A Guide to the Danville (Va.) Civil Rights Case Files, 1963-1973
A Collection in
the Library of Virginia
Accession Number 38099
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© 2003 By the Library of Virginia.
Funding: Web version of the finding aid funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Processed by: Jay Gaidmore and Alex Lorch; V. Brooks and M. Mason
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
Danville (Va.) Civil Rights Case Files, 1963-1973 physical materials and audio recordings have been digitized and are available through Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery page on the Library of Virginia website. Please use digital collection. Links to each section are included in the section description under the Content List.
Use Restrictions
There are no restrictions.
Preferred Citation
Danville (Va.) Civil Rights Case Files, 1963-1973. Accession 38099, Local Government Records Collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.
Acquisition Information
Records lent for microfilming and digital duplication by Danville, Virginia Circuit Court, 17 August 1999 under accession 38099.
Digital images made by Backstage in 2021 from the 1999 microfilm. CDs of the original Dictabelt audio recordings of the trials were also converted in 2021.
Processing Information
The Danville (Va.) Circuit Court Clerk lent the Library of Virginia the original case files and Dictabelts for microfilming and digitial conversion in 1999. The microfiliming was performed by Henry Micrographics in 1999 and produced Miscellaneous Microfilm reels 2325-2329 and preservation microfilm reels 1-5; however, it was determined Miscellaneous Microfilm reels 2327-2329 (or Reels 3-5) did not meet microfilm quality standards, and the records were refilmed in 2000-2001, creating new Reels 3-5 which were stored at the State Records Center. Service copies of the new reels were never created. The Library of Virginia used the security microfilm, Reels 1-5, to scan and create digitial images of the documents and at this time it was detemined that the service copy film (Miscellaneous Microfilm reels 2325-2329) were different from the preservation microfilm (Reels 1-5), as more material was include on Reels 1-5.
A project was completed around 2000 by Dictaphone Corporation to record and transfer the audio contents and the inserts of these Dictabelts onto compact disks.
As of 2024, upon conversion of the microfilmed material to digital images and the conversion of the CD audio to audio files 2021-2022, the Local Records manager deteremined the service copies of the microfilm and audio CDs to be redudent records in LVA holdings. These copies were removed from the collections.
In 2023 M. Mason and V. Brooks went through the approximately 4,300 digital images to arrange them so they would pair with the finding aid. At this time duplicate, blank, and microflim imaging targets were removed from the digital files. Corrections were made to alphabetical and chronological orders and misidentified or newly discovered material was identified.
Encoded by Jay Gaidmore, 1999; updated by Alex Lorch, 2003; updated by M. Mason; May 2024
Historical Information
Context for Records: The summer of 1963 witnessed a wave of civil rights demonstrations throughout the nation. In Danville, Virginia, the leaders of the Danville Christian Progressive Association (DCPA), an affiliate of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), organized a series of protests. Rev. Lawrence G. Campbell, Rev. Alexander I. Dunlap, Julius E. Adams, and Arthur Pinchback, Jr., believing that the Danville NAACP under the leadership of Doyle Thomas was too conservative, had founded the DCPA in 1960. These men, along with Rev. Lendall W. Chase, president of the Danville SCLC, took the lead in promoting civil rights in Danville, a city deep in Virginia's Black Belt with decades of systemic racism shaped by Jim Crow era polcies and therefore strong in segregationist sentiment.
Throughout 1962, the leaders repeatedly appeared before the Danville City Council to demand Black representation on the boards of city agencies and the end of segregation. In August 1962, with the help of Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) lawyer Len W. Holt, Campbell, Dunlap, Adams, and Chase filed the Danville Omnibus Integration Suit in federal court. The suit called for the integration of Danville's hospitals, schools, cemeteries, public buildings, public housing projects, teaching assignments, and city employment opportunities. On January 1, 1963, Dunlap, Chase, Campbell, Adams, and Pinchback were arrested at a segregated Howard Johnson's restaurant for trespassing after refusing to leave when the manager asked them to do so. In March, Martin Luther King, Jr., spoke at a meeting of the Danville SCLC.
On May 31, the Danville civil rights demonstrations began peacefully and ended without incident. Police did not make any arrests and the local press ignored the demonstration. The majority of the demonstrators were teenagers led by Thurman Echols and Ezell Barksdale. On June 5, the demonstrators changed tactics as the participants marched into City Hall and occupied the city manger's office, and the next day jointly impeded traffic by sitting down in the middle of a busy city street. Judge Archibald M. Aiken, Jr., judge of the Danville Corporation Court, was summoned by police to the scene and commanded the demonstrators to disperse. The demonstrators, however, refused, prompting Aiken to issue a temporary injunction that ordered the demonstrators to desist from, among other things, assembling in an unlawful manner, interfering with traffic and business, obstructing entrances to businesses and public buildings, participating and inciting "mob violence," and using loud language that disrupts the peace. The injunction, made permanent a few weeks later, formed the basis for many of the arrests made that summer.
In addition to the injunction, Danville officials used other methods to quell the demonstrations. A special grand jury, convened by Aiken, indicted the demonstration leaders on June 7 under the 1859 statute called the "John Brown's Law," that made inciting "the colored population to acts of violence or war against the white population" illegal. This set the bond for the leaders at $5,000 each. In mid-June and early July, the Danville city council, under the leadership of councilman John W. Carter, an attorney and staunch segregationist, adopted two ordinances designed to limit the demonstrations. One limited the size, place, and time of demonstrations and the other required a permit to parade.
Despite Aiken's and the city council's attempts, the demonstrations continued. Civil rights activists from the SNCC and the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), including field secretaries Bob Zellner, Ivanhoe Donaldson, Avon Rollins, and Daniel Foss (SNCC), and Bruce Baines and Claudia Edwards (CORE) arrived in Danville to participate in the demonstrations. Civil rights lawyers affiliated with the National Lawyer's Guild and the NAACP, including William M. Kunstler, Dean Robb, Nathan Conyers, and Samuel W. Tuckers, also arrived in Danville to help represent the demonstrators. On June 10, after a full day of protests, the police and deputized city workers, with nightsticks and fire hoses, attacked a group of Black community members holding a vigil for individuals detained in the city jail. Forty-seven of the fifty or so people in attendance required medical attention. The next day, July 11, Martin Luther King, Jr., visited Danville in a show of support for the demonstrators, although he decided to not hold a march during the appearance.
The demonstrations continued, however, and by mid-July over 250 people had been arrested on charges of contempt, trespassing, disorderly conduct, assault, parading without a permit, and resisting arrest. When parents went to the jail to post bail for their children, some of them were arrested and charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor by not providing adequate supervision.
The defense lawyers, including Len W. Holt, Ruth L. Harvey, Jerry Williams, and Harry I. Wood, in addition to those from the National Lawyer's Guild and the NAACP, attempted to remove the cases from the corporation court to federal court, but to no avail. Each defendant demanded an individual trial causing the corporation court's dockets to be filled to such an extent that no cases other than the demonstrator's could not be heard. The prosecutor requested a change of venue to alleviate the crowded docket and Aiken transferred about 124 cases to other courts throughout Virginia. This posed signigicant financial stress on many of the defendants who were then required to travel to a different court. In some cases, more than a hundred miles distant.
The defense lawyers again sought an order from the federal courts to stay all arrests, trials, and other proceedings for violation of the injunction and city ordinance. On August 8, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals halted these trials pending the outcome of the appeal. Judge Aiken, however, continued hearing the cases for disorderly conduct, parading without a permit, resisting arrest, and trespassing. He generally sentenced the guilty parties to two to five days in jail and a fine, suspending execution of the sentences pending an appeal. In September, defense counsel agreed to consolidate the cases and Aiken rescinded his orders for change of venue.
By mid-August, the demonstrations had largely waned due to Danville's unwillingness to yield to the protests. A year later, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal dissolved the injunction, but, by a 3-2 margin and with a strong dissent, declared Aiken's injunction constitutional. Moreover, the cases were remanded to the corporation court where the Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals could hear the necessary appeals. The United States Supreme Court upheld the decision by a five-four margin.
In December 1966, Judge Aiken resumed the trials of those who violated his injunction. The trials proceeded quickly. Aiken did not find all the defendants guilty and dismissed some cases for lack of evidence. The usual sentence was eight days in jail and a fine of twenty dollars. The demonstration leaders received the stiffest penalties with Rev. Lawrence G. Campbell receiving the worst, being sentenced 250 days in jail and a $2,500 fine.
In early 1967, the Virginia Supreme Court began deciding the first of the appeals from the Danville Corporation Court. In Thomas v. City of Danville, the Court ruled Judge Aiken's injunction constitutional. In York v. City of Danville, they ruled that a parade can be subject to "reasonable and nondiscriminatory regulation," but that the city's time requirement for applying for a permit was too harsh. In 1970, the Court ruled in Rollins v. Commonwealth that the state must prove that a defendant not named in the injunction had knowledge of the injunction before violating its orders. In January 1973, the Supreme Court of Appeals heard the last of the cases associated with the demonstrations and requested that the Commonwealth's Attorney for Danville review the cases under appeal in light of the court's previous rulings. As a result, the Court overturned the convictions of almost 270 people. However, the Court upheld the convictions of those named in the injunction and for trespassing, obstructing traffic, and illegal picketing.
On February 9, 1973, the court proceedings involving the Danville demonstrations of 1963 came to end. Judge Glynn R. Phillips, Jr., of Clintwood was assigned to hear the defense motion to suspend the jail sentences and fines of those whose convictions had been upheld. Judge Aiken died in 1971, and the new Danville Corporation Court judge had recused himself. Against the prosecutor's objections, Judge Phillips suspended the jail sentences on condition of good behavior for two years, but ordered payment of fines that totaled more than $5,000.
Locality History: Danville (Va.), in Pittsylvania County, was named for the Dan River on which the city is located. Danville was established in 1793, was incorporated as a town in 1830, and became a city in 1890. The town of North Danville, incorporated in 1877 and renamed Neopolis in 1894, was added in 1896.
Scope and Content Information
Danville (Va.) Civil Rights Case Files, 1963-1973, consists of court papers and legal files relating to the 1963 Civil Rights demonstrations in Danville. These files include bills of particulars, bond records, correspondence, court dockets, court orders, Dictabelts, evidence, judgments, petitions, photographs, receipts, subpoenas, and transcripts of testimony that document the legal aspects of the demonstrations from the Danville Corporation Court to the Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals.
This collection is arranged into the following series:
Related Material
See also: Virginia. Virginia.Governor (1962-1966 : Harrison) Executive Papers, 1962-1966. at the Library of Virginia
Adjunct Descriptive Data
Location of OriginalsOriginal court records(6 boxes of records and 130 Dictabelt recordings)retained by the Danville (Va.) Circuit Court.
Contents List
Consists of the individual files of persons arrested during the civil rights demonstrations of 1963. Files include bills of particulars, bond records, judgments, receipts and subpoenas. The files of juveniles arrested include biographical information, including age, education, prior arrests, and family history.
Digital files available Here: Series I: Individual Case Files, A-Z through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Contents arranged alphabetically by last name
Folder List:
Adams, David
Adams, Julius Emanuel
Adams, Randy
Avery, Annie Pearl
Baines, Bruce
Banks, Clyde L
Barksdale, Ezell
Barton, Carolyn Sue
Barton, Georgia Jane
Beavers, Evelyn Holt
Beavers, Hattie M
Bethel, Irvin Chris
Bethel, Mabel Elizabeth
Boone, Percy Bradford
Bowe, Clarence Lewis
Bradshaw, Lendbury
Brown, Harrison, Jr
Brown, Luther Alfred
Bruce, Everett, Jr
Bruce, James Vondell
Burrell, Sylvester
Cain, Rosa Marie
Caldwell, Owen Calvin, Jr
Campbell, Lawrence G
Canada, Herman
Canada, William Burrell, Jr
Cardwell, Barbara
Carter, Cynthia Ann
Carter, Hazel Phyllis
Chaney, Claudia Anne
Chaney, Connie Lavonne
Chappelle, Herman Joseph
Chase, Elnora Elizabeth
Chase, Lendall Warren
Chase, Patricia Glendora
Clark, Lelia Virginia
Cobb, James, Jr
Coleman, Edith Mary
Coleman, James Edward
Coleman, John Roland
Coleman, Lawrence
Coleman, Margaret Lee
Coleman, Marion Johnson
Coleman, Silas
Cooke, Veronica Lane
Crews, Gilda Patricia
Crews, Mary Helen
Cunningham, John Thomas
Davis, David Lea
Davis, Elizabeth
Davis, Geneva Rogers
Davis, Harvey, Jr
Davis, John Lewis
Davis, Lizzie Spivey
Davis, Mary McAglean
Davis, Othia
Dawson, Cynthia Anne
Denson, Nelly
Deshazo, Joyce Ann Lewis
Dillard, Margaret P
Dixon, Betty Woods
Dixon, James, Jr
Dodson, Ellis Newton
Donaldson, Ivanhoe Gaylord
Dunlap, Alexander I
Echols, Charlie Henry
Echols, Thelma Farmer
Edwards, Claudia Jean
Elder, Audrey Jean
Ferguson, Bobby Lee
Ferguson, Ernest David
Ferguson, Mildred Luck
Ferrell, Lena Emmerson
Flemings, Mamie Lee
Foss, Daniel Aaron
Freeman, Ardelia
Gales, Dorothy
Gales, George Thomas
Gant, Frank Harrison
General, Samuel Lawrence
Giles, Gladys Virginia
Giles, Samuel Wash
Glass, Abraham
Glass, Archie
Glass, Joylette
Glass, Lorraine
Glass, Thomas Lee Jr
Goodwin, Richard Drummond
Graves, Carol Delores
Graves, Hubert
Graves, Mabel
Graves, Sylvester
Hairston, Annie Mae Lewis
Hairston, Charles Jr
Hairston, Ennis
Hairston, Geraldine
Hairston, Jesse
Hairston, Joseph Benjamin
Hairston, Leatrice Ann
Hairston, Penny Jean
Hairston, Ralph
Hall, Isiah
Hamlett, Jimmie
Hankins, Laverne
Harper, Gladys Marie
Harper, Sallie Mae
Harris, Gertie Williams
Harris, Ola Mae Cunningham
Harvest, Joe
Hatchett, Joseph Kenneth
Heitt, Sallie N
Hemphill, Robert, Jr
Hodnett, Cheryl Elaine
Hoffman, Ronald Leon
Holland, Wilma Ann
Holloway, Brenda
Holloway, Ruby Spraggins Wyllie
Holt, Buford Glendale
Holt, Grover Cleveland
Holt, Leonard Winston
Holt, Thomas Cleveland
Howard, Violet
Hubbard, Lillie Echols
Hughes, James Bernard
Hughes, Roberta
Hughes, Shirley Junior
Ingram, William Haywood
Jefferies, Iradell Graves
Jennings, Maggie Lou
Johns, Patrica Ann
Johnson, Annie Mae
Jones, Hortense
Jones, Matthew A
Karro, Anne Elliott
Kennedy, Penny
Kennedy, Sarah Mildred
Lancaster, Leslie Wisner
Lanier, Willie Terry
Lewis, Harry Michael
Lewis, Kenneth Lisberg
Lewis, Robert James
Lewis, Sylvia Ruth
Lindsey, Celester
Logan, Howard Lee
Logan, Orlando
Logan, Sally
Lumpkin, Dollie J
Lumpkin, John Thomas
Lumpkin, Otha Frank
Lynn, Edna Rose Irby
Mabin, Margie
Mason, Charlie Henry
Mason, Melvin
Mason, Myrtle
McCain, Daniel
McGhee, Evelyn Gray
McGhee, George Washington
McGhee, Hildreth Glennell
McKissick, Lawrence Hance
Middlebrook, Harold
Mingo, Stuart
Moore, Dorothy
Moore, Julia Ferguson
Moore, Roneatha
Morrison, Adell
Morton, Marilyn
Morton, Robert Lee
Murrell, Melba Graves
Muse, Maxine Luck
Nasper, Louie Martin
Page, Delores Jeanette
Payne, Charles Henry
Peterson, Brian Lee
Petty, Archie Lee
Pinchback, Arthur Jr
Pinchback, John Douglas
Pinchback, Larry
Pinchback, Margaret Ann
Pinchback, Nannie Louise
Poteat, Harvey Louis
Pounds, Barbara Ann
Powell, Rosetta
Price, Conrad
Price, Mary Laverne
Price, Paul
Prichett, Luvinia
Redd, General
Reeves, Marcellous
Reid, Milton A
Richardson, William Edward
Robertson, Delores Ellen
Robinson, Odaris
Rollins, Avon Williams
Saunders, Cordelia Ferguson
Saunders, Lonnie McKinley
Scales, Blondine Odessa
Scales, Don Marie
Scales, Dorothy James
Scales, James Malcolm
Schroeter, Lorraine Coatland Bowe
Scott, Earnestine
Scott, Geraldine Lee
Scott, Sir Walter
Scott, William Howard
Slade, Azzarie Benson
Smith, Dorothy Lee
Smith, Ernest Howard
Smith, Harvey
Smith, Michael
Smith, Vernice
Still, Elizabeth Phillips
Strader, Alice Lee
Summers, Maggie
Sutherlin, William Thomas
Terry, Barbara Ann
Terry, Margaret R
Terry, Shirley
Thomas, Marie
Thomas, Willie Ulysses
Thompson, Averett Wade
Thompson, William
Tredinnick, James Harry
Via, Dewey Wayne
Via, Edgar Lee
Via, Virginia Carol
Walters, Percy
Walters, Ralph Frank
Walton, Silvester, Jr
Warner, Melvin
Watkins, George Albert
Wharton, Ronald Eugene
Whipple, James Edward
White, Mary Etta
Wiles, Peggy
Williams, Maggie Maxine
Williams, Percy Randolph
Williams, Undra Ann
Wilson, Andrew Lewis
Wilson, Ann Gvonne
Wilson, Basse, Jr
Wilson, Frederick Douglas
Wilson, Harry, Jr
Wilson, Jacqueline Miller
Wilson, Larry James
Wilson, Margie Ann
Wilson, Melvin
Wilson, Rebecca Grasty
Womack, Eddie Mae
Womack, Estelle
Womack, Hester William
Womack, William Dexter
Wood, Virgil A
Woods, Pasadena
York, L. Wilson
Zellner, John Robert
Includes transcript of testimony and a notice of appeal and assignment of errors relating to the trial of Julius E. Adams, Lawrence G. Campbell, Lendall W. Chase, Alexander I. Dunlap, and Arthur Pinchback, Jr., arrested for trespassing on January 1, 1963 at the Howard Johnson restaurant on Route 29 south of Danville.
Digital files available Here: Series II: Howard Johnson Trespassing Case, 1963 through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Contents arranged chronologically
Folder List:
Transcript of Testimony, Marrch 1963
Notice of Appeal and Assignment of Errors, May 1963
Primarily consists of correspondence between the clerk of the Danville Corporation Court and defense attorney, Ruth L. Harvey, regarding notices of appeal and assignments of errors, and designation of parts of the record. The latter of which she requests the clerk to forward to the clerk of the Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals. Also, includes correspondence from the clerk of the Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals indicating receipt of specified materials, and a telegram from the Seattle, Washington, branch of the NAACP requesting information on the arrest of Lawrence G. Campbell and Richard D. Goodwin.
Digital files available Here: Series III: Correspondence, 1963-1967 through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Contents arranged chronologically
Folder List:
Clerk, Danville Corporation Court, November-December 1963
Clerk, Danville Corporation Court, March 1964 - August 1967
Clerk, Danville Corporation Court, Seattle NAACP, August 1964
Includes the Corporation Court's dockets for the demonstration cases from June 1963-April 1967. Lists name of defendant, alleged offense, date of offense, date of trial and disposition of case.
Digital files available Here: Series IV: Corporation Court Dockets through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Contents arranged chronologically
Folder List:
Criminal Docket, June-September 1963
June-July 1963
June-August 1963
November 1963
February 1967
April 1967
Consists of continuances, court orders, judgments, and sentences, issued by the Danville Corporation Court from June 1963-February 1973. Judge Aiken, from June 1963-May 1967, ordered the arrest of demonstrators for violating his injunction and inciting the colored populace, the appearance of demonstrators before the court to answer these violations, the investigation of the juvenile defendants, the serving of jail time and payment of fines, the acquittals of defendants, the consolidation of cases, and the changes of venue. The court orders issued January-February 1973 involved the disqualifying and recusing of the Danville Corporation Judge Stuart L. Craig, the selection of Judge Phillips to replace Craig, the subpoenaing of defense witnesses, and the suspension of jail sentences for the remaining defendants. Also, includes judgements issued by Judge Ted Dalton of the United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia in May 1967.
Digital files available Here: Series V: Court Orders through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Contents arranged chronologically
Folder List:
June 1963
July 1963
August 1963
September 1963
November 1963
January - February 1964
February - May 1967
January - February 1973
U.S. District Court, Western District of Virginia, May 1967
Includes the June 7, 1963 issue of the Danville Bee and a note from the paper's general manager indicating the writer and photographer of the June 10, 1963 article entitled. "Thirty Demonstrators Jailed." Also includes excerpts from the July 10, 1963 meeting of the Danville City Council during which it passed an ordinance governing parades, a photocopy of the temporary injunction and restraining order issued by Judge Aiken, and photographs. The photographs show the demonstrators on the steps of city hall, and the arrest of Rev. Lawrence G. Campbell and Thurman Echols.
Digital files available Here: Series VI: Evidence through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Contents arranged alphabetically by material type
Folder List:
Danville Bee
Danville City Council Meeting (excerpts from) - city ordinance governing parades, 1963 July 10
Motion, Affidavit, and Order for Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order, 1963 June 6
Includes pieces of paper and lists indicating court cases, dates and places of offenses, trial dates, disposition of cases, and sentences.
Digital files available Here: Series VII: Notes through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Folder List:
Court Cases, Dates and place of offenses, Trial dates
Sentences - Lawrence G. Campbell; Alexander I. Dunlap; Julius E. Adams; Arthur Pinchback, Jr.; Misc.
Consists of the Petition for Removal filed with the clerk of the United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia on June 17, 1963, by defense lawyers Len W. Holt and William M. Kunstler. The petition tried to remove the demonstration cases to federal court.
Digital files available Here: Series VIII: Petitions through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Folder List:
Petition for Removal (filed for defendants), 1963 June 17
Includes receipts for bond refunds and payment of fines.
Digital files available Here: Series IX: Receipts through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Contents arranged loosely by the charge
Folder List:
Bond Refunds
Court Costs - Violation State Code Sec. 18.1-14
Court Costs - Inducing Minors to commit a Misdemeanor
Court Costs - Resisting Arrest
Court Costs - Trespassing
Court Costs - Violation City Code 16-20 (Parading without a Permit)
Court Costs - Violation of City Code Sec. 63 - 7.1, January 1964
Court Costs - Miscellaneous
Includes indictments and subpoenas from the Special Grand Jury responsible for indicting the demonstration leaders under "John Brown's Law." Contains names of the members of the grand jury.
Digital files available Here: Series X: Special Grand Jury through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Contents arranged chronologically
Folder List:
Affidavit, Indictments, Motion, June 1963
Subpoenas, June-August 1963
Contains transcripts of testimony from:
Commonwealth of Virginia v. Lawrence G. Campbell, Alexander I. Dunlap, Arthur Pinchback, Jr., and Julius Adams, September 19, 1963
Commonwealth of Virginia v. Lawrence G. Campbell and Alexander I. Dunlap, Violation of Sections 18.1-14 and 18.1-254, October 22, 1963
Commonwealth of Virginia v. Avon Williams Rollins, August 6, 1963
City of Danville v. Lawrence G.Campbell, et als, October 1963
Digital files available Here: Series XI: Transcripts through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Contents arranged by case
Folder List:
Commonwealth of Virginia v. Lawrence G. Campbell, A. I. Dunlap, Arthur Pinchback, and Julius Adams, September 1963
Commonwealth of Virginia v. Lawrence G. Campbell and A. I. Dunlap, October 1963
Commonwealth of Virginia v. Avon Williams Rollins, August 1963
City of Danville v. Lawrence G. Campbell, et als (Vol. I, p. 1-399), July- August 1963
City of Danville v. Lawrence G. Campbell, et als (Vol. II, p. 400-450), October 1963
City of Danville v. Lawrence G. Campbell, et als (Vol. II, p. 451-500), October 1963
City of Danville v. Lawrence G. Campbell, et als (Vol. II, p. 501-550), October 1963
City of Danville v. Lawrence G. Campbell, et als (Vol. II, p. 551-600), October 1963
City of Danville v. Lawrence G. Campbell, et als (Vol. II, p. 601-650), October 1963
City of Danville v. Lawrence G. Campbell, et als (Vol. II, p. 651-688), October 1963
Consists of decisions handed down from October 1965-December 1972. Primarily includes writs of error and supersedeas.
Digital files vailable Here: Series XII: Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Contents arranged chronologically
Folder List:
Decisions, Doyle J. Thomas, et al, October 1965
Decisions, Lillie Echols Hubbard, October 1965 - January 1967
Decisions, March - October 1967
Decisions, March - June 1968
Decisions, June - November 1970
Decisions, January 1971, December 1972
Decisions, Lawrence George Campbell, et al. vs. City of Danville December 1972
This series consists of full case recordings from many of the Civil Rights demonstrations cases heard in the Danville Corporation Court from December 1966 through April 1967. The recordings include witnesses' testimony, defense attorney's motions and arguments, Commonwealth and Danville City attorney's arguments, rulings and sentences of Judge Archibald M. Aiken, Jr., witness and recorder oaths, and the calling of the court docket.
This series is organized into 27 subseries (subseries A-AA), with each subseries representing one case. A majority of the cases documented in these audio recordings consist of dozens of individual cases consolidated and heard together on the charges of Violation of Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order. See the "defendants named" section in each subseries for the full list of individuals included in these consolidated cases. Names are listed in the order they occur in the audio, generally through the courts roll call. If abesent, the reason for the defendant's absence in placed in ( ) following the name. Additionally each subseries contains the belt list with information on the runtime and contents for each belt.
Also contained herein is the recording of the 1973 February 9 Corporation Court hearing concerning the defense motion to suspend the sentences for those defendants whose sentences had been upheld on appeal by the Supreme Court of Appeals.
The original Dictabelts included wrapper containing written summaries of their audio contents, noting the approximate time the content appears in the recording. In some cases, copies of the original court docket also accompany the original Dictabelt. These wrappers and docket records are now digitized and available with the audio files available through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
- Series XIII:Subseries A: Irvin Christopher Bethel, et. als., 1966 December 13-14Belts 1-15 [2k204-001- 2k204-015]Total run time: 5 hours, 31 minutes, 58 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Irvin Christopher Bethel, et. als. through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Violation of Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order
Defendants Named: Irvin Christopher Bethel; Lendbury Bradshaw; Donald Jerome Brandon (indicate as in Vietnam); Harrison Brown Jr.; Everett Bruce Jr. (college); Victor Hugo Burton; Barbara Cardwell (in Washington); James Cobb Jr.; John Roland Coleman; Lawrence Coleman; Clifton Henry Davis (armed forces); David Lea Davis (college); Wayne Rochelle Davis; Ellis Newton Dodson; Charlie Henry Echols (in New York); Daniel Aaron Foss (University of Iowa); Melvin Fuller (Navy); Gladys Virginia Giles (Atlantic City, NJ, Teaching); Samule Wash Giles (Atlantic City NJ); Robert Leonard Graves; William Haywood Ingram; John James (Army); James Johnson; Robert James Lewis; Margie Mabin; Thomas Mabin (New York); Charlie Henry Mason; Wilson Lee Maden (Army); James Thomas Moore (Army);Marilyn Morton (Washington); Hildreth Glennell McGhee; Archie Lee Petty, Harvey Louis Poteat; Herman Prichett (in jail); Luvinia Prichett; Avon Wiliams Rollins (Washington); William Howard Scott; Percy Walters; Ralph Frank Walters; Melvin Warner; George Albert Watkins; James Edward Whipple; Jimmy Ray Hurston (penitentiary, life sentence); Michael Smith; Bertie Smith; Sylvester Burrell (jail); Harvey Davis Jr.; Mabel Graves (sick); Ennis Hairston; Ola Mae Cunningham Harris; Leonard Winston Holt; Joe Wesley Lewis; Stuart Mingo; Robert Morton; Marcelluos Reeves; Willie Ulysses Thomas; John Robert Zellner (New York); Eugene Bennett; Ernest Howard Smith; Sylvester Graves; Jesse Hairston; Otha Frank Lumpkin Annie Mae Johnson; Harvey Smith; Robert Hemphill Jr. (Army); Daniel McCain; Paul Price; Alberta Via Tathatter [?]; Shirely Terry; Averett Wade Thompson; Ivanhoe Gaylord Thompson (Atlanta, college)
Belt 1: Irvin Christopher Bethel, et. als., 1966 December 132k204-001Run time: 27:14ContentsDefendants roll callarguments in Judge's chambers in re: consolidating cases
Belt 2: Irvin Christopher Bethel, et. als., 1966 December 132k204-002Run time: 27:56ContentsAttorneys' arguments in Judge's chambers in re: consolidating cases (continued)Reading of Judge's injunction issued 6 June 1963Defendants' pleas
Belt 3: Irvin Christopher Bethel, et. als., 1966 December 132k204-003Run time: 29:59ContentsEugene G. McCain (chief of police) testimony
Belt 4: Irvin Christopher Bethel, et. als., 1966 December 132k204-004Run time: 29:59ContentsCharles Wade Graff (police officer and photographer) testimonyT. Neil Morris (police officer) testimony
Belt 5: Irvin Christopher Bethel, et. als., 1966 December 132k204-005Run time: 30:00ContentsL. P. Rigney (police officer) testimonyCurtis H. Royster (police officer) testimonyW. L. Buettner (police officer) testimonyCurtis H. Royster recall testimonyAdjournmentReconveneT. C. Tatterhorn (police officer) testimonyR. W. Brumfield (police officer) testimony
Belt 6: Irvin Christopher Bethel, et. als., 1966 December 132k204-006Run time: 27:01ContentsW. L. Sheffield (police officer) testimonyC. L. Fuller (police officer) testimonyR. A. Walker (police officer) testimonyD. E. Nostrand (police officer) testimonyB. C. Enyard (police officer) testimonyJohn M. Bailey (police officer) testimony
Belt 7: Irvin Christopher Bethel, et. als., 1966 December 132k204-007Run time: 26:48ContentsJohn M. Bailey testimony (continued)Unidentified (police officer) testimonyT. W. Evans (police officer) testimonySutaliff (police officer) testimonyUnidentified (police officer) testimonyL. P. Rigney (police officer) testimony
Belt 8: Irvin Christopher Bethel, et. als., 1966 December 132k204-008Run time: 25:33ContentsErnest Howard Smith (demonstrator) testimonyDefense attorneys' motion to strike evidence and witness testimonyAdjournment and weather report
Belt 9: Irvin Christopher Bethel, et. als., 1966 December 142k204-009Run time: 30:00ContentsConvene and roll callApproach bench - discussionCharles Wade Graff (police officer and photographer) testimonyJuby E. Towler (chief of police detectives) testimony
Belt 10: Irvin Christopher Bethel, et. als., 1966 December 142k204-010Run time: 30:00ContentsJuby E. Towler testimony (continued)City attorney argument against defense motion to strike evidence and witness testimonyDefense attorney re-argues motion to strike evidence
Belt 11: Irvin Christopher Bethel, et. als., 1966 December 142k204-011Run time: 29:04ContentsDefense attorney re-argues motion to strike evidence (continued)Judge's ruling on motion (denied)AdjournmentReconveneDefense motion to remove some defendant's names from case docket
Belt 12: Irvin Christopher Bethel, et. als., 1966 December 142k204-012Run time: 10:19ContentsDefense attorney motion to strike evidence and witness testimony (continued)Judge's ruling on motion (denied)James Edward Whipple (demonstrator) testimony
Belt 13: Irvin Christopher Bethel, et. als., 1966 December 142k204-013Run time: 28:41ContentsJames Edward Whipple testimony (continued)W. L. Buettner recall testimonyUnidentified (police officer) recall testimonyProsecution restsDefense closing
Belt 14: Irvin Christopher Bethel, et. als., 1966 December 142k204-014Run time: 29:53ContentsDefense closing (continued)Prosecution closingJudge's ruling and sentences
Belt 15: Irvin Christopher Bethel, et. als., 1966 December 142k204-015Run time: 9:15ContentsAttorneys' arguments in Judge's chambers in re: bond hearing for absentee defendantsAdjournment
- Series XIII:Subseries B: Sylvester Burrell, et. als., 1966 December 15-16Belts 1-12 [2k204-016 through 2k204-025: Track 1 and Track 2]Total run time: 5 hours, 19 minutes, 20 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Sylvester Burrell, et. als. through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Violation of Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order
Defendants Named: Sylvester Burrell; Harvey Davis Jr.; Mabel Graves; Ennis Hairston; Ola Mae Cunningham Harris; Leonard Winston Holt (removed, heard at later date); Joe Wesley Lewis (Army); Stuart Mingo; Robert Morton; Marcellos Reeves; Willie Ulysses Thomas; Sylvester Graves; Jesse Hairston; Harvey Smith; Robert Hemphill Jr. (Army); Annie Mae Johnson; Otha Frank Lumpkin; Daniel McCain; Paul Price; Alberta Viatanian [?]; Shirley Terry; Averett Wade Thompson; Ivanhoe Gaylord Donaldson (college)
Belt 1: Sylvester Burrell, et. als., 1966 December 152k204-016Run time: 29:53ContentsConveneRecorder swornDefendants roll callCases consolidatedEugene G. McCain (chief of police) testimony
Belt 2: Sylvester Burrell, et. als., 1966 December 152k204-017Run time: 30:01ContentsEugene G. McCain testimony (continued)
Belt 3: Sylvester Burrell, et. als., 1966 December 152k204-018Run time: 29:28ContentsEugene G. McCain testimony (continued)RecessReconveneEugene G. McCain testimony (continued)
Belt 4: Sylvester Burrell, et. als., 1966 December 152k204-019Run time: 30:00ContentsEugene G. McCain testimony (continued)
Belt 5: Sylvester Burrell, et. als., 1966 December 152k204-020Run time: 29:59ContentsT. Neil Morris (police officer) testimonyLunch recessReconveneT. Neil Morris testimony (continued)harles Wade Graff (police officer and photographer) testimony
Belt 6: Sylvester Burrell, et. als., 1966 December 152k204-021Run time: 29:44ContentsCharles Wade Graff testimony (continued)Attorneys' arguments in Judge's chambers in re: photographs and time of their developmentCharles Wade Graff testimony (continued)Juby E. Towler (chief of police detectives) testimony
Belt 7: Sylvester Burrell, et. als., 1966 December 152k204-022Run time: 29:37ContentsJuby E. Towler testimony (continued)Re-directRe-crossRe-re-directRe-re-crossRalph Wilkerson (police officer) testimonyRe-directRe-crossCharles Wade Graff recall testimonyRecessReconveneB. C. Elliott Jr. (police officer) testimonyAttorneys' arguments in Judge's chambers in re: photographs and time of their developmentCharles Wade Graff testimony (continued)Juby E. Towler (chief of police detectives) testimony
Belt 8: Sylvester Burrell, et. als., 1966 December 152k204-023Run time: 29:34ContentsB. C. Elliott Jr. testimony (continued) testimonyProsecution and Defense restsDefense motion to strike evidence and witness testimonyJudge's ruling on motion (denied)Defense motion to strike because arrest did not occur at time of violationJudge's ruling on motion (denied)RecessReconveneWade Thompson (demonstrator) testimony
Belt 9: Sylvester Burrell, et. als., 1966 December 152k204-024Run time: 29:36ContentsWade Thompson testimony (continued)Harvey Smith (demonstrator) testimonyPaul Price (demonstrator) testimonyStuart Walter Mayo (demonstrator) testimony
Belt 10: Sylvester Burrell, et. als., 1966 December 152k204-025Run time: 11:17ContentsOtha Frank Lumpkin (demonstrator) testimonyAdjournment
Belt 11: Sylvester Burrell, et. als., 1966 December 16Track 1Run time: 28:19ContentsReconveneDefense renews motion to strike evidence and witness testimonyJudge's ruling on motion (overruled)Defense motion to dismiss against 5 defendants because prosecution has not proven a caseCommonwealth argument against motionJudge's ruling on motion (overruled)Prosecution opening argumentDefense closing argumentJudge questions Defense attorneysProsecution closing argumentJudge's ruling and sentences
Belt 12: Sylvester Burrell, et. als., 1966 December 16Track 2Run time: 11:49ContentsJudge's ruling and sentences (continued) [unclear, distorted sound]Defense motion to suspend sentences pending appeal
- Series XIII:Subseries C: James Edward Whipple, 1966 December 16Belt 1 [2k204-026]Total run time: 3 minutes 43 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: James Edward Whipple through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Perjury
Defendants Named: James Edward Whipple
Belt 1: James Edward Whipple, 1966 December 162k204-026Run time: 3:43ContentsProsecution motion for a bench warrant to be issued for the arrest of James Edward Whipple on a charge of perjuryJudge's ruling on motion (granted)
- Series XIII:Subseries D: Joseph Bowe, et. als., 1966 December 16-19Belts 1-10 [2k204-072 through 076 and 2k204-027 through 030]Total run time: 4 hours,37 minutes, 52 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Joseph Bowe, et. als. through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Violation of Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order
Defendants Named: Joseph Bowe; Cynthia Ann Carter; L.W. Chase, Gineva Rogers Davis, Lizzie Spivey Davis, Jimmie Hamlett; Thomas Cleveland Holt; General Redd; William Edward Richardson; Isiah Hall; James Dixon jr.; Eddie Mae Womack; Estelle Womack; Doyle J. Thomas; Alice Lee Strader; Celester Lindsey; Percy Randolph Williams; Walter Link
Belt 1: Joseph Bowe, et. als., 1966 December 162k204-072Run time: 27:22ContentsRecorder swornCases consolidatedDefendants roll callDefendants' pleas
Belt 2: Joseph Bowe, et. als., 1966 December 162k204-073Run time: 29:00ContentsWalter Link (demonstrator) guilty pleaJudge's sentenceAdjournmentReconveneStipulate injunction become part of the recordDefendants' pleasT. Neil Morris (police officer) testimony
Belt 3: Joseph Bowe, et. als., 1966 December 162k204-074Run time: 28:17ContentsT. Neil Morris testimony (continued)Charles Wade Graff (police officer and photographer) testimonyB. C. Elliott Jr. (police officer) testimonyWilliam G. Doss (police officer) testimony
Belt 4: Joseph Bowe, et. als., 1966 December 162k204-075Run time: 28:24ContentsWilliam G. Doss testimony (continued)Eugene G. McCain (chief of police) testimony
Belt 5: Joseph Bowe, et. als., 1966 December 162k204-076Run time: 16:56ContentsEugene G. McCain testimony (continued)Recess and adjournment until Monday, 19 December
Belt 6: Joseph Bowe, et. als., 1966 December 192k204-027Run time: 29:48ContentsReconveneW. L. Sheffield (police officer) testimony
Belt 7: Joseph Bowe, et. als., 1966 December 192k204-028Run time: 29:37ContentsP. L. Rowland (police officer) testimonyT. C. Talley (police officer) testimonyRecessReconveneEugene G. McCain recall testimony
Belt 8: Joseph Bowe, et. als., 1966 December 192k204-029Run time: 29:26ContentsEugene G. McCain recall testimony (continued)Prosecution restsCity motion to dismiss cases against Joseph Bowe, Reverend Doyle J. Thomas, and Paul Wade Jr.Judge grants and dismisses casesDefense motion to strike evidence and witness testimonyJudge's ruling on motion (denied)B. C. Elliott recall testimonyRecessReconvenePercy Randolph Williams (demonstrator) testimony
Belt 9: Joseph Bowe, et. als., 1966 December 192k204-030Run time: 29:30ContentsPercy Randolph Williams testimony (continued)Thomas F. Tucker (Danville Clerk of Court) testimonyDefense restsDefense motion to show causeDefense motion to quash capias
Belt 10: Joseph Bowe, et. als., 1966 December 192k204-031Run time: 29:30ContentsDefense motion to quash capias (continued)City argument and rebuttal against motionJudge's ruling on motion (overruled)Defense renews motion to strike evidence and witness testimonyJudge's ruling on motion (overruled)Defense motions (various)Judge's ruling on motions (overruled)Judge's ruling and sentencesDefense motion to suspend sentences pending appeal
- Series XIII:Subseries E: Ruth L. Harvey, 1966 December 20Belts 1 [2k204-077]Total run time: 2 minutes and 16 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Ruth L. Harvey through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Contempt of court
Defendants Named: Ruth L. Harvey
Belt 1: Ruth L. Harvey, 1966 December 202k204-077Run time: 2:16ContentsRuth L. Harvey held in contempt of court for misleading court on location of Leonard Winston Holt (demonstrator/defendant)Judge fines Harvey $25
- Series XIII:Subseries F: Everett Bruce Jr., et. Als, 1966 December 20Belts 1-5 [2k204-078 through 2k204-082]Total run time: 1 hour, 55 minutes, 4 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Everett Bruce Jr., et. Als through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Violation of Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order
Defendants Named: L. W. Chase; Everett Bruce Jr; Barbara Cardwell (June 10th; college); Charlie Henry Echols; Daniel Aaron Foss (june 10th offense); Gladys Virginia Giles; Samuel Wash Giles; Thomas Madin; Charlie Henry Mason (hospital in DC); Marilyn Morton; Avon Williams Rollins; Mabel Graves; Leonard Winston Holt; Robert Morton Jr. ; John Robert Zellner; Bruce Baines; Hazel Phyllis Carter; James Edward Coleman; Daniel Aaron Foss (additional charge on June 15th); Abraham Glass; Joseph Benjamin Hairston; Leatrice Ann Hairston; Lavern Higgins; Violet Howard (doctoral school); Lillie Echols Hubbard; Annie Mae Johnson (jail); Dorothy Elizabeth Moore; Harry Wilson Jr.; Margie Ann Wilson; Milton A. Reid; Ivanhoe Gaylord Donaldson
Belt 1: Everett Bruce Jr., et. Als, 1966 December 202k204-078Run time: 28:17ContentsConveneRecorder swornDocket setReverend L. W. Chase statement (found guilty in absence on 19 December 1966)Judge's ruling and sentence for ChaseDefense motion to suspend pending appealRecessReconvene
Belt 2: Everett Bruce Jr., et. Als, 1966 December 202k204-079Run time: 28:00ContentsDefendants roll callBonds forfeited for those defendants who are absentLeonard Winston Holt (demonstrator) case in absentia
Belt 3: Everett Bruce Jr., et. Als, 1966 December 202k204-080Run time: 11:31ContentsHector Womack (bondsman for Leonard Winston Holt) testimony as to location of Holt Adjournment
Belt 4: Everett Bruce Jr., et. Als, 1966 December 202k204-081Run time: 28:08ContentsLeonard Winston Holt bond forfeitedJudge's ruling and sentence of HoltDefense motion to suspend sentence pending appealRecessThomas Mabin (demonstrator) testimonyBetty H. Dallas (juvenile probation officer) testimonyThomas Mabin case dismissedJudge's ruling and sentences remaining defendants
Belt 5: Everett Bruce Jr., et. Als, 1966 December 202k204-082Run time: 19:07ContentsJudge's ruling and sentences (continued)
- Series XIII:Subseries G: Foss, Zelner and Donaldson, 1966 December 23Belts 1-3 [2k204-083 through 2k204-085]Total run time: 1 hour, 13 minutes, 16 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Foss, Zelner and Donaldson through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge:Contempt of Court (being absent)
Defendants Named: Daniel Aaron Foss; Robert Zellner; Ivanhoe Gaylord Donaldson
Belt 1: Foss, Zelner and Donaldson, 1966 December 232k204-083Run time: 28:37ContentsRecorder swornDefendants roll callWitnesses swornJohn Robert Zelner (demonstrator) testimonyDefense argument
Belt 1: Foss, Zelner and Donaldson, 1966 December 232k204-084Run time: 26:57ContentsProsecution argumentJudge's ruling and sentenceMotion to suspend sentence pending appealDaniel Aaron Foss (demonstrator) testimonyDefense argumentJudge's ruling and sentence
Belt 1: Foss, Zelner and Donaldson, 1966 December 232k204-085Run time: 17:41ContentsIvanhoe Gaylord Donaldson (demonstrator) testimonyDefense argumentProsecution argumentJudge's ruling and sentenceMotion to suspend sentence pending appeal
- Series XIII:Subseries H: Setting the court docket, 1967 February 7Belts 1-5 [2k204-086 through 2k204-090]Total run time: 1 hour, 34 minutes, 51 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Setting the court docket through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Belt 1: Setting the court docket, 1967 February 72k204-086Run time: 26:23ContentsRecorder swornDefense and Prosecution argument and discussion in re: injunction1967 February 9 Docket set and announced
Belt 2: Setting the court docket, 1967 February 72k204-087Run time: 27:09Contents1967 February 10 docket set (24 demonstrators arrested behind Police Department on 1963 July 11)1967 February 10 docket set (continued: 12 demonstrators arrested at Belk-Leggett Department Store on 1963 July 11)1967 February 10 docket set (continued: 3 demonstrators arrested at Municipal Building on 1963 July 11)1967 February 13 docket set (15 demonstrators arrested at Municipal Building on 1963 July 11)1967 February 13 docket set (continued: demonstrators arrested at Patton and Union Streets on 1963 July 12)1967 February 14 docket set (demonstrators arrested at Belk-Leggett Department Store on 1963 July 12)1967 February 14 docket set (continued: demonstrators arrested at Patton and Union Streets on 1963 July 12)
Belt 3: Setting the court docket, 1967 February 72k204-088Run time: 27:36Contents1967 February 14 docket set (continued: demonstrators arrested at Belk-Leggett Department Store and Raylass Department Store on 1963 July 13)1967 February 14 docket set (continued: demonstrators arrested at Country Club Drive on 1963 July 14)1967 February 15 docket set (demonstrators arrested at Main and Crawford Streets on 1963 July 15)1967 February 16 docket set (81 demonstrators arrested at Main and Union Streets on 1963 July 28)1967 February 16 docket set (continued: 4 demonstrators arrested at Main Street Bridge on 1963 August 6)1967 February 20 docket set (9 demonstrators arrested at Union Street on 1963 August 8)1967 February 20 docket set (continued: demonstrators arrested at Main and Union Streets on 1963 August 27)
Belt 4: Setting the court docket, 1967 February 72k204-089Run time: 9:40Contents1967 February 20 docket set (continued: demonstrators arrested at Main and Union Streets on 29 August 1963)1967 February 14 docket omissions addedAdjournment until Thursday
Belt 5: Setting the court docket, 1967 February 72k204-090Run time: 4:01ContentsDiscussion in Judge's chambers [unclear, difficult to hear]
- Series XIII:Subseries I: Clarence Lewis Bowe, et. als., 1967 February 9Belts 1-7 [2k204-091 through 2k204-097]Total run time:2 hours, 43 minutes, 35 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Clarence Lewis Bowe, et. als. through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Violation of Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order
Defendants Named: Clarence Lewis Bowe; William Burrell Canada, Jr.; Claudia Anne Chaney; Connie Lavonne Chaney; Elnora Elizabeth Chase; Patricia Glendora Chase; Lelia Virginia Clark; Edith Mary Coleman; Elizabeth Davis; Cynthia Anne Dawson; Thelma Farmer Echols; Claudia Jean Edwards; Ernest David Ferguson; Joylette Glass; Lorraine Glass; Kenneth Lisberg Lewis; Howard Lee Logan; Sally Logan; Myrtle Mason; Julia Ferguson Moore; Rosetta Powell; Lonnie McKinley Saunders; Blondine Odessa Scales; Don Marie Scales; Dorothy James Scales; Earnestine Scott; Geraldine Lee Scott; Rebecca Grasty Wilson (hospital in DC); Pasadena Woods
Belt 1: Clarence Lewis Bowe, et. als., 1967 February 92k204-091Run time: 25:32ContentsRecorder swornDefendants roll call (3 defendants tried in absentia)Witnesses swornDefense motion to quash capiasDefense motion for bill of particularsJudge's ruling on motions (overruled)Commonwealth's attorney's notes exception to bill of particularsNorman H. Boswell (captain of police) testimony
Belt 2: Clarence Lewis Bowe, et. als., 1967 February 92k204-092Run time: 24:59ContentsNorman H. Boswell testimony (continued)Judge questions witnessRe-directRe-crossLeon Townsend (Danville Register-Bee photographer) testimonyRe-direct
Belt 3: Clarence Lewis Bowe, et. als., 1967 February 92k204-093Run time: 28:36ContentsLeon Townsend testimony (continued)Eugene G. McCain (chief of police) testimonyB. C. Elliott Jr. (police officer) testimony
Belt 4: Clarence Lewis Bowe, et. als., 1967 February 92k204-094Run time: 29:24ContentsB. C. Elliott Jr. testimony (continued)RecessReconvenB. C. Elliott Jr. testimony (continued)William G. Doss (police officer) testimonyRe-directRe-cross
Belt 5: Clarence Lewis Bowe, et. als., 1967 February 92k204-095Run time: 26:38ContentsC. L. Fuller (police officer) testimonyP. L. Rowland (police officer) testimonyRalph Wilkinson (police officer) testimony
Belt 6: Clarence Lewis Bowe, et. als., 1967 February 92k204-096Run time: 28:11ContentsRalph Wilkinson testimony (continued)Prosecution restsDefense motionJudge's ruling on motion (overruled)Defense motion to strike evidence and witness testimonyProsecution argument against motionJudge's ruling on motion (overruled)Defense restsClosing argumentsJudge's ruling and sentencesDefense motion to suspend sentences pending appeal
Belt 7: Clarence Lewis Bowe, et. als., 1967 February 92k204-097Run time: 00:13Contents[No intelligible content]
- Series XIII:Subseries J: James Vondell Bruce, et. als., 1967 February 10-15Belts 1-8 [2k204-098 through 2k204-105]Total run time: 3 hours, 16 minutes, 2 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: James Vondell Bruce, et. als. through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Violation of Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order
Defendants Named: James Vondell Bruce; Herman Canada; Sylvester Canada; Connie Lavonne Chaney; James Edward Coleman (potentially in jail); Lawrence Coleman; John Thomas Cunningham; Clifton Henry Davis (in the service); Nelly Denson; Bobby Lee Ferguson; Samuel Wash Giles; Archie Glass (was in an accident; in DC); Hubert Graves; Roberta Hughes; William Haywood Ingram; Harry Michael Lewis; Robert James Lewis; Dollie J. Lumkpin; Conrad Price; James Malcom Scales; Sir Walter Scott; Ralph Frank Walters; Larry White (in the service); Basse Wilson Jr.
Belt 1: James Vondell Bruce, et. als., 1967 February 102k204-098Run time: 29:39ContentsRecorder swornDocket calledWitnesses swornDefense motion to quash capiasJudge's ruling on motion (overruled)Eugene G. McCain (chief of police) testimony
Belt 2: James Vondell Bruce, et. als., 1967 February 102k204-099Run time: 26:23ContentsEugene G. McCain testimony (continued)Judge questions witnessRe-directRe-crossT. G. Faulkner (police officer) testimonyE. L. Holley (police officer) testimony
Belt 3: James Vondell Bruce, et. als., 1967 February 102k204-100Run time: 26:51ContentsE. L. Holley testimony (continued)RecessReconveneE. L. Holley testimony (continued)Norman H. Boswell (captain of police) testimonyL. P. Rigney (police officer) testimonyRe-directRe-crossC. B. Scearce (police officer) testimony
Belt 4: James Vondell Bruce, et. als., 1967 February 102k204-101Run time: 27:37ContentsC. B. Scearce testimony (continued)J. B. Martin Jr. (police officer) testimonyW. L. Buettner (police officer) testimonyRe-direct/ John M. Bailey (police officer) testimonyNorman H. Boswell recall testimony
Belt 5: James Vondell Bruce, et. als., 1967 February 102k204-102Run time: 26:34ContentsNorman H. Boswell recall testimony (continued)H. R. Chaney (police officer) testimonyJ. C. Lewis (police officer) testimonyProsecution restsDefense motion to strike evidence and witness testimonyJudge's ruling on motion (overruled)Defense motions renewedJudge's ruling on renewed motions (overruled)Charles Wade Graff (police officer and photographer) testimonyJuby E. Towler (captain of police) testimonyDefense restsProsecution waives opening remarksDefense closing argument
Belt 6: James Vondell Bruce, et. als., 1967 February 102k204-103Run time: 19:45ContentsDefense closing argument (continued)Prosecution closing remarksJudge's ruling and sentencesDefense motion to suspend sentences pending appeal
Belt 7: James Vondell Bruce, et. als., 1967 February 152k204-104Run time: 28:36ContentsRecorder swornWitnesses swornT. G. Faulkner (police officer) testimonyDefense motion in re: double jeopardyJudge's ruling on motion (denied)Re-directRe-crossRe-re-directJames L. Miller (police officer) testimony
Belt 8: James Vondell Bruce, et. als., 1967 February 152k204-105Run time: 10:35ContentsJames L. Miller testimony (continued)Walter Riddle testimonyProsecution restsDefense renews motion in re: double jeopardyDefense restsJudge's ruling and sentencesDefense motion to suspend sentences pending appeal
- Series XIII:Subseries K: William Burrell Canada, et. als., 1967 February 13Belts 1-3 [2k204-106 through 2k204-108]Total run time: 1 hour, 12 minutes, 2 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII:William Burrell Canada, et. als. through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Violation of Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order
Defendants Named: William Burrell Canada; Cynthia Ann Carter; John Lewis Davis; Cynthia Anne Dawson; Joylette Camila Glass; Lorraine Glass (sick); Sallie Mae Harper; Ronda Holloway; Mary Laverne Price; Mary Etta White (recently had a child)
Belt 1: William Burrell Canada, et. als., 1967 February 132k204-106Run time: 28:33ContentsRecorder swornWitnesses swornDefense motions renewedJudge's ruling on motions (overruled)Lonnie Riddle (police officer) testimonyRe-directRe-crossJ. W. Martin (police officer) testimony
Belt 2: William Burrell Canada, et. als., 1967 February 132k204-107Run time: 28:18ContentsJ. W. Martin testimony (continued)L. P. Rigney (police officer) testimonyW. L. Buettner (police officer) testimonyC. B. Scearce (police officer) testimonyProsecution restsDefense motions renewedProsecution arguments against defense motions
Belt 3: William Burrell Canada, et. als., 1967 February 132k204-108Run time: 15:10ContentsProsecution argument against defense motions (continued)Judge's ruling on motions (overruled)Defense restsJudge's ruling and sentences
- Series XIII:Subseries L: Herman Joseph Chappelle, et. als., 1967 February 13Belt 1 [2k204-109]Total run time: 11 minutes 32 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Herman Joseph Chappelle, et. als. through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Violation of Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order
Defendants Named: Herman Joseph Chappelle; Lararia Marintez Hutchins; James J. Marsden; Virginia Banks; Charles Samuel Beard; Anita Glass (sick); Hazel Joanne Lindsey (sick); Howard Lee Logan; Cecil McIntire; Robert Lou Osborne[?]
Belt 1: Herman Joseph Chappelle, et. als., 1967 February 132k204-109Run time: 11:43ContentsRecorder swornCases consolidatedWitnesses swornEugene G. McCain (chief of police) testimonyNolle pros'd (all 10 defendants' cases dismissed)
- Series XIII:Subseries M: Elnora Elizabeth Chase, et. als., 1967 February 13Belts 1-5 [2k204-119 through 2k204-1023]Total run time: 1 hour, 51 minutes, 13 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Elnora Elizabeth Chase, et. als. through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Violation of Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order
Defendants Named: Elnora Elizabeth Chase; Lindell Warren Chase; Patricia Glendora Chase; Claudia Jean Edwards; Sylvia Ruth Lewis; Sally Ann Logan; Lonnie McKinley Saunders; Larry James Wilson; Virgil Alexander Wood (sick- debated in court); Frank Harrison Gant; Thomas Cleveland Holt; Matthew A. Jones; William Thompson; Sylvester Walton Jr.
Belt 1: Elnora Elizabeth Chase, et. als., 1967 February 132k204-119Run time: 24:30ContentsNolle pros'd (continued: from previous trial of Herman Joseph Chappelle, et. als.)Recorder swornDocket calledCases consolidatedEugene G. McCain (chief of police) testimonyRecess
Belt 2: Elnora Elizabeth Chase, et. als., 1967 February 132k204-120Run time: 26:46ContentsReconveneEugene G. McCain testimony (continued)Re-directRe-crossC. E. Earles (police officer) testimonyT. C. Talley (police officer) testimony
Belt 3: Elnora Elizabeth Chase, et. als., 1967 February 132k204-121Run time: 27:07ContentsT. C. Talley testimony (continued)R. W. Brumfield (police officer) testimonyRe-directRe-crossRoy Larsen (police officer) testimonyCurtis H. Royster (police officer) testimonyRe-direct/ P. L. Barber (police officer) testimonyE. L. Carter (police officer) testimonyRe-direct
Belt 4: Elnora Elizabeth Chase, et. als., 1967 February 132k204-122Run time: 27:33ContentsD. L. Haley (police officer) testimonyRe-directProsecution restsDefense motion to strike evidence and witness testimonyJudge's ruling on motion (overruled)RecessReconveneDefense restsJudge's ruling and sentences
Belt 5: Elnora Elizabeth Chase, et. als., 1967 February 132k204-123Run time: 5:14ContentsJudge's ruling and sentences (continued)Defense motion to suspend sentences pending appeal
- Series XIII:Subseries N: David Adams, et. als, 1967 February 14Belts 1-6 [2k204-110 through 2k204-115]Total run time: 2 hours, 10 minutes, 4 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: David Adams, et. als through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Violation of Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order
Defendants Named: David Adams; Ennis Hariston (in the service); Ralph McDonald Hairston; James Bernard Hughes; Hortense Jones; Willie Thomas Cornodel [?] (in the Army); James Thomas Moore (in the Army); Charles Henry Payne; Edgar Lee Via; Andrew Lewis Wilson
Belt 1: David Adams, et. als, 1967 February 142k204-110Run time: 27:49ContentsRecorder swornCases consolidatedDefense motionsP. L. Rowland (police officer) testimonyC. L. Fuller (police officer) testimony
Belt 2: David Adams, et. als, 1967 February 142k204-111Run time: 29:59ContentsC. L. Fuller testimony (continued)Jackson H. Brown (police officer) testimonyRe-directCurtis H. Royster (police officer) testimonyThomas W. Evans (police officer) testimonyProsecution restsDefense motion to strike evidence and witness testimony
Belt 3: David Adams, et. als, 1967 February 142k204-112Run time: 29:20ContentsDefense motion to strike evidence and witness testimony (continued)Edgar Lee Via (demonstrator) testimonyRalph McDonald Hairston (demonstrator) testimony
Belt 4: David Adams, et. als, 1967 February 142k204-113Run time: 13:36ContentsRalph McDonald Hairston testimony (continued)
Belt 5: David Adams, et. als, 1967 February 142k204-114Run time: 28:09ContentsRalph McDonald Hairston testimony (continued)Defense restsJames A. H. Ferguson (Danville City Attorney) testimonyRe-directProsecution motion for a bench warrant to be issued for the arrest of Edgar LeeVia on a charge of perjuryProsecution and Defense restsDefense motion to dismissJudge's ruling and sentences
Belt 6: David Adams, et. als, 1967 February 142k204-115Run time: 2:09ContentsJudge's ruling and sentences (continued)
- Series XIII:Subseries O: Mabel Elizabeth Bethel, et. als., 1967 February 14Belts 1-2 [2k204-116 through 2k204-117]Total run time: 44 minutes, 54 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Mabel Elizabeth Bethel, et. als. through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Violation of Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order
Defendants Named: Mabel Elizabeth Bethel; Hazel Phyllis Carter (sick); Violet Howard (incarcerated); Kenneth Lisberg Lewis
Belt 1: Mabel Elizabeth Bethel, et. als., 1967 February 142k204-116Run time: 30:00ContentsRecorder swornCases consolidatedDefense motionsLonnie Riddle (police officer) testimonyDefense motion in re: double jeopardyLonnie Riddle testimony (continued)Re-directRe-crossRe-re-direct, etc. (5x)
Belt 2: Mabel Elizabeth Bethel, et. als., 1967 February 142k204-117Run time: 14:54ContentsProsecution restsDefense closing argumentProsecution closing argumentJudge's ruling and sentencesDefense motion to suspend sentences pending appeal
- Series XIII:Subseries P: Mary MacAglean Davis, et. als., 1967 February 14Belts 1[2k204-118]Total run time: 23 minutes, 52 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Mary MacAglean Davis, et. als. through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Violation of Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order
Defendants Named: Julius Adams (separate case); Mary MacAglean Davis; Laverne Hankins; Cheryl Elaine Hodnett; Evelyn Gray McGhee
Belt 1: Mary MacAglean Davis, et. als., 1967 February 142k204-118Run time: 23:52ContentsRecorder swornProsecution requests postponementJudge grants postponementRemaining cases consolidatedDefense motions stipulatedLonnie Riddle (police officer) testimonyRe-directDefense motions to strike evidence and witness testimony and in re: double jeopardyDefense restsJudge's ruling and sentencesDefense motion to suspend sentences pending appealRecess
- Series XIII:Subseries Q: Gloria Jane Barton, et. als., 1967 February 15Belts 1-2 [2k204-032 through 2k204-033]Total run time: 50 minutes, 53 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Gloria Jane Barton, et. als. through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Violation of Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order [Offense Date: July 13, 1963 Belk- Legett]
Defendants Named: Gloria Jane Barton; Irvin Chris Bethel; Ronald Eugene Horton; Frederick Douglas Wilson (in the service); George Thomas Gales; John James (in service); John Thomas Lumpkin; Margaret Read Terry (sick)
Belt 1: Gloria Jane Barton, et. als., 1967 February 152k204-032Run time: 31:26ContentsRecorder swornCases consolidatedDefense motions stipulatedEugene G. McCain (chief of police) testimonyG. W. Platt (general merchandise manager at Belk-Leggett Company) testimonyL. P. Rigney (police officer) testimonyRe-directW. L. Buettner (police officer) testimonyRe-directRe-cross
Belt 2: Gloria Jane Barton, et. als., 1967 February 152k204-033Run time: 19:26ContentsL. A. Howerton (police officer) testimonyH. R. Chaney (police officer) testimonyProsecution restsDefense motions renewedDefense restsJudge's ruling and sentencesDefense motion to suspend sentences pending appeal
- Series XIII:Subseries R: Evelyn Holt Beavers, et. als., 1967 February 15Belts 1-2 [2k204-034 through 2k204-035]Total run time: 41 minutes, 4 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Evelyn Holt Beavers, et. als. through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Violation of Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order
Defendants Named: Evelyn Holt Beavers; Mildred Luck Ferguson; Penny Jean Hairston; Buford Glendale Holt (in the service, AWOL); Cordelia Ferguson Saunders; Ann Gvonne Wilson
Belt 1: Evelyn Holt Beavers, et. als., 1967 February 152k204-034Run time:31:04ContentsRecorder swornCases consolidatedLonnie Riddle (police officer) testimonyRe-directRe-crossProsecution restsDefense motions renewedDefense motion to dismiss
Belt 2: Evelyn Holt Beavers, et. als., 1967 February 152k204-035Run time:10:00ContentsDefense motion to dismiss (continued)Prosecution argument against motionsJudge's ruling and sentencesDefense motion to suspend sentences pending appeal
- Series XIII:Subseries S: Maggie Lou Jennings, et. als., 1967 February 15Belts 1-2 [2k204-036 through 2k204-037]Total run time: 35 minutes, 29 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Maggie Lou Jennings, et. als. through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Violation of Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order [offense date: 7/15/1963]
Defendants Named: Maggie Lou Jennings (High School , NJ); Penny Kennedy; Sarah Mildred Kennedy; Delores Ellen Robertson; Barbara Ann Terry
Belt 1: Maggie Lou Jennings, et. als., 1967 February 152k204-036Run time: 31:19ContentsRecorder swornCases consolidatedNorman H. Boswell (police officer) testimonyJuby E. Towler (captain of police) testimony
Belt 2: Maggie Lou Jennings, et. als., 1967 February 152k204-037Run time: 04:10ContentsProsecution restsDefense motions renewedJudge's ruling and sentencesDefense motion to suspend sentences pending appeal
- Series XIII:Subseries T: Randy Adams, et. als., 1967 February 16-20Belts 1-19[2k204-038 through 2k204-056]Total run time: 8 hours, 21 minutes, 47 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Randy Adams, et. als. through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Violation of Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order [offense date: July 28th 1963]
Defendants Named: Randy Adams; Annie Pearl Avery; Clyde Langston Banks; Emmett Lee Banks; Carolyn Sue Barton; Valerie Bonner (industiral school for girls); Percy Bradford Boone; John Allen Bowels Jr (in the service); Luther Alfred Brown; Rosa Marie Cain; Owen Calvin Caldwell Jr.; Samuel Caldwell; Irvin Wendell Chase; Elnora Elizabeth Chase; Lelia Virginia Clark; Margaret Lee Coleman; Marion Johnson Coleman; Silas Coleman; Gilda Patricia Crews; Mary Helen Crews; Othia Davis; John Roosevelt Dodson (possibly deceased); Lena Emmerson Ferrel; Ardelia Freeman; Dorothy Gales; Thomas Lee Glass Jr.; Richard Drummond Goodwin (sick; discussion of criminal record; continued); Mabel Graves; Annie Mae Lewis Hairston; Alfred William Harper Jr.; Glayds Marie Harper; Gertie Williams Harris; Joe Harvest; Joseph Kenneth Hatechett; Ronald Leon Hoffman; Ruby Spraggins Wyllie Holloway; Grover Cleveland Holt; Iradell Graves Jefferies; Leslie Wisner Lancaster; Willie Terry Lanier; Willie Terry Lanier, Jr. (in the service); Joyce Ann Lewis Deshazo; Edna Rose Irby Lynn; Melvin Mason; Adell Morrison; Melba Graves Murrell; Maxine Luck Muse; Robert Lee Morton; Lawrence Hance McKissick; Robert Earl Overbick (in the service); Delores Jeanette Page; Brian Lee Peterson; Arthur Pinchback Jr.; Barbara Ann Townes (sick); Luvinia Prichett; Robert Lewis Waterman (in the service); Steve Jerome Reid; Odaris Robinson; Lorraine Coatland Bowe Schroeter; Lazaria Benton Slade; Dorothy Lee Smith; Claude Stevenson (in the service); Elizabeth Phillips Still; Maggie Julian Summers; William Thomas Sutherlin; Marie Thomas; Robert Lee Trapp; Virginia Carol Via; Maggie Maxine Williams; Undra Ann Williams (in hospital); Jacqueline Miller Wilson; Melvin Wilson; Garland Witherspoon; Hester William Womack; William Dexter Womack; L. Wilson York; John Robert Zellner
Belt 1: Randy Adams, et. als., 1967 February 162k204-038Run time: 30:04ContentsRecorder swornAnnouncement of Charles Luther Morgan (attorney from Lynchburg for the Defense)Cases consolidatedDefense motionsEugene G. McCain (chief of police) testimony
Belt 2: Randy Adams, et. als., 1967 February 162k204-039Run time: 29:40ContentsEugene G. McCain testimony (continued)
Belt 3: Randy Adams, et. als., 1967 February 162k204-040Run time: 29:39ContentsEugene G. McCain testimony (continued)
Belt 4: Randy Adams, et. als., 1967 February 162k204-041Run time: 26:10ContentsEugene G. McCain testimony (continued)Recess for lunchReconveneEugene G. McCain testimony (continued)Re-direct
Belt 5: Randy Adams, et. als., 1967 February 162k204-042Run time: 29:16ContentsEugene G. McCain testimony (continued)Re-crossRe-re-direct, etc. (4x)Lonnie Riddle (police officer) testimony
Belt 6: Randy Adams, et. als., 1967 February 162k204-043Run time:15:52ContentsLonnie Riddle testimony (continued)Thomas W. Evans (police officer) testimony[Recorder took belt off to check machine]
Belt 7: Randy Adams, et. als., 1967 February 162k204-044Run time:29:04ContentsThomas W. Evans testimony (continued)Re-directRe-crossRecessReconveneWillard Osborne (police officer) testimonyRe-directJackson Brown (police officer) testimony
Belt 8: Randy Adams, et. als., 1967 February 162k204-045Run time:29:15ContentsJackson Brown testimony (continued)John W. Martin Jr. (police officer) testimonyRe-directT. Neal Morris (police officer) testimony
Belt 9: Randy Adams, et. als., 1967 February 162k204-046Run time:22:57ContentsT. Neal Morris testimony (continued)Re-directRe-crossRe-re-directB. G. Buchanan (police officer) testimonyColey Boone (records officer, police officer and photographer) testimonyAdjournment
Belt 10: Randy Adams, et. als., 1967 February 172k204-047Run time:30:28ContentsReconveneWalter Brown (police officer and photographer) testimonyJuby E. Towler (police captain) testimony
Belt 11: Randy Adams, et. als., 1967 February 172k204-048Run time:29:33ContentsJuby E. Towler testimony (continued)Re-directJohn M. Bailey (police officer) testimonyC. W. Howerton (police officer) testimonyDefense motions renewedDefense motions to strike evidence and witness testimonyProsecution argument against Defense motionsDefense argumentJudge's ruling on motions (overruled)Emmett Lee Banks (demonstrator from Chatham) testimony
Belt 12: Randy Adams, et. als., 1967 February 172k204-049Run time:29:06ContentsEmmett Lee Banks testimony (continued)Defense motionClyde L. Banks (demonstrator) testimony
Belt 13: Randy Adams, et. als., 1967 February 172k204-050Run time:26:08ContentsClyde L. Banks testimony (continued)Emmett Banks Case dismissedRecessEugene G. McCain (chief of police) testimonyRe-directLonnie Riddle (police officer) recall testimonyL. Wilson York (demonstrator) testimony
Belt 14: Randy Adams, et. als., 1967 February 172k204-051Run time:29:26ContentsL. Wilson York testimony (continued)Re-directRe-crossOthea Davis (demonstrator) testimony
Belt 15: Randy Adams, et. als., 1967 February 172k204-052Run time:29:09ContentsOthea Davis testimony (continued)Joseph Hatchett (demonstrator) testimonyRe-directRe-crossReverend Lawrence Wendell Chase (pastor at High Street Baptist Church) testimony
Belt 16: Randy Adams, et. als., 1967 February 172k204-053Run time:28:53ContentsReverend Lawrence Wendell Chase testimony (continued)Elaine Elizabeth Chase (demonstrator) Case dismissedRobert L. Trent (demonstrator) testimonyRobert L. Trent Case dismissedDefense restsDefense motionsJudge's ruling on motions (overruled)Prosecution waives opening argumentDefense argument
Belt 17: Randy Adams, et. als., 1967 February 172k204-054Run time:21:55ContentsDefense argument (continued)Prosecution argumentJudge's ruling and sentencesAdjournment until Monday
Belt 18: Randy Adams, et. als., 1967 February 202k204-055Run time:28:53ContentsReconvenedDocket called Judge's ruling and sentences (continued)
Belt 19: Randy Adams, et. als., 1967 February 202k204-056Run time:06:13ContentsJudge's ruling and sentences (continued)
- Series XIII:Subseries U: Bruce Baines, et. als., 1967 February 20Belts 1 [2k204-057]Total run time: 1 minute, 11 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Bruce Baines, et. als. through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Not specified
Defendants Named: [names not given just case numbers]
Belt 1: Bruce Baines, et. als., 1967 February 202k204-057Run time:1:11ContentsProsecution motion to Nolle Pros'd cases numbered 327-335Judge grants motionAdjournment
- Series XIII:Subseries V: James Coleman, et. als., 1967 February 20Belts 1-3 [2k204-058 through 2k204-060]Total run time:1 hour, 3 minutes, 22 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: James Coleman, et. als. through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Violation of Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order [offense date: August 27, 1963]
Defendants Named: James Coleman (on parole); Carol Delores Graves; Orlando Logan; Louie Martin Nasper (Berkley, CA); Samuel Wash Giles (injured leg); Harold Middlebrook (sick, in hospital, Tennessee); Lawrence Campbell; Betty Woods Dixon; Hubert Graves; Samuel Lawrence General; Geraldine Hairston
Belt 1: James Coleman, et. als., 1967 February 202k204-058Run time: 29:13ContentsRecorder swornCases consolidatedDefense motionsEugene G. McCain (chief of police) testimonyC. W. Howerton (police officer) testimony
Belt 2: James Coleman, et. als., 1967 February 202k204-059Run time: 29:15ContentsC. W. Howerton testimony (continued)Re-directCharles Wade Graff (police officer and photographer) testimonyColey Boone (records officer, police officer and photographer) testimonyDefense motionsProsecution argument against motionJudge's ruling on motion (overruled)Defense restsDefense argument
Belt 3: James Coleman, et. als., 1967 February 202k204-060Run time: 4:53ContentsDefense argument (continued)Judge's ruling and sentences
- Series XIII:Subseries W: Sallie Mae Harper, et. als., 1967 February 20Belts 1-2 [2k204-061 through 2k204-062]Total run time: 49 minutes, 40 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Sallie Mae Harper, et. als. through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Violation of Temporary Injunction and Restraining Order [Offense date: August , 1963]
Defendants Named: Sallie Mae Harper; Sally N. Heitt; Margaret Ann Pinchback; Larry Wilson
Belt 1: Sallie Mae Harper, et. als., 1967 February 202k204-061Run time: 28:24ContentsRecorder swornDocket calledDefense motions stipulatedT. Neal Morris (police officer) testimonyNorman H. Boswell (police officer) testimonyCharles Wade Graff (police officer and photographer) testimony
Belt 2: Sallie Mae Harper, et. als., 1967 February 202k204-062Run time: 21:16ContentsCharles Wade Graff testimony (continued)Prosecution restsDefense motionsRecessReconveneDefense argumentDefense restsDefense argumentJudge's ruling and sentencesDefense motion to suspend sentences pending appeal
- Series XIII:Subseries X: Julius Emanuel Adams, et. als., 1967 February 21Belts 1-2 [2k204-063 through 2k204-064]Total run time: 44 minutes, 47 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Julius Emanuel Adams, et. als. through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Date of Offense: July 12, 1963
Defendants Named: Julius Emanuel Adams
Belt 1: Julius Emanuel Adams, et. als., 1967 February 212k204-063Run time: 29:14ContentsRecorder swornDefense motionsLonnie Riddle (police officer) testimonyRe-directL. P. Rigney (police officer) testimonyReverend Frances F. McFarland testimonyRe-directEvelyn Gray McGhee (demonstrator) testimony
Belt 2: Julius Emanuel Adams, et. als., 1967 February 212k204-064Run time: 15:32ContentsMary Davis testimony (continued)Prosecution restsDefense motionsJudge's ruling and sentences
- Series XIII:Subseries Y: Barbara Caldwell, et. als., 1967 April 6Belts 1-3 [2k204-065 through 2k204-067]Total run time: 1 hour, 2 minutes, 57 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Barbara Caldwell, et. als. through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: [Civil Cases docket]
Defendants Named: Barbara Caldwell; Daniel Aaron Foss; L. W. Holt; John Robert Zellner; James E. Coleman; Abraham Glass; Joseph B. Hairston; Harry Wilson; Margie Ann Wilson; Ivanhoe Gaylord Donaldson; Harold Middlebrook
Belt 1: Barbara Caldwell, et. als., 1967 April 62k204-065Run time: 30:00ContentsRecorder swornDefense argumentProsecution argumentDefense argument
Belt 2: Barbara Caldwell, et. als., 1967 April 62k204-066Run time: 30:00ContentsDefense argument (continued)Prosecution argumentJudge's ruling and sentences
Belt 3: Barbara Caldwell, et. als., 1967 April 62k204-067Run time: 2:57ContentsJudge's ruling and sentences (continued)
- Series XIII:Subseries Z: Connie Lavonne Chaney, et. als., 1967 April 6Belt 1 [2k204-068]Total run time: 5 minutes, 13 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Connie Lavonne Chaney, et. als. through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: Unspecified
Defendants Named: Connie Lavonne Chaney; David Lea Davis; Ruth Anita Ferrll; Annette Ada Glass; Charles Junior Hairston; Wilmar Ann Holland; Willie Lewis Madison; Ernestine Scott; Geraldine Lee Scott (Hood); Vernice Smith; Elouise Stamps; Dewey Wayne Via; Jon Norman Westling; Peggy Wiles;
Belt 1: Connie Lavonne Chaney, et. als., 1967 April 62k204-068Run time: 5:13ContentsJudge's ruling and sentences (continued: from previous case)Prosecution motion to Nolle Pros'd cases numbered 354-363Judge grants motion
- Series XIII:Subseries AA: Lawrence George Campbell, A. I. Dunlap, Julius E. Adams, and Arthur Pinchback, Jr., 1973 February 9Belts 1-3 [2k204-069 through 2k204-071]Total run time: 1 hour, 16 minutes, 38 seconds
Audio files available here: Series XIII: Lawrence George Campbell, A. I. Dunlap, Julius E. Adams, and Arthur Pinchback through the Library of Virginia's Digital Collections Discovery
Charge: suspension of sentence hearing
Defendants Named: Lawrence George Campbell; Alexander Isaiah Dunlap; Julius Emanuel Adams; and Arthur Pinchback, Jr.
Belt 1: Lawrence George Campbell, A. I. Dunlap, Julius E. Adams, and Arthur, 1973 February 92k204-069Run time: 30:00ContentsRecorder swornDefense motionJudge's ruling on motion (denied)T. Neal Morris (police officer) testimonyRe-directRe-crossHoward Lee (minister) testimonyEverette L. Motley (Danville Public Schools) testimonyCharles H. Harris (bank cashier) testimony
Belt 2: Lawrence George Campbell, A. I. Dunlap, Julius E. Adams, and Arthur, 1973 February 92k204-070Run time: 34:26ContentsReverend Samuel Griffith testimonyM. C. Martin (banker) testimonyWesley H. Motley Jr. testimonyRoger Edwards testimonyJulian R. Stinson testimonyDoyle J. Thomas testimonyDefense rests
Belt 3: Lawrence George Campbell, A. I. Dunlap, Julius E. Adams, and Arthur, 1973 February 92k204-071Run time: 12:12ContentsDefense argumentJudge's ruling and sentences