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Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: [identification of item], [box], [folder], Roy Jay Holden Papers, Ms1982-014, Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.
Source of Acquisition
The Roy Jay Holden Papers were donated to Special Collections prior to 1982.
Processing Information
An inventory of the Roy Jay Holden Papers was completed after their donation. Additional description was completed in January 2011, when the finding aid was created.
Biographical Note
Roy Jay Holden was born to Harvey Jay and Sarah Diana (Danforth) Holden on October 21, 1870 in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin. He married Elizabeth Evans (1888-1967), and they had several children: Virginia S., Elizabeth F., and Roy Jay, Jr..
Holden earned B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Wisconsin in 1900 and 1915, respectively. He joined Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute (VPI) as an associate professor of Geology and Mineralogy (sometimes called Mining Geology) in 1905, becoming a professor in 1908. He served as the head of the department from 1908 until his death. Holden died on December 16, 1945, and is buried alongside his wife in the Westview Cemetery in Blacksburg, Virginia.
The Mineral Industries Building at VPI was renamed Holden Hall in honor of Holden in 1949.
External source:
U.S. Federal Census, 1880, 1920-1940
"Roy Jay Holden", Findagrave.com, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/69582162/roy-jay-holden , accessed April 22, 2024.
"Holden Hall", Virginia Tech, https://www.vt.edu/about/locations/buildings/holden-hall.html , accessed April 22, 2024.
Roy Jay Holden death certificate, in the Virginia, U.S., Death Records, 1912-2014, Ancestry.com, https://www.ancestrylibrary.com/discoveryui-content/view/2373370:9278 , accessed April 22, 2024.
Scope and Content
The Roy Jay Holden Papers include field notes, charts and maps, and geological surveys and research results, covering the history of mineralogy and geology, especially in Virginia, including work at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPI) Engineering Experiment Station. In addition to detailed materials on iron ores in Virginia, especially west of the Blue Ridge Mountains, there are reports on mines and furnaces in twenty-five counties of the state. The collection also contains Holden's notebooks, copies of addresses and speeches he made, and records from the VPI Geology Department.
Materials are organized into three series:
Series I: Professional Papers includes notes, manuscripts, Geology Department records, and a CV.
Series II: Subject Files contains materials collected on various topics relating to geology and mines, particularly in Virginia.
Series III: General Files includes correspondence, notes, and information on individuals and companies.
Related Material
VT Special Collections and University Archives also maintains the papers of Holden's son, Roy Jay Holden, Jr. Papers, Ms1991-023.
Additional records from the Geological Sciences Department are available in Record Group 15/12. Contact Special Collections and University Archives for more information.
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- Faculty and staff
- Local/Regional History and Appalachian South
- Science and Technology
- University History
- Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute (1896-1944)
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1944-1970)
Rights Statement for Archival Description
The guide to the Roy Jay Holden Papers by Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, is licensed under a CC0 ( https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/ ).
Container List
- box 1
Curriculum Vitae; Bibliography
- box 1
History of Geology; Geology Department
- box 4
Addresses & Radio TalksScope and ContentAfrica"Aladdin Was a Piker""Algonkian Formations in the Blue Ridge of Virginia""Animals of the Past""Appalachian Alluvial Diamonds"Aurora BorealisAutomobile Touring--1930, 1936, 1937Canadian Northland, Tales of, 1938"Touring in Ontario" (Canada)Coal: "Origin of Coal"Coal: Coal Map of Virginia, Discussion of, for Virginia Planning BoardCoal: "A Visit to a Coal Mine," 1931Coal: Underground trip--Pocahontas Fuel Co.Commencement address, 1945: "To Think or Not to Think"Colorado River, TheColumbia Lavas, The, 1930"Conservation of Natural Resources," 1932"Dust" (Atmospheric), 1933"Earth, Looking into the," 1930Earth, Tales of theFenstreamsFirst Families of AmericaF.F.V.Geology Recitations, 1933: What is geology? (Ja. 12): Piedmont Section of Virginia; (Mar. 9): General questions about geology; (May 11): "How do mountains grow?" etc.; (June 8): Geology trip.Gas Well, Virginia's First (4 pp.), 1932GemsGenesis vs. GeologyGlacier National Park, 1930Gold, 1935, 1938Helictites in VirginiaImperial Valley, The (Southern California) (3 pp.)Iron in Virginia, Mining & Manufacturing of (4 pp.), 1931, 1944Iron Gate Gap (4 pp.), 1932Inorganic Resources of Virginia, Utilization of, in Chemical Manufacture (Arsenopyrite; Portland & Natural Cements; Lime; Gypsum; Salt; Sulphuric Acid; Manganese; Ceramic Materials; Nitrate; Copper; Lead & Zinc) (5 pp.)Magmatic Carbonation - Carbothermal MetamorphismMetallic Resources of VirginiaNatural Bridge National Forest, 1931National Resources, Conservation of, 1932Narrows, The (3 pp.), 1931New River ("Our Oldest River"), 1931Non-Ferrous Metals in Virginia, 1931"Origin of Life"Petroleum in Virginia, 1930Phi Kappa Phi, Talk before, 1936Piedmont, Virginia, Geology of (8 pp.), 1933"Plant Life Though the Ages" (8 pp.)Prehistory (13 pp.), "Measuring Prehistoric Time," 1937'Punch Jones' SparklerRocky Mountains, The"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi" (7 pp.), 1943, Phi Kappa PhiStamp Collection, The Hobby of, 1936Starch Manufacture in Virginia, 1931Underground trip--see Coal (above)Water (& chlorine)Water Power, Virginia (4 pp.), 1932Water, Yellow Sulphur Spring, Origin of the SulphateMiscellaneous
- box 5
Manuscripts of Original Work on Iron OresScope and Content
History of the Iron Ore Industry of the United States (typescript of Holden's doctoral dissertation for the University of Wisconsin, 1915; 506 pp.)
- box 5
Field Notes1905-1929Scope and Content
30 small notebooks, many dealing with Virginia Geological Survey, including:
1905: #1-3, 51906: #4, 6, x1907: #7, x, Carnegie work1908: #11909: #3-7, 7a, x1910: #8, 10-111912: Zinc1914: #121919: #131929: "Red notebook"History notes 1-3Ore & furnacesHistorical notes - box 5
Duplicates of Field Notes (see list of folder above)
- box 6
Miscellaneous Typescripts and Manuscripts
- box 6
Geology Departmental RecordsScope and ContentBefore 19201920-19231924-1928Requisitions, 19261929Requisitions, 1934Requisitions, 1939Requisitions, 1943Appropriations & Budgets, 1909-1936Appropriations & Budgets, 1938-1945Payrolls, 1909-1945Expense Accounts
- box 1
Iron Ores in Virginia
- box 1
History of Development of Oriskany Iron Ore
- box 2 box 3
Iron OreScope and ContentBox 2Alleghany Ore & Iron CompanyAnalyses--List of samples testedAnalyses--Penniman & BrownAppalachian Iron Company, Big Stone GapBibliography of Virginia Iron OresCacapon Sandstone as an Iron OreCatalog of State ReportsChemistry of Virginia Iron OresDouthat SurveyField note, VGS 1906-1911 (Virginia Geological Survey)Geological Survey letters--Bevan, McGill, Giles, Nelson, WarwickIron Ores (Virginia)Iron Ores in Virginia & Iron Ores West of the Blue RidgeIron SulphateBox 3Manganese Ore in Virginia & West VirginiaManganeseMetallic Mineral Resources of VirginiaMethods of AnalysesNorfolk & Western RailwayOriskany Ore and Iron CompanyPulaski Iron CompanyReportsRobinson, HeathSolution of the IronSpecular Ores (Historical)Virginia RailwayWalker Mountain--Pulaski (Caldwell, J. E.)
- box 3
LimeScope and ContentTests on Burning LimestoneLaws on Lime (Agriculture)Letters, miscellaneousSamples, list of contributorsMarlMethodsNational Lime AssociationReportsRivertonSample NumbersSizing TestsTemperature TestWhite Rock Quarry CompanyAnalysesBagsWeight ExperimentWeights of Lime in Storage
- box 3
Mines in Virginia, A-FScope and ContentAndisArcadiaAustinvilleAustraliaBack ValleyBailey CrockettBarberBare Bank/Crozier/Blue Bank/Red MountainBarren Springs and BerthaBessBig HillBlack RockBoyerBozoo Well SamplesCallieCamp ProspectCarter BankCharter OakChestnut Knob (Henry County)CircleClarke BankClayton (Pulaski County)CoffeeColumbia and LibertyCrawfordCrescentCrimoraDixie LimoniteDolly AnnDouthat Survey (Haynes & Moore tract, Alleghany County)EstellineEvaFarrisFenwickFerrolFoster Falls
- box 4
Mines in Virginia, G-R; References; ReportsScope and ContentGannawayGarrisonGivenHannah ForrerHematiteHendersonHenriettaHeplerHidenHome Bank (Musser Bank, Buchanan, Wynne)Hurst of BuckeyeIndian CampIron MountainIvanhoeJacksonWilliam JacksonJohnsonKennedyKimballKunkle (Augusta County)Liberty (Shennandoah County)LigniteLittle WytheLocust HillLongdale Iron Co. (houses Low Moor)Low MoorMartin BankMcCormickMericaMerrimac (Montgomery County)Mills BankMine Run (Shennandoah County)MorrisMount TorryNormaOriskanyPattersonPercivalPit SpringPoplar CampPorter BankPorterPoseyPrincess Furnace Co. (Glen Wilton)PulaskiRed HillRed MountainReed IslandRich HillRich PatchRileyvilleRoaring RunRumsey
- box 4
Mines in Virginia, S-WScope and ContentSandersSimmermanSmythSpecStackSweckerTiptonUnder RockVan BurenVaughn (Shennandoah County)WaltonWhite RockWilton
- box 4
- box 4
Minerals in VirginiaScope and Content
Basalt; Bauxite; Clays; Copper; Dufrenite; Feldspar; Franklinite; Gold; Ilemite; Pegmatite-Moorefield; Pheancite in Amelia County; Platinum; Potash; Quartz; Spessarite; Staurolite-Fairy Stone; Tantalite; Titanium; Vanadium; Viviante; Waverlite; Zinc.
- box 4
Mineral Statistics
- box 4
Oil Shale
- box 5
Geographic distribution (3 folders)
- box 1
A-CScope and ContentAnderson, William A.Appalachian GeologyAugusta Mill & Merchantile Co.Blacksburg, Town ofBockee, John J.Bomb (to test the stability of natural silicates in iron furnaces)Brown, J. WilcoxCalcite & Aragmite ExperiementsCampbell, M. R.CavesCementCement--thesisCharts & MapsChesapeake & Ohio Railway Co.Cline, W. S.Clippings (newspaper) re: cement, lime mortarCurd, William C.Curve (results of carbonation of limestone)
- box 1
D-LScope and ContentDaily, D. T.Dams, Damsites & ReservoirsDillon's Sons, E.Echols, W. M.Engineering Experiment StationExperimental Results (Lime)Field notesFirmstone, H.Fischer, Alfred GeorgeForrer, SamuelFossilsGeological Survey (Virginia) lettersGoshen Iron Co.Graham, DavidHarvey, A. W.Index to manuscript--Industrial DevelopmentJones, Catesby (chief chemist, state)Jordan, S. H.Jung, E. L.Kimbalton Lime Co.Letters, miscellaneousLetters from outside the state of VirginiaLow Moor Iron Co.
- box 2
M-RScope and ContentManuscript--cutlines for figuresMatthews, A. L.MeteoritesMiscellaneousNewport News Ship & Dry Dock Co.PatentsPechin, Edmund C., reportPersinger, A. W.Pulaski FaultPunch Jones DiamondRaymond, R. W.Riley Bill 1943Roanoke Cinder Block Co.Rocks
- box 2
S-WScope and ContentSinking CreekSkyline ParkwaySoils & Soil ConservationSprings (mineral)State Planning Board--discussion of mapStratigraphyVirginia Elements of Natural EnvironmentVPI&SUVulcanismWater (Springs & wells)Watson, Dr. T. L.
- box 2
CountiesScope and ContentAlleghanyAugustaBath & BedfordBotetourtBlandBuchanan & DickersonClarkeCraigFrederickGilesHighlandLeeMontgomeryPagePulaskiRoanokeRockbridgeRockinghamRussellScottShennandoah (& Warren)SmythTazewellWashingtonWiseWythe
- box 2
Furnaces, Data onScope and ContentGrace FurnacePrincess Furnace Co.--Botetourt CountyVan Buren FurnaceVernon Furnace (Grottoes Iron Co.)Virginia Iron & Coal Co.