Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech
Special Collections and University Archives, University Libraries (0434)560 Drillfield Drive
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Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
Business Number: 540-231-6308
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Kira Dietz, Archivist
Administrative Information
Conditions Governing Reproduction and Use
Pamphlets in this collection may still be protected by copyright, depending on their age and copyright status. Emails and correspondence are still in copyright.
Reproduction or digitization of materials for personal or research use can be requested using our reproduction/digitization form: http://bit.ly/scuareproduction .
Reproduction or digitization of materials for publication or exhibit use can be requested using our publication/exhibition form: http://bit.ly/scuapublication . Please contact Special Collections and University Archives (specref@vt.edu or 540-231-6308) if you need assistance with forms or to submit a completed form.
Conditions Governing Access
The collection is open for research.
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: [identification of item], [box], [folder], Lynne Olver Collection, c.1890s-2015, Ms2021-043, Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.
Source of Acquisition
The Lynne Olver Collection was donated as part of Lynne Olver's culinary book collection and the Food Timeline web resource. Materials in this collection were grouped together in several boxes: mostly pamphlets organized by company and a few folders of email correspondence. These were processed as a small collection.
Processing Information
The processing, arrangement, and description of the Lynne Olver Collection was completed in November 2021.
Scope and Content
This collection contains pamphlets separated from the Lynne Olver Cookbook Collection, as well as some email correspondence related to scholarship by Olver and three personal objects found in the boxes of donated books. The pamphlets make up the majority of the collection, represent several hundred different companies, and date from about the 1890s-the early 2000s. Correspondence was written during the 2000s and early 2010s.
This collection is arranged in three series. Series I: Culinary Pamphlets includes about 620 pamphlets, advertisements, and newspaper clippings/reproductions relating to food products, ingredients, and small appliances. These date from about 1896-the early 2000s. This series is mostly in its original order as it was received from the collector's family. While the folders are in alphabetical order (by letter and by select company), this does not reflect a strict alphabetical order of individual items. The collector sometimes filed an item by company name, author, or title. During processing, some folders were broken up into multiple folders, which is noted in the finding aid. See the detailed list to identify specific items.
Series II: Correspondence contains 6 folders of printed emails include conversations between Olver and publishers, editors, and other authors about articles and encyclopedia contributions, dating to the early 2000s. These are in the original order received from the collector's family.
Series III: Objects includes several artifacts found among the boxes of donated cookbooks.
Related Material
Pamphlets, correspondence, and objects in this collection were part of the the 2200+ volume cookbook collection of Lynne Olver, along with the Food Timeline web resource, donated by her family. The books have been cataloged for the Special Collections and University Archives rare book collection (books can be located by searching "Lynne Olver" in the library's catalog).
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- Ann Hertzler Children's Cookbooks and Nutrition Literature Collection
- Cocktail History Collection
- Cocktails -- History
- Culinary pamphlets
- Ephemera
- History of Food and Drink
- Pamphlets
Rights Statement for Archival Description
The guide to the Lynne Olver Collection by Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, is licensed under a CC0 ( https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/ ).
Container List
- box-folder 1 folder: 1
Adolph's Ltd. How To Marinate Meat The Modern Way.undated
Adolph's Ltd. Facts You Should Know About Beef.1968
Adolph's Ltd. Frank. Jeanette. New Family Steak Recipes.undated
Amaretto di Saronno Liqueur 56 Proof. Dessert & Drink Ideas by Amaretto di Saronno.1983
Amaretto di Saronno Liqueur 56 Proof. Amaretto di Saronno Great Food & Drink Recipes.1984
Armour & Co. 69 Ration Recipes for Meat.undated
Church & Dwight Co. Inc. All Time Baking Soda Favorites.undated
Anchor Hocking. Microwave Instructions and Recipes for Anchor Hocking.undated
Andes Candies. Sweet Elegance.1985
The Culinary Institute of America. The American Bounty Sampler.1982
The American Spice Trade Association. Spices... and How to Use Them.1938
Armour & Co. Marie Gifford's 168 Meal Planning Ideas.1959
Armour & Co. Slices of Real Flavor.undated
Church & Dwight Co. Inc. New Fashioned Old Fashioned Recipes.1951
The Quaker Oats Company. Aunt Jemima's Magical Recipes.undated
Armour & Co. Meal Magic with Armour "Pantry-Shelf" Meats.1948
Armour & Co. Make It Better with Leaf Lard.undated
Church & Dwight Co. Inc. Anderson, Martha Lee. Good Things To Eat.1936
Church & Dwight Co. Inc. A Friend in Need.1933
Heublein, Inc. Cooking With Your Hat On.undated
Armour & Co. "Pastry Wrinkles."1912
- box-folder 1 folder: 2
American Dairy Council
American Dairy Company & Dairy Council, Inc. Shake it up with milk!undated
Ameican Dairy Company & Dairy Council, Inc. "Let's Eat Outdoors." (2 copies)undated
American Dairy Company & Dairy Council, Inc. Make It With Milk.undated
American Dairy Company & Dairy Council, Inc. Butter.undated
American Dairy Company & Dairy Council, Inc. Centsable Casseroles A Mother Goose Cookbook With A Money Moral.undated
American Dairy Company & Dairy Council, Inc. Sour Cream The Gourmet Touch to Everyday Cooking.undated
Church & Dwight Co. Inc. New Fashioned Old Fashioned Recipes.1951
National Dairy Council. It's Always Breakfast Time Somewhere.1958, 1947
Evaporated Milk Association. Holiday Treats made with Evaporated Milk.1951
- box-folder 1 folder: 3-5
B (3 folder)
Cook Book of the Woman's Art and Industrial Association of Nevada.1887
Avalon Tuna The Ideal Food for Summer.1913
Avalon Brand Tuna1913
The Chicken of the Sea1913
Creamed Tuna on Toast.1913
"I, George Jessel, Invented the Bloody Mary."1955
Poynter, Jane. The Human Experiment.2006
Bernardin, Inc. Bernardin Home Canning Guide.1962
Borden, Inc. They'll Love It!1976
Joseph Burnett Company. Blair, Barbara. What's Cooking?undated
Best Foods. The French have a word for it mayonnaise.1967
General Baking Company. Bond Bread Cook Book. (2 copies)1935
Beech-Nut Packing, Co. Allen, Ida Bailey. The Beech-Nut Book.1923
Best Foods. Many Ways with Chicken.undated
Baskin-Robbins. Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream Show-Off.1973
Bertolli USA, Inc. The Bertolli Olive Oil Handbook.undated
General Baking Company. Bond Bread Cook Book.1933
Nordic Ware. Over 200 Ways to Use Your Bundt Brand Pans.1994
Phillip Morris, Inc. Benson & Hedges presents Recipes From Great American Inns.1981
Hill Design, Inc. Natkiel, Lucy Ross. The Original Brown Bag Idea Book.1992
Westgate-Sun Harbor, Co. Frank Decatur White. Breast-O-Chicken Brand Tuna Recipes.1949
General Mills, Inc. Strictly Thrifty Menus.1971
Kraft, Inc. Breyers Pure Enjoyment Recipe Book.1986
Fruit Dispatch Company. Banana Salad Bazaar.undated
W. Atlee Burpee & Co. Mrs. Anna B. Scott. Best Ways to Cook Fresh Vegetables.1915
Grocery Store Products, Co. Mushrooms in your Menu. (3 copies)1956
Bacardi Imports, Inc. Come to Bacardi for the season's most delicious parties.1987
Baker Extract Company. 108 Sensible Recipes.1921
General Baking Company. Capturing the sunshine vitamin in 88 new Bond Bread Recipes.1932
Burnham & Morrill, Co. Easy to Serve B&M Casserole Dishes.undated
W. E. Long. Sandwiches For EVery Occasion.1921
United Fruit Company. Tempting Banana Recipes.1947
- box-folder 1 folder: 6
General Foods Corp. Baker's Chocolate and Coconut Favorites.undated
General Foods Corp. Baker's Chocolate and Coconut Favorites.1962
Walter Baker & Co. Inc. Best Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes.1931
Walter Baker & Co. Inc. La Belle Chocolatiere.1932
Kraft General Foods, Inc. Holiday Desserts.1992
General Foods Corp. My Party Book of Tested Chocolate Recipes.1938
General Foods Corp. Baker's Cut-Up Cake Party Book.1973
General Foods Corp. Baker's Coconut Cut-Up Cakes.1956
Walter Baker & Co. Inc. New! Scotch Bars.1942
- box-folder 1 folder: 7
Ball Brothers Company. The Ball Blue Book.1943
Ball Brothers Company. The Ball Blue Book.1938
Ball Brothers Company. The Ball Blue Book.1936
- box-folder 1 folder: 8
Better Homes & Gardens
Better Homes and Gardens. Cook Book for Men.1948
Better Homes and Gardens. So good luncheons.1948, 1951
Meredith Corporation. Shortcut Cooking.1969
- box-folder 1 folder: 9-10
Betty Crocker (2 folders)
Betty Crocker's 1960 Pennsylvania Dutch Kitchen Calendar.1960
General Mills, Inc. Bob Hope's Favorite Peach Upside-Down Cake.undated
General Mills, Inc. Betty Crocker's Country Kitchen Cookies.1958
General Mills, Inc. Let's Cook Out.1969
General Mills, Inc. 105 Chicken and Fish.1992
General Mills, Inc. Is Your Pie Crust Flaky, Tender Every Time?undated
General Mills, Inc. Breakfast with Betty Crocker in the Land of Opportunity.1958
General Mills, Inc. Everyday Meals.undated
General Mills, Inc. Continental Casseroles.1963
General Mills, Inc. Betty Crocker's Cookie Carnival.1957
General Mills, Inc. Festive Food For Holidaysundated
General Mills, Inc. Let's Plan A Smorgasbordundated
General Mills, Inc. Making Festive Preparations For Manyundated
General Mills, Inc. A Spring and Summer Treat for Family and Guests!undated
General Mills, Inc. Bisquick Party Book.1957
Pillsbury Cake Mixes.1953
Genoise (The cake of Genoa).1953
Rich, Tender and Triumphant1953
What time is it?1953
New Book Saves up to 1/2 your Baking Time!1953
Regency Ribbon Cake.1953
General Mills, Inc. Betty Crocker says: "I guarantee a perfect cake every time you bake - cake... after cake... after cake!"1953
General Mills, Inc. New! Betty Crocker's Orange Alaska Chiffon.1953
Pâte à Chou.1953
New Pillsbury Deluxe Cake Mixes!1953
General Mills, Inc. Golden Date Cakeundated
Betty Crocker's Divinity.1964
General Mills, Inc. Betty Crocker's Frosting Secrets, (3 copies)1958
General Mills, Inc. Betty Crocker. So you're serving a crowd. (2 copies)1952
General Mills, Inc. Summer Salads.1986
General Mills, Inc. Chiffon Cakesundated
General Mills, Inc. Easy Oven Meals.1984
General Mills, Inc. New From The Grill.1993
- box-folder 1 folder: 11
Bird's Eye
Frosted Foods Sales Corp. Birds Eye Cook Book. (2 copies)1941
General Foods Corp. New Birds Eye Super Suppers. (2 copies)1980
- box-folder 1 folder: 12-14
Bisquick (Betty Crocker) (3 folders)
General Mills, Inc. Bisquick Cook Book. (3 copies)1956
General Mills, Inc. The Best of Bisquick.1983
General Mills, Inc. The Morning Show.1974
General Mills, Inc. 101 Delicious Bisquick Creations.1933
General Mills, Inc. More Bisquick Stars.1953
General Mills, Inc. 133 Quicker ways to homemade... with Bisquick. (2 copies)1959
General Mills, Inc. Bisquick Party Book. (2 copies)1957
Latham Foods Limited. Useful Information to help you Bake and Enjoy.undated
General Mills, Inc. The Bisquick Cookbook.1964
General Mills, Inc. Bisquick Classics and New Favorites.1993
General Mills, Inc. Recipes by You.1985
General Mills, Inc. You've Got It Made In The Microwave.1986
General Mills, Inc. Betty Crocker's Ways with Hamburger.1969
General Mills, Inc. Betty Crocker's Bisquick Cookbook.1971, 1973
General Mills, Inc. Betty Crocker's Bisquick Cookbook.1971
- box-folder 1 folder: 15-16
Borden (2 folders)
Borden, Inc. Borden Holiday Recipe Collection.1987
Borden, Inc. Classic Desserts Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk.1986
Borden, Inc. Borden Great American Pies.1990
The Borden Company. Borden's Cheese Dips.undated
The Borden Company. Borden's Biscuits.undated
The Borden Company. Borden's Eagle Brand Book of Recipes.undated (probably c.1910?)
The Borden Company. Borden's Eagle Brand 70 Magic Recipes. (3 copies)1952
The Borden Company. This Is My Book of Magic Recipes.1942
The Borden Company. Borden's Eagle Brand 70 Magic Recipes.undated
The Borden Company. New! Instant Coffee.undated
The Borden Company. New Magic in the Kitchenundated
- box-folder 1 folder: 17-18
C (2 folders)
Carr & Co. Carr & Co. The Original Biscuit Manufacturers.1879
Contadina Division. How to be Worldly (without leaving your kitchen).1964
Pet Milk Company. Chipits Recipes.undated
Angelus-Campfire, Co. How Famous Chefs Use Marshmallows.1930
Corning Glass Works. Corning Ware Electromatics.undated
United Fruit Company Bananas. Bananas... how to serve them.1942
United Fruit Company Bananas. The New Banana.1931
United Fruit Company Bananas. Chiquita Banana's Recipe Book.1950
Rival Manufacturing Company. Crock-Pot Slow Electric Stoneware Cooker Cookbook.undated
The Coffee Brewing Center Coffee for a Crowd.undated
Popeil Bros. Inc. 50 Chop-o-matic Secret Recipes.1956
Hulman & Co. Clabber Girl Baking Book.1934
Cointreau, Ltd. Cointreau. The Gourmet's Guide to Dining and Drinking.undated
Comstock Foods. Non-Pie Pie Filling Recipes.undated
Comstock Foods. Easy Homemade Desserts That Say You Care.undated
Club Aluminum Company. The Recipe Book for Club Aluminum Ware With Personal Service.1923
Club Aluminum Company. The Recipe Book for Club Aluminum Ware With Personal Service.1925
Campbell Soup Company. Campbell's No-Time-To-Cook Recipes.1993
Campbell Soup Company. Campbell's Creative Cooking with Soup.1987
Campbell Soup Company. Campbell's Low-Fat Cooking.1995
Cuisinarts, Inc. James Beard & Carl Jerome. New Recipes for the Cuisinart Food Processor.1976 & 1978
Calavo Growers of California. The New Calavo Hostess Book.1932
Cornwall Corporation. Cornwall Electric Fondue Cookbook.undated
General Foods Corp. Mmmm... in minutes.1981
The Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co. Inc. Mitchell, Margaret. Cutco Cook Book.1956
Charles Chips. Alea, Myra. Cooking with Charles Chips.1977
- box-folder 1 folder: 19
General Foods Corp. The Calumet Book of Oven Triumphs.1934
General Foods Corp. The Calumet Treasury of Home Baking.1958
General Foods Corp. Breads, Biscuits & Shortcakes. (2 copies)undated
- box-folder 1 folder: 20
Carnation Co.
Carnation Company. Fun to Cook Book.1955
Carnation Company. Blake, Mary. Baking Secrets.1955
Carnation Company. Blake, Mary. 100 Glorified Recipes.1933
Carnation Company. Piper, Virginia M. Carnation's Good-and-Easy Cookbook.1970
- box-folder 1 folder: 21
Crisco. Lucious Recipes Easy to Bake.1991
The Procter & Gamble Company. New Recipes for Good Eating.1949
The Procter & Gamble Company. American Pie Celebration.1989
The Procter & Gamble Company. Recipes for Good Eating.1945
The Procter & Gamble Company. Better Baking.undated
- box-folder 1 folder: 22 box-folder 2 folder: 1-3
Culinary Arts Institute (4 folders)
Culinary Arts Institute. 200 Fish & Shellfish Recipes.1975, 1969, 1965
Culinary Arts Institute. 250 Sauces Gravies and Dressings.1965, 1969
Culinary Arts Institute. The American Family Cookbook.1969
Culinary Arts Institute. 250 ways to prepare Meat.1965, 1969
Culinary Arts Institute. 250 ways to make Candy.1965, 1969
Culinary Arts Institute. 250 tasty Snacks ideas for entertaining.1971
Culinary Arts Institute. 250 ways to prepare Poultry and Game Birds.1964, 1969
Culinary Arts Institute. 200 dishes for Sunday Night Suppers.1965, 1969
Culinary Arts Institute. 250 healthful Dairy Dishes.1964, 1969
Culinary Arts Institute. 230 tasty Sandwich Recipes/1964, 1969
Culinary Arts Institute. 150 Desserts.1975, 1969, 1965
Culinary Arts Institute. Meals for Two Cookbook.1965, 1969
Culinary Arts Institute. 250 superb Pies and Pastries. (2 copies)1965, 1969
Culinary Arts Institute. 200 classic Cake Recipes.1971
Culinary Arts Institute. 250 Breads Biscuits and Rolls.1965, 1969
Culinary Arts Institute. 250 ways to serving Potatoes.1964, 1969, 1970
Culinary Arts Institute. 300 delicious Salads.1965, 1969
Culinary Arts Institute. The Cookie Book.1965, 1969, 1973
Culinary Arts Institute. 250 Vegetable Recipes.1975, 1969, 1965
Culinary Arts Institute. The Cookie Book.1940
Culinary Arts Institute. Quick Dishes for the Woman in a Hurry. (3 copies)undated
Culinary Arts Institute. 500 Delicious Dishes From Leftovers.1940
Culinary Arts Institute. 500 Delicious Dishes From Leftovers. (2 copies)1940, 1949
Culinary Arts Institute. The Southern and Southwestern Cookbook.1972, 1956
Culinary Arts Institute. The Casserole Cookbook.1956, 1955, 1954
Culinary Arts Institute. Quick Dishes for the Woman in a Hurry.1955, 1954
Culinary Arts Institute. The Scandinavian Cookbook.1956
Culinary Arts Institute. The French Cookbook. (2 copies)1955, 1954
Culinary Arts Institute. The Candy Book.1941
Culinary Arts Institute. 500 Delicious Salads.1940
Culinary Arts Institute. 500 Delicious Dishes from Leftovers.1940
Culinary Arts Institute. The Sunday Night Supers Cookbook.1942
Culinary Arts Institute. 250 ways to make Candy.1941, 1949, 1955
Culinary Arts Institute. The Italian Cookbook.1956, 1955, 1954
Culinary Arts Institute. The German and Viennese Cookbook.1956
Culinary Arts Institute. 250 Classic Cake Recipes.1940
- box-folder 2 folder: 4-5
D (2 folders)
The Hills Brothers Company. Dromedary Cookbook.1912
Del Monte Corporation. Del Monte Holiday Entertainment Guide.1982
Diamond Walnut Growers, Inc. Diamond Walnut Recipe Gems.undated
Diamond Walnut Growers, Inc. Diamond Walnut Recipe Favorites. (2 copies)undated
Diamond Walnut Growers, Inc. The Diamond Walnut Collection.1990
Delineator Service. Salads for all Occasions.1929, 1930
Dormeyer Corporation. Easy does it Recipes for your new Dormeyer Mix-Well.undated
Dormeyer Corporation. Dormeyer Electric-Mix Treasures.1949
Denmark Cheese Association. Say "Danish Cheese" Please.undated
Nabisco, Inc. Dromedary Date Delights.1975
R. B. Davis Company. A Lesson Plan on Christmas Suggestions.1925
R. B. Davis Company. [Davis Baking Powder].undated
Dole Company. The Pineapple Cookbook.undated
Hawaiian Pineapple Company. Hale, Marion Mason. The Kingdom That Grew Out of a Little Boy's Garden.1930
Hawaiian Pineapple Canners. Ninety-Nine Tempting Pineapple Treats.1922
California Dried Fruit Research Institute . 100 Selected Dried Fruit Recipes.1939
Del Monte Corporation. Del Monte Tomato Sauce Recipes.1925
Marjon Promotions, Inc. "Dinner is Served" Menu/Recipe Cards Set #3.1972
Marjon Promotions, Inc. "Dinner is Served" Menu/Recipe Cards Set #4. (2 copies)1972
Marjon Promotions, Inc. "Dinner is Served" Menu/Recipe Cards Set #8.1972
Marjon Promotions, Inc. "Dinner is Served" Menu/Recipe Cards Set #9.1972
- box-folder 2 folder: 6
Ekco Products Company. Minute Magic with the Ekco Pressure Cooker.1946
Equal, Inc. & Fearn International, Inc. Equal Mocktails.1985
NutraSweet Consumer Products, Inc. Equal Fruitful Delights.1984, 1986
Eatwell Provisions, Inc. Tangy Recipes using Italian Brand Pure Pork Sausages.1954
The American Butter Institute, The National Creameries Association, The National Milk Producers Federation. Recipes Royale.undated
Thomas A. Edison, Incorporated. Edicraft Table Cookery.1934, 1993
- box-folder 2 folder: 7-9
F (3 folders)
Table Topics Publishing Co. Fairlawn Table Topics.1951
The R. T. French Company. French, Carol. Seasoning Makes the Difference1951
The R. T. French Company. Dining Delights.1948
Edison Electric Institute. Meals Go Modern Electrically.1940
Favorite Recipes Press. Quick & Easy Cookbook.1981
The R. T. French Company. Let's Have a Barbecue.1952
Faberware. Farberware Electric Wok Set.undated
Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Limited. Five Roses Cook Book.1915
R. E. Funsten Company. Pecan Treats and Sweets. (2 copies)1950
Freezer Owners Association of America, Inc. Rolfs, Shirley. Freezing Foods at Home.1945, 1947
Frigidaire. Frigidaire Salad Book.undated
R. E. Funsten Company. Goodies Galore from Funsten.1963
Fishery Council, Inc. Fish and Shellfish Cook Book.undated
The R. T. French Company. Salads and Savories with French's Cream Salad Mustard.1925
Foods From France, Inc. French Cuisine.undated
Foley Manufacturing Co. Applesauce a plenty with a food mill with Foley.undated
Foley Manufacturing Co. Shortcuts with favorite foods and recipes by Foley.1965
Foley Manufacturing Co. Shortcuts with favorite foods and recipes by Foley .1970
The N. K. Fairbank Company. Fifty Popular Recipes.1894
Foster Farms. A chicken for every pot.undated
Family Circle Magazine. 101 Penny-Saving Main Dishes.undated
Frigidaire. Your Frigidaire Recipes1938, 1939
Great Tasting Chicken Recipes.1987
Flako Products Corp. Flako Recipe Album.1954
- box-folder 2 folder: 10
Fleischmann's Yeast
Standard Brands Incorporated. The Bread Basket.1942, 1943
The Fleischmann Company. Fleischmann Recipes.1916
Standard Brands Incorporated. The Fleischmann Treasury of Yeast Baking/ (2 copies)1962
- box-folder 2 folder: 11-13
G (3 folders)
The Hearst Corporation. Good Housekeeping's Sandwich Manual.undated
The Hearst Corporation. 10 P.M. Cook Book.1959
The Hearst Corporation. Good Housekeeping's Book of Buffet Suppers.1964
The Hearst Corporation. Good Housekeeping's Complete Book of Salads.1962
The Procter & Gamble Company. "What's Newest" in Baking and Frying.1955
Hearst Magazines, Inc. Canning the Victory Garden Crop.1943
American Gas Association. Food is fun...undated
The John G. Paton Co. Inc. Honey A Good Cook's Secret.1942
The Hearst Corporation. Good Housekeeping's Poultry & Game Book.1958
The Hearst Corporation. Good Housekeeping's Meat Cook Book.1958
The Hearst Corporation. Good Housekeeping's Book of Breads & Sandwiches.1958
General Electric Company. How to Enjoy Speed Cooking.undated
General Electric Company. Speed Cooking with your new 1948 General Electric Automatic Electric Range.1948
The Hearst Corporation. Good Housekeeping's Quick 'N' Easy Cook Book.1958
General Electric Company. Simplified Cooking.undated
General Electric Company. How to enjoy your 1951 Genral Electric Spacemaker Refrigerator.1951
Grocery Store Products Co. How to Make a Special Diet Taste Extra Special.1954
General Electric Company. Instruction and Recipe Book.1933
The Gailstyn Company, Inc. Ka-Ba.1971
A. Goodman & Sons, Inc. "For goodness sake" use Goodman's Recipes.1951
General Electric Kitchen Institute. The New Art.1934
Gay Lea Foods. Recipes from Gay Lea.undated
Gebhardt Chili Powder Co. Mexican Cookery for American Homes.1942
We kids "GO FOR" Gormons Fortified Bread.undated
Fawcett Publications, Inc. Hamm, Marie Roberson . The Gold Medal Blender Cookbook.1971
Gerber Products Company. For Baby.1932
- box-folder 2 folder: 14
Gold Medal (Betty Crocker)
Gold Medal. Gold Medal Jubilee.undated
General Mills. Breads You Bake... with Yeastundated
General Mills. Breads You Bake... with Yeast. (2 copies)undated
General Mills. Betty Crocker. Festive Fixin's with a Foreign Flair.undated
General Mills. Betty Crocker. Bake Up a Story.undated
General Mills. Betty Crocker. Frankly Fancy Foods. (2 copies)1959
General Mills. Betty Crocker. All about Pie. (2 copies)1955
General Mills. Betty Crocker. Quick Breads.undated
General Mills. Betty Crocker. Quick Bread Winners.1969
General Mills & Standard Brand. Mary Lynn Woods & Betty Crocker. 41 Adapt-a-Dough Recipes.1963
General Mills. Betty Crocker. Baking's Believing. (2 copies)1963
General Mills. Betty Crocker. Holiday Heritage.1966
- box-folder 2 folder: 15
Golden Fluff
The Procter & Gamble Company. Creative Cooking Made Easy.1956
- box-folder 2 folder: 16
Hotpoint Hughes Electric Ranges. Special Instructions for users of Hotpoint Hughes Automatic and Super-Automatic Electric Ranges.undated
American Honey Institute. Old Favorite Honey Recipes .1945
Hardwick Stove Company. America Cooks.1952
Hallmark Cards, Inc. The Hallmark Book of Holiday Recipes .undated
Himark Enterprises, Inc. Chinese Wok.1982
Hamilton Beach Company. Hamilton Beach Food Mixer Instructions and Tested Recipes.1948
"Let's Eat Outdoors."undated
Hungerford Packing Company. 9 Ways to Tempt a Palate.undated
The Hipolite Company. Home Desserts.undated
Home Institute . Prize Winning Recipes.1940
Hunt Foods, Inc. 21 New Ways to Serve Hamburger.undated
Pure Food Company, Inc. The Herb-Ox Money Saver.1949
Hamilton Beach. The Electric Knife Way to Better Carving.1967
- box-folder 2 folder: 17
H. J. Heinz Company. 57 Ways to Use Heinz Condensed Soups.1944
H. J. Heinz Company. Chef's Recipe Secrets.undated
H. J. Heinz Company. Festive Cheese Ball.undated
H. J. Heinz Company. Heinz Guide to Successful Pickling.1984
H. J. Heinz Company. Heinz Book of Salads.1930
H. J. Heinz Company. The Heinz Book of Meat Cookery.1934
H. J. Heinz Company. Everybody's Recipes.undated
Richard Hellmann, Inc. Salad Ideas.1927
- box-folder 2 folder: 18
Rogers Bros. Food Products. Helpful Hints for the Use of Pure Idaho Potato Flour.
- box-folder 2 folder: 19
"Flibbity Jibbit" [Junket].undated
Chr. Hansen's Laboratory, Inc. Mason, Mary. How to Make Delicious Rennet-custards and Smooth Ice Cream.1936
Chr. Hansen's Laboratory, Inc. Mason, Mary. Milk Desserts for Growing Children.1953
Chr. Hansen's Laboratory, Inc. Mason, Mary. 121 Tested Recipes.undated
Jones Dairy Farm. The Jones Recipe Collection.undated
- box-folder 2 folder: 20-21
Jell-O (2 folders)
The Jell-O Co. Inc.1925
The Jell-O Co. Inc. Jell-Oundated
The Jell-O Co. Inc. Through the Menu with Jell-O.1927
The Jell-O Co. Inc.1924
The Jell-O Co. Inc. Today... what salad... what dessert?1928
The Jell-O Co. Inc.undated
General Foods Corp. Try the New Jell-O.1932
General Foods Corp. Want Something Different?1931
General Foods Corp. Dessert Magic. (2 copies)1944
General Foods Corp. The New Jell-O Book of Surprises.1930
General Foods Corp. Now Jell-O Tastes Twice as Good.1934
General Foods Corp. Sweet Moment Desserts.1963
General Foods Corp. Quick Easy Jell-O Wonder Dishes.1930
General Foods Corp. Jell-O Fun and Fabulous Recipes.1990
General Foods Corp. Amazing Magical Jell-O Brand Desserts.1977
General Foods Corp. The Proof of the Pudding.1965
General Foods Corp. What can you do with Jell-O.1933
General Foods Corp. The Comeplete Jell-O Recipe Book.1929
General Foods Corp. Jack & Mary's Jell-O Recipe Book.1937
Jell-O Ice Cream Powder.undated
Kraft General Foods, Inc. Holiday Desserts.1992
- box-folder 2 folder: 22-23 box-folder 3 folder: 1
K (3 folders)
Better home-made candy with Karo syrup.undated
Corn Products Sales Company. Karo Kookery.undated
Grocery Store Products Co. Cooking with Inspiration.1962
Corn Products Refining Company. Karo Kookery.undated
Corn Products Sales Company. 49 Delightful Ways to Enjoy Karo.1937
Spencer Press, Inc. The Kenmore Hand Mixer Cook Booklet.1955
Keystone Mushroom Co. Inc. Keystone Canned Mushrooms and How to Serve Them.undated
Kretschmer/International Milling Co. Inc.. Recipes with Something Special.1968
Kings Super Markets, Inc. A Poultry Primer.1986
Ashley, Jane. Recipes for Happy Holidays and "Goodies for Giving." (2 copies)undated
Kerr Glass Mfg. Co. Kerr Home Canning Book.1945
The Benjamin Company, Inc. Kenmore Microwave Cooking.1979
Knox Gelatine, Inc. & Thomas J. Lipton, Inc. The Grand Performerundated
Koons-Beebe Associates. Quick and Easy Cooking with Your Karen Dial-o-Matic Kooker.1946
Corn Products Refining Company. Karo Cook Book.1910
International Multifoods Corp. Naturally Good Wheat Germ Cookbook.1974
Hobart Corporation. KitchenAid Mixers and Attachmentsundated
Kretschmer Corp. Good Foods Made Betterundated
Sears, Roebuck and Company. Kenmore Aluminum Electric Cookware.1957
- box 3 folder: 2
Kellogg Company. Mother Geese.1933
Kellogg Company. Kay Kellogg's Creative Cookery.undated
Kellogg Company. Housekeeping Time Savers.1945
Kellogg Company. Keep on the Sunny Side of Life.1933
Kellogg Company. A New Way of Living.1932
Kellogg Company. Kay Kellogg's Corn Flake Crumbs Cookery.undated
- box 3 folder: 3
Charles B. Knox Gelatine Co. Inc. Gel-Cookery Recipe Book.1955
Charles B. Knox Gelatine Co. Inc. Knox Gelatine.1929
Charles B. Knox Gelatine Co. Inc. Knox Gelatine Recipe Book.1952
Charles B. Knox Gelatine Co. Inc. Knox Gelatine.1943
Charles B. Knox Gelatine Co. Inc. Knox Quickies.1938
Charles B. Knox Gelatine Co. Inc. Knox Eat and Reduce Plan.1955
Knox Gelatine, Inc. Knox On-Camera Recipes.1962
Knox Gelatine, Inc. Mrs. Knox's Guide to Modern Gel-Cookery.undated
Knox Gelatine, Inc. Better Meals with Gel-Cookery.undated
Knox Gelatine, Inc. & Thomas J. Lipton, Inc. The Grand Performer.undated
Glorious, Sugar Frosted Candies Fancy, but Easy-to-Make Pies.undated
- box 3 folder: 4
Kraft Cheese Company. Dahnke, Marye. The Cheese Cook Book.1942
Kraft Foods, Inc. Happy Healthy Holidays!1995
Kraft Kitchen. 44 Wonderful Ways to Use Philadelphia Brand Cream Cheese.undated
Kraft Kitchen. Cooking With Miracle Whip.undated
Kraft-Phenix Cheese Corporation. Favorite Recipes From Marye Dahnke's File.1938
Kraft Cookery. (3 copies)undated
Mid-Summer Magic From Kraft.undated
Kraft Cheese Cookery.undated
Caramel Surprises.undated
- box 3 folder: 5-6
L (2 folders)
V. La Rosa & Sons, Inc. 101 Ways to Prepare Macaroni.1942
Tate & Lyle's, Ltd. Craig, Elizabeth. More Every-Day Dishes.undated
The Benjamin Co. Inc. & Lea & Perrins, Inc. Lea Herrins Appetizer, Soup, Main Dish, Vegetable, and Salad Cookbook.1975
Lea & Perrins, Inc. The Secret of Seasoning.1946
The Benjamin Co. Inc. & Thomas J. Lipton, Inc. Souped Up Recipes from Lipton.1978
Thomas J. Lipton, Inc. Collectors Corner of Favorite Lipton Recipes.undated
Libby McNeill & Libby. Martin, Mary Hale. My Best Recipes.1934
Lamb Time for Young Americans.undated
Beatrice Foods, Co. The Arts and Secrets of Chinese Cookery.1957
Abram Lyle & Sons, Ltd. Some Every-Day Dishes.undated
Land O' Lakes, Inc. Land O Lakes Unsalted Butter Cookbook.1981
Land O Lakes Creameries, Inc. Only Love Beats Butterundated
Lea & Perrins, Inc. Light & Elegant.undated
Land O Lakes Boneless Ready to Cook Turkey Breast.undated
Thomas J. Lipton, Inc. Soup Lover's Guide to Lipton.undated
Renfield Importers, Ltd. Lucas, Dione. Gourmet Tips for Better Cooking (second collection).undated
Renfield Importers, Ltd. Lucas, Dione. Gourmet Tips for Better Cooking.undated
V. La Rosa & Sons, Inc. 101 Ways to Prepare Macaroni. (2 copies)1949
- box 3 folder: 7-9
M (3 folders)
Meredith Corporation. Shortcut Cooking.1969
Marlboro Country Cooking.undated
Philip Morris, Inc. Chuckwagon Cooking from Marlboro Country.1971
John Morrell & Co. Kimball, Mrs. Marie. Treasured Recipes of the Old South.1941
The Midland Flour Milling Co. Town Crier Recipe Book.1938
General Foods Corporation. Barton, Francis. Miracles with Minute Tapioca. (2 copies)1948
Mayo Clinic. 20 Tasty Recipes for People with Diabetes.2001
Furst-McNess Company. F. W. McNess' Cook Book.1935
Furst-McNess Company. F. W. McNess' Cook Book.undated
Minute Tapioca Co. Inc. Easy Triumphs with the New Minute Tapioca. (2 copies)1934
Mogen David Wine Corporation. Mogen David.undated
Aluminum Goods Mfg. Co. Mirro-Matic Pressure Pan.undated
Cary Maple Sugar Co. Inc. Highland Maple Syrup Recipes.1939
Standard Milling. Favorites from the Backs of our Boxes.undated
El Molino Mills. El Molino Best.1953
Rand McNally & Co. Wholesome Cooking Without Waste. (3 copies)1921
C. F. Mueller Co. Tested & Proven Recipes.1930
Minute Tapioca Co. Inc. Minute Gelatine Cook Book.1930
The 7-Day Milk Diet... For Women1968
Fruit Dispatch Company. Banana Salad Bazaar. (2 copies)undated
Master Bake Pot Company. Master Bake Pot Recipe.undated
Meloripe Fruit Company. Bananas Take a Bow...1939
Oh Boy... It's My-T-Fine.undated
MJB Kitchens. Vary your Menus... with MJB Rice.undated
Mirro Aluminum Company. Fancy Cookies and Pastries.undated
Boston Molasses Co. Grandma's Old-fashioned Molasses Recipes.1928
Maggi Co. Inc. Bouillon Cookery.1947
McCormick & Co. Inc. Five Great "Put-Ons."undated
McCormick & Co. Inc. McCormick Spaghetti Sauce Mix Favorites.undated
McCormick & Co. Inc. McCormick Gourmet Spice Recipes - Pepper.undated
McCormick & Co. Inc. McCormick Gourmet Spice Recipes - Onion Garlic.undated
McCormick & Co. Inc. McCormick Gourmet Spice Recipes - Charcoal Seasoning.undated
Mirro Test Kitchen. How to Make Fancy Cookies.undated
Foodtown. Roast Timer.1961
Durkee-Mower, Inc. Marshmellow Fluff Recipes.undated
Mirro Cooky and Pastry Recipes.undated
Lewis & Neale, Inc. Mushrooms Go with Everything.undated
Aluminum Goods Mfg. Co. Mirro-Matic Pressure Panundated
Merit Enterprises, Co. Automatic Electric Skillet Models 44 & 77.undated
The Chicle Products Co. Are you a Walking Refinery!1914
General Foods Corporation. Exciting World of Rice Dishes. (2 copies)1959
C. F. Mueller Co. Delicious Recipes with Mueller's Macaroni Products.undated
- box 3 folder: 10
Best Foods. Mazola recipes to help you Eat well... but wisely!undated
Best Foods. Mazola Corn Oil Mexican Cookbook.1984
Corn Products Refining Company. The Mazola Salad Bowl.1938
Corn Products Refining Company. Ashley, Jane. Mazola Menu Magic.1951
- box 3 folder: 11
Metropolitan Life Co.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. Frich, Lilla. Metropolitan Cook Book. (3 copies)1918
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. Metropolitan Cook Book. (2 copies)undated
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. Metropolitan Cook Book.1957
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. Metropolitan Cook Book.1948
- box 3 folder: 12
National Live Stock and Meat Board. Meat Recipes for Good Eating.undated
National Live Stock and Meat Board. A Treasury of Meat Recipes.1940
S. H. Co. Norge Recipe Book.undated
National Pressure Cooker Co. Modern Guide to Home Canningundated
One Hundred Years of Great Tastes.1998
The Nestle Co. Inc. Favorite Cookies from Other Lands.undated
Northland Foods, Inc. Instant Fruit Dessert Recipes. (2 copies)undated
The Nestle Co. Inc. The Flavorful World of the Nestle Company, Inc.undated
The Nestle Co. Inc. Nestle Choc-bake.undated
The Nestle Co. Inc. The Chocolate Lovers' Collection.1959
The Nestle Co. Inc. Futlon, Jane. Chocolate Kitchen Recipes.1951
The Nestle Co. Inc. Delicious Nestle's Chocolate Quik Recipes.undated
The New York Times Company. The New York Times Outdoor Party Guide.1971
- box 3 folder: 13
Nabisco Kitchen. Recipe No.2 - Wheat Scones.undated
Nabisco Kitchen. Recipe No.6 - Vegetable Stuffing.undated
Nabisco Kitchen. Recipe No.17 - Celery Mushroom Favorite.undated
Nabisco Kitchen. Recipe No.30 - Meat Cereal Loaf.undated
Nabisco, Inc. Fickle Finger of Fat.1998
Nabisco, Inc. Cookie That 'Erupts' in Microwave.1990
Nabisco, Inc. Nabisco's New Cookie Line Marks the Beginning of a Fierce Sales War.1983
Nabisco, Inc. Finer than the finest, costliest, imperted English tea cookies!1957
Nabisco, Inc. Marshmallow Sandwiches.2004
National Biscuit Co. What Does This Mean?1900
National Biscuit Co. Advertising: A Cookie That Didn't Crumble.1969
National Biscuit Co. Want a cooler way to cook? It's all in the box.1932
National Biscuit Co. "You bet I like this Easy Way to Cook!"1932
National Biscuit Co. Here are the Uneeda Bakers Leaders for March.1932
National Biscuit Co. "Uneeda Bakers" Oreo Sandwich.1930
National Biscuit Co. Each delicious bite!1936
National Biscuit Co. Dessert Guide Available Free to Home Cook.1958
National Biscuit Co. Prices Talk.undated
National Biscuit Co. The Fall Book of Menu Magic.1932
Jones Dry Good advertisement.
Snow White Better Food Store advertisement
- box 3 folder: 14-15
O (2 folders)
Olive Advisory Board. Elegant but Easy Recipes with California Ripe Olives.undated
Picture Book Press. Cape Cod Cook Book.1956
Omaha Creative Group, Inc. Good Life Guide & Cookbook.2000
John Oster Manufacturing Co. Spin Cookery Blender Cook Book.1971
Oscar Mayer & Co. 80 Favorites.undated
Oster Corporation. Osterizer Blender Spin Cookery Cookbook.1966
John Oster Manufacturing Co. Spin Cookery Blender Cook Book.1970
Oster Corporation. Osterizer Blender Spin Cookery Cookbook.1972
The OLD BAY Company. Cooking With Old Bay.1989
John Oster Manufacturing Co. Recipes for the Two-Speed Osterizer.1961
Heublein, Inc. The Orignial Mexicans.1972
New. Improved Ovaltine.undated
National Cranberry Association. Cranberry Dishes for Holidays and Special Occasions.undated
Cranberry Canners, Inc. Cape Cod's Famous Cranberry Recipes.1941
Ocean Spray Brand. Menu Specials.undated
- box 3 folder: 16-18
P (3 folders)
Meet the family of Py-O-MY mixes.1956
National Presto Industries, Inc. Presto Cooker Recipe Book.undated
Pollio Dairy Products Corporation. Polly-O Recipe Book. (2 copies)1977
National Pressure Cooker Co. Presto Cooker Recipe Book.1946
National Pressure Cooker Co. Presto Cooker Recipe Book.1948
Priest Drug Company. Priest's Cook Book.undated
Rodale Press. Springer, Gertrude. The Good Health Cookbook.1962
Planters Edible Oil Co. They Taste Sooo Good!1955
Pabst Company. Recipes the Modern Pabst-ett Way.1931
Prince Treasury of Italian Recipes.undated
Corning Glass Works. Foods Actually Bake Better This Way.1926
Corning Glass Works. Pyrex Prize Recipes.1963
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. Panasonic Micro & Browner Cookery Book.undated
Perdue Farms, Inc. The Four Seasons of Chicken.undated
The Best Foods, Inc. 35 Prized Presto Recipes.undated
Pompeian Olive Oil. Continental Cook Booklet. (2 copies)undated
Pompeian Olive Oil. Tasty French Type Dressings.undated
Corning Glass Works. Getting the Most Out of Foods.undated
Procter & Gamble Bakery Service. Primex Quality Pies.1940
The Procter & Gamble Company. Cooking Hints and Tested Recipes.1937
Great Foods Magazine. 30 Diet Dinners.undated
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. Summer Time.undated
Rodale Press, Inc. Desserts Without Guilt.1987
Pet Milk Company. Pet Banana Recipes.undated
National Presto Industries, Inc. Recipe Book PRESTO Pressure Cooker.1967
National Presto Industries, Inc. PRESTO Pressure Cookers Recipe and Instruction Book.1971
- box 3 folder: 19
Pet Milk
Pet Milk Company. Taylor, Mary Lee. Weight-watching Desserts and Other New Recipes.1957
Pet Milk Company. Taylor, Mary Lee. Nonfat Dry Milk Recipes. (2 copies)1953
Pet Milk Company. Plain and Party Food1941
Pet Milk Company. Better Meals in Less Time... For Less Money.1942
Pet Milk Company. Food for "Fitness."1942
Pet Milk Company. Taylor, Mary Lee. Good Cooking Ideas.undated
Pet Milk Company. Taylor, Mary Lee. Pet Springtime Recipes.1934
Pet Milk Company. Taylor, Mary Lee. Easier Cooking for 2 or 4 or 6.undated
Pet Milk Company. Sweet and Simple.1960
- box 3 folder: 20-21
Pillsbury (2 folders)
The Pillsbury Flour Mills, Co. The Pillsbury Cook Book.1914
The Pillsbury Company. Best Loved Foods of Christmas.undated
The Pillsbury Company. Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Cookbook.1983
The Pillsbury Company. Fresh & Frosty.1985
The Pillsbury Company. Bake it Easy Bake-off Cook Book.undated
The Pillsbury Company. Children's Choice Cookbook.1982
The Pillsbury Company. Fun-Filled Butter Cookies Cookbook.undated
The Pillsbury Company. How to make Pillsbury "Centerpeice" Cakes!undated
The Pillsbury Company. "Do-it-together" Butter Cookies. (2 copies)undated
The Pillsbury Company. Garden Fresh Salads & Vegetables.1990
The Pillsbury Company. Breakfasts & Lunches. (2 copies)1985
The Pillsbury Company. Cool Ideas Cook Book.undated
The Pillsbury Company. Sweet 10 Calorie-slim Recipes.undated
The Pillsbury Company. Bread Flour Cookbook.undated
The Pillsbury Company. Picnics & Potlucks.1992
The Pillsbury Company. Country American Cooking.1988
The Pillsbury Company. Hearty Soups & Breads.1985
The Pillsbury Company. Sweet Success.1980
The Pillsbury Company. Cookie Jar Favorites.undated
- box 3 folder: 22-24
Pillsbury Bake Off (3 folders)
The Pillsbury Company. Pillsbury Announces the 3 Grand Prize-winning Recipes.1950
The Pillsbury Company. News of Food: $50,000 Recipe Award Goes to Housewife Who Has Been a Cook for Only 6 Years.1949
The Pillsbury Company. News of Food: Waldor's Ballroom Is Kitchen as 100 Cooks Compete for Awards.1949
The Pillsbury Company. PROFITABLE COOKING: Detroit Woman 'Bakes Down' 99 for $50,000.1949
The Pillsbury Company. Housewife 'Twists' Top Prize at Bake-Off .1949
The Pillsbury Company. Round the Food Stores: FOR A LOOK AT THE LATEST IDEAS.1963
The Pillsbury Company. Frosting inside? That's the $5,000 shortcut surprise.1966
The Pillsbury Company. Makes its own tunnel of fudge as it bakes.1966
The Pillsbury Company. Las Vegan Cooks Up Big Jackpot.1966
The Pillsbury Company. Bake-off Cook Book.1974
The Pillsbury Company. Bake-off Cook Book from Pillsbury.1971
The Pillsbury Company. Pillsbury's Bake-off Cook Book.1970
The Pillsbury Company. America's Bake-off.1978
The Pillsbury Company. America's 30th Bake-off Cookbook.1982
The Pillsbury Company. America's Bake-off Cook Book.[1981?]
The Pillsbury Company. A Treasury of Bake-off Favorites.1969
The Pillsbury Company. America's Bake-off Cook Book.1980
The Pillsbury Company. Bake-off Cook Book.1967
The Pillsbury Company. 100 New Bake-off Recipes.1965
The Pillsbury Company. 11th Grand National Bake-off Cookbook.undated
The Pillsbury Company. 100 Prize-Winning Recipes.1952
The Pillsbury Company. 100 Prize-Winning Recipes.1951
The Pillsbury Company. 100 Prize-Winning Recipes.1950
The Pillsbury Company. 9th Grand National Cook Book.undated
The Pillsbury Company. 100 Grand National Recipes.1954
The Pillsbury Company. Pillsbury's 7th Grand National Cookbook.1956
The Pillsbury Company. 100 Bake-off Recipes.1969
The Pillsbury Company. Busy Lady Bake-off Recipes.1966
The Pillsbury Company. Bake-off Cook Book.1968
The Pillsbury Company. 100 Grand National Recipes.1955
The Pillsbury Company. 100 Grand National Recipes.undated
- box-folder 4 folder: 1
The Quaker Oats Company. The Counter Revolution: Back-of-the-Box Recipes.2004
The Quaker Oats Company. All-time Anytime Recipes.undated
The Quaker Oats Company. Quaker Bran Recipes.undated
The Quaker Oats Company. Quaker Surprise Recipes.undated
The Quaker Oats Company. Quaker Oat Bran.1989
- box-folder 4 folder: 2-5
R (3 folders)
The Reliable Flour Co. Biscuit & Cakes.1911
Robertshaw-Fulton Controls, Co. Better Cooking and Baking.1960
Neil, Marion Harris. Ryzon Baking Book.1916
Rival Manufacturing Company. Rival Crock-pot Cooking.1975
Jay Broiler Company. Williams-Heller, Ann. Mr. & Mrs. Roto-Broil Cook Book.1953
The Rumford Company. Hill, Janet McKenzie. The Rumford Way of Cookery and Household Economy.undated
The Rumford Company. Wallace, Lily Haxworth. The Rumford Common Sense Cook Book.undated
Robin Hood Flour Mills Limited. Holiday Entertaining.undated
Robin Hood Flour Mills Limited. Martin, Rita. Sweet Dough.undated
Robin Hood Flour Mills Limited. Martin, Rita. Breads & Rolls.undated
Robin Hood Flour Mills Limited. Happy Holiday Baking.undated
Robin Hood Flour Mills Limited. Martin, Rita. Cakes & Icings.undated
Robin Hood Flour Mills Limited. Martin, Rita. Cookies.undated
Reynolds Metals Company. Preparing foods with Reynolds Wrap pure aluminum foil.undated
Rochester Stamping Co. "Royal Rochester" Casserole Recipes.undated
Rumford Chemical Works. Farmer, Fannie Merritt. The Rumford Cook Book.undated
Rumford Chemical Works. Hill, Janet M. Rumford Dainties and Household Helps.undated
Jay Kay Metal Specialties Corp. Roto-Broil 400 Riviera.undated
Reynolds Metals Company. Parties and Presents.undated
Ronzoni Pastina. Recipes mothers can trust.undated
Richmond-Chase Company. Heart's Delight year 'round favorite recipes.undated
Reynolds Metals Company. The Reynolds Brown-in-Bag Cookbook.1973
- box-folder 4 folder: 5-6
America's Test Kitchen (2 folders)
- box-folder 4 folder: 7
Oxford University Press-Savoring Gotham
- box-folder 4 folder: 8-9
Oxford University Press-Sweets (2 folders)
- box-folder 4 folder: 10
Corporation for Public Broadcasting-Reviews
- box-folder 4 folder: 11
Grape trivet
- box-folder 4 folder: 12
Hollow book
- box-folder 4 folder: 13
Wood art (ducks flying)
- box-folder 4 folder: 14
Laura R. Crystal Domestic Science Notebookc.1910s?Immediate Source of Acquisition
This item was actually found in Lynne Olver's book collection during the cataloging process. It was removed and added to the manuscript collection in 2022.
Scope and ContentBased on information on the Food Timeline, this is believed to be Lynne Olver's grandmother's school notebook/recipe book: https://www.foodtimeline.org/foodfaqa.html . The cover reads: "Laura R. Crystal 7B Domestic Science" and the notebook contains recipes, food preservation techniques, household management rules, and various clippings. There is also an ink drawing.
While the handwritten sections are not dated, newspaper clippings suggest this was created and/or kept in the mid 1910s.