Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech
Special Collections and University Archives, University Libraries (0434)560 Drillfield Drive
Newman Library, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
Business Number: 540-231-6308
URL: http://spec.lib.vt.edu
Andrea Ledesma, Student Assistant, and Kira A. Dietz, Archivist
Administrative Information
Use Restrictions
Permission to publish material from Isaac Hoppenstein Memorabilia must be obtained from Special Collections, Virginia Tech.
Access Restrictions
Collection is open for research.
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Isaac Hoppenstein Memorabilia, Ms2011-114, Special Collections, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Va.
Acquisition Information
The Isaac Hoppenstein Memorabilia was donated to Special Collections in two accruals, one in 2002 and other in 2011.
Processing Information
The processing, arrangement, and description of the Isaac Hoppenstein Memorabilia was completed in November 2011.
Biographical Note
Isaac Hoppenstein attended Virginia Polytechnic and State University from 1934-1937. He was a business major. After graduation Hoppenstein joined the military. At the height of his career, he served as a Colonel in the Pentagon. He retired to Lynchburg, Va.
Scope and Content
The collection houses memorabilia of Isaac Hoppensteins. Hoppenstein, a business major, graduated from Virginia Polytechnic and State University in 1937.The collection has been divided into five series: Academic Papers, Correspondence, Newspapers, Photographs, and Publications. Altogether, materials range from 1923-1940, but most of the collection dates from the 1930s.
The collection is arranged in five series.
Series I: Academic Papers includes Hoppenstein's collegiate papers from 1933 to 1937. Some materials are undated. A majority of the collection dates to 1936 and focuses on equestrian studies. Aside from test booklets, notes, and assignments, Series I also consists of administrative materials such as report cards and professor memos.
Series II: Correspondence includes the Hoppenstein's personal and academic letters. Included in the series are Hoppenstein's VPI acceptance letter from 1933 and an alumni newsletter from 1939. Altogether, the series dates from 1929 to 1939, but some items are undated and most are from 1936.
Series III: Newspapers contain whole newspapers and clippings from 1935, 1936, 1938. Only one clipping is undated. All materials seem to have been taken from the VPI campus newspaper.
Series IV: Photographs houses a collection of group photos of cadets in a various dress--e.g. formal uniform, athletic gear, etc. The series also contains dozens of individual portraits of cadets. All photos are black and white and undated. On the back of some items is caption indicating where Hoppenstein can be found in the photo.
Series V: Publications consists of bound and published material from 1925 to 1940. One item--a German Club party program--is undated. Materials relate both to academic and leisure affairs. Notable items include VPI course catalogs and psalm book.
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- University Archives
- Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute (1896-1944)
Container List
- box-folder 1 folder: 1
Academic Papers1933-1934, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 2
Academic Papers1935-1936
- box-folder 1 folder: 3
Academic Papers1936-1937
- box-folder 1 folder: 5
Newspapers1935-1936, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 6