A Guide to the Records of the Virginia Pupil Placement Board, 1957-1966
A Collection in
the Library of Virginia
Accession Number 26517
Library of Virginia
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© 2012 By The Library of Virginia. All Rights Reserved.
Processed by: Erin Faison
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
Privacy protected information is considered closed for 75 years after date of record creation. Types of records restricted include but are not limited to: medical information, social security numbers, and student transcripts. Restricted material has been redacted and/or sealed but has not been removed from the collection.
Use Restrictions
There are no restrictions.
Preferred Citation
Records of the Virginia Pupil Placement Board, 1957-1966. Accession 26517, State records collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Va.
Acquisition Information
Accession 26517 was transfered by the Virginia Pupil Placement Board, 29-30 June 1966.
Historical Information
The creation of Virginia's Pupil Placement Board was approved by an act of the Virginia General Assembly on September 29, 1956. The Pupil Placement Act was one part of a comprehensive package of legislation passed during the 1956 special session to negate and counteract the effects of the opinion expressed by the U.S. Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education (1954). The Brown decision marked the end of legal segregation in public schools by concluding that separate facilities for students of different races are inherently unequal and thus in violation of the fourteenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In 1955 the U.S. Supreme Court revisited the Brown decision to provide a timeline for the integration of pubic schools. The court left much room for interpretation by stating that schools should be integrated, "with all deliberate speed."
In response to the Brown cases, U.S. Senator Harry F. Byrd (D-Virginia) coined the term for what would become Virginia's overarching integration policy when he stated, "If we can organize the Southern States for massive resistance to this order I think that in time the rest of the country will realize that racial integration is not going to be accepted in the South." Virginia's "Massive Resistance" policy ran counter to the Supreme Court's order for public schools to integrate "with all deliberate speed" by using state law to hopelessly hinder integration and thus thwart the intent of the court.
The Pupil Placement Board, as one arm of the policy of Massive Resistance was charged with assigning, enrolling, or placing students to and in public schools. The Pupil Placement Board consisted of three members appointed by the Governor. Pupil placement was a task formerly under the control of school boards and division superintendents. The board's authorizing legislation required members to take several factors into consideration when placing a pupil in a school. Factors included but were not limited to the health of the pupil, his or her aptitudes, the availability of transportation, and, "such other relevant matters as may be pertinent to the efficient operation of the schools or indicate a clear and present danger to the public peace and tranquility affecting the safety or welfare of the citizens of such school district." Students who were already in school before the board's creation were not obligated to apply for placement. Thus, the board only oversaw the placement of students who sought to move from one school to another or who were applying to attend school for the first time.
In December of 1956, Governor Thomas B. Stanley appointed Hugh V. White, Beverly H. Randolph Jr., and Andrew A. Farley to serve as the Pupil Placement Board. White was employed as Superintendent of Schools for Nansemond County beginning in 1934, he also served as president of the Virginia Principals Association and on the Superintendent Advisory Committee to the State Superintendent of Public Institutions. Randolph, a Richmond City native and former member of the House of Delegates, who at the time of his placement board membership, was an attorney in Charles City County. Farley was the Vice President and General Manager of the Register Publishing Company in Danville, the company was responsible for the "Danville Register" and "Danville Bee," he also served on the State Board of Conservative Development. From the beginning the placement board was frustrated by legal challenges from federal courts and by local school boards that increasingly tended to ignore the board's decisions.
All three board members served from the board's creation until they tendered a collective resignation effective in early 1960. Their resignations followed an Act of the General Assembly approved on April 28, 1959 that returned the responsibility of pupil placement to localities. Speaking before the General Assembly On January 28, 1959, Governor James Lindsay Almond, Jr. spoke on behalf of the Pupil Placement Board and defended it against the charge that it served as an impediment to integration. However, Governor Almond concluded that Virginia must, "repeal...laws that have been finally adjudged to be unconstitutional or have proven ineffective." He added that Virginia must, "prepare for the future by removing from our statutes that which those who oppose our way of life have used as a virus to contaminate the whole." He urged the assembly to reconsider laws governing education, including laws governing the transfer of pupils from school to school.
Following the resignation of the board's membership, the Journal of the Senate enrolled House Joint Resolution 91 on March 10, 1960, acknowledging the board's mass resignation, "as a result of circumstances which would render their task almost impossible of performance." In July of 1960 the original members were replaced by Governor Almond with Earnest J. Oglesby, Edward T. Justis, and Alfred L. Wingo. Oglesby at the time of his appointment he was a professor of Mathematics at the University of Virginia. In Albemarle County he served on the Board of Trustees at the Miller school, as well as, the President of the Defenders of State Sovereignty and Individual Liberties (a segregationist organization begun in Petersburg which proposed to become an advocacy group for whites much as the NAACP had done for African Americans). Justis, a Chesterfield County native worked as a science teacher and director of athletics at Chester High School and principal of Midlothian High School before joining the Department of Education in 1942, where he was eventually named Assistant State Supervisor of Rehabilitation. Wingo, born in Amelia County; worked as a counselor at Farmville State Teaching College before becoming Conductor of Guidance, Testing, Research and Surveys for the Department of Education in 1944. Even with the loss of most of its power and the effective end of the "Massive Resistance" movement in 1959, the Pupil Placement Board remained in existence for another seven years until it was finally abolished by an act of the General Assembly in 1966.
Scope and Content
This collection includes, but is not limited to, incoming and outgoing correspondence, memorandums, maps, reports, trail transcripts, personnel files, applications, transfer requests, calendars and newspaper clippings. Correspondents include, but are not limited to, parents, school superintendents, school principals, and school boards. Topics discussed include: policies and procedures, desegregation, education laws, student records, demography, and supreme court decisions. Each series is described in more detail within the finding aid.
This collection is arranged into the following series:
Series I: Correspondence and Subject Files Series II: Personnel Records Series III: Minutes Series IV: Legal Files Series V: Publications Series VI: Maps Series VII: ApplicationsContents List
- Boxes 1-5
Subseries I. General, 1957-1966 .1.05 cu. ft. (5 boxes)
The bulk of this subseries contains routine correspondence of the Pupil Placement Board, such as, memorandums to and from board members, information regarding applications, the student assignment process, and desegregation plans developed by school boards throughout the state. Of particular interest in this subseries are letters written in support and condemnation of segregation.
Arragned alphabetically by folder title.
- Box 1
Folder 1
"A Farewell Ode" A Poem by Getchen Boyd, 1958 .
- Box 1
Folder 2
Applicants (For summer position), 1957-1966 .
- Box 1
Folder 3
Application Forms, 1958 .
- Box 1
Folder 4
Application - Sample, 1965 .
- Box 1
Folder 5
Arlington Office, 1961 .
- Box 1
Folder 6
Authorized Signatures, 1957-1966 .
- Box 1
Folder 7
Birth Records, 1957-1966 .
- Box 1
Folder 8
Board Members, 1957-1966 .
- Box 1
Folder 9
Board Members - Bland, Joseph W., 1957-1958 .
- Box 1
Folder 10
Board Members - Farley, Andrew, 1957 .
- Box 1
Folder 11
Board Members - Hilton, Birshell S., 1959-1963 .
- Box 1
Folder 12
Board Members - Justis, Edward T., 1962-1966 .
- Box 1
Folder 13
Board Members - Oglesby, E. J., 1961 - 1966 .
- Box 1
Folder 14
Board Members - Randolph, Beverley, Jr., 1957 .
- Box 1
Folder 15
Board Member - White, Hugh, 1957-1960 .
- Box 1
Folder 16
Board Members - Wingo, A. L., 1962 .
- Box 2
Folder 1
Civil Rights Committee - Applications, 1961 .
- Box 2
Folder 2
Civil Rights Conference - Williamsburg, 1961 .
- Box 2
Folder 3
Court Orders List, 1957-1966 .
- Box 2
Folder 4
Daily Journal, 1962 .
- Box 2
Folder 5
The Defenders (of State Sovereignty and Individual Liberties), 1957-1962 .
- Box 2
Folder 6
Desegregation Plan - Albemarle, undated .
- Box 2
Folder 7
Desegregation Plan - Clarke County, 1965 .
- Box 2
Folder 8
Desegregation Plan - New Kent, 1965 .
- Box 2
Folder 9
Desegregation Plan - Winchester, 1962 .
- Box 2
Folder 10
Desegregation Plan - Health, Education, Welfare (HEW) A-K, 1965 .
- Box 2
Folder 11
Desegregation Plan - Health, Education, Welfare (HEW) L-Pe., 1965 .
- Box 2
Folder 12
Desegregation Plan - Health, Education, Welfare (HEW) Po.-Y and General Plans, 1965 .
- Box 63
Folder 24
Fiscal Records, 1957-1966 .
- Box 3
Folder 1
Graphs - Applications, 1961-1966 .
- Box 3
Folder 2
"Hidden" Test Scores - Harrisonburg, 1964 .
- Box 3
Folder 3
Integrated Schools, undated .
- Box 3
Folder 4
Interview Questions, undated .
- Box 3
Folder 5
Job Dsecriptions, undated .
- Box 3
Folder 6
King (application investigation), 1962 .
- Box 3
Folder 7
Law Requests, 1957 .
- Box 3
Folder 8
Lawyer - Scott, Adolphus B., 1957-1964 .
- Box 3
Folder 9
Lease, 1957-1966 .
- Box 3
Folder 10
Letters - Pro-Segregation, 1961-1966 .
- Box 3
Folder 11
Letters of Inquiry, 1957-1959 .
- Box 3
Folder 12
Letters of Inquiry - Parents, 1963 .
- Box 3
Folder 13
Meeting - Superintendents, 1963 .
- Box 3
Folder 14
Memorandums - Administrative, 1957-1960 .
- Box 3
Folder 15
Memorandums - City Schools, 1962-1965 .
- Box 3
Folder 16
Memorandums - County Scools A-L, 1962-1965 .
- Box 4
Folder 1
Memorandums - County Schools M-W, 1962-1965 .
- Box 4
Folder 2
Memorandums - Office, 1962-1965 .
- Box 4
Folder 3
Memorandums - Private Schools, 1962-1965 .
- Box 4
Folder 4
Memorandums to Division Superintendents, 1956-1965 .
- Box 4
Folder 5
Miscellaneous, 1957-1966 .
- Box 4
Folder 6
Model Letters, 1961 .
- Box 4
Folder 7
Placement Policies of Other States, 1957 .
- Box 4
Folder 8
Placement Procedures, undated .
- Box 4
Folder 9
Plans - Suggested, 1965 .
- Box 4
Folder 10
Political Cartoon - Seibel, 1957 .
- Box 4
Folder 11
Postal Regulations, 1963 .
- Box 4
Folder 12
Press Releases, 1956-1962 .
- Box 4
Folder 13
Protests - Petersburg, 1963 .
- Box 4
Folder 14
Private Schools List, undated .
- Box 4
Folder 15
Protest Chart, 1965 .
- Box 4
Folder 16
Publicity for Board, 1965 .
- Box 4
Folder 17
Report to Governor, 1957-1963 .
- Box 4
Folder 18
Resolutions, 1958-1962 .
- Box 4
Folder 19
Retirement, 1962-1966 .
- Box 4
Folder 20
Return Student Figures, 1964 .
- Box 5
Folder 1
Richmond City Schools List, undated .
- Box 5
Folder 2
Schedule, 1961-1963 .
- Box 5
Folder 3
Statements by Board, undated .
- Box 5
Folder 4
Statistics - Desegregation, 1964-1965 .
- Box 5
Folder 5
Statistics - Notes, 1957-1963 .
- Box 5
Folder 6
Statistics - Published, 1962-1963 .
- Box 5
Folder 7
Statistics - Reports, 1957-1966 .
- Box 5
Folder 8
Superintendent Surveys, 1965-1966 .
- Box 5
Folder 9
Suproco - Business Form Company, 1957-1964 .
- Box 5
Folder 10
Test Scores - Henrico Schools, 1962 .
- Box 1
Folder 1
- Box 6
Subseries II. State Agencies, 1957-1966 ..35 cu. ft. (1 box)
This subseries contains announcements from state agencies, the bulk of which are mass mailings.
This subseries is arranged alphabetically by agency title.
- Box 6
Folder 1
Attorney General, 1964 .
- Box 6
Folder 2
Auditor of Public Accounts, 1962 .
- Box 6
Folder 3
Board of Education, 1964-1965 .
- Box 6
Folder 4
Budget, Department of, 1958-1966 .
- Box 6
Folder 5
Building and Grounds, 1964 .
- Box 6
Folder 6
Comptroller, Office of, 1957-1961 .
- Box 6
Folder 7
Governor's Office, 1957-1966 .
- Box 6
Folder 8
Highway Safety Commission, 1963-1964 .
- Box 6
Folder 9
House of Delegates, 1960/1965 .
- Box 6
Folder 10
Library of Virginia, 1964-1965 .
- Box 6
Folder 11
Library of Virginia - Records Management Forms, 1961-1965 .
- Box 6
Folder 12
Meetings, 1964-1965 .
- Box 6
Folder 13
Personnel, Division of, 1957-1963 .
- Box 6
Folder 14
Purchase and Supply, Department of, 1961-1966 .
- Box 6
Folder 15
State Corporate Commission, 1964-1966 .
- Box 6
Folder 16
Statutory Research and Drafting, Division of, 1965 .
- Box 6
Folder 17
Virginia Civil War Commission, 1965 .
- Box 6
Folder 18
Virginia Supplemental Retirement Association, 1965 .
- Box 6
Folder 19
Virginia Advisory Legislative Council - Records Management, 1960/1965 .
- Box 6
Folder 20
Virginia Advisory Legislative Council - Retirement Policies, 1963 .
- Box 6
Folder 1
- Box 7-12
Subseries III. City Applications, 1957-1966 .1.75 cu. ft. (5 boxes)
The bulk of this subseries contains correspondence regarding Pupil Placement Board application forms, the majority of which are form memorandums from the board to the city listed on the folder in regard to the number student applications required to serve the area, or issues regarding a specified application. There is also correspondence concerning; specific students, placement issues within school districts, administrative transfers, and lists containing the names of students whose birth certificates were viewed.
This subseries is arranged alphabetically, thereunder chronologically.
- Box 6 A
Folder 1-2
Alexandria, 1958-1965 .
- Box 7
Folder 1
Bristol, 1960-1966 .
- Box 7
Folder 2
Buena Vista, 1962-1966 .
- Box 7
Folder 3
Charlottesville, 1958-1960 .
- Box 7
Folder 4
Chesapeake, 1963-1965 .
- Box 7
Folder 5
Clifton Forge, 1963-1966 .
- Box 7
Folder 6
Colonial Heights, 1962-1966 .
- Box 7
Folder 7
Covington, 1962-1966 .
- Box 7
Folder 8
Danville, 1962-1963 .
- Box 7
Folder 9
Danville, 1964-1966 .
- Box 8
Folder 1
Fairfax, 1963 .
- Box 8
Folder 2
Franklin, 1964-1965 .
- Box 8
Folder 3
Fredericksburg, 1960-1966 .
- Box 8
Folder 4
Galax, 1959-1966 .
- Box 8
Folder 5
Hampton, 1957-1961 .
- Box 8
Folder 6
Hampton, 1962 .
- Box 8
Folder 7
Hampton, 1963-1965 .
- Box 8
Folder 8
Harrisonburg, 1960-1966 .
- Box 8
Folder 9
Harrisonburg - Madison College, 1964-1965 .
- Box 8
Folder 10
Hopewell, 1960-1961 .
- Box 8 A
Folder 1
Hopewell, 1962-1966 .
- Box 8 A
Folder 2
Lynchburg, 1959-1961 .
- Box 8 A
Folder 3
Lynchburg, 1962-1964 .
- Box 9
Folder 1
Martinsville, 1962-1966 .
- Box 9
Folder 2
Newport News, 1958-1959 .
- Box 9
Folder 3
Norfolk, 1960 .
- Box 9
Folder 4
Norfolk, 1961-1965 .
- Box 9
Folder 5
Norton, 1960-1966 .
- Box 9
Folder 6
Petersburg, 1958-1961 .
- Box 9 A
Folder 1
Petersburg, 1962 .
- Box 9 A
Folder 2
Petersburg, 1963 Jan - July .
- Box 10
Folder 1
Petersburg, 1963 Aug - Dec .
- Box 10
Folder 2
Petersburg, 1964 Jan - June .
- Box 10
Folder 3
Petersburg, 1963 July - Dec .
- Box 10
Folder 4
Petersburg, 1965 .
- Box 10
Folder 5
Petersburg, 1966 .
- Box 10
Folder 6
Petersburg - Pending, 1964-1965 .
- Box 10
Folder 7
Portsmouth, 1962 .
- Box 11
Folder 1
Portsmouth, 1963-1964 .
- Box 11
Folder 2
Portsmouth, 1965-1966 .
- Box 11
Folder 3
Radford, 1960-1966 .
- Box 11
Folder 4
Richmond, 1960-1961 .
- Box 11
Folder 5
Richmond, 1962-1963 .
- Box 11
Folder 6
Richmond, 1964-1966 .
- Box 11 A
Folder 1
Roanoke, 1957-1960 .
- Box 11 A
Folder 2
Roanoke, 1961 .
- Box 11 A
Folder 3
Roanoke, 1962-1966 .
- Box 11 A
Folder 4
South Boston, 1965-1966 .
- Box 11 A
Folder 5
Soth Norfolk, 1960-1963 .
- Box 11 A
Folder 6
Staunton, 1960-1966 .
- Box 12
Folder 1
Suffolk, 1962-1965 .
- Box 12
Folder 2
Virginia Beach, 1963-1965 .
- Box 12
Folder 3
Virginia Beach - Chart, 1962-1964 .
- Box 12
Folder 4
Waynesboro, 1961-1965 .
- Box 12
Folder 5
Williamsburg - James City, 1962-1965 .
- Box 12
Folder 6
Winchester, 1962-1966 .
- Box 6 A
Folder 1-2
- Box 12-24
Suberies IV. County Applications, 1961-1966 .12 boxes (4.2 cu. ft.)
The bulk of this subseries contains correspondence regarding Pupil Placement Board application forms, the majority of which are form memorandums from the board to the county listed on the folder in regard to the number student applications required to serve the area, or issues regarding a specified application. There is also correspondence concerning; specific students, placement issues within school districts, administrative transfers, and lists containing the names of students whose birth certificates were viewed.
This subseries is arranged alphabetically by county name, thereunder chronologically.
- Box 12
Folder 7
Accomack, 1961-1965 .
- Box 12
Folder 8
Albemarle, 1962-1965 .
- Box 12
Folder 9
Alleghany, 1962-1966 .
- Box 12
Folder 10
Amelia, 1962-1966 .
- Box 12
Folder 11
Amherst, 1962-1965 .
- Box 12
Folder 12
Appomattox, 1961-1966 .
- Box 12 A
Folder 1
Arlington, 1957-1958 .
- Box 12 A
Folder 2
Arlington, 1959-1961 .
- Box 12 A
Folder 3
Arlington - Special File (1), 1958 .
- Box 12 A
Folder 4
Arlington - Special File (2), 1958 .
- Box 12 A
Folder 5
Arlington - Student and School Statistics, 1960 .
- Box 13
Folder 1
Augusta, 1962-1966 .
- Box 13
Folder 2
Bath, 1962-1965 .
- Box 13
Folder 3
Bedford, 1962-1966 .
- Box 13
Folder 4
Bland, 1962-1966 .
- Box 13
Folder 5
Botetourt, 1962-1966 .
- Box 13
Folder 6
Brunswick, 1962-1965 .
- Box 13
Folder 7
Buchanan, 1962 .
- Box 13
Folder 8
Buckingham, 1962-1965 .
- Box 13
Folder 9
Campbell, 1962-1965 .
- Box 13
Folder 10
Caroline, 1962-1965 .
- Box 13
Folder 11
Carroll, 1962-1965 .
- Box 13
Folder 12
Charles City, 1962-1965 .
- Box 13
Folder 13
Charlotte, 1962-1966 .
- Box 14
Folder 1
Chesterfield, 1960-1961 .
- Box 14
Folder 2
Chesterfield, 1962 Jan - Sept .
- Box 14
Folder 3
Chesterfield, 1962 Oct - Nov .
- Box 14
Folder 4
Chesterfield, 1963 Jan - Mar .
- Box 14
Folder 5
Chesterfield, 1963 Apr - July .
- Box 14
Folder 6
Chesterfield, 1963 Aug .
- Box 15
Folder 1
Chesterfield, 1963 Sept .
- Box 15
Folder 2
Chesterfield, 1963 Oct - Nov .
- Box 15
Folder 3
Chesterfield, 1963 Dec .
- Box 15
Folder 4
Chesterfield (Powhatan Transfers), 1963 .
- Box 15
Folder 5
Chesterfield, 1964 Jan .
- Box 15
Folder 6
Chesterfield, 1964 Feb .
- Box 15
Folder 7
Chesterfield, 1964 Mar .
- Box 15
Folder 8
Chesterfield, 1964 Apr .
- Box 15
Folder 9
Chesterfield, 1964 May .
- Box 16
Folder 1
Chesterfield, 1964 June .
- Box 16
Folder 2
Chesterfield, 1964 July .
- Box 16
Folder 3
Chesterfield, 1964 Aug .
- Box 16
Folder 4
Chesterfield, 1964 Sept .
- Box 16
Folder 5
Chesterfield, 1964 Oct .
- Box 16
Folder 6
Chesterfield, 1964 Nov .
- Box 16
Folder 7
Chesterfield, 1964 Dec .
- Box 16
Folder 8
Chesterfield, 1965 Jan .
- Box 16
Folder 9
Chesterfield, 1965 Feb .
- Box 17
Folder 1
Chesterfield, 1965 Mar .
- Box 17
Folder 2
Chesterfield, 1965 Apr .
- Box 17
Folder 3
Chesterfield, 1965 May .
- Box 17
Folder 4
Chesterfield, 1965 June .
- Box 17
Folder 5
Chesterfield, 1965 July .
- Box 17
Folder 6
Chesterfield, 1965 Aug .
- Box 17
Folder 7
Chesterfield, 1965 Sept .
- Box 18
Folder 1
Chesterfield, 1965 Oct .
- Box 18
Folder 2
Chesterfield, 1965 Nov - Dec .
- Box 18
Folder 3
Chesterfield (Longhair), 1965-1966 .
- Box 18
Folder 4
Chesterfield (Jan - Feb), 1966 .
- Box 18
Folder 5
Chesterfield (Mar - May), 1966 .
- Box 18
Folder 6
Chesterfield (Miscellaneous), undated .
- Box 18
Folder 7
Clarke, 1961-1966 .
- Box 19
Folder 1
Culpeper, 1961-1966 .
- Box 19
Folder 2
Cumberland, 1961-1965 .
- Box 19
Folder 3
Cumberland - Civil Rights, 1965 .
- Box 19
Folder 4
Dickenson, 1961-1966 .
- Box 19
Folder 5
Dinwiddie, 1961-1965 .
- Box 19
Folder 6
Essex, 1961-1965 .
- Box 19
Folder 7
Fairfax, 1957-1959 .
- Box 19
Folder 8
Fairfax, 1960-1965 .
- Box 19 A
Folder 1
Fairfax - DeFebio Case, 1957-1958 .
- Box 19 A
Folder 2
Fairfax - Special File, 1958 .
- Box 19 A
Folder 8
Fauquier, 1961-1965 .
- Box 19 A
Folder 9
Floyd, 1961-1966 .
- Box 19 A
Folder 10
Floyd - Special File, 1959-1960 .
- Box 19 A
Folder 11
Fluvanna, 1957-1965 .
- Box 20
Folder 1
Franklin, 1961-1966 .
- Box 20
Folder 2
Frederick, 1964-1966 .
- Box 20
Folder 3
Giles, 1961-1966 .
- Box 20
Folder 4
Gloucester, 1961-1966 .
- Box 20
Folder 5
Goochland, 1961-1966 .
- Box 20
Folder 6
Grayson, 1961-1966 .
- Box 20
Folder 7
Greene - Madison, 1962-1965 .
- Box 20
Folder 8
Greensville, 1962-1965 .
- Box 20
Folder 9
Halifax, 1962-1966 .
- Box 21
Folder 1
Hanover, 1962-1966 .
- Box 21
Folder 2
Henrico, 1962 .
- Box 21
Folder 3
Henrico, 1963-1966 .
- Box 21
Folder 4
Henry, 1962-1965 .
- Box 21
Folder 5
Highland, 1962-1966 .
- Box 21
Folder 6
Isle of Wight, 1962-1965 .
- Box 21
Folder 7
King and Queen, 1962-1966 .
- Box 21
Folder 8
King George, 1962-1966 .
- Box 21
Folder 9
King William, 1961-1966 .
- Box 21
Folder 10
Lancaster, 1962-1966 .
- Box 22
Folder 1
Lee, 1962-1966 .
- Box 22
Folder 2
Loudoun, 1961-1966 .
- Box 22
Folder 3
Lunenburg, 1962-1965 .
- Box 22
Folder 4
Louisa, 1962-1965 .
- Box 22
Folder 5
Madison, 1962-1966 .
- Box 22
Folder 6
Mathews, 1961-1966 .
- Box 22
Folder 7
Mecklenburg, 1962-1966 .
- Box 22
Folder 8
Middlesex, 1962-1966 .
- Box 22
Folder 9
Montgomery, 1962-1966 .
- Box 22
Folder 10
Nansemond, 1960-1965 .
- Box 23
Folder 1
Nelson, 1962-1965 .
- Box 23
Folder 2
New Kent, 1962-1965 .
- Box 23
Folder 3
Norfolk, 1962-1963 .
- Box 23
Folder 4
Northampton, 1962-1966 .
- Box 23
Folder 5
Northumberland, 1962-1966 .
- Box 23
Folder 6
Nottoway, 1962-1966 .
- Box 23
Folder 7
Orange, 1962-1966 .
- Box 23
Folder 8
Page, 1962-1966 .
- Box 23
Folder 9
Patrick, 1962-1965 .
- Box 23
Folder 10
Pittsylvania, 1962-1966 .
- Box 24
Folder 1
Powhatan, 1961-1966 .
- Box 24
Folder 2
Prince Edward, 1964-1966 .
- Box 24
Folder 3
Prince George, 1961-1962 .
- Box 24
Folder 4
Prince George, 1963-1965 .
- Box 24
Folder 5
Prince William, 1962-1965 .
- Box 24
Folder 6
Princess Anne, 1961-1963 .
- Box 24 A
Folder 1
Pulaski, 1959-1960 .
- Box 24 A
Folder 2
Pulaski, 1962-1966 .
- Box 25
Folder 1
Rappahannock, 1961-1966 .
- Box 25
Folder 2
Richmond, 1962-1966 .
- Box 25
Folder 3
Roanoke, 1960-1962 .
- Box 25
Folder 4
Roanoke, 1963 .
- Box 25
Folder 5
Roanoke, 1964 .
- Box 25
Folder 6
Roanoke, 1965-1966 .
- Box 25
Folder 7
Rockbridge, 1962-1966 .
- Box 25
Folder 8
Rockingham, 1962-1965 .
- Box 25
Folder 9
Russell, 1962-1966 .
- Box 25
Folder 10
Scott, 1962-1966 .
- Box 25
Folder 11
Shenandoah, 1962-1965 .
- Box 25
Folder 12
Smyth, 1962-1965 .
- Box 26
Folder 1
Southampton, 1962 .
- Box 26
Folder 2
Spotsylvania, 1962-1966 .
- Box 26
Folder 3
Stafford, 1961-1965 .
- Box 26
Folder 4
Surry, 1964-1966 .
- Box 26
Folder 5
Sussex, 1962-1964 .
- Box 26
Folder 6
Tazewell, 1965 .
- Box 26
Folder 7
Warren, 1962-1966 .
- Box 26
Folder 8
Washington, 1961-1966 .
- Box 26
Folder 9
Westmoreland, 1962-1966 .
- Box 26
Folder 10
Wise, 1962-1965 .
- Box 26
Folder 11
Wythe, 1962-1966 .
- Box 26
Folder 12
York, 1961-1965 .
- Box 12
Folder 7
- Box 27-53
Subseries V. City Transfers, 1958-1966 .9.1 cu. ft. (26 boxes)
This subseries contains forms sent by the Pupil Placement Board regarding student transfers, the majority of which are form memorandums stating either approved or denied. Denied files may contain a copy of the student's application, the originals of these applications can be found in the Application series, Special subseries (boxes 87-105), applications the board "did not consider" are interfiled with those denied. This subseries also contains, school board transfers, parent letters requesting transfer, and documents relating to lawsuits. Not all cities are represented and some requests have more documentation than others. Restricted envelopes contain student test scores and/or grades and are to remain sealed for 75 years from the date of creation in accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Codes of Virginia 2.2-3705.4 and 2.2-3705.1.
Folders are arranged alphabetically by location, forms within the folders are arranged alphabetically by students last name.
- Box 27
Folder 1
Alexandria, 1963-1964 .
- Box 27
Folder 2
Alexandria - Approved, 1961 .
- Box 27
Folder 3
Alexandria - Approved, 1962 .
- Box 27
Folder 4
Alexandria - Aprroved, 1963 .
- Box 27
Folder 5
Alexandria - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 27
Folder 6
Alexandria - Denied, 1958 .
- Box 27
Folder 7
Alexandria - Denied: Letters to Parents, 1958 .
- Box 27
Folder 8
Blacksburg - Petition, 1963 .
- Box 27
Folder 9
Bristol - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 27
Folder 10
Charlottesville - Court Case, 1958 .
- Box 27
Folder 11
Charlottesville - Denied, 1958 .
- Box 27
Folder 11
Chesapeake - Approved, 1963-1964 .
- Box 28
Folder 1
Covington - Approved, 1964-1965 .
- Box 28
Folder 2
Covington - Denied, 1964 .
- Box 28
Folder 3
Danville - Approved, 1963-1964 .
- Box 28
Folder 4
Fredericksburg - Approved, 1961-1962 .
- Box 28
Folder 5
Fredericksburg - Approved, 1963 .
- Box 28
Folder 6
Fredericksburg - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 28
Folder 7
Fredericksburg - Court Case, 1961 .
- Box 28
Folder 8
Fredericksburg - Denied, 1961-1964 .
- Box 28
Folder 9
Galax - Approved, 1961-1964 .
- Box 28
Folder 10
Hampton - Administrative, 1962 Sept-Dec .
- Box 28
Folder 11
Covington - Administrative, 1963 Jan-Mar .
- Box 29
Folder 1
Hampton - Administrative, 1963 Apr-June .
- Box 29
Folder 2
Hampton - Administrative, 1963 July-Sept .
- Box 29
Folder 3
Hampton - Administrative, 1963 Oct-Dec .
- Box 29
Folder 4
Hampton - Administrative, 1964 Jan-July .
- Box 29
Folder 5
Hampton - Administrative, 1964 Aug-Dec .
- Box 29
Folder 6
Hampton - Administrative, 1965 .
- Box 30
Folder 1
Hampton - Approved, 1958 .
- Box 30
Folder 2
Hampton - Approved, 1963 .
- Box 30
Folder 3
Hampton - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 30
Folder 4
Harrisonburg - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 30
Folder 5
Hopewell - Appeals, 1962 .
- Box 30
Folder 6
Hopewell - Appeals (Original denied letters), 1961 .
- Box 30
Folder 7
Hopewell - Approved, 1963 .
- Box 30
Folder 8
Hopewell - Court Case, 1963-1964 .
- Box 30
Folder 9
Hopwell - Court Ordered, 1963 .
- Box 30
Folder 10
Hopewell - Denied, 1963-1964 .
- Box 30
Folder 11
Hopewell - Test Results, undated .
- Box 30
Folder 12
Lynchburg - Addresses and Distances, 1962-1963 .
- Box 30
Folder 13
Lynchburg - Approved, 1962-1963 .
- Box 31
Folder 1
Lynchburg - Court Case, 1961 .
- Box 31
Folder 2
Lynchburg - Court Case, 1962 .
- Box 31
Folder 3
Lynchburg - Denied, 1961-1963 .
- Box 31
Folder 4
Lynchburg - Test Scores, 1962 .
- Box 31
Folder 5
Martinsville - Approved, 1963-1964 .
- Box 31
Folder 6
Norfolk - Administrative, 1961 .
- Box 31
Folder 7
Norfolk - Administrative, 1962 .
- Box 31
Folder 8
Norfolk - Administrative, 1963 .
- Box 31
Folder 9
Norfolk - Administrative, 1964 .
- Box 31
Folder 10
Norfolk - Approved, 1961 .
- Box 31
Folder 11
Norfolk - Approved, 1962 .
- Box 31
Folder 12
Norfolk - Denied, 1958 .
- Box 32
Folder 1
Norfolk - Denied, 1961 .
- Box 32
Folder 2
Norfolk - Denied, 1962 .
- Box 32
Folder 3
Norfolk - Test Scores, 1961 .
- Box 32
Folder 4
Norton - Approved, 1963/1964 .
- Box 32
Folder 5
Norton - Parent and Student Letters, 1963 .
- Box 32
Folder 6
Norton - Test Scores, 1963-1964 .
- Box 32
Folder 7
Petersburg - Approved, 1963-1964 .
- Box 32
Folder 8
Petersburg - Denied, 1962/1965 .
- Box 32
Folder 9
Portsmouth - Approved, 1962/1964 .
- Box 33
Folder 1
Portsmouth - Denied, 1962 .
- Box 33
Folder 2
Radford - Approved, 1961-1965 .
- Box 33
Folder 3
Radford - Denied, 1963 .
- Box 33
Folder 4
Richmond, 1962 .
- Box 33
Folder 5
Richmond - Administrative, 1958 .
- Box 33
Folder 6
Richmond - Appeals, 1962 .
- Box 33
Folder 7
Richmond - Approved, 1961 .
- Box 33
Folder 8
Richmond - Approved (A-K), 1962 .
- Box 34
Folder 1
Richmond - Approved (L-R), 1962 .
- Box 34
Folder 2
Richmond - Approved (S-W), 1962 .
- Box 34
Folder 3
Richmond - Approved, 1963 .
- Box 34
Folder 4
Richmond - Approved (A-Cl), 1963 .
- Box 34
Folder 5
Richmond - Approved (Co-Je), 1963 .
- Box 35
Folder 1
Richmond - Approved (Jo-P), 1963 .
- Box 35
Folder 2
Richmond - Approved (R-Y), 1963 .
- Box 35
Folder 3
Richmond - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 35
Folder 4
Richmond - Approved (A-J), 1964 .
- Box 35
Folder 5
Richmond - Approved (M-W), 1964 .
- Box 36
Folder 1
Richmond - Approved, 1965 .
- Box 36
Folder 2
Richmond - Approved - Richmond Public School, 1965 .
- Box 36
Folder 3
Richmond - Case Histories, 1958 .
- Box 36
Folder 4
Richmond - Court Case, 1957-1962 .
- Box 36
Folder 5
Richmond - Denied, 1961 .
- Box 36
Folder 6
Richmond - Denied (A-K), 1962 .
- Box 37
Folder 1
Richmond - Denied (L-W), 1962 .
- Box 37
Folder 2
Richmond - Denied, 1963 .
- Box 37
Folder 3
Richmond - Denied, 1964 .
- Box 37
Folder 4
Richmond - Denied, 1965 .
- Box 37
Folder 5
Richmond - False Application, 1961 .
- Box 37
Folder 6
Richmond - Harris, William Melvin, 1962-1963 .
- Box 37
Folder 7
Richmond - Parent Letters, 1962 .
- Box 37
Folder 8
Richmond - Parent Letters, 1963 .
- Box 38
Folder 1
Richmond - Parent Letters, 1964 .
- Box 38
Folder 2
Richmond - Parent Letters, 1965 .
- Box 38
Folder 3
Richmond - Procedure for African Americans to White Schools, 1964 .
- Box 38
Folder 4
Richmond - Quarles, William Dunbar, Jr., 1962-1963 .
- Box 38
Folder 5
Richmond - Special File, 1959 .
- Box 38
Folder 6
Roanoke - Appeals, 1962 .
- Box 38
Folder 7
Roanoke - Approved, 1961 .
- Box 38
Folder 8
Roanoke - Approved, 1962 .
- Box 38
Folder 9
Roanoke - Court Case, 1961-1962 .
- Box 38
Folder 10
Roanoke - Court Case (Exhibits), 1961-1962 .
- Box 38
Folder 11
Roanoke - Denied, 1961 .
- Box 39
Folder 1
Roanoke - Denied, 1962 .
- Box 39
Folder 2
Roanoke - Hearing (1), 1961 .
- Box 39
Folder 3
Roanoke - Hearing (2), 1961 .
- Box 39
Folder 4
Staunton - Approved, 1963-1964 .
- Box 39
Folder 5
Staunton - Denied, 1963-1964 .
- Box 39
Folder 6
Staunton - Parent Letters, 1965 .
- Box 39
Folder 7
Staunton - Pending, 1959-1966 .
- Box 39
Folder 8
Suffolk - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 39
Folder 9
Virginia Beach - Approved, 1963 .
- Box 39
Folder 10
Virginia Beach - Approved (A-J), 1964 .
- Box 40
Folder 1
Virginia Beach - Approved (K-W), 1964 .
- Box 40
Folder 2
Williamsburg/James City - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 40
Folder 3
Winchester - Approved, 1962/1964 .
- Box 40
Folder 4
Winchester - Denied, 1961 .
- Box 40
Folder 5
Winchester - Hearing, 1962 .
- Box 27
Folder 1
- Box 40-53
Subseries VI. County Transfers, 1958-1966 .4.55 cu.ft. (13 boxes)
This subseries contains forms sent by the Pupil Placement Board regarding student transfers, the majority of which are memorandums stating either approved or denied. Denied files may contain a copy of the student's application, the originals of these applications can be found in the Application series, Special subseries (boxes 87-105), applications the board "did not consider" are interfiled with those denied. This series also contains school board transfers, parent letters requesting transfer, and documents relating to lawsuits. Not all Counties are represented and some requests have more documentation than others. The County of King William along with King and Queen contain letters which directly reference "negro" and "indian" students. Restricted envelopes contain student test scores and/or grades and are to remain sealed for 75 years from the date of creation in accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Codes of Virginia 2.2-3705.4 and 2.2-3705.1.
Folders are arranged alphabetically by location, forms within the folders are arranged alphabetically by students last name.
- Box 40
Folder 6
Accomack - Approved, 1964-1965 .
- Box 40
Folder 7
Accomack - Denied, 1965 .
- Box 40
Folder 8
Albemarle - Approved, 1963-1964 .
- Box 40
Folder 9
Amelia - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 40
Folder 10
Amherst - Approved, 1962 .
- Box 40
Folder 11
Amherst - Approved, 1963-1964 .
- Box 40
Folder 12
Amherst - Denied, 1961-1964 .
- Box 40
Folder 13
Arlington - Case Histories, 1958 .
- Box 41
Folder 1
Arlington - Court Case, 1958 .
- Box 41
Folder 2
Arlington - Materials, 1958 .
- Box 41
Folder 3
Augusta - Approved, 1958 .
- Box 41
Folder 4
Augusta - Parent Letters, 1965 .
- Box 41
Folder 5
Bath - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 41
Folder 6
Brunswick - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 41
Folder 7
Campbell - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 41
Folder 8
Carroll - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 41
Folder 9
Charles City - Approved, 1963-1964 .
- Box 41
Folder 10
Chesterfield - Administrative, 1962 .
- Box 41
Folder 11
Chesterfield - Administrative, 1964 .
- Box 41
Folder 12
Chesterfield - Approved (A-K), 1963 .
- Box 42
Folder 1
Chesterfield - Approved (L-W), 1963 .
- Box 42
Folder 2
Chesterfield - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 42
Folder 3
Chesterfield - Approved, 1966 .
- Box 42
Folder 4
Chesterfield - Court Case, 1962 .
- Box 42
Folder 5
Chesterfield - Denied, 1962 .
- Box 42
Folder 6
Chesterfield - Denied, 1963 .
- Box 42
Folder 7
Chesterfield - Denied, 1964 .
- Box 42
Folder 8
Chesterfield - Denied, 1965 .
- Box 42
Folder 9
Chesterfield - Parent Letters, 1965 .
- Box 42
Folder 10
Chesterfield - Petition, 1964 .
- Box 42
Folder 11
Chesterfield - Protest, 1963 .
- Box 42
Folder 12
Chesterfield - School Lists, 1963 .
- Box 43
Folder 1
Chesterfield - School Lists, 1964 .
- Box 43
Folder 2
Chesterfield - Test Scores, 1963 .
- Box 43
Folder 3
Clarke, 1964 .
- Box 43
Folder 4
Culpeper - Approved, 1963 .
- Box 43
Folder 5
Culpeper - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 43
Folder 6
Culpeper - Parent Letters, 1965 .
- Box 43
Folder 7
Dickenson - Approved, 1962 .
- Box 43
Folder 8
Dinwiddie, 1963 .
- Box 43
Folder 9
Dinwiddie - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 43
Folder 10
Essex - Approved, 1963 .
- Box 43
Folder 11
Fauquier - Approved, 1963 .
- Box 43
Folder 12
Fauquier - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 43
Folder 13
Fauquier - Parent Letters, 1965 .
- Box 43
Folder 14
Floyd - Approved, 1961-1964 .
- Box 43
Folder 15
Franklin - Approved, 1965 .
- Box 43
Folder 16
Frederick - Approved, 1962-1964 .
- Box 43
Folder 17
Frederick - Denied, 1962-1964 .
- Box 43
Folder 18
Giles - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 43
Folder 19
Gloucester, 1962-1965 .
- Box 43
Folder 20
Goochlandn - Approved, 1965 .
- Box 43
Folder 21
Grayson, 1963-1964 .
- Box 43
Folder 22
Grayson and Pulaski - Appeals, 1960 .
- Box 43
Folder 23
Grayson - Approved, 1961-1964 .
- Box 44
Folder 1
Greene - Administrative, 1963 .
- Box 44
Folder 2
Greene - Approved, 1963-1964 .
- Box 44
Folder 3
Greene - Court Case, 1963-1964 .
- Box 44
Folder 4
Greene - Denied, 1963-1964 .
- Box 44
Folder 5
Halifax - Approved, 1963-1964 .
- Box 44
Folder 6
Hanover - Approved, 1963-1964 .
- Box 44
Folder 7
Henrico - Administrative, 1964 .
- Box 44
Folder 8
Henrico - Approved, 1962 .
- Box 44
Folder 9
Henrico - Approved, 1963 .
- Box 44
Folder 10
Henrico - Approved (A-J), 1964 .
- Box 44
Folder 11
Henrico - Approved (K-W), 1964 .
- Box 44
Folder 12
Henrico - Approved, 1965 .
- Box 44
Folder 13
Henrico - Denied, 1962-1964 .
- Box 45
Folder 1
Henrico - Parent Letters, 1962-1963 .
- Box 45
Folder 2
Henrico - Protests, 1965 .
- Box 45
Folder 3
King and Queen - Approved, 1963 .
- Box 45
Folder 4
King and Queen - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 45
Folder 5
King and Queen - Approved (Pleasant Hill), 1964 .
- Box 45
Folder 6
King George - Appeals, 1962 .
- Box 45
Folder 7
King George - Approved, 1962 .
- Box 45
Folder 8
King George - Approved, 1963 .
- Box 45
Folder 9
King George - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 45
Folder 10
King George - Court Case (1 of 2), 1963 .
- Box 46
Folder 1
King George - Court Case (2 of 2), 1963 .
- Box 46
Folder 2
King George - Denied, 1962 .
- Box 46
Folder 3
King William, 1961 .
- Box 46
Folder 4
King William - Approved, 1963 .
- Box 46
Folder 5
King William - Court Case, 1961 .
- Box 46
Folder 6
King William - Hearings, 1961 .
- Box 46
Folder 7
Lancaster - Denied, 1965 .
- Box 46
Folder 8
Lee - Administrative, 1964 .
- Box 46
Folder 9
Loudoun - Approved, 1962 .
- Box 46
Folder 10
Loudoun - Approved, 1963 .
- Box 46
Folder 11
Loudoun - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 46
Folder 12
Loudoun - Court Case, 1962-1963 .
- Box 47
Folder 1
Louisa - Approved, 1965 .
- Box 47
Folder 2
Mecklenburg - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 47
Folder 3
Mecklenburg - Resolution, 1965 .
- Box 47
Folder 4
Middlesex, 1964 .
- Box 47
Folder 5
Montgomery - Administrative, 1963 .
- Box 47
Folder 6
Montgomery - Approved, 1961-1963 .
- Box 47
Folder 7
Montgomery - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 47
Folder 8
Montgomery - Hearings, 1961 .
- Box 47
Folder 9
Montgomery - Parent Letters, 1963 .
- Box 47
Folder 10
Nansemond - Denied, 1965 .
- Box 47
Folder 11
New Kent - Denied, 1965 .
- Box 47
Folder 12
New Kent - Protest, 1965 .
- Box 47
Folder 13
Northampton - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 47
Folder 14
Northampton - Denied, 1965 .
- Box 47
Folder 15
Page - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 47
Folder 16
Patrick - Administrative, 1964 .
- Box 47
Folder 17
Pittsylvania - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 47
Folder 18
Powhatan, 1963 .
- Box 47
Folder 19
Powhatan - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 47
Folder 20
Powhatan - Court Case, 1962-1963 .
- Box 47
Folder 21
Powhatan - Protest, 1965 .
- Box 47
Folder 22
Prince Edward - Court Case, 1959 .
- Box 47
Folder 23
Prince George, 1963-1964 .
- Box 47
Folder 24
Prince George - Administrative, 1963 .
- Box 47
Folder 25
Prince George - Administrative, 1964 .
- Box 48
Folder 1
Prince George - Approved, 1963 .
- Box 48
Folder 2
Prince George - Approved (A-H), 1964 .
- Box 48
Folder 3
Prince George - Approved (I-Y), 1964 .
- Box 48
Folder 4
Prince George - Court Case, 1962-1963 .
- Box 48
Folder 5
Prince George - Court Case, 1962-1964 .
- Box 48
Folder 6
Prince George - Denied, 1961 .
- Box 48
Folder 7
Prince George - Denied, 1962 .
- Box 49
Folder 1
Prince George - Denied, 1963 .
- Box 49
Folder 2
Prince George - Denied, 1964 .
- Box 49
Folder 3
Prince George - Fort Lee, 1962-1963 .
- Box 49
Folder 4
Prince George - Parent Letters, 1963 .
- Box 49
Folder 5
Prince George - Petersburg Residents, 1962 .
- Box 49
Folder 6
Prince George - Student Lists, 1963-1964 .
- Box 49
Folder 7
Prince William, 1961 .
- Box 49
Folder 8
Prince William - Approved, 1962 .
- Box 49
Folder 9
Prince William - Approved, 1963 .
- Box 49
Folder 10
Prince Wiiliam - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 49
Folder 11
Prince William - Hearings, 1961 .
- Box 49
Folder 12
Prince William - Test Scores, 1958 .
- Box 49
Folder 13
Princess Anne - Approved, 1962 .
- Box 49
Folder 14
Princess Anne - Denied, 1962 .
- Box 49
Folder 15
Pulaki - Approved, 1963 .
- Box 49
Folder 16
Pulaski - Approved, 1963 .
- Box 49
Folder 17
Pulaski - Court Case, 1962 .
- Box 49
Folder 18
Pulaski - Parent Letters, 1965 .
- Box 50
Folder 1
Roanoke, 1962 .
- Box 50
Folder 2
Roanoke, 1963 .
- Box 50
Folder 3
Roanoke - Administrative, 1962 .
- Box 50
Folder 4
Roanoke - Administrative, 1963 .
- Box 50
Folder 5
Roanoke - Administrative, 1964 Aug-Jan .
- Box 50
Folder 6
Roanoke - Administrative, 1964 Dec-Sept .
- Box 50
Folder 7
Roanoke - Administrative, 1965 .
- Box 51
Folder 1
Roanoke - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 51
Folder 2
Roanoke - Court Case, 1961 .
- Box 51
Folder 3
Roanoke - Denied, 1960 .
- Box 51
Folder 4
Roanoke - Denied, 1961 .
- Box 51
Folder 5
Roanoke - Denied, 1964 .
- Box 51
Folder 6
Roanoke - Denied, 1965 .
- Box 51
Folder 7
Rockbridge - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 51
Folder 8
Rockingham - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 51
Folder 9
Rockingham - Denied, 1963 .
- Box 51
Folder 10
Shenandoah, 1962 .
- Box 51
Folder 11
Shenandoah - Approved, 1963 .
- Box 51
Folder 12
Shenandoah - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 51
Folder 13
Spotsylvania - Approved, 1963-1964 .
- Box 51
Folder 14
Stafford - Approved, 1961-1964 .
- Box 51
Folder 15
Stafford - Denied, 1961-1962 .
- Box 52
Folder 1
Stafford - Court Case, 1961-1962 .
- Box 52
Folder 2
Stafford - Hearings, 1961 .
- Box 52
Folder 3
Stafford - School Board Plan, 1962 .
- Box 52
Folder 4
Warren - Approved, 1963 .
- Box 52
Folder 5
Warren/Rappahannock - Approved, 1964 .
- Box 52
Folder 6
Warren - Court Case, 1968-1960 .
- Box 52
Folder 7
Warren - Student and School Information, 1957-1958 .
- Box 52
Folder 8
Warren - Withdrawn, 1958 .
- Box 53
Folder 1
Wythe - Aproved, 1964 .
- Box 53
Folder 2
York - Approved, 1963 .
- Box 53
Folder 3
York - Aproved, 1964 .
- Box 53
Folder 4
York - Court Case, 1962 .
- Box 53
Folder 5
York - Denied, 1962-1964 .
- Box 53
Folder 6
York - Parent Letters, 1962 .
- Box 40
Folder 6
- Box 54-55
Subseries VII. Workbooks, 1958-1966 ..7 cu. ft. (2 boxes)
This subseries contains the work books maintained by the office staff, which consist mainly of school names listed alphabetically by location, with cities listed first, followed by counties.
Box 54 contains the work books of an unknown employee, with no dates given, box 55 is arranged alphabetically by the last name of the employee who maintained the work book. The pages within each note book are arranged alphabetically with cities listed before counties.
- Box 54
Folder 1
Unknown (1), undated .
- Box 54
Folder 2
Unknown (2), undated .
- Box 54
Folder 3
Unknown (A-F), undated .
- Box 54
Folder 4
Unknown (G-Y), undated .
- Box 55
Folder 1
Boucher, Hazel (1), 1964-1965 .
- Box 55
Folder 2
Boucher, Hazel (2), 1964-1965 .
- Box 55
Folder 3
Costin, Frances (1), undated .
- Box 55
Folder 4
Costin, Frances (2), undated .
- Box 54
Folder 1
- Box 56-65
Subseries VIII. Miscellaneous, 1957-1966 .2.36 cu. ft. (9 boxes)
This subseries consists of items related to routine clerical functions of the board's office staff.
- Box 56
Folder 1
Notebook - Applications Recieved, 1959-1962 .
- Box 56
Folder 2
Notebook, 1962 Oct - 1964 Mar .
- Box 56
Folder 3
Notebook, 1964 Mar - 1964 Nov .
- Box 56
Folder 4
Notebook, 1964 Nov - 1966 May .
- Box 56
Folder 5
Notebook, undated/1962 .
- Box 57
Note Cards - City Student Assignment, 1960-1961 .
This box contains note cards which list a location, childs name, date of transfer, and which school the child was transfered to, along with the reason for the transfer. (Bulk)
The cards in this box are arranged alphabetically by location, thereunder by students last name.
- Box 58
Note Cards - County Student Assignment, 1960-1962 .
The bulk of this box contains note cards which list a location, childs name, date of transfer, and which school the child was transfered to, along with the reason for the transfer.
The cards in this box are arranged alphabetically by location, thereunder by students last name.
- Box 59
Note Cards, 1960-1965 .
This box contains cards which are headed by a location name, followed by a list of dates.
The cards in this box are arranged alphabetically by location.
- Box 60
Folder 1
Desk Calendar, 1957 .
- Box 60
Folder 2
Desk Calendar, 1958 .
- Box 60
Folder 3
Desk Calendar (A), 1959 .
- Box 61
Folder 1
Desk Calendar (B), 1959 .
- Box 61
Folder 2
Desk Calendar - Hilton, 1960 .
- Box 61
Folder 3
Desk Calendar, 1961 .
- Box 62
Folder 1
Desk Calendar - Hilton, 1962 .
- Box 62
Folder 2
Desk Calendar, 1963 .
- Box 62
Folder 3
Desk Calendar, 1964 .
- Box 62
Folder 4
Desk Calendar, 1965 .
- Box 63
Folder 1
Application Form, unknown .
- Box 63
Folder 2
Form Letters, unknown .
- Box 63
Folder 3
Office Forms, unknown .
- Box 63
Folder 4
Tally Sheet Forms, unknown .
- Box 56
Folder 1
This series contains personnel documents such as salary reports and job applications for the members of the board, as well as, the office staff. There are also documents which describe each clerical position, in addition to memorandums related to office matters.
Arranged alphabetically by folder title.
- Box 63
Folder 5
Barker, Lydia E., 1960-1964 .
- Box 63
Folder 6
Bland, Joseph W., 1957-1958 .
- Box 63
Folder 7
Boschen, Hazel M.B., 1957 .
- Box 63
Folder 8
Boyd, Gretchen F., 1962-1966 .
- Box 63
Folder 9
Broaddus, Betty A., 1957 .
- Box 63
Folder 10
Costin, Frances R., 1960-1966 .
- Box 63
Folder 11
Harris, Eleanor S., 1961 .
- Box 63
Folder 12
Hilton, Birschell S., 1957-1966 .
- Box 63
Folder 13
Job Descriptions, 1958-1960 .
- Box 63
Folder 14
Johnston, Dorothy P., 1958-1966 .
- Box 63
Folder 15
Johnston, Grace J., 1958-1960 .
- Box 63
Folder 16
Matthews, Thelma, 1957-1963 .
- Box 63
Folder 17
Memoranda, 1952-1965 .
- Box 63
Folder 18
Mock, Evelyn M., 1958-1962 .
- Box 63
Folder 19
Pickett, Beverley M., 1957-1958 .
- Box 63
Folder 20
Poteet, George F., 1959 .
- Box 63
Folder 21
Ragland, Mary W., 1957 .
- Box 63
Folder 22
Spargo, Jane N., 1957-1966 .
- Box 63
Folder 23
Taylor, Sally D., 1957-1960 .
This series contains the minutes from the board's meetings; the books contain the official draft of the minutes as the board approved of them, dating from January of 1957 to the boards dissolution in June of 1966. The Board Meeting files contain drafts of the minutes, the meeting agenda and other documents related to that meetings proceedings.
This series is arranged chronologically.
- Box 64
Book 1, 1957 Jan. - 1959 Dec. .
- Box 64
Book 2, 1960 Jan. - 1963 June .
- Box 65
Book 3, 1963 July - 1964 Nov .
- Box 65
Book 4, 1964 Dec. - 1966 June .
- Box 66
Folder 1
Board Meeting, 1958 May 19 .
- Box 66
Folder 2
Board Meeting, 1958 June 13 .
- Box 66
Folder 3
Board Meeting, 1958 July 18 .
- Box 66
Folder 4
Board Meeting, 1958 Aug 4 .
- Box 66
Folder 5
Board Meeting, 1958 Aug 7 .
- Box 66
Folder 6
Board Meeting, 1958 Aug 11 .
- Box 66
Folder 7
Board Meeting, 1958 Aug 25 .
- Box 66
Folder 8
Board Meeting, 1958 Aug 27 .
- Box 66
Folder 9
Board Meeting, 1958 Aug 29 .
- Box 66
Folder 10
Board Meeting, 1958 Sept 12 .
- Box 66
Folder 11
Board Meeting, 1958 Sept 16 .
- Box 66
Folder 12
Board Meeting, 1958 Sept 30 .
- Box 66
Folder 13
Board Meeting, 1958 Oct 15 .
- Box 66
Folder 14
Board Meeting, 1958 Oct 28 .
- Box 66
Folder 15
Board Meeting, 1958 Nov 25 .
- Box 66
Folder 16
Board Meeting, 1959 Jan 8 .
- Box 66
Folder 17
Board Meeting, 1959 Jan 21 .
- Box 66
Folder 18
Board Meeting, 1959 Feb 11 .
- Box 66
Folder 19
Board Meeting, 1959 Feb 27 .
- Box 66
Folder 20
Board Meeting, 1959 Apr 15 .
- Box 66
Folder 21
Board Meeting, 1959 Apr 29 .
- Box 66
Folder 22
Board Meeting, 1959 May 13 .
- Box 66
Folder 23
Board Meeting, 1959 May 25 .
- Box 66
Folder 24
Board Meeting, 1959 June 15 .
- Box 66
Folder 25
Board Meeting, 1959 June 19 .
- Box 66
Folder 26
Board Meeting, 1959 July 15 .
- Box 66
Folder 27
Board Meeting, 1959 Aug 3 .
- Box 66
Folder 28
Board Meeting, 1959 Aug 25 .
- Box 66
Folder 29
Board Meeting, 1959 Aug 28 .
- Box 66
Folder 30
Board Meeting, 1959 Aug 31 .
- Box 66
Folder 31
Board Meeting, 1959 Sept 3 .
- Box 66
Folder 32
Board Meeting, 1959 Sept 9 .
- Box 66
Folder 33
Board Meeting, 1959 Oct 2 .
- Box 66
Folder 34
Board Meeting, 1959 Oct 30 .
- Box 66
Folder 35
Board Meeting, 1959 Dec 1 .
- Box 66
Folder 36
Board Meeting, 1959 Dec 16 .
- Box 66
Folder 37
Board Meeting, 1960 Jan 12 .
- Box 66
Folder 38
Board Meeting, 1960 Jan 19 .
- Box 66
Folder 39
Board Meeting, 1960 Feb 24 .
- Box 66
Folder 40
Board Meeting, 1960 Feb 29 .
- Box 66
Folder 41
Board Meeting, 1960 Mar 24 .
- Box 66
Folder 42
Board Meeting, 1960 May 25 .
- Box 67
Folder 1
Board Meeting, 1960 July 25 .
- Box 67
Folder 2
Board Meeting, 1960 Aug 4 .
- Box 67
Folder 3
Board Meeting, 1960 Aug 15 .
- Box 67
Folder 4
Board Meeting, 1960 Aug 29 .
- Box 67
Folder 5
Board Meeting, 1960 Sept 6 .
- Box 67
Folder 6
Board Meeting, 1960 Sept 12 .
- Box 67
Folder 7
Board Meeting, 1960 Sept 26 .
- Box 67
Folder 8
Board Meeting, 1960 Sept 29 .
- Box 67
Folder 9
Board Meeting, 1960 Oct 10 .
- Box 67
Folder 10
Board Meeting, 1960 Nov 14 .
- Box 67
Folder 11
Board Meeting, 1960 Dec 22 .
- Box 67
Folder 12
Board Meeting, 1961 Jan 9 .
- Box 67
Folder 13
Board Meeting, 1961 Jan 16 .
- Box 67
Folder 14
Board Meeting, 1961 Feb 13 .
- Box 67
Folder 15
Board Meeting, 1961 Mar 13 .
- Box 67
Folder 16
Board Meeting, 1961 Apr 10 .
- Box 67
Folder 17
Board Meeting, 1961 May .
- Box 67
Folder 18
Board Meeting, 1961 June .
- Box 67
Folder 19
Board Meeting, 1961 July 11-13 .
- Box 67
Folder 20
Board Meeting, 1961 July 25 .
- Box 67
Folder 21
Board Meeting, 1961 July 31 .
- Box 67
Folder 22
Board Meeting, 1961 Aug 14 .
- Box 67
Folder 23
Board Meeting, 1961 Aug 18 .
- Box 67
Folder 24
Board Meeting, 1961 Aug 23 .
- Box 67
Folder 25
Board Meeting, 1961 Aug 29 .
- Box 67
Folder 26
Board Meeting, 1961 Sept 5 .
- Box 67
Folder 27
Board Meeting, 1961 Sept 11 .
- Box 67
Folder 28
Board Meeting, 1961 Oct .
- Box 68
Folder 1
Board Meeting, 1961 Nov 16 .
- Box 68
Folder 2
Board Meeting, 1961 Dec 11 .
- Box 68
Folder 3
Board Meeting, 1962 Jan 8 .
- Box 68
Folder 4
Board Meeting, 1962 Feb 12 .
- Box 68
Folder 5
Board Meeting, 1962 Mar 12 .
- Box 68
Folder 6
Board Meeting, 1962 Apr 16 .
- Box 68
Folder 7
Board Meeting, 1962 May 14 .
- Box 68
Folder 8
Board Meeting, 1962 June 11-14 .
- Box 68
Folder 9
Board Meeting, 1962 June 20 .
- Box 68
Folder 10
Board Meeting, 1962 June 27 .
- Box 68
Folder 11
Board Meeting, 1962 July 9 .
- Box 68
Folder 12
Board Meeting, 1962 Aug 3 .
- Box 68
Folder 13
Board Meeting, 1962 Aug 13 .
- Box 68
Folder 14
Board Meeting, 1962 Aug 27 .
- Box 69
Folder 1
Board Meeting, 1962 Sept 17 .
- Box 69
Folder 2
Board Meeting, 1962 Oct 8 .
- Box 69
Folder 3
Board Meeting, 1962 Nov 6 .
- Box 69
Folder 4
Board Meeting, 1962 Dec 3 .
- Box 69
Folder 5
Board Meeting, 1963 Jan 14 .
- Box 69
Folder 6
Board Meeting, 1963 Feb 11 .
- Box 69
Folder 7
Board Meeting, 1963 Mar 18 .
- Box 69
Folder 8
Board Meeting, 1963 Apr 8 .
- Box 69
Folder 9
Board Meeting, 1963 May 15 .
- Box 69
Folder 10
Board Meeting, 1963 June 4 .
- Box 69
Folder 11
Board Meeting, 1963 Jun 24-27 .
- Box 70
Folder 1
Board Meeting, 1963 July 12 .
- Box 70
Folder 2
Board Meeting, 1963 July 23 .
- Box 70
Folder 3
Board Meeting, 1963 Aug 12 .
- Box 70
Folder 4
Board Meeting, 1963 Sept 9 .
- Box 70
Folder 5
Board Meeting, 1963 Sept 16 .
- Box 70
Folder 6
Board Meeting, 1963 Oct 14 .
- Box 70
Folder 7
Board Meeting, 1963 Nov 18 .
- Box 70
Folder 8
Board Meeting, 1963 Dec 9 .
- Box 70
Folder 9
Board Meeting, 1964 Jan 13 .
- Box 70
Folder 10
Board Meeting, 1964 Feb 10 .
- Box 70
Folder 11
Board Meeting, 1964 Mar 9 .
- Box 70
Folder 12
Board Meeting, 1964 Apr 14 .
- Box 70
Folder 13
Board Meeting, 1964 May 11 .
- Box 70
Folder 14
Board Meeting, 1964 June 15-17 .
- Box 71
Folder 1
Board Meeting, 1964 July 6-9 .
- Box 71
Folder 2
Board Meeting, 1964 Aug 10 .
- Box 71
Folder 3
Board Meeting, 1964 Aug 28 .
- Box 71
Folder 4
Board Meeting, 1964 Sept 14 .
- Box 71
Folder 5
Board Meeting, 1964 Oct 13 .
- Box 71
Folder 6
Board Meeting, 1964 Nov 16 .
- Box 71
Folder 7
Board Meeting, 1964 Dec 14 .
- Box 71
Folder 8
Board Meeting, 1965 Jan 11 .
- Box 71
Folder 9
Board Meeting, 1965 Feb 8 .
- Box 71
Folder 10
Board Meeting, 1965 Mar 15 .
- Box 71
Folder 11
Board Meeting, 1965 Apr 20 .
- Box 71
Folder 12
Board Meeting, 1965 May .
- Box 71
Folder 13
Board Meeting, 1965 June 14 .
- Box 71
Folder 14
Board Meeting, 1965 June 16 .
- Box 71
Folder 15
Board Meeting, 1965 July 13 .
- Box 71
Folder 16
Board Meeting, 1965 July 30 .
- Box 72
Folder 1
Board Meeting, 1965 Aug 16 .
- Box 72
Folder 2
Board Meeting, 1965 Sept 1 .
- Box 72
Folder 3
Board Meeting, 1965 Sept 20 .
- Box 72
Folder 4
Board Meeting, 1965 Oct 11 .
- Box 72
Folder 5
Board Meeting, 1965 Nov 15 .
- Box 72
Folder 6
Board Meeting, 1965 Dec 13 .
- Box 72
Folder 7
Board Meeting, 1966 Jan 24 .
- Box 72
Folder 8
Board Meeting, 1966 Feb 28 .
- Box 72
Folder 9
Board Meeting, 1966 Mar 28 .
- Box 72
Folder 10
Board Meeting, 1966 Apr 15 .
- Box 72
Folder 11
Board Meeting, 1966 May .
- Box 72
Folder 12
Board Meeting, 1966 June 24 .
This series contains the legal files of the Pupil Placement Board created by, Adolphus B. Scott, official legal council. Scott served the board from 1957 until his death in 1964, after Scott's death the board did not hire a replacement attorney, as the board had no authority by that time.
- Box 73-81
Subseries I. Case Files, 1958-1964 .3.6 cu. ft. (8 boxes)
This subseries contains; subpoenas, motions, briefs, memorandums, and limited official trial transcripts, all relating to suits filed against the board or school board in which African-American studens have sought placement in a "White's Only" school. Many of the suits contain multiple plaintiffs, often being known by the student whose name came first alphabetically. Some of the memorandums discuss the rulings made by Judge Walter E. Hoffman, who served the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, in Norfolk. Judge Hoffman was elected to the Norfolk court by President Eisenhower, and considered it his duty to up hold the precedent set by the national government in regard to desegregation.
This collection is arranged alphabetically by location. Cities and counties are filled together, counties have been labled as such. Civil Action case numbers accompany folder titles.
- Box 73
Folder 1
Alexandria (1770), 1958 .
- Box 73
Folder 2
Amherst County, 1962 .
- Box 73
Folder 3
Arlington County (1341), 1958 .
- Box 73
Folder 4
Charlottesville (51 and 1341), 1956-1957 .
- Box 73
Folder 5
Chesterfield County (3785 and 3431), 1962-1963 .
- Box 73
Folder 6
Fairfax County (4753 - DeFebio Case), 1957 .
- Box 73
Folder 7
Floyd (1012), 1959-1964 .
- Box 73
Folder 8
Frederick County (9825 and 642), 1963-1965 .
- Box 73
Folder 9
Fredericksburg (3438), 1962-1963 .
- Box 74
Folder 1
Grayson County (721 and 722), 1959-1961 .
- Box 74
Folder 2
Grayson County/Galax (776), 1960-1961 .
- Box 74
Folder 3
Greene County (103), 1963-1964 .
- Box 74
Folder 4
Hampton (595), 1957 .
- Box 74
Folder 5
Hopewell (3554), 1962-1963 .
- Box 74
Folder 6
Isle of Wight County (2559), 1957 .
- Box 75
Folder 1
King George County (3579), 1963-1964 .
- Box 75
Folder 2
King George County: Application B-H (3579), 1962 .
- Box 75
Folder 3
King George County: Application L-W (3579), 1962 .
- Box 75
Folder 4
Loudoun County (2737), 1962-1963 .
- Box 75
Folder 5
Lynchburg (534 and 8722), 1962-1964 .
- Box 76
Folder 1
Lynchburg: Court Publications and Transcripts (8722), 1961-1962 .
- Box 76
Folder 2
Montgomery County, 1961 .
- Box 76
Folder 3
Newport News (489 and 642), 1957-1960 .
- Box 76
Folder 4
Norfolk (2214), 1957-1960 .
- Box 76
Folder 5
Norfolk: Transcript (2214), 1959 .
- Box 76
Folder 6
Petersburg (4476), 1965-1966 .
- Box 77
Folder 1
Powhatan County (3518), 1961-1963 .
- Box 77
Folder 2
Powhatan County (3518 and 8944), 1962-1963 .
- Box 77
Folder 3
Prince Edward County (1333), 1957-1959 .
- Box 77
Folder 4
Prince George County (3536), 1962-1963 .
- Box 77
Folder 5
Prince George County (3822), 1963-1965 .
- Box 77
Folder 6
Prince George County - Applications, 1962 .
- Box 77
Folder 7
Prince George County - Complete File pt. 1 of 2, 1962-1963 .
- Box 78
Folder 1
Prince George County - Complete File pt. 2 of 2, 1962-1963 .
- Box 78
Folder 2
Prince George County - Plaintiff's Exhibits, 1962-1963 .
- Box 78
Folder 3
Prince George County - Transcript, 1963 May 14-15 .
- Box 78
Folder 4
Pulaski County (1052), 1960 .
- Box 78
Folder 5
Pulaski County - Transcript, 1960 Feb 4 .
- Box 78
Folder 6
Richmond (3353), 1957-1962 .
- Box 79
Folder 1
Richmond (2819, 2616, 2699, 3353, 9471, and 8757), 1957-1963 .
- Box 79
Folder 2
Richmond (2819), 1958-1960 .
- Box 79
Folder 3
Roanoke (1093 and 8534), 1959-1963 .
- Box 79
Folder 4
Roanoke - Applications, 1961 .
- Box 79
Folder 5
Roanoke (1093 and 8534), 1959-1963 .
- Box 80
Folder 1
Roanoke - Court Publications, 1961-1962 .
- Box 80
Folder 2
Roanoke County (1095), 1960-1962 .
- Box 80
Folder 3
Roanoke County (1095), 1961 .
- Box 80
Folder 4
Shenandoah County (641), 1962 .
- Box 80
Folder 5
Suffolk/Nansemond County (2550, 2551, 2552), 1957-1959 .
- Box 80
Folder 6
Warren County, 1961 .
- Box 80
Folder 7
Waynesboro, 1960 .
- Box 80
Folder 8
West Point (3365), 1961-1963 .
- Box 80
Folder 9
West Point - Transcripts and Applications, 1961 .
- Box 81
Folder 1
Winchester (629), 1961-1963 .
- Box 81
Folder 2
Winchester - Transcript, 1961 .
- Box 81
Folder 3
York County (898), 1962-1963 .
- Box 73
Folder 1
- Box 81
Folder 4
Subseries II. Correspondence - Miscellaneous, 1957-1964 ..1 cu. ft (1 folder)
This subseries contains correspondence recieved and sent by the office of attorney Adolphus B. Scott.
This subseries is arranged by case file, as recieved by the agency.
- Box 82-83
Subseries III. Trial Transcripts, 1958-1962 ..7 cu. ft (2 boxes)
Within this subseries are official transcripts from public hearings which were held in order to decisivly settle placement protests.
This subseries is arranged alphabetically by location, with counties appearing in box 82 and cities in box 83.
- Box 82
Folder 1
Amherst County, 1962 Aug 14 .
- Box 82
Folder 2
Arlington County, 1958 Sept 2 .
- Box 82
Folder 3
Arlington County, 1958 Sept 3 .
- Box 82
Folder 4
Arlington County, 1958 Sept 4 .
- Box 82
Folder 5
Chesterfield County, 1962 .
- Box 82
Folder 6
King George County, 1962 .
- Box 82
Folder 7
Montgomery County, 1961 Aug 11 .
- Box 82
Folder 8
Prince William County, 1961 Aug 14 .
- Box 82
Folder 9
Roanoke County, 1961 Aug 22 .
- Box 82
Folder 10
Stafford County, 1961 Aug 29 .
- Box 83
Folder 1
Arlington, 1958 Aug 12 .
- Box 83
Folder 2
Arlington, 1958 Aug 18 .
- Box 83
Folder 3
Arlington, 1958 Aug 19 .
- Box 83
Folder 4
Arlington, 1958 Aug 29 .
- Box 83
Folder 5
Fredericksburg, 1961 Aug 14 .
- Box 83
Folder 6
Fredericksburg, 1962 Aug 3 .
- Box 83
Folder 7
Hopewell, 1962 Aug 14 .
- Box 83
Folder 8
Lynchburg, 1961 Aug 23 .
- Box 83
Folder 9
Lynchburg, 1962 Aug 3 .
- Box 83
Folder 10
Newport News, 1959 July 21 .
- Box 83
Folder 11
Newport News, 1959 Dec 1 .
- Box 83
Folder 12
Richmond, 1960 Feb 24 .
- Box 83
Folder 13
Richmond, 1960 Sept 12 .
- Box 83
Folder 14
Richmond, 1962 Aug 3 .
- Box 83
Folder 15
Richmond - Exhibits, 1961 .
- Box 83
Folder 16
Roanoke, 1961 Aug 23 .
- Box 83
Folder 17
Waynesboro, 1960 Sept 26 .
- Box 83
Folder 18
West Point, 1961 Aug 29 .
- Box 82
Folder 1
- Box 84-85
Subseries IV. Student Records, Undated ..7 cu. ft. (2 boxes)
This subseries contains student education records, comprized of various test scores and report cards. Restricted envelopes contain student test scores and/or grades and are to remain sealed for 75 years from the date of creation in accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Codes of Virginia 2.2-3705.4 and 2.2-3705.1. Folders are arranged alphabetically by location, forms within the folders are arranged alphabetically by students last name
This subseries is arranged alphabetically by student last names.
- Box 84
Folder 1
Augins, Charles Levering, Undated .
- Box 84
Folder 2
Brooks, Gloria, Undated .
- Box 84
Folder 3
Boswell, Gary, Undated .
- Box 84
Folder 4
Brevard, Erleen (Eavlene), Undated .
- Box 84
Folder 5
Carmichael, Dwight, Undated .
- Box 84
Folder 6
Carmichael, Lessie Ruth, Undated .
- Box 84
Folder 7
Carter, Arnette B., Undated .
- Box 84
Folder 8
Crutchfield, Deloris, Undated .
- Box 84
Folder 9
Crutchfield, George, Undated .
- Box 84
Folder 10
Deskins, Ronald, Undated .
- Box 84
Folder 11
Eldridge, Robert A., III, Undated .
- Box 84
Folder 12
Faggins, Algie Darrell, Undated .
- Box 84
Folder 13
Hallion, Deidra G., Undated .
- Box 84
Folder 14
Hamm, Leslie, Undated .
- Box 84
Folder 15
Harrison, Barbara A., Undated .
- Box 84
Folder 16
Holmes, Yvonne H., Undated .
- Box 84
Folder 17
Hunter, Warren G., Jr., Undated .
- Box 85
Folder 1
Jones, Michael G., Undated .
- Box 85
Folder 2
Moore, George H., Jr., Undated .
- Box 85
Folder 3
Moore, Peggy Ann, Undated .
- Box 85
Folder 4
Nelson, George T., Undated .
- Box 85
Folder 5
Newman, Lance Dwight, Undated .
- Box 85
Folder 6
Norris, Sheila, Undated .
- Box 85
Folder 7
Rowe, Gloria E., Undated .
- Box 85
Folder 8
Strother, Joyce, Undated .
- Box 85
Folder 9
Thompson, Gloria Delores, Undated .
- Box 85
Folder 10
Thompson, Stephen, Undated .
- Box 85
Folder 11
Turner, Anita, Undated .
- Box 85
Folder 12
Turner, Louis George, Undated .
- Box 85
Folder 13
Turner, Melvin H., Undated .
- Box 85
Folder 14
Walker, Burnell H., Undated .
- Box 85
Folder 15
Walker, Helen Dianne, Undated .
- Box 85
Folder 16
Williams, Janet, Undated .
- Box 84
Folder 1
This series contains maps which have locations of schools and often applicants's homes marked on them, sometimes there is one map per student other times there is one map with all locations. These maps were, generally, created to illustrate the distance from the school an applicant was currently enrolled and the one they were requesting transfer to.
This series is arranged alphabetically by location, cities and counties are combined. This box also contains oversized materials which have been seperated from their parent folders.
- Box 86
Folder 1
A, 1957-1961 .
- Box 86
Folder 2
B-C, 1953-1962 .
- Box 86
Folder 3
D, 1961 .
- Box 86
Folder 4
F-H, 1958-1963 .
- Box 86
Folder 5
K-L, 1957-1961 .
- Box 86
Folder 6
M-P, 1957-1961 .
- Box 86
Folder 7
R, 1959-1961 .
- Box 86
Folder 8
S-W, 1958-1961 .
- Box 86
Folder 9
Miscellaneous, 1957-1961 .
- Box 86
Folder 10
Virginia, 1957-1961 .
- Box 86
Folder 11
Seibel Cartoon - Enlarged, 1957 .
- Box 86
Folder 12
Exhibit in Waynesboro Appeal Case, 1960 .
- Map-case drawer: L Cab. 56 13
Folder 13
Maps - Oversized, 1957-1966 .
Two subseries. This series contains applications for student placement. It is the largest series in the collection as the placement of students represents the main function of the Pupil Placement Board. The applications were completed by parents or guardians who desired to either place a new student in a Virginia school or move a current student to a different school. Each application is the top page of a triplicate form that includes the name of the student to be placed, the county for which enrollment is requested, the year the student is to be enrolled, the student's address, years of school attendance, sex, birthdate, health status, and any aptitudes. The applications do not address race but some are appended with a particular student's race noted. A section at the bottom of each certificate reserved for the use of the local school board contains space for comments concerning the pupil and the placement recommendation. The board section also contains the signatures of representatives from the state school board, the local school board, the school principal, and a rubber stamp impression of Birchel S. Hilton signature, the executive secretary of the Pupil Placement Board. Hilton served as Superintendent of Shenandoah County Schools and subsequently resigned his position after a very public battle with the county's school board over budget issues and his connections to the Department of Education, months later he joined the Pupil Placement Board.
- Boxes 87-105
Subseries I. Special, 1959-1966 .6.3 cu. ft. (18 boxes)
This subseries contains the applications the Pupil Placement Board referred to as "Special," these applications belonged to the students whose parents desired their children to receive a desegregated and equal public education and were not willing to wait for the state to voluntarily integrate schools. The special applications often contain a hand written note stating whether the transfer was approved, denied, or not considered. Depending upon location applications were also accompanied by a copy of an administrative transfer, or there were included lists of all transfers with students name, school where student was previously enrolled and location of current enrollment. There are also multiple application for the same student, usually from different years indicating the parent continued to petition for a transfer. A large number of applications contain the phrase "I do not wish my child to attend a racially segregated school," so something similar.
This subseries is arranged alphabetically by location. The folder for each location is then arranged alphabetically by student's last name, thereunder by first name. Applications are not chronological, except if there is more than one for a single student.
- Box 87
Folder 1
Accomack County, 1964-1965 .
- Box 87
Folder 2
Albemarle County, 1963-1964 .
- Box 87
Folder 3
Amelia County, 1964-1965 .
- Box 87
Folder 4
Amherst County, 1961-1965 .
- Box 87
Folder 5
Appomattox County, 1965-1966 .
- Box 87
Folder 6
Arlington County, 1959-1960 .
- Box 87
Folder 7
Augusta County, 1961-1966 .
- Box 87
Folder 8
Bath County, 1964-1965 .
- Box 87
Folder 9
Bedford County, 1965-1966 .
- Box 87
Folder 10
Bland County, 1965 .
- Box 87
Folder 11
Botetourt County, 1965 .
- Box 87
Folder 12
Brunswick County, 1964-1965 .
- Box 88
Folder 1
Campbell County, 1964-1965 .
- Box 88
Folder 2
Caroline County, 1965 .
- Box 88
Folder 3
Carroll County, 1960/1964 .
- Box 88
Folder 4
Charles City County, 1963-1965 .
- Box 88
Folder 5
Chesterfield County (A-B), 1963-1966 .
- Box 88
Folder 6
Chesterfield County (C-G), 1963-1966 .
- Box 88
Folder 7
Chesterfield County (H-Me.), 1961-1965 .
- Box 89
Folder 1
Chesterfield County (Mi.-Y), 1961-1965 .
- Box 89
Folder 2
Clarke County, 1965 .
- Box 89
Folder 3
Culpeper County, 1963-1965 .
- Box 89
Folder 4
Dickenson County, 1962 .
- Box 89
Folder 5
Dinwiddie County, 1963-1964 .
- Box 89
Folder 6
Essex - Middlesex County, 1965 .
- Box 89
Folder 7
Fairfax County, 1959-1960 .
- Box 89
Folder 8
Fauquier County, 1964-1965 .
- Box 89
Folder 9
Franklin County, 1964-1965 .
- Box 89
Folder 10
Floyd County, 1961-1965 .
- Box 90
Folder 1
Frederick County, 1962-1965 .
- Box 90
Folder 2
Giles County, 1964-1965 .
- Box 90
Folder 3
Gloucester County, 1962-1965 .
- Box 90
Folder 4
Goochland County, 1965 .
- Box 90
Folder 5
Grayson County, 1962-1965 .
- Box 90
Folder 6
Greene County, 1962-1965 .
- Box 90
Folder 7
Halifax County, 1964-1965 .
- Box 90
Folder 8
Hanover County, 1963-1966 .
- Box 90
Folder 9
Henrico County (A - C), 1963-1966 .
- Box 90
Folder 10
Henrico County (D - O), 1963-1966 .
- Box 91
Folder 1
Henrico County (P - Y), 1963-1966 .
- Box 91
Folder 2
King and Queen County, 1963-1965 .
- Box 91
Folder 3
King George County, 1962-1964 .
- Box 91
Folder 4
King William County, 1963-1965 .
- Box 91
Folder 5
Lancaster County, 1965 .
- Box 91
Folder 6
Lee County, 1964-1965 .
- Box 92
Folder 1
Loudoun County, 1962-1966 .
- Box 92
Folder 2
Louisa County, 1962 .
- Box 92
Folder 3
Lunenburg County, 1965 .
- Box 92
Folder 4
Madison County, 1964-1965 .
- Box 92
Folder 5
Matthews County, 1961/1965 .
- Box 92
Folder 6
Mecklenburg County, 1965 .
- Box 92
Folder 7
Middlesex County, 1963-1964 .
- Box 92
Folder 8
Montgomery County, 1961-1964 .
- Box 92
Folder 9
Nansemond County, 1965 .
- Box 92
Folder 10
New Kent County, 1965 .
- Box 92
Folder 11
Northampton County, 1964-1965 .
- Box 92
Folder 12
Northumberland County, 1965 .
- Box 93
Folder 1
Nottoway County, 1965 .
- Box 93
Folder 2
Orange County, 1965 .
- Box 93
Folder 3
Page County, 1965 .
- Box 93
Folder 4
Pittsylvania County, 1965 .
- Box 93
Folder 5
Powhatan County, 1963-1964 .
- Box 93
Folder 6
Prince Edward County, 1964-1965 .
- Box 93
Folder 7
Prince George County(A - G), 1963-1965 .
- Box 93
Folder 8
Prince George County(H - P), 1963-1965 .
- Box 94
Folder 1
Prince George County(R - Y), 1963-1965 .
- Box 94
Folder 2
Prince William County, 1961-1964 .
- Box 94
Folder 3
Princess Anne County, 1961-1962 .
- Box 94
Folder 4
Pulaski County, 1962-1963 .
- Box 94
Folder 5
Rappanhannock County, 1964/1966 .
- Box 94
Folder 6
Richmond County, 1965-1966 .
- Box 94
Folder 7
Roanoke County(A - L), 1961-1966 .
- Box 94
Folder 8
Roanoke County(M - Y), 1961-1966 .
- Box 94
Folder 9
Rockbridge County, 1965 .
- Box 95
Folder 1
Rockingham County, 1964 .
- Box 95
Folder 2
Russell County, 1965 .
- Box 95
Folder 3
Scott County, 1964 .
- Box 95
Folder 4
Shenandoah County, 1963-1964 .
- Box 95
Folder 5
Smyth County, 1965 .
- Box 95
Folder 6
Spotsylvania County, 1963-1965 .
- Box 95
Folder 7
Stafford County(A - H), 1961-1965 .
- Box 95
Folder 8
Stafford County(J - W), 1961-1965 .
- Box 95
Folder 9
Surry County, 1963/1966 .
- Box 95
Folder 10
Sussex County, 1963-1965 .
- Box 95
Folder 11
Tazewell County(A - H), 1965 .
- Box 95
Folder 12
Tazewell County (J - Y), 1965 .
- Box 96
Folder 1
Westmoreland County, 1965-1966 .
- Box 96
Folder 2
Wise County, 1964-1965 .
- Box 96
Folder 3
Wythe County, 1964-1965 .
- Box 96
Folder 4
Warren County, 1959-1966 .
- Box 96
Folder 5
York County, 1963-1965 .
- Box 96
Folder 6
Alexandria (A-F), 1962-1965 .
- Box 96
Folder 7
Alexandria (H-L), 1962-1965 .
- Box 96
Folder 8
Alexandria (M-S), 1962-1965 .
- Box 96
Folder 9
Alexandria (T-Z), 1962-1965 .
- Box 97
Folder 1
Bristol, 1964 .
- Box 97
Folder 2
Chesapeake, 1963-1965 .
- Box 97
Folder 3
Covington, 1964 .
- Box 97
Folder 4
Danville, 1963-1965 .
- Box 97
Folder 5
Fredericksburg, 1962-1965 .
- Box 97
Folder 6
Galax, 1961-1966 .
- Box 97
Folder 7
Hampton, 1963-1965 .
- Box 97
Folder 8
Harrisonburg, 1964-1965 .
- Box 97
Folder 9
Hopewell, 1960-1965 .
- Box 97
Folder 10
Lynchburg, 1961-1963 .
- Box 97
Folder 11
Martinsville, 1963/1964/1966 .
- Box 98
Folder 1-5
Norfolk (A-J), 1961-1965 .
- Box 99
Folder 1
Norfolk (K-Z), 1961-1965 .
- Box 100
Folder 1
Norton, 1963/1965 .
- Box 100
Folder 2
Petersburg (A-G), 1962-1966 .
- Box 100
Folder 3
Petersburg (H-O), 1962-1966 .
- Box 100
Folder 4
Petersburg (P-Y), 1962-1966 .
- Box 100
Folder 5
Portsmouth (A-L), 1962-1966 .
- Box 101
Folder 1
Portsmouth (M-Z), 1962-1966 .
- Box 101
Folder 2
Radford, 1963-1965 .
- Box 101
Folder 3
Richmond (Administrative), 1965 .
- Box 101
Folder 4
Richmond (A), 1961-1965 .
- Box 101
Folder 5
Richmond (B-Bot.), 1961-1965 .
- Box 101
Folder 6
Richmond (Bow. - By.), 1961-1965 .
- Box 102
Folder 1-6
Richmond (C-H), 1961-1965 .
- Box 103
Folder 1-4
Richmond (I-P), 1961-1965 .
- Box 104
Folder 1-6
Richmond (Q-Z), 1961-1965 .
- Box 105
Folder 1
Roanoke, 1961-1962 .
- Box 105
Folder 2
Staunton, 1964-1965 .
- Box 105
Folder 3
Suffolk, 1964-1965 .
- Box 105
Folder 4
Virginia Beach, 1963-1964 .
- Box 105
Folder 5
Waynesboro, 1960 .
- Box 105
Folder 6
Williamsburg - James City, 1964 .
- Box 105
Folder 7
Winchester, 1960-1966 .
- Box 87
Folder 1
- Boxes 106-728
Subseries II. Routine, 1957-1966 .217.7 cu. ft. (413 boxes)
This subseries contains the applications the Pupil Placement Board considered routine, likely they are applications of students who sought placement in a school the board deemed appropriate. This does not mean that these applications contain no added notations; related records are included with the applications in this subseries and are filed with the applications they accompany. Examples of such records include correspondence explaining the lack of a birth certificate, letters of introduction, and student test score sheets. The test scores are restricted and sealed but remain in the collection. Applications for students in the City of Petersburg for school years 1960-1961 and 1961-1962 and the Counties of Brunswick and Chesterfield include tentative placement slips addressed to school principals. The slips serve to notify a school principal of a student's preliminary placement in their school until a birth certificate could be obtained or a complete application could be submitted and approved by the Pupil Placement Board. Applications for students coming from outside Virginia or requesting enrollment for the first time were originally submitted with birth certificates. Though the birth certificates are no longer in the collection, some applications feature certificate numbers written in the margin. Many of the Norfolk City applications from 1962-1964 include an attached form which contains the birth certificate information of the student, as well as, both parents full name and place of birth. A parent/guardian had to sign the form in addition to the school's principal to verify the information given as accurate.
Fewer applications still were signed along with the phrase "Under Protest" accompanying the parent/guardians signature, but since these were filed as routine these parents likely objected to the existence of the board, not the placement of their child. There are also multiple applications for some students, usually the only difference is the school listed on the form, others are identical, but often there are discrepancies from application to application, such as, a student's name having two spellings (ex. Laurie, Lori or Stephen, Steven, Y and I are also used interchangeably Lynda, Linda, or IE for Y Sally, Sallie, last names also contain these mistakes but are not as easily caught since the forms are alphabetized), a birth date can also differ by month or year. This subseries contains applications dating from the 1960-1961 school year to the 1965-1966 school year. For unknown reasons there are some counties missing, as well as the bulk of applications for the 1960-1961 school year. It may be that some of the applications submitted for students seeking enrollment during the 1960-1961 school year were deferred until the 1961-1962 school year.
A minimal number of applications have been restricted, a redacted copy of the application has been filed along with an envelope containing the sealed orginial. Applications have been sealed as personal information under code of Virginia 18.2-186.3, education records under Code of Virginia 2.2-3705.4(2) or 2.2-3705.1 (4) and Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), as well as social services records under Code of Virginia 2.2-3705.5 and 63.2(102-104).
This subseries is arranged first by the school year for which enrollment is requested, thereunder alphabetically by city or county, and thereunder alphabetically by the pupil's last name, then first name, and for students with multiple application arrangement is chronologically.
- Box 106
Accomack County - Albemarle County (A - Clark), 1960-1962
- Box 107
Albemarle County (Clarke - Z), 1960-1962
- Box 108
Alleghany County - Amelia County, 1960-1962
- Box 109
Appomattox County - Augusta County (A - H), 1960-1962
- Box 110
Augusta County (I-Z) - Bath, 1960-1962
- Box 111
Bedford County, 1960-1962
- Box 112
Bland County- Botetourt County - Brunswick County(A-J), 1960-1962
- Box 113
Brunswick County (K-Y) - BUckingham County - Campbell County (A-C), 1960-1962
- Box 114
Campbell County (D-Y) - Caroline County, 1960-1962
- Box 115
Carroll County - Charles City County - Charlotte County - Chesterfield (A-Bayton), 1960-1962
- Box 116
Chesterfield County (Beaber - F), 1960-1962
- Box 117
Chesterfield (G - Mize), 1960-1962
- Box 118
Chesterfield County (Modjeski - Wade), 1960-1962
- Box 119
Chesterfield County (Wadkins - Z) - Clarke County - Culpeper (A - Robinson), 1960-1962
- Box 120
Culpeper (Rock-Y) - Cumberland County - Dickenson County, 1960-1962
- Box 121
Dinwiddie County - Essex County, 1960-1962
- Box 122
Fauquier County - Floyd County - Fluvanna County, 1960-1962
- Box 123
Franklin County - Frederick County, 1960-1962
- Box 124
Giles County 1960-1962
- Box 125
Gloucester County - Goochland County - Grayson County - Greene County, 1960-1962
- Box 126
Greensville County - Halifax County (A - Cole), 1960-1962
- Box 127
Halifax County (Coleman - Peck), 1960-1962
- Box 128
Halifax County (Penick - Z) - Hanover County(A - K), 1960-1962
- Box 129
Hanover County (L-Z) - Henrico County (A - Britton), 1960-1962
- Box 130
Henrico County (Broach - Day), 1960-1962
- Box 131
Henrico County (DeAngelis - Hall), 1960-1962
- Box 132
Henrico County (Haller - Lifsey), 1960-1962
- Box 133
Henrico County (Light - Nabit), 1960-1962
- Box 134
Henrico County (Nace - Saufley), 1960-1962
- Box 135
Henrico County (Saunders - Wallo), 1960-1962
- Box 136
Henrico County (Walls - Z) - Henry (A - G), 1960-1962
- Box 137
Henry (H - Z), 1960-1962
- Box 138
Highland County - Isle of Wight County - King and Queen County - King William County - Lancaster County - Lee County (A - C), 1960-1962
- Box 139
Lee County (D - Y) - Loudoun County (A - F), 1960-1962
- Box 140
Loudoun County (G - Z) - Louisa County 1960-1962
- Box 141
Lunenburg County - Madison County - Mathews County - Mecklenburg (A - Clark), 1960-1962
- Box 142
Mecklenburg County (Clary - Y), 1960-1962
- Box 143
Middlesex County - Montgomery County (A - Hays), 1960-1962
- Box 144
Montgomery County (Heavener - Z), 1960-1962
- Box 145
Nansemond County - Nelson County (A - H), 1960-1962
- Box 146
Nelson County (I - Z) - New Kent County - Norfolk County (A - Fish), 1960-1962
- Box 147
Norfolk County (Fishel - Poole) 1960-1962
- Box 148
Norfolk County (Pope - Z) - Northampton County (A - E), 1960-1962
- Box 149
Northampton County (F - Z) - Northumberland County - Nottoway County (A - E), 1960-1962
- Box 150
Nottoway County (F - Y) - Orange County, 1960-1962
- Box 151
Page County - Patrick County - Pittsylvania County - Powhatan County - Prince George County (A - B), 1960-1962
- Box 152
Prince George County (C - Z) - Princess Anne (A - Bazinet), 1960-1962
- Box 153
Princess Anne County (Beard - H), 1960-1962
- Box 154
Princess Anne County (I - Smelser), 1960-1962
- Box 155
Princess Anne County (Smith - Z) - Pulaski County (A - Gravley), 1960-1962
- Box 156
Pulaski County (Gray - Z), 1960-1962
- Box 157
Rappahannock County - Richmond County - Roanoke County (A - Davidson), 1960-1962
- Box 158
Roanoke County (Davis - Mobley), 1960-1962
- Box 159
Roanoke County (Moir - Z), 1960-1962
- Box 160
Rockbridge County - Rockingham County (A - H), 1960-1962
- Box 161
Rockingham County (J - Z) - Russell County 1960-1962
- Box 162
Scott County - Shenandoah (A - P), 1960-1962
- Box 163
Shenandoah County (R - Y) - Smyth County - Southampton County, 1960-1962
- Box 164
Spotsylvania County - Stafford County - Surry County - Sussex County - Warren County (A - F), 1960-1962
- Box 165
Warren County (G - Z) - Washington County (A - L), 1960-1962
- Box 166
Washington County (M - Y) - Westmoreland County, 1960-1962
- Box 167
Wise County - Wythe County (A - C), 1960-1962
- Box 168
Wythe County (D - Y) - York County (A - I), 1960-1962
- Box 169
York County (J - Z) - Alexandria (A - Bowers), 1960-1962
- Box 170
Alexandria (Bowington - Gardner), 1960-1962
- Box 171
Alexandria (Garner - Lerch), 1960-1962
- Box 172
Alexandria (Leslie - Ragland), 1960-1962
- Box 173
Alexandria (Ramey - West), 1960-1962
- Box 174
Alexandria (Wharton - Z) - Bristol, 1960-1962
- Box 175
Coloial Heights - Covington (A - R), 1960-1962
- Box 176
Covington (S - Y) - Danville (A - Ferris), 1960-1962
- Box 177
Danville (Finley - Payne), 1960-1962
- Box 178
Danville (Pearman - Z) - Fredericksburg (A - G), 1960-1962
- Box 179
Fredericksburg (H - Z) - Galax - Hampton (A - Brinson), 1960-1962
- Box 180
Hampton (Bristow - Elvey), 1960-1962
- Box 181
Hampton (Emerson - Hilton), 1960-1962
- Box 182
Hampton (Hingson - McDuffie), 1960-1962
- Box 183
Hampton (McElheney - Reese), 1960-1962
- Box 184
Hampton (Reese - Taylor, S.), 1960-1962
- Box 185
Hampton (Taylor, T. - Z) - Harrisonburg, 1960-1962
- Box 186
Hopewell (A - Trivett), 1960-1962
- Box 187
Hopewell (Tucker - Y) - Lynchburg (A - D), 1960-1962
- Box 188
Lynchburg (E - L), 1960-1962
- Box 189
Lynchburg (M - Taylor), 1960-1962
- Box 190
Lynchburg (Teague - Z) - Martinsville, 1960-1962
- Box 191
Norfolk City (A - Bertz), 1960-1962
- Box 192
Norfolk City (Beslow - Buttram), 1960-1962
- Box 193
Norfolk City (Butts - Cowan), 1960-1962
- Box 194
Norfolk City (Coward - Dutton), 1960-1962
- Box 195
Norfolk City (Doty - Frazier), 1960-1962
- Box 196
Norfolk City (Frederick - Harrell), 1960-1962
- Box 197
Norfolk City (Harrington - Jackson), 1960-1962
- Box 198
Norfolk City (Jacobs - Lamb), 1960-1962
- Box 199
Norfolk City (Lambert - Maturs), 1960-1962
- Box 200
Norfolk City (Mauch - Munden), 1960-1962
- Box 201
Norfolk City (Mundy - Pierce), 1960-1962
- Box 202
Norfolk City (Piercy - Russo), 1960-1962
- Box 203
Norfolk City (Rust - Spry), 1960-1962
- Box 204
Norfolk City (Squire - Vera), 1960-1962
- Box 205
Norfolk City (Verdon - Wilmer), 1960-1962
- Box 206
Norfolk City (Wilmoth - Z) Petersburg (A - Beasley), 1960-1962
- Box 207
Petersburg (Beck - Curry), 1960-1962
- Box 208
Petersburg (Curtis - Harriston), 1960-1962
- Box 209
Petersburg (Hailslip - Kestner), 1960-1962
- Box 210
Petersburg (Kevan - Nordyke), 1960-1962
- Box 211
Petersburg (Norman - Simpson), 1960-1962
- Box 212
Petersburg (Singleton - West), 1960-1962
- Box 213
Petersburg (Whaley - Z) - Portsmouth (A - Bunn), 1960-1962
- Box 214
Portsmouth (Bunting - Foster), 1960-1962
- Box 215
Porstmouth (Fowler - Kee), 1960-1962
- Box 216
Portsmouth (Keel - Presinger), 1960-1962
- Box 217
Portsmouth (Peters - Tilton), 1960-1962
- Box 218
Portsmouth (Timberlake - Z) - Radford, 1960-1962
- Box 219
Richmond City (A - Cary), 1960-1962
- Box 220
Richmond City (Cash - Frisby), 1960-1962
- Box 221
Richmond City (Frith - Hyman), 1960-1962
- Box 222
Richmond City (I - Modlin), 1960-1962
- Box 223
Richmond City (Mollen - Ryland), 1960-1962
- Box 224
Richmond City (S - Waggie), 1960-1962
- Box 225
Richmond City (Wagner - Z) - Roanoke City (A-B), 1960-1961; 1961-1962
- Box 226
Roanoke City (C - Hebert), 1960-1962
- Box 227
Roanoke City (Heck - Newcomb), 1960-1962
- Box 228
Roanoke City (Newman - Venable), 1960-1962
- Box 229
Roanoke City (Vernon - Z) - South Norfolk (A - V), 1960-1962
- Box 230
South Norfolk (W - Z) - Staunton - Suffolk (A - H), 1960-1962
- Box 231
Suffolk (J - Z) - Williamsburg - Winchester, 1960-1962
- Box 232
Accomack County (A - Mears), 1962-1964
- Box 233
Accomack County (Melbourne - Z) - Albemarle County (A - B) 1962-1964
- Box 234
Albemarle County (C - O), 1962-1964
- Box 235
Albemarle County (P - Z) - Alleghany County (A - R), 1962-1964
- Box 236
Alleghany County (S - Y) - Amelia County - Amherst County (A - S), 1962-1964
- Box 237
Amherst County (T - Y) - Appomattox County - Augusta County (A - Call), 1962-1964
- Box 238
Augusta County (Callison - Hutchinson), 1962-1964
- Box 239
Augusta County (I - Scott), 1962-1964
- Box 240
Augusta County (Scragg - Z) - Bath County (A - Routier), 1962-1964
- Box 241
Bath County (Rucker - W) - Bedford County (A - F), 1962-1964
- Box 242
Bedford County (G - O), 1962-1964
- Box 243
Bedford County (P - Z), 1962-1964
- Box 244
Bland County - Botetourt County (A -M), 1962-1964
- Box 245
Botetourt County (N - Z) - Brunswick County (A - G), 1962-1964
- Box 246
Brunswick County (H - T), 1962-1964
- Box 247
Brunswick County (V - Y) - Buckingham County, 1962-1964
- Box 248
Campbell County (A - G), 1962-1964
- Box 249
Campbell County (H - P), 1962-1964
- Box 250
Campbell County (Q - Y) - Caroline County (A - S), 1962-1964
- Box 251
Caroline County (T - Y) - Carroll County - Charlotte County (A - I), 1962-1964
- Box 252
Charlotte County (J - Y) - Chesterfield (A - Apel), 1962-1964
- Box 253
Chesterdield County (Apgar - Benton), 1962-1964
- Box 254
Chesterfield County (Berger - Brown, A.), 1962-1964
- Box 255
Chesterfield County (Brown, B. - Carson), 1962-1964
- Box 256
Chesterfield County (Carter - Corvello), 1962-1964
- Box 257
Chesterfield County (Cosby - Faison), 1962-1964
- Box 258
Chesterfield County (Faith - Hall), 1962-1964
- Box 259
Chesterfield (Hallas - Hubbard), 1962-1964
- Box 260
Chesterfield County (Hubble - Lake), 1962-1964
- Box 261
Chesterfield County (Lamb - Mattingly), 1962-1964
- Box 262
Chesterfield County (Matyiko - Newman), 1962-1964
- Box 263
Chesterfield County (Newsome - Powell), 1962-1964
- Box 264
Chesterfield County (Power - Sealey), 1962-1964
- Box 265
Chesterfield County (Sealock - Sweet), 1962-1964
- Box 266
Chesterfield County (Swenson - Waring), 1962-1964
- Box 267
Chesterfield County (Warlick - Z), 1962-1964
- Box 268
Clarke County - Culpeper County (A - D), 1962-1964
- Box 269
Culpeper County (E - S), 1962-1964
- Box 270
Culpeper County (T - Z) - Cumberland County - Dickenson County (A - G), 1962-1964
- Box 271
Dickenson County (H - Y) - Dinwiddie County (A - B), 1962-1964
- Box 272
Dinwiddie County (C - Z), 1962-1964
- Box 273
Essex County - Fauquier County (A - J), 1962-1964
- Box 274
Fauquier County (K - Z) - Floyd County, 1962-1964
- Box 275
Fluvanna County - Franklin County (A - C), 1962-1964
- Box 276
Franklin County (D - Slone), 1962-1964
- Box 277
Franklin County (Smith - Z) - Frederick (A - Feltner), 1962-1964
- Box 278
Frederick County (Ferguson - Q), 1962-1964
- Box 279
Frederick County (R - Z) - Giles County (A - E), 1962-1964
- Box 280
Giles County (F - Stafford), 1962-1964
- Box 281
Giles County (Stanley -Z) - Gloucester County, 1962-1964
- Box 282
Goochland County - Grayson County, 1962-1964
- Box 283
Greene County - Greensville County (A - L), 1962-1964
- Box 284
Greensville County (M - Z) - Halifax County (A - Boyles), 1962-1964
- Box 285
Halifax County (Bradley - Elder), 1962-1964
- Box 286
Halifax County (Ella - Lunsford), 1962-1964
- Box 287
Halifax County (M - Stephen), 1962-1964
- Box 288
Halifax County (Stephens - Z) - Hanover County (A - Brown), 1962-1964
- Box 289
Hanover County (Bruce - S), 1962-1964
- Box 290
Hanover County (T - Y) - Henrico County (A - Barre), 1962-1964
- Box 291
Henrico County (Barrell - Brower), 1962-1964
- Box 292
Henrico County (Bundy - Clark), 1962-1964
- Box 293
Henrico County (Clarke - Degan), 1962-1964
- Box 294
Henrico County (DeGon - Ferrante), 1962-1964
- Box 295
Henrico County (Ferrell - Green), 1962-1964
- Box 296
Henrico County (Greenburg - Herndon), 1962-1964
- Box 297
Henrico County (Herring - Jones, G.), 1962-1964
- Box 298
Henrico County (Jones, H. - Ligon), 1962-1964
- Box 299
Henrico County (Liles - McGeorge), 1962-1964
- Box 300
Henrico County (McGhee - Nicely), 1962-1964
- Box 301
Henrico County (Nichol - Posky), 1962-1964
- Box 302
Henrico County (Postans - Rust), 1962-1964
- Box 303
Henrico County (Rustin - Smith, L.), 1962-1964
- Box 304
Henrico County (Smith, M. - Thomasson), 1962-1964
- Box 305
Henrico County (Thompkins - Webb), 1962-1964
- Box 306
Henrico County (Webber - Z), 1962-1964
- Box 307
Henry County (A - Goins), 1962-1964
- Box 308
Henry County (Gonzolez - Moxley), 1962-1964
- Box 309
Henry County (Moyer - Willey), 1962-1964
- Box 310
Henry County (Williams - Z) - Highland County - Isle of Wight County - King George County, 1962-1964
- Box 311
King and Queen County - King William County (A - S), 1962-1964
- Box 312
King William County (T - W) - Lancaster County - Lee County (A - D), 1962-1964
- Box 313
Lee County (E - Z), 1962-1964
- Box 314
Loudoun County (A - L), 1962-1964
- Box 315
Loudoun County (M - Z) - Louisa County (A - G), 1962-1964
- Box 316
Louisa County (H - Y) - Lunenburg County, 1962-1964
- Box 317
Madison County (A - Y) - Mathews County (A - S), 1962-1964
- Box 318
Mathews County (T-Y) - Mecklenburg County (A - Harmon), 1962-1964
- Box 319
Mecklenburg County (Harper - Roberts), 1962-1964
- Box 320
Mecklenburg County (Robertson - Z) - Middlesex County - Montgomery County (A - Barnes), 1962-1964
- Box 321
Montgomery County (Barnett - Haley), 1962-1964
- Box 322
Montgomery County (Hall - Nuchols), 1962-1964
- Box 323
Montogmery County (Nunley - Whisnant), 1962-1964
- Box 324
Montgomery County (Whitaker - Z) - Nansemond County (A - Hill), 1962-1964
- Box 325
Nansemond County (Hillard - Z), 1962-1964
- Box 326
Nelson County - New Kent County - Norfolk County (A - Baysden), 1962-1964
- Box 327
Norfolk County (Beacham - Gordy), 1962-1964
- Box 328
Norfolk County (Gore - Moss), 1962-1964
- Box 329
Norfolk County (Motley - Ward), 1962-1964
- Box 330
Norfolk County (Warner - Z) - Northampton County (A - O), 1962-1964
- Box 331
Northampton County (P - Y) - Northumberland County (A - J), 1962-1964
- Box 332
Northumberland County (K - Y) - Nottoway County (A - Hicks), 1962-1964
- Box 333
Nottoway County (Hill - Z) - Orange County (A -C), 1962-1964
- Box 334
Orange County (D - Z) - Page County (A - C), 1962-1964
- Box 335
Page County (D - Z) - Patrick County (A - H), 1962-1964
- Box 336
Patrick County (I - Y) - Pittsylvania County (A - H), 1962-1964
- Box 337
Pittsylvania County (I - Y), 1962-1964
- Box 338
Powhatan County - Prince George County (A - Doak), 1962-1964
- Box 339
Prince George County (Dobson - L), 1962-1964
- Box 340
Prince George County (M - Styer), 1962-1964
- Box 341
Prince George County (Styles - Z) - Prince George County (Civil Rights Applications) - Prince William (A - Finnegan), 1962-1964
- Box 342
Prince William (Fisher - Z), 1962-1964
- Box 343
Princess Anne County (A - Gibbs), 1962-1964
- Box 344
Princess Anne County (Giebler - O), 1962-1964
- Box 345
Princess Anne County (P - Z), 1962-1964
- Box 346
Pulaski County (A - Grantham), 1962-1964
- Box 347
Pulaski County (Gravely - Nelson), 1962-1964
- Box 348
Pulaski County (Nester - Weeks), 1962-1964
- Box 349
Pulaski County (Wegner - Y) - Rappahannock County - Richmond County - Roanoke County (A - Armistead) , 1962-1964
- Box 350
Roanoke County (Arnold - Church), 1962-1964
- Box 351
Roanoke County (Cisco - Fisher), 1962-1964
- Box 352
Roanoke County (Fitzgerald - Hoke), 1962-1964
- Box 353
Roanoke County (Holcomb - Manos), 1962-1964
- Box 354
Roanoke County (Manspile - Pitts), 1962-1964
- Box 355
Roanoke County (Plumb - Spindle), 1962-1964
- Box 356
Roanoke County (Spitzer - Wilson), 1962-1964
- Box 357
Roanoke County (Wimett - Z) - Rockbridge County (A - P), 1962-1964
- Box 358
Rockbridge County (R - Z) - Rockingham County (A - Getz), 1962-1964
- Box 359
Rockingham County (Gibson - Shipe), 1962-1964
- Box 360
Rockingham County (Shipp - Z) - Russell County - Scott County (A -E), 1962-1964
- Box 361
Scott County (F - W) - Shenandoah County (A - G), 1962-1964
- Box 362
Shenandoah County (H - Troxell), 1962-1964
- Box 363
Shenandoah (Truban - Z) - Smyth County (A - S), 1962-1964
- Box 364
Smyth County (T - Y) - Southampton County - Spotsylvania County (A - L), 1962-1964
- Box 365
Spotsylvania County (M - Z) - Stafford County - Surry County, 1962-1964
- Box 366
Sussex County, 1962-1964
- Box 367
Warren County - Washington County (A - C), 1962-1964
- Box 368
Washington County (D - Y) - Westmoreland County (A - H), 1962-1964
- Box 369
Westmoreland County (I - W) - Wise County (A - Large), 1962-1964
- Box 370
Wise County (Laster - Z) - Wythe County (A - Dalton), 1962-1964
- Box 371
Wythe County (Danner - Rodgers), 1962-1964
- Box 372
Wythe County (Rogers - Z) - York County (A - Carty), 1962-1964
- Box 373
York County (Caruthers - Hopkins), 1962-1964
- Box 374
York County (Horner - Priem), 1962-1964
- Box 375
York County (Prince - Williamson), 1962-1964
- Box 376
York County (Willis - Z) - Alexandria (A - Bennett), 1962-1964
- Box 377
Alexandria (Benson - Chock), 1962-1964
- Box 378
Alexandria (Christensen - Dodson), 1962-1964
- Box 379
Alexandria (Doescher - Gieck), 1962-1964
- Box 380
Alexandria (Gikas - Henshaw), 1962-1964
- Box 381
Alexandria (Hensley - Kimak), 1962-1964
- Box 382
Alexandria (Kimmel - McBride), 1962-1964
- Box 383
Alexandria (McCaddon - Nigro), 1962-1964
- Box 384
Alexandria (Niland - Rapp), 1962-1964
- Box 385
Alexandria (Rasberry - Sholtis), 1962-1964
- Box 386
Alexandria (Shora - Teasdale), 1962-1964
- Box 387
Alexandria (Tedlock - Williams), 1962-1964
- Box 288
Alexandria (Williamson - Z) - Bristol (A - P), 1962-1964
- Box 389
Bistol (Q - Y) - Buena Vista - Chesapeake (A - Battle), 1962-1964
- Box 390
Chesapeake (Baugham - Corbin), 1962-1964
- Box 391
Chesapeake (Corbitt - Gatling), 1962-1964
- Box 392
Chesapeake (Gaudy - Johnson, E.), 1962-1964
- Box 393
Chesapeake (Johnson, G. - Mills), 1962-1964
- Box 394
Chesapeake (Miltier - Roberts), 1962-1964
- Box 395
Chesapeake (Robertson - Totty), 1962-1964
- Box 396
Chesapeake (Towe - Z) - Clifton Forge, 1962-1964
- Box 397
Colonial Heights - Covington (A -Croy), 1962-1964
- Box 398
Covington (Crush - Y) - Danville (A - Blevins), 1962-1964
- Box 399
Danville (Boaze - Ellis), 1962-1964
- Box 400
Danville (Ellison - Hunt), 1962-1964
- Box 401
Danville (Hunter - Morris), 1962-1964
- Box 402
Danville (Morrison - Slade), 1962-1964
- Box 403
Danville (Slate - Z), 1962-1964
- Box 404
Fredericksburg (A - Thomas), 1962-1964
- Box 405
Fredericksburg (Thompson - Z) - Galax - Hampton (A - Banks), 1962-1964
- Box 406
Hampton (Banning - Broad), 1962-1964
- Box 407
Hampton (Brock - Chisman), 1962-1964
- Box 408
Hampton (Chivolette - Day), 1962-1964
- Box 409
Hampton (Dayhoff - Farrell), 1962-1964
- Box 410
Hampton (Farris - Greer), 1962-1964
- Box 411
Hampton (Greeson - Hodges), 1962-1964
- Box 412
Hampton (hodsdon - Jorgensen), 1962-1964
- Box 413
Hampton (Joseph - Linkous), 1962-1964
- Box 414
Hampton (Linley - McNichol), 1962-1964
- Box 415
Hampton (McNider - Norton), 1962-1964
- Box 416
Hampton (Norvell - Privette), 1962-1964
- Box 417
Hampton (Procissi - Shick), 1962-1964
- Box 418
Hampton (Schilling - Squires), 1962-1964
- Box 419
Hampton (Sreves - Turner), 1962-1964
- Box 420
Hampton (Turney - Willson), 1962-1964
- Box 421
Hampton (Wilson - Z) - Harrisonburg (A - K), 1962-1964
- Box 422
Harrisonburg (L - Z) - Hopewell (A - E), 1962-1964
- Box 423
Hopewell (F - Pope), 1962-1964
- Box 424
Hopewell (Powell - Z) - Lynchburg (A - Blum), 1962-1964
- Box 425
Lynchburg (Bobbitt - Daniel), 1962-1964
- Box 426
Lynchburg (Daniels - Hamner), 1962-1964
- Box 427
Lynchburg (Hampton - Long), 1962-1964
- Box 428
Lynchburg (Longsworth - Pound), 1962-1964
- Box 429
Lynchburg (Powell - Thomas), 1962-1964
- Box 430
Lynchburg (Thompkins - Z) - Martinsville (A - Brooks), 1962-1964
- Box 431
Martinsville (Brown - Minton), 1962-1964
- Box 432
Martinsville (Mitchell - Y) - Norfolk City (A - Allcox), 1962-1964
- Box 433
Norfolk City (Alle - Ayers), 1962-1964
- Box 434
Norfolk City (Aydlett - Barry), 1962-1964
- Box 435
Norfolk City (Berse - Berryman), 1962-1964
- Box 436
Norfolk City (Berson - Bolt), 1962-1964
- Box 437
Norfolk City (Bolton - Brake), 1962-1964
- Box 438
Norfolk City (Bradley - Brown, F.), 1962-1964
- Box 439
Norfolk City (Brown, G. - Burhans), 1962-1964
- Box 440
Norfolk City (Burke - Carlson), 1962-1964
- Box 441
Norfolk City (Carlton - Chavez), 1962-1964
- Box 442
Norfolk City (Chavis - Cohen), 1962-1964
- Box 443
Norfolk City (Cohn - Corpus), 1962-1964
- Box 444
Norfolk City (Correll - Cunko), 1962-1964
- Box 445
Norfolk City (Cunningham - Daye), 1962-1964
- Box 446
Norfolk City (Daynude - Dorris), 1962-1964
- Box 447
Norfolk City (Dorsett - Edge), 1962-1964
- Box 448
Norfolk City (Edgerton - Ettline), 1962-1964
- Box 449
Norfolk City (Ettner - Finn), 1962-1964
- Box 450
Norfolk City (Finnegan - Frank), 1962-1964
- Box 451
Norfolk City (Franklin - Gay), 1962-1964
- Box 452
Norfolk City (Gayle - Gonder), 1962-1964
- Box 453
Norfolk City (Gonsalus - Grey), 1962-1964
- Box 454
Norfolk City (Gridley - Hall), 1962-1964
- Box 455
Norfolk City (Hallengrn - Harris, M.), 1962-1964
- Box 456
Norfolk City (Harris, N. - Helton), 1962-1964
- Box 457
Norfolk City (Hemann - Holland), 1962-1964
- Box 458
Norfolk City (Hollander - Hunt), 1962-1964
- Box 459
Norfolk City (Hunter - Jewett), 1962-1964
- Box 460
Norfolk City (Jiggetts - Jones, M.), 1962-1964
- Box 461
Norfolk City (Jones, N. - Kight), 1962-1964
- Box 462
Norfolk City (Kiker - Lamm), 1962-1964
- Box 463
Norfolk City (Lammie - Lewis, J.), 1962-1964
- Box 464
Norfolk City (Lewis, K. - Machak), 1962-1964
- Box 465
Norfolk City (Machen - Matthews), 1962-1964
- Box 466
Norfolk City (Mattingly - McLean), 1962-1964
- Box 467
Norfolk City (McLearen - Miller, R.), 1962-1964
- Box 468
Norfolk City (Miller, S. - Morris), 1962-1964
- Box 469
Norfolk City (Morrisette - Nichols), 1962-1964
- Box 470
Norfolk City (Nicholson - O), 1962-1964
- Box 471
Norfolk City (P - Pendell), 1962-1964
- Box 472
Norfolk City (Pender - Pope), 1962-1964
- Box 473
Norfolk City (Popek - Redd), 1962-1964
- Box 474
Norfolk City (Redden - Roberts, E.), 1962-1964
- Box 475
Norfolk City (Roberts, F. - Rupp), 1962-1964
- Box 476
Norfolk City (Rupport - Schwarz), 1962-1964
- Box 477
Norfolk City (Schwebach - Siebert), 1962-1964
- Box 478
Norfolk City (Siegel - Smith, M.), 1962-1964
- Box 479
Norfolk City (Smith, N. - Squires), 1962-1964
- Box 480
Norfolk City (Sroofe-Stultz), 1962-1964
- Box 481
Norfolk City (Stump - Teal), 1962-1964
- Box 482
Norfolk City (Teare - Traylor), 1962-1964
- Box 483
Norfolk City (Traynor - Vetter), 1962-1964
- Box 484
Norfolk City (Via - Watson, E.), 1962-1964
- Box 485
Norfolk City (Watson,G. - Whited), 1962-1964
- Box 486
Norfolk City (Whiteford - Williams, V.), 1962-1964
- Box 487
Norfolk City (Williams, W. - Wright, E.), 1962-1964
- Box 488
Norfolk City (Wright, F. - Z); Norton, 1962-1964
- Box 489
Petersburg (A - Dawson), 1962-1964
- Box 490
Peterburg (Dean - Jones, R.), 1962-1964
- Box 491
Petersburg (Jones, S. - Robinson, E.), 1962-1964
- Box 492
Petersburg (Robinson, F. - Williams), 1962-1964
- Box 493
Petersburg (Williamson-Z) - Portsmouth (A-Blair), 1962-1964
- Box 494
Portsmouth (Blake-Chambers), 1962-1964
- Box 495
Portsmouth (Chambless-Dixon), 1962-1964
- Box 496
Portsmouth (Dobbins-Giles), 1962-1964
- Box 497
Portsmouth (Gillenwater-Horn), 1962-1964
- Box 498
Portsmouth (Horne-Landon), 1962-1964
- Box 499
Portsmouth (Landry-Mingo), 1962-1964
- Box 500
Portsmouth (Minnick-Pope), 1962-1964
- Box 501
Portsmouth (Popkey-Shy), 1962-1964
- Box 502
Portsmouth (Sicard-Throne), 1962-1964
- Box 503
Portsmouth (Thrower-Williams,S.), 1962-1964
- Box 504
Portsmouth (Williams, T.-Z) - Radford, 1962-1964
- Box 505
Richmond City (A - Bise), 1962-1964
- Box 506
Richmond City (Bishko-Byrne), 1962-1964
- Box 507
Richmond City (C-Corson), 1962-1964
- Box 508
Richmond City (Cors-D), 1962-1964
- Box 509
Richmond City (E-Goode), 1962-1964
- Box 510
Richmond City (Goodle-Henry), 1962-1963; 1963-1964
- Box 511
Richmond City (Henshaw-Johnson, G.), 1962-1964
- Box 512
Richmond City (Johnson, H.-Lewis), 1962-1964
- Box 513
Richmond City (Ley-Mickles), 1962-1964
- Box 514
Richmond City (Middlebrook-Parker), 1962-1964
- Box 515
Richmond City (Parkhurst-Riley), 1962-1964
- Box 516
Richmond City (Rinehart-Sisk), 1962-1964
- Box 517
Richmond City (Sisson-Terry), 1962-1964
- Box 518
Richmond City (Texter-Wells), 1962-1964
- Box 519
Richmond City (Welsh-Z) - Roanoke City (A), 1962-1964
- Box 520
Roanoke City (B-D), 1962-1964
- Box 521
Roanoke City (E-K), 1962-1964
- Box 522
Roanoke City (L-R), 1962-1964 .
- Box 523
Roanoke City (S-Z), 1962-1964 .
- Box 524
South Norfolk - Staunton (A-C), 1962-1964 .
- Box 525
Staunton (D-R), 1962-1964 .
- Box 526
Staunton (S-Z) - Suffolk City, 1962-1964 .
- Box 527
Virginia Beach - Waynesboro (A-Q), 1962-1964 .
- Box 528
Waynesboro (R-Z) - Williamsburg, 1962-1964 .
- Box 529
Winchester, 1964-1966 .
- Box 530
Accomack (A-M), 1964-1966 .
- Box 531
Accomack (N-Z) - Albemarle (A-M), 1964-1966 .
- Box 532
Albemarle (N-Z) - Alleghany - Amelia - Appomattox (A-D), 1964-1966 .
- Box 533
Appomattox (E-Y) - Amherst (A-O), 1964-1966 .
- Box 534
Amherst (P-Y) - Augusta (A-Chittum), 1964-1966 .
- Box 535
Augusta (Christian-G), 1964-1966 .
- Box 536
Augusta (H-Mays), 1964-1966 .
- Box 537
Augusta (McAlister-Simmons), 1964-1966 .
- Box 538
Augusta (Simpkins-Z) - Bath, 1964-1966 .
- Box 539
Bedford (A-D), 1964-1966 .
- Box 540
Bedford (E-Martin), 1964-1966 .
- Box 541
Bedford (Massey-S), 1964-1966 .
- Box 542
Bedford (T-Z) - Bland - Botetourt (A-F), 1964-1966 .
- Box 543
Botetourt (G-Z) - Brunswick (A-B), 1964-1966 .
- Box 544
Brunswick (C-Short), 1964-1966 .
- Box 545
Brunswick (Simmons-Y) - Buckingham - Campbell (A-B), 1964-1966 .
- Box 546
Campbell (C-Milton), 1964-1966 .
- Box 547
Campbell (Minnix-Z); Caroline (A-H), 1964-1966 .
- Box 548
Caroline (J-Y) - Carroll - Charles City - Charlotte (A-H), 1964-1966 .
- Box 549
Charlotte (I-Y) - Chesterfield (A-Baskett), 1964-1966 .
- Box 550
Chesterfield (Basl-Browder), 1964-1966 .
- Box 551
Chesterfield (Brown-Clarke), 1964-1966 .
- Box 552
Chesterfield (Clary-Davis, D.), 1964-1966 .
- Box 553
Chesterfield (Davis, E.-Evans), 1964-1966 .
- Box 554
Chesterfield (Eve-Gould), 1964-1966 .
- Box 555
Chesterfield (Gouldman-Haught), 1964-1966 .
- Box 556
Chesterfield (Haun-Jeffers), 1964-1966 .
- Box 557
Chesterfield (Jefferson-Lamm), 1964-1966 .
- Box 558
Chesterfield (Lamoreux-Lee), 1964-1966 .
- Box 559
Chesterfield (Massie-Murphey), 1964-1966 .
- Box 560
Chesterfield (Murphy-Philipp), 1964-1966 .
- Box 561
Chesterfield (Phillips-Roberts), 1964-1966 .
- Box 562
Chesterfield (Robertson-Showers), 1964-1966 .
- Box 563
Chesterfield (Shredl-Syska), 1964-1966 .
- Box 564
Chesterfield (T-Walker), 1964-1966 .
- Box 565
Chesterfield (Wall-Wirt), 1964-1966 .
- Box 566
Chesterfield (Wiewille-Z) - Clarke (A-Smallwood), 1964-1966 .
- Box 567
Clarke (Smith-Z) - Culpeper - Cumberland, 1964-1966 .
- Box 568
Dickenson, 1964-1966 .
- Box 569
Dinwiddie - Essex(A-J), 1964-1966 .
- Box 570
Essex(K-Y) - Fauquier (A-Foster), 1964-1966 .
- Box 571
Fauquier (Foulks-Moore), 1964-1966 .
- Box 572
Fauquier (Moran-White), 1964-1966 .
- Box 573
Fauquier (Whitman-Z) - Floyd - Fluvanna - Franklin (A-Bowles), 1964-1966 .
- Box 574
Franklin (Bowling-Jenkins), 1964-1966 .
- Box 575
Franklin (Johnson-T), 1964-1966 .
- Box 576
Franklin (U-Z) - Frederick (A-F), 1964-1966 .
- Box 577
Frederick (G-P), 1964-1966 .
- Box 578
Frederick (R-Z) - Giles (A-Hale), 1964-1966 .
- Box 579
Giles (Hall-Y) - Gloucester (A-J), 1964-1966 .
- Box 580
Gloucester (K-Y) - Goochland (A-P), 1964-1966 .
- Box 581
Goochland (Q-Y) - Grayson - Greene, 1964-1966 .
- Box 582
Greenville - Halifax (A-B), 1964-1966 .
- Box 583
Halifax (C-Q), 1964-1966 .
- Box 584
Halifax (R-Z) - Hanover (A-G), 1964-1966 .
- Box 585
Henrico (A-Bishop), 1964-1966 .
- Box 586
Henrico (Bivins-Campbell), 1964-1966 .
- Box 587
Henrico (Campen-Crouch), 1964-1966 .
- Box 588
Henrico (Crouse-E), 1964-1966 .
- Box 589
Henrico (F-Grant), 1964-1966 .
- Box 590
Henrico (Grantham-Hilkowitz), 1964-1966 .
- Box 591
Henrico (Hill-Joyner), 1964-1966 .
- Box 592
Henrico (Joynes-Lovings), 1964-1966 .
- Box 593
Henrico (Lovvorn-Minter), 1964-1966 .
- Box 594
Henrico (Mirril-Penick), 1964-1966 .
- Box 595
Henrico (Penley-Root), 1964-1966 .
- Box 596
Henrico (Roper-Snow), 1964-1966 .
- Box 597
Henrico (Snyder-Turnbull), 1964-1966 .
- Box 598
Henrico (Turner-Wilmore), 1964-1966 .
- Box 599
Henrico (Wilson-Z) - Henry (A-F), 1964-1966 .
- Box 600
Henry (G-Sower), 1964-1966 .
- Box 601
Henry (Spears-Z) - Highlands - Isle of Wight - King George - King and Queen (A-M), 1964-1966 .
- Box 602
King and Queen (N-Y) - King William - Lancaster, 1964-1966 .
- Box 603
Lee, 1964-1966 .
- Box 604
Loudoun (A-Harper), 1964-1966 .
- Box 605
Loudoun (Harris-P), 1964-1966 .
- Box 606
Loudoun (Q-Z) - Louisa (A-G), 1964-1966 .
- Box 607
Louisa (H-Y) - Lunenburg (A-S), 1964-1966 .
- Box 608
Lunenburg (T-Z) - Madison - Mathew (A-H), 1964-1966 .
- Box 609
Mathews (I-W) - Mecklenburg (A-F), 1964-1966 .
- Box 610
Mecklenburg (G-N), 1964-1966 .
- Box 611
Mecklenburg (O-Y), 1964-1966 .
- Box 612
Middlesex - Montgomery (A-C), 1964-1966 .
- Box 613
Montgomery (D-Maxwell), 1964-1966 .
- Box 614
Montgomery (McBride-T), 1964-1966 .
- Box 615
Montgomery (U-Y) - Nansemond (A-T), 1964-1966 .
- Box 616
Nansemond (U-Z) - Nelson - New Kent - Northampton (A-F), 1964-1966 .
- Box 617
Northampton (G-Z) - Northumberland (A-C), 1964-1966 .
- Box 618
Northumberland (D-Y) - Nottoway (A-I), 1964-1966 .
- Box 619
Nottoway (J-Z) - Orange (A-G), 1964-1966 .
- Box 620
Orange (H-Y) - Page (A-C), 1964-1966 .
- Box 621
Page (D-Z) - Pittsylvania (A-B), 1964-1966 .
- Box 622
, 1964-1966 .
- Box 623
Powhatan - Prince Edward (A-R), 1964-1966 .
- Box 624
Prince Edward (S-W) - Prince George (A-Hawkins), 1964-1966 .
- Box 625
Prince George (Hawks-Z), 1964-1966 .
- Box 626
Pulaski (A-I), 1964-1966 .
- Box 627
Pulaski (J-V), 1964-1966 .
- Box 628
Pulaski (W-Y) - Rappahannock - Richmond County - Roanoke County (A), 1964-1966 .
- Box 629
Roanoke County (B-Conner), 1964-1966 .
- Box 630
Roanoke County (Cook-Glover), 1964-1966 .
- Box 631
Roanoke County (Gloyd-J), 1964-1966 .
- Box 632
Roanoke County (K-Morris), 1964-1966 .
- Box 633
Roanoke County (Morrison-Sewell), 1964-1966 .
- Box 634
Roanoke County (Sexton-Walker), 1964-1966 .
- Box 635
Roanoke County (Wall-Z) - Rockbridge (A-F), 1964-1966 .
- Box 636
Rockbridge (G-K), 1964-1966 .
- Box 637
Rockingham (L-Z) - Russell, 1964-1966 .
- Box 638
Scott - Shenandoah (A-J), 1964-1966 .
- Box 639
Shenadoah (K-W) - Smyth (A-M), 1964-1966 .
- Box 640
Smyth (N-Y) - Spotsylvania (A-P), 1964-1966 .
- Box 641
Spotsylvania (Q-Z) - Stafford - Surry - Sussex (A-M), 1964-1966 .
- Box 642
Sussex (N-Z) - Tazewll (A-R), 1964-1966 .
- Box 643
Tazewell (S-Z) - Warren - Washington, 1964-1966 .
- Box 644
Westmoreland, 1964-1966 .
- Box 645
Wythe (A-O), 1964-1966 .
- Box 646
Wythe (P-Z) - York (A-D), 1964-1966 .
- Box 647
York (E-T), 1964-1966 .
- Box 648
York (U-Z) - Alexandria (A-Caper), 1964-1966 .
- Box 649
Alexandria (Cason-Grade), 1964-1966 .
- Box 650
Alexandria (Graham-Levick), 1964-1966 .
- Box 651
Alexandria (Lewandowski-P), 1964-1966 .
- Box 652
Alexandria (Q-Tread), 1964-1966 .
- Box 653
Alexandria (Treese-Z) - Bristol - Buena Vista, 1964-1966 .
- Box 654
Chesapeake (A-Dawson), 1964-1966 .
- Box 655
Chesapeake (Day-James), 1964-1966 .
- Box 656
Chesapeake (Jamison-Persell), 1964-1966 .
- Box 657
Chesapeake (Person-Wesby), 1964-1966 .
- Box 658
Chesapeake (West-Z) - Clifton Forge - Colonial Heights (A-P), 1964-1966 .
- Box 659
Colonial Heights (Q-Y) - Danville (A-B), 1964-1966 .
- Box 660
Danville (C-Giles), 1964-1966 .
- Box 661
Danville (Gill-King), 1964-1966 .
- Box 662
Danville (Kingery-Phillips), 1964-1966 .
- Box 663
Danville (Pickeral-Tinglof), 1964-1966 .
- Box 664
Danville (Tipold-Z) - Fredericksburg (A-C), 1964-1966 .
- Box 665
Fredericksburg (D-S), 1964-1966 .
- Box 666
Fredericksburg (T-Z) - Galax - Hampton (A-Bowen), 1964-1966 .
- Box 667
Hampton (Bowers-Davidson), 1964-1966 .
- Box 668
Hampton (Davis-G), 1964-1966 .
- Box 669
Hampton (H-Keels), 1964-1966 .
- Box 670
Hampton (Keen-Milford), 1964-1966 .
- Box 671
Hampton (Miller-Rhodes), 1964-1966 .
- Box 672
Hampton (Rhone-Thomas), 1964-1966 .
- Box 673
Hampton (Thomasson-Z), 1964-1966 .
- Box 674
Harrisonburg - Hopewell (A-B), 1964-1966 .
- Box 675
Hopewell (C-Meeks), 1964-1966 .
- Box 676
Hopewell(Melvin-Z) - Madison College (Harrisonburg), 1964-1966 .
- Box 677
Martinsville (A-O), 1964-1966 .
- Box 678
Martinsville (P-Z) - Norfolk City (A-Ballard), 1964-1966 .
- Box 679
Norfolk City (Bellacer-Briley), 1964-1966 .
- Box 680
Norfolk City (Bunso-Charles), 1964-1966 .
- Box 681
Norfolk City (Charity-Davila), 1964-1966 .
- Box 682
Norfolk City (Davis-E), 1964-1966 .
- Box 683
Norfolk City (F-Grace), 1964-1966 .
- Box 684
Norfolk City (Grady-Hennicks), 1964-1966 .
- Box 685
Norfolk City (Henry-Johnson, L.), 1964-1966 .
- Box 686
Norfolk City (Johnson, M.-Ledford), 1964-1966 .
- Box 687
Norfolk City (Lee-McKay), 1964-1966 .
- Box 688
Norfolk City (McKee-Myrick), 1964-1966 .
- Box 689
Norfolk City (N-Phillips), 1964-1966 .
- Box 690
Norfolk City (Philpot-R), 1964-1966 .
- Box 691
Norfolk City (S-Smith, P.), 1964-1966 .
- Box 692
Norfolk City (Smith, R.-Todd), 1964-1966 .
- Box 693
Norfolk City (Tofalo-Whitson), 1964-1966 .
- Box 694
Norfolk City (Whitt-Z) - Norton, 1964-1966 .
- Box 695
Petersburg (A-C), 1964-1966 .
- Box 696
Petersburg(D-I), 1964-1966 .
- Box 697
Petersburg (J-P), 1964-1966 .
- Box 698
Petersburg (Q-Wilkins), 1964-1966 .
- Box 699
Petersburg (Wilkinson-Z) - Portsmouth (A-B), 1964-1966 .
- Box 700
Portsmouth (C-G), 1964-1966 .
- Box 701
Portsmouth (H-Mears), 1964-1966 .
- Box 702
Portsmouth (Medlin-Sneed), 1964-1966 .
- Box 703
Portsmouth (Snell-Z) - Radford (A-F), 1964-1966 .
- Box 704
Radford (G-Y) - Richmond City (A-Aron), 1964-1966 .
- Box 705
Richmond City (Aronberg-Blanton), 1964-1966 .
- Box 706
Richmond City (Blathers-Brown), 1964-1966 .
- Box 707
Richmond City (Browne-Cherry), 1964-1966 .
- Box 708
Richmond City (Chestnut-Crews), 1964-1966 .
- Box 709
Richmond City (Cridlin-Edmondson), 1964-1966 .
- Box 710
Richmond City (Edward-Gass), 1964-1966 .
- Box 711
Richmond City (Gaston-Harmon), 1964-1966 .
- Box 712
Richmond City (Harper-Holler), 1964-1966 .
- Box 713
Richmond City (Holley-Johnson, B.), 1964-1966 .
- Box 714
Richmond City (Johnson, C.-Knight) , 1964-1966 .
- Box 715
Richmond City (Knighting-Manning), 1964-1966 .
- Box 716
Richmond City (Manns-Millner), 1964-1966 .
- Box 717
Richmond City (Mills-Overton), 1964-1966 .
- Box 718
Ricmond City (Owen-Pruitt), 1964-1966 .
- Box 719
Richmond City (Prussing-Rowe), 1964-1966 .
- Box 720
Richmond City (Rowell-Smith, F.), 1964-1966 .
- Box 721
Richmond City (Smith, G.-Taylor), 1964-1966 .
- Box 722
Richmond City (Teachey-Waddy), 1964-1966 .
- Box 723
Richmond City (Wade-Williams, B.), 1964-1966 .
- Box 724
Richmond City (Williams, C-Z), 1964-1966 .
- Box 725
South Boston - Staunton (A-I), 1964-1966 .
- Box 726
Staunton (J-T), 1964-1966 .
- Box 727
Staunton (U-Z) - Suffolk - Waynesboro (A-M), 1964-1966 .
- Box 728
Waynesboro (N-Z) - Williamsburg-James City County - Winchester, 1964-1966 .
- Box 106
- Box
Subseries III. Public School Registration, 1960-1964 .4 cu. ft. (4 Boxes)
This subseries contains Richmond City Public School registrations forms, the forms contains students name, address, a vaccinations record, parents names and occupations, as well as, current and prior schools. These education records have been restricted and are to remain sealed for 75 years from their date of creation in accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Codes of Virginia 2.2-3705.4 and 2.2-3705.1
This subseries is arranged alphabetically by student's last name.
- Box 729
Richmond City (A - J), 1960-1962 .
- Box 730
Richmond City (K - Z), 1960-1962 .
- Box 731
Richmond City (A - K), 1962-1964 .
- Box 732
Richmond City (L - Z), 1962-1964 .
- Box 729
- Box 733-736
Subseries I. Publications, 1957-1966 .1.4 cu. ft. (4 boxes)
This subseries consists of published materials collected by the board, such as, briefs, directories, magazine articles and public school laws.
This subseries is arranged alphabetically
- Box 733
Folder 1
Brief - U.S. Court of Appeals (Thurgood Marshall, Council, 8054), 1959 .
- Box 733
Folder 2
Brief - U.S. Court of Appeals, Arlington (7310), 1957 .
- Box 733
Folder 3
Brief - U.S. Court of Appeals, Arlington (887), 1958 .
- Box 733
Folder 4
Brief - U.S. Court of Appeals, Charlottesville (7303), undated .
- Box 733
Folder 5
Brief - U.S. Court of Appeals, Fairfax County (4753), 1957 .
- Box 733
Folder 6
Brief - U.S. Court of Appeals, Frederick County (9193), 1963 .
- Box 733
Folder 7
Brief - U.S. Court of Appeals, Greene County (9325), 1964 .
- Box 733
Folder 8
Brief - U.S. Court of Appeals, Hopewell (9258), 1960-1963 .
- Box 733
Folder 9
Brief - U.S. Court of Appeals, Lynchburg (8722), 1962 .
- Box 733
Folder 10
Brief - U.S. Court of Appeals, Newport News (7430), 1957 .
- Box 733
Folder 11
Brief - U.S. Court of Appeals, Powhatan County (8944), 1962-1963 .
- Box 733
Folder 12
Brief - U.S. Court of Appeals, Richmond (9471), 1961-1963 .
- Box 733
Folder 13
Brief - U.S. Court of Appeals, Richmond (8757), 1962 .
- Box 734
Folder 1
Brief - U.S. Court of Appeals, Roanoke (8534), 1962 .
- Box 734
Folder 2
Brief - U.S. Court of Appeals, Roanoke County (8535), 1962 .
- Box 734
Folder 3
Brief - U.S. District Court, Savannah, Georgia, 1963 .
- Box 734
Folder 4
Catalog of Standardized Tests, 1961 .
- Box 734
Folder 5
Commission on Civil Rights - Reports, 1961-1962 .
- Box 734
Folder 6
Commission on Civil Rights - Transcript, 1961-1962 .
- Box 734
Folder 7
Commission on Education, 1959 .
- Box 734
Folder 8
Directory - Fauquier County, 1964-1965 .
- Box 734
Folder 9
Directory - Petersburg Public Schools, 1960-1961 .
- Box 735
Folder 1
Directory - Richmond Public Schools, 1961-1965 .
- Box 735
Folder 2
Directory - Scott County, 1961-1962 .
- Box 735
Folder 3
Directory - State Board of Education, 1957-1962 .
- Box 735
Folder 4
Directory - State Board of Education, 1963-1966 .
- Box 735
Folder 5
Directory - Virginia Postal Zones, 1961/1963 .
- Box 735
Folder 6
General Assembly, 1956-1960 .
- Box 735
Folder 7
International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics, Inc., 1960-1963 .
- Box 735
Folder 8
Legislation - Pupil Placement Laws, Undated .
- Box 735
Folder 9
Look Magazine - "The Negro Now", 1965 Mar 23 .
- Box 736
Folder 1
Manual of the Senate and House of Delegates, 1962 .
- Box 736
Folder 2
Miscellaneous, 1962-1964 .
- Box 736
Folder 3
Other State's Placement Laws, 1955-1961 .
- Box 736
Folder 4
Propoganda Literature, 1958-1964 .
- Box 736
Folder 5
The Saturday Evening Post - "Harlem: The Black Jungle", 1964 June 13 .
- Box 736
Folder 6
U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 1962/1965 .
- Box 736
Folder 7
Newsletter - Virginia Civil War Commission, 1963-1965 .
- Box 736
Folder 8
Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government, 1959-1963 .
- Box 736
Folder 9
Virginia School Laws, 1958-1960 .
- Box 733
Folder 1
- Box 737-746
Subseries II. Newspapers Clippings, 1957-1966 .9 boxes (3.15 cu. ft.)
This subseries contains newspaper clippings which were collected by the board from papers throughout Virginia, with a large percentage of materials being taken from the Richmond Times Dispatch, Richmond News Leader, and the Freelance Star. Most articles are labled as to which newspaper and on what date the article was published. The clippings are grouped by date not publication, the majority of articles make some reference to the Pupil Placement Board, with the relevant information often being underlined. Other common topics include virginia schools, desgregation, protests, federal court rulings, Dr. Martin Luther king, Freedom Riders, Little Rock, and the NAACP.
The bulk of the clippings from 1958 are in regard to desegregation in Little Rock, or the struggles of Arlington and Norfolk. Many articles also refer to the DeFebio case, in which a white mother refused to sign the placement applications for her two sons resulting in the children being denied admitance to public school, the case eventually reached the United States Court of Appeals (brief 4753 can be found in box ? folder 5). Articles from March of 1960 followed the resignation of the original Pupil Placement Board, and the resulting appointments of new members in July. 1966 contains articles relating to increased integration throughout the state, not only schools but in the work place as well as, the actions of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) are also covered.
This collection is arranged Chronologically.
- Box 737
1957 Jan-July .
- Box 738
1957 Aug-1958 Feb .
- Box 739
1958 Mar-Aug .
- Box 740
1958 Sept-1959 Apr .
- Box 741
1959 May - 1962 Sept .
- Box 742
1962 Oct - 1963 June .
- Box 743
1963 July-1964 Feb .
- Box 744
1964 Mar-Aug .
- Box 745
1964 Sept-1965 .
- Box 746
1966 .
- Box 737