Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech
Special Collections and University Archives, University Libraries (0434)560 Drillfield Drive
Newman Library, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
Business Number: 540-231-6308
URL: http://spec.lib.vt.edu
Jennifer Mitchell, Archives Assistant
Administrative Information
Conditions Governing Reproduction and Use
The copyright status of this collection is unknown. Copyright restrictions may apply. Contact Special Collections and University Archives for assistance in determining the use of these materials.
Reproduction or digitization of materials for personal or research use can be requested using our reproduction/digitization form: http://bit.ly/scuareproduction . Reproduction or digitization of materials for publication or exhibit use can be requested using our publication/exhibition form: http://bit.ly/scuapublication . Please contact Special Collections and University Archives ( specref@vt.edu or 540-231-6308) if you need assistance with forms or to submit a completed form.
Conditions Governing Access
The collection is open for research.
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: [identification of item], [box], [folder], Records of the Appalachian Student Organizing Committee, RG 31/14/10, Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.
Source of Acquisition
The collection was donated to Special Collections and University Archives in September 1989.
Processing Information
The processing, arrangement, and description of the Records of the Appalachian Student Organizing Committee was completed in May 2012.
Administrative History
The Appalachian Student Organizing Committee (or Appalachian Student Committee) was an approved student organization at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in the early 1970s. The organizations' mission was to raise awareness about Appalachian issues and provide support for other grassroots organizations in the Appalachian region. The coordinators of the organization were David Tice and Allan Cox. David Tice was a member of the Class of 1974.
Scope and Content
The collection consists primarily of the papers of David Tice and Allan Cox, student organizers of the Appalachian Student Organizing Committee. Materials include correspondence, clippings files, small-press and local publications on Appalachian issues, petitions, and notes and drafts. The materials in the collection deal with various topics, including strip mining and land use issues, poverty, health care and free clinics, coal mining and coal miners, strikes, local political races, issues at Virginia Tech, and the Vietnam War and other national and international issues. The collection also include materials from other organizations whose mission overlapped with that of the ASOC, these organizations include Operation Coal Mining and the Appalachian Regional Resource Committee.
The collection is arranged into two series:
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- Appalachian Student Organizing Committee. Virginia Tech Chapter
- Blacksburg (Va.)
- Local/Regional History and Appalachian South
- Montgomery County (Va.)
- University Archives
- University History
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1970-)
Rights Statement for Archival Description
The guide to the Records of the Appalachian Student Organizing Committee by Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, is licensed under a CC0 ( https://creativecommons.org/share-your- work/public-domain/cc0/ ).
Container List
- box-folder 1 folder: 1-2
Agricultural Extension Project1964-19741971-1974
- box-folder 1 folder: 3
"Appalachian Commonwealth" - Newsletter for the Appalachian Student Committee
- box-folder 1 folder: 7
Appalachian Issues - Race and Racism1974
- box-folder 1 folder: 9
Appalachian Peoples' Declarations (Appalachian Political Action Caucus)1972
- box-folder 1 folder: 8
Appalachian Movement Groups - directory1972
- box-folder 1 folder: 6
Appalachian Issues - Oil, Energy, and Economic Development1967-1974
- box-folder 1 folder: 5
Appalachian Issues - Education1967-1972
- box-folder 1 folder: 4
Appalachian Issues - Advocacy and Awareness Campaigns1970-1973
- box-folder 1 folder: 10
Appalachian Peoples' Free Clinic1971
- box-folder 1 folder: 11 oversize folder: 1
Appalachian Peoples' Service Organization1965-1974
- box-folder 1 folder: 12
Appalachian Power Company1974
- box-folder 1 folder: 13
Appalachian Regional Resource Center1973-1974
- box-folder 1 folder: 14
Appalachian Regional Resource Directory1973
- box-folder 1 folder: 15
Appalachian Research and Defense Fund, Inc.1972-1973
- box-folder 1 folder: 16
Appalachian Resource Project (Tennessee)1971-1972
- box-folder 1 folder: 17-19
Appalachian Stripmining Information Service1972-1973
- box-folder 1 folder: 20
Appalachian Student Committee1974
- box-folder 1 folder: 21
Appalachian Student Organizing Committeen.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 22
Appalachian Student Organizing Committee - Conflicts with University Administration1970-1974
- box-folder 1 folder: 23
Appalachian Student Organizing Committeen.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 24
Appalachian Student Organizing Committee - Faculty Advisory Board1973
- box-folder 1 folder: 25
Appalachian Student Organizing Committee - Fundraising1971-1974
- box-folder 1 folder: 26
Appalachian Student Organizing Committee - Student Lists by Department
- box-folder 1 folder: 27
Appalachian Studiesn.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 28
Appalachian Support Committee - Richmond1972
- box-folder 1 folder: 29
Attica Brigade1974, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 30
Bland County - Power Structure Studiesn.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 32
Blue Ridge Dams1975, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 33
Blue Ridge Project1973-1974
- box-folder 1 folder: 34
Boise Cascade - Corporate Information1972
- box-folder 1 folder: 35
Bootleg Coaln.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 36-37
Brookside - Harlan County, Kentucky1974
- box-folder 1 folder: 38
Brown Lung1974
- box-folder 2 folder: 1-3
Buffalo Creek - Man-made Disaster1972
- box-folder 2 folder: 4
Campaign Continental1972-1974
- box-folder 2 folder: 5
Campus Christian Life Committee1973-1974
- box-folder 2 folder: 6-7
Chile and Central Intelligence Agency1973-1974
- box-folder 2 folder: 8
Coal Company Information1972, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 9
Coal Leasing1974
- box-folder 2 folder: 10
Coal Mining1972-1974
- box-folder 2 folder: 11
Coal's Future1968, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 12
- box-folder 2 folder: 13
Community Action Group - Directoryn.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 14
Community Economic Development1972
- box-folder 2 folder: 15
Community Free Clinic of Blacksburg1971-1972
- box-folder 2 folder: 16 oversize folder: 1
The Conference on Appalachian Struggle for Self-GovernmentMarch 3-5, 1972
- box-folder 2 folder: 17
Conferences and Non-University Affiliated Organizations1970-1973
- box-folder 2 folder: 18
- box-folder 2 folder: 19
Consumer Protection1974
- box-folder 2 folder: 20-22
Council of the Southern Mountains1970-1974
- box-folder 2 folder: 23
Cox, Allen1974
- box-folder 2 folder: 24
Cox, Allen and Tice, David - Correspondence and Notes1972-1974, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 25
Cumberland, Kentucky - Mudslide1973
- box-folder 2 folder: 26
Dickenson County, Virginia (see also: Pittston Company)1972-1973
- box-folder 2 folder: 27
Directory of Appalachian Resources - Forms1970, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 28
Dominion Bankshares Corporations1970-1972
- box-folder 2 folder: 29
Dupont Dynasty and Niagra Falls Striken.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 30
Eastern Associated Coal Corporationn.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 31
Economic Priorities Report1973
- box-folder 2 folder: 32
Economic Report - Conglomerate Merger Performance: an Empirical Analysis of Nine Corporations1972
- box-folder 3 folder: 1-3
Energy Crisis1973-1975
- box-folder 3 folder: 4
Episcopal Diocese: Appalachian Division1973-1975
- box-folder 3 folder: 5
Equity Life Insurance1973
- box-folder 3 folder: 6
Extension News1971-1972
- box-folder 3 folder: 7
- box-folder 3 folder: 8
Family Planning pamphlets1969-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 9
Farah Strike1973
- box-folder 3 folder: 11
Farm Labor and Unions1970-1973
- box-folder 3 folder: 12
Flood Relief1972
- box-folder 3 folder: 13
Floyd County - Power Structure Studies1973, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 14
FMC Chemicalsn.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 15-16
Forests and Appalachia1969-1974
- box-folder 3 folder: 17-18
Forestry Service - Virginia Forested Land Ownership1964
- box-folder 3 folder: 19
Forestry Student Group and Newsletter1973
- box-folder 3 folder: 20-21
Free Clinics1971-1973
- box-folder 3 folder: 22
- box-folder 3 folder: 23
Fuller, Fred H.1973, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 24
Gasification of Coaln.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 25
General Information1971
- box-folder 3 folder: 26
Georgia-Pacific Corporations1971-1972
- box-folder 3 folder: 27
Georgia Power Project1974
- box-folder 3 folder: 28
Giant Earth Movers in Egypt Valley1972, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 29
Hahn Commission1972-1973
- box-folder 4 folder: 1
- box-folder 4 folder: 2
Highlander Center1972-1974
- box-folder 4 folder: 3
Hightower Reprint - to be layed outn.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 4
Housing/Property Ownership1970, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 5
Humble Oil1972
- box-folder 4 folder: 6 oversize folder: 1
Impeachment of President Nixon1973-1974
- box-folder 4 folder: 7-8
Information Received from Directory Replies1970-1972
- box-folder 4 folder: 9
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development1974
- box-folder 4 folder: 10
Island Creek Coal Companyn.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 11
Kahn, Si1973, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 12
Kennecott Copper Corporationn.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 13-14
- box-folder 4 folder: 15
Land Use1972-1973
- box-folder 4 folder: 16
League for Industrial Democracy (LID)1971-1974
- box-folder 4 folder: 17
Land Reform1973-1974
- box-folder 4 folder: 18
Library Resources1973
- box-folder 4 folder: 19
Mailing List and Directory Information1973
- box-folder 4 folder: 20
Maine - Land Trusts1973-1974
- box-folder 4 folder: 21
Martin County, Kentucky1973-1974
- box-folder 4 folder: 22-23
May Day1971, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 24
- box-folder 4 folder: 25
- box-folder 4 folder: 26
Medical Issues and Health Insurancen.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 27
Middle East Issues1973-1975
- box-folder 4 folder: 28
Miners' Energy Strike1974
- box-folder 4 folder: 29
Miners for Democracy1972-1974
- box-folder 4 folder: 30
Miners - Virginia1971-1974
- box-folder 4 folder: 31-32 oversize folder: 1
Mining - General1972-1974
- box-folder 4 folder: 33 box-folder 5 folder: 1
Mining - Health and Safety1972-1974
- box-folder 5 folder: 2-3
Mining vs. Society1971-1973
- box-folder 5 folder: 4
Montgomery County- Power Structure Studies1972-1974
- box-folder 5 folder: 5
- box-folder 5 folder: 6
Mount Rogers Development Research1973-1974
- box-folder 5 folder: 7
Mount Rogers - Forest Service1972-1974
- box-folder 5 folder: 8
Mount Rogers - Funding1974
- box-folder 5 folder: 9
Nashville, Tennessee1974
- box-folder 5 folder: 10
Nationalized Minesn.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 11-13
Native Americans - Correspondence and Pamphlets1973
- box-folder 5 folder: 14
Office of Economic Opportunity - War on Poverty1973
- box-folder 5 folder: 15
Organizations - Appalachian Advocacy1973
- box-folder 5 folder: 16
- box-folder 5 folder: 17
Paid Bills1973-1974
- box-folder 5 folder: 18-19
People's Bicentennial1973-1974
- box-folder 5 folder: 20
Peoples Development Working Papersn.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 21
Physicians Committee for Miners Health and Safety - Press Release of Dr. I.E. Buff1972
- box-folder 5 folder: 22
Pikesville Hospital Strike1974
- box-folder 5 folder: 23
Pittston Company - Annual Report1972
- box-folder 5 folder: 24-25
Pittston Company - Stockholders Meeting1972-1973
- box-folder 5 folder: 26
A Preliminary Approach to the Measurement of the Local Impact of Merger Activity1973
- box-folder 5 folder: 27
- box-folder 5 folder: 28
Radio Free People1971
- box-folder 5 folder: 29
Regional Economic Development Commission1973
- box-folder 5 folder: 30
Religion and Appalachia1973
- box-folder 5 folder: 31
Resources Acquired1973-1974
- box-folder 5 folder: 32
Resource to be Received1972-1974
- box-folder 5 folder: 33
Responses - Appalachian Organizations Directoryn.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 34
Revenue Sharing1974
- box-folder 5 folder: 35
Richlands Hospital Strike1973
- box-folder 5 folder: 36
Right to Work1972-1973
- box-folder 6 folder: 1
Rockefeller, John D.1971
- box-folder 6 folder: 2
Role in Economyn.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 3
Russo, Anthony J.n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 4
Salaries of 1971 College Graduates Paid by Virginia Employers1971
- box-folder 6 folder: 5
Save Our Kentucky, Inc.1971
- box-folder 6 folder: 6
Socialist Workers Party1972
- box-folder 6 folder: 7-8
Social Responsibilities - Corporations1972-1974
- box-folder 6 folder: 9
South African Coal1974
- box-folder 6 folder: 10
Southwest Virginia - Newsclippings1972, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 11-12
- box-folder 6 folder: 13
Statements and Working File1971-1972
- box-folder 6 folder: 14-19
Stripmining Information1972-1974
- box-folder 6 folder: 20-21
Stripmining - Legislation1972-1975
- box-folder 6 folder: 22
Stripmining - Resistance1972-1974
- box-folder 6 folder: 23
Stripmining Study1973-1974
- box-folder 6 folder: 24-25
Stripmining - Virginia1972-1975
- box-folder 6 folder: 26
Stripmining - West Virginia1972-1974
- box-folder 7 folder: 1
Student Organizations1973-1974
- box-folder 7 folder: 2
Taxation - Mineral Properties1972-1974
- box-folder 7 folder: 3
Technology vs. Culture1968-1973
- box-folder 7 folder: 4-6
Tenants Union1971-1974
- box-folder 7 folder: 7
Tennessee Valley Authority1970-1974
- box-folder 7 folder: 8
- box-folder 7 folder: 9
Textile Workers Union of America - Radford FMC Plantn.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 10
To Be Printed - Ready1973-1974
- box-folder 7 folder: 11 oversize folder: 1
Total Action Against Poverty - Roanoke Valley1973
- box-folder 7 folder: 12
- box-folder 7 folder: 13
Truckers' Strike1973-1974
- box-folder 7 folder: 14
Union Carbide and Foote Mineral1972
- box-folder 7 folder: 15
United Mineworkers of America - District 28 elections1973
- box-folder 7 folder: 16
United States Steel Corporation - Annual Report1971
- box-folder 7 folder: 17
United Steel Workers of American.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 18
University Employees1971-1974
- box-folder 7 folder: 19-20
- box-folder 7 folder: 21
Virginia Advisory Legislative Council - Stripmining Committee and Citizens Committee on Stripmining1972-1973
- box-folder 7 folder: 22
Virginia Government1974, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 23
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Appalachian Issues1972, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 24
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Mining Engineering Department1972
- box-folder 7 folder: 25
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - News Service1972
- box-folder 7 folder: 26
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Research Division1972-1973
- box-folder 7 folder: 27-28
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - University Administration1970-1974
- box-folder 7 folder: 29
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Water Resource Center and Sea Grant1972-1974
- box-folder 7 folder: 30
Voter Registration - Montgomery County1972
- box-folder 7 folder: 31
- box-folder 7 folder: 32
West, Donn.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 33
World Population Problems1973
- box-folder 7 folder: 34
Yippie News Servicen.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 35-36
Young Men's Christian Association - World Alliance - Participacion Mexico1972
- box-folder 7 folder: 37
Young World Development1971-1973
- box-folder 8 folder: 1
Youth Grants for the Humanities1972
- box-folder 8 folder: 2
The Youth Project - Annual Report1974
- box-folder 8 folder: 3
Action Power1974-1975
- box-folder 9 folder: 1
AFL-CIO NewsNovember 1974 - December 1974
- box-folder 8 folder: 4
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) - pamphlets1974
- box-folder 8 folder: 5
An analysis of stripmining methods and equipment selectionMay 29, 1973
- box-folder 8 folder: 6
Appalachia's People, Problems, and AlternativesFebruary 1972
- box-folder 8 folder: 7
Appalachian LookoutOctober 1969
- box-folder 8 folder: 8
Appalachian Movement Press - pamphlets1973
- box-folder 8 folder: 9
Appalachian News Service1974
- box-folder 8 folder: 10
Appalachian Outlook1973-1974
- box-folder 8 folder: 11
Birth Control Handbook1970-1971
- oversize folder: 1
Catholic Committee of Appalachian.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 2
Coal FactsJanuary 28, 1972
- box-folder 8 folder: 12
Coal Patrol1971-1973
- box-folder 9 folder: 3
The Consortium GuideFall 1973
- box-folder 9 folder: 4 oversize folder: 1
Critical Mass1975
- box-folder 8 folder: 13
"Energy Crisis in America," Congressional Quarterly1973
- box-folder 8 folder: 14
The Corporate Examiner1973-1975
- box-folder 8 folder: 15
The Cultivator's Handbook of Marijuana1970
- box-folder 8 folder: 16
"People Speak Out on Stripmining," Council of the Southern Mountainsn.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 17
Energy, Economics, and Our Environmentsn.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 18
Energy Reporter: Federal Energy Administration Citizen Newsletter1975
- box-folder 8 folder: 19
Facing-up: Statistical Data on Virginia's Public SchoolsJanuary 1971
- box-folder 8 folder: 20
"Facts About Coal in the United States," Environmental Policy GroupApril 1974
- box-folder 8 folder: 21
Feed Kids - Food News from the Childrens' FoundationOctober 1974
- box-folder 9 folder: 5
Fight BackNovember 1973 - April 1974
- box-folder 8 folder: 22
Forest Service and Appalachia1974
- box-folder 8 folder: 23
Full-Tilt: A Community Broadside Magazine, Richmond, VA1973
- box-folder 9 folder: 6
Grass RootsApril 1974
- box-folder 8 folder: 24
Gulf Oilmanac1972
- box-folder 8 folder: 25
The HawkeyeMay 1974
- box-folder 9 folder: 7
Health Rights NewsDecember 1971
- box-folder 8 folder: 26
"Highway Program Shows Limited Progress Towards Increasing Accessibility to and through Appalachia," Report to CongressMay 21, 1971
- box-folder 8 folder: 27
Journal of Current Social IssuesSpring 1974
- box-folder 8 folder: 28
Latin America and Empire Report1973-1975
- box-folder 9 folder: 8
Le Journal JauneOctober 1970
- box-folder 9 folder: 9
Liberation News Service1969-1971
- box-folder 9 folder: 10
Maine Land AdvocateDecember 1972 - April/May 1975
- box-folder 9 folder: 11
Maine TimesOctober 1974 - December 1974
- box-folder 8 folder: 29
"The March on Washington - 10 Years Later" by Bayard Rustinn.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 30
Mid-Appalachian Environmental Service NewsletterFebruary 1973
- box-folder 9 folder: 12
Miners JournalMarch 1973
- box-folder 9 folder: 13
The Miner's VoiceJune 1970 - July/August 1972
- box-folder 8 folder: 31-33
Monthly Review of Coal Mining and Quarrying1971-1975
- box-folder 8 folder: 34
The Mountain Community1972-1975
- box-folder 10 folder: 1
The Mountain EagleNovember 1971-January 1973
- box-folder 10 folder: 2
Mountain JournalNovember 1974 - January 1975
- box-folder 10 folder: 3
Mountain LiberatorNovember 1971 - March 1972
- box-folder 8 folder: 35
Mountain Life and Work1969-1972
- box-folder 10 folder: 4
The Mountain MessengerMarch 1972-April 1972, January 1974
- box-folder 10 folder: 5
New WorldSeptember 1971 - May 1972
- box-folder 8 folder: 36
Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers - National Oil Bargaining Policy1973-1974
- box-folder 10 folder: 6
The Operation Human Dignity VoiceOctober 30, 1972
- box-folder 10 folder: 7
The PaperMay-June 1971
- box-folder 10 folder: 8
The PaperworkerDecember 1974
- box-folder 8 folder: 37
People's Appalachia1972-1974
- box-folder 10 folder: 9
People's Bicentennial Commission - Common Sense1974, n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 10
People and Land1973-1974
- box-folder 10 folder: 11
People and Taxes1974
- box-folder 8 folder: 38
Publications and articles - Appalachia-related1971-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 39
Public Housing: An Economic EvaluationMarch 1973
- box-folder 8 folder: 40
Public Interest LetterJune 1974
- box-folder 10 folder: 12
Quaker Service BulletinWinter 1973
- box-folder 10 folder: 13
Shot TowerDecember 1971
- box-folder 10 folder: 14
The Southern PatriotApril 1970 - February 1975
- box-folder 8 folder: 41
Understanding City Budgets1974
- box-folder 8 folder: 42
Union Democracy Review1973-1974
- box-folder 10 folder: 15
United Labor ActionOctober 1974, June-July 1975
- box-folder 8 folder: 43
Up from Under: By, For, and About Women1971-1972
- box-folder 10 folder: 16
Vantage Pointn.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 44
Virginia MineralsMay 1972
- box-folder 8 folder: 45
Virginia State Department of Health - Major Activitiesn.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 17
The Virginia WeeklySeptember 1970, April 1972
- box-folder 8 folder: 46
What Mining Means to the United States1972
- box-folder 8 folder: 47
WinJuly 18, 1974
- box-folder 10 folder: 18
Workers WorldOctober 18, 1974
- box-folder 8 folder: 48
Work Force - published by Vocations for Social ChangeMarch-April 1973
- box-folder 8 folder: 49
Young World Day Newsletter - Southeast1972-1973