Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech
Special Collections and University Archives, University Libraries (0434)560 Drillfield Drive
Newman Library, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
Business Number: 540-231-6308
URL: http://spec.lib.vt.edu
Elena Herrero, Student Assistant and Sherrie Bowser, Archivist
Administrative Information
Use Restrictions
Permission to publish material from Marie-Louise Laleyan Architectural Collection must be obtained from Special Collections, Virginia Tech.
Access Restrictions
Collection is open for research.
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Marie-Louise Laleyan Architectural Collection, Ms2013-090, Special Collections, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.
Acquisition Information
The Marie-Louise Laleyan Architectural Collection was donated to Special Collections in November 2008.
Processing Information
The processing, arrangement, and description of the Marie-Louise Laleyan Architectural Collection was completed in April 2014.
Biographical Note
Marie-Louise Laleyan (1935-2014) was a San Francisco based architect with 48 years of experience including 30 years as principal of Laleyan Architects (1977-2007), formally Laleyan Associates.
Born and educated in Bulgaria Laleyan arrived in the United States in 1964. Laleyan has practiced architecture in Sofia, Bulgaria; Paris, France; and the United States. Before establishing her own practice she worked with the following firms: Hart & Turner Architects (Sacramento, CA), Richard Neutra (Los Angeles, CA), and the San Francisco, CA firms of Claude Oakland and Associates, Anshen & Allen, Mario J. Ciamp, FAIA, and Paffard Keatinge Clay.
An active member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) she has served on the Northern California Chapter's Board of Directors, as co-chairperson of the national AIA Task Force of Women in Architecture, and coauthor of the AIA Affirmative Action Plan. She was also a founder of the Bay Area's Organization of Women in Architecture (OWA) and has represented the interests of women architects at numerous conferences and seminars.
The establishment of Laleyan Associates in 1977 was the culmination of a lifelong career intention and in her words a 'family tradition.' Laleyan was committed to keeping the firm small so that she would be able to provide quality service and personal attention to each project and client. Projects undertaken by Laleyan Architects included light commercial, medical, institutional, residential, and public buildings with construction costs ranging from $25,000-3.4 million dollars.
In 2001, Laleyan began providing Physical Needs Assessments (PNA) and Construction Monitoring services for the California Housing Finance Agency (CHFA), a state housing acquisition lender to non-profit and for profit developers.
Laleyan died on January 21, 2014.
Scope and Content
The collection contains architectural drawings, specifications, construction files, and photographs relating to projects undertaken by Marie-Louise Laleyan (1977-2007) and Laleyan Architects (1972-1977). Photographic record of her U.S. employment (1965-1972) is also present.
Separated Material
Materials related to Illinois architect Bertha Y. Whitman were removed from the Laleyan collection and placed in Ms2009-054 IAWA Small Collections under Whitman's name. (3/2009)
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- Architects
- Architecture (discipline)
- History of Women in Architecture
- International Archive of Women in Architecture (IAWA)
- Whitman, Bertha Yerex, b.1892
- Women -- History
- Women-owned architectural firms
Significant Persons Associated With the Collection
- Laleyan, Marie-Louise, 1935-2014
- Whitman, Bertha Yerex, b.1892
Container List
- box 5
Articles, Presentations, Press Releases, Thought Pieces, and Writings1977-1986
- box 5
Project List1972-2007
- box 5
Request for Proposal (RFP) West Block Studios - TNDC (Tenderloin Neighborhood Development CorporationNovember 15, 2004
The following is a list of architectural projects and services carried out by Marie L. Laleyan (1972-1973) and her firm Laleyan Architects (1977-2006).
The Project Index is a way to organize the various formats of architectural records from the same project. The index is arranged alphabetically by Job Number and contains information, where available, about the location, date, project type, architect, collaborators, photographers, and formats for each project in the collection. Project Index A Summary of the Project Index is listed below.
- Marie L. Laleyan Project Records1972-1973
- box 1 box 9
#101 - Duplex, San Rafael (Mr. and Mrs. Al Valenzano)1972
- box 1 box 9
#102 - 4141 Geary Medical Building, Suite 3241973
- box 1 box 9
#103 - Alterations to Residence and Office, San Francisco (Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stein)1973
- box 1 box 9
#104 - 4141 Geary Medical Building, Suite 3241973
- box 1 box 9
#105 - 4141 Geary Medical Building, Suite 419/4201973
- box 1 box 9
- Laleyan Architects Project Records1977-2000
- box 1
AGS81 - AGS Graphics and Systems1981
- box 1
CCR83 - Civic Center Residence Hotel Rehab (CCR-G programming) [8 folders]1980-1986
- box 1 box 6
CCR85 - Civic Center Residence Hotel Rehab III [5 folders]1985-1986
- box 1
CIV83 - Medical Suite Addition, for Arthur Civello, MD,1983
- box 1
CLH84 - California League for Handicapped, Preliminary Studies1983-1984
- box 1 box 9 box 12
DB-102/79 - Bloomfield Residence, Jack and Carol Bloomfield [2 folders],1979-1981
- box 1 box 9 box 12
DB-103/78 - Single Family Residence, Mr and Mrs. James Cunningham, 5121 Cabrillo1978-1979
- box 1 box 9 box 12
DB-203/78 - Single Family Residence, Steve and Irene Marciel, 4980 Discovery Point1979-1980
- box 1 box 9 box 12
DB-303/79 - Davis Residence, Robert and Karen Davis, 1260 Discovery Bay Road1979-1980
- box 1 box 12
DB-403/80 - Residence, North Point1980-1981
- box 1 box 12
DB-503/80 - House, Discovery Bay Blvd.1980-1981
- box 1 box 12
DB-603/80 - House, Willow Lake Road [not built]1981
- box 1 box 8
DLT99 - Dalt Hotel Rehabilitation [9 folders]1999-2000
- box 2 box 9 box 12
DOE78 - Dental Office, Kira Eldemir, DDS [2 folders]1978-1981, 1987
- box 2
ELD81 - Flats-Rehab Studio
- box 2 box 9
ELD85 - Remodeling of Residence for Kira Eldemir, DDS
- box 2
ELD87 - Dental Office Addition for Kira Eldemir, DDS
- box 2
ENN77 - Enna Residence Addition1977
- box 2 box 6
FRK89 - St. Boniface Friars Kitchen Renovation1989-1990
- box 2 box 10
HFC84 - Howard Street Apartments, 1040-42 Howard Street, San Francisco [6 folders]1985-1991
- box 2 box 8
KLM86 - Klimm Apartments Rehab [17 folders]1985-1989
- box 3
KPR86 - Condominium Remodel, for Dobri Kiprov, MD - preliminary only1986-1987
- box 3
KPR87 - Penthouse Remodel for Dobri Kiprov, MD1986-1987
- box 5
LAA88 - Laleyan Associates Architects
- box 3 box 9 box 10
LAZ81 - Union Street Shops [2 folders]1980-1982
- box 3 box 8
LAZ94 - Roof Parapet Reinforcement, Presidio Heights Apartments [2 folders]1993-1995
- box 3 box 8
LPPI84 - Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute (UCSF) - Children's Wing [6 folders]1983-1989
- box 3
MLR91 - House Remodel (Miller)1991
- box 3 box 9 box 12
PUD-B/81 - Planned Unit Development, Brentwood1981-1982
- box 3
RCC88 - Chiang Flats (exterior treatment consultation)
RCH83 - Russ Apartment Building Rehab: pre-programming only
- box 3
SMO85 - Serramonte Center Space E-460, studies for Bay Area Pediatrics Group1984-1985
- box 3 box 12
SRR78 - Salvatore Residence Rehab
- box 3 box 7
SSG89/SSG91 - Southland/Southgate Housing Development (CHFA 91-036-N) [17 folders]1986, 1991-1994
- box 3 box 10
T&B82 - Ron Greenspan VW for T&B Interior Designers
- box 3 box 9
TDE82 - Yosemite Apartment Building1982-1986
- box 4 box 9
TDL82 - Sierra Madre Apartment Building
- box 4 box 8
TIM90 - Residence for Tim Fagan, Alta Hills1990-2000
- box 4 box 10
TMR81 - Tomer Residence Remodel1981
- box 4 box 10
UNY81 - The Unitery, Early Child Education Center1981
- box 4 box 11
WBL95 - Plaza and Ramona Apartments WBL-P & WBL-R1995-1996
- box 4 box 8
WBR91 - Webber Unit Remodel1991
- box 1
- California Housing Finance Agency2003-2006Historical Note
Projects with the California Housing Finance Agency are presented as a representation of services offered by Laleyan Architects and are to be used for general information only. Laleyan Architects was not the architect for these projects.
- box 5
CHFA 00-021-N - Thomas Paine Square Apartments2003
- box 5
CHFA 01-028-N - Roberts Avenue Senior Housing2003
- box 5
CHFA 03-001-N - Surf Apartments2003-2004
- box 5
CHFA 03-028-N - Plaza de las Flores2006
- box 5
CHFA 05-003-N - Hillvale Glen Apartments, Physical Needs Assessment2005
- box 5
CHFA 05-003-N - Padre Apartments Community2004
- box 5
- box 6-12
DrawingsScope and Content
Drawings are present for the following projects: #101, #102, #103, #104, #105, CCR85, DB-102, DB-103, DB-203, DB-303, DB-406, DB-503, DB-603, DLT99, DOE78, ENN77, FRK89, HFC84, KLM86, LAZ81, LAZ94, LPPI84, PUB-B/81, SRR78, SSG91, T&B82, TDE82, TDL82, TIM90, TMR81, UNY81, WBL95, and WBR91.
Drawings are in boxes 6-12. The locations are tied to the relevant projects in the Marie L. Laleyan Project Records subseries and Laleyan Architects Project Records subseries.
- box-folder 5 folder: 19
Reduced Drawings
- box-folder 5 folder: 17-18
Affordable Multi-Family Housing Rehabilitation Projects (2 Photo Albums)2002
- box-folder 5 folder: 16
Firm Projects Photo Album
- box-folder 5 folder: 14-15
Marie-Louise Laleyan Employment in the USA (2 folders)1965-1976Scope and Content
Projects include work with Richard and Dion Neutra, Los Angeles (1967-1969) and Paffard Keatinge Clay, San Francisco (1969-1971)
- box 5
Project NegativesScope and Content
Negatives are available for the following projects: DB103, DB203; DB303; DOE78.
Negatives are in box 5. The location is tied to the relevant projects in the Marie L. Laleyan Project Records subseries and Laleyan Architects Project Records subseries.
- box 13
Presentation Boards
- box 5
SlidesScope and Content
Slides are present for the following projects: DB102, DB103, DB203, DB303, DB403, DOE78, ELD87, HFC84, KLM86, LAA88, LAZ81, SSG91, TDE82, and TDL82.
Slides are in box 5. The location is tied to the relevant projects in the Marie L. Laleyan Project Records subseries and Laleyan Architects Project Records subseries.
Golden Sands Bulgaria1961