Library of Virginia
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Lunenburg County (Va.) Lists of Tithables, 1748-1752. Local government records collection, Lunenburg County Court Records. The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Va. 23219.
This item came to the Library of Virginia under accession 20094.
Lunenburg County was formed from Brunswick County in 1745. Portions of Charlotte County were added in 1777.
In seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Virginia, the term "tithable" referred to a person who paid (or for whom someone else paid) one of the taxes imposed by the General Assembly for the support of civil government in the colony. In colonial Virginia, a poll tax or capitation tax was assessed on free white males, African American slaves, and Native American servants (both male and female), all age sixteen or older. Owners and masters paid the taxes levied on their slaves and servants. For a more detailed history of tithables, consult "Colonial tithables" found on the Library of Virginia's web site.
Lunenburg County (Va.) Lists of Tithables, 1748-1752. Consists of a photostat images of the list of tithable heads of household in the county for the years 1748-1752.