Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech
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Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
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John M. Jackson, Archivist
Administrative Information
Conditions Governing Reproduction and Use
The copyright status of this collection is unknown. Copyright restrictions may apply. Contact Special Collections and University Archives for assistance in determining the use of these materials. Reproduction or digitization of materials for personal or research use can be requested using our reproduction/digitization form: http://bit.ly/scuareproduction . Reproduction or digitization of materials for publication or exhibit use can be requested using our publication/exhibition form: http://bit.ly/scuapublication . Please contact Special Collections and University Archives (specref@vt.edu or 540-231-6308) if you need assistance with forms or to submit a completed form.
Conditions Governing Access
The collection is open for research.
Existence and Location of Copies
Digital images of several pieces of original artwork in the collection may be found in the Virginia Tech Imagebase .
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: [identification of item], [box], [folder], Bailey-Law Collection, Ms1982-002, Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.
Source of Acquisition
The Bailey-Law Collection was obtained in several separate accruals. The lithographed plates from Bailey's The Birds of Florida were donated to Special Collections in 1980. The bulk of the collection, however, was received via transfers from Virginia Tech's Department of Biology in 1982 and from the Virginia Museum of Natural History at Virginia Tech in 2003.
Processing Information
The processing, arrangement and description of the Bailey-Law Collection commenced in June 2009 and was completed in October 2009.
Biographical Note - Harold Harris Bailey
Born in East Orange, New Jersey on October 13, 1878, Harold Harris Bailey was the son of Harold Balch Bailey and Lillie Adams Taylor. As a child, Bailey moved with his parents to Newport News, Virginia, and in 1906, he married Ida Margaret Eschenburg. Bailey worked as a naval architect and ship broker, perhaps while living in California, then returned to Newport News. He served four years as game inspector for Virginia and Maryland before resigning in 1918 to devote all of his time to the management of his farm on the James River in Virginia. Meanwhile, inheriting an interest in ornithology from his father, Bailey had published The Birds of Virginia in 1913.
Bailey moved with his wife and children to Miami, Florida, where he worked with the Bureau of Biological Survey and published The Birds of Florida in 1925. During his years in Florida, Bailey was instrumental in the establishment of Everglades National Park.
In 1937, Bailey married Laura Beatty Law, and the couple in 1942 moved with their extensive collections to Goshen, Virginia, where they renovated the abandoned Rockbridge Alum Springs mineral spa and established the Rockbridge Alum Springs Biological Laboratory. In 1961, Bailey established the Bailey Research Trust (later the Bailey Wildlife Foundation). Following Harold Bailey's death on July 24, 1962, Laura Bailey oversaw curatorial duties for the collection and presented it to Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 1969. She died in Lexington, Virginia on September 18, 1975.
Biographical Note - John Eugene Law
John Eugene Law, son of John and Katherine E. Law, was born in Forest City, Iowa, on August 26, 1877. After graduating from high school in Perry, Iowa, Law attended the University of Wisconsin and Stanford University. Obtaining an A. B. in 1900, he held a series of bank positions in Pomona and Hollywood, California for the next several years before retiring from business in 1914. In 1919, he joined the California Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. Paid one dollar a year, Law served first as a curator in osteology and later as a curator in ptilology.
Though he conducted considerable research (particularly in California and the Chiricahua Mountains of Arizona), published a number of papers and amassed a sizable collection of specimens, a great portion of Law's time was devoted to administrative duties for the Western Bird-banding Association and, to a greater extent, the Cooper Ornithological Club. He joined the COC in 1900 and would hold several key positions (Southern Division president, 1905, 1913-1915; vice-president, 1916-1917; secretary, 1906-1912; business manager, 1907-1925; president, board of governors, 1925).
Law married Laura Mauldin Beatty (1886-1975) in Los Angeles on January 20, 1915. Sharing an interest in ornithology, the couple often performed field work together, especially in bird-banding. John Eugene Law died on November 14, 1931. In 1937, Laura Beatty Law married another ornithologist, Harold Bailey.
Scope and Content
This collection contains the papers of ornithologists John Eugene Law and Harold H. Bailey, including notes on bird species, habitat, and behavior; correspondence; field journals; printed materials; photographs and other images. Among Bailey's papers are files relating to his books, The Birds of Virginia and The Birds of Florida , as well as his operation of the Rockbridge Alum Springs Biological Laboratory. Also includes biographical files on hundreds of other naturalists and ornithologists, including such materials as correspondence, writings, photographs, field notes, and biographical sketches.
The collection is organized into the following series:
Series I. John Eugene Law Papers, 1891-1931. This series is arranged in three subseries:
Subseries A. Correspondence, 1902-1930. Most significant among Law's correspondence is a large collection of letters between Law and Joseph Grinnell, director of the University of California's Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. Also included is correspondence with a handful of other naturalists. Arranged by correspondent name.
Subseries B. Subject files, 1912-1930. This subseries, containing mostly handwritten notes, consists of a collection of subject files maintained by Law concerning bird species, behavior and physiology. Included are large files on toxostoma (probably from Law's 1928 article on the curve-billed thrasher) as well as the Chiricahua Mountains of New Mexico, to which Law devoted a number of research trips. Arranged alphabetically by subject matter.
Subseries C. Research and field work, 1891-1931. This subseries includes materials produced by Law while performing ornithological research in the library and the field. Included are a series of research notebooks consisting largely of data gleaned from published sources. Among the field journals also contained in this subseries are notes on bird, nest and egg observations and collections made in California, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and unidentified locations. Arranged by document type.
Series II. Harold Harris Bailey Papers, 1910-1967. This series is arranged in five subseries:
Subseries A. Correspondence, 1915-1959. This small set of letters relates to ornithology as well as more general matters. Arranged chronologically.
Subseries B. Field and Research Work, 1911-1967. Bailey's field notes are contained in this subseries, as are a collection of bird banding records (which were likely commenced by John Eugene Law before being continued by Bailey), and various materials relating to Bailey's collections, including a case--used by both Bailey and his father--for collecting eggs.
Subseries C. Subject Files, 1910-1953. This brief subseries includes a handful of topics on which Bailey collected materials. Foremost among the topics is Bailey's longstanding, albeit seemingly one-sided, feud with the American Ornithologists' Union and the Cooper Ornithological Club, resulting from Bailey's stance on the 1931 A.O.U. checklist and other matters.
Subseries D. Publications, 1913-1947. Included within these files are materials arising from the publication of Bailey's The Birds of Virginia (1913) and The Birds of Florida (1925). The subseries contains production correspondence, promotional material, and sales records. Also included are correspondence and lists relating to the Bulletin of the Bailey Museum and Library of Natural History , together with sample issues of the publication.
Subseries E. Rockbridge Alum Springs, 1945-1962. Various topics relating to the Baileys' establishment and operation of the Rockbridge Alum Springs Biological Laboratory are contained in this subseries. Included are files on Bailey's attempt to have a flyway lake constructed at the springs, an ongoing battle with trespassing hunters, requests for game and fish stock, the possible acquisition of adjoining lands, and the creation of a naturalists portrait gallery. Throughout the correspondence in this subseries, as elsewhere within the collection, Bailey's letters overflow with vitriol and belligerence, particularly against the academic naturalist establishment. When not criticizing fellow naturalists, he directs barbs against such general topics as the New Deal, the Civil Rights Movement, and communism.
Series III. Naturalists Biographical Files, 1825-1971. Comprising the core of the collection, the biographical files represent the Baileys' attempt to compile reference files on 19th- and 20- century naturalists. (The Baileys had titled the collection the Naturalist Autograph Files, but because the collection comprises more than autographs, it was given a broader title during processing.) The collection contains a broad scope of materials, ranging from correspondence to field notes, biographical sketches, printed materials, and photographs. Included among these are items that the Baileys "inherited" from other naturalists, as well as materials on a few individuals not known as naturalists, including letters signed by U. S. President Herbert Hoover and author James Branch Cabell, as well as a painting by artist Carl Moon.
Unique among the materials in this series is an autograph book maintained by Harold Balch Bailey, containing the autographs of notable 19th-century personages, including U. S. presidents and other political leaders; Union Army generals; authors; musicians; and artists. Also among the elder Bailey's papers are some documents regarding a 19th-century Massachusetts militia, including an item signed by John Quincy Adams. Other unusual items include Charles Townsend's file of material on Easter Island and a notebook of natural science observations maintained by Herman Haupt Jr. The series is arranged in two subseries:
Subseries A. Numerical files, 1825-1970. The files in this subseries comprise the Baileys' original "Naturalist Autograph Files" and remain as the couple compiled them. Each name is associated with a unique number, and the files are arranged numerically, with two indexes to the collection at the end. Many of the names represented in these files may also be found in Subseries II.
Subseries B. Alphabetical files, 1836-1971. The files in this subseries were compiled from materials found loose within the collection. The items seem to have been intended by the Baileys for their autograph files but had yet to be integrated. The collection includes the same types of materials found in the numbered folders but is arranged alphabetically. Many of the names represented in these files may also be found in Subseries I. At the end of the subseries is a bound set of various collectors' egg catalogs.
Series IV. Printed Material, 1882-1969. This series includes a small selection of printed materials deemed best left with the manuscript collection when other printed materials were transferred to the Rare Book Collection. Most significant among the holdings are materials of the Cooper Ornithological Club / Cooper Ornithological Society and a collection of catalogs offering bird eggs, bird skins, cabinetry, and supplies for ornithologists, naturalists and taxidermists. Arranged by subject matter.
Series V. Images, 1904-1942. This series is arranged by format in two subseries:
Subseries A. Color Plates and Other Illustrations, 1913-1922. This subseries consists largely of color plates detached from various illustrated publications, as well as sets of color prints. Other illustrations and paintings associated with individuals may be found in Series III.
Subseries B. Photographs, 1902-1937. Considering the breadth of Bailey and Law's research and collecting activities during a span of several decades, the collection contains relatively few photographs. Included is are full sets of original photos and half-tones used for Bailey's The Birds of Virginia . The photographs have been divided among the following categories: The Birds of Virginia , nests and eggs, birds, people, exhibits, specimens, and scenery. Included among the scenery are a few photos and postcards of Mountain Lake, the Cascades and Castle Rock in Giles County, Virginia. Photographs made by and of identified naturalists may be found in Series III.
Related Material
Books from the Bailey-Law Collection may be found by performing a keyword search on "Bailey-Law Collection" in the library's online catalog .
The extensive collection of bird skins, bird eggs, and mammal skins amassed by Law and Bailey were given to Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University's Department of Biology in 1969. In 1990, the collection was transferred to the Virginia Tech branch of the Virginia Museum of Natural History. When the branch closed in 2003, most of the collection was transferred to the Virginia Museum of Natural History in Martinsville; the remainder was retained by Virginia Tech's Department of Biology.
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- Bailey, Harold H. (Harold Harris), 1878-1962
- Law, John Eugene, 1877-1931
- Ornithology
- Science and Technology
Rights Statement for Archival Description
The guide to the Bailey-Law Collection by Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, is licensed under a CC0 ( https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/ ).
Significant Persons Associated With the Collection
- Bailey, Harold H. (Harold Harris), 1878-1962
- Law, John Eugene, 1877-1931
Container List
- Subseries A. Correspondence1902-1930
- box-folder 1 folder: 1-8
Grinnell, Joseph1902-1930
- box-folder 1 folder: 9
Jesurun, Mortimer1916-1921
- box-folder 1 folder: 10
Kimball, H. H.1910-1920
- box-folder 1 folder: 11
Van Rossem, Adriaan C.1902-1924
- box-folder 1 folder: 1-8
- Subseries B. Subject Files1912-1930
- box-folder 1 folder: 12
Aircraft Patent Application Completed by Law1929
- box-folder 1 folder: 13
- box-folder 1 folder: 14
Berkeley Studiesca. 1930
- box-folder 1 folder: 15
Bibliographical References1912-1917, n.d.
Bird Families and Genera
- box-folder 1 folder: 16
- box-folder 1 folder: 17
- box-folder 1 folder: 18
- box-folder 1 folder: 19
- box-folder 2 folder: 1
- box-folder 2 folder: 2
- box-folder 2 folder: 3
- box-folder 2 folder: 4
- box-folder 2 folder: 5
- box-folder 2 folder: 6
- box-folder 2 folder: 7
- box-folder 2 folder: 8
Toxostoman.d.[5 folders]
- box-folder 2 folder: 9
- box-folder 2 folder: 10
- box-folder 2 folder: 11
- box-folder 1 folder: 16
- box-folder 2 folder: 12
California Institute of Technology1925, n.d.
- box-folder 2 folder: 13
Chiricahua Mountains1913-1928
- box-folder 3 folder: 1
Chiricahua Mountainsn.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 3 folder: 2
Evolution; Ecology; Distribution; Colorn.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 3
Feathers; Food; Geographical Variations; Abrasion; Albinismn.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 4
Green Heron (captive bird)n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 5
Ground Locomotion; Habitsn.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 6
- box-folder 3 folder: 7
Nests; Molt; Juvenalsn.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 8
Oil Glandsn.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 9
Osteology; Pigment; Psychology; Runts; Tailn.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 10
Petition to American Ornithologists' Union Committee on Nomenclature and Classificationca. 1920
- box-folder 3 folder: 11
- box-folder 3 folder: 12
Skins1913-1930, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 13
University of California Museum of Vertebrate Zoology1913-1924, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 14
- box-folder 1 folder: 12
- Subseries C. Research and Field Work1891-1931
- box-folder 3 folder: 15
Notebook 1: Loons - Ducks1921-1929, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 16
Notebook 2: Vultures - Falcons1921-1931, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 1
Notebook 3: Grouse - Avocet1919-1929, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 2
Notebook 4: Skua - Doves1919-1928, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 3
Notebook 5: Parrots - Owls1917-1928
- box-folder 4 folder: 4
Notebook 6: Nightjar - Kingfisher1918-1928, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 5
Notebook 7: Woodpeckers1917-1929, n.d.
- box-folder 4 folder: 6
Notebook 8: Cotinga - Larks1919-1928, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 1
Notebook 9: Swallows - Tits1919-1929, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 2
Notebook 10: Nuthatch - Wrens1919-1928, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 3
Notebook 11: Mimids1919-1928, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 4
Notebook 12: Curvebill Thrasher1920-1923, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 5
Notebook 13: Curvebill Thrasher1921-1928, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 6
Notebook 14: Thrushes - Starlings1919-1928, n.d.
- box-folder 5 folder: 7
Notebook 15: Vireos - Warblers1918-1924
- box-folder 6 folder: 1
Notebook 16: Weavers - Tanagers1919-1925, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 2
Notebook 17: Cardueline Finches1919-1926, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 3
Notebook 18: Cardinals - Towhees1921-1926, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 4
Notebook 19: Zonotrichia (1 of 2)1921-1926, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 5
Notebook 20: Zonotrichia (2 of 2)1921-1926, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 6
Notebook 21: Junco, Melospiza, Passerella, Pooecetes1919-1927, n.d.
- box-folder 6 folder: 7
Notebook 22: Fringillidae1919-1927, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 1
Notebook 23: Mammal Notes1918-1923, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 2
Notebook 24: Herpetology Notes1919-1924, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 3
Notebook 25: Arthropod - Botany Notes1919-1924, n.d.
- box-folder 7 folder: 4
Notebook 26: Field Notes (6039-6217)1917
- box-folder 7 folder: 5
Notebook 27: Field Notes (6218-6429)Jan-Mar 1918
- box-folder 7 folder: 6
Notebook 28: Field Notes (6430-6804)Apr-Dec 1918
- box-folder 7 folder: 7
Notebook 29: Field Notes (6805-7210)Jan-May 1919
- box-folder 7 folder: 8
Notebook 30: Field Notes (7211-7707)Jun-Jul 1919
- box-folder 8 folder: 1
Notebook 31: Field Notes (7708-8071)Aug-Dec 1919
- box-folder 8 folder: 2
Notebook 32: Field Notes (8072-9519)1920-1927
- box-folder 8 folder: 3
Notebook 33: Field Notes (9520-9829)1928-1931
- box-folder 8 folder: 4
Notebook 34: Miscellaneous Field Notes1906-1923, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 5
Notebook 35: Field Nos. - Banding1921-1929, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 6
Notebook 36: Miscellanyn.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 7
Notebook 37: Problems - Weather1921-1923, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 8
Notebook 38: Photography1921-1926, n.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 9
Field Journal (Iowa)1891-Apr 1895
- box-folder 9 folder: 1
Field Journal (Iowa and Wisconsin)Apr-Jun 1895
- box-folder 9 folder: 1
Field Journal (Wisconsin)Feb-Jun 1896
- box-folder 9 folder: 3
Field Journal (Iowa and Wisconsin)Jun 1896-Jan 1897
- box-folder 9 folder: 4
Field Journal (Iowa and Wisconsin)Jan-Sep 1897
- box-folder 9 folder: 5
Egg Collection Log (Iowa)1893-1895
- box-folder 9 folder: 6
Egg Collection Log (Minnesota and Wisconsin)1896
- box-folder 9 folder: 7
Bird Observations (California)1919
- box-folder 9 folder: 8
Nest Observations Record Book (California)1927
- box-folder 9 folder: 9
Field Notebooks1917-1929, n.d.[3 items]
- box-folder 9 folder: 10
Field Notes1905-1912
- box-folder 10 folder: 1
Field Notes1913-1915
- box-folder 10 folder: 2
Field Notes1916-1930
- box-folder 10 folder: 3
Field Notesn.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 10 folder: 4
Instructional Notes1917, n.d.
- box-folder 3 folder: 15
- Subseries A. Correspondence1915-1959
- box-folder 10 folder: 5
General Correspondence1915-1959
- box-folder 10 folder: 5
- Subseries B. Field and Research Work1911-1967
- box-folder 10 folder: 6-7
Field Journals1911-1936, n.d.[7 items]
- box-folder 10 folder: 8
Collection Checklistsn.d.[2 items]
- box-folder 10 folder: 9
The American oologists' exchange price list of North American bird's eggs1922[used by Bailey as egg collection checklist]
- box-folder 10 folder: 10
Bird Banding Records (Coral Gables, Florida and Rockbridge Alum Springs, Virginia)1939-1967
- box-folder 10 folder: 11
Bird Banding Records by Species (A-C)1920-1965
- box-folder 11 folder: 1-4
Bird Banding Records by Species (D-Z)1920-1965
- box-folder 11 folder: 5
Specimen Shipment Notes1938-1946
- box-folder 11 folder: 6
Specimen Packing Lists1946, n.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 7
Bibliographical Citationsn.d.
- box-folder 11 folder: 8
Mixed Notes1911, n.d.[for maps, see Oversize Materials]
- box-folder 12 folder: 1
Egg Collecting Casen.d.
- box-folder 10 folder: 6-7
- Subseries C. Subject Files1910-1953
- box-folder 12 folder: 2
American Ornithologists' Union / Cooper Ornithological Club1945-1953
- box-folder 12 folder: 3
Florida Wolf1936-1937
- box-folder 13 folder: 1
Mammal Skins1938-1939
- box-folder 13 folder: 2
- box-folder 12 folder: 2
- Subseries D. Publications1913-1947
- box-folder 13 folder: 3-5
The Birds of Florida Incoming Correspondence1924-1947
- box-folder 13 folder: 6
The Birds of Florida Outgoing Correspondence1924-1939
- box-folder 13 folder: 7
The Birds of Florida Financial Records, Specifications, and Notes1924-1930, n.d.
- box-folder 13 folder: 8
The Birds of Florida Promotional Material1926, n.d.
- box-folder 13 folder: 9
The Birds of Florida Potential Sales Contacts1924-1926, n.d.
- box-folder 13 folder: 10
The Birds of Virginia Sales Book1913-1929
- box-folder 13 folder: 11
The Birds of Virginia Promotional Material[1913]
- box-folder 13 folder: 12
Bulletin of the Bailey Museum and Library of Natural History Sample Issues, Correspondence and Lists1924-1947, n.d.
- box-folder 13 folder: 3-5
- Subseries E. Rockbridge Alum Springs1945-1964
- box-folder 13 folder: 13
Flyway Lake1948-1954
- box-folder 14 folder: 1-2
Game and Fish1945-1962, n.d.
- box-folder 14 folder: 3
Land Acquisition1949-1953
- box-folder 14 folder: 4-5
Naturalists Portrait Project1955-1964, n.d.
- box-folder 14 folder: 6-7
Separates in the Harold H. Bailey Ornithological Library and Museum, Index ton.d.[in 2 parts]
- box-folder 14 folder: 8
General Topics1947-1959, n.d.
- box-folder 13 folder: 13
- Subseries A. Numerical Files1825-1970
- box-folder 14 folder: 9
#1 - Hathaway, Harry S.1913-1930, n.d.
#2 - Pennock, Charles J.1913-1931, n.d.
#3 - Carryl, F. M.1920
#4 - Harper, Francis1929-1937
#5 - Squires, Karl1929, n.d.
#6 - Swainson, William1830
#7 - Forbush, E. H.1914-1928
#8 - Richmond, Charles W.1895-1928
#9 - Bangs, Outram1924
#10 - Simpson, Charles T.1923-1932
#11 - Redick, L. L.1925
#12 - Saunders, W. E.1890-1938, n.d.
#13 - Kennard, Frederic H.1915-1924
#14 - Bull, D. Bernard1924-1960
#15 - Keyes, Charles R.1911-1924
- box-folder 14 folder: 10
#16 - Deane, Ruthven1903-1929, n.d.
#17 - Van Hyning, T.1920-1946
#18 - Coale, Henry K.1915-1924
#19 - Ramsden, Charles T.1924
#20 - Methes, K. B.1923, n.d.
#21 - Gifford, E. W.1923
#22 - Treganza, A. O.1913-1923, n.d.
#23 - Fairchild, David1923-1963
#24 - Stephens, Frank1923-1930
#25 - Davis, Henry W.1922-1930
#26 - Still, Donald1920
#27 - Jackson, Hartley1923-1929
#28 - Brimley, C. S.1923
#29 - Smyth, Thomas1923
- box-folder 14 folder: 11
#30 - Webb, Walter F.1894-1946
#31 - Cantwell, George G. Blaine1918-1938
#32 - Peyton, L. G.1919-1935
#33 - Cole, John L.1921
#34 - Smith, Austin Paul1914-1931
#35 - Dickey, Donald R.1921-1923
#36 - Littlejohn, Chase1919-1930
#37 - Wood, James1921
#38 - Murphey, Eugene1922-1952
#39 - Sherwood, Jack1923
#40 - Wolfe, L. R.1922-1953
#41 - Eckstrom, Paul1914-1942
#42 - Thomas, Antonette K.1919
- box-folder 14 folder: 12
#43 - Price, W. W.1920
#44 - Quillin, Roy1919-1940
#45 - Fuller, R.1919
#46 - Johnson, James O.1920, n.d.
#47 - Brooks, Allan1936-1941, n.d.
#48 - Over, William H.1917-1923
#49 - Dupond, Ch.1923
#50 - Henderson, A. D.1922-1956
#51 - Bailey, Alfred M.1919-1965
#52 - Collins, W. R.1924
#53 - Norman, Ernest S.1923-1930
#54 - Dear, L. S.1923
- box-folder 15 folder: 1
#55 - Allen, Glover1917-1937
#56 - Meyers, Harold1918
#57 - Batchelder, Charles1882-1937
#58 - Cassin, John1852
#59 - Peters, James S.1923-1950
#60 - Friedrich, George W.1920
#61 - Donahue, Ralph J.1919
#62 - Archee, Rowland1920-1930
#63 - Handley, Charles O.1920-1921
#64 - Arthur, Stanley Clisby1920-1929
#65 - Maynard, C. J.1911-1924
#66 - McLaren, William1918
#67 - Loring, J. Alden1914-1921
#68 - Hatch, Delos1921
#69 - Sharples - R. P.1921-1922
#70 - Bancroft, Griffing1920-1925
- box-folder 15 folder: 2
#71 - Lyon, W. I.1922
#72 - Jacobs, J. Warren1922-1941
#73 - Ingersoll, A. M.1895-1921
#74 - Kimball, H. H.1920
#75 - Vars, Harold N.1920
#76 - Pember, Karl Albrecht1921
#77 - La Gonce, John Oliver1921
#78 - Edwards, H. Ardenn.d.
#79 - Gordon, Jack G.1919
#80 - More, R. L.1913-1954, n.d.
#81 - Butler, Ernest A.1914-1919
#82 - Munro, J. A.1916-1937
#83 - Walker, Ernest P.1918-1965
#84 - Bradbury, W. C.1922
#85 - Meyer, G. Ralph1922
#86 - Pemberton, J. R.1921
#87 - Metzger, Chas. T.1927
#88 - Jones, Lynds1928-1937
#89 - Alexander, W. B.1926
#90 - Hubbard, Ralph1920-1924
#91 - Maupin, W. L.n.d.
#92 - Weber, J. A.1923-1950
- box-folder 15 folder: 3
#93 - Wilkinson, C. J.1913
#94 - Henninger, W. F.1913-1914
#95 - Poole, Earl L.1895-1945
#96 - Massey, Herbert1913
#97 - Winslow, A. M.n.d.
#98 - Gardiner, C. B.1913
#99 - Norris, Joseph Parke1894-[1926?]
#100 - Knapp, Elmer S.1913
#101 - Pearson, T. Gilbert1915-1936
#102 - Kenworthey, E. M.1914
#103 - Saunders, Aretas A.1914
#104 - Miller, W.1910-1923
#105 - Barnes, R. M.1914-1945, n.d.
#106 - Ridgeway, Robert1887-1914, n.d.
#107 - Raine, Walter1895-1914
- box-folder 15 folder: 4
#108 - Grinnell, Joseph1913-1966, n.d.
#109 - Dwight, Jonathan Jr.1914-1919
#110 - Knight, O. Willis1913
#111 - Warren, Ed. R.1913-1937
#112 - Trescot, E. B.1914
#113 - Bailey, Florence M.1914-1942
#114 - Grant, W. W.n.d.
#115 - Harlow, Richard1914-1962
#116 - Beers, H. W.1906
#117 - Tyler, John G.1914-1964
#118 - Smith, Franklin J.1909-1948
#119 - Brimley, H. H.1913
#120 - Hollister, N.1911-1914
#121 - Silliman, O. P.1913-1915
- box-folder 15 folder: 5
#122 - Riley, J. H.1913-1924
#123 - Carr, Chas. F.n.d.
#124 - Brownell, L. W.1913, n.d.
#125 - Stone, Wilmer1914-1939, n.d.
#126 - Bent, A. C.1912-1939
#127 - Willard, F. C.1914
#128 - Newbury, F. E.1894-1914
#129 - Viquesney, J. A.1914
#130 - King, W. W.1913
#131 - Adams, Benjamin1913
#132 - Hutchinson, W. F.1913-1916
#133 - Henshaw, Samuel1913-1923
#134 - Bayne, M. S.1913
#135 - Mayor, Alfred G.1921-1922
- box-folder 15 folder: 6
#136 - Rothschild, Baron Lionel1937
#137 - Langevin, Elmer1921-1946
#138 - Fischer, Otto A.1926
#139 - Eiche, August1923
#140 - Bolt, Benjamin F.1923
#141 - Layne, J. Gregg1913
#142 - Fordyce, George L.1913
#143 - Sherman, A. R.1913
#144 - Wilby, Donald1913
#145 - Love, Guy1913-1914
#146 - Giles, R. I.1913
#147 - Ells, George P.1913
#148 - Hersey, L. Ray1913
#149 - Jackson, Ralph W.1913-1957
#150 - Burns, Frank L.1911
#151 - Hastings, Otto C.1913-1917
#152 - Bales, B. R.1913-1916
#153 - Hodgdon, A. L.1913
#154 - Palmer, William M.1913
#155 - Miller, Richard F.1913-1952
#156 - Chambers, W. Lee1913-1920
#157 - Swales, B. H.1913-1920
#158 - Beal, F. E. L.1913, n.d.
- box-folder 15 folder: 7
#159 - Bishop, Louis B.1913-1941, n.d.
#160 - Rockwell, Robert B.1913
#161 - Childs, John Lewis1913-1916, n.d.
#162 - Ericksen, W. J.1913-1915
#163 - Stuart, H. C.1913
#164 - Helme, A. H.1911-1931
#165 - Bailey, Harold B.1887-1952
#166 - Chamberlain, C. W.1912-1929
#167 - Mershon, William B.1913-1929
#168 - Rhoads, S. N.1913
#169 - Lucas, F. A.1889-1913
#170 - Purdie, Henry1908
#171 - Benners, Archie and G. B.1913-1914
- box-folder 15 folder: 8
#172 - Barnard, Oscar E.1913
#173 - Lings, G. S.1913
#174 - Jackson, T. H.1913-1920
#175 - Mann, William Hodges1913
#176 - Wheeler, H. E.1913-1952
#177 - Vest, O. B.1913
#178 - Sage, J. H.1905-1917
#179 - Cooke, Wells1909-1914
#180 - Fisher, A. K.1911-1948, n.d.
#181 - Dutcher, William1901-1910
#182 - Bragg, Laura1914
#183 - Drowne, F. P.1910
#184 - Burnham, John B.1912
#185 - Sowers, H. S.1914-1918
- box-folder 15 folder: 9
#186 - Darlington, E. J.1914
#187 - Wheeler, Roswell1914
#188 - Chapman, Frank1913-1964
#189 - Brown, Edgar J.1913-1969
#190 - Beck, R. H.1918-1960, n.d.
#191 - Walker, Alex1918-1960, n.d.
#192 - Worthington, W. W.1902-1920, n.d.
#193 - Schutze, H. E.1915
#194 - Wood, Casey1920-1940
- box-folder 15 folder: 10
#195 - Warren, H.1913
#196 - Moffat, Earl1914
#197 - Flint, H. W.1915
#198 - Brandt, H. W.1917-1955, n.d.
#199 - Robinson, Wirt1917-1924, n.d.
#200 - Sornborger, J. D.1915
#201 - Stephens, T. C.1916-1929
#202 - Hughes, J. T.1916
- box-folder 15 folder: 11
#203 - Cleaves, Howard1917-1961
#204 - Evans, Logan I.1919
#205 - Du Bois, A. D.1918-1943
#206 - Oberholser, Harry C.1924-1961, n.d.
#207 - Coombs, Edward S.1927
#208 - Townsend, Charles H.1898-1941
#209 - Saunders, W. H.1915
#210 - Palmer, S. C.1914-1915
#211 - Ruthven, Alexander1917
#212 - Lunsford, Irving1918
#213 - French, George D.1917
#214 - Gruber, E.1906
#215 - Pinney, W. W.1914
#216 - De Camps, E. J.1941
#217 - Reger, G. B.1918
#218 - Kirkwood, F. C.1918
#219 - Laurent, Philip1917-1922
- box-folder 15 folder: 12
#220 - Irving, F. N.1915-1958
#221 - Dickey, S. S.1914-1916
#222 - Ganier, A. F.1916
#223 - Harrowes, D. E.1916
#224 - Miller, Gerrit1917-1956
#225 - Huber, Wharton1916
#226 - Peet, Max M.1915-1948
#227 - Emerson, Otto W.1908-1926
#228 - Tufts, Robie W.1915-1936
#229 - Burtch, Verdie1914-1946, n.d.
#230 - Labarthe, J.n.d.
- box-folder 15 folder: 13
#231 - Munroe, Kirk (Mrs.)1921
#232 - Job, Herbert K.1917
#233 - Smith, A. Russell1918
#234 - Jewett, Stanley G.1918-1941
#235 - Daniel, John W. Jr.1895-1919
#236 - Griffen, B. S.1918
#237 - Case, Clifford M.1918
#238 - Dice, Lee R.1945, n.d.
#239 - Hedges, Charles F.1924
#240 - Mailliard, Joseph1905-1938, n.d.
#241 - Carter, James B.1915
#242 - West, Charles S.1919
#243 - Carpenter, N. K.1918-1955, n.d.
#244 - Wood, Norman A.1925-1942, n.d.
#245 - Norris, Joseph P.1914
#246 - Mousley, H.1919
- box-folder 16 folder: 1
#247 - Gammell, R. E.1928-1929
#248 - Withey, George L.1924
#249 - Snow, Henry A.1927, n.d.
#250 - Wetmore, Alexander1924-1967, n.d.
#251 - Stansell, Sidney S. S.1917
#252 - Perry, Elton1924
#253 - Murie, O. J.1914-1954
#254 - Thayer, John E.1911-1926
#255 - Herricks, Francis H.1924-1938
#256 - Guion, George S.1912-1914
#257 - Evans, J. Harrold1911
#258 - Ekstrom, Fannie H.1920-1944
#259 - Purdy, William B.1920
#260 - Skinner, E. R.1913
#261 - Ferneyhough, J. Bowie1913-1948
#262 - Worthington, Charles C.1913
#263 - Daggett, Frank S.1895-1920
- box-folder 16 folder: 2
#264 - Agassiz, Louis1851-1893, n.d.
#265 - Bonaparte, Charles Lucien1825, n.d.
#266 - Bachman, John1852, n.d.
#267 - Hazard, R. G.1913-1917
#268 - Hunt, Edwin B.1915
#269 - Dexter, Lewis1915
#270 - Smyth, Ellison A. Jr.1920-1939
#271 - McIlwain, H. R.1912
#272 - Knickerbocker, C. H.1913
#273 - Sugden, J. W.1919-1933
#274 - Querriam, Henryn.d.
#275 - Bailey, William Lloydn.d.
#276 - Preble, Edward A.1949, n.d.
#277 - Griscom, Ludlow1913
#278 - Baird, Spencer F.1864-1886, n.d.
#279 - Jenney, Charles F.1915
#280 - Bartsch, Paul1916
#281 - Harris, Harryn.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 3
#282 - Mearns, Edgar A.1913
#283 - Cooper, J. G.1887
#284 - Roberts, Thomas S.n.d.
#285 - Phillips, John C.n.d.
#286 - Henderson, Junius1924
#287 - Armstrong, Edward D.1926, n.d.
#288 - Ellis, Ralph Jr.1929-1945
#289 - Skinner, Milton P.1929
#290 - Brown, Lewis B.1913
#291 - Wilson, Gaines1954, n.d.
#292 - Barbour, Thomas1923-1944
#293 - Williams, Robert W.1920-1930, n.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 4
#294 - Rossingnol, Gilbert R.1921-1956
#295 - Wayne, Arthur T.1924
#296 - Fuertes, Louis Agassiz1921
#297 - Finley, William L.1930-1953
#298 - Camp, R. D.1928
#299 - Fleming, J. H.1930
- box-folder 16 folder: 5
#300 - Rowan, William1929-1952
#301 - Sprunt, Alex Jr.1931-1951
#302 - Bowles, J. Hooper1929-1931
#303 - Hall, E. Raymond1930-1958
#304 - Danforth, Stuart1931
#305 - Sanford, C. C.n.d.
#306 - Priest, Cecil1931
#307 - Brockway, Arthur W.1931-1941
#308 - Abbott, G. Allen1924
#309 - Richie, Sanford1930
#310 - Havemeyer, Henry O.1931
#311 - Smith, Wilbur F.1931
#312 - [empty]
#313 - Vaughn, Harry S.1931
#314 - Benedict, H. Y.1929
#315 - Allen, Arthur A.1931-1943
#316 - Brower, Charles D.1929-1944
#317 - Van Rossem, A. J.1930
#318 - Emilio, S. Gilbert1930
- box-folder 16 folder: 6
#319 - Lamb, Chester C.1930-1962, n.d.
#320 - Gould, Joseph1930-1945, n.d.
#321 - Farley, Frank L.1929-1949
#322 - Small, John K.1924-1929
#323 - Crandall, Lee S.1929-1951
#324 - Hine, James S.1929
#325 - Aschemeyer, C. R.1929
#326 - Swanson, Gustav1931
#327 - Murphy, Robert1929-1954
#328 - Goode, G. Brown1892-1893
#329 - Breninger, George F.1897
#330 - Bryant, Walter1893
#331 - Bendire, Charles1896
#332 - Doe, Charles F.1896
#333 - Anthony, A. W.1897, n.d.
#334 - Peabody, P. B.1896
#335 - Taylor, Harry R.1896
#336 - Wright, Frank S.1896
#337 - Cumming, Robert C.1896
#338 - Cass, Charles S.1896
#339 - Browne, F. C.1894
#340 - Gilds, Francis C.1895
#341 - Dalgleish, John I.1894
- box-folder 16 folder: 7
#342 - Ralph, W. S.1894-1895
#343 - Worthen, Charles K.1894
#344 - McIlhenny, E. A.1894-1929
#345 - Shields, A. M.1895
#346 - McGregor, Rich C.1931
#347 - Rich, Walter H.1931-1948
#348 - McMurtrie, Richard1895
#349 - Hardy, Manly1894-1947
#350 - Crandall, Chauncy W.1896-1920
#351 - Elliot, E. A. Savage1895
#352 - Kuschel, M.1895
#353 - Foster, L. S.1894
#354 - Fairchild, Herman1930-1943
#355 - Cook, George L.1929
#356 - Webster, Frank B.1896
#357 - Langley, S. P.1898, n.d.
#358 - True, F. W.1894
- box-folder 16 folder: 8
#359 - Ligon, J. Stokley1928-1960
#360 - Willett, George1920-1943, n.d.
#361 - Dury, Charles1926-1933
- box-folder 16 folder: 9
#362 - McAtee, W. L.1923-1962
#363 - Peck, Morton E.1929
#364 - Roig, Mario Sanchez1929
#365 - Fryklund, P. O.1928
#366 - Savany, Walter B.1927
#367 - Hemphill, Frederick A.1913
#368 - Black, J. D.1932
#369 - Palmer, T. S.1932-1957
#370 - Swarth, Harry S.1929-1931
#371 - Evermann, Barton W.1931
#372 - Laing, Hamilton M.1932-1950
- box-folder 16 folder: 10
#373 - Burleigh, Thomas D.1935-1948, n.d.
#374 - Harlow, J. Earl1925
#375 - Neilson, James A.1923
#376 - Heath, Donald1914
#377 - Brooking, A. M.1924
#378 - Wish, F. H. L.1932
#379 - Carber, Jno. D.1927
#380 - Weston, Francis M.1929
#381 - Ray, Milton S.1923-1946
#382 - Sherman, H. B.1927-1951
#383 - Bunyard, P. F.1932
#384 - Yngstroem, M. C. I.1930
#385 - Thurston, Henry1921-1951
#386 - Tomkins, Ivan R.1932
#387 - Smith, W. A.1932-1948
#388 - Hewitt, A.n.d.
#389 - Barlow, George R.1931
#390 - Figgins, J. D.1923-1937, n.d.
- box-folder 16 folder: 11
#391 - Kirksey, T. M.1934
#392 - Brown, D. E.1936
#393 - Price, A. E.1936
#394 - Richter, C. H.1933-1945
#395 - Peck, George D.1934
#396 - Zuercher, C. F.1935
#397 - Overington, R. Bruce1935
#398 - Walters, Robinson C.1935-1937
#399 - Jones, F. M.1934
#400 - Sampson, W. B.1934-1941
#401 - Walsh, Lester L.n.d.
#402 - Sperry, Charles C.1933
#403 - Wyman, L. E.1920
#404 - Brooks, W. Sprague1923
#405 - Ravenel, W. deC.1920-1931
#406 - Sheak, W. H.1921
#407 - Ranson, Robert1926
#408 - Long, W. S.1933
#409 - Bailey, Bernard1935
#410 - Wing, Leonard W.1931-1947
- box-folder 16 folder: 12
#411 - Marshall, Arthur P.1933
#412 - Cassino, Samuel L.1882, n.d.
#413 - Pope, Clifford H.1937-1939
#414 - Pierce, Wright M.1930-1936
#415 - Baker, Jack D.1937
#416 - Rowley, J. Stuart1937
#417 - Baillie, James C.1935
#418 - Howell, A. B.1956, n.d.
#419 - Hill, John Eric1937
#420 - Dille, Fred M.1938-1948, n.d.
#421 - Taverner, Percy A.1937-1946, n.d.
#422 - Turcotte, William1933
#423 - Bulley, Rex1926, n.d.
#424 - O'Reiley, Ralph Jr.1938
#425 - Unglish, Will E.1936
- box-folder 16 folder: 13
#426 - Bartch, Paul1937-1960, n.d.
#427 - Fleming, J. H.1939
#428 - Eyerdam, Walter J.1938-1960
#429 - Todd, W. E.1939-1955
#430 - Wirz, J. J.1940
#431 - Richards, T. W.1940-1952
#432 - Abbott, Clinton G.1939-1942
- box-folder 17 folder: 1
#433 - Arvey, M. Dale1940, n.d.
#434 - Steinbeck, W. P.1940
#435 - Hurley, John B.1940-1962
#436 - [empty]
#437 - Haley, E. L. R.1939-1946
#438 - Hagenbeck, Lorenz1939, n.d.
#439 - Wood, A. A.1939
#440 - Kirk, George L.1938
#441 - Arman, Isaac F.1939
#442 - Racey, Kenneth1938-1956
#443 - Pope, E. F.1941, n.d.
#444 - Cherrie, George K.1939-1947, n.d.
#445 - McIlwaine, William B.1938-1950
- box-folder 17 folder: 2
#446 - Duprey, H. F.1938-1943
#447 - Roberts, Thomas S.1938
#448 - Moore, Joseph C.1941
#449 - Meyer, Fred P.1958
#450 - Twining, Howard1938-1939
#451 - Clay, Charles I.1940-1958, n.d.
#452 - Montagna, William1940-1941
#453 - Sutton, George M.
#454 - Vandervort, Charles C.1940
#455 - Doutt, J. Kenneth1941
#456 - Mason, Robert F.1941
#457 - Townsend, Charles W.1913-1920
#458 - Palsson, William F.1940
#459 - Hamilton, William J.1941-1943
#460 - Starr, F. A. E.1941
#461 - Agassis, A.1895-1897
- box-folder 17 folder: 3
#462 - Hitchcock, Frank H.1899-1905
#463 - Fannin, J.1891
#464 - Stefansson, Vilhjalmur1931-1940
#465 - Jordan, David Starr1897
#466 - Hornaday, William T.1897-1937
#467 - Nelson, E. W.1922-1928
#468 - Wegeforth, Harry M.1937
#469 - Evans, Cerinda W.1948-1968
#470 - Allen, J. A.1905
#471 - Seton, Ernest T.1914-1924
#472 - Bannerman, David1923
#473 - Belding, Linan1888
#474 - Osborn, Henry Fairfield1915-1941
#475 - Grinnell, George Bird1905
#476 - Nolan, Edward J.1912
#477 - Merriam, C. Hart1897-1943
- box-folder 17 folder: 4
#478 - Flower, Stanley S.1929
#479 - Biglow, Edward F.1930
#480 - Poulsson, T. H.1930
#481 - Roosevelt, Kermit1924-1935
#482 - Nicholson, Ray H.n.d.
#483 - Hammond, Edward K.1942
#484 - Cole, Leon J.1941-1948, n.d.
#485 - Fearnehough, N. V.1940-1945
#486 - Griepentrog, Elmer L. [envelope only]1936
#487 - Heaton, Harry L.1937-1940
#488 - Brazil, David1939-1942
- box-folder 17 folder: 5
#489 - Ford, Edward R.1936-1950
#490 - Eschenburg, Rodney1939
#491 - Engstrom, Otto Ed.1938
#492 - Maguire, W. S.1938-1948
#493 - Feathers, Dawson A.1938
#494 - Birkholz, Clifford1938
#495 - Pack, Arthur N.1933
#496 - Taylor, Horace1940
- box-folder 17 folder: 6
#497 - Goodpaster, Woodrow1939
#498 - Brooks, James C.1958
#499 - Frazier, J. F.1935-1937
#500 - Herdman, W. A.1909
#501 - Wigglesworth, Edward1929
#502 - Morse, Edward S.1927
#503 - Huxley, Julian1920
#504 - Brown, J. Stanley1897
#505 - Wadsworth, W. A.1916
#506 - Bergerson, Birger1937
#507 - James, Arthur C.1926
#508 - Newcombe, C. F.1890
#509 - Dixon, J. B.1936
#510 - Cohen, Donald A.1936-1948
#511 - Benson, John T.1943
#512 - Snyder, W. E.1922
#513 - Stone, D. D.1933
#514 - McMullen, Turner E.1938-1954
- box-folder 17 folder: 7
#515 - Ball, Stanley C.1942-1944
#516 - Salt, W. Ray1940-1943
#517 - Pierce, Fred J.1942
#518 - Henderson, W. W.1942
#519 - Gudger, E. W.1927
#520 - Thwing, Charles F.1926
#521 - Lings, G. H.n.d.
#522 - Nichols, John T.1921-1957
#523 - Harrison, Ed. N.1946-1968
#524 - Stephan, Joseph A.n.d.
#525 - Waters, Robinson C.1935
#526 - Jensen, J. K.1942-1945
#527 - Taylor, Walter P.1950-1951
- box-folder 17 folder: 8
#528 - Gross, Alfred O.1948-1968, n.d.
#529 - Conover, H. B.1949
#530 - Wise, Jennings C.1958-1966, n.d.
#531 - Vorhies, Charles T.1949-1950
#532 - Stoddard, Herbert L.1925-1964
#533 - Rooney, James1946-1953
- box-folder 17 folder: 9
#534 - Rand, A. L.1946
#535 - Swenk, Myson H.1919-1925
#536 - Morse, Frank E.1936
#537 - Cosby, Manvall1925
#538 - Abbott, Jacob B.1933-1936
#539 - Hales, B. J.1928-1945
#540 - Hastings, Walter E.1926
#541 - Johnson, E. E.1926-1944
#542 - Jennings, Richard D.1938-1952
#543 - Surber, Eugene W.1952
#544 - Truesdale, Fred K.1944-1956, n.d.
#545 - Wade, James S.1944-1961
#546 - VanTyre, J.1931-1951
#547 - Underdown, Henry T.1949-1953
#548 - Pangburn, C. H.1929
#549 - Jacot, Edouard1945
#550 - Hargrave, Lyndon L.1945
- box-folder 17 folder: 10
#551 - Brown, Wilmot W.1938-1953
#552 - Hutcheson, Scott1942
#553 - Enders, Howard E.1951
#554 - Lyle, Robert B.1932
#555 - Webber, E. Leland1960
#556 - Schwartz, Albert1949
#557 - Court, Edward J.1935-1962
#558 - Bond, James1952
#559 - Cruttenden, John R.1941-1944
- box-folder 17 folder: 11
#560 - Walkinshaw, Lawrence H.1942
#561 - Anderson, R. M.1945-1946
#562 - Lowery, George H.1941-1950
#563 - Miller, E. Morton1951-1953
#564 - Sanborn, Colin C.1952
#565 - Jaques, Francis Lee1952
#566 - Gilliard, E. Thomas1953
#567 - Simson-Spicer, Theodore1936-1967
- box-folder 17 folder: 12
#568 - Darden, C. S.n.d.
#569 - Chapin, James1952-1964
#570 - Pough, Rich. H.1948-1962
#571 - Lewis, Ivy1951-1964, n.d.
#572 - Biglow, Fred H.1942-1948, n.d.
#573 - Schwartz, Ernest1941-1951
#574 - Phillips, Allan1955-1966
#575 - Monroe, Bert L.1941-1960
#576 - Orr, Robert T.1940-1955
- box-folder 17 folder: 13
#577 - Eckelberry, Don R.1952
#578 - Lincoln, Frederick C.1930-1948, n.d.
#579 - Smith, Maxwell1948
#580 - Wilk, Bert1949-1958
#581 - Moreno, Abelardo1949-1950
#582 - Grimes, Samuel A.1951
#583 - Bowdish, B. S.1948-1949, n.d.
#584 - Rett, Egmont Z.1961
#585 - Unglish, Will E.1939-1961, n.d.
#586 - Beard, Daniel C.1924
- box-folder 18 folder: 1
#587 - Miller, Loye and Alden H.1941-1970, n.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 18 folder: 2
#588 - Stillwell, Jerry E.1953
#589 - Hill, Frederick F.1937
#590 - Huey, Lawrence M.1950-1961, n.d.
#591 - Shufeldt, R. W.1915, n.d.
#592 - Mann, W. M.1955-1960
#593 - Griffith, Ernest S.1949-1955
#594 - Geist, Otto W.1942
#595 - Stevens, Lawrence T.1954-1955
#596 - Dixon, J. B.1953-1962, n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 3
#597 - Albright, Ray1954
#598 - Roberts, Bert1952-1953
#599 - Bailey, John Wendell1954-1956
#600 - Edge, C. N. (Mrs.)1952-1962
#601 - Miller, Lyle D.1948-1965, n.d.
#602 - Parkes, Kenneth C.1951
#603 - Davis, William B.1948-1952
#604 - Hanson, Herbert C.1952
#605 - Virginia Society of Ornithology1952-1953
#606 - Burt, William H.1952
#607 - Stevenson, Henry M.1945
- box-folder 18 folder: 4
#608 - Jones, E. T.1948-1952
#609 - Bailey, Harold H. and Laura B.1915-1968, n.d.
#610 - Osgood, F. L.1939-1953
#611 - Todd, H. O.1937
#612 - Cassel, Joseph F.1941
#613 - [empty]
#614 - Zimmer, John T.1941-1952
#615 - Martin del Campo, Rafael1944-1945
- box-folder 18 folder: 5
#616 - Ross, Allan1952
#617 - Favour, Paul G.1953
#618 - Sechrist, E. E.1949
#619 - Mulholland, J. W.1939
#620 - Beatty, Harry A.1939-1957
#621 - Hoover, Herbert1937-1964, n.d.
#622 - Harris, William G.1951-1958
#623 - Shannon, Waylan1949
#624 - Daynes, Donald J.1940
- box-folder 18 folder: 6
#625 - Stewart, Ronald M.1944-1948
#626 - Preston, Frank W.1961
#627 - Dalquest, Walter1939, n.d.
#628 - Goodpaster, Woodrow1941
#629 - Cowan, I. McT.1957
#630 - Reynolds, Bruce D.1955-1957
#631 - Fuller, Arthur B.1958-1960
#632 - Nice, Margaret M.1931
#633 - Wilson, Harold C.1957-1958
#634 - Duvall, Allen J.1957
#635 - Michener, Harold1949, n.d.
#636 - Torre y Huerta, Carlos de la1956-1957, n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 7
#637 - Cabell, James Branch1945-1949, n.d.
#638 - Law, J. Eugene1900-1933
- box-folder 18 folder: 8
#639 - Morcum, G. Frean1919
#640 - de Boe, Michael Price1953-1956
#641 - Benchley, Mrs. Belle1953
#642 - Eisenmann, Eugene1952
#643 - Grenfell, Sir wilfridn.d.
#644 - Howell, Thomas R.1957
#645 - Hamilton, Holt1941
#646 - Howard, Hildegarde1958
#647 - Jonas, John1938
#648 - Krider, John1870
#649 - Morton, J. L.1944
#650 - Stanley, Jim1946
#651 - Sanger, William T.1956
#652 - Stager, Kenneth E.1958
#653 - Sobrinho, José Castano1922
#654 - Schwartz, Frank1942
#655 - Villalba, Gaston s.1935-1953
#656 - Schmidt, Karl P.1937
#657 - McCabe, Thomas T.1931-1961
#658 - Owen, Plass1961-1962
#659 - Hoy, Nelson D.1961
#660 - Hahn, Paul1961-1962, n.d.
#661 - Oehser, Paul H.1961
#662 - English, Almon O.1964, n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 9
"Index of Autograph Naturalist Letters"n.d.
- box-folder 18 folder: 10-11
"Index, Autograph Letters of Naturalists"n.d.
- box-folder 14 folder: 9
- Subseries B. Alphabetical Files1836-1971
- box-folder 18 folder: 12
Abbott, Clinton G.1942
Abbott, Gerard Alann.d.
Alexander, Annie Montague1958
Allen, A. A.1934
Amedeo, Luigi1910
- box-folder 18 folder: 13
Anderson, E. M.1913
Anderson, R. M.n.d.
Andrews, Leen.d.
Atkinson, Alfred1945
Atkinson, George F.1887
Atkinson, Spencern.d.
Audubon, John James1937, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 1
Bailey, Alfred M.1947, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 2
Bailey, Harold Balch - papers1836-1929, n.d.Scope and Content
[includes material relating to 19th-century Massachusetts militia units, one item bearing the signature of John Quincy Adams]
- box-folder 19 folder: 3
Bailey, Harold Balch - autograph bookn.d.Scope and ContentContains signatures of:Ulysses S. Grant [Union Army general and United States president]Ambrose E. Burnside [Union Army general]William Tecumseh Sherman [Union Army general]Philip H. Sheridan [Union Army general]J. TylerJ. DavisHenry P. Baldwin [Michigan governor]Levi P. Morton [United States vice-president]Hannibal Hamlin [United States vice-president]William Claflin [Massachusetts governor]Douglas Sladen [English author][S. W. Lincoln Jr.?]Grover Cleveland [United States president]Frances Folsom Cleveland [United States first lady]Rutherford B. Hayes [United States president]John J. Audubon [naturalist]Joshua L. Chamberlain [Maine governor]Benjamin F. Butler [Union Army general]Geo. H. Hepworth [minister and journalist]Walter Harriman [New Hampshire governor]Horace Greeley [newspaper editor; 1872 presidential candidate]Joseph [W.?] DonahueJames M. Harvey [Kansas governor]John W. Geary [Pennsylvania governor]John Hoffman [New York governor]Hans von Bulow [pianist]Lucius Fairchild [Wisconsin governor]Robert W. Chambers [American author]Henry Huntly Haight [California governor]Geo. S. Boutwell [United States secretary of the treasury]Henry L. Pierce [Massachusetts congressman]Charles [illegible]E. M. Pease [Texas governor]H. L. Dawes [Massachusetts senator]William Gaston [Massachusetts governor]Alexander H. Rice [Massachusetts governor]Henry W. Longfellow [poet]William Dean Howells [author][with poem]Margaret J. Preston [poet]Oliver Wendall Holmes [United States Supreme Court justice][with poem]William Cullen Bryant [poet and newspaper editor]Nathaniel B. Shurtleff [Boston mayor]Aaron V. Brown [United States postmaster-general]Marshall Jewell [United States postmaster-general]Morrison Remick Waite [United States Supreme Court chief justice]William Worth Belknap [United States secretary of war]Asa Gray [Harvard University professor of botany]Olive Thorne Miller [naturalist and children's writer]James Parton [author/biographer]Bayard Taylor [poet]Thomas Hughes [English author][illegible]Frank Stockton [author]William R. Marshall [Minnesota governor]W. L. Champney [artist][with drawing]P. A. Rearick [United States Navy captain]
- box-folder 19 folder: 4
Bailey, Harold H.1913-1935, n.d.
- box-folder 19 folder: 5
Bailey, Laura Beatty Law1948-1968[3 folders]
- box-folder 19 folder: 6
Baker, Jack D.1924
Barlow, G. R.1911
Barrows, Walter B.1921-1923
Bartsch, Paul1941-1946
Batchelder, Charles F.1952
Baynard, Oscar E.n.d.
Beal, F. E. L.1916
Beard, Daniel B. Jr.1950-1953
Benchley, Belle J.1947
Benedict, James E.1931
Benners, G. B.1913
Bent, A. C.1936-1944, n.d.
Blunt, William1909
- box-folder 19 folder: 7
Boardman, George A.1878-1904, n.d.
Boughton, Donald C.1936
Boulenger, George Albert1906
Bowdish, Beecher S.1917
Bowles, J. H.1913-1930, n.d.
Bradbury, William C.n.d.
Bragg, Laura1914
[Brandt], Herb1947
Breninger, George F.1905
- box-folder 19 folder: 8
Bretherton, Bernard J.n.d.Scope and Content
[notebook containing color plates extracted from unidentified publication]
- box-folder 20 folder: 1
Brewster, William1913-1920
Brimley, H. H.1927
Britten, G. S.1930
Brock, Elizabeth C.1920
Brooks, Allan1918-1921, n.d.Scope and Content
[includes original artwork]
[see also Oversize Materials]
Brooks, Earle A.1913
- box-folder 20 folder: 2
Bryant, Walter E.1880-1905, n.d.
- box-folder 20 folder: 3
Burleigh, Thomas D.1936, n.d.
Burtch, Verdi1909-1920
- box-folder 20 folder: 4
Chamberlain, James L.1962
Chambers, W. Lee1913-1917, n.d.
Chapman, Frank M.1913-1925
Cherrie, George K.1947
Chisholm, D.1928
Cleaves, Howard1917-1928, n.d.
Cole, L. J.1935
Cook, C. C.n.d.
Cookman, Alfred1914, n.d.
Cooper, James G.1887
Cordier, A. H.1923
Core, Earl L.1962
Craven, Jesse T.1910, n.d.
Crispin, William B.n.d.
Curl, L. F.1953
- box-folder 20 folder: 5
Davis, W. B.1952
Dawson, W. Leon1913
Daynes, Donald J.[1931?]
de Boe, Michael Price1934
Denmead, Talbott1936
- box-folder 20 folder: 6
Dille, F. M.1883-1948
- box-folder 20 folder: 7
Dixon, James B.1935-1966, n.d.
Dixon, Joseph1917
- box-folder 20 folder: 8
Doutt, J. Kenneth1946-1947
Duprey, H. F.n.d.
Duvall, Allen1954
Dyche, Lewis Lindsayn.d.
- box-folder 20 folder: 9
Edge, Rosalie (Mrs. C. N.)1934-1953
Edwards, H. Arden1916-1917, n.d.
Edwards, Ernest1955
Emerson, W. Otto1887-1932, n.d.
- box-folder 20 folder: 10
Ennis, J. Harold1913-1947
Evans, J. Harold1913
Eyerdam, Walter J.1938-1959
Fairchild, Herman LeRoy1932-[1959], n.d.
Farley, Frank L.1935, n.d.
Ferneyhough, J. Bowien.d.
Figgins, J. D.1920-1935
Fisher, A. K.1913-1946
Fisher, Walter K.1906-1911
Fleming, J. H.1917
Ford, E. R.
- box-folder 20 folder: 11
Field notes (Illinois)1888-1912[2 folders]
- box-folder 20 folder: 12
Bird observations (Newaygo County, Michigan)1922-1929
- box-folder 20 folder: 13
Bird observations (Newaygo County, Michigan)1943-1947
- box-folder 21 folder: 1
Nest and egg logbook (Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin)1889-1948[2 folders]
- box-folder 20 folder: 11
- box-folder 21 folder: 2
Fuertes, Louis Agassiz1901-1924, n.d.
- box-folder 21 folder: 3
Galvin, John1901
Gatling, George B.1944
Gentry, Thomas G.1877
Giles, Roscoe I.1913, n.d.
Goethe, C. M.1956-1959, n.d.
Gosse, Philip H.n.d.
Gould, Joseph E.1913
Gowland, C. H.1930
Gratacap, L. P.1898
Griepentrog, Elmer L.1936
Grimes, S. A.1936
Grinnell, Joseph[1911]-1939
Gross, Alfred O.1945
- box-folder 21 folder: 4
Hagenbeck, Carln.d.
Hall, E. Raymond1946-1962
- box-folder 21 folder: 5
Hamilton, W. J. Jr.1941
Hamlin, Fred1894-1896
Handley, Charles O.1920-1946, n.d.
Hanna, A. J.1927
Hanna, W. C.1926
Hargrave, Lyndon L.n.d.
Hastings, Walter E.n.d.
- box-folder 21 folder: 6
Haupt, Herman Jr.1890-1918Scope and Content
["Notes & Memoranda Relating to Natural Science in General as Observed and Collected"]
- box-folder 21 folder: 7
Helme, A. H.n.d.
Henderson, A. D.n.d.
Henderson, John B.1922
Henderson, W. W.1943
Hicks, John R.1951
Hight, Gordon1953
Howell, Thomas R.1959
Hoyt, W. D.1923
Humes, Arthur G.1938
- box-folder 21 folder: 8
Jackson, Ralph W.1913
Jackson, Thomas H.1911-1922, n.d.
Jenney, Charles F.1909
Jewett, Stanley G.1916-1935
Johnson, J. M.1933
Jopson, J. M.1933
Kellogg, Remington1962
Kent, M. H.1917
Kenworthy, Ed1923
Koiner, G. W.1913
Kortright, F. H.n.d.
- box-folder 21 folder: 9
Larang, John1918
Laurent, Philip1914
Law, John Eugene1932, n.d.
Lawson, Ralph1925
Lewis, Ivey F.1947-1953
Ligon, J. Stokley1947
Lincoln, Frederick C.1945-1947
Linton, C. B.1906-1908
Litsey, John B. Jr.1911
Lloyd, C. G.1899-1906
- box-folder 21 folder: 10
MacGillivray, William1900-1905
Malcolm, Arthur1916
Martin del Campo, Rafael1937
Maynard, C. J.1926
McKinley, Daniel1962
Merriam, Clinton Hart1943
- box-folder 22 folder: 1
Michener, Josephine R.1917
Miller, Alden H.1940
Miller, Frederic W.1941
Miller, Gerrit S. Jr.1937
Miller, Lyle DeVerne1949
Miller, Loye Holmes1916-1969, n.d.
Mitchell, H. H.1917
- box-folder 22 folder: 2
Moon, Carl1947-1948, n.d.Scope and Content
[see also Oversize Materials]
Moore, Joseph C.1950-1952
More, Robert Lee1918-1941, n.d.
Morrison, Daniel1913-1924
Mousley, H.1914
Munroe, Kirk (Mrs.)1921
Murphy, Robert Cushman1955
Murray, J. J.1936-1953
- box-folder 22 folder: 3
Newcombe, Curtis L.1946
Norton, Arthur H.1937
Oberholser, Harry C.1926-1946
Orr, Robert J.1947
Osgood, W. H.1936
- box-folder 22 folder: 4
Pack, Arthur N.1935
Palmer, T. S.1908-1913
Parr, Albert Eide1943-[1944]
Paschall, Alfredn.d.
Patton, John S.1920
- box-folder 22 folder: 5
Peabody, P. B.n.d.
Pearson, T. Gilbert1925
Pember, Karl A.1925
Peters, James L.1936-1941
Peyton, Laurence1916-1917
Peyton, Sidney B.1917, n.d.
Pierce, Wright M.n.d.
Pitts, John R.1931
Poole, Earl L.1933-1951[see also Oversize Materials]
Pough, Richard H.1958
Prather, John M.1936
Preble, Edward A.1916
- box-folder 22 folder: 6
Price, W. W.1893[collection notebooks]
- box-folder 22 folder: 7
Raine, Waltern.d.
Ravenel, W. DeC.1920
Rich, Guy C.1917
Ritchie, Sanford1928
Rives, William C.1913
Rook, Warren1961
Ryman, J. J.1903, n.d.
Preble, Edward A.1916
- box-folder 22 folder: 8
Schaldach, Bill1961
Schwarz, Ernst1945-1947
Scott, Peter1955
Semple, John B.1930, n.d.
Sharp, C. S.1913-1924
Simpson, Charles Torrey1922-1933, n.d.
Smith, Austin Paul1919
Smithwick, R. Pearce
- box-folder 22 folder: 9
Nest and egg record (North Carolina and Virginia)1894-1904
- box-folder 22 folder: 10
Nest notes (North Carolina and Virginia)1894-1909
- box-folder 22 folder: 9
- box-folder 23 folder: 1
Snyder, L. L.1940
Spicer-Simson, Theodore1930-1952, n.d.
Squires, Karl1930, n.d.
- box-folder 23 folder: 2
Stanley, James E.n.d.
Stansell, Sidney S. S.1909
- box-folder 23 folder: 3
Stephan, Joseph A.1936
Stoddard, Herbert L.1943
Stone, C. F.1908-1915, n.d.
Sutton, George M.1925-1943[see also Oversize Materials]
Swanson, Gustave1938
- box-folder 23 folder: 4
Taverner, P. A.1939-1946
Thayer, John E.1917
Todd, W. E. Clyde1957
Todd, William1915-1917
Torre y Huerta, Carlos de la[1950]
- box-folder 23 folder: 5
- box-folder 23 folder: 5
Townsend, Charles H.1889-1944, n.d.Scope and Content
[photographs and research materials relating to Rapa Nui (also known as Easter Island)]
[2 folders]
- box-folder 23 folder: 5
- box-folder 23 folder: 6
Tufts, R. W.1936
Tyler, John G.1917
Van Hyning, T.1924-1940
Van Tyne, J.1939-1954
Vorhies, Charles T.1945-1947
- box-folder 23 folder: 7
Walker, Alexander1911-1913
Warren, E. R.n.d.
- box-folder 23 folder: 8
Webb, Walter F.1935
Wells, Gurnie1914-1930, n.d.
Wetmore, Alexander1945
Wheaton, A. W.1913
Whitaker, Lovie M.1957
Whitman, Frank Nunnn.d.
Whitney, Harry Paynen.d.
Willett, G.1917
Wilson, Alexander1956
Wilson, Gainesn.d.
Wolfe, L. R.1932, n.d.
Wood, J. Claire[1905]
Wood, Norman A.n.d.
Zahniser, Howard1952
Zuercher, C. F.1936, n.d.
- box-folder 23 folder: 9
Egg checklists1866-1889, n.d.Scope and Content
[bound collection of individual checklists]
American Museum of Natural History (Bailey Collection)1887
Brewster, William1887
Carpenter, F. H.1886[2 items]
Clark, John N.1886-1888[3 items]
Davis, E. C.1886
Dille, Fred M.n.d.
Doe, Chas. E.1886
Emerson, W. Otton.d.
Evermann, B. W.1886
Flint, W. W.1888
Goodwin, F. M.1886
Goss, B. F.1886
Hoopes, Josiah1886-1889[3 items]
Ingersoll, Albert M.1886
Jackson, Thomas H.1886-1888[3 items]
Jones, C. M.1886
Kells, William L.1886
Ladd, Samuel B.1886-1887[2 items]
Lantz, D. E.1885
Mitchell, R. M.1887
Noble, G.1887-1888[2 items]
Norris, J. P.1886
Parker, Harry G.1886-1889[4 items]
Perry, T. D.1886
Preston, J. W.1886
Poling, Otho C.1887
Ralph, William L. and Bagg, Egbert1887
Ricksecker, Edmund1886[2 items]
Singley, J. A.n.d.
Smith, Philo W. Jr.1885
Stebbins, Edward S.1886
Stoate, W.1886
- box-folder 18 folder: 12
- box-folder 23 folder: 10-11
Birds1932-1969, n.d.
- box-folder 23 folder: 12
Cooper Ornithological Club / Cooper Ornithological Society1897-1966
- box-folder 24 folder: 1-2
Museums and zoos1922-1961, n.d.
- box-folder 24 folder: 3
Supply catalogs1882-[1911], n.d.
- box-folder 24 folder: 4
Virginia tourist attractions1946-1961, n.d.
- box-folder 24 folder: 5
General printed materials1932-1962, n .d.
Rossi, Edmund A., "What Is Wine?"1932
Canadian NatureMar-Apr 1945
MolluscaApr 10, 1945
MalacologiaSep 1962
"A Tonic for Your Heart"n.d.
"Wildlife of Florida"n.d.
- Subseries A. Color Plates and Other Illustrations1913-1922
- box-folder 25 folder: 1
Audubon Society color plates by Allan Brooks, Bruce Horsfall, Edmund J. Sawyer, Louis Agassiz Fuertes and unidentified othersn.d.
- box-folder 25 folder: 2
Color plates of North American birds and mammals by Louis Agassiz Fuertes, J. L. Ridgway, Oliver Kemp, and Sherman Foote Dentonn.d.Scope and Content
[identified by Bailey as being from reports of the New York Fish Commission]
- box-folder 25 folder: 3-7
Color plates from The Birds of Florida by George M. Suttonn.d.
- box-folder 25 folder: 8
Color plates of North American Birds by R. Ridgway and J. L. Ridgwayn.d.
- box-folder 25 folder: 9
Audubon Society's "Pictures of Alaskan Birds" by Allan Brooksn.d.
- box-folder 25 folder: 10
Individual plates and other illustrations from various sources1913-1922, n.d.[40 items]
- box-folder 25 folder: 1
- Subseries B. Photographs1902-1937
The Birds of Virginia
- box-folder 25 folder: 11
Original mounted photographsn.d.[3 folders]
- box 25A-D
Copper engraving plates4 boxesn.d.[4 boxes]
- box-folder 26 folder: 1
Half-tone photos used by engraversn.d.[107 items; 3 folders]
- box-folder 25 folder: 11
Hand-tinted set of nest and egg photographsn.d.
- box-folder 26 folder: 2
Species A-BScope and ContentBaltimore oriole [accompanied by black-and-white original]BlackbirdBlack-crowned night heronBlue JayBluebird [2 items]Bobolink [accompanied by black-and-white original]Brown thrasher [accompanied by black-and-white original]
- box-folder 26 folder: 3
Species C-JScope and ContentCatbird [accompanied by black-and-white original]Chimney swift [accompanied by black-and-white originalChipping sparrowCrowField sparrowIndigo bunting [accompanied by black-and-white original]
- box-folder 26 folder: 4
Species K-NScope and ContentKingbird [accompanied by black-and-white original]Kingfisher [accompanied by black-and-white original]Least bitternLouisiana water thrush [accompanied by black-and-white originalMeadowlark [accompanied by black-and-white original]
- box-folder 26 folder: 5
Species O-VScope and ContentOrchard oriole [accompanied by black-and-white original]OvenbirdPewee [accompanied by black-and-white original]Red-eyed vireo [accompanied by black-and-white original]Robin
- box-folder 26 folder: 6
Species W-ZScope and ContentWhip-poor-will [accompanied by black-and-white original]White-eyed vireo [accompanied by black-and-white original]Woodcock [accompanied by black-and-white originalYellow-billed cuckooYellow-breasted chat [accompanied by black-and-white original
- box-folder 26 folder: 2
Individual eggs and nests
- box-folder 26 folder: 7
Species A-BkScope and ContentAlder flaycatcher n.d.American coot n.d. [2 items]Arkansas goldfinch 1904Bald eagle 1927Bank swallow n.d.Barn swallow n.d.
- box-folder 26 folder: 8
Species Bl-BzScope and ContentBlack and white warbler (with cowbird) n.d.Black-billed cuckoo n.d.Black-headed grosbeak n.d. [2 copies]Black-necked stilt n.d.Blue-winged warbler n.d.Bob white n.d. [2 items]
- box-folder 26 folder: 9
Species Ca-CgScope and ContentCalifornia towhee 1904Canadian grouse n.d.Canadian warbler n.d.Cape sable seaside sparrow 1921, n.d.
- box-folder 26 folder: 10
Species Ch-EScope and ContentChestnut-sided warbler 1902, n.d. [3 items]Chickadee n.d.Chipping sparrow n.d.Clapper rail n.d.Downy woodpecker n.d.Duck hawk n.d.Dusky seaside sparrow 1920
- box-folder 26 folder: 11
Species FScope and ContentField sparrow n.d.Flamingo n.d. [6 items]Florida bald eagle 1921Florida bob white n.d.Florida meadowlark 1922 [2 items]Florida nighthawk n.d.Florida red-shouldered hawk 1928Florida redwing 1920
- box-folder 26 folder: 12
Species G-KScope and ContentGrasshopper sparrow n.d.Great white heron 1924Ground dove n.d. [2 items]Hermit thrush n.d.Hooded warbler n.d.House wren n.d.Kingbird 1902Kingfisher n.d.
- box-folder 26 folder: 13
Species L-MScope and ContentLaughing gull 1910Lazuli bunting n.d.Least flycatcher (with cowbird) n.d.Least tern n.d. [2 items]Loggerhead shrike n.d.Magnolia warbler n.d.Myrtle warbler n.d.
- box-folder 26 folder: 14
Species N-PScope and ContentNashville warbler n.d.Northern yellowthroat n.d.Olive-sided flycatcher n.d.Ovenbird n.d.Phoebe 1902 [2 items]Prairie warbler n.d.
- box-folder 26 folder: 15
Species Q-RScope and ContentRed-billed tropic bird n.d.Red-cockaded woodpecker 1918Red-winged blackbird n.d.Redstart n.d.Robin n.d.Rose-breasted grosbeak n.d.Ruby-throat n.d.Ruddy [2 items]Russet-backed thrush 1904
- box-folder 26 folder: 16
Species SScope and ContentSage grouse n.d.Salt marsh yellow throat n.d. [2 items]Samuel's song sparrow n.d. [2 items]Sand swallow n.d.Scarlet tanager n.d.Screech owl n.d.
- box-folder 26 folder: 17
Species T-WhScope and ContentTennessee warbler n.d.Towhee n.d.Vermillion flycatcher 1935Vesper sparrow n.d.Western flycatcher n.d.Western mockingbird 1920Western red-tailed hawk 1904 [2 copies]White-crowned pigeon 1921, n.d.White-throated sparrow n.d.
- box-folder 26 folder: 18
Species Wi-ZScope and ContentWilson's plover 1932 n.d. [3 items]Wilson's thrush n.d.Wilson's warbler n.d.Wood ibis n.d. [2 items]Wood thrush n.d.Worm-eating warbler n.d.Yellow-billed cuckoo n.d.Yellow warbler n.d.
- box-folder 26 folder: 19
Unidentified species [9 items]1941, n.d.
- box-folder 26 folder: 7
- box-folder 27 folder: 1
Species A-BScope and ContentBald eagle n.d. [2 copies]Baltimore oriole n.d.Black albatross 1913 [2 items]Blackbird n.d.Blue-footed booby n.d.Blue-winged warbler n.d. [2 items]Bluebird n.d. [2 items]Bridled tern 1921Brown pelican n.d.Brown thrasher n.d. [2 items]
- box-folder 27 folder: 2
Species CScope and ContentCanada goose 1917, n.d. [3 items]Canvasback duck 1917Catbird n.d. [2 items]Chestnut-sided warbler n.d.Chickadee n.d. [2 items]Chimney swift n.d.Chipping sparrow n.d.Crow n.d.
- box-folder 27 folder: 3
Species D-FliScope and ContentDowny woodpecker n.d.Field sparrow n.d. [3 items]Flamingo n.d. [3 items]Flicker n.d. [2 items]
- box-folder 27 folder: 4
Species Flj-HScope and ContentFlorida burrowing owl 1920, n.d. [2 items]Florida cormorant n.d.Florida jay n.d.Foster's tern n.d.Gannet n.d. [2 items]Great blue heron 1904Green heron n.d.Harlequin ducks n.d.Hooded warbler n.d. [2 items]House wren n.d.
- box-folder 27 folder: 5
Species I-PScope and ContentKingfisher n.d.Least tern n.d. [3 items]Little blue heron n.d.Loggerhead shrike n.d.Louisiana water thrush n.d.Man o'war bird n.d.Ovenbird n.d.Pelican 1935Phoebe n.d. [3 items]
- box-folder 27 folder: 6
Species Q-RScope and ContentRed-eyed vireo n.d. [4 items]Redstart n.d.Robin n.d. [3 items]Rose-breasted grosbeak n.d. [2 items]
- box-folder 27 folder: 7
Species S-VScope and ContentScreech owl n.d. [3 items]Shrike n.d.Song sparrow n.d.[Southeastern American kestrel] n.d. [4 items]Spotted sandpiper n.d.
- box-folder 27 folder: 8
Species Wa-WiScope and ContentWater ouzel 1905Western yellowthroat n.d.Whip-poor-will n.d.Whistling swan 1917 [2 items]White albatross 1913 [2 items]White ibis n.d.White pelican n.d.[2 items]Wild turkey n.d. [2 items]
- box-folder 27 folder: 9
Species Wj-ZScope and ContentWood ibis n.d. [4 items]Wood thrush n.d. [3 items]Yellow-breasted chat n.d. [2 items]Yellow warbler n.d. [2 items]
- box-folder 27 folder: 10
Unidentified species [11 items]1937, n.d.Scope and ContentBald eagle n.d. [2 copies]Baltimore oriole n.d.Black albatross 1913 [2 items]Blackbird n.d.Blue-footed booby n.d.Blue-winged warbler n.d. [2 items]Bluebird n.d. [2 items]Bridled tern 1921Brown pelican n.d.Brown thrasher n.d. [2 items]
- box-folder 27 folder: 1
- box-folder 27 folder: 11
Cooper Ornithological Club1923-1924[2 items]
- box-folder 27 folder: 11
Bird study hike with Lord and Lady Glenconner and othersn.d.
- box-folder 27 folder: 11
Van Hyning and Hardesty with Florida state museum truckn.d.
- box-folder 27 folder: 12
Unidentified ornithologists in the field1922, n.d.[20 items; 2 folders]
- box-folder 27 folder: 11
- box-folder 27 folder: 13
Colorado Museum of Natural History bird exhibitsn.d.[2 items]
Moses Tanenbaum aviariesn.d.
National Zoological Park aviaryn.d.
New York Zoological Park aviaryn.d.
Rocky Mountain marmotn.d.
St. Louis Zoon.d.[3 items]
Unidentified birds given to Bailey by Charles Townsend1942
Unidentified bird exhibitsn.d.[2 items]
- box-folder 27 folder: 14
Albatross egg collectionn.d.
Streptopelia risoria skins from Bailey collectionn.d.
Wingbone of greater snow goose, healed after being shotn.d.
Wingbone of mallard1919[glass plate negatives; 2 items]
Unidentified animal skinsn.d.
Unidentified animal skullsn.d.
- box-folder 27 folder: 15
American Southwest[1904?][10 items]
- box-folder 27 folder: 16
Niagara Falls[1904?][6 items]
- box-folder 27 folder: 16
St. Louis Expo [Louisiana Purchase Exposition?][1904?][6 items]
- box-folder 27 folder: 17
Lake Tahoe1920[2 items]
- box-folder 27 folder: 17
Oil spill aftermath [Virginia?]1920[5 items]
- box-folder 27 folder: 17
Fallen Leaf Lake area, California1920[4 items]
- box-folder 27 folder: 17
Water hyacinth on Taylor's Creek, Florida1920
- box-folder 27 folder: 17
Kissimmee prairie, Florida1921
- box-folder 27 folder: 18
Cape Sable prairie countryn.d.
- box-folder 27 folder: 18
Bahamas trip aboard the steamer Berry Islandsn.d.[6 items]
- box-folder 27 folder: 18
Florida Keys scenesn.d.[2 items]
- box-folder 27 folder: 18
[Stephen Payne home - Oyster, Virginia?]n.d.
- box-folder 27 folder: 19
The Cascades [Pembroke, Virginia]n.d.[2 items]
- box-folder 27 folder: 19
Castle Rock at Pembroke [Virginia]n.d.[2 items]
- box-folder 27 folder: 19
Mountain Lake [Virginia]n.d.[2 items]
- box-folder 27 folder: 19
Phipps Auditoriumn.d.
- box-folder 27 folder: 19
Underwater passage to Lake Cuthbertn.d.
- box-folder 27 folder: 15
- Paintings
- box-folder 28 folder: 1
Deer and landscapen.d.Scope and Content
[artist unknown; given to Bailey by Charles Townsend]
- box-folder 28 folder: 2
Native American on horseback - by Carl Moon1926
- box-folder 28 folder: 3
Black rail - by Earl L. Poole1912
- box-folder 28 folder: 4
Black skimmer - by Earl L. Poole1913
- box-folder 28 folder: 5
Brown-headed nuthatch - by Earl L. Poole1918
- box-folder 29 folder: 1
Cabot's tern - by Earl L. Poole1912
- box-folder 29 folder: 2
[California quail?] - by Allan Brooks1913
- box-folder 29 folder: 3
Chuck-will's-widow - by Earl L. Poole1912
- box-folder 29 folder: 4
Florida Gallinule - by Earl L. Poole1912
- box-folder 30 folder: 1
Oyster catcher - by Earl L. Poole1913
- box-folder 30 folder: 2
Piping plover - by Earl L. Poolen.d.
- box-folder 30 folder: 3
Red-cockaded woodpecker - by Earl L. Poolen.d.
- box-folder 30 folder: 4
Sandhill crane - by George m. Suttonn.d.
- box-folder 31 folder: 1
Summer tanager - by Earl L. Poolen.d.
- box-folder 31 folder: 2
Swainson's warbler - by Earl L. Poole1913
- box-folder 31 folder: 3
Willet - by Earl L. Poole1912
- box-folder 31 folder: 4
Yellow-throated vireo - by Earl L. Poole1912
- box-folder 32 folder: 1
Wild turkey - by Earl L. Poole1913
- box-folder 28 folder: 1
- Maps
- box-folder 32 folder: 2
Map of Key Largo, Florida1923
- box-folder 32 folder: 2