mary Emmet
  • Miriam Phillips
  • Otto K. Liveright
  • Otto Liveright
  • Robert Nathan
  • Robley Durham Stevens
  • Roger Sergel
  • Sherwood Anderson
  • Sherwood Anderson
  • W. Orton Tewson
  • [George Jean] Nathan
  • [H. L.] Mencken
  • [Konrad] Bercovia
  • [Theodore] Dreiser

Significant Places Associated With the Collection

  • America
  • Baltimore
  • Berkeley
  • Berkeley, California
  • Brooklyn, New York
  • Brownsville
  • Chicago
  • Columbus, Ohio
  • Harrisburg
  • Lawrence
  • Marion
  • Marion, Virginia
  • Mexico
  • Mexico City
  • Moylan-Rose Valley
  • Moylan-Rose Valley, Pennsylvania
  • New Orleans
  • New York
  • New York City
  • Philadelphia
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Pittsburgh
  • Reno
  • Reno, Nevada
  • Rio Grande
  • South Africa
  • South America
  • Troutdale
  • Troutdale, Virginia
  • United States
  • Virginia
  • Washington, D. C.
  • Winesburg

Item Listing

  • No Swank and Other Moving Pictures
    n. d.
    TMs, 115 p.

    [w/autographed corrections]

  • "Our City Small Towners"
    n. d.
    TMsS, 6 p.

    [w/autographed corrections]

  • 12 poems from Mid-American Chants
    n. d.
    AMsS, 39 p.

    (Blank wrappers of same paper)

  • Begins, "Ten years ago when I began writing . . ."
    n. d.
    AMSs, 8 p.
  • "When the Writer Talks"
    n. d.
    TMs, 5 p.

    [w/autograph corrections]

  • "A Note on Realism"
    n. d.
    TMs, 5 p.

    [w/autograph corrections]

  • Sherwood Anderson to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    1923 May 7
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Sends novel with suggested title The Liar for publication; promises a shorter tale, "An Ohio Pagan," for the following week; mentions Carl van Doren . ]

  • Sherwood Anderson to Otto K. Liveright
    [1923] May 9
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discusses publication of a story, trouble with the Pictorial Review , and business with Harper . ]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Reno, Nevada , to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    1923 May 14
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discusses a book in progress; sends material for Harper's serial; asks him to call Mr. Canby about some material he was interested in; asks how he and Harper like Straws ; asks him to wire him, collect, in Reno as soon as has definite word from Harper's . ]

  • Sherwood Anderson to Thomas R. Smith, Boni & Liveright , New York
    n. d.
    ALS, 1 p.

    [Hopes to do the "Dreiser Introduction"; needs [Theodore] Dreiser 's Free and Other Stories as well as the "ante biography" to be sent to him in Reno, Nevada ; requests copy of a book to which he contributed.]

  • Sherwood Anderson to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    ca. 1923 Jul 28
    ALS, 1 p.

    [Sends Dorothea Radin 's translation of The Outpost by Boleslaw Prus ; encloses a note to him from Mrs. Radin.]

  • Dorothea Prall Radin , Berkeley, California , to Sherwood Anderson
    1923 Jul 8
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discusses The Outpost which has been returned from Putnam , Holt , Scribner's , and Moffat, Yard and Dutton ; mentions that an English translation of The Outpost has been published by Oxford University Press under the title Selected Polish Tales ; wants Anderson to send a copy of the book to Otto Liveright ; gives particulars about the copyright, etc.]

  • Sherwood Anderson to Otto Liveright , [ New York ]
    1923 Dec 12
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discusses a financial disappointment; says A Story Teller's Story has been turned down by Harper and he prefers for Huebsch to publish novel in book form, rather than submit it to Century ; regrets that Henry Canby 's efforts have been in vain; feels that the literary world has not decided yet if he is a great man or a "flivver."]

  • Sherwood Anderson to Otto Liveright , [ New York ]
    1923 or 1924
    TLS, 2 p.

    [Discusses A Story Teller's Story and the possibility of getting it published by Harper ; relates Henry Canby 's remarks on the book; mentions the American Play Company and some business with it; makes disparaging remarks on [H. L.] Mencken and [George Jean] Nathan and their possible motivations should they take the book; hints that things in his personal life are at an impasse; feels good about a new story he has in the works.]

  • Sherwood Anderson to Otto Liveright , [ New York ]
    1923 or 1924
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discusses a letter from Henry Canby , the Harper Publishing Co. , the American Play Company , and short stories he has done (which he is putting aside to "ripen"); mentions his personal situation with T.]

  • Sherwood Anderson to Otto Liveright , [ New York ]
    [1924 Feb 13]
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Encloses an ingracious piece about him written by Ms. Gregory from The Dial as well as his reply to it; has received check from Liveright; asks for the February numbers of The American Mercury . ]

  • Elizabeth Prall , Berkeley, California , to Otto and Bernadine Liveright , New York
    1924 Apr 4
    ALS, 3 p.

    [Says she and Sherwood Anderson will be married the following day; talks about Anderson's improved health, their plans for the immediate future and travel plans if "Phantasms" come through in time; says they will come see Liveright in New York if they are able to travel.]

  • Sherwood Anderson to Otto Liveright , [ New York ]
    [1924 Oct 27]
    TLS, 1 p. w/autograph corrections

    [Thanks him for the good words about his book and for sending Mr. Wescott's book; says The Lovers will soon be ready and sent to Liveright; inquires about the book's serialization; mentions business with Harper , Century , The Dial ; fancies having a story of his made into a play; asks about possibilities regarding this idea; says he and his new wife are happy in Berkeley and about the reception of the book.]

  • Sherwood Anderson to Otto Liveright , New York
    [1924 Nov 12]
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Sends a story, the first of three; promises to send the novel in a few days; hopes the novel can be used as a serial.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , New Orleans , to Horace Liveright
    [1924 or 1923]
    TL (initialed copy), 2 p.

    [Discusses his desire to switch publishers in order to sell more books; analyzes his feelings toward Ben [Huebsch] who supported him and published his books when everybody else turned him down; looks at his business relationship and friendship with Otto Liveright ; feels his loyalty and friendship to his old supporters is stronger than the desire to make more money; urges Liveright to come visit him in New Orleans ; mentions a good visit from Konrad, a writer.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Berkeley , to Otto Liveright , New York
    [1924 Nov 15]
    TLS, 2 p. w/autograph corrections and postscript

    [Discusses his guilty feelings after preparing to leave his publisher Ben [Huebsch] a year ago, how Huebsch accepted the books others rejected ( Winesburg , Many Marriages ), his plan to stick with Ben Huebsch with A Story Teller's Story (which was rejected by Harper); realizes that his writing is too experimental to be a money-maker for any publishers; promises to send short story soon; suggests short story to be published in the Christmas number of the Berliner Tagblatt ; evaluates Wescott's book; mentions Liverights suggestions for the play.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Berkeley , to Otto Liveright , New York
    1924 Nov 20
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discusses a new magazine and the possibility of the " Pittsburgh people" buying his new novel to be serialized; thinks it would be "a peach of a stunt for a new magazine," provided they have money.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Berkeley , to Otto Liveright , New York
    1924 Nov 20
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discusses a clipping for [Konrad] Bercovia with a photo to follow, sad events in Liveright's life and rewriting of some chapters of the novel; comments on the book.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , New Orleans to W. Orton Tewson , New York
    1925 Apr 17
    ALS, 1 p.

    [Discusses refusal to review a book by his friend Alfred Kreymborg ; does not like the book and would like to stay out of it; suggests review of new book by Ernest Hemingway , due to be published in fall; discusses work on a new novel to be ready for publishing in the fall.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , New Orleans , to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    1926 Apr 19
    ALS, 1 p.

    [Discusses Vanity Fair "matter," progress with Tar: A Midwest Childhood , work on a new novel, imminent move to Virginia farm and health of his brother.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , New Orleans , to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    1926 Apr 25
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discusses acceptance of offer from Vanity Fair to write an article for a special issue (150 year anniversary of American) for $400.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Troutdale, Virginia , to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    1926 May 26
    TLS, 2 p.

    [Discusses Vanity Fair check and interesting letter from Donald Freeman , editor of Vanity Fair regarding future articles; suggests that Liveright negotiate for more per article from Vanity Fair . ]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Troutdale, Virginia , to Otto Liveright , New York
    [1926 Jul 1]
    ALS, 1 p.

    [Discusses short story, "Another Wife" ; hope Liveright can sell it.]

  • H. L. Mencken , Baltimore , to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    1926 Jul 8
    TLS, 1 p. w/autograph correction

    [Tries to buy story of Sherwood Anderson 's for $325; discusses Anderson's support for The American Mercury in its early days and friendship between the two men.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Troutdale, Virginia , to Otto Liveright , New York
    [1926 Jul 13]
    ALS, 9 p.

    [Discusses signing agreements for articles for Vanity Fair , ideas for future articles and his idea of what Donald Freeman expects him to write about; mentions his relative isolation on the farm and his not reading many papers and magazines; mentions another story almost finished and the "Childhood Book."]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Marion, Virginia , to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    1928 Jan 26
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Mentions receipt of check, his writing form.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Marion, Virginia , to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    1928 Feb 3
    TLS, 1 p. w/ autographed addition

    [Discusses statement of money, made in 1927, for income tax and the endeavor to publish the best weekly in America . ]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Marion, Virginia , to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    1928 Feb 24
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discusses the writing of "perfectly sexless story" for a female editor of a magazine for $500.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Marion, Virginia , to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    1928 Mar 16
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discusses one of his stories which is in the possession of Arthur Vance and the possibility of it being published in The Caravan . ]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Marion , to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    1928 May 1
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discusses a "real" story; suggests sending it to "our prize lady magazine editor" and trying to get "some real money out of her."]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Marion , to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    [1928 May 18]
    ALS, 2 p.

    [Discusses returning the Vanity Fair contract to Liveright; refuses to write on just any subject suggested by editors; wishes to have wider latitude by having lots of subjects suggested; discusses "The Last Novel," to be used by Liveright for $500.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Marion , to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    [1928 Jun 5]
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discusses articles for Vanity Fair , preference to reserve his own book rights, work in progress and a short story ready for sale.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Marion , to Henry Goodman , Brooklyn, New York
    1928 Jun 6
    ALS, 1 p. w/env

    [Discusses Goodman's request that Anderson explain himself as an artist; offers to print both Goodman's letter and his reply in his local weekly paper, the Marion Democrat ; promises to send copy when printed.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Marion , to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    1928 Jul 17
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discusses a story to be sold to Harper 's if possible, another story to be sent shortly; reminds Liveright to try to sell stories to The American Mercury and Scribner's . ]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Marion to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    1928 Sep 10
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discusses $600 sent to Liveright by Donald Freeman ; requests that the money be sent without delay.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Marion , to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    1928 Oct 2
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Mentions receipt of a check; discusses story "Among The Drifters" to be sent to H. L. Mencken and story "Fred" to be sold elsewhere.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Marion , to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    1928 Oct 19
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discusses check from Donald Freeman for $600; requests that Liveright forward it to him immediately.]

  • Blanche Gregory , New York , to Sherwood Anderson , Marion, Virginia
    1928 Dec 4
    TLS, 1 p. w/ANS

    [Discusses Grant Overton 's request for Anderson's permission to use Anderson's photos for The Worlds Fifty Best Short Novels ; Anderson replies on same sheet granting request.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Marion , to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    ALS, 1 p.

    [Discusses his upcoming trip to New York and possibility of seeing Liveright.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Marion , to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    ALS, 1 p.

    [Discusses Alfred Dashiell of Scribner 's , "The Last Novel," and Vanity Fair related business.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Marion , to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discusses a prose poem, written on the train; suggests selling the poem to McCall's ; says his recent interest is in doing stories in a lighter vein; hopes that Liveright might be able to sell them to magazines that pay "real money."]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Marion , to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discusses Grant Overton ; suggests that he get permission from Viking Press ; states that Viking Press charges for all reprints.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Marion , to Otto K. Liveright , New York
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discussing Grant Overton and Viking Press ; says he is working hard and steadily.]

  • Sherwood Anderson to "Roger and Ruth," [ Pittsburgh ]
    n. d.
    ALS, 13 p.

    [Speaks of his feelings for them, what their friendship means to him; quotes D. H. Lawrence ; says he will not sell Ripshin Farm (as was planned?) but will live there in the coming spring; says access to the farm will be easier as paved road from Marion to Troutdale is under construction; says he has lived alone for two years and will go to the farm with a woman he loves, Eleanor, perhaps marry her, even if the idea is absurd; talks about difficulties with himself, human relationships; suggests possibility that the four of them live on the farm.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , [ Marion, Virginia ], to Roger Sergel , [ Pittsburgh ]
    ALS, 4 p.

    [Invites Sergel family to come to Troutdale to talk about the play and other things; gives travel instructions; discusses attempt, apparently failed, to dramatize Winesburg, Ohio in collaboration with Arthur Barton and Louis Gruenberg ; mentions living arrangements at Ripshin Farm, difficulties he had with Barton, and his upcoming marriage to Eleanor Copenhuaer . ]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Marion , to Harold Mason , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    1935 Jan 5
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Requests that a review copy of No Swank, be sent to Bill Stewart , editor of To-Day ; states that, instead of expected 12, he only got 6 copies of the ordinary edition.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , New York to Miriam Phillips , Moylan-Rose Valley, Pennsylvania
    1937 Apr 26
    APCS (initialed), 1 p.

    [Discusses a hat of hers she left in his car; his memory of "Twelfth Night" ; wishes to see [Yeats].]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Troutdale, Virginia , to Miriam Phillips , Moylan-Rose Valley, Pennsylvania
    1937 Jun 8
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discusses the beauty of Ripshin farm in June; invites her and Jap [ Jasper Deeter ] and Joe to visit; mentions his last visit to Hedgerow Theater , rumors about an amateur theater group in New Orleans and the possibility of its closing down because of homosexual involvement of the director with actors.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Troutdale to Miriam Phillips , Moylan-Rose Valley
    1937 Jun 21
    TLS, 2 p. w/autograph comment

    [Mentions his presence at farm, their possible visit, her trip to Harrisburg ; discusses the New Orleans Theater Company , possibility of their doing one of his plays, Mark Antony 's scheduled visit to Ripshin, his almost finished book of three plays, the use of an essay he wrote on Jap [ Jasper Deeter ] as an introduction to the book in the way of a dedication, possibility of the Winesburg play going into a repertory at the Hedgerow theater , the marketing of a new book; mentions his wife Eleanor's activities (attending "working girls conference"), and Mary Emmet 's visit to the farm.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Chicago , to Herbert Feis , [ Lawrence ]
    [1938] Oct 25
    ALS, 5 p.

    [Discusses praise for Robert Nathan 's [ Autumn ], gratitude for Feis having given him the book, Feis' stay in [ Lawrence ]; makes statements about himself; mentions his purchase of a Ford and delight in owning it and plans to go to Mexico City after Christmas to paint if the money comes through.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , New Orleans , to Roger Sergel , [ Pittsburgh ]
    ALS, 3 p.

    [Describes trip from Virginia to New Orleans and the towns he saw on the way and theater scene in New Orleans ; plans to travel to Mexico via Brownsville from New Orleans ; mentions the dedication of Puzzled America to Sergel, if Sergel does not object.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , "at the mouth of the Rio Grande , " United States , to Roger Sergel , [ Pittsburgh ]
    1938 Mar 30
    TLS, 2 p. w/autograph postscript

    [Describes the trip to Mexico , the impression the country and the people made on him and the country's history; discusses the exploitation by British and American companies, the anti-American feelings of the Mexican people and acquaintances they looked up in Mexico ; mentions the Baron matter and his leaving it to the Author's League and his expectation to have to pay for having been foolish.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Olivet College , to Miriam Phillips , Moylan-Rose Valley, Pennsylvania
    1939 Jun 14
    ALS, 1 p.

    [Describes being a professor at Olivet College for three weeks and his class schedule; plans to go to Antioch College next; says he enjoys the experience.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , [ Troutdale, Virginia ], to Joseph H. [Maconnahey]
    May 19
    ALS, 2 p.

    [Replies to [Maconnahey's] request that he name his favorite books for his students to read; finds answering difficult; suggests The Triumph of the Egg and A Story Teller's Story . ]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Hotel Chelsea , New York City , to Herbert Feis
    n. d.
    TLS, 1 p. w/autograph addition

    [Discusses traveling to the Midwest for Moley's magazine To-Day , his absence from "Ripshin" farm when Feis visits; says his books have been translated into Russian, but he has received no royalties; wishes to talk to Bullett about it; discusses the dramatization of Winesburg, Ohio , the production of it that summer, his plans to go to New York , possible interest of the Russians in the play and movie "poor White" after his book with same name.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , [ Marion, Virginia ], to Otto K. Liveright , [ New York ]
    n. d.
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discusses his new novel which Liveright did not like at first, likelihood that it will grow on him, sale of a short story and possible sale of serial rights of the new novel; says he has a story, "Come Again Man," in the works intended for The Dial ; says he is under financial stress because of money that did not come through; mentions ideas for two new books, tentatively called Another Man's House and The Man of Business . ]

  • Sherwood Anderson , [ Troutdale, Virginia ], to Otto K. Liveright , [ New York ]
    n. d.
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Mentions amusing story he hopes Liveright can sell for him, receipt of a "nice letter from Konrad"; finds himself in a recurrent state of depression which undermines his productivity; hopes that the worst is over for Liveright in his personal life.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Troutdale , to Otto K. Liveright , [ New York ]
    ALS, 1 p.

    [Sends a short story which he has "lifted" out of one of his books.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Marion Hotel , Marion, Virginia , to Otto K. Liveright , [ New York ]
    n. d.
    ALS, 3 p.

    [Discusses income tax statement; intends to write something suitable for Harper 's , after they turned him down several times in the past; mentions winter climate around Marion ; describes article on "sleigh-riding in the old days of the horses" he sent to Vanity Fair , which will be published the next winter and another article he is going to send to Vanity Fair, . ]

  • Sherwood Anderson , [ Troutdale ], to Otto K. Liveright , [ New York ]
    n. d.
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Discusses possibility that Vanity Fair has sent money to Liveright, his need of funds to cover building expenses at Ripshin Farm which will be the most charming stone house when completed; mentions progress of novel.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Troutdale , to [Margrette]
    n. d.
    ALS, 4 p.

    [Gives his opinion of her short story; says it "does not quite get up and walk"; disapproves of mixing themes in a short story, how she throws things out of gear, etc.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , [ Troutdale ], to "Dear Sirs"
    n. d.
    ALS, 1 p.

    ["Certainly I wish you grand success with [ The Outsider ]. Sincerely, Sherwood Anderson . "]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Troutdale , to A. U. [Rawler]
    n. d.
    ALS, 1 p.

    [Declines request to analyze one of his own stories; he finds the idea unappealing.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , [ Troutdale ], to "Harry K[ ]"
    n. d.
    ALS, 1 p.

    [Finds himself unable or unwilling to advise him in a matter so vital.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Columbus, Ohio , to "My dear Miss Lane"
    n. d.
    ALS, 1 p.

    [Agrees with her suggestion.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , Troutdale , to Herbert Feis , Washington, D. C.
    1941 Feb 17
    TLS, 1 p.

    [Mentions his upcoming trip to South America on February 28; plans to study small towns in South Africa and to write about them for Reader's Digest ; requests passport applications and necessary information from Feis.]

  • Proofs of No Swank
    1934 Nov
  • Proof w/autograph corrections of article "The First Printing of Sherwood Anderson 's Winesburg, Ohio"
    n. d.
  • Wrapper from photograph of Sherwood Anderson fishing
    1938 Apr 16

    [Sent from Anderson to Robley Durham Stevens in Philadelphia ; in Anderson's writing; includes two United States 2 cent stamps.]

  • Sherwood Anderson , fishing
    Photograph signed
  • Sherwood Anderson
    n. d.
    Photograph signed