Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech
Special Collections and University Archives, University Libraries (0434)560 Drillfield Drive
Newman Library, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
Business Number: 540-231-6308
URL: http://spec.lib.vt.edu
Kira A. Dietz, Archivist
Administrative Information
Use Restrictions
Permission to publish material from Letters to Camilla Diffenderfer must be obtained from Special Collections, Virginia Tech.
Access Restrictions
Collection is open for research.
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Letters to Camilla Diffenderfer, Ms2015-004, Special Collections, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.
Acquisition Information
The items in the collections were purchased by Special Collections in January, 2015.
Processing Information
The processing, arrangement, and description of the Letters to Camilla Diffenderfer was completed in February, 2015.
Biographical Note
Camilla Diffenderfer was born in Virginia, census records suggest a birthdate of either 1842 or 1850. It is unclear which is correct. In 1870, she was still living with her family in Winchester, Va. Some sources spell the last name "Dieffenderfer."
Originally a sailor, Major General George Henry Chapman (1832-1882) led troops at Gettysburg and Muddy Run, and had been wounded at Winchester in 1864 while commanding cavalry. For more information on George Henry Chapman check this link.
Captain A.H. Yeagel, served with the Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. I, 66th Regt., 1st Brig., 2nd Div., 12th Corps.
Scope and Content
The collection includes two pieces of correspondence to Camilla Diffenderfer from 1863 and 1865. One is an invitation from Gen. George Henry Chapman and the other is a letter from A.H. Yeagel. Yeagel's letter of Feb. 26, 1863 was written near Dumfries, Virginia. The letter discusses Winchester, Virginia, the state of the war (stating "I think we are gaining ground if it is Slow if the Union army is successful at Vicksburg and Charleston, the war is over..."), and a personal note to her sister Lottie. This letter includes the original envelope with the address, "Third door from the Jail, Winchester, Va." The other item in the collection is an invitation from the general for Tuesday evening, March 21, 1865.
The items in this folder are arranged in chronological order.
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- Civil War
- Diffenderfer, Camilla R., b.1842
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
- Women -- History
Significant Persons Associated With the Collection
- Chapman, George Henry, 1832-1882
- Diffenderfer, Camilla R., b.1842
- Yeagel, A. H. (Company I, 66th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry)