Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech
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John M. Jackson, Archivist
Administrative Information
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The copyright status of this collection is unknown. Copyright restrictions may apply. Contact Special Collections and University Archives for assistance in determining the use of these materials.
Reproduction or digitization of materials for personal or research use can be requested using our reproduction/digitization form: http://bit.ly/scuareproduction . Reproduction or digitization of materials for publication or exhibit use can be requested using our publication/exhibition form: http://bit.ly/scuapublication . Please contact Special Collections and University Archives (specref@vt.edu or 540-231-6308) if you need assistance with forms or to submit a completed form.
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The collection is open to research.
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: [identification of item], [box], [folder], Albert L. Sturm Papers, Ms1988-019, Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.
Source of Acquisition
The Albert L. Sturm Papers were donated to Special Collections and University Archives in 1988.
Processing Information
The processing, arrangement, and descripiton of the Albert L. Sturm Papers commenced in March 2020 and was completed in March 2021.
Biographical Note
Albert Lee Sturm Jr., son of Albert L. and Pearl Agnes Wingate Sturm, was born in Appalachia (Wise County), Virginia on August 5, 1911. After graduating from Hampden-Sydney College, he earned master's and doctoral degrees in political science from Duke University, the latter in 1942. Sturm married Virginia Frye Butts in 1941. He served as an officer in the U. S. Naval Reserve during World War II and was wounded during his service.
Sturm served as instructor in political science at the University of Michigan (1941-1942); instructor in political science, naval history, and seasmanship at the U. S. Naval Academy (1942-1943); and associate professor and professor of political science at West Virginia University (1946-1962). During these years, Sturm also held visiting professorships at Duke University (1946 and 1961), Penn State (1949), University of Michigan (1952-1953 and 1962), University of Ankara-Turkey (1957-1959) and University of Nebraska (1968). In 1962, Sturm became director of the Institute of Governmental Research and professor of political science at Florida State University, a position that he held until being named university research professor of political science at Virginia Tech. In addition to classroom instruction, Sturm remained active in academic administration and in 1977 served as director of Virginia Tech's institutional self-study. Sturm maintained research interests in the American presidency and became an expert on the history and development of state constitutions and constitutional revision. He often consulted with individual states on constitutional revision and published several books and numerous articles on the subject.
Albert Sturm retired from Virginia Tech in 1979, when he became professor emeritus at Virginia Tech's Center for Public Administration and Policy. He died in Loudoun County, Virginia, on March 21, 1988.
Scope and Content
This collection contains the papers of Albert Lee Sturm Jr., professor emeritus of political science and the Center for Public Administration and Policy at Virginia Tech; expert on state constitutional development and revision; and director of the 1977 Virginia Tech self-study. The papers include correspondence, reports, printed materials, copies of legislation and court documents. (Sturm's original file titles have, for the most part, been retained, though a few have been altered for the sake of consistency and clarification.)
The collection is arranged in six series:
Series I. Academic Instruction, 1940-1979. This series contains papers relating to courses taught by Sturm and others and includes background materials, outlines, and exam questions. The series spans Sturm's academic career, and papers from multiple institutions may be found in a single file. The series is arranged alphabetically by topic/class name.
Series II. Academic Administration and Consultation, 1952-1988. This series includes materials relating to Sturm's academic activities outside the classroom. The series is divided into two subseries. Subseries A, Academic Administration, includes papers relating to university and departmental issues and personnel. The subseries contains a signficant amount of material on Virginia Tech's 1977 self-study, of which Sturm served as director. The subseries is arranged by institution (with files relating to Virginia Tech preceding those relating to other universities), then alphabetically. Subseries B, Academic Consulting, includes materials relating to Sturm's consultations with other universities, paricularly in Mississippi. The subseries is arranged alphabetically.
Series III. Organizations and Conferences, 1904-1987. Sturm's membership and participation in various organizations and conferences, largely devoted to political science, are documented in this series. The series includes several files relating to Phi Beta Kappa national honor society. The series is arranged alphabetically by name of organization/event.
Series IV. Writings, 1938-1987. This series includes files devoted to Sturm's many publications and public addresses. While some of the files include copies of these writings, many contain only preparatory research materials and correspondence. The series is arranged alphabetically by name of publication/address, with a few general files, relating to multiple articles/addresses, are found at the end of the series.
Series V. Subject Files, 1959-1987. This series, devoted to Sturm's many political science research projects, includes correspondence, printed materials, reports, and studies. Subseries A, Constitutional Commissions and Conventions, contains materials gathered by Sturm in keeping abreast of constitutional revision in the various states, particularly during the 1960s and 1970s. The subseries is arranged alphabetically, with U. S. territories found at the end ofo the subseries. Subseries B, Subject Files, is a more general grouping of files relating to Sturm's research activities in both state and federal political history and constitutional revision. The subseries is arranged alphabetically by subject name.
Series VI. Personal Papers, 1938-1987. A small group of personal papers completes the collection and includes biographical materials and planning calendars. Also included are files relating to Sturm's personal financial investments. Among these are papers relating to Sturm's investment in Adventurland Video of Blacksburg. The series is arranged by subject matter.
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- Constitutions -- United States
- Constitutions -- United States -- States
- Faculty and staff
- Political science
- University History
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1944-1970)
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1970-)
Rights Statement for Archival Description
The guide to the Albert L. Sturm Papers by Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, is licensed under a CC0 ( https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/ ).
Container List
- box-folder 1 folder: 1
Administrative law1953, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 2
Administrative law course outlines and exam questions1940-1954, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 3
Administrative organization and management - test questions1953-1960, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 4
Administrative responsibilityn.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 5
American constitutional law courses - notes and background materials1959-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 6
American constitutional law - test questions1961-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 7
American government course - preliminary exams1961-1974, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 8
The American presidency - exam questions1967-1978, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 1 folder: 9
The American presidency - quizzes1962-1975
- box-folder 1 folder: 10
Challenge to management science1971, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 11
Class records1961-1962
- box-folder 1 folder: 12
Class records1967-1968
- box-folder 1 folder: 13
Class records1968-1973
- box-folder 1 folder: 14
Comparative public administration1964-1967, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 15
Comparative public administration course outlines from other universities1949-1964, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 1 folder: 16
Comparative public administration course outlines for Sturm's classes1963-1967
- box-folder 1 folder: 17
Comparative public administration papers1960-1965, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 18
Constitutional law - papers and outlines1960-1975, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 19
Constitutional law - readings and research lists1954-1963, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 20
Courses in American government - outlines1950-1959, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 21
Courses in American political institutions - research topics1949-1963, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 22
Courses on the American presidency1961-1978, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 1 folder: 23
Dissertation proposals on constitutional revision1963-1979
- box-folder 1 folder: 24
Fiscal administration courses - notes and outlines1958-1967, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 25
Foundations of management - notes and background materialsn.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 26
Government 512 - Comparative Public Administration - notes on required readingsn.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 1 folder: 27
Introduction to government and administration - notes and background materials1969, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 28
Introduction to public administration - course outlines1952-1974, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 29
Introduction to public administration - quizzes1962-1971
- box-folder 1 folder: 30
Musselman, Donald R. - dissertation1977-1978, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 31
Political Science 152 (University of Nebraska)1968, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 32
Political Science 200 - class materials1948-1961, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 33
Political Science 224 - American Government1969-1974, ,n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 34
Political Science 273 - notes and background materials1953, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 35
Political Science 308 - municipal government1973-1975, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 36
Political Science 317 - American Constitutional Law1973, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 1
Political Science 408 - Public Administration1969-1971, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 2
Political Science 518 - decision-making seminar1971, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 3
Political Science 518 - Public Administration as a Science - notes and background materialsn.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 4
Political Science 598 - seminar in state government1972, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 5
Political Science 1142 - American Government1977-1978, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 6
Political Science 4005 - The American Presidency1968, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 7
Political Science 4005 - The American Presidency1969-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 8
Political Science 4005 - The American Presidency1974-1978, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 9
Political Science 5312 - Problems in Public Administration - notes and background materials1974, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 10
Political science courses in research and methodology - outlines1953-1958, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 11
Political science courses - problems in public administration1973, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 12
Political science courses - problems in public administration1974, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 13
Public administration course outlines1952-1967, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 2 folder: 14
Public administration historical antecedents and early developmentn.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 15
Public administration report writingn.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 16
Public administration - structure and organization - notes and background materials1957, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 17
Public administration - teachingn.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 18
Public personnel administration outlines1957-1961, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 19
Questions for comprehensive graduate exams1961-1966
- box-folder 2 folder: 20
Research materials, general1963-1967
- box-folder 2 folder: 21
Research methods in public administration1952-1958, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 22
Roll book1973-1978
- box-folder 2 folder: 23
State government - course outlines1953-1977, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 2 folder: 24
State government - final exams1969-1977
- box-folder 2 folder: 25
State government - mid-quarter tests1969-1977
- box-folder 2 folder: 26
State government - quizzes1971-1977
- box-folder 2 folder: 27
State government research topic suggestions1951-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 28
State government - test and exam questions1969-1975, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 29
Student critique forms1963-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 30
Sutton, Geraldine (Jerri)1977-1979, n.d.
- Subseries A. Academic Administration1952-1988
- box-folder 2 folder: 31
Academic position correspondence1968-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 32
Bernd, Joseph dinner1970, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 33
Center for Public Administration1976-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 34
Center for Public Administration and Policy1978-1988
- box-folder 2 folder: 35
Center for Public Administration and Public Affairs - organization1977-1978, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 36
Center for Public Administration and Public Affairs - staff résumés1977-1978, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 1
College of Arts and Sciences constitution and bylaws1970-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 2
College of Arts and Sciences Personnel Committee1974, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 3
Committee on Reconciliation1974-1978
- box-folder 3 folder: 4
Communications from Virginia Tech president and vice-president1986-1988
- box-folder 3 folder: 5
Correspondence - university1977-1982, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 6
"Criteria and Strategies for Program Discontinuance and Institutional Closure"1975
- box-folder 3 folder: 7
Faculty activities reports1969-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 8
General professional correspondence1967-1985[3 folders]
- box-folder 3 folder: 9
Havard, William C. Jr.1969-1975, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 10
Letters of recommendation1963-1984[2 folders]
- box-folder 3 folder: 11
Master's in Public Administration / Public Affairs Committee1974-1975, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 12
Master's in public administration / public affairs - correspondence1974-1975, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 13
"Mathematical Applications in Political Science" - Virginia Tech summer institute1970, n.d.[3 folders]
- box-folder 3 folder: 14
McBryde Hall (new office)1970-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 15
Mensonides, Louis1972-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 16
National Endowment for the Humanities1969-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 17
"Opening the University: Breaking the Space-time Lock"1973
- box-folder 3 folder: 18
Papers on public administration1970, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 19
Personnel matters1972-1978, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 20
Phelps, Wayne1976-1980, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 21
Political science curricula1952-1963, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 22
Political Science Department - Committee on Extension1973-1974, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 23
Political Science Department - communications1968-1971, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 3 folder: 24
Political Science Department - curriculum revision1969-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 25
Political Science Department head applicants1969-1970
- box-folder 3 folder: 26
Political Science Department head rejections1969-1970
- box-folder 3 folder: 27
Political Science Department head - responses to requests for suggestions1969, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 4 folder: 1
Political Science Department head screening and search committee1968-1970, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 2
Political Science Department - proposed Ph.D. program1966-1971, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 3
Political Science Department - public administration program1974-1975, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 4
Political Science Department Research Committee1971-1973, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 4 folder: 5
Political Science Department Search Committee1973-1974, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 6
Political Science Department - student advising1968-1971, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 7
"Proposed New Degree Program: Master of Arts with a Major in Political Science"1967
- box-folder 4 folder: 8
"Research Division Memorandum"1979-1981
- box-folder 4 folder: 9
Reimbursements for travel expenses1967-1973
- box-folder 4 folder: 10
Reimbursements for travel expenses1974-1979
- box-folder 4 folder: 11
Request for reappointment1975-1978, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 12
Search committee - dean of College of Arts and Sciences1969-1970, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 13
Smith, Frank E. - lecture1965-1979, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 14
Sociology Department head search committee1970-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 15
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools - manuals for self-studies1976-1977
- box-folder 4 folder: 16
Special letters1965-1977
- box-folder 4 folder: 17
"A Survey of State-level Academic Program Review"1975
- box-folder 4 folder: 18
Travis, Tom - resignation1969-1970, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 19
University libraries1982-1986, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 20
University public administration programs1973-1975, n .d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 4 folder: 21
Virginia Tech Center for the Study of New Communities Advisory Committee1970-1971, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 22
Virginia Tech Committee on the Bicentennial of the Constitution1988, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 23
Virginia Tech - general communications1968-1970, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 24
Virginia Tech general communications1987-1988, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 25
Virginia Tech - promotion and tenure1971-1973, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 4 folder: 26
Virginia Tech Research Council1970-1974, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 4 folder: 27
Virginia Tech Research Council1971-1975, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 4 folder: 28
Virginia Tech self-study - composite checklists on standards1976, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 29
Virginia Tech self-study - costs1976-1979
- box-folder 4 folder: 30
Virginia Tech self-study - Department of Political Science1976
- box-folder 4 folder: 31
Virginia Tech self-study - director's talks1975-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 32
Virginia Tech self-study - disposition of office equipmentn.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 1
Virginia Tech self-study - guidelines1975-1976, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 2
Virginia Tech self-study - initial planning1975-1976, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 3
Virginia Tech self-study - materials distributed to visiting committee1977, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 4
Virginia Tech self-study - memoranda1979
- box-folder 5 folder: 5
Virginia Tech self-study - notes, correspondence, and printed material1975-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 6
Virginia Tech self-study - organization1975-1976, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 7
Virginia Tech self-study - personal correspondence1975-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 8
Virginia Tech self-study - personnel1975, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 9
Virginia Tech self-study - progress reports1975-1977
- box-folder 5 folder: 10
Virginia Tech self-study1975-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 11
Virginia Tech self-study - questionnaire1976, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 12
Virginia Tech self-study - record-keeping and report distribution1975-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 13
Virginia Tech self-study report draft - Standard II (Organization and Administration)1976
- box-folder 5 folder: 14
Virginia Tech self-study report draft - Standard VI (Library)1976
- box-folder 5 folder: 15
Virginia Tech self-study report draft - Standard VII (Student Development Services)1976
- box-folder 5 folder: 16
Virginia Tech self-study report draft - Standard VIII (Physical Plant)1976
- box-folder 5 folder: 17
Virginia Tech self-study report draft - Standard IX (Extension and Special Activities)1976[2 folders]
- box-folder 5 folder: 18
Virginia Tech self-study report draft - Standard X (Graduate Program)1976
- box-folder 5 folder: 19
Virginia Tech self-study report draft - Appendicesn.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 20
Virginia Tech self-study - report of visiting committee1977
- box-folder 5 folder: 21
Virginia Tech self-study - response to report of visiting committee1977
- box-folder 5 folder: 22
Virginia Tech self-study - schedule and meeting notes1975-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 23
Virginia Tech self study steering committee1975-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 24
Virginia Tech self-study - steering committee minutes1975
- box-folder 5 folder: 25
Virginia Tech self-study - steering committee minutes1976[2 folders]
- box-folder 5 folder: 26
Virginia Tech self-study - steering committee minutes1977
- box-folder 5 folder: 27
Virginia Tech self-study - steering committee1977, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 28
Virginia Tech self-study - steering committee rostern.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 29
Virginia Tech self-study - summary of visiting committee report and university response1977
- box-folder 5 folder: 30
Virginia Tech self-study - visiting committee1976-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 31
Virginia Tech self-study - visiting committee draft reportn.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 32
Virginia Tech self-study - visiting committee notes and summaries of draft reports1977, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 33
Wheeler, Henry1969-1970, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 34
Florida State University - Department of Government1967-1968, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 35
Florida State University - department lecture series1964-1968
- box-folder 5 folder: 36
Florida State University - faculty senate minutes1968
- box-folder 5 folder: 37
Florida State University - general correspondence1966-1970, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 38
Florida State University - "Governmental Research Bulletin"1964-1967
- box-folder 5 folder: 39
Florida State University - "Governmental Research Bulletin"1968-1976
- box-folder 6 folder: 1
Florida State University - Institute of Governmental Research1963-1967, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 2
Florida State University - Institute of Governmental Research annual reports1962-1966
- box-folder 6 folder: 3
Florida State University - Institute of Governmental Research - constitutional studies1966-1967
- box-folder 6 folder: 4
Florida State University - university affairs1962-1968, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 5
University of Michigan - general correspondence1961-1962, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 6
University of Nebraska - departmental communications1967-1969, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 31
- Subseries B. Academic Consulting1971-1979
- box-folder 6 folder: 7
"Doctoral Programs in the Social Sciences at Public Universities in Mississippi"1978, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 8
"Doctoral Programs in the Social Sciences, Public Institutions of Higher Learning, State of Mississippi" - draftn.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 9
Mississippi doctoral programs study1972-1977, n.d.[32 folders]
- box-folder 6 folder: 10
Mississippi doctoral programs study - general correspondence on academic program evaluation1977, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 11
Mississippi graduate programs study1977-1978, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 12
Mississippi graduate programs study - correspondence with Robert A. Ellis and Russell Major1977-1978, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 13
Mississippi State Universityn.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 14
Mississippi State University - review of history department1973, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 15
Mississippi State University - sociology department review1975-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 16
Oakwood College1971, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 17
Oakwood College self study - Southern Association of Colleges and Schools visiting committee1971, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 18
Southwestern at Memphis - Southern Association of Colleges and Schools self-study1979, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 6 folder: 19
University of Mississippi doctoral program study1973-1978, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 20
University of Southern Mississippi - doctoral program study1977-1978, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 6 folder: 7
- box-folder 6 folder: 21
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations1974, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 22
American Association of Law Libraries panel1986-1987, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 23
American Association of University Professors1971-1987, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 24
American Association of University Professors Committee on Compensation1971
- box-folder 6 folder: 25
American Political Science Association1904-1986, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 26
American Society for Public Administration1977-1987, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 27
American Society for Public Administration1967-1968, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 28
American Society for Public Administration - Section on International and Comparative Administration1968-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 29
American Society for Public Administration - senior member certificate1966
- box-folder 6 folder: 30
American Society for Public Administration - Southwest Virginia chapter1980-1987, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 31
American Society for Public Administration - Virginia chapter1969-1981, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 32
Arizona Academy - correspondence1964-1965, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 33
Center for the Study of the Presidency1973-1978, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 34
Citizens Conference on State Legislatures1968-1975, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 35
Citizens' Conference on the Alabama Constitution1975, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 1
Conference of Virginia Political Scientists1974-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 2
Council of State Governments1968-1984, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 3
Hoover Commission Task Force on Water Resources and Power1951-1956
- box-folder 7 folder: 4
Institute on Management Analysis (University of Kentucky)1968, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 5
International Political Science Association1979-1980, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 6
League of Women Voters1967-1983
- box-folder 7 folder: 7
National Archives Conference on Research in the Administration of Public Policy1970, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 8
National Council for Revision of State Constitutions1968-1971, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 7 folder: 9
National Council for Revision of State Constitutions - Committee on Reports and Publications1969
- box-folder 7 folder: 10
National Honor Society for Public Affairs and Administration - constitutionn.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 11
National Municipal League1968-1986, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 12
National Municipal League Committee on Constitutional Revision1968-1969
- box-folder 7 folder: 13
National Municipal League Conference on Government1966, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 14
National Municipal League Conference on State Constitutional Conventions1973, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 7 folder: 15
National Municipal League - National Conference on Government1967, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 16
National Municipal League - National Conference on Government1973, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 17
National Municipal League - National Conference on Government1977, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 18
National Municipal League - National Conference on Government - "Preparing for Constitutional Revision" panel1972
- box-folder 7 folder: 19
National Municipal League - state constitutional revision1965-1987, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 7 folder: 20
National Municipal League State Legislatures Progress Reporter1965-1967
- box-folder 7 folder: 21
National Municipal League State Legislatures Progress Reporter1968-1970
- box-folder 7 folder: 22
Oklahoma Academy for State Goals1969-1970, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 23
Oklahoma Central State University - workshop on the ideal state1973, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 24
Oklahoma Central State University workshop - "The Bill of Rights, Then and Now"1973, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 25
Phi Beta Kappa1972-1976, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 26
Phi Beta Kappa1977-1987, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 27
Phi Beta Kappa Bulletin1980
- box-folder 7 folder: 28
Phi Beta Kappa - chapter minutes and agendas1971-1979
- box-folder 7 folder: 29
Phi Beta Kappa - constitution and bylaws1975-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 30
Phi Beta Kappa delegates manual1967
- box-folder 7 folder: 31
Phi Beta Kappa delegates manual1979
- box-folder 7 folder: 32
Phi Beta Kappa executive committee minutes and agendas1972-1980, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 33
Phi Beta Kappa - history and initiation ritual1954-1976, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 34
Phi Beta Kappa - initiations1977-1987, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 35
Phi Beta Kappa - minutes1972-1974, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 36
Phi Beta Kappa - personal correspondence1975-1977
- box-folder 7 folder: 37
Phi Beta Kappa - publicity and newspaper clippings1974-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 38
Phi Beta Kappa - treasurer's reports1977-1980
- box-folder 7 folder: 39
Phi Beta Kappa Triennial Council1967
- box-folder 8 folder: 1
Phi Beta Kappa - triennial council1979
- box-folder 8 folder: 2
Phi Beta Kappa visiting scholar (Robert S. Rankin)1965, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 3
Phi Beta Kappa - West Virginia University and Florida State University chapters1962-1968, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 4
Pi Sigma Alpha1957-1971, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 5
Robert S. Rankin gift committee1969
- box-folder 8 folder: 6
Southeastern Assembly of State Legislatures1966-1967, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 7
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools1967-1971, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 8
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools1977-1978, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 9
Southern Political Science Association1967-1987, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 8 folder: 10
Southern Political Science Association meeting1974, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 11
Southern Political Science Association meeting - "Institutional Reform at the Sub-national Level" panel1977, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 12
Southern Political Science Association panel1979, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 13
Southern Political Science Association program1965
- box-folder 8 folder: 14
Tennessee panel1976
- box-folder 8 folder: 15
Virginia Decade of the Constitution Committee1982-1987, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 16
Virginia Foundation for the Humanities1974-1985, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 17
Virginia Political Scientists1969-1981, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 18
Virginia Social Science Association1970-1987, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 8 folder: 19
Virginia Social Science Association meeting1971-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 20
Virginia Social Science Association meeting1974, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 21
Virginia Social Science Association - 1978 program1976-1979, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 22
Virginia Social Science Association - 1979 meeting1976-1978, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 23
Virginia Social Science Association - correspondence1977-1978, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 24
Virginia Social Science Association - minutes, constitution and awards1976-1979, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 25
Virginia Social Science Association - newsletters and programs1969-1979
- box-folder 8 folder: 26
Virginia Social Science Association - treasurer's reports1976-1978
- box-folder 8 folder: 27
Water Resources Seminar (University of Nebraska)1967-1968, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 28
West Virginia Political Science Association1981, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 29
White House Conference on Consumer Representation Plans1975
- box-folder 8 folder: 30
"14 States Vote on Amendments: All Changes for 1971 Submitted by Legislators"1971, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 31
"17 States Approve Constitutional Changes Affecting Legislatures"1970, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 32
"The 1968 Elections: Parties, Issues, Elections" (for Nebraska Wesleyan University Conference)1968, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 33
"The 1971 Revised Virginia Constitution and Recent Constitution-making"1971-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 1
"42 States Vote on Amendments"1970, n.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 2
"American State Constitutions: an Overview of Their Development"1980-1981, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 9 folder: 3
Bibliography on public administration in Turkey1958-1959, n.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 4
Bibliography on public administration in Turkey - materials on technical assistancen.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 5
Bibliography on public administration in Turkey - research methodology1957, n.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 6
Bibliography on State Constitutions and Constitutional Revision, 1945-1975 - correspondence1975-1976[2 folders]
- box-folder 9 folder: 7
Bibliography on State Constitutions and Constitutional Revision, 1945-1975 - responses to requests1975[2 folders]
- box-folder 9 folder: 8
"Bill of Rights in New State Constitutions"1968-1970, n.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 9
"The Choosing of a President" (University Lecture Series)1972, n.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 10
"Civil Liberties in Revised State Constitutions" (with Kaye M. Wright)1975-1976, n.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 11
"Comments on the Bicentennial of the U. S. Constitution" - presentation to Blacksburg AARP1987
- box-folder 9 folder: 12
"Compacts of Antiquity - State Constitutions" - Duke University seminar1969-1970, n.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 13
"Constitution-making by Convention: Some Recent Accomplishments, Failures and Suggested Guidelines"1967-1969, n.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 14
Constitution-making in Michigan1962
- box-folder 9 folder: 15
"Constitution-making in Michigan, 1961-1962" - clippings and correspondence1961-1963
- box-folder 9 folder: 16
"Constitution-making in Michigan, 1961-1962" - outline and background materialsn.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 17
"The Constitution of Virginia, 1776 and 1976"1969-1978, n.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 18
"Constitutional Changes Approved in Six States"1969-1970, n.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 19
"Constitutional Conventions" (in Americana Encyclopedia )1967-1968, n.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 20
"Constitutional Conventions During the 1970s" - article for State Government1979, n.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 21
"Constitutional Implementation in Michigan" - correspondence1963-1968, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 9 folder: 22
"Constitutional Implementation in Michigan" - correspondence with State Officers1963-1968
- box-folder 9 folder: 23
"Constitutional Implementation in Michigan" - correspondence with Margaret Whitaker1962-1964[2 folders]
- box-folder 9 folder: 24
"Constitutional Implementation in Michigan" - correspondence with Margaret Whitaker1965-1966[2 folders]
- box-folder 10 folder: 1
"Constitutional Implementation in Michigan" - correspondence with Margaret Whitaker1967-1969
- box-folder 10 folder: 2
"Constitutional Implementation in Michigan" - draft pts. I and IIn.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 3
"Constitutional Implementation in Michigan" - draft pt. III (chapters 5-8)n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 4
"Constitutional Implementation in Michigan" - draft pt. III (chapters 9-13)n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 5
"Constitutional Implementation in Michigan" - questionnaire and correspondence1966, n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 6
"Constitutional Implementation in Michigan" - research proposal1964
- box-folder 10 folder: 7
Michigan constitutional convention - staff correspondence1962-1967, n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 8
"Constitutional Revision: a Challenge to Floridians" - Governmental Research Bulletin1965
- box-folder 10 folder: 9
"Constitutional Revision: a Tool for Modernizing State Government"1970
- box-folder 10 folder: 10
"Constitutional Revision in Florida"1967
- box-folder 10 folder: 11
"Constitutional Revision, Legislatures, and the Virginia General Assembly"1978-1979, n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 12
"Edmund Randolph: a Survey of His Activities in the Formation of the Constitution..."1938
- box-folder 10 folder: 13
"Effective State Governments Need Modern Constitutions"1970-1971, n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 14
"Ethics and Government" talk1970-1975, n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 15
"The Executive Dept. in the Proposed Constitution of Florida"1966
- box-folder 10 folder: 16
Government of Virginia textbook - correspondence1979-1980, n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 17
Implementing a New Constitution: the Michigan Experience1968
- box-folder 10 folder: 18
Introduction to public administration textbook - notes and drafts1957-1959, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 10 folder: 19
Jet Tanker Crash [book review]1968, n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 20
"Major Constitutional Issues in West Virginia" - correspondence1953-1961
- box-folder 10 folder: 21
"The Making of a Constitution: the Michigan Experience"1964-1965, n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 22
Methods of State Constitutional Reform1954
- box-folder 10 folder: 23
"Modern Constitution-making and the 1851 Ohio Constitution"1969-1971, n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 24
"Modernization of State Constitutions Since 1965: the Nation and the South"1974-1975, n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 25
Modernizing State Constitutions, 1966-19721972-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 26
The Need for Constitutional Revision in West Virginia1950
- box-folder 10 folder: 27
"Patterns of Recent State Constitution-making"1970-1971
- box-folder 10 folder: 28
Oklahoma Central State University - presentation on modernizing constitutions1971, n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 29
"The Procedure of Modernizing State Constitutions"1969, n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 30
"The Procedure of State Constitutional Change with Special Emphasis on the South and Florida"1977-1978, n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 31
"Recent Trends in State Constitutional Revision"1964
- box-folder 10 folder: 32
Reorganizing State Government1950
- box-folder 10 folder: 33
"The Report of the Virginia Commission on Constitutional Revision: a Summary and Review"1968-1969, n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 34
"Selected Bibliography on State Constitutional Revision"1961
- box-folder 10 folder: 35
"Selected Materials on the Role of the Chief Executive"1968-1969, n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 36
"Some Guidelines for Constitution Makers"1969
- box-folder 10 folder: 37
"State Constitutional Commissions: Fifteen Years of Increasing Use" - State Government , 1965-1966, n.d.1965-1966, n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 38
"State Constitutional Conventions" - State Government1966-1967, n.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 39
"State Constitutional Modernization by Commission, 1966-1972"1972-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 1
"State Constitutions and Constitutional Revision" - article for The Book of the States, 1982-831980-1982, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 11 folder: 2
"State Constitutional Revision, 1950-1966" - outlinesn.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 3
"State Constitutional Reform" - U. S. Civil Service Commission lecture1970-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 4
"State Constitutions and Constitutional Revision" - The Book of the States, 1970-19711968-1970, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 5
"State Constitutions and Constitutional Revision" - The Book of the States, 1972-19731971-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 6
"State Constitutions and Constitutional Revisions" - The Book of the States, 1974-19751972-1974, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 7
"State Constitutions and Constitutional Revisions" - The Book of States, 1976-19771975-1976, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 8
"State Constitutions and Constitutional Revisions: 1978-79 and the 1970s" - outlinen.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 9
"State Constitutional Changes During 1972"1972-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 10
"State Constitutional Development and Public Administration" - presentation notes1983, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 11
State Constitutional Developments During 1973"1973-1974, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 12
"State Constitutional Developments During 1974"1974-1975, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 13
"State Constitutional Developments During 1975"1975, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 14
"State Constitutional Developments During 1976"1977, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 15
"State Constitutional Developments During 1977"1977-1978, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 16
"State Constitutional Developments During 1978"1978-1979, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 17
"State Constitutional Developments During 1979"1979-1980, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 18
"State Constitutional Developments During 1980"1980-1981, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 19
"State Constitutions and Constitutional Revision"1978-1987, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 20
"State Constitutions and Constitutional Revision" - article for The Book of States, 1978-791978-1980, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 11 folder: 21
"State Constitutions and Constitutional Revision, 1986-1987" - The Book of States1987-1988, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 22
"State Constitutions and Constitutional Revision: a Selective Bibliography" - complete draft1975, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 23
"State Constitutions: Mechanisms for Change" presentation1987, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 24
"State Government Modernization and south Dakota" (article in Public Affairs )1968, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 25
"State Governmental Modernization and South Dakota"1968-1969
- box-folder 11 folder: 26
"State Modernization and the Use of Constitutional Revision Commissions"1969
- box-folder 11 folder: 27
"Structural Factors in Management Analysis"1969, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 28
Thirty Years of State Constitution-making, 1938-19681970
- box-folder 11 folder: 29
Thirty Years of State Constitution-making, 1938-1968n.d.[3 folders]
- box-folder 11 folder: 30
Thirty Years of State Constitution-making, 1938-1968 - correspondence1970, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 31
"Trends in State Constitution-making, 1966-1970"1970-1974, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 11 folder: 32
"Virginians and the Constitutional Convention" article1987, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 33
"Virginians and the Making of the U. S. Constitution"1987, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 34
"What Makes a Good Constitution?"1966
- box-folder 11 folder: 35
"What Should a Model Constitution Contain?"1969, n.d.
- box-folder 12 folder: 1
Articles by Sturm1951-1976, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 12 folder: 2
Commencement and other addresses1948-1955, n.d.
- box-folder 12 folder: 3
Correspondence about articles1967-1985, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 12 folder: 4
Speech materials1963-1974, n.d.
- box-folder 12 folder: 5
Speeches: background printed materials1968-1984, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 12 folder: 6
Speeches on constitutional revision in West Virginia1950-1955, n.d.
- box-folder 12 folder: 7
Talk at Colonial High School (Virginia Beach)1975
- box-folder 12 folder: 8
Textbook on West Virginia state government - correspondence and documents1949-1963, n.d.
- Subseries A. Constitutional Commissions and Conventions1959-1987
- box-folder 12 folder: 9
Alabama Constitutional Commission1969-1974, n.d.
- box-folder 12 folder: 10
Arkansas Constitutional Commission1978-1981, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 12 folder: 11
Arkansas Constitutional Convention1978-1979, n.d.
- box-folder 12 folder: 12
California Constitutional Commission1969-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 12 folder: 13
Delaware Constitutional Commission1969-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 12 folder: 14
District of Columbia Statehood Convention1982-1987, n.d.
- box-folder 12 folder: 15
Florida Constitutional Commission1977-1978, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 12 folder: 16
Georgia Constitutional Commission1969-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 12 folder: 17
Hawaii Constitutional Convention1978, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 12 folder: 18
Idaho Constitutional Commission1968-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 12 folder: 19
Illinois Constitutional Conventionn.d.
- box-folder 12 folder: 20
Indiana Constitutional Commission1970-1974, n.d.
- box-folder 12 folder: 21
Kansas Constitutional Commission1969-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 13 folder: 1
Louisiana Constitutional Commission1971-1974, n.d.
- box-folder 13 folder: 2
Louisiana Constitutional Convention1973-1975, n.d.[6 folders]
- box-folder 13 folder: 3
Maryland Constitutional Commission1969-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 13 folder: 4
Minnesota Constitutional Commission1971-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 13 folder: 5
Mississippi Constitutional Commission1985, n.d.
- box-folder 13 folder: 6
Montana Constitutional Commission1971-1975, n.d.[3 folders]
- box-folder 13 folder: 7
Nebraska Constitutional Commission1968-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 13 folder: 8
New Hampshire Constitutional Commission1973-1974, n.d.
- box-folder 13 folder: 9
New Mexico Constitutional Commission1968-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 13 folder: 10
New Hampshire Constitutional Convention1975-1984, n.d.
- box-folder 13 folder: 11
New York Constitutional Commission1972-1974, n.d.
- box-folder 13 folder: 12
North Carolina Constitutional Commission1959-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 13 folder: 13
North Dakota Constitutional Commission1970-1977, n.d.[3 folders]
- box-folder 13 folder: 14 box-folder 14 folder: 1
Ohio Constitutional Commission1970-1977, n.d.[3 folders]
- box-folder 14 folder: 2
Oklahoma Constitutional Commission1968-1970, n.d.
- box-folder 14 folder: 3
Oregon Constitutional Commission1969-1970, n.d.
- box-folder 14 folder: 4
Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention1967, n.d.
- box-folder 14 folder: 5
Rhode Island Constitutional Commission1973, n.d.
- box-folder 14 folder: 6
Rhode Island Constitutional Convention1984-1985, n.d.
- box-folder 14 folder: 7
South Carolina Constitutional Commission1968-1975, n.d.
- box-folder 14 folder: 8
South Dakota Constitutional Commission1969-1975, n.d.[3 folders]
- box-folder 14 folder: 9
Tennessee Constitutional Convention1965-1975, n.d.
- box-folder 14 folder: 10
Tennessee Constitutional Convention1975-1978, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 14 folder: 11
Texas Constitutional Commission1969-1974, n.d.
- box-folder 14 folder: 12
Texas Constitutional Convention1972-1975, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 14 folder: 13
Texas Constitutional Convention - appraisal questionnaires1973-1975, n.d.
- box-folder 14 folder: 14
Texas Constitutional Convention - notes and clippings1972-1975, n.d.[3 folders]
- box-folder 14 folder: 15
Utah Constitutional Commission1969-1975, n.d.
- box-folder 14 folder: 16
Vermont Constitutional Convention1969-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 14 folder: 17
Virginia Constitutional Commission1972
- box-folder 14 folder: 18
Washington Commission for Constitutional Alternatives1975-1976
- box-folder 15 folder: 1
Wisconsin Constitutional Commission1969-1971, n.d.
- box-folder 15 folder: 2
Wyoming Constitutional Commission
- box-folder 15 folder: 3
American Samoa1979-1985
- box-folder 15 folder: 4
Guam1977-1985, n.d.
- box-folder 15 folder: 5
Mariana Islands1977-1979
- box-folder 15 folder: 6
Puerto Rico1977-1985
- box-folder 15 folder: 7
U. S. Virgin Islands1977-1981, n.d.
- box-folder 15 folder: 8
U. S. territories constitutional conventions1977, n.d.
- box-folder 12 folder: 9
- Subseries B. Subject Files1919-1987
- box-folder 15 folder: 9
Administrative organization and reorganization1952-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 15 folder: 10
Administrative powers - scope and limitsn.d.
- box-folder 15 folder: 11
Constitutional amendment court decisions1969-1971, n.d.
- box-folder 15 folder: 12
Constitutional commissions1977-1985, n.d.
- box-folder 15 folder: 13
Constitutional commissions - notes and charts1985, n.d.
- box-folder 15 folder: 14
Constitutional commissions questionnaire - appraisal1972-1973[2 folders]
- box-folder 15 folder: 15
Constitutional commissions questionnaire - data1972[2 folders]
- box-folder 15 folder: 16
Constitutional liabilities and remediesn.d.
- box-folder 15 folder: 17
Constitutional revision - general correspondence1965-1986[2 folders]
- box-folder 15 folder: 18
"Cost Principles and Procedures for Establishing Indirect Cost Rates for Grants and Contracts with the Department of HEW"1971
- box-folder 15 folder: 19
Education, health and welfare1972-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 15 folder: 20
Florida county welfare directors1966, n.d.
- box-folder 15 folder: 21
Florida county welfare project - correspondence1968
- box-folder 15 folder: 22
Florida county welfare project - correspondence and grant applications1966-1968, n.d.
- box-folder 15 folder: 23
Florida county welfare project - publicity and public relations1965-1968, n.d.
- box-folder 15 folder: 24
Florida county welfare study1966-1969, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 16 folder: 1
Florida county welfare study - Robert T. Lansdale correspondence1964-1967[2 folders]
- box-folder 16 folder: 2
Florida county welfare study - Robert T. Lansdale correspondence1967-1969
- box-folder 16 folder: 3
Florida pre-session legislative conference1967-1969, n.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 4
Form letters requesting information on constitutional developments in individual states1965-1979, n.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 5
Forms for analysis of constitutional conventionsn.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 6
Forms of administrative actionn.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 7
Framing the constitution1951, n.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 8
General characteristics of state constitutions1980, n.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 9
Government and the arts - correspondence1964-1965
- box-folder 16 folder: 10
Government and the arts - Florida contacts1964, n.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 11
Government and the arts - information1963-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 12
Government and the arts - project correspondence1963-1965, n.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 13
The Governor1966-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 14
Grad, Frank P. - papers on drafting a constitution1963[2 folders]
- box-folder 16 folder: 15
Hopkins Commission on State Governmental Management1973, n.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 16
Hopkins Commission on State Governmental Management1974, n.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 17
Howard, A. E. Dick1971, n.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 18
Howard, A. E. Dick1975-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 19
In the Capitol (Florida secretary of state),1967-1970
- box-folder 16 folder: 20
institute of Governmental Research - state constitutional conventions appraisement questionnaires1965, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 16 folder: 21
"Institute of Public Administration, University of the Philippines"1955
- box-folder 16 folder: 22
Intergovernmental relations1966-1979, n.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 23
Interuniversity case program notes1953, n.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 24
The Judiciary1971-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 25
Law enforcement1963, n.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 26
The Legislature1966-1977, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 16 folder: 27
Letter to Florida constitution revision chairman1966
- box-folder 16 folder: 28
Local government1966-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 29
Michigan constitutional convention project - correspondence1962
- box-folder 16 folder: 30
Michigan - selected bibliography on constitutional revision1961, n.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 31
Oklahoma Central State University visiting scholar1987, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 1
Oklahoma Legislative Council - pre-session conference1962-1978
- box-folder 17 folder: 2
Parties, elections, popular control1952-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 3
Political alienationn.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 4
Possible research projects1965-1978, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 5
The President - administrator in chief1967-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 6
The President - the cabinet and other advisors1967-1969, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 7
The President - campaigns1972, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 8
The President - chief diplomat1953-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 9
The President - chief executive1970, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 10
The President - chief legislator1949-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 11
The President - commander in chief1969-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 12
The President - concepts1973, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 13
The President - conservator of public order and safetyn.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 14
The President - creation nd development1970-1974, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 15
The president - decision-making1963, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 16
The President - electoral system1950-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 17
The President - executive officen.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 18
The President - party and opinion leader1968-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 19
The President - primaries and nominating conventions1960-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 20
The President - qualifications1966, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 21
The President - tenure, vacancy, and impeachment1949-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 22
The President - the vice presidency1956-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 23
Presidential parties - bibliographies1919-1933
- box-folder 17 folder: 24
"Profile of Candidates and Delegates - Michigan Constitutional Convention"1962
- box-folder 17 folder: 25
Project possibilities1964-1969, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 26
Proposal for series of constitutional studies - Florida1963-1964, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 27
Proposed national constitutional convention1979-1986, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 28
Public comments and commitments1966-1967, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 29
Public office and public officers1946, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 30
Responses to letters requesting information on constitutional developments in individual states1971, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 31
Richmond contactsn.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 32
Sanford, Terry project - "A Study of American States"1961-1966
- box-folder 17 folder: 33
Social Science Research Council grant applicationn.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 34
State constitutional commissions and conventions1968-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 35
State constitution court challenges1972-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 36
State constitutional conventions1970-1974, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 37
State constitutional conventions1975-1987, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 38
State constitutional developments during the 1970s - summaries1979
- box-folder 17 folder: 39
State constitutional revision - articles and reports1938-1973, n.d.[3 folders]
- box-folder 17 folder: 40
State constitutional revision - mailing list of correspondents1970-1985, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 41
State constitutional revision project - lists of correspondents1967-1970, n.d.
- box-folder 17 folder: 42
State constitutional revision - reports and articles1966-1968, n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 1
State constitutional revisions1966-1972, n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 2
State constitutional revisions - master summaries1979, n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 3
State constitutions1966-1976, n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 4
State constitutions and constitutional revision1955-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 5
State finance1966-1973, n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 6
States in the federal system1965-1973, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 18 folder: 7
Substantive content of state constitutional changes1980-1985, n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 8
Tables - amendments to state constitutions1970-1987
- box-folder 18 folder: 9
Tables - new constitution provisions accepted and rejected1966, n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 10
Textbook outlines1970-1975, n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 11
U. S. Congress - notes and background materialsn.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 12
U. S. Congress - reorganization1947, n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 13
U. S. Constitution bicentennial commemoration1982-1985, n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 14
U. S. Supreme Court1946-1948, n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 15
University of Virginia Newsletter subject index1958-1975, n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 16
University programs - modular studies in political science1973-1974, n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 17
Urbanization in Florida1963, n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 18
Virginia state government maps and charts1973, n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 19
Virginia administrative organization1936-1979, n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 20
Virginia commerce, agriculture, natural resources and planning1937-1980
- box-folder 18 folder: 21
Virginia constitutional development1974-1979
- box-folder 18 folder: 22
Virginia county government1933-1979
- box-folder 18 folder: 23
Virginia executive branch1960-1980
- box-folder 18 folder: 24
Virginia finance and taxation1940-1979
- box-folder 18 folder: 25
Virginia General Assembly pre-session conference1973-1978, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 19 folder: 1
Virginia government textbook questionnairen.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 2
Virginia government textbook - state background1939-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 3
Virginia health and welfare / human resources1936-1978
- box-folder 19 folder: 4
Virginia higher education1945-1977, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 5
"Virginia Independent" newsletter1986-1987, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 6
Virginia judiciary1963-1979
- box-folder 19 folder: 7
Virginia legislature1938-1980, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 8
Virginia local government1938-1978, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 9
Virginia municipal government1929-1978
- box-folder 19 folder: 10
Virginia politics and political parties1965-1979
- box-folder 19 folder: 11
Virginia public safety and law enforcement1943-1964
- box-folder 19 folder: 12
Virginia public school system1942-1978, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 13
Virginia state court system1974
- box-folder 19 folder: 14
Virginia state Democratic and Republican parties1972, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 15
Virginia state government - correspondence1969-1979, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 16
Virginia suffrage and elections1952-1976
- box-folder 19 folder: 17
Virginia transportation1940-1972
- box-folder 19 folder: 18
Voter actions on constitutional issues during 1979 - summariesn.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 19
WBRA-TV - "They Put Virginia First: the Governor and the Executive Branch"1979-1980, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 20
Washington contacts1964-1965, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 21
West Virginia questionnaire on state administrative organization1951, n.d.
- box-folder 15 folder: 9
- box-folder 19 folder: 22
Albert Sturm biographical materials1971-1987, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 23
Biographical directories1956-1987, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 24
Curriculum vitae1970-1982, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 25
Sturm's student papers and exams on state and local government1938, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 26
Planning calendars1962-1972
- box-folder 19 folder: 27
Planning calendars1973-1985
- box-folder 19 folder: 28
Sturm - library holdings1983-1984, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 29
Continental Financial Services1982-1984, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 30
Dairy cow legal agreements1982-1983, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 31
Dairy cows - Anderson Farm1983-1986, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 32
Perrin and Perrin v. Industrial Indemnity1983-1987, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 33
Pleiness dairy cow lease1984-1987, n.d.[2 folders]