Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech
Special Collections and University Archives, University Libraries (0434)Hannah Bochain, Student Assistant and Kira A. Dietz
Permission to publish material from the Anne Hulme Diary must be obtained from Special Collections, Virginia Tech.
Collection is open for research.
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Anne Hulme Diary, Ms2013-048, Special Collections, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.
The Anne Hulme Diary was donated to Special Collections in April 2013.
The processing, arrangement, and description of the the Anne Hulme Diary was completed in August 2013.
Anne Hulme was born in Pennsylvania (possibly Burlington) on October 30, 1820, and married Samuel Burr Woolman, born July 24, 1818. Following their marriage, Samuel and Anne moved a number of times, including Phoenix Mills, Rheiner's Mills, Burlington, Brookfield, and Philadelphia. Anne and Samuel had seven children, including Hanna B. Woolman, Frederick Porter Woolman, and Howard B. Woolman. Anne died April 4, 1875.
The collection contains the diary of Anne Hulme, whose entries give information on her time in school, visits by relatives, public lectures, church activities, her work feeding silk worms, and the courtship between Hulme and her husband, Samuel Woolman. The diaries include scattered entries from 1836 through 1850, during which Anne courted and married her husband, gave birth to her children, and lived in a number of different locations. Her entries talk about school and home life, her courtship and marriage, gender relations, and family.
The collection is split into two sections. The first section contains unbound sheets of lined paper with entries from December 25, 1836 through December 10, 1838. The second is a memo book containing entries from January 1, 1840 through June 10, 1850.