A Guide to the Ledger of Reverend Alexander Balmain, 1775-1821 Balmain, Alexander, Reverend, 1775-1821, A Guide to the Ledger of 20562

A Guide to the Ledger of Reverend Alexander Balmain, 1775-1821

A Collection in
the Library of Virginia
Accession Number 20562


Library of Virginia

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© 2001 By the Library of Virginia.

Funding: Web version of the finding aid funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Processed by: Jim Greve

Library of Virginia
Accession number
Reverend Alexander Balmain Ledger, 1775-1821
Physical Characteristics
Positive photostats, 1 volume (175 leaves).
Physical Location
Personal Papers Collection, Acc. 20562

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions

There are no restrictions.

Use Restrictions

There are no restrictions.

Preferred Citation

Reverend Alexander Balmain Ledger, 1775-1821. Accession 20562, Personal Papers Collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Acquisition Information

Loaned for duplication by the Library of Congress, 13 March 1933.

Biographical/Historical Information

Reverend Alexander Balmain was born in Scotland in 1741. He served as a chaplain during the Revolutionary War and was minister of the first Episcopal church in Winchester, Virginia and rector of Augusta and Frederick Parishes. He died in 1821.

Scope and Content Information

This ledger contains records of Alexander Balmain, as well as records for Frederick Parish, Frederick County, Virginia, where he was rector. The personal records include a list of slave births, lists of household furniture, correspondence, and accounts. The church records include lists of subscribers, as well as registers of baptisms, marriages, and funerals. There are also copies of correspondence from various individuals concerning the death and funeral of George Washington.