A Guide to the University of Virginia School of Medicine Biographical Files, 1849- Biographical Files MS-36

A Guide to the University of Virginia School of Medicine Biographical Files, 1849-

A Collection in
Historical Collections, Claude Moore Health Sciences Library
Accession Number MS-36


Historical Collections, Claude Moore Health Sciences Library

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© 2008 By the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. All rights reserved.

Processed by: Historical Collections Staff

Historical Collections, Claude Moore Health Sciences Library, University of Virginia
Accession Number
University of Virginia School of Medicine Biographical Files 1849-
Physical Description
7 boxes, 5"x10.5"x15.5," 3 feet, 462 folders
Historical Collections

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions

Collection is open to research.

Use Restrictions

There are no restrictions.

Preferred Citation

University of Virginia School of Medicine Biographical Files, Accession #MS-36, Historical Collections, Claude Moore Health Sciences Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.

Acquisition Information

Most of the files have been acquired by the staff of Historical Collections by making photocopies of appropriate articles.

Historical Information

This collection is a result of a decision to gather biographical information about University of Virginia School of Medicine faculty and friends.

Scope and Content

This collection contains biographical information about University of Virginia School of Medicine faculty and friends mainly collected from University of Virginia publications, including the "Bulletin of the University of Virginia Medical School and Hospital" from 1941 to 1946, "University of Virginia Medical Alumni News Letter" from 1948-1973, "University of Virginia Medical Alumnews" from 1974-1991, and "UVa Medical AlumNews" beginning in 1992. Multiple articles from "The Daily Progress" as early as 1942 are also included as are single articles from other publications. Bibliographies of publications of faculty members are available for some of the entries.


The files are arranged alphabetically according to the subjects' last names.

Contents List

Box-Folder 001-000
Biographical files, A - Ci, varied dates,
Photocopies of articles from "UVa Medical AlumNews" and its predecessors and obituary notices, many from "The Daily Progress."

Suresh Kumar Agarwal, Clarence Knight Aldrich, E. Meredith Alrich, John F. Anderson, Patricia M. Andrews, W. Parker Anslow, Vincent W. Archer, Franklyn Nathaniel Arnhoff, John D. Arras, Ernst Otto Attinger, Nuzhet O. Atuk, Gerald D. Aurbach, Carlos R. Ayers, Evelyn C. Bacon, Franklin Bacon, Jerry W. Bains, Donald Granville Baker, Benjamin Lewis Barnett, Eugene J. Barrett, Anna Barringer, Paul Brandon Barringer, Jeffrey T. Barth, Robert Bennett Bean, William Bennett Bean, Roy C. Beazley, Daniel Becker, Julian Ruffin Beckwith, Ruth Beery, George A. Beller, Janssen Benno Jr., Robert M. Berne, Ruth Gaare Bernheim, Raymond C. Bice Jr., Isaac Alexander Bigger, McLemore Birdsong, Staige Davis Blackford, Leslie Blackhall, Robert Blizzard, James Ramsdell Bloss, Oliver Bierne Bobbitt, Leneas Bolling, Armistead Page Booker, William A. Booth, Edward Botchwey, Jamieson Bourque, Floyd Eugene Boys, Thomas J. Braciale, Megan Bray, William Edward Bray, Sydney W. Britton, Stephen Brockmeier, Raymond K. Brown, William A. Brumfield, Carlo Bruni, John Buckman, Alice Huffman Bugel, Harrison Woods Burgess, Daniel J. Burke, Edwin W. Burton, Joshua Fry Camblos, Randolph J. Canterbury, Leigh Cantrell, Robert W. Cantrell, Robert M. Carey, Samuel Henley Carter, James R. Cash, David C. Cattell-Gordon, Edward P. Cawley, Alfred Chanutin, Robert L. Chevalier, A. Bobby Chhabra, James F. Childress, Rose Chioni, W. Randolph Chitwood, Anita H. Clayton

Box-Folder 002-000
Biographical files, Co - F, varied dates,
Mainly photocopies of articles from "UVa Medical AlumNews" and its predecessors.

Diane Davis Cole, Edward L. Cole, Luke Combs, William Charles Constable, Brian P. Conway, George Cooper, Edward Lyman Corey, Raymond A. Costabile, Charles G. Craddock, Kenneth R. Crispell, Marjorie R. Crispell, Alison Criss, Charles L. Crockett, Janet V. Cross, A. J. Crutchfield, William Gayle Crutchfield, Jesse Wesley Cumbia, William Cecil Dabney, Michael D. Dake, Claudette Dalton, John Francis Dammann, Frank D. Daniel, Thomas M. Daniel, Earl Clayton Davis, Frederick Carr Davis Jr., John Staige Davis, I (1824-1885), John Staige Davis, II (1866-1933), John Staige Davis, III (1900-1977), John Staige Davis, IV (1931-), Sara Ruth Dean, Steven T. DeKosky, Don E. Detmer, Margarete Di Benedetto, James Ellis Dill, Rebecca Dillingham, David B. Drake, E. Cato Drash, Elizabeth Frances Harlin Drash, Fritz E. Dreifuss, William R. Drucker, Percy Elisha Duggins, Brian Russell Duling, Robley Dunglison, Nancy Dunlap, John T. Dunn, Thelma B. Dunn, W. LeRoy Dunn, Linda Duska, Douglas William Eastwood, Milton T. Edgerton, Richard F. Edlich, Julia Langhorne Emmett Edmunds, Jeffrey Elias, Victor H. Engelhard, Robert M. Epstein, Barry Miller Farr, Joseph H. Farrow, Robert Eugene Fechner, Alto E. Feller, John Miller Turpin Finney, C. A. Finnigan, G. Slaughter Fitz-Hugh, John C. Fletcher, Charles J. Flickinger, Dorrie K. Fontaine, Eugene Abram Foster, Charles James Frankel, William Fulkerson

Box-Folder 003-000
Biographical files, G - H, varied dates,
Mainly photocopies of articles from "UVa Medical AlumNews" and its predecessors.

Sim S. Galazka, Thomas J. Gampper, W. Horsley Gantt, Richard Garnett Jr., Arthur Garson, Mac Roy Gasque, Adrian R. L. Gear, Chalmers L. Gemmill, Chris A. Ghaemmaghami, E. Gibson, Jay Y. Gillenwater, Alexander G. Gilliam, Lawrence W. Gimple, Dorothy Sandridge Gloor, Earl Atwell Glosser, Gerald Goldstein, Carlos F. Gomez, William Hall Goodwin, Carl W. Gottschalk, William Tate Graham, Kenneth E. Greer, William H. Grey, Dieter Hans Max Gröschel (Groschel), Charles W. Gross, John L. Guerrant, Richard L. Guerrant, DuPont Guerry, Barry M. Gumbiner, Jack M. Gwaltney, Peter Hairston, Jacqueline Kaye Halsey, Peter Slagle Ham, James T. Hamlin, Joyce L. Hamlin, Percy Gatling Hamlin, Marie-Louise Hammarskjold, Guy M. Harbert, John Frederick Harlan, Jr., J. Hartwell Harrison, Andrew D. Hart, Fern R. Hauck, David R. Hawkins, Brad Haws, Frederick Hayden, Halstead S. Hedges, Lennart Heimer, J. Ronald Heller, Charles Henderson, J. Owen Hendley, John Herr, Charles Edwin Hess, Erik L. Hewlett, Scott K. Heysell, Bruce J. Hillman, Barry T. Hinton, Joel Hockensmith, Vincent P. Hollander, Hubert B. Holsinger, Larry Honikman, Edward W. Hook, Jessie T. Hook, William E. Hopkins, J. Shelton Horsley, Bayard Taylor Horton, Charles E. Horton, Rick Horwitz, Sharon L. Hostler, Eric Houpt, R. Edward Howell, Yin-tang Hsu, Molly Hughes, William Bryce Hunt, Thomas H. Hunter, Jethro Meriwether Hurt

Box-Folder 004-000
Biographical files, I -Ma, varied dates,
Mainly photocopies of articles from "UVa Medical AlumNews" and its predecessors.

James Isbell, J. Michael Jaeger, Janine Jagger, Robert Jahrsdoerfer, John A. Jane, John Jane Jr., William Jefferies, Thomas Richards Johns, Bankole Johnson, Charles McCoy Johnson, Herbert Clairborne Jones, Rayford Scott Jones, Harvey Ernest Jordan, William S. Jordan, Robert J. Kadner, Neal Kassell, John Kattwinkel, Adam J. Katz, Jefferson Randolph Kean, Theodore E. Keats, Thaddeus Elliot Kelly, Edwin L. Kendig, Mark Kester, James E. Kindred, Robert G. Kindred, Joan Echtenkamp Klein, Doug Lischke, Linda Kofeldt, Wallace Jones Kirtley, Jr., James D. Kitchin, Walter O. Klingman, Norman J. Knorr, Boris P. Kovatachev, Christopher M. Kramer, John Gregory Kroll, Irving L. Kron, Calvin M. Kunin, Lucinda Bolling Robertson Lally, Thomas W. Lamb, Jeanette Lancaster, Eugene M. Landis, Jan Langman, James M. Larner, Joseph Larner, Cato Laurencin, Edward R. Laws, Byrd Stuart Leavell, Kerry Leavitt, Edwin Partridge Lehman, Norbert Leitinger, Paul Levine, Kant Y.K. Lin, Richard Lindsay, Vernon W. Lippard, Maurice Lipper, William Fontaine Lippitt, James B. Littlefield, Jacob Andrew Lohr, David Eugene Longnecker, Thomas P. Loughran Jr., James Richmond Low, Preston Brooks Lowrance, Frank L. Lowther, Stephan Ludewig, Randal C. Luscombe, David Russell Lyman, William Andrew MacIlwaine III, Tina Mammone, Gerald L. Mandell, John Rogers Mapp, Howard Marraro, John O "Rob" Marsh, Barry J. Marshall, Harry Taylor Marshall, John Crook Marshall, Otis Marshall, Sarah Josephine Marshall, Victor F. Marshall, Marcus Martin, Juan de Martinez-Galindo, Alan H. Matsumoto

Box-Folder 005-000
Biographical files, Mc - O, varied dates,
Mainly photocopies of articles from "UVa Medical AlumNews" and its predecessors.

Joe Edwin McCary, John Houston McClung, Mary Jane McCone, Regina C. McCormack, Hulbert C. McCoy, Frank C. McCue, H. S. McGaughey, Francis Henry McGovern, Anne Kane McGuire, Lockhart B. McGuire, Robert E. McLaughlin, Walter Copley McLean, Josephine McLeod, Owen C. Meadows Jr., Robert J. Meyer, Charles W. Miller, James Quinter Miller, Stacey E. Mills, George Minor, Daniel N. Mohler, Wilhelm Moll, Cary N. Moon, Christopher C. Moore, Claude Moore, Michael Patrick Moore, Peter Van Cortlandt Moore, John J. Moran, Raymond F. Morgan, Gordon Morris, Judah Leon Morris, Mary Jane Morris, C. Bruce Morton, Christopher A. Moskaluk, Henry B. Mulholland, John Henry Mulholland, William Henry Muller, Ferid Murad, Richard Alan Murphy, Charles E. Myers, Mohan Nadkarni, Jerry Nadler, James P. Nataro, Richard D. Nauman, Eugene Ezra Neff, John Henry Neff, Nelson family, Frank Donald Nidiffer, John McIntyre Nokes, Ruth Marion Nolan, Stan Nolan, Wallace Clay Nunley, Jose Oberholzer, William O'Brien, Robert E. O'Connor, M. Norman Oliver, Robert B. Ooghe, John A. Owen

Box-Folder 006-000
Biographical files, P - S, varied dates,
Mainly photocopies of articles from "UVa Medical AlumNews" and its predecessors.

Albert J. Paquin, Stephen S. Park, William Parson, John Thomas Parsons, Robert C. Patton, Lillian Peake, Richard D. Pearson, Katherine L. Peck, Samuel Randolph Penn, William A. Petri, Vivian W. Pinn, Grover Cleveland Pitts Jr., Thomas Platts-Mills, William Bryan Pollard, Susan M. Pollart, Barbara Post, Richard Price, Edwin W. Pullen, Ruthann Mary Chambers Pullen, Peter J. Quesenberry, Theodore Rall, Kodi S. Ravichandran, Benjamin Watkins Rawles, Sean Reed, Walter Reed, Robert Allen Reid, David Rekosh; James C. Respess, Karen Schulder Rheuban, Laurel Wysong Rice, Frank Ripberger, John Risher, Robert J. Roberts, Mason Gordon Robertson, Charles Randolph Robinson, James K. Roche, Dudley F. Rochester, George T. Rodeheaver, Bradley M. Rodgers, John Alexander Rorer, Gerald H. Rozan, Mitchell Rosner, Lawrence T. Royster, Leslie E. Rudolf, Edwin Louis Rushia, Catherine Marie Russell, Greg Saathoff, Arturo P. Saavedra, Ann Dawson Samuels, William Roberts Sandusky, Prewitt Semmes, Chris Shaffrey, Mark E. Shaffrey, Binit B. Shah, Alfred R. Shands, Mack I. Shanholtz, Richard P. Shannon, Henry K. Sharp, Mary Carroll Shemo, Milton A. Shlenker, John Richard Shrum, Richard Coffman Shrum, Ju Shyr-te, Joseph F. Siler, David Simmons, William H. Sipe, James R. Skinner, Craig L. Slingluff, Harvey D. Smallwood, Katherine Smallwood, David E. Smith, Dudley C. Smith, Emily Reese Smith, H. McKelden Smith, Diane Gail Snustad, Nicholas Sperelakis, Carl C. Speidel, Wilford W. Spradlin, Warren G. Stamp, William D. Steers, Ladislau Steiner, Ian Stevenson, David Deaderick Stone, Robert M. Strieter, George J. Stukenborg, Benjamin C. Sturgill, Grover Cleveland Sumpter, Oscar Swineford

Box-Folder 007-000
Biographical files, T - Z, varied dates,
Mainly photocopies of articles from "UVa Medical AlumNews" and its predecessors.

Peyton T. Taylor, Robert H. Thiele, Bernard Thisse, Christine Thisse, Thomas E. Thompson, Michael O. Thorner, John T. Thornton, William Norman Thornton, Oscar A. Thorup, William G. Thurman, Thomas W. Tillack, Gregory C. Townsend, Jonathon D. Truwit, Jim Tucker, James C. Turner, Jim Turner, Achilles L. Tynes, Paul B. Underwood, Robert Van de Castle, Charles Scott Venable, Samuel Alexander Vest, Walter Victor Vieweg, Vamik Volkan, James Alexander Waddell, W. W. Waddell, Mary Burke Wagner, Robert R. Wagner, George W. Ward, Hugh Shepherd Warren, W. Dean Warren, Stephen Hurt Watts, Peyton Edwin Weary, David Delmar Weaver, Delmar Franklin Weaver, Oswald M. Weaver, Paul P. Webb, Michael J. Weber, Ruth Elizabeth Weeks, Bliss King Weems, Geoffrey Weiss, Munsey S. Wheby, Clayton E. Wheeler, Casey White, Kerr L. White, M. Lawrence White, David K. Wiecking, Robert P. Wilder, Morton C. Wilhelm, Gaylord Stone Williams, Michael E. Williams, Tiffany Johns Williams, David C. Wilson, William J. Wilson, J. Edwin Wood, Jr., James Edwin Wood, III, George Frederick Wooten, Fletcher D. Woodward, Robert D. Wright, Arthur William Wyker, Harry Robert Yates, Hugh Hampton Young, Martha A. Zeiger